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Lab Report on Spreadsheet Package (MS-Excel)

1) Cover Page (P)

2) Introduction to Spreadsheet with examples. (H)
3) Discuss about MS-Excel with its features. (H)
4) Define the following terms: (H)
i) Workbook
ii) Worksheet
iii) Cell
5) Range

6) Explain cell reference and its type. (H)

7) Write the steps for the following: (P)
i) Create a new Workbook
ii) Creating a new Worksheet
iii) Adding Cell Border
iv) Merging Cell

8) Do the following task using MS-Excel: (P)

i) Calculate the total, net total, discount, tax and grand total from the given table.

a. Calculate the Total
 =D9*E9
b. Calculate the Total Amount

c. Discount= If Total Amount>=20000, 10% otherwise 7% of Total Amount

d. Tax= 13% of Total Amount – Discount
e. Net Total= Total Amount – Discount + Tax
f. Inset Bar Chart of above item to show item total price.
ii) Prepare following spreadsheet based upon given conditions:

XYZ Campus

a) Write appropriate formula to find the total marks of each student.

b) Write formula to find out the percentage of each student.
c) Result is passed if student score at least 40% marks in each subject.
d) Write a formula to calculate grade of student based on percentage.
(A for >=90, B for >=80, C for >=70, D for>=60, E for<40)
IF(I2>=90,"A",IF(I2>=80,"B", IF(I2>=70,"C", IF(I2>=60,"D","E")) ))
e) Write a formula to find rank of individual student who has passed result.
f) Write a remarks base on following conditions:
("Excellent" for A grade, "Good" for B, "Fair" for C, "Moderate" for D and "Satisfactory" for E)

iii) Prepare a Salary Sheet.

a. Medical Allowance (MA): If Basic Salary>=20000, 5% otherwise 7%.
MA: =IF(H6>=20000, D6*5%, D6*7%)
b. Daily Allowance (DA): If Basic Salary>=10000, 1% otherwise 2%.
c. Provided Fund (PF): If service year>1, 10% otherwise 2%.
d. Calculate monthly total.
e. Calculate monthly tax: If(Monthly total≤50000, 1% otherwise 15%)
f. Net monthly salary
iv) Prepare the Electricity Bill based upon given conditions.

a. Unit consumed = Current Unit – Previous Unit
b. Calculate Bill Amount as if unit consume meets following criteria:
 If unit consume is less than or equal to 20 units, amount = Rs. 80.
 If unit consume is greater than 20 and below than 250 units, the amount is Rs. 7.30 per unit for
the extra unit.
 If unit consumes is greater than 250 units, the amount is Rs. 11.50 per unit for extra unit.

ANS =IF(F6>250,(F6-250)*11.5+230*7.3+80,IF(F6>20,(F6-20)*7.3+80,80))
v) Prepare the bill of the telecommunication sheet.

a. Condition for extra charge: If total calls<=100, 0, otherwise per call Rs.*(total call – 100)
[Per call Rs. 2]
b. Total Charge (Rental Charge + Extra Charge)
c. NTC. Tax (10%) on Total Charge
d. VAT (13%) on Total Charge+NTC tax
e. Netcharge (Total Charge + VAT + NTCTax)

9) Conclusion (P)

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