Reliability & Risk Assessment
Reliability & Risk Assessment
Reliability & Risk Assessment
1. Scope
The product is a valve position monitor comprising at least one switch, sensor or transmitter in an enclosure
that is activated by a shaft/cam assembly when a defined valve position is achieved by tracking the
movement of the valve via a mechanical linkage system. Number 2 to 6 x mechanical switches, hermetically
sealed reed switches or inductive proximity sensors or Number 1 to 2 continuous position transmitter can be
utilised to provide feedback.
Hazardous events will include failure of a switch/sensor/transmitter connected to the plant SIS to report valve
position such that the SIS is compromised.
2. Safety-related Functions
2.1 Reporting valve position to Plant SIS in situations where the limit switch or transmitter feedback loop is
integral to SIS.
2.2 The electrical product life is 200,000 operations for Mechanical switches, 1,000,000 operations for Reed
Switches or Potentiometer based transmitters, and at least 2.000,000 operations for Solid State sensors and
Transmitters. The electrical life of a Mechanical switch can seriously deteriorate if installed in a demanding
The mechanical life of the product will depend on the installed environment and the maintenance strategy
employed. The maintenance frequency should be determined by the product operator based on the application into
which the product is installed.
Special Note on Reed Switches: Where reed switches (particularly low power, rhodium contact type) are installed
at the end of long cable runs (typically above 50m), precautions should be taken to ensure cable capacitance does
not induce premature switch failure. Consult Imtex for further information.
3. Interfaces
Valve Position Monitor is mounted to the host valve/actuator using an interface kit. Field wiring is brought into the
monitor via a suitable cable gland and terminated in a terminal block within the monitor.
Interfaces should be fitted using recognised industrial practices and be in accordance with the Installation,
Operation and Maintenance Instructions for the individual Valve Position Monitor.
3.1 Inputs/Outputs
Drive shaft, with cam(s) as required, connected directly or via a coupler to the valve/actuator to be
Field wiring connected to SIS
4. General
The monitor should be fitted using a suitable mounting interface that ensure proper alignment of the monitor
drive shaft.
Monitors are intended for fitting to assemblies operating with a frequency of no greater than 15 cycles per
The Switches/Sensors/Transmitter within the Valve Position Monitor should respond to a change of status
within 0.3sec. Transmitters utilising the PR Transmitter should respond within 1s.
Operating Environment should be in accordance the Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions for
the individual Valve Position Monitor.
A proportion of 'Failures to Signal’ by a given switch will be communicated to the SIS by reference to the
secondary switch/sensor within the monitor. A 'Failure to Signal' by a transmitter will be communicated to the
SIS by loss of signal or the transmitter moving to a fixed, out of normal range signal.
Where the Monitor has not operated for a period of one year or longer, it is recommended that a test be run to
verify operability.
7. Start-Up Requirements
Following a failure to report, the failed component should be replaced by a qualified operator.
8. Failure Rates
Following a valid host valve movement, either of the output signalling devices failing to achieve a
specified condition.
Following a valid host valve movement, one of the output signalling devices failing to achieve a specified
(Potentiometer) Following a host valve movement >10% of current position, failing to reflect the change in
a 4-20mA signal (noting that <4mA and >20mA outputs are utilised as revealed failure scenarios).
(Non-contact sensor) Failure to report actual valve position to within 5% accuracy to the 4-20mA
transmitter output.
These failure rates are for inclusion in a wider calculation of a safety function. They could be, however, sufficiently small as
to allow suitability for the use of these items in up to SIL 3 applications.