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1. Which car must stop?

A. Car A
B. Car B

2. How far from a corner are you allowed to park a car?

A. 75m B. 7.5m C. 8m

3. Which car goes last?

A. Car C
B. Car B
C. Car A

4. Direction arrows used in conjunction with prohibitory lines on the road surfaces:-
A. Are informative B. Have no effect to a vehicle C. Have regulatory effect

5. At a stop sign:-
A. Stop and proceed when the road is clear to your right
B. You do not have necessary to stop
C. Stop and proceed when the road is clear on both sides

6. This sign means:-

A. Warning of rail crossing level
B. Danger warning sign
C. Proceed with caution

7. Which is the correct sequence of the traffic robot light?

A. Green, Amber, Red B. Red, Amber, Green C. Amber, Green, Red

8. You may straddle the broken yellow line…….

A. When overtaking traffic turning to the right or when you want to stop
B. When driving a slow moving vehicle C. When driving at night only

9. Which car has got right of way?

A. C only
B. A and B
C. A Only

10. Which of the following shows danger warning sign?

A. Triangle B. Rectangle C. Circle

11. At a flashing amber robot?

A. Give way traffic from your left B. Give way traffic from your right
C. Give way traffic from both sides

12. When approaching a narrow bridge you are not allowed to overtake because of
A. Width restriction B. Length restriction C. Height restriction
13. Which car is breaking the law?
A. Car A
B. Car B
C. Car C

14. At a give way sign

A. Give way to traffic from your right B. I do not have necessary to stop
C. Stop and proceed when the road is clear both sides

15. An amber sequence of a robot insists that you should

A. Give way to traffic from your right B. Proceed fast before signal changes
C. Stop unless it is not safe to do so

16. Prohibition lines indicate that:-

A. You may not overtake B. You may overtake from left
C. You may overtake from right

17. A red robot in conjunction with a green arrow pointing upwards means
A. you may proceed straight ahead B. You must stop if going straight
C. Robot is malfunctioning

18. Which car goes first?

A. Car B
B. Car C
C. Car A

19. When involved in a serious accident, I should report the case to the police within a period of
A. 24 hours B. 10 hours C. 12 hours

20. A heavy vehicle is not allowed to pull……

A. Not more than 3 trailers B. Not more than 2 trailers C. Not more than 1 trailer

21. In rural areas, to which traffic you must give right of way?
A. To traffic from your right B. To traffic that enters the junction before you
C To traffic from your left

22. Continuous white line means

A. You may not overtake B. Overtake to both sides C. Overtake to right only

23. This sign means

A. 3 point 10
B. About turn
C. U-turn is prohibitory

24. Entering a robot controlled intersection when it is Amber or Red you had already crossed the
pedestrian crossing line
A. Stay where you are B. Turn to the left C. You reverse the vehicle

25. When travelling at 90km/h behind another vehicle which I will not intend to overtake
A. I will leave a gap of 10 cars B. I will leave a gap of 6 cars
C. I will leave a gap of 1 car


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