Phycoanalytic Thoery of The Cask of Amontilado - Faizal
Phycoanalytic Thoery of The Cask of Amontilado - Faizal
Phycoanalytic Thoery of The Cask of Amontilado - Faizal
Part A
Complete the table below by identifying three areas of similarity between the characters in the story and
Poe’s life.
Areas of similarity Examples from Poe’s Life Examples from the characters in
the short story
The need for revenge prayer One similarity is the theme of Poe uses a variety of literary
vengeance. Poe's life was filled elements to emphasize the theme
with personal and professional of revenge. These include
challenges, and he frequently felt manipulation and deception. The
wronged by others. This sense of story examines the destructive
injustice and desire for revenge nature of vengeance and its
may have influenced his use of consequences for both the avenger
revenge in his stories, including and the victim. Montresor
"The Cask of Amontillado." meticulously plots his revenge,
Additionally, Poe's own luring Fortunato into the
experiences with betrayal and catacombs under the disguise of
deception may have influenced sampling a rare wine, the
the story. Throughout his life, Amontillado. He manipulates
Poe experienced numerous Fortunato's love for wine to lead
betrayals from friends, him to his demise. Montresor
colleagues, and even family. pretends to care for Fortunato
These experiences most likely while secretly planning his death.
helped him understand the He takes advantage of Fortunato's
emotions and motivations that trust and friendship, using them to
drive acts of vengeance. this wall exact his revenge.
all documented trough him and
his loved ones
Descent into madness in pit Personal Trauma: Poe's life "The Cask of Amontillado" explores
was marked by personal the theme of madness through
tragedies, including the Montresor's meticulous
deaths of his parents at a preparation and his phhycological
young age and his wife, instability. It provides a chilling
Virginia, from tuberculosis. depiction of the darker aspects of
These experiences most likely the human psyche. Montresor's
meticulous planning and calculated
influenced his understanding
execution of his revenge
of the darker aspects of the
demonstrate a degree of obsession
human psyche, as well as the and fixation. His ability to deceive
exploration of madness in his Fortunato, leading to his death,
stories. demonstrates a disturbed state of
Poes Work: Poe's works mind. Montresor's emotional
frequently explore into the instability is reflected in his
depths of the human mind, emotional responses. He remains
exploring themes such as calm and composed while leading
obsession, guilt, and Fortunato to his death,
psychological torment. These demonstrating detachment from
themes are present in "The normal human emotions.
Cask of Amontillado," in which
Montresor's obsession with
vengeance and descent into
madness are central to the
Pride and Arrogance Poe frequently felt like an The Cask of amontillado Focuses
outsider, struggling to fit into on Pride and Arrogance trough
society. This sense of alienation Montresor and Fortunato.
may have contributed to his Montresor, the narrator and
understanding of pride and protagonist, is motivated by pride
arrogance as destructive traits. In and a desire to restore his family's
"The Cask of Amontillado," honor. He feels insulted by
Montresor's pride drives him to Fortunato and seeks vengeance to
commit a heinous crime, prove his superiority. Montresor's
highlighting the dangers of pride motivates him to
unchecked arrogance. meticulously plan and carry out his
Poe was also well-known for his revenge, demonstrating his
freqeunt literary criticism, in arrogance and determination.
which he frequently criticized Fortunato, the victim, is depicted
other writers' arrogance and as arrogant and boastful. His pride
pretense. This critical perspective in his wine connoisseurship turns
may have influenced his into a vulnerability as Montresor
portrayal of characters such as manipulates him with the promise
Fortunato, who are overly of a rare cask of Amontillado.
confident in their own abilities. Fortunato's arrogance blinds him
to the danger he is about to face,
eventually leading to his death.
Part B
In well-developed paragraphs, answer three of the following questions. Select one from each section:
Section 1 (Select one question from this section.) (10 marks) oil
A. What do you infer about the central character from his thoughts, actions and speech?
Montresor, the main character in "The Cask of Amontillado," is a calculating and vengeful
individual who meticulously plots his revenge against Fortunato. He demonstrates his
manipulative nature by deceiving Fortunato into entering the catacombs. Montresor's actions
and thoughts reveal his own sense of pride and arrogance, as he seeks to restore his family's
honor while asserting his superiority over Fortunato. He demonstrates patience and methodical
planning, ensuring his victim's slow and torturous death. Montresor's personality is complex,
with traits of cunning, determination, and meticulousness.
B. Using psychoanalytic theory, suggest why Montresor felt the need to kill Fortunato later
Montresor's decision to kill Fortunato in "The Cask of Amontillado" stemmed from subconscious
desires and unresolved psychological conflicts. Montresor's actions could be the result of
long-held repressed feelings of anger, envy, or a lack of worth The murder can be interpreted as
an attempt to reclaim control and power, relieving his feelings of humiliation or betrayal.
Eliminating Fortunato symbolizes an attempt to suppress or destroy a part of himself that he
perceives as dangerous or undesirable. However, it should be noted that these interpretations
are subjective and based on psychological analysis, as Edgar Allan Poe did not explicitly explain
Montresor's motivations.
C. Look at the many times Fortunato says the word “amontillado’. What is the significance of his
frequent repetition of the word?
The frequent use of the word "amontillado" by Fortunato in "The Cask of Amontillado" is
significant in several ways. First, it emphasizes Fortunato's obsession with wine and addiction to
it. He is already intoxicated when he meets Montresor, and he believes that the promise of
amontillado will satisfy his craving and take his indulgence to new heights. Second, Fortunato's
repetition of the word reflects his pride and desire to demonstrate his knowledge of wine. .
Despite Montresor's concerns about the amontillado's authenticity, he refuses to back down
because he can't bear the thought of someone like Luchesi receiving credit for determining its
quality. Finally, as the story progresses and Fortunato realizes he's been duped, his repetition of
the word may stem from a mix of disbelief, fear, and desperation, as if saying the word will make
the amontillado materialize and save him.