Alternate Artificer
Alternate Artificer
Alternate Artificer
A graying gnome hunched over
his workbench, carefully adjusting
the clockwork mechanism that would
power his creation. Before him laid an
automaton of intricate iron gears within
a suit of plate armor, built to resemble a
large gnome. As the tiny inventor affixed
his signature mithril mustache to the face
plate, a jolt of electric-blue magic flashed
from the automaton. With a sharp motion,
the Steel Defender sat upright and awaited
the first command of its creator.
The goblin delicately made his way down
the tunnel that he had booby-trapped with vials
of noxious fumes and acids. This was the third time
this year his clan had moved burrows to avoid being
raided by adventuring parties, and the inventive goblin
was determined to protect the newest home burrow. He
was confident that this time he would stop the adventurers
that always seemed to find their way to his home.
A young human woman, wearing a leather apron over her
fine clothes, flexed the steel gauntlet she had just enchanted.
As she closed her fist the gauntlet let forth a blinding arc of
lavender lightning, destroying the table on the opposite side Creating
of the room. As the dust settled, she affixed the gauntlet to Your Artificer
her now complete suit of Arcane Armor. When she reveled
this, her latest creation, to her father, he would have no When creating an artificer, think about their background and
choice but to finally show her his approval. drive for adventure. Who is their rival and what event started
their feud? What is your artificer's relationship with the
Masters of Innovation artisan who taught them the basics of their craft? Are they
Relentless in their pursuit of innovation, artificers are defined part of a guild? What role do artificers play in the campaign
by their insatiable curiosity and willingness to push the limits world? Do artificer guilds exist in all the major cities, or are
of arcane invention, even at great risk to themselves. For you the first person to pursue the path of arcane invention?
most artificers, they stake their personal value on the fruits of Most importantly, what does your artifice look like? Not all
their experimentation, and they see mastering the basics of arcane inventors work with gears and grease. Is your artificer
their chosen craft as the first step toward true greatness. the student of a hag who uses weird magick to imbue totems
Deep down, the goal of every artificer is the discovery of a of bone with arcane energy? Or, are you an a enchanter who
new groundbreaking invention, magical or otherwise. Some carves elvish runes into elaborate wooden wands and staffs?
artificers are engineers, students of science and warfare, who
bring their considerable intellect to bear to construct deadly
weapons augmented with magic. Others view themselves as Multiclassing and the Artificer
artists, combining the rigid formulas of arcane magic with the If your group uses the rule on multiclassing in the
artisanal touch of their own specialized tools and. Player's Handbook, here's what you need to know
if you choose the artificer as one of your classes.
Fierce Rivalries Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character,
you must have at least an Intelligence score of 13
Almost every artificer has a rival, most often another artificer to take a level in this class, or to take a level in
who they seek to outdo at every turn. These intense rivalries another class if you are already an artificer.
are the sole motivation of some artificers, and outdoing their Proficiencies Gained. If artificer isn't your initial
rival is more valuable then any fame or riches they could gain class, you gain proficiency in light armor, medium
from their discoveries. Many are willing to risk everything armor, shields, tinker's tools, and one type of
they have to achieve at a new breakthrough before their rival. artisan's tools of your choice.
By the same token, artificers with similar philosophies and Spellcasting. If you have a feature from another
aims often band together in loose artisan's guilds. They share class that allows you to learn and cast spells, you
insights and discoveries, hoping to keep ahead of rival guilds can use your artificer spell slots to cast the spells
you gained through that feature, and you can use
by pooling resources and working as a team. However, even those spell slots to cast your artificer spells.
when working together, most artificers are protective of any
insights they think could lead to a groundbreaking discovery.
The Artificer
Spells Infusions
Level PB Class Features Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Known
1st +2 Infusions, Specialization — — — — — — 2
2nd +2 Spellcasting 2 2 — — — — 3
3rd +2 Specialization Feature 3 3 — — — — 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 3 — — — — 3
5th +3 Specialization Feature 4 4 2 — — — 4
6th +3 Adjustable Inventions, Tool Expertise 4 4 2 — — — 4
7th +3 Flash of Genius 5 4 3 — — — 4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 — — — 5
9th +4 Specialization Feature 6 4 3 2 — — 5
10th +4 Magic Item Mastery (4) 6 4 3 2 — — 5
11th +4 Wondrous Item 7 4 3 3 — — 6
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 7 4 3 3 — — 6
13th +5 ─ 8 4 3 3 1 — 6
14th +5 Arcane Breakthrough, Magic Item Mastery (5) 8 4 3 3 1 — 7
15th +5 Specialization Feature 9 4 3 3 2 — 7
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 9 4 3 3 2 — 7
17th +6 ─ 10 4 3 3 3 1 8
18th +6 Magic Item Mastery (6) 10 4 3 3 3 1 8
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 11 4 3 3 3 2 8
20th +6 Soul of Artifice 11 4 3 3 3 2 8
Adjustable Improvements
You can upgrade your Steel Defender on the fly. Starting at STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
9th level, each time you finish a long rest, you can use your 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)
smith's tools to replace one of your Steel Defender's
Upgrades with another Upgrade gained at the same level. Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, poisoned
Greater Upgrade Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 + PB
At 9th level, you imbue your Steel Defender with wondrous Languages understands the languages you speak
abilities. It gains one of the Greater Upgrades below:
Limited Sentience. You improve the cognitive abilities of Might of the Master. You add your PB to any ability
your Steel Defender. It's Intelligence score beomes a 10. It check or saving throw the Steel Defender makes.
also gains proficiency with a set of tools of your choice, and
learns to speak, read, and write two languages of your choice. Vigilant. The Steel Defender can't be surprised.
Reinforced Plating. You improve the structure of your Actions
Steel Defender. It gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing damage from all non-magical attacks. Rend. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack
Restorative Touch. You imbue your Steel Defender with a modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target you can see.
pool of healing magic. Its pool has a number of points equal Hit: 1d8 + PB force damage.
to four times your artificer level. As a bonus action, you can Repair. The Steel Defender can expend one of its Hit
command your Steel Defender to touch a creature and draw Dice to restore 1d10 +PB hit points to itself or to
power from the pool to restore a number of hit points to that one construct or object within 5 feet of it.
creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in its pool.
Masterwork Upgrade Wandslinger Spells
At 15th level, you imbue your Steel Defender with incredible Artificer Level Spells
power. It gains one of the Masterwork Upgrades below:
Arcane Ward. Creatures of your choice within 15 feet of 2nd shield, thunderwave
your Steel Defender are resistant to damage from spells. 5th blur, shatter
Self-Destruct. You embed a powerful arcane explosive in
your Steel Defender. As a bonus action, you can order your 9th counterspell, lightning bolt
Steel Defender to self-destruct, destroying itself and forcing 13th vitriolic sphere*, wall of fire
creatures within 20 feet to make a Dexterity saving throw. A 17th cone of cold, wall of force
creature takes 10d6 force damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a success. Once used, your Steel Defender Spellcraft Runes
cannot be revived until the end of your next long rest. At 3rd level, you learn to enhance your Arcane Sidearm with
Major Arcanum. You imbue your Steel Defender with the powerful Runes. At the end of a long rest, you inscribe your
ability to cast a 3rd-level artificer spell of your choice. As a Sidearm with one of the Spellcraft Runes below. Until the
bonus action, you can order your Steel Defender to cast the end of your next long rest, you can use a bonus action to
imbued spell at 3rd-level, using your spellcasting modifier. produce the Rune's effect while wielding your Sidearm.
Your Steel Defender has a number of charges of the spell Rune of Blasting. Your Sidearm emits a blast of magic in
equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1), and it an adjacent 15-foot cone, forcing creatures in that area to
regains all expended charges when you finish a long rest. make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, creatures
Wandslinger take 2d6 thunder damage and are knocked back 5 feet.
Rune of Destruction. Your Sidearm conjures a burst of
Wandslingers use their ingenuity and artistic minds to craft lightning at a point within 60 feet. Creatures within 5 feet of
wondrous arcane weapons. What they lack in flexibility and that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. They take 2d6
subtlety, they make up for in overwhelming arcane firepower. lightning damage on a failure, and half as much on a success.
Wandslingers are marked by their signature Arcane Sidearm. Rune of Protection. Your Sidearm produces a field that
For some, these are intricately carved wands or staffs, and for grants you, and creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you,
others they are expertly crafted runic iron cannons. temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Tools of the Trade Arcane Duelist
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with woodcarver's tools. If You wield your Sidearm with deadly skill. Starting at 5th level,
you are already proficient with woodcarver's tool, you gain when you use your action to attack with your Sidearm, you
proficiency with another set of artisan's tools of your choice. can make two spell attacks as part of the same action.
Arcane Sidearm The number of spell attacks you make with your Arcane
At 1st level, you learn to construct a Wandslinger's signature Sidearm as part of one action increases again when you
weapon, an Arcane Sidearm. At the end of a long rest, you reach 11th level (3 attacks), and 17th level (4 attacks).
can use your woodcarver's tools to craft an Arcane Sidearm. Empowered Runes
It is a Tiny object, though you determine its appearance, and When you reach 9th level, your Spellcraft Runes increase in
you can use it as a spellcasting focus for your artificer spells. power. The rolls of all three of your Runes increase by 1d6.
You can only have one Arcane Sidearm, and creating a
second Sidearm renders the magic of the first inert. Master Wandslinger
As an action, you can use your Sidearm to make a ranged You have become a master Wandslinger. Starting at 15th
spell attack against a target within 120 feet. On hit, it takes level, when you use your action to make a Sidearm attack,
force damage equal to 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier. you can cast a spell of 1st-level or higher as a bonus action.
Power Whip
Artificer Infusions Item: A whip or chain
Below are the Infusions available to an artificer. If an Infusion This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage
has a prerequisite, like your artificer level, you can learn it at rolls made with it, and it's damage die becomes a 1d8.
the same time that you meet the prerequisite. Your Infusions This bonus increases at 9th level (+2) and 15th level (+3).
use your artificer spellcasting ability and spell save DC.
Repeating Shot
Arcane Firearm Item: A ranged weapon (requires attunement)
Item: A rod or wand This magic weapon ignores the loading property if it has it. If
This tiny length of wood is infused with a cantrip of your you load no ammunition into the weapon it produces its own,
choice from the wizard spell list. As an action, a creature creating one piece of magical ammunition when you make a
can produce the imbued cantrip from the object. ranged attack with it. This magical ammunition vanishes the
instant after it hits or misses the target.
Arm Launcher At 9th level this magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack
Item: A glove or gauntlet and damage rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 15th level.
This tiny magical launcher can be loaded with a Tiny
object, including but not limited to; ball bearings, a vial of Replicate Minor Magic Item
acid, or holy water. As a bonus action the wearer can activate Using this Infusion, you can replicate any common magic
the launcher and make a ranged attack at a target up to 20 item, or a magic item from the list below. You can learn this
feet away. The launcher can be reloaded as an action. infusion multiple times, choosing a different item each time.
Enhanced Arcane Focus Minor Item Minor Item
Item: A rod, staff, or wand (requires attunement) Alchemy Jug Rope of Climbing
This item grants the user +1 bonus to spell attack rolls, and
they can ignore half cover when making spell attacks. Bag of Holding Sending Stones
This bonus increases at 9th level (+2) and 15th level (+3).. Cap of Water Breathing Wand of Magic Detection
Enhanced Defense Goggles of Night Wand of Secrets
Item: A suit of armor or a shield
This item grants the user +1 bonus to their armor class while Returning Weapon
wearing (armor) or wielding (shield) the infused item. Item: A weapon with the thrown property
This bonus increases at 9th level (+2) and 15th level (+3).. After making a ranged attack this magic weapon, whether it
is a hit or miss, it immediately returns to the wielders hand.
Enhanced Weapon At 9th level this magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack
Item: A simple or martial weapon and damage rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 15th level.
This magic weapon grants the user a +1 bonus to any attack
and damage rolls they make with it. Homing Weapon
This bonus increases at 9th level (+2) and 15th level (+3). Prerequisite: 5th level artificer
Item: A ranged or thrown weapon
Featherweight Belt The wielder of this magic weapon ignores the disadvantage
Item: A belt or cloak (requires attunement) imposed when attacking at the weapon's long range.
When worn, this magic belt reduces the user to one-tenth of At 9th level this magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack
their weight without decreasing their physical abilities. and damage rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 15th level.
Starting at 9th level it reduces the wearer to one-hundredth
of their weight without decreasing their physical abilities. Immovable Boots
Prerequisite: 5th level artificer
Featherweight Weapon Item: A pair of boots (requires attunement)
Item: A heavy or two-handed weapon (requries attunement) When the wearer is standing on a flat surface, they can use
This magic weapon no longer has either the heavy or two- an action to activate the boots, magically fixing the wearer in
handed property (your choice upon infusion). place. Until the wearer uses an action to deactivate the boots,
At 9th level this magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack they do not move, even if they are defying gravity.
and damage rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 15th level. A creature can use an action to make a DC 30 Strength
Goggles of Clearsight check, separating the boots from the surface on a success.
Item: A pair of goggles or glasses Infiltrator Armor
While wearing these goggles, the wearer can see through Prerequisite: 5th level artificer
lightly obscured areas without disadvantage on Wisdom Item: A suit of armor (requires attunement)
(Perception) checks. In addition, the wearer no longer suffers This magic suit of armor retains its weight, but is formfitting,
the negative effects from the Sunlight Sensativity trait, and wearable under clothing, and virtually weightless. The wearer
they have advantage on saving throws to resist being blinded. of htis armor has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
If the armor normally imposes disadvantage on such
checks, the advantage and disadvantage cancel each other.
Radiant Weapon
Prerequisite: 5th level artificer
Item: A melee weapon (requires attunement)
As a bonus action, the wielder can cause this weapon to emit
bright light in a 30-foot radius, and dim light 30 feet beyond
that. The wielder can extinguish the light as a bonus action.
This weapon has 4 charges. When the wielder hits a
creature with a melee attack, they can expend 1 charge and
force the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a
failed save, the creature is blinded until the start of your next
turn. The weapon regains all expended charges at dawn.
At 9th level this magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack
and damage rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 15th level.
Replicate Greater Magic Item
Prerequisite: 5th level artificer
Using this Infusion, you can replicate any uncommon magic
item that doesn't require attunement, or a magic item from
the list below. You can learn this Infusion multiple times, but
you must choose a different magic item each time.
Greater Item Greater Item
Boots of Elvenkind Eyes of the Eagle
Brooch of Shielding Hat of Disguise
Cloak of Elvenkind Lantern of Revealing
Cloak of the Manta Ray Ring of Jumping
Eyes of Charming Slippers of Spider Climbing
Repulsion Gauntlets
Prerequisite: 5th level artificer
Item: A pair of gloves or gauntlets (requires attunement)
These magical gauntlets have 4 charges. When the wearer
hits a creature with an unarmed strike they can expend 1
charge and force the target to make a Strength saving throw.
On a failed save, the creature is knocked back 15 feet. The
gauntlets regain all expended charges at dawn.
At 9th level this magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack
Light Blade and damage rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 15th level.
Prerequisite: 5th level artificer
Item: A sword hilt or wand (requires attunement) Repulsion Shield
While grasping the item, the wielder can use a bonus action Prerequisite: 5th level artificer
to cause a blade of pure radiance to spring into existence, or Item: A shield (requires attunement)
dissapear, from the end of the item. While the blade exists, This magic shield has 4 charges. When the wielder is hit by a
this magic item is a simple weapon with the finesse property. melee attack, they can force the attacker to make a Strength
The luminous blade emits bright light in a 15-foot radius and saving throw. On a failed save, the attacker is knocked back
dim light for an additional 15 feet. The light is not sunlight. 15 feet. The shield regains all expended charges at dawn.
This weapon deals 1d8 radiant damage on hit, and its wielder At 9th level this magic shield grants its wielder a +1 bonus
gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with it. to their Armor Class. This bonus becomes +2 at 15th level.
At 9th level this magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack Armor of Magical Strength
and damage rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 15th level. Prerequisite: 9th level artificer
Mind Sharpener Item: a suit of armor (requires attunement)
Prerequisite: 5th level artificer The wearer of this magical armor can use their Intelligence,
Item: A suit of armor or robes in place of Strength, for any ability checks or saving throws
This item can send a jolt to the wearer to refocus their mind. they make that would normally use thier Strength.
The item has 4 charges. When the wearer fails a Constitution This armor also has 4 charges. As a reaction when the
saving throw to maintain concentration on a spell, they can wearer would be knocked prone or moved against their will,
use their reaction to spend 1 of the item's charges to succeed they can expend 1 charge to remain standing or not move.
instead. The item regains all expended charges at dawn. The armor regains all charges at the end of a long rest.
Boots of the Winding Path Ring of the Elements
Prerequisite: 9th level artificer Prerequisite: 9th level artificer
Item: A pair of boots (requires attunement) Item: A ring (requires attunement)
The wearer of these magical boots can use a bonus action to Upon infusing this magic ring you select one of the following
teleport up to 15 feet to an unoccupied space they can see. damage types: acid, cold, fire, poison, lightning, or thunder.
When the wearer casts a spell that deals the damage type
Chameleon Armor of the ring, they can use the ring to cause their spell to deal
Prerequisite: 9th level artificer maximum damage to one target instead of rolling.
Item: a suit of armor (requires attunement) Once the wearer uses this ring to maximize the damage of
This armor has 4 charges. While wearing this magical armor a spell it cannot be used again until the the next dawn.
the wearer can use an action to expend charges and cast one
of the following spells, targeting only themselves: invisibility Gauntlets of the Guardian
(2 charges) or greater invisibility (4 charges). Prerequisite: 15th level artificer
This armor regains all expended charges daily at dawn. Item: A pair of gauntlets (requires attunement)
These magic gauntlets are infused with an arcane pulling
Elemental Weapon force. When the wielder has a free hand, and a Huge or
Prerequisite: 9th level artificer smaller creature ends its turn within 30 feet, they can use
Item: A melee weapon (requires attunement) their reaction to force it to make a Strength saving throw. On
You infuse this magic weapon with elemental energy. Upon a failed save, the target is pulled 30 feet toward the wielder,
infusion, choose a command word and one of the following to an unoccupied space of their choice. If they pull the target
damage types: acid, cold, fire, poison, or lightning. As a bonus within 5 feet, they can make one weapon attack against it.
action, the wielder can speak the weapon's command word
and cause elemental energy to burst forth from the weapon Helm of Mind Shielding
until the command word is spoken again. On hit, the weapon Prerequisite: 15th level artificer
deals an additional 1d4 of the chosen elemental damage. Item: A helm, hat, or diadem (requires attunement)
At 15th level the bonus elemental damage becomes 1d6. The wearer of this magic helm gains resistance to psychic
damage and immunity to both the charmed and frightened
Helm of Awareness conditions and magic that allows another creature to read
Prerequisite: 9th level artificer their thoughts or telepathically communicate with them.
Item: A helm, hat, or diadem (requires attunement)
The wearer of this hlem has advantage on initiative rolls and Masterwork Homunculus
cannot be surprised, so long as they are not incapacitated. Prerequisite: 15th level artificer
You have discovered the secrets to the creation of life. You
Resistant Armor learn the clone spell. It counts as an artificer spell for you, but
Prerequisite: 9th level artificer it doesn't count against your total number of Spells Known.
Item: A suit of armor (requires attunement) You can cast clone without expending a spell slot as long as
The wearer of this magical armor has resistance to one of the you have the material components available. Your clone only
following damage types; acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, takes 12 days to reach maturity, but you can only have one.
poison, radiant, or thunder (your choice upon Infusion). If you replace this Infusion with another at any point before
At 15th level you can choose force or psychic damage. your clone reaches maturity, the spell immediately fails.
Replicate Advanced Magic Item Replicate Masterwork Magic Item
Prerequisite: 9th level artificer Prerequisite: 15th level artificer
Using this Infusion, you can replicate any uncommon magic Using this Infusion, you can replicate any rare magic item
item that requires attunement, or a magic item from the list that doesn't require attunement, or a magic item from the list
below. You can learn this Infusion multiple times, but you below. You can learn this Infusion multiple times, but you
must choose a different magic item each time. must choose a different magic item each time.
Advanced Item Advanced Item Masterwork Item Masterwork Item
Boots of Striding & Springing Helm of Telepathy Amulet of Health Folding Boat
Boots of the Winterlands Medallion of Thoughts Belt of Hill Giant Strength Gem of Seeing
Bracers of Archery Necklace of Adaptation Boots of Levitation Horn of Blasting
Periapt of Wound Boots of Speed Ring of Evasion
Cloak of Protection
Bracers of Defense Ring of Free Action
Gauntlets of Ogre Power Pipes of the Sewer
Cape of the Mountebank Ring of Protection
Gloves of Missile Snaring Portable Hole
Cloak of Displacement Ring of the Ram
Gloves of Swimming &
Ring of Mind Shielding Cloak of the Bat Robe of Eyes
Headband of Intellect Winged Boots Dimensional Shackles Rope of Entanglement
The Alternate
A streamlined and satisfying take on the masters
of arcane invention for 5e. Includes a slew of
Infusions and four Specializations: Alchemist,
Armorer, Battle Smith, and Wandslinger.
Version 2.1.0
Created by /u/laserllama
Artist Credits:
Covers - Victor Adame - Gearcrafter
Page 1 - Manuel Castañón - Storm-Kiln Artist
Page 3 - Scott Murphy - Reyav, Master Smith
Page 4 - Johann Bodin - Grindstone
Page 5 - Svetlin Velinov - Izzet Chemister
Page 7 - John Brassell - Gauntlet of Power
Page 8 - Svetlin Velinov - Armed and Armored
Page 9 - Matt Stewart - Sorcerer's Wand
Page 11 - Tyler Jacobson - Pia Nalaar