Practical Case 1
Practical Case 1
Practical Case 1
As a Geotechnical Engineer at a road construction project, the student must develop the
preliminary embankment geotechnical design as shown in the image below, considering the
different conditioning factors, verification tests and requirements that he/she considered to
be associated to a geotechnical work of this nature. As can be seen in the image below, the
natural terrain height is of +1,5, while that of the Embankment , where the road platform
will be built on, is of +9,5. The embankment’s surface width is of 10 meters, and it is the
engineer’s responsibility to determine the embankment’s slope angles with the horizontal
line, as well as its base width according to his/her engineering and design criteria. Master’s
degree in Geotechnical Engineering and Foundations - Master´s thesis As it can be observed,
the phreatic level is 1 meter below ground surface level. The road construction project
manager has explained the engineer (the student) that, as one of the embankment’s design
conditioning factors, the maximum remnant the embankment can bear is 5 cm once the
road pavement has been laid. The terrain parameters are:
Sand: E’ = 20,00 MPa ; ν’ = 0,2 ; c’ = 0 kPa ; φ’= 30º ; γsat = 21 kN/m3 ; γd = 19 kN/m3 Clay: E’
= 10,00 MPa ; ν’ = 0,2 ; c’ = 15 kPa ; φ’= 23º ; γsat = 20 kN/m3 ; γd = 16 kN/m3 ; The
laboratory tests on the sample extracted from the middle clay stratum have provided the
following results: G = 2,7 ; e0 = 0,7 ; Cc = 0,40 ; Cs = 0,060 ; cu = su = 50 kPa ; k = 2 x 10--9
m/s Pre-consolidation pressure σ’p = 138 kN/m2 Rock: The rock is massive and shows
adequate conditions; width values are unknown. RMR = 80 ; E = 3500 MPa ; ν = 0,2 ; c’ = 1,00
MPa ; φ’= 45º ; γ = 24 kN/m3 Embankment parameters: E = 150 MPa ; ν = 0,2 ; c’ = 50,00 KPa
; φ’= 34º ; γ = 22 kN/m3
1. Soil Classification Tests.
A wide range of in situ and laboratory tests will be employed to thoroughly assess the soil
properties. In situ tests consist of the Standard Penetration Test (SPT), which measures soil
resistance during penetration, aiding in the characterization of the various soil layers. The
Cone Penetration Test (CPT) provides continuous soil profile data, including friction angle
and cohesion. The Vane Shear Test determines the undrained shear strength of clay, while
the Pressure meter Test measures soil stiffness and compressibility. Although in situ testing
is pivotal, it is also necessary to carry out an assessment in the laboratory, such as; Triaxial
Compression Tests which determine shear strength parameters (φ’ and c’), Direct Shear
Tests which evaluate friction angle and cohesion, Consolidation Tests to assess compression
properties (e₀, Cc, Cs), and Permeability Tests which determine the permeability coefficient
(k). The results gathered from these tests will assist in characterizing the terrain extensively
which will determine the necessary parameters in this phase of the project.
2. Problems, Possible Risks and Solutions associated with the
Preliminary Embankment Geotechnical Design.
There are quite many problems and possible risks that are inherently present when
designing an embankment when constructing a road, nevertheless, it is paramount that such
problems and risks are assessed adequately, and systems are justifiably put in place,
prioritizing safety and longevity for the construction. Below are some of the risks associated
with this nature of construction, along with a proposal of geotechnical concepts which serve
as means to mitigate risks:
Figure 1
Loads should be distributed properly; this will significantly reduce the possibility of
the bearing capacity be surpassed. Determining the base width for construction
projects is crucial in preventing such an occurrence. Some risks associated with
inadequate base width are excessive settlement instability (Figure 2), and weak soil
layers pose the threat of bearing capacity failure. To mitigate these risks, the base
width can be calculated using thorough bearing capacity analysis and verify stability
against potential bearing failure. The specified mitigation measures can reduce the
risk of settlement issues and bearing capacity failure can be minimized, thus
enhancing the overall stability and safety of the structure.
Figure 2
Effectively dealing with the phreatic degree (water table) and controlling seepage is
vital for making sure the steadiness of production projects. Risks related to this task
encompass the capability for pore stress to influence balance and the hazard of
liquefaction at some stage in earthquakes. Mitigation techniques contain studying
seepage paths to recognize the waft of water and imposing measures to govern it.
This consists of thinking about the set up of drainage structures and filters to
manipulate water waft and decrease the probability of pore stress-brought on
instability and liquefaction events. By imposing those mitigation measures, the
dangers related to the phreatic degree and seepage may be efficiently minimized,
making sure the long-time period balance and protection of the structure.
Road embankment failure during the M 5.0 au sable forks earthquake in... |
download scientific diagram. (n.d.-b).
Install settlement plates evenly spaced along the embankment crest to monitor
vertical displacement.
Place additional settlement plates at the toe of the embankment and in areas where
differential settlement is anticipated.
Extend settlement plates installation into the natural terrain surrounding the
embankment to monitor settlement in the approach fills.
3. Inclinometers:
5. Numerical Analysis
Numerical analysis of the preliminary model will be done using Plaxis 2D version 20.