Pract 04
Pract 04
Pract 04
Measures of dispersion – variance, standard deviation and coefficient of variation
for raw data
The square of the standard deviation is called variance
(i.e) variance =
Standard Deviation
It is defined as the positive square-root of the arithmetic mean of the Square of the
deviations of the given observation from their arithmetic mean.
Where d =
C = class interval
Example 1
Raw Data
The weights of 5 ear-heads of sorghum are 100, 102,118,124,126 gms. Find the standard
x x2
100 10000
102 10404
118 13924
124 15376
126 15876
Standard deviation
Variance = =3.5
Coefficient of Variation
the coefficient of variation. The coefficient of variation is obtained by dividing the
standard deviation by the mean and expressed in percentage. Symbolically, Coefficient of
variation (C.V) =
If we want to compare the variability of two or more series, we can use C.V. The
series or groups of data for which the C.V. is greater indicate that the group is more
variable, less stable, less uniform, less consistent or less homogeneous. If the C.V. is less,
it indicates that the group is less variable or more stable or more uniform or more
consistent or more homogeneous.
Example 2
Consider the measurement on yield and plant height of a paddy variety. The mean
and standard deviation for yield are 50 kg and 10 kg respectively. The mean and standard
deviation for plant height are 55 am and 5 cm respectively.
Here the measurements for yield and plant height are in different units. Hence the
variabilities can be compared only by using coefficient of variation.
Learning Exercise
1. The weights of 8 earheads of sorghum are 14, 29, 9, 15, 20, 17, 12, and 11. Find
Standard Deviation and Variance and coefficient of variation.
2. Find out which of the following batsmen is more consistent in scoring.
Batsman A 5 7 16 27 39 53 56 61 80 101 105
Batsman B 0 4 16 21 41 43 57 78 83 93 95