Group 1 - Written Report - Ethics (Buma 013)
Group 1 - Written Report - Ethics (Buma 013)
Group 1 - Written Report - Ethics (Buma 013)
(BUMA 013)
Prepared to:
Prepared by:
Group 1
A.Y 2022 - 2023
E thics
The word “ethics” is derived from the Greek word “ethos” which means character or
way of living.
What is ethics?
Ethics is defined as a moral principle that guides one’s actions.
Branch of philosophy that is concerned with human conduct, more specifically
the behavior of individuals in society.
Characteristics and Values that most people associate with ethical behavior
1. Honesty 5. Fairness
2. Integrity 6. Concerns for others
3. Promise keeping 7. Respectful to other
4. Loyalty
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
I When a leader does not have the right skills, expertise and commitment it
creates communication and ethical challenges.
To be an ethical leader, you should have respect for ethical beliefs, values,
dignity and rights of others.
Kantian ethics:
Immanuel Kant’s, a German philosopher, synthesized a set of universal moral
principles that apply to all human beings, regardless of context or situation. An
ethical theory that relies on the moral goodness of all people.
In spite of context or circumstance, all people must adhere to a set of universal
moral standards known as Kantian ethics.
Kantian Formalism Part I: Aligning the moral motive and the moral act-
Kant states that the only thing in this world that is good without qualification is a
good will. He characterizes this will in terms of its motive, “duty for duty's sake.”
According to Kant, a good will is the only categorically good thing in this universe.
He describes this will as being motivated by "duty for duty's sake."
Moral motive occurs when a moral judgment combines with a desire (ex: rewards)
When you act conforms to duty but is motivated by inclination, it has no moral
Example: When you save the drowning boy because you will get a reward.
Moral Acts are acts which are chosen by exercising one's free will as a consequence of
a judgment of conscience
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
When an act conforms to duty and is for the sake of duty the act has a moral worth.
Example: When you save the drowning boy because it’s your duty and the right
thing to do.
Kantian Formalism Part II: Giving content to Duty for Duty's Sake
According to Kant, morality is how the rational will manifests itself. The initial goal of
this rational will is to will uniformly and consistently.
This leads to the Categorical Imperative:
o “We must always act in such a way that we believe would be just under a
universal law”
o One should always act in accordance with moral principles that are applicable to
everyone and show respect for the humanity of others.
Act so as to treat others (yourself included) always as ends and never merely as
Humans who are rational should be viewed as ends in and of themselves rather
than as a means to an end.
“People should be treated as such. Instead of being a means to another goal,
they should be considered an end in themselves.”
Justifying the rights and duties can be summarized in four theories
1. A right is an essential capacity of action that others are obliged to recognize
and respect.
2. All rights claims must satisfy three requirements: essential to the autonomy,
vulnerable and feasible for both individuals and social groups.
3. A duty is a rule or principle requiring that we both recognize and respect the
legitimate rights claims of others.
4. Rights and duties are correlative.
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Duty not to deprive: We have a basic duty not to violate the rights of others. This
entails that we must both recognize and respect these rights.
Duty to aid the deprived: When others have their rights violated, we have the duty to
aid them in their recovery from damages.
If you make a right claim, be ready to justify it. If someone else makes a right
claim, make them back it up with the justification framework presented in this
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Most importantly, they perform these actions repeatedly across a career or even
a lifetime. In some way, their exemplary conduct has become “second nature”.
William LeMesseur
He designed the Citicorp Building in New York. A student identified a critical
design flaw in the building during a routine class exercise. Instead of being
sulken because of the flaw, William Lemesseur used it to develop an intricate
and effective plan in correcting the problem before it caused a drastic
Fred Cuny
He carried out a series of increasingly effective interventions in international
disaster. He brought effective methods to disaster relief as his timely
interventions saved thousands of Kurdish refugees in the after math of the
Persian Gulf War in 1991. He also helped in design and implementation of an
innovative water filtration system in Sarajevo during the Bosnia-Serb conflict in
Roger Boisjoly
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
He worked on a team responsible for developing O-ring seals for fuel Tanks
used in the Challenger Shuttle. When his team noticed evidence of gas leaks, he
made an emergency presentation to the officials of Morton Thiokol and NASA to
postpone the launch date and changed it for the next day. When they refused to
change the launch date, Boisjoly watched as the Challenger Shuttle exploded in
just seconds.
Muhammad Yunus
His effort in setting up “micro-businesses” funded through “micro lending” has
completely changed the paradigm on how to extend business practices to
individuals at the bottom of the pyramid. By this he won the Nobel Prize for
Peace in 2006.
Bill Gates
He has been portrayed as a villain, especially during the anti-trust suit against
Microsoft in the mid 1990's. Certainly his aggressive and often ruthless business
practices need to be evaluated openly and critically. Recently, Gates stopped
participating in the day-to-day management of his company, Microsoft, and has
set up a charitable foundation to oversee international good works projects.
Jeffrey Skilling
He is the former CEO of Enron; he can hardly be called a moral exemplar.
He was considered among the most innovative, creative, and brilliant of
contemporary corporate CEOs.
Inez Austin
Worked to prevent contamination from nuclear wastes produced by a
plutonium production facility.
Is one of the key events inaugurating the environmental movement in the United States.
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
1. Craftspersons
It draws on pre-existing values in computing.
Focus on users or customers who have needs.
Take on the role of providers of a service/product.
View barriers as inert obstacles or puzzles to be solved.
Believe they are effective in their role.
2. Reformers
Attempt to change organizations and their values.
Take on the role of moral crusaders.
View barriers as active opposition.
Believe in the necessity of systemic reform.
They found ways to integrate moral reasoning with emotion (as motive),
perception (which helps them zero in on moral relevance), and skill (which helps
implement moral value).
It stands for the following:
Personality, Integrating moral value into self-system, Moral Ecology, and Moral
Skills Sets
These are elements that help to compose moral expertise that have been
identified by Huff and Rogerson.
One way to consider a Moral Exemplar is to examine the components of
his/her personality. There are five major traits that exist on a continuum.
1. Neuroticism to Lack of Neuroticism (Stability)
2. Agreeableness to Disagreeableness
3. Extraversion to Introversion
4. Openness to Closeness
5. Conscientiousness to Lack of conscientiousness
These qualities are neither good nor bad. They can be integrated to form
bad or good characters. Moral exemplars stand out through how they have put
their personality characteristics to “good use”.
Moral Ecology
1. Moral Imagination
The ability to project into the standpoint of others and view the situation at hand
through their lenses.
It achieves a balance between becoming lost in the perspectives of others and
failing to leave one’s on perspective.
Adam Smith terms this balance “proportionality” which we can achieve in
empathy when we feel with them but do not become lost in their feelings.
Empathy consists of feeling with others but limiting the intensity of that feeling to
what is proper and proportionate for moral judgement.
2. Moral creativity
Is close to moral imagination and in fact, it overlaps with it.
It centers in the ability to frame a situation in different ways.
3. Reasonableness
Openness to the views of others (one listens and impartially weighs their
arguments and evidence) with commitment to moral values and other important
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
One is open but not to the extent of believing anything and failing to keep
fundamental commitments.
The Ethics of Team Work discusses strategies for reaching consensus that are
employed by those with the skill set of reasonableness.
4. Perseverance
Is the “ability to plan moral action and continue on that course by responding to
circumstances and obstacles while keeping ethical goals intact”.
Not giving up when facing resistance, setbacks, or failure.
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
● Virtue is a character trait of a well-functioned person or a human being.
● It is NOT
○ just a feeling.
○ just a natural inclination.
○ just doing an action in a given situation.
● It is behavior showing high moral standards or the general quality of goodness in
a person.
● An opposite to “Vice”
● Character trait that makes us better people
● emphasizes the virtues, or moral character, in contrast to the approach that
emphasizes the duties or rules or that emphasizes the consequences of actions.
● It defines good actions as ones that display virtuous character traits and it is
the disposition to act, think and feel in certain ways.
In other words,
Virtue Ethics is all about the question of:
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Virtuous act Non – Virtuous act
● non – greed ● greed
● non – hate ● hatred
● non – delusion ● Delusion
Example: Giving without expecting a Example: Killing someone because of
reward your own desire
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
● is agent-centered in that it sees the action as an expression of the goodness or
badness of the agent.
● Reconnects with Aristotle and virtue 1 even though it drops the doctrine of the
mean and Aristotle’s emphasis on character.
● Virtue 3 can best be outlined by showing how the basic concepts of Virtue 1 can
be reformulated to reflect current research in moral psychology.
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
How Business Ethics help in decision making? Business ethics enhances the law
by outlining acceptable behaviors beyond government control. Corporations establish
business ethics to promote integrity among their employees and gain trust from key
stakeholders such as investors and consumers. So mostly those investors and
especially consumers they are giving trust to a business or a company who are
delivering exemptional services. It is not always ended in a good profit. It's sometimes
on how an individual provide a good service and a good work environment to co-
employees. Ethics are also included in decision when it comes to business it's
always the base of every decision because Good Ethics always lead a business into a
good flow of positive development. Working to prevent crime, accepting responsibility
for crimes that could not be prevented, and learning from past mistakes all serve to
"flag" corporate intention. In other words, corporations can demonstrate good intentions
by documenting measures implemented to prevent crime and by showing a "responsive
adjustment" to crimes they could not prevent. In this line corporate purpose is to identify
those efforts to prevent crime, and acceptance of responsibility for crimes and most
importantly is using those lessons learned from the past mistakes because we can use
those learnings to improved one's business. For those incidents that were not able to
stop it's better to have a crime prevention steps or realistic action plans. In the decision-
making context, employees ask:
These questions serve to shift your attention from compromising for the moral
bare- essentials to realigning your moral and professional efforts in the direction of
moral excellence by serving as examples of values-based decision-making. Mostly in
this kind of surveys in a business or a company they can create they're vision and
mission especially for the employees.
We have also some lists of Values that was found in the module we have:
2. Responsibility Recognize and fulfill its obligations to its constituents by caring for
their essential interests, by honoring its commitments, and by balancing and
integrating conflicting interests. As responsible agents, the faculty, employees,
and students of the college of business Administration are committed to the
pursuit of excellence, devotion to the community's welfare, and professionalism.
Three Frameworks for Ethical Decision Making and Good Computing Reports
Module Introduction
Learn and practice three frameworks designed to integrate ethics into decision
making in the areas of practical and occupational ethics.
The first framework divides the decision-making process into four stages:
problem specification, solution generation, solution testing, and solution
The second framework focuses on the process of solution testing by providing
four tests that will help you to evaluate and rank alternative courses of action.
Finally, a feasibility test will help you to uncover interest, resource, and technical
constraints that will affect and possibly impede the realization of your solution or
Chuck Huff builds on this by modifying the design method used in software
engineering so that it can help structure the process of framing ethical situations
and creating actions to bring these situations to a successful and ethical
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
(1) problem specification, (2) solution generation, (3) solution testing, and (4) solution
Problem specification
1. Is your problem a conflict? Moral versus moral value? Moral versus non-moral
values? Non-moral versus non-moral values? Identify the conflicting values as
concisely as possible.
2. Is your problem a disagreement? Is the disagreement over basic facts? Are these
facts observable? Is it a disagreement over a basic concept? What is the concept?
3. Does your problem arise from an impending harm? What is the harm? What is its
magnitude? What is the probability that it will occur?
4. If your problem is a value conflict then can these values be fully integrated in a
value integrating solution? Or must they be partially realized in a compromise or
traded off against one another?
5. If your problem is a factual disagreement, what is the procedure for gathering the
required information, if this is feasible?
Solution Generation
Oppose. If nolo contendere and negotiation are not possible, then opposition
may be necessary. Opposition requires marshalling evidence to document one's
position persuasively and impartially.
Exit. Opposition may not be possible if one lacks organizational power or
documented evidence. Nolo contendere will not suffice if non-opposition
implicates one in wrongdoing. Negotiation will not succeed without a necessary
basis of trust or a serious value integrative solution.
Refining solutions
The goal here is to reduce the solution list to something manageable, say, a best,
a second best, and a third best. Try adding a bad solution to heighten strategic points of
comparison. The list should be short so that the remaining solutions can be intensively
examined as to their ethics and feasibility.
Solution Testing: The solutions developed in the second stage must be tested in
various ways.
1. Reversibility: Is the solution reversible between the agent and key stakeholders?
3. Publicity: Is this action one with which you are willing to be publicly identified?
Does it identify you as a moral person? An irresponsible person? A person of
integrity? An untrustworthy person?
4. Code: Does the solution violate any provisions of a relevant code of ethics? Can
it be modified to be in accord with a code of ethics? Does it address any
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
aspirations a code might have? (Engineers: Does this solution hold paramount
the health, safety, and welfare of the public?)
6. The solution evaluation matrix presented just below models and summarizes the
solution testing process.
Solution Implementation
2. Time. Is there a deadline within which the solution has to be enacted? Is this
deadline fixed or negotiable?
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
3. Financial. Are there cost constraints on implementing the ethical solution? Can
these be extended by raising more funds?
6. Legal. How does the proposed solution stand with respect to existing laws, legal
structures, and regulations?
code test provides an independent check on the ethics tests and also highlights
intermediate moral concepts such as safety, health, welfare, faithful agency, conflict of
interest, confidentiality, professional integrity, collegiality, privacy, property, free speech,
and equity/access)
Set-Up Pitfalls: Mistakes in this area lead to the analysis becoming unfocused and
getting lost in irrelevancies.
a) Agent-switching where the analysis falls prey to irrelevancies that crop up when
the test application is not grounded in the standpoint of a single agent
b) Sloppy action-description where the analysis fails because no specific action has
been tested
c) Test-switching where the analysis fails because one test is substituted for
1. Identify the agent (the person who is going to perform the action)
2. Describe the action or solution that is being tested (what the agent is going to do
or perform)
3. Identify the stakeholders (those individuals or groups who are going to be
affected by the action), and their stakes (interests, values, goods, rights, needs,
4. Identify, sort out, and weigh the consequences (the results the action is likely to
bring about)
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Harm/Beneficence Test
3. Failure to compare different alternatives can lead to a decision that is too limited
and one-sided.
4. Failure to weigh harms against benefits occurs when decision makers lack the
experience to make the qualitative comparisons required in ethical decision
5. Finally, justice failures result from ignoring the fairness of the distribution of harms
and benefits. This leads to a solution which may maximize benefits and minimize
harms but still give rise to serious injustices in the distribution of these benefits and
Reversibility Test
1. Set up the test by (i) identifying the agent, (ii) describing the action, and (iii)
identifying the stakeholders and their stakes.
3. Reverse roles between the agent (you) and each stakeholder: put them in your
place (as the agent) and yourself in their place (as the one subjected to the action).
4. If you were in their place, would you still find the action acceptable?
A. Cross Checks for Reversibility Test (These questions help you to check if you
have carried out the reversibility test properly.)
Does the proposed action treat others with respect? (Does it recognize their
autonomy or circumvent it?)
Does the action violate the rights of others? (Examples of rights: free and
informed consent, privacy, freedom of conscience, due process, property,
freedom of expression) • Would you recommend that this action become a
universal rule?
Are you, through your action, treating others merely as means?
Does the action realize reasonableness or pose too much or too little
reasonableness? • Does the action realize honesty or pose too much or too little
Does the action realize integrity or pose too much or too little integrity?
Action not associated with agent. The most common pitfall is failure to associate
the agent and the action. The action may have bad consequences and it may
treat individuals with respect but these points are not as important in the context
of this test as what they imply about the agent as a person who deliberately
performs such an action.
Failure to specify moral quality, virtue, or value. Another pitfall is to associate the
action and agent but only ascribe a vague or ambiguous moral quality to the
Does the action hold paramount the health, safety, and welfare of the public, i.e.,
those affected by the action but not able to participate in its design or execution?
Does the action maintain faithful agency with the client by not abusing trust,
avoiding conflicts of interest, and maintaining confidences?
Is the action consistent with the reputation, honor, dignity, and integrity of the
Meta Tests
The ethics and feasibility tests will not always converge on the same solution.
There is a complicated answer for why this is the case but the simple version is that the
tests do not always agree on a given solution because each test (and the ethical theory
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Application Exercise
In other words, the chips did not go through quality checking before releasing to
the market.
There are three scenarios below that were developed by Chuck Huff as Participant
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
• Reverse roles between the agent (you) and each stakeholder: put them in your
place (as the agent) and yourself in their place (as the target of the action
• If you were in their place, would you still find the action acceptable?
• Leaving out a key stakeholder relation.
• Failing to recognize and address conflicts between stakeholders and their
conflicting stakes.
• Confusing treating others with respect with capitulating to their demands
(Reversing with Hitler).
• Failing to reach closure, i.e., an overall global reversal assessment that takes into
account all the stakeholders the agent has reversed with.
2. Failure to specify the moral quality, virtue, or value of the action that is imputed to
the agent in the test. To say, for example, that willfully harming the public is bad
fails to zero in on precisely what moral quality this attribute to the agent.
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
1. Establish a clear technical foundation.
2. Keep your arguments on a high professional plane, as impersonal and objective as
possible, avoiding extraneous issues and emotional outbursts.
3. Try to catch problems early, and keep the argument at the lowest managerial level
4. Before going out on a limb, make sure that the issue is important.
5. Use (and help establish) organizational dispute resolution mechanisms.
6. Keep records and collect paper.
What is STS?
STS or Socio-Technical System is a tool to help businesses to anticipate and
resolve interdisciplinary business problems.
Interdisciplinary business problems refer to where financial values are intertwined
with technical, ethical, social, political and cultural values.
People, Groups and Roles has been the focus of traditional stakeholder
o A Stakeholder is any group or individual which has an essential or vital
interest in the situation at hand.
Procedures set ends which embody values and legitimize means which also
embody values.
Laws, Statutes and Regulations computing systems gather, store and
disseminate information. This could be labeled data and data storage structure.
Right of Free and Informed Consent include the right not to be forced to partic ipate
instead offer or withdraw voluntarily their consent to participate. When preparing STS
analysis, it is mandatory to take active measures to facilitate participants’ free and
informed consent.
Any STS analysis must take active measures to recognize potential harms to minimize
or eliminate them. Special provisions also must be taken to maintain confidentiality in
collecting, storing and using sensitive information.
Interviews semi structured and structured interviews conducted with those familiar with
a given STS provide an excellent source of information on the constituents of a given
STS and how these fit together into an interrelated whole.
Field Observations those constructing STS analysis go directly to the system and
describe it in its day-to-day operation.
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Two books can provide more information on the types and techniques of field
1. Ethnography 2nd Edition, Applied Social Research Methods Series Vol. 17 by
David M. Fetterman
2. Participant Observation by James P. Spradley
Questionnaires are useful for gathering general information from large numbers of
people. Constructing good questionnaires is a difficult process that requires patience as
well as trial and error when conducting an STS analysis.
Archival and Physical Trace Methods Working with archival and physical trace
methods requires critical thought and detective work. Data is collected, refined and put
together to provide an analysis.
Technical Frame they specify a problem as a technical issue and require a technical
design to solve it. Most engineers use this frame.
Physical Frame this frame suggests solutions based on changing the physical structure
like designing ramps to make restaurants wheelchair accessible.
Social Frame this frame suggests a solution of integrating workplace safety like
conducting worker training programs and conducting regular safety audits.
Financial or Market Based Frame financial responsibilities like for the improvement of
the company.
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Legal Frame helps identify effective and necessary courses of action and by also
complying with the OSHA and EPA regulations.
OSHA or Occupational Safety and Health Administration, a rule that
describes the methods that employers must use to protect their employees from
EPA or Environmental Protection Agency, regulates the manufacturing,
processing, distribution and use of chemicals and other pollutants.
Environmental Frame it puts the environment first and sets a goal the interrogation of
environmental values with other valves like worker safety and corporate profits.
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Case Narrative
In the late 1990’s, the Texas state Board Adopting laptops also presented
of Education proposed the ambitious plan problems that critics quickly brought forth.
of providing each of the state’s four Teachers would need to learn how to use
million public school students with their laptop computers and would have to
own laptop computer. This plan was change their teaching to accommodate
devised to solve several problems them in the classroom. Apparent cost
confronting Texas public education. savings disappeared upon further, closer
Laptop computers could make examination. Updates from downloads
educational resources more accessible to could turn out to be expensive and
students who were faced with special educational software could be coded to
challenges like deafness or blindness. restrict access and dissemination. Further
Computers offer software options (like studies indicated that technical support
audio books) that promise to reach more costs would run two to three times initial
students than traditional printed books. outlays. Keeping laptop hardware and
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
To deal with these problems, Texas carried out several pilot projects that examined
the effectiveness of laptop interrogation in selected school districts. However, the
Texas Laptop plan was never formally implemented beyond the pilot project phase.
Students in computer ethics classes at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
have looked into the feasibility of integrating laptops in the public-school socio-
technical system in Puerto Rico. They began by looking at the project to provide
public school teachers with laptops that was carried out in the late 1990’s under the
Pedro Rossello administration. The student research projects came to focus on three
problem areas. First, they examined whether they were structures in laptop design
that made computers unfit for use by children. Second, they studied whether social or
ethical problems would arise from disposal of spent laptops. Third, they investigated
the impact on copyright law and intellectual property practices that digitalizing printed
textbooks would have.
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
You are a computer engineer and have been subcontracted by your local government
to purchase new portable computers for high school teachers. Your job includes...
Distributing computers to high school teachers seems simple enough. You select the
computers, buy them, and give them to the teachers. Yet only a slight change in
circumstances can bring into the open latent or potential ethical issues:
• How should you go about setting up the bidding process to determine the
computers to be used?
• What should you do to determine teacher and student needs and how computers
can respond to these needs? It makes very little sense to provide computers and
then tell teachers and students to use them. What are they to do with these
computers? How do they ft them into everyday education? This requires seeing the
computer project from the standpoints of students, their parents, and teachers. The
reversibility test will help here.
• Who stands to benefit from your actions? Who stands to be harmed from these
actions? How will benefits and harms be distributed through the different
stakeholders in this case?
• Latent ethical problems exist in this socio-technical system that can erupt into full-
blown problems with small changes in circumstances
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
• Someone you know well-say your cousin submits a bid. What ethical issues does
this turn of events give rise to?
• The contract to provide computers is awarded to your cousin, and he provides
reliable computers at a reasonable price. Then, a few weeks later, you read the
following headline in the newspaper: "More Government Corruption-Computer
Czar's Cousin Counts Millions in Cozy Computer Contract" What do you do now?
• A group of angry high school teachers holds a press conference in which they
accuse the government of forcing them to use computing technology in their
classes. They say you are violating their academic freedom. How should you
• Someone in the government suggested placing a program in each computer that
allows government officials to monitor the computers and track user behavior. How
would you feel if your computer use were being monitored without your knowledge
or consent > Are their circumstances under which monitoring could bring about any
social benefits? What are the likely harms? Do the benefits outweigh the harms?
Suppose you go along with this and read the following headline in the morning
newspaper: "Government Snoops B ug High School Computers". Using the
publicity test, what kind of person would you appear to be in the public's eye? How
would you view yourself in terms of this action?
You are Dr. Negroponte from MIT. For several years now, you have been
working to design laptop computers that respond to a wide range of needs of children in
poor, developing nations. You have set up an incentive for people in developed nations
to contribute to children in poor nations. For $300, one can buy two laptops, keep one,
and have the other donated to a child in a developing nation. This has generated
computers but governments in developing nations enthusiastic at first have recently
shown themselves reluctant to carry through on their commitments. Your goal of
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
reducing laptop costs to $100 per computer has also stalled. It has been difficult to
generate projected economies of scale.
• The laptops employ a simple design. They use Linux as an operating system
since this shareware can be freely downloaded. The computers are also designed
to be used in areas where the underlying infrastructure, especially electricity, is
unreliable. They are battery driven and a hand crank allows for recharging
batteries when electricity is unavailable. They employ a wireless connection to the
• An Open Education Resource movement has been started to generate
educational resources directly and freely available to children using MIT laptops.
This movement has generated considerable educational content of varying
qualities. Reports available online provide insights into the pros and cons of the
• open resource educational movement. Whether this can (or should) replace
traditional textbooks (which can be quite expensive and difficult to update) is still
open to debate.
• There is evidence that laptops can and have contributed to an enhanced learning
experience for children in developing nations. Poor attendance, a large and
chronic problem, has been improved in laptop programs. Children enjoy their
computers and seem better motivated in general as a result. They take their
computers home for homework and share them with the rest of their family. Many
teachers have successfully adapted their teaching styles to this Internet
supported, technologically enhanced educational mode.
• But recently, laptops have come under increasing critical scrutiny.
• They are more expensive than traditional educational materials such as textbooks
• They compete for scarce financial resources and may be less cost-effective in the
long run than other, more traditional educational resources.
• The MIT laptop has no hard drive, a fact critically singled out by Microsoft's
founder, Bill Gates. They have been designed to use the Linus operating system
rather than Microsoft's more expensive and complicated one.
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
• Developing nation governments have recently shown "cold feet" to putting action
behind their verbal commitments to laptop computers. This may, in part, be due to
concerns expressed by parents and teachers.
• Defend the MIT Laptop Project in the face of these and other criticisms.
• Should their design be modified to suit better children's needs as well as the
concerns of teachers and parents?
• What features do MIT laptops already display that respond to student, parent, and
teacher needs?
• What are the alternatives to MIT Laptops? For example, evaluate the proposal
made by a group in computer ethics to invest in and emphasize instruction in
computer laboratories housed in schools themselves. What problems would this
new approach avoid? What are its limitations in comparison to the laptop
You live in a developing nation. While you have work, it doesn't pay well, and you are
barely able to provide for your family's basic needs. One problem and things will get
very difficult for you and your family.
• Your child came home with an MIT-designed laptop computer. She and her
classmates have benefited from the computers donated to their school by the
generosity of developed nations where concerned citizens can buy two computers
and have one donated to needy children. You find this somewhat patronizing, and
you see these laptops as a mixed blessing.
• On the one hand, this laptop has helped you and your family to enjoy the benefits
of access to the Internet, although, because of poor infrastructure, this access is
limited, sporadic, and subject to frequent breakdowns. On the other hand, you
question whether your child is mature enough to use and care for her computer. If
Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
anything should happen, you would be required to buy a new replacement laptop,
and you simply don't have the money.
• Yet should you not replace your daughter's broken laptop; she would be excluded
from the education her peers enjoy because she would no longer have a
computer. You question whether you want to run on this "treadmill."
• Furthermore, you can see that laptops— even MIT laptops—are designed for
adults, not children. They are made of heavy metals and other toxic materials.
The batteries, especially, are dangerous because of the materials they contain.
They wear out and replacing them can be expensive.
• Your child could also become a target for robbers. She walks to and from school
carrying her computer, and you know of other children who have been beaten and
robbed of their laptops.
• So, you see these laptops as a mixed blessing fraught with risk. What should you