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Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate

School of The Ohio State University


Melissa Diane Bailey, OD, MS


The Ohio State University


Dissertation Committee:
Approved by
Professor Karla Zadnik, Advisor

Professor Joseph A. Barr

Associate Professor Mark A. Bullimore

Vision Science Graduate Program

We examined existing data from Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clinical

trials for approved ophthalmic lasers to determine if trends for improvement in outcomes

occurred with changes in laser technology. The repeatability of autorefraction

measurements, visual acuity measurements, and the National Eye Institute Refractive

Error Quality of Life (NEI-RQL-42) Questionnaire was evaluated in laser in situ

keratomileusis (LASIK) patients. We also compared the performance of the NEI-RQL-42

to another survey for refractive surgery patients to see if similar results were obtained

when subjects completed the surveys simultaneously. Finally, we evaluated patient

survey responses and opinions of eye care practitioners to provide direction for

generating hypotheses for future research studies.

We found that cycloplegic autorefraction measurements with the Grand Seiko

autorefractor were repeatable and agreed well with subjective refraction. The NEI-RQL-

42 was determined to have an acceptable level of repeatability and produced results that

were similar to other studies that tested refractive surgery patients. Measurements of low-

contrast visual acuity under various lighting conditions were also found to have

acceptable levels of repeatability, and 5% contrast visual acuity appears to be sensitive to

differences between LASIK and non-LASIK patients. When evaluating reasons why

patients would recommend LASIK to others, we determined that the primary reason was
to eliminate the need for glasses and/or contact lenses. Focus group sessions with eye

care practitioners revealed that practitioners would like to have more information about

the relationship between patient personality and psychological issues and satisfaction

with the results of the procedure. The eye care practitioners defined a successful LASIK

procedure as one in which the patients had good uncorrected visual acuity, refractive

error within ± 0.50 D of the intended correction, and no new or increase in night vision or

dry eye symptoms.

Future studies in corneal refractive surgery patients should be able to use the

measurement techniques evaluated in these studies to answer the following two research

questions: What factors are associated with the dependence on glasses and/or contact

lenses five years after LASIK, and what psychological factors are associated with the

patient’s view of a LASIK procedure?

Dedicated to Daniel Brian Bailey, my husband, and my family for their support. I would

also like to dedicate this to my mentor for teaching me how to conduct high quality

research while balancing a personal and professional life, and for helping me find a job I



I would like to acknowledge my co-authors of the studies contained in this dissertation:

Karla Zadnik, OD, PhD Deepinder K. Dhaliwal, MD

Michael D. Twa, OD, MS Michael D. Olson, OD, PhD

Mark A. Bullimore, MCOptom, PhD Joseph Shovlin, OD

G. Lynn Mitchell, MAS Stephen Pascucci, MD

Lisa A. Jones, PhD Brian Boxer-Wachler, MD

Timothy McMahon, OD

NIH/NEI grant #T32-EY013359 and #R24-EY14792, American Optometric Foundation

William C. Ezell Fellowships (CIBA Vision and the AAO Section on Cornea and Contact

Lenses), Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation. I would also like to acknowledge Donald

O. Mutti, OD, PhD and Charles Campbell, PhD for their assistance in determining the

design principles and infrared beam diameter for each autorefractor used in this study.


March 1, 1975 Born – Gillette, Wyoming

1997 B.S. Neuroscience, Muskingum College

2001 O.D. The Ohio State University

2001 M.S. Vision Science, The Ohio State University

2001 Graduate Teaching Associate, The Ohio State University

2001- present Postdoctoral Fellow, The Ohio State University


1. Bailey MD, Olson MD, Bullimore MA, Jones LA, Maloney RK. (2004) The effect of
LASIK on best-corrected high and low contrast visual acuity. Optometry and Vision
Science, 81:362-368.

2. Bailey MD, Mitchell GL, Dhaliwal DK, Boxer Wachler BS, Olson MD, Shovlin JP,
Pascucci SE, Zadnik K. (2004) Reasons why patients recommend laser in situ
keratomileusis to others. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, in press.

3. Twa MD, Bailey MD, Hayes J, Bullimore MA. (2004) Estimation of pupil size by
digital photography. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, 30: 381-389.

4. Bailey MD, Mitchell GL, Dhaliwal DK, Zadnik K. (2003) Patient satisfaction and
night vision symptoms after laser in situ keratomileusis. Ophthalmology, 110:1371-

5. Rah MJ, Barr JT, Bailey MD. (2002) Corneal pigmentation in overnight
orthokeratology: a case series. Optometry, 73:425-434.

6. Rah MJ, Jackson JM, Jones LA, Marsden HJ, Bailey MD, Barr JT. (2002) Overnight
orthokeratology: preliminary results of the lenses and overnight orthokeratology
(LOOK) study. Optometry and Vision Science, 79:598-605.
7. Bailey MD, Walline JJ, Mitchell GL, Zadnik K. (2001) Visual acuity in contact lens
wearers. Optometry and Vision Science, 78:726-731.

8. Walline JJ, Bailey MD, Zadnik K. (2000) Vision-specific quality of life and modes of
refractive error correction. Optometry and Vision Science, 77:648-652.


Major Field: Vision Science


Abstract ............................................................................................................................... ii
Vita..................................................................................................................................... vi
List of Tables .......................................................................................................................x
List of Figures .................................................................................................................. xii


1. Introductions ..................................................................................................................1
1.1 Common unsuccessful LASIK outcomes ..............................................1
1.2 Selection of refractive error correction for individual patients..............7
1.3 Future studies of LASIK patients ........................................................11
2. Trends in outcomes for LASIK for myopia in FDA approved lasers..........................13
2.1 Methods................................................................................................14
Data source.....................................................................................14
Data entry and analysis ..................................................................17
2.2 Results..................................................................................................18
Summary of all studies...................................................................18
Trends in visual acuity and refractive error outcomes...................18
2.3 Conclusions..........................................................................................29
3. Defining a successful LASIK procedure .....................................................................33
3.1 Methods................................................................................................33
Data collection ...............................................................................34
Data analysis ..................................................................................35
3.2 Results..................................................................................................35
Primary and secondary themes ......................................................36
4. Reasons why patients recommend laser in situ keratomileusis to others ....................42
4.1 Methods................................................................................................43
Subjects ..........................................................................................43
Informed consent ...........................................................................44
Questionnaire .................................................................................45
Data collection and analysis...........................................................46
4.2 Results..................................................................................................48
Response rate .................................................................................48
Subject demographics ....................................................................48
Reasons for recommending LASIK...............................................49
5. The repeatability of autorefraction and axial length measurements after LASIK .......54
5.1 Materials and methods .........................................................................55
Subjects ..........................................................................................55
Refractive error measurements ......................................................56
IOLMaster measurements..............................................................57
Analysis of refractive error data- conversion to power vector
Statistical methods .........................................................................59
Measurement of autorefractor infrared beam ................................60
5.2 Results..................................................................................................61
Repeatability ..................................................................................61
Agreement between subjective refraction and autorefraction .......61
Axial length....................................................................................70
5.3 Discussion ............................................................................................70
6. Clinical evaluation of the NEI-RQL-42 in LASIK patients ........................................75
6.1 Methods................................................................................................77
Study 1: Repeatability of the NEI-RQL-42 in LASIK patients.....77
Study 2: Comparison of the NEI-RQL-42 and QOV.....................78
Subjects and informed consent ..........................................78
Data analysis ......................................................................79
6.2 Results..................................................................................................79
Repeatability of the NEI-RQL-42..................................................79
7. Assessment of visual function in patients after LASIK...............................................93
Subjects ..........................................................................................96
Refractive error measurements ......................................................96
IOLMaster measurements..............................................................97
7.2 Results..................................................................................................98
Repeatability ..................................................................................99
Comparisons of visual acuity between groups.............................103
8. Conclusions................................................................................................................112

List of references..............................................................................................................115


Table Page

1.1 Previous studies of low-contrast visual acuity and contrast sensitivity in refractive

1.2 Summary of literature review for factors associated with unsuccessful outcomes ....8

1.3 Refractive surgery recommendations: 2002 ASCRS Survey .....................................9

1.4 Refractive surgery recommendations: 2002 ISRS Survey........................................10

2.1 Excimer lasers approved by the Food and Drug Administration for laser in situ
keratomileusis ...........................................................................................................15

2.2 List of variables recorded from summaries for data analysis ...................................16

2.3 Proportion of all patients in each category of laser with postoperative symptoms ..27

2.4 Proportion of low myopes in each category of laser with postoperative

symptoms ..................................................................................................................28

3.1 Desirable and undesirable outcomes emerging from focus group session ...............38

4.1 Reasons for recommending LASIK to a friend ........................................................50

5.1 Bias and limits of agreement for each measure of refractive error and axial

5.2 Mean and standard deviation of refractive error measurements...............................63

5.3 Agreement between subjective refraction measurements and autorefraction


6.1 Repeatability of the NEI-RQL-42 subscales across two visits .................................78

6.2 Mean scores for each of the NEI-RQL-42 and QOV subscales at each of the study
visits ..........................................................................................................................82
6.3 Mean scores for each of the QOV questionnaire subscales at each of the study
visits ..........................................................................................................................83

6.4 Tukey adjusted post hoc comparisons of the repeated measures analysis of
variance test for each subscale..................................................................................84

6.5 Comparison of the repeatability of the National Eye Institute Refractive Error
Quality of Life (NEI-RQL-42) Questionnaire across studies ...................................89

6.6 Comparison of preoperative and postoperative NEI-RQL-42 scores across

studies .......................................................................................................................90

7.1 Contrast sensitivity from a report by Lee, Hu and Wang (2003)..............................92

7.2 Descriptive statistics by group ..................................................................................96

7.3 Visual acuity scores for each level of contrast and lighting level by group,
examiner, and visit ....................................................................................................97

7.4 Within examiner test-retest repeatability ..................................................................98

7.5 Between examiner test-retest repeatability ...............................................................99

7.6 Difference between LASIK and Non-LASIK patient visual acuity scores ............100

7.7 Relationship between mean visual acuity scores (across light levels) and axial


Figure Page

1.1 Associations of visual function after LASIK..............................................................2

2.1 Percentages of low myopes versus all patients with Snellen visual acuity of 20/20
or better for each laser type.......................................................................................19

2.2 Percentages of low myopes versus all patients with Snellen visual acuity of 20/40
or better for each laser type.......................................................................................20

2.3 Percentages of all patients, low myopes, and high myopes with spherical
equivalent refractive error within 0.50 D of intended correction for each laser

2.4 Percentages of all patients, low myopes, and high myopes with spherical
equivalent refractive error within 1.00 D of intended correction for each laser

2.5 Percentages of all patients, patients with spherical myopia only, and patients with
myopic astigmatism with Snellen visual acuity of 20/20 or better for each laser

2.6 Percentages of all patients, patients with spherical myopia only, and patients with
myopic astigmatism with Snellen visual acuity of 20/40 or better for each laser
Type ..........................................................................................................................24

2.7 Percentages of all patients, patients with spherical myopia only, and patients with
myopic astigmatism with spherical equivalent refractive error within 0.50 D of
intended correction....................................................................................................25

2.8 Percentages of all patients, patients with spherical myopia only, and patients with
myopic astigmatism with spherical equivalent refractive error within 0.50 D of
intended correction....................................................................................................26

3.1 Photograph of flip chart for participants’ comments during discussion of a

successful “cut-point” for each measurement of success .........................................40
5.1 Difference versus mean plot for the agreement in spherical equivalent between
Grand Seiko autorefraction and subjective refraction without cycloplegia..............66

5.2 Difference versus mean plot for the agreement in spherical equivalent between
Grand Seiko autorefraction and subjective refraction with cycloplegia...................67

5.3 Difference versus mean plot for the agreement in spherical equivalent between
Humphrey autorefraction and subjective refraction without cycloplegia.................68

5.4 Difference versus mean plot for the agreement in spherical equivalent between
Humphrey autorefraction and subjective refraction with cycloplegia......................69

6.1 Internal reliability, Cronbach’s Alpha, of the individual items for each subscale
of the NEI-RQL-42 and QOV at the preoperative visit............................................80

7.1 Mean axial length versus difference between pairs at 100% contrast in dim
lighting conditions ..................................................................................................102

7.2 Mean axial length versus difference between pairs at 10% contrast in dim
lighting conditions ..................................................................................................103

7.3 Mean axial length versus difference between pairs at 5% contrast in dim
lighting conditions ..................................................................................................104

7.4 Mean axial length versus difference between pairs at 2.5% contrast in dim
lighting conditions ..................................................................................................105



Like many segments of health care, the area of refractive error correction has

experienced an explosion of technological advances in the last few decades. So many

different types of glasses, contact lenses, and refractive surgery procedures are currently

available that an individual patient may have to choose among dozens of options for

refractive error correction. This has led to many dilemmas for the eye care practitioner

and patient. What are the rates of unsuccessful outcomes associated with each of the

options available? How does one counsel an individual patient as to which mode of

refractive error correction will provide the best quality of vision for him or her? Which

option will provide the best quality of life? These questions are especially important

when one considers the most common corneal refractive surgery, laser in situ

keratomileusis (LASIK), because this particular option is irreversible. The purpose of this

dissertation is to address the above questions as they relate to LASIK outcomes and to the

design of future studies of LASIK outcomes.

1.1 Common unsuccessful LASIK outcomes

Previous studies overwhelmingly support two conclusions about the LASIK

procedure when it is used to correct myopia:

• The vast majority of LASIK patients (over 90%) can achieve good uncorrected

and best-corrected, high-contrast visual acuity after LASIK.1

• Patient reported satisfaction is generally high, ranging from 82 to 98%.2-5

Nonetheless, some patients have subjective complaints of decreased vision after

LASIK. The subjective complaints range from decreased clarity of vision to difficulties

with night driving caused by symptoms such as glare, halos, and starbursts.

Consequently, studies of both (photorefractive keratectomy) PRK and LASIK have

shown that losses of low-contrast visual acuity can occur, even in patients with normal

high-contrast visual acuity.6, 7 Figure 1 is an outline of a series of relationships. These

relationships summarize studies of several outcomes after LASIK-induced changes in

optical aberrations, contrast sensitivity, and patient reports of visual function and

Increased Ocular
Previous studies of low-
contrast visual acuity or
Decreased Contrast
contrast sensitivity after Sensitivity

LASIK have not found similar 2 ?

results. Some studies have Night Vision

found only transient losses of
low-contrast visual acuity or
contrast sensitivity that resolve Satisfaction

after a period of time,8, 9 and

others have reported a Figure 1.1 Associations of visual function after

persistent decrease in visual performance, but only in dark conditions or in higher

myopes.7, 10 It appears that discrepancies among previous studies are due to

methodological differences, primarily differences in the luminance levels used during

data collection (Table 1.1). Losses of contrast sensitivity after corneal refractive surgery

have been reported in multiple studies under low luminance or dilated pupil conditions.

This is consistent with patient complaints of vision problems at night.

Reports of changes in contrast sensitivity following corneal refractive surgery

have fueled an interest in how optical aberrations might also change after these

procedures. Optical aberrations increase after both PRK and LASIK.11-13 This increase in

optical aberrations correlates with losses of low-contrast visual acuity and accounts for

most of the decrease in contrast sensitivity after LASIK (Figure 1, association #1).11, 13

Certain values of preoperative corneal shape may help researchers predict loss of

visual function after LASIK. Several factors correspond with either the increase in ocular

aberrations or the loss of low-contrast visual acuity after LASIK. The natural aspheric

shape of the cornea (prolate, a flattening ellipse) is known to partially reduce the optical

aberrations of the eye.14 It has been demonstrated that corneas become more oblate (i.e.,

less prolate) in shape after myopic LASIK.10 Increasing values of asphericity (more

oblate) have also been shown in calculated models to increase the optical aberrations of

the eye.14 Thus, a cornea that is already flatter than average or less prolate prior to LASIK

may be more likely to experience increased ocular optical aberrations (and thus glare,

halos, and starbursts) postoperatively. Larger pupil sizes and decentered laser ablation

zones are also associated with increased ocular aberrations/decreased low-contrast visual

acuity.6, 15
Testing Surgical Testing Time From
Method Procedure Conditions Surgery Results Authors
LCVA PRK Normal and 3 to 34 Loss of LCVA at both Gauthier et al. 16
low luminance months luminance levels*
Dilated and 12 months Persistent loss of LCVA, Bullimore et al.17
undilated with losses greater
pupils under dilated
Dilated and 12 months Loss of LCVA with Verdon et al.6
undilated natural and dilated
pupils pupils*
LASIK Normal 3 months Loss of LCVA in higher Nakamura et al.7
luminance only myopes only
Normal and 6 months Persistent loss of LCVA Holladay et al.10
low luminance under low luminance*
Low luminance 6 months Persistent loss of LCVA, Bailey et al.18
especially in higher
CS PRK Normal and 6 months Persistent loss of CS Montes-Mico et
low luminance under low luminance* al.19
LASIK Normal 3 months Loss of CS at 12 Mutyala et al.8
luminance only cycles/degree, although
within “normal” range
compared to a historical
control group
Normal 6 months No persistent loss of CS Perez-Santonja et
luminance only al.9
Low 6 months Persistent loss of CS at Anera at al.20
Luminance higher spatial
only frequencies in higher
myopes only
*Denotes studies where losses of LCVA or CS are reported. These are the same studies that also
included low-luminance or dilated conditions. LCVA= low contrast visual acuity, CS=contrast

Table 1.1 Previous studies of low contrast visual acuity and contrast sensitivity in

refractive surgery

The bottom half of Figure 1 depicts what the literature suggests about the

patient’s perspective of visual function after LASIK. Although satisfaction is generally

high, ranging from 82 to 98%,2-5 reports of night vision symptoms still occur frequently.

Rates for night vision symptoms range from 12% to 57%.3, 21 Night vision symptoms can

affect driving after refractive surgery. In a study of PRK and LASIK patients, 29.5% of

subjects experienced a worsening of their driving subscale score when compared to

preoperative subscale scores on the Refractive Status and Vision Profile (RSVP)


In a previous study by our group, we provided evidence that postoperative night

vision symptoms are associated with decreased postoperative satisfaction (Figure 1,

association #3).23 Two recent studies suggest that changes in objective visual function,

increased optical aberrations and reduced contrast sensitivity, are associated with the

subjective night vision symptoms that have been reported after LASIK (Figure 1,

association #2).24, 25

Obviously, objective and subjective visual quality are important considerations

when choosing a mode of refractive error correction; however, convenience/dependence

and comfort are also considerations. If a mode of refractive error correction is too

uncomfortable and/or inconvenient, patients will probably consider that mode of

correction unsuccessful for them. Counseling prospective LASIK patients about the long-

term convenience and comfort is somewhat problematic because the vast majority of

LASIK studies have only followed patients for six months or less. With so little

information on the long-term effects of LASIK, it is difficult to estimate the number of

subjects who remain truly free of optical correction for distance targets long after their
refractive surgery. The proportion of subjects who remain free of optical correction has

rarely been reported, let alone used as a primary outcome measure in previous studies of

LASIK. One recent report on patients with six years of follow-up after LASIK suggests

that a fairly significant percentage of subjects required some use of glasses or contact

lenses postoperatively, as 29% of the subjects were unhappy with their uncorrected visual


When considering the aspect of comfort after LASIK, one must consider the

considerable body of work assessing dry eye after LASIK. One explanation for dry eye

after LASIK is a simple consideration of corneal physiology. In the human eye, basal

tearing occurs when environmental factors stimulate the corneal surface.27 When lamellar

flaps are cut with a microkeratome during LASIK, many of the nerve fibers that innervate

the cornea are severed. Neural transmission of the stimulus for basal tearing might be

interrupted at least temporarily when the corneal nerves are severed during LASIK.

Support for this conclusion is provided by studies that have found a decrease in corneal

sensitivity following LASIK, which may persist for as long as 16 months

postoperatively.28-30 A recent study suggests that preoperative dry eye may be a risk

factor for severe post-LASIK dry eye and that decreased corneal sensitivity may persist

longer in those patients who had preoperative dry eye.31

Dry eye symptoms are significantly increased following LASIK, and may persist

for as long as 16 months.28 Symptoms of dry eye may or may not affect postoperative

satisfaction. Hovanesian and co-workers found that postoperative dry eye significantly

affected subject satisfaction, while Toda and co-workers report no significant effect of

dry eye on satisfaction.31, 32 Changes in the tear film may also be associated with glare

disability;33 however, this effect has not been evaluated in LASIK-related dry eye


1.2 Selection of refractive error correction for individual patients

Beyond informing patients of the risks associated with having LASIK, it is more

clinically useful to be able to predict which patients are more likely to have an

unsuccessful result. Although studies attempting to address this issue do not necessarily

provide the level of evidence required to truly predict outcomes, multiple studies suggest

some important and consistent associations. When reviewing the literature for factors that

are associated with various unsuccessful outcomes, i.e. night vision symptoms, decreased

low-contrast visual acuity/contrast sensitivity, under-correction, dry eye, enhancement,

regression, and insufficient fixation of the microkeratome, it is somewhat surprising to

find that some of the same factors are associated with more than one of these events

(Table 1.2); for example, the higher levels preoperative myopia and flatter preoperative

corneal curvature are both associated with multiple unsuccessful outcomes.

Although there are eight different factors listed in Table 2, there are four basic

categories of factors that seem to be associated with unsuccessful outcomes: preoperative

refractive error (myopia, astigmatism, and required ablation depth), corneal shape
Unsuccessful Outcome
Decreased Low-
Contrast Visual Insufficient
Associated Night Vision Acuity/Contrast Under- Dry Fixation of the
Factor Symptoms Sensitivity correction Eye Enhancement Regression Microkeratome
amounts of 9 9 9 9 9
Increasing age
9 9
9 9
ablation depth
corneal toricity
Flatter corneal
9 9 9

amounts of 9 9

Table 1.2. Summary of Literature Review for Factors Associated with Unsuccessful Outcomes
Recommendations (% of respondents)
No Phakic CLE with
Example Patient surgery RK PRK LASIK LASEK ICR IOL IOL Waiting
30-year-old 9% 1% 4% 79% 3% 0% NA NA 3%
–3.00 D myope

30-year-old 3% 0% 1% 86% 4% 0% 0.6% NA 4%

–7.00 D myope
30-year-old 13% 0% 2% 22% NA 0.5% 15% 7% 38%
–12.00 D myope
No Phakic CLE with
45-year-old 27% 1% 48% 2% 3% 8% 0.4% 1%* 10%

+1.00 D hyperope

45-year-old 9% 1% 62% 2% 2% 3% 1% 7% 12%

+3.00 D hyperope
45-year-old 17% 0.4% 17% 0.5% 1% 0.4% 5% 27% 32%
+5.00 D hyperope

Table created from data in text of Leaming DV. Practice styles and preferences of ASCRS members-2002 survey.
J Cataract Refract Surg 2003;29:1412-20. RK = radial keratotomy, PRK = photorefractive keratectomy, LASIK =
laser in situ keratomileusis, LASEK = subepithelial keratomileusis, ICR = intrastromal corneal rings, IOL =
intraocular lens, CLE = clear lens extraction

Table 1.3. Refractive surgery recommendations: 2002 ASCRS Survey†

Recommendations (% of respondents)
No Phakic
Example Patient surgery RK PRK LASIK LASEK ICR IOL CLE Waiting
30-year-old NA 1% 1% 97% NA 1% 0% 0% 0%
–3.00 D myope
30-year-old NA NA 0% 96% MA MA 2% 0% 0%
–7.00 D myope
30-year-old NA NA 2% 36% 4% NA 22% 5% 31%
–12.00 D myope
No Phakic
45-year-old NA 2% 80% 2% 3% 8% NA 3% 3%

+1.00 D hyperope

45-year-old NA 1% 93% 2% 0% 0% 0% 3% 1%
+3.00 D hyperope
45-year-old NA 0% 33% 2% NA NA NA 33% 33%
+5.00 D hyperope

Table created from data in text of Duffey RJ, Leaming D. US trends in refractive surgery: 2002 ISRS survey. J
Refract Surg 2003;19:357-63. RK = radial keratotomy, PRK = photorefractive keratectomy, LASIK = laser in situ
keratomileusis, LASEK = subepithelial keratomileusis, ICR = intrastromal corneal rings, IOL = intraocular lens,
CLE = clear lens extraction, LTK = laser thermokeratoplasty, CK= conductive keratoplasty

Table 1.4. Refractive surgery recommendations: 2002 ISRS Survey†

(curvature, asphericity, and toricity), age, and gender. In addition, there is likely to be an

interaction between preoperative refractive error and corneal shape, as patients with

higher levels of refractive error and astigmatism require deeper and/or asymmetrically

shaped ablation profiles that results in a very different postoperative shape. It is then very

easy how patients who possess an interaction of effects between higher levels. of myopia

and flatter or less prolate corneal curvatures may have an increased susceptibility to fall

into the cascade of observations outlined in Figure 1

Even though strong evidence for predicting LASIK outcomes may not be

available yet, practitioners must still make recommendations to patients regarding corneal

refractive surgery on a daily basis. In a report by the American Society of Cataract and

Refractive Surgery (ASCRS), Practice Styles and Preferences of ASCRS Members– 2002

Survey, the investigators report on the recommendations study participants would make

for various types of patients (Table 1.3).34 A similar study was also conducted by

surveying members of the International Society Refractive Surgery (ISRS) (Table 1.4).35

In both surveys, LASIK is the surgical procedure that is most often recommended to all

types of patients. The exceptions to this rule are patients with higher levels of myopia and


1.3 Future studies of LASIK patients

Based on the many retrospective and small prospective studies evaluating LASIK

outcomes, one could easily generate hypotheses for studies that would provide for the

predictive information clinicians need to confidently and accurately select candidates for

LASIK. When one begins to design these studies, however, many problems arise. In
order to conduct a prospective study of LASIK patients, researchers must be able to

accurately measure LASIK patients and must be confident that constantly emerging

changes in technology will not make the results of these studies obsolete. In the

remaining chapters, we address the many challenges of measuring corneal refractive

surgery patients, including problems with autorefraction and visual function

measurements, as well as evaluating evidence related to technological advances. This

body of evidence should then allow researchers to answer questions related to the

predicting LASIK outcomes.



Many of the companies manufacturing ophthalmic lasers have implemented rapid

technological changes in laser design and function. The reports supplied by the laser

companies often suggest that these technological advances have dramatically improved

the outcomes of refractive surgical procedures such as laser in situ keratomileusis

(LASIK) and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). Such technological advances include

devices to track the eye movements of the patient, and lasers that attempt to reduce, or at

least not increase, whole eye optical aberrations by performing ablations that are guided

by an aberrometer. Such rapid changes in technology make studying the outcomes of

corneal refractive surgery difficult, because results of studies with one generation of laser

are often considered obsolete when newer generations of lasers are marketed.

Nonetheless, there are very few studies that directly compare types of lasers to determine

if technological advances have made measurable improvements in refractive surgery

outcomes.36-39 Summaries of the safety and efficacy data for each of the lasers approved

by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in LASIK are readily available

on the internet; therefore, we integrated these data sets in order to summarize expected

outcomes of LASIK eye surgery and to address the following hypothesis: Visual acuity,

refractive error, and postoperative symptoms have improved as ophthalmic laser

technology has evolved from broad beam design to wavefront-guided.


Data source

The Summary of Safety and Effectiveness Data for each of the ophthalmic

excimer laser systems approved by the FDA for LASIK were downloaded from the

FDA’s webpage: http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/lasik/laser.htm. For simplification during data

presentation and analysis, each device was assigned a number 1 through 10 in order of

approval (Table 2.1). Variables were recorded for five categories of patients, i.e., the

entire cohort, high myopes, low myopes, patients receiving spherical only ablations, and

patients receiving spherocylindrical ablations. Data analyses were completed for each of

the five groups separately.

The summary reports for laser numbers 1, 4, and 6 categorized high myopes as

those patients with corrections equal to or more myopic than –7.00 D and low myopes as

those patients with corrections less myopic than –7.00 D. The summary reports for laser

numbers 2, 3, 5, and 7 categorized high myopes as more myopic than –7.00 D and low

myopes as equal to or less myopic than –7.00 D. At the time of data analysis, data for low

myopes only were available for lasers 8, 9, and 10; thus, data from these three lasers were

only included in analyses related to low myopes. For laser number 7, it was not possible

to make the division between high and low myopes at –7.00 D for the following

variables, UCVA

Date of Date of
Excimer laser trade FDA summary
Number name Applicant’s name Approval download
1 Kremer Excimer Photomed, Inc 07/30/1998 04/30/2003
2 SVS Apex Plus Summit 10/21/1999 04/30/2003
Excimer Laser Technology, Inc
3 VISX STAR S2 CRS Clinical 11/19/1999 04/30/2003
Excimer Laser Research, Inc
4 Dishler Excimer Jon G. Dishler, MD, 12/16/1999 04/30/2003
Laser System FACS
5 TECHNOLAS 217A Bausch & Lomb 02/23/2000 04/30/2003
Excimer Laser Surgical, Inc.
6 LADARVision® Autonomous 05/09/2000 04/30/2003
Excimer Laser Technologies
System Corporation
7 Nidek EC-5000 Nidek 04/19/2000 04/30/2003
Excimer Laser Technologies, Inc.
8 LaserSight LaserSight 09/28/2001 04/30/2003
LaserScan LSX Technologies, Inc.
Excimer Laser
9 LADARVision 4000 Alcon 10/18/2002 04/30/2003
Excimer Laser
10 VISX STAR S4 VISX, Incorporated 05/23/2003
Excimer Laser
System and
WaveFront System
11 WaveLight SurgiVision 10/7/2003
WAVE Excimer Consultants, LLC
Laser System

Table 2.1. Excimer lasers approved by the Food and Drug Administration for laser in situ
keratomileusis (LASIK)

20/20 or better, UCVA 20/40 or better, BSCVA worse than 20/40, loss of greater than

two lines of BSCVA. These variables were reported in categories, one of which grouped

patients between –6.00 D and –7.99D in one group. We had no way of determining how

many of the patients would have been categorized at or above –7.00 D; therefore, high

myopes were categorized as all patients with spherical equivalent refractive error equal to

more myopic than –6.00 D. Low myopes were categorized as patients with spherical

equivalent refractive error less myopic than –6.00 D.

Data regarding patient symptoms, i.e., glare, dryness, etc., were included when

reported in individual summaries. The exact wording of the questions used to survey

patients was not available for any of the lasers. To complicate matters further, some

Variable Categories
Refractive error
Visual acuity outcomes outcomes Symptom outcomes
UCVA of 20/20 or better Within ± 0.50 D of Glare
intended correction
UCVA of 20/40 or better Within ± 1.00 D of Halos
intended correction
Loss of > 2 lines of Within ± 2.00 D of Night driving problems
BSCVA intended correction
BSCVA worse than 20/40 Change in spherical Dryness
equivalent of < 1.00 D
from 3 to 6 months

BSCVA worse than 20/25 Increase of > 2.00 D


Individual variables all refer to the proportion of patients with the given outcome.

Table 2.2. List of variables recorded from summaries for data analysis.†

lasers asked for patients to compare their current symptoms to symptoms before surgery

and other lasers just queried patients about the severity of their postoperative symptoms.

For the purpose of these data analyses, the proportion of subjects for each laser who

experienced glare, halos, night driving problems, or dryness was defined as the number of

subjects who said these symptoms were either worse than before surgery, much worse

than before surgery, moderately severe, or severe. All data presented are six-month


Data entry and analysis

Data from each summary were entered into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. All

variables (Table 2.2) were extracted from the summaries as proportions, recording both

the numerator and denominator for data analysis. The Cochran-Armitage test for trend

was used to compare laser types (broad beam, scanning, scanning with eye tracker,

wavefront guided) for each of the variables. The analyses were performed for all five

categories of patients (the entire cohort, high myopes, low myopes, patients receiving

spherical only ablations, and patients receiving spherocylindrical ablations). The

Cochran-Armitage test for trend was chosen because the data were only available in the

form of binomial proportions.40 The null hypothesis for this test is that no trend exists

across levels of the explanatory variable.


Summary of all studies

The mean age of subjects across all FDA studies of LASIK ranged from 36 to 43

years old. A total of 8519 eyes were initially enrolled in these studies, with data reported

for 6596 (77%) eyes at 6 months after the initial LASIK procedure. Fifty-three percent

(3878/7282) of the subjects were women. Uncorrected visual acuity of 20/20 or better

was achieved by 60% (3402/5685) of eyes, while 93% (5263/5685) of eyes achieved

uncorrected visual acuity of 20/40 or better. Postoperative spherical equivalent refractive

error was within ± 0.50 D of the intended correction for 71% (4348/6120) of eyes and

was within ± 1.00D of the intended correction for 89% (5467/6120) of eyes. Overall,

21% (700/3396) patients experienced glare, 18% (617/3475) of patients experienced

halos, 21% (608/2877) of patients reported night vision problems, and 19% (244/1305) of

patients experienced symptoms of dryness.

Trends in visual acuity and refractive error outcomes

For the percentage of patients with uncorrected visual acuity of 20/20 or better,

trends for improvement were found for all five groups of patients (low myopes, high

myopes, patients with spherical myopia only, patients with myopic astigmatism, and the

entire cohort) (Figures 2.1 and 2.4). When looking at the percentage of patients who were

20/40 or better, however, the trend for improvement in this outcome was only present for

the analyses including low myopes, patients with spherical myopia only, patients with

myopic astigmatism, and the entire cohort (Figures 2.2 and 2.5). There was a statistically

significant trend across laser types for all groups except high myopes and patients with
100 All Eyes

Percent with UCVA of 20/20 or Better

90 High Myopes
Low Myopes

Broad Beam Scanning Scanning with Wavefront-
Eye Tracker guided
Laser Type

Figure 2.1 Percentages of Low Myopes versus All Patients with Snellen Visual

Acuity of 20/20 or Better for Each Laser Type. There was a statistically significant

trend across groups for all eyes (Z = 20.76, p < 0.0001), low myopes (Z = 16.00,

p < 0.0001), and high myopes (Z = 7.89, p < 0.0001).

All Eyes
High Myopes
Percent with UCVA of 20/40 or Better (Snellen) 100 Low Myopes

Broad Beam Scanning Scanning with Eye Wavefront-guided
Laser Type

Figure 2.2 Percentages of All Patients, Low Myopes, and High Myopes with

Snellen Visual Acuity of 20/40 or better for Each Laser Type. There was a

statistically significant trend across groups for all eyes (Z = 6.39, p < 0.0001) and

low myopes (Z = 4.08, p < 0.0001). No significant trend was found for high

myopes (Z = 2.55, p = 0.01) after adjusting for multiple comparisons.

All Eyes
High Myopes

Correction (Spherical Equivalent)

Percent Within 0.50 D of Intended
90 Low Myopes
Broad Beam Scanning Scanning with Wavefront-
Eye Tracker guided
Laser Type

Figure 2.3. Percentages of All Patients, Low Myopes, and High Myopes with

Spherical Equivalent Refractive Error within 0.50 D of Intended Correction for

Each Laser Type. There was a statistically significant trend across groups for all

eyes (Z = 11.31, p < 0.0001) and low myopes (Z = 7.68, p < 0.0001). No

significant trend was found for high myopes (Z = 3.70, p = 0.0002) after adjusting

for multiple comparisons.

All Eyes
High Myopes
Correction (Spherical Equivalent)
Percent Within 1.00 D of Intended Low Myopes
Broad Beam Scanning Scanning with Wavefront-
Eye Tracker guided
Laser Type

Figure 2.4 Percentages of All Patients, Low Myopes, and High Myopes with

Spherical Equivalent Refractive Error within 1.00 D of Intended Correction for

Each Laser Type. There was a statistically significant trend across groups for all

eyes (Z = 10.55, p < 0.0001) and low myopes (Z = 7.61, p < 0.0001). No

significant trend was found for high myopes (Z = 3.28, p = 0.001) after adjusting

for multiple comparisons.

All Eyes

Percent with UCVA of 20/20 or Better

100 Myopic Astigmatism
90 Spherical Myopia
Broad Beam Scanning Scanning with Wavefront-
Eye Tracker guided
Laser Type

Figure 2.5 Percentages of All Patients, Patients with Spherical Myopia Only, and

Patients with Myopic Astigmatism with Snellen Visual Acuity of 20/20 or Better for

Each Laser Type. There was a statistically significant trend across groups for all

eyes (Z = 20.76, p < 0.0001), spherical myopia (Z = 5.44, p < 0.0001), and

myopic astigmatism (Z = 9.26, p < 0.0001).

All Eyes

Percent with UCVA of 20/40 or Better

Myopic Astigmatism
100 Spherical Myopia

Broad Beam Scanning Scanning with Wavefront-
Eye Tracker guided
Laser Type

Figure 2.6 Percentages of All Patients, Patients with Spherical Myopia Only, and

Patients with Myopic Astigmatism with Snellen Visual Acuity of 20/40 or better for

Each Laser Type. There was a statistically significant trend across groups for all

eyes (Z = 6.39, p < 0.0001). No significant trend was found for spherical myopia

(Z = 2.50, p = 0.01) and myopic astigmatism (Z = 2.49, p = 0.01) after adjusting

for multiple comparisons.

All Eyes
Myopic Astigmatism

Correction (Spherical Equivalent)

Percent Within 0.50 D of Intended 90
Spherical Myopia
Broad Beam Scanning Scanning with Wavefront-
Eye Tracker guided
Laser Type

Figure 2.7 Percentages of All Patients, Patients with Spherical Myopia Only, and

Patients with Myopic Astigmatism with Spherical Equivalent Refractive Error

within 0.50 D of Intended Correction for Each Laser Type. There was a

statistically significant trend across groups for all eyes (Z = 11.31, p < 0.0001)

and low myopes (Z = 4.17, p < 0.0001). No significant trend was found for

myopic astigmatism (Z = 0.13, p = 0.89) after adjusting for multiple comparisons.

All Eyes
Myopic Astigmatism
100 Spherical Myopia
Correction (Spherical Equivalent)
Percent Within 1.00D of Intended
Broad Beam Scanning Scanning with Wavefront-
Eye Tracker guided
Laser Type

Figure 2.8 Percentages of All Patients, Patients with Spherical Myopia Only, and

Patients with Myopic Astigmatism with Spherical Equivalent Refractive Error

within 1.00 D of Intended Correction for Each Laser Type. There was a

statistically significant trend across groups for all eyes (Z = 10.55, p < 0.0001)

and spherical myopia (Z = 4.54, p < 0.0001). No significant trend was found for

myopic astigmatism (Z = 1.59, p = 0.11) after adjusting for multiple comparisons.

Laser Category
with Eye Wavefront-
Symptom Broad Beam Scanning Tracker guided

Glare 137/1259 103/572 429/572 31/349
(10.9%) (18.0%) (36.6%) (7.9%)

Halos 130/1259 165/651 286/1171 36/394
(10.3%) (25.4%) (24.4%) (9.1%)
Night driving 7/661 145/651 407/1171 49/394
problems† (1.1%) (22.3%) (34.8%) (12.4%)
Dryness‡ NA 107/572 82/339 55/394
(18.7%) (24.2%) (14.0%)
NA = data not available for laser category

Statistically significant trend across laser types (Glare: Z = 8.45, p < 0.0001;
Halos: Z = 4.37, p < 0.0001; Night driving problems: Z = 10.31, p < 0.0001)

Test for trend across laser types is not statistically significant (Z = –1.56, p =

Table 2.3 Proportion of all patients in each category of laser with postoperative


myopic astigmatism for the percentage of patients within ± 0.50 D (Figures 2.3 and 2.7)

and for the percentage of patients within ± 1.00 D (Figures 2.4 and 2.8); however, it is

important to note that data on patients with myopic astigmatism were only available for

broad beam and scanning lasers. Statistically significant differences were also found for

all other variables listed in Table 2.2. These comparisons were not clinically meaningful,

however, as the largest proportion of patients with each variable was almost always less

than one percent.

Significant trends across laser types were found for symptoms related to night

vision problems, but not for dryness symptoms when the data were analyzed for all

patients (Table 2.3). When the analyses were repeated for low myopes only, the only

statistically significant trend across laser types was for the halos symptom. The difference

between the two laser types for halos was approximately seven percent. No significant

trends were found across laser types for low myopes for the other symptoms: glare, night

driving problems or dryness (Table 2.4). Note that the proportion of patients experiencing

each symptom in the wavefront-guided category in Table 2.3 is identical to the proportion

of patients experiencing each of the symptoms in Table 2.4; this reflects the fact that data

for higher myopes were not included in reports for the wavefront-guided lasers. Also,

comparisons could not be made across lasers for high myopes, patients with myopic

astigmatism, or patients with spherical myopia only because symptom data were not

available for these categories.


Based on these analyses, it appears that increases in the proportion of subjects

with good uncorrected visual acuity have occurred with changes in laser technology

(Figures 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 and 2.6). These trends were present for analyses including the entire

cohort of patients as well as for low myopes only. It also appears that a higher proportion

of patients are receiving the intended refractive error correction (Figures 2.3, 2.4, 2.7 and

2.8) as improvements in laser technology have occurred. Again, these trends were present

for analyses including the entire cohort of patients as well as for low myopes only.

Trends across laser types for subjective symptoms after LASIK were not as

conclusive. Trends showing improvements in night vision symptoms (glare, halos, and

Laser Category
with Eye Wavefront-
Symptom Broad Beam Scanning Tracker guided

Glare NA 36/348 NA 31/394
(10.34%) (7.87%)
Halos‡ NA 69/427 NA 36/394
(16.16%) (9.14%)
Night driving NA 63/427 NA 49/394
problems† (14.75%) (12.44%)
Dryness† NA 59/348 NA 55/394
(16.95%) (13.96%)
NA = data not available for laser category

Test for trend across laser types is not statistically significant (Glare: Z = –1.17,
p = 0.24; Night driving problems: Z = –0.97, p = 0.33; Dry eye: Z = –1.12, p =

Statistically significant trend across laser types (Halos: Z = –3.01, p < 0.003)

Table 2.4 Proportion of low myopes in each category of laser with postoperative

night driving problems) were found when analyses included the entire cohort of patients.

When the analyses were repeated for low myopes only, however, trends showing

improvements in night vision symptoms were found only for the symptom of halos. This

may indicate that trends for improvement in night vision symptoms found for all patients

are driven by differences among laser types in the mean amount of preoperative myopia;

patients in the wavefront-guided laser category were all low myopes and this significant

difference in patient selection criteria may be driving the trends for improvement when

analyzing data for the entire cohort of patients.

It is important to note that no trends for improvement in the proportion of patients

experiencing symptoms of dryness were found for either all patients or low myopes only.

This result was expected. Lamellar flaps were cut during the LASIK procedure for all

four types of laser, and the changes in technology that were implemented across laser

types were not intended or purported to improve symptoms of dryness.

Studies that are retrospective or comparative but not randomized have limitations

that are important to note. Limitations to this study include the use of binomial

proportions for each laser instead of individual patient data; therefore, it is impossible to

control for differences in patient selection criteria, such as the level of preoperative

myopia. Also, the results of this study are limited by our assumption that data reported in

the summaries of safety and efficacy for each laser are accurate. We were also limited by

the data available. For example, very few of the summaries included measurements of

contrast sensitivity/low-contrast visual acuity, which would have provided a more

objective measurement of quality of vision than patient-reported symptoms.

Another important limitation to this study is the fact that the patients in each laser

category were not randomly assigned to that category of laser. We compared data that

were collected over a number of years, and our comparison of laser types may be

confounded by a number of different variables, i.e. changes in patient selection criteria,

surgeon experience, new knowledge regarding the biomechanics of the cornea, etc.

Nonetheless, the unique nature of an FDA clinical study offers us some assurances as to

the quality of these data. This level of quality and consistency across studies is not

usually available for metanalysis studies of published literature, so this data set has

provided us with a unique opportunity to examine the relationship between changes in

laser technology and LASIK outcomes.

In a recent survey of members of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive

Surgery (ASCRS), survey participants commented on the “value” of customized or

wavefront-guided ablation. In that study, 8% of participants said the technology was

extremely valuable, 50% said it was moderately valuable, 39% said it was of little value,

and 3% said that this technology was of no value.34 Either many of the participants in that

survey study have not experienced a large change in outcomes in their practice when

beginning to use wavefront-guided technology, or many of the participants are waiting

for evidence that would demonstrate the value of wavefront-guided/customized ablations.

In consideration of the results of our analyses and the ASCRS survey data, future

studies should carefully examine differences between low and high myopes to determine

if improvements in laser technology have truly improved outcomes, or if the trends for

improvement noted in this study are due to other factors such as the level of preoperative

myopia of the cohort tested. These studies should be designed to make comparisons
between groups of patients who were randomly assigned to a laser type and should

include low-contrast visual acuity measurements.

Data collection should be conducted in a double-masked design; however, there

are potential pitfalls to this type of data collection. Randomizing eyes of patients instead

of randomizing patients would provide a more cost effective study design, but it would

make measurement of patient symptoms impossible with any currently available

questionnaires. This is because none of these instruments asks participants to answer the

questions based on a specific eye.22, 41-44 One might wonder if patients were truly capable

of making these distinctions in an accurate manner anyway.

In addition, randomization of eyes within an individual patient may also prove

difficult to mask. The entire surgical procedure takes longer when an ablation profile is

performed as a custom/wavefront-guided ablation. Patients enrolled in the study would

certainly have the potential to be unmasked if they equated the length of the procedure

with the sophistication of the technology. If patients were unmasked, it would render any

subjective inter-eye comparisons invalid. A study that randomized patients, however,

could avoid these pitfalls and further examine the relationship between changes in

technology and improvements in outcomes and could potentially provide information

leading to further improvements in laser technology.

In summary, there is evidence to suggest that visual acuity and the accuracy of the

refractive error correction have improved with changes in laser technology; however,

future studies of higher myopes and patients who are randomized to a laser type are

required to determine it changes in technology have improved problems with night vision



When attempting to identify factors that would predict unsuccessful outcomes of

corneal refractive surgery procedures, it is important to first define which outcomes are

considered unsuccessful. This definition could then be subjected to experimental testing

and researchers could identify factors that predicted the unsuccessful outcomes. In order

to assist in generating definitions of successful and unsuccessful LASIK procedures, we

chose to conduct focus group sessions with eye care practitioners who have experience

with the preoperative and postoperative care of refractive surgery patients as well as with

clinical research. The purpose of the present study is to obtain the opinions of eye care

practitioners regard LASIK outcomes. Specifically, we will ask them to outline the

elements of a successful LASIK procedure, and what might predict a successful or

unsuccessful procedure.



An eye care practitioner was eligible to participate if he or she performed LASIK

on a regular basis and/or delivered preoperative or postoperative care to LASIK patients

on a regular basis. Sampling was accomplished by conducting focus group sessions

during the 2003 American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) annual

meeting in San Francisco. Subjects were recruited for participation through email or fax

solicitations after being identified in the meeting program as someone who was

presenting research or educational lectures related to LASIK outcomes, or who had been

identified by a member of the study group as someone who had an interest in or history

of conducting research related to LASIK outcomes. Other subjects were recruited through

snowball sampling, i.e., as subjects were enrolled in the study they were asked to suggest

other participants.

These criteria were chosen for feasibility. Even the largest cities have only a

handful of eye care practitioners who would meet our criteria, so a scientific meeting was

the only practical location to obtain a large diverse sample. Also, we were seeking to

obtain a definition of success that we would be able to test experimentally; thus

participants needed to have some knowledge of research in order to understand what

would constitute a definition that could be tested experimentally.

Data collection

Two focus group sessions were held on the first day of the ASCRS meeting, one

at breakfast and the other at lunch. The third session was held at breakfast on the second

day of the meeting. All sessions were held in the same small conference room at a hotel

near the meeting. We evaluated the data after the third session in order to determine if

theoretical saturation had occurred. After the first two sessions, no new or relevant data

seemed to emerge; therefore data collection ended after the third session.

Sessions were conducted by a white, male interviewer who had facilitated focus

group sessions for more than 75 studies. The interviewer used a flexible discussion guide

for the focus group sessions that was adapted in later sessions to develop emergent issues

fully. The discussion guide for the focus groups was designed based on a widely-accepted

principle in psychological research: that the experience of maximum success occurs when

desirable outcomes are maximized and undesirable outcomes are minimized. Therefore,

participants were asked to verbalize, describe, and justify as wide a range of possible

desirable and undesirable outcomes of LASIK as possible.

All sessions were audiotaped and transcribed verbatim. Ideas and answers to

questions that were presented during the sessions were recorded on a flip chart during the

session. After each session, participants completed a brief questionnaire on demographic

information. A meal was provided in order to stimulate conversation within the group.

Data analysis

Immediately after each session, a debriefing occurred between the moderator and

the assistant moderators in order to contrast findings from earlier sessions and to capture

first impressions of the group. Once transcriptions of audiotapes were complete, the data

from the flip charts and transcripts were coded and then categorized. Finally, a report of

emerging themes was developed by topic and then for the overall sessions.


Overall, 18 subjects participated in discussions across the three sessions. Fifteen

of the subjects were males, and three subjects were females. Eleven subjects held Doctor
of Medicine (MD) degrees and seven subjects held Doctor of Optometry (OD) degrees.

Only one subject practiced in a solely academic practice; all other participants were in

private practice. The mean ± SD LASIK procedures conducted per month was 120 ± 185

(range: 8 to 750). On average, study participants primarily have practices devoted to care

of refractive surgery patients, with a mean ± SD percentage of the subjects’ practices

devoted to refractive surgery of 55 ± 36 % (range = 10% to 100%).

Primary and secondary themes

The primary theme to emerge from discussions related to desirable outcomes was

patient happiness. The patient’s perception of the procedure was valued as one of the

most important indicators of success on an individual basis. Comments related to this

theme included: “The patient is happy” or “We have certain ways that we measure 45, so

we have Snellen acuity, contrast sensitivity, corneal topography, wavefront testing. We

have all of those ways that we measure it, but what we’re really after is a happy patient.

We’ve met their needs.”

Discussions of meeting the patient’s needs and expectations were often

intertwined and/or accompanied by discussions related to the patient’s happiness. “It all

depends on what you do preoperatively. If you set high expectations, I mean that’s tough.

That’s an equation. Whoever said that famous quote that success is results minus

expectations? It’s true.”

Participants also expressed frustration about how patient happiness seemed to be

an arbitrary target that varied from patient to patient and did not appear to correlate well

with more objective outcomes. “We have all the tools that we have that we utilize to try
to measure [success], but I guess the frustration rests with this: Is there a good correlation

between those things? Even in our discussion on desirable outcomes, it came out that

we’ve got patients that are 20/40 that are happy, and we’ve got patients… that are 20/20

that are unhappy. We know that it doesn’t correlate one to one, and obviously that

frustrates us because we’d like a test where it takes 30 seconds to capture whether they’re

happy or unhappy.”

In the first two focus groups session participants discussed how they perceive the

effect of the patient’s personality on whether or not the patient is happy with the outcome

of the procedure. Comments included, “It’s indirectly proportional to their critical, their

type A nature. I mean the more acute they are about their awareness of things, the less

potential for success that you can have. You can satisfy those folks as well, but you have

to make sure that they understand the education involved. The pre-procedure education is

critical.” Participants also expressed an interest in finding ways to deal with the aspect of

patient personality in day-to-day patient care. “If you could somehow tie personality

traits with long-term success rates, you know that would be good… If you could tie

personality traits with anything up there, that would be pretty good!... I was just going to

say if you could give them a personality test... You could [then] correlate it with


Participants were reminded that the patient’s point of view would be fully covered

in similar sessions with LASIK patients and were encouraged to focus on outcomes that

would make a procedure successful from their point of view. A second dominant theme

emerged from these discussions in the ideas expressed by the participants and in the

criteria that were chosen for measuring success: a desire for the postoperative condition
Desirable Outcomes Undesirable Outcomes
1. Good/clear Vision 1. Increased aberrations/ degraded optics*
2. Happiness 2. Not meeting patient expectations**
3. Better quality of life 3. Unstable/irreversible complications***
4. Decreased dependence 4. Lost Flap**
on glasses/contact 5. Infections***
lenses 6. Diffuse lamellar keratitis***
5. Meet patient’s main goal 7. Double/ghost images**
6. Quick and painless 8. Night vision symptoms (halos, glare,
surgery starbursts)***
9. Ectasia**
10. Dry eye***

Table 3.1 Desirable and Undesirable Outcomes Emerging From Focus Group

Sessions. The number of asterisks (*) next to each item indicates the number of

sessions in which the topic was mentioned.

of the patient to be equal to or better than the preoperative condition. Desirable and

undesirable outcomes listed during the session are summarized in Table 3.1. It was not

uncommon for desirable outcomes to be expressed in the inverse manner under

undesirable outcomes in the same session or a different session, i.e., happy patient vs.

unhappy patient; however, the table only expresses each idea or category once.

This second theme was expressed in multiple ways throughout the sessions. As an

example, issues related to dry eye and night vision symptoms were mentioned in all three

sessions. The references frequently referred to “no new” or “no increase” in these

symptoms. When discussion turned towards measuring success, this theme remerged,

with participants indicating that they thought procedures were successful when

symptoms, visual acuity, and contrast sensitivity were no worse than baseline. After these
themes were noted in the first two sessions, the moderator adapted the guide to include an

element in the final session where participants were asked to pick a cut-point for success

on a scale from worst possible outcome to the most ideal outcomes for each of the

measurements that had been discussed in the two previous sessions. Methods for

measuring success included:

o Quality of Life/Satisfaction surveys

o Snellen Visual Acuity

o Refractive Error

• Within ± 0.50 D of the intended correction

• no change in refractive error over time, or < 0.50 D change in refractive

error over the course of 3 to 5 years

o Wavefront/ Aberrometry

o Corneas Clear

o Patient’s expectations met

o Contrast sensitivity

o Endothelial cell counts

o Less dependent on spectacles

• Older patients free of spectacles 85% to 90% of the time

The participants’ desire for the postoperative condition to be equal to or better than the

preoperative condition was evident in the cut-points offered by the participants. Figure

3.1 is a photograph of the flip chart used during this session to assist participants in the

selection of cut-points.

Figure 3.1 Photograph of flip chart for participants’ comments during discussion

of a successful “cut point” for each measurement of success


Two major themes emerged from collection of these data. Focus group

participants made judgments about the success of a procedure based on the patient’s

overall happiness or satisfaction. Participants could also give examples, however, of

patients who had poor vision but who were satisfied and of patients who had good vision

but who were not satisfied. When the participants were asked to give their criteria for a

successful procedure, independent of the patient’s judgment of the procedure, a second

theme emerged. Participants agreed that successful procedures were ones in which the

patient had vision equal to or better than preoperative conditions without the aid of

spectacles or contact lenses.

The results of this study indicate that practitioners rely on both subjective

evaluations and objective evaluations of LASIK procedures, even though they readily

admit that the two are often not related. In addition, participants also offered observations

that the patient’s personality traits appear to factor into this disparity. Based on the

discussions of participants in this study, successful outcomes should be defined as

procedures in which the patient has vision and comfort after the procedure that is equal to

or better than prior to surgery in future studies. Future studies should also seek to define

the relationship between the successfulness of the procedure and the patient’s personality.




Previous investigations have characterized patient satisfaction and complaints,

such as night vision symptoms and dry eye, after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK).3,
31, 32, 46-48
Although night vision symptoms have been reported in 12% to 57% of patients3,
21, 46-50
and dry eye symptoms have been reported in 4% to 9% of subjects,4, 32 post-

LASIK satisfaction remains very high. For example, Hill reported that 15 (7.5%) of the

200 subjects considered their night vision symptoms to be “considerably worse” than

before LASIK.48 Still, 195 (97.5%) of 200 subjects in the same study reported that they

were “extremely happy,” and only one subject reported that he or she was “slightly

unhappy.” Similar disparities have been reported after photorefractive keratectomy

(PRK). Brunette and co-workers found that 31.7% of PRK patients reported a decrease in

night vision; nevertheless, 91.8% of subjects were satisfied or very satisfied with their


In a previous paper by our group, we characterized the factors associated with

night vision symptoms and decreased satisfaction following LASIK.50 In this study, we

also report a disparity between the relatively frequent report of postoperative night vision

symptoms and high patient satisfaction. Ninety-seven percent of the subjects in this

sample of LASIK patients would recommend LASIK to a friend.50 When asked to rate
their satisfaction with their vision, subjects reported a median score of 100% of the

maximum value on the visual analogue scale (mean=87.2%). Still, 30.0% of the subjects

reported halos, 27.2% reported glare, and 24.5% reported starbursts when asked about

these symptoms in a questionnaire. While this disparity could be explained by assuming

that the symptoms were not severe enough to adversely affect satisfaction reports, there

may be other explanations. The purpose of this study is to further investigate explanations

for this disparity by examining and categorizing the reasons why post-LASIK patients

say they would recommend LASIK to a friend. We also look for associations between

categories of reasons why patients recommend LASIK to others and factors known to be

associated with an increase in postoperative night vision symptoms and decreased

satisfaction following LASIK.



Previously myopic LASIK subjects were recruited from three refractive surgery

practices. All subjects were required to have had either LASIK or their last LASIK

enhancement procedure at least six months prior to completing the questionnaire to insure

corneal and refractive error stability. Two of the practices were located in Pennsylvania:

the University of Pittsburgh Eye and Ear Institute and the Northeastern Eye Institute in

Scranton. The third practice was at the University of California, Los Angeles. A total of

2100 questionnaires were mailed to eligible subjects. Questionnaires were mailed to 421

patients from the University of Pittsburgh, 979 patients from the Northeastern Eye

Institute, and 700 patients from the University of California, Los Angeles. In order to

generalize the results of this study to as many LASIK patients as possible, the only

exclusion criteria for this study were pre-LASIK refractive surgery, post-LASIK

enhancement with Intacs inserts, and/or failure to complete the required informed consent

document. Each surgeon in our study used only one laser, either the Summit Apex Plus

(Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, TX) with a 6.0 mm laser optical zone for spherical

myopic treatments and 5.5 mm x 6.5 mm optical zone for astigmatic myopic treatments

or the VISX Star S2 (VISX, Santa Clara, CA) with a 6.0 mm or 6.5 mm ablation zone for

spherical treatments. The zone for astigmatic treatments changed based on the amount of

astigmatic correction required for an individual patient.

Informed consent

The institutional review boards at the University of Pittsburgh, the University of

California in Los Angeles, and The Ohio State University approved the protocol for this

study. Because the Northeastern Eye Institute is a private practice and does not have an

institutional review board, the institutional review board at The Ohio State University

provided human subjects review for that site. The institutional review boards of the

University of Pittsburgh and The Ohio State University required that subjects sign and

return an informed consent document in addition to the questionnaire. Additional

informed consent documents were mailed to any subject who returned a questionnaire

without the required informed consent document. If neither this copy of the informed

consent document nor the original copy was returned, no medical chart data were

collected for that subject, and the subject never entered the study. The institutional review

board for the University of California, Los Angeles considered subjects who returned the

questionnaire to have provided informed consent by simply returning the questionnaire

and did not require them to complete an informed consent document.


The questionnaire used for this study was designed to assess the visual symptoms

of postoperative LASIK patients. Any questions that required the subjects to rate their

response included a line without any divisions or numbering except for the maximum and

minimum response, a visual analogue scale.51 Subjects were asked to place a mark on the

line to indicate their response along the continuum from minimum to maximum. A

subject’s response was measured as the distance (in mm) from the start of the line to his

or her mark. These data were treated as continuous instead of categorical.

The questionnaire included three questions that addressed satisfaction after

LASIK. The first question asked: “Overall, how satisfied are you with your vision since

you had LASIK?” The respondent recorded his or her response on a visual analog scale

labeled “not satisfied” at the left end and “very satisfied” at the right end. The second

question was “Would you recommend LASIK to a friend?” The respondents replied

either yes or no. Lastly, the subjects were asked “Why or why not?” After this question

there was an open space with a line for subjects to write their reasons for recommending

LASIK to a friend.

All questionnaires were mailed to the patients between January 1, 2001 and

March 1, 2001. Any questionnaires that were returned because of undeliverable addresses

were mailed again, if the correct address was provided by the United States Postal

Service on the returned mail or if the correct address could be found in the telephone

book. We did not mail a second questionnaire to subjects who did not respond to the first

mailing, nor did we make telephone calls to any of the subjects to encourage them to

return the questionnaire.

Data collection and analysis

Statistical analyses were calculated using the SAS statistical software system

(SAS, Inc, Cary, NC). In order to score responses that contained visual analogue data, a

transparent ruler was placed over the line, and the distance between the subject’s

response and the left end of the line was measured in millimeters, with 0 mm being the

minimum value and 127 mm the maximum value. These values were adjusted to a range

of 0 to 100 for data analysis. Results from questionnaires using visual analogue lines of a

length 100 mm and over have been reported to be more repeatable than when shorter

lines were used.51 The measurements of the lines were made almost exclusively by one

person, and these data were entered by another person. Data from the medical charts

including pupil size, refractive error, visual acuity, corneal thickness, ablation diameter

and depth, corneal eccentricity, and keratometry of all patients who returned the

questionnaire (and an informed consent document, if required) were collected and entered

by a separate person. This served to mask the person entering medical chart data from

knowing how individual subjects had responded to the questionnaire.

The questionnaire did not ask subjects to specify if any postoperative symptoms

could be attributed to one eye or the other, so the symptoms reported by the subjects were

considered to be bilateral. For the purposes of data analysis, one eye was randomly

selected for each subject, except when subjects had only one eye treated with LASIK, and

then the eye that was treated with LASIK was selected for analysis.

Data from all questions that were not visual analogue scales were treated as

categorical. A large percentage of subjects designated the maximum value for the visual

analogue question that asked subjects to rate their overall satisfaction with their vision

after LASIK. Thus, the distribution of responses was highly skewed, making analysis as a

continuous variable not feasible. Responses to this question were divided into three

categories: those who responded with the maximum value (Very Satisfied), those who

responded with values between 50% of the length of the line and the maximum value

(Satisfied), and those who responded with values between 50% and the minimum value

(Not Satisfied).

The reasons for recommending LASIK that were provided by subjects in our

sample were categorized and counted. Some subjects provided multiple reasons. All of

the reasons given by each subject were counted, as we had no way of knowing which

reason was the primary reason for recommending LASIK to a friend. Chi square analyses

were used to make comparisons between each of the categories of reasons, demographic

factors and factors known to be associated with decreased postoperative satisfaction or

increased postoperative night vision symptoms.


Response rate

The response rate of the questionnaire was calculated using the total number of

questionnaires returned (841) divided by the total number of questionnaires that could

possibly be returned (1961), for a response rate of 42.9%. Overall, 604 subjects (31%)

were included in the analyses below. The other subjects were excluded from analysis

because of inclusion/exclusion criteria, the patient’s medical chart could not be located or

because they were returned after the deadline.50

Subject demographics

The mean (± SD) age of the 604 subjects was 43.0 ± 10.6 years. Women

comprised 63% of the sample. The mean (± SD) spherical equivalent preoperative

refractive error was –4.99 ± 3.14 D. In total, 30.4% of the subjects were corrected to

produce monovision at the time of the initial LASIK procedure. Overall, 82.7% of

subjects had had LASIK in either 1999 or 2000. The mean (± SD) time between the

subject’s initial LASIK procedure and completion of the questionnaire was 1.55 ± 0.58

years. Of the 604 subjects included in this analysis, 421 subjects had bilateral LASIK;

184 had only one eye treated.

Out of the 586 subjects who would recommend LASIK to a friend, 434 (74.1%)

answered the open-ended question, “Why or why not?” Due to the fact that 26% of the

subjects who recommended LASIK to a friend did not provide any reasons for
recommending LASIK to others, we compared satisfaction with vision between those

who provided reasons to those who did not provide a reason. Out of the subjects who

were dissatisfied with their post-LASIK vision, a significantly higher percentage did not

provide a reason for recommending LASIK (14.6% vs 3.07%, χ2 = 27.0, p<0.0001).

Reasons for recommending LASIK

We identified 16 categories of reasons for recommending LASIK to a friend

(Table 4.1). “No more spectacles/contact lenses” was the category most frequently listed

by subjects (180/434), followed by “better vision” (92/434) and “convenience” (65/434).

Overall, the categories most frequently cited by subjects primarily deal with issues of

convenience and quality of vision.

No significant associations were found between the level of satisfaction, the

degree of myopia, corneal curvature, or age (<45 years versus >45 years) and the

categories of reasons for recommending LASIK to a friend. There were, however,

associations between gender and the categories of reasons for recommending LASIK to a

friend. Female subjects were more likely to report better comfort (27 females vs. 3

males, χ2=8.99, p=0.003) and/or better quality of life (41 females vs. 9 males, χ2=7.36,



As we have reported previously, 35 of the subjects in our sample reported that

they were dissatisfied with their post-LASIK vision.50 Out of the 35 subjects who were

dissatisfied with their post-LASIK vision, 20 of them (57.1%) reported that they would
Category Number of Subjects
1. No more spectacles/contact lenses 179
2. Better vision 89
3. Convenience 65
4. “Freedom”* 59
5. I have good results 44
6. Better quality of life 50
7. Better comfort 30
8. Ease of the procedure 24
9. Sports or activities are easier 23
10. Good investment/saves money 15
11. “It is a miracle”* 15
12. The benefits outweigh the risks 9
13. Cosmesis 6
14. Helps others (not me) 4
15. Healthier eyes 3
16. Happy with monovision 3
Reasons for recommending LASIK were categorized and counted for each
subject. All reasons were counted, even if subjects provided more than one.
Thus, the total for all of the reasons (618) is greater than the total number of
subjects (434) who responded to the question.
*Several subjects wrote either “Freedom” or “It is a miracle” as one of the
reasons, and sometimes the only reason, for why they would recommend LASIK
to a friend. The other categories paraphrase the responses of the subjects.

Table 4.1 Reasons for Recommending LASIK to a Friend

still recommend LASIK to a friend.9 These were the only subjects who reported that

“LASIK helps others, but not me” as a reason for recommending LASIK to a friend.


In this report we identified 16 categories of reasons why LASIK patients would

recommend the procedure to a friend. The most common reason for recommending

LASIK to a friend was “no more spectacles/contact lenses.” Overall, reasons related to
convenience and better vision were the most frequently listed reasons. Although we did

not find an association between the categories of reasons and factors like age and degree

of preoperative myopia, female subjects were significantly more likely to cite better

comfort and/or better quality of life as reasons for recommending LASIK to a friend.

The categories of reasons for recommending LASIK to a friend are not very

different from the reasons patients give for seeking LASIK in the first place. In a recent

report by Khan-Lim and co-workers, the three most common reasons a myopic patient

sought LASIK involved inconvenience of, intolerance of, or a desire for freedom from

spectacles or contact lenses.52 Given that patients seek LASIK to be free of spectacles

and contact lenses and recommend LASIK to others for that same reason, it is surprising

that more studies do not report the percentage of subjects who do not require spectacles

or contact lenses after surgery, or even use this measure as a primary outcome measure of

success. In the few studies that have reported this information, the percentage of subjects

who no longer require spectacles or contact lenses for distance vision ranges from 55% to

95%.3, 5, 48

One of the more intriguing findings of this study is that the majority of the

subjects who were not satisfied with their post-LASIK vision would still recommend

LASIK to a friend (57%). Some of those patients appear to be making that

recommendation based on ideal results as opposed to their actual results. At minimum,

these results suggest that this question, “Would you recommend LASIK to a friend?” is

not a good measurement of visual function and that this question is not a valid measure of

satisfaction after LASIK.

There is more than one plausible explanation for the disparity between the

relatively common frequency of postoperative complaints and high levels of satisfaction

after LASIK. The first explanation is that the night vision symptoms and symptoms of

dryness after LASIK are so mild relative to the benefits of LASIK that patient satisfaction

still remains high. There are, however, other explanations.

The discrepancy between symptoms and satisfaction has also been reported after

PRK.41 Brunette and coworkers conclude: “[Patients’] self-conditioning to the belief in

the success of this expensive and irreversible surgery was not assessed in the present

study. However, if such a psychological process prevailed, one would expect patients to

deny the secondary effects such as glare and night vision problems. This was not the case

here. Patients may simply adapt to their new condition.” This idea that patients may adapt

to their new condition is a second explanation for the disparity between symptoms and


The third explanation we can offer for this disparity is one that is dismissed by

Brunette and coworkers. Although a specific “psychological process” is not mentioned in

their report, they may be referring to a psychological process called cognitive dissonance.

The theory of cognitive dissonance suggests that individuals need to have consistency

among their attitudes or beliefs.53 The theory can apply to many types of decisions, i.e.

purchases, surgical procedures, etc., and the effects of cognitive dissonance have been

previously investigated in other non-ocular surgical procedures.54, 55 There are certain

criteria that are required for dissonance to be induced following a decision.56 First, the

decision must be important, and the consumer/patient must have invested substantial

money or psychological cost. Second, the consumer/patient must freely choose to make
the purchase or have the surgical procedure. Finally, the commitment must be


It is evident that the LASIK procedure meets all three of the criteria for inducing

cognitive dissonance in patients who would have post-LASIK complications/side-effects.

Homer and coworkers predict that cognitive dissonance might have less effect on specific

questions about symptoms, and a greater effect on questions about the overall success of

the surgical procedure, such as whether or not the patient would have the procedure again

or recommend the procedure to others.55 This prediction is supported by our previous

study in LASIK patients, and by Brunette and coworkers in PRK patients.41, 50 Cognitive

dissonance should be explored in future studies as an explanation for the disparity

between the relatively frequent occurrence of postoperative symptoms and high levels of

satisfaction. Future studies will also be able to evaluate the effects of more current

technology, such as larger ablation zone diameters, on postoperative symptoms,

satisfaction and the disparity between the two.




Refractive error and ocular component measurements are commonly used in

studies of the prevalence of refractive error, myopia progression, and emmetropization.57-

Studies where changes in ocular components or refractive error are monitored over

time require measurements that are repeatable so that true changes in refractive error can

be distinguished from measurement variability. The measurements used for research

purposes must also agree well with other widely used clinical measurements.

Zadnik and co-workers have reported that cycloplegic autorefraction

measurements not only agree well with the gold standard of subjective refraction

measurements but that cycloplegic autorefraction measurements are highly repeatable in

normal patients.61 Sheng and co-workers have reported that axial length measurements

made with the IOLMaster provide repeatability superior to that of A-scan

ultrasonography and that there was modest agreement between the two measurements.62

Based on these studies, investigators of myopia progression commonly apply a criterion

of –0.50 D as representing a clinically significant change if cycloplegic autorefraction is

used to measure refractive error.61 Similarly, investigators also apply a criterion of a 0.10-

mm clinically significant change in axial length if the IOLMaster is used to measure axial

length.62 Changes of less than these amounts are likely to be due to measurement


Although cycloplegic autorefraction is often used as the primary outcome

measure in studies of refractive error, this measurement has proven to be problematic in

patients who have had corneal refractive surgery. Previous studies comparing

autorefraction and subjective refraction in corneal refractive surgery patients have

reported a lack of agreement between the two measurements and high variability in

autorefraction measurements.63-67 The lack of agreement and increased variability were

not present when investigators tested these patients before LASIK. In addition, two of

these studies described a bias in autorefraction measurements in post-LASIK patients,

reporting autorefraction measurements that were more myopic than subjective refraction

measurements.63, 66

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate refractive error measurements

and axial length measurements in patients after LASIK. First, we sought to evaluate

autorefraction measurements in terms of repeatability and agreement with subjective

refraction measurements, using readily available autorefractors with two different design

principles. Second, we evaluated the repeatability of axial length measurements made

with the IOLMaster.



Subjects were recruited between January and March of 2002 through

advertisements in the local newspaper. All subjects were over the age of 18 years, were
previously myopic, and had had LASIK or any LASIK enhancements at least three

months prior to enrollment in the study. The purpose and procedures of the study were

explained, and written informed consent was obtained from all subjects. The study

protocol was approved by the Biomedical Sciences Institutional Review Board at The

Ohio State University. Measurements were made on both eyes of all 40 subjects on two

different occasions separated by approximately two weeks (range 11 days to 32 days).

Measurements were made by one observer for all subjects on both occasions. For

cycloplegic measurements, one drop of 0.5% proparacaine was instilled followed by two

drops of 1% tropicamide, five minutes apart. Cycloplegic measurements were made at

least 25 minutes after instillation of the last drop.

Refractive error measurements

All refractive error measurements, including subjective refraction, autorefraction

with the Binocular Auto Refractor/Keratometer WR-5100K (Grand Seiko Co., Ltd,

Hiroshima, Japan) and autorefraction with the Humphrey® Automatic Refractor

Keratometer (HARK) Model 599 (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, CA), were made under

non-cycloplegic and cycloplegic conditions. One subjective refraction was obtained on

each eye followed by five measurements with the Grand Seiko autorefractor and five

measurements with the Humphrey autorefractor. Grand Seiko and Humphrey

autorefraction measurements included in data analysis are the mean of the five

measurements. Subjective refraction was always obtained first, followed by

autorefraction measurements with the Grand Seiko and then the Humphrey autorefractor

to avoid biasing the examiner and therefore the results of the subjective refraction. The
instrument was re-aligned prior to each autorefraction measurement, and all five

measurements were made on the subject’s right eye prior to measuring the subject’s left


During examination with the Grand Seiko autorefractor, the eye that was not

tested was occluded with a patch. Measurements were made with the Grand Seiko as

described previously for the Canon R-1 in the Collaborative Longitudinal Evaluation of

Ethnicity and Refractive Error (CLEERE) Study.60 Refractive error measurements were

made with the Humphrey autorefractor in manual mode. Subjects were instructed to look

at the target, a star pattern followed by a letter chart, inside the instrument. The image of

the subject’s pupil was aligned by the examiner within the center of the white target box

shown on the examiner’s screen before each reading.

IOLMaster measurements

Axial length measurements were made following procedures recommended by the

manufacturer with the IOLMaster (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin CA), a non-contact

method for measuring axial length, under non-cycloplegic conditions. Axial length

measurements were made until five axial length measurements of high confidence were

obtained. High-confidence measurements were defined as those with a signal to noise

ratio > 2.0. The mean of the five high-confidence measurements was used in data


Analysis of refractive error data- conversion to power vector representation

We have chosen to convert refractive error data in this study to power vector

representations (M, J0, and J45) from the conventional method of representing refractive

error data (sphere, cylinder, and axis) based on work presented by Thibos and co-

workers.68, 69 The overall blurring strength of the subject’s refractive error, B, as

( )
described by Thibos et al., was also calculated B = M 2 + J 02 + J 452 . There are two

reasons for this decision. First, when conventional statistical analyses are applied to

refractive error data represented in the traditional form of sphere, cylinder, and axis,

misleading results are often obtained, as these statistical methods are not appropriate for

analyzing directional data, i.e. astigmatic axes. Second, the power vector method

represents spherocylindrical refractive error in three vectors (M, J0, and J45) that are

analogous to the three second-degree Zernike polynomials (Z02, Z22, and Z–22) that

describe defocus (Z02 = M), with-the-rule astigmatism and against-the-rule astigmatism

(Z22 = J0), and astigmatism with axes at 45 degrees and 135 degrees (Z–22 = J45). The

refractive surgery community has become increasingly comfortable with the use of

Zernike polynomials to describe all of the wavefront error of the eye. Using the power

vector method to represent spherocylindrical refractive errors when evaluating these

autorefractors allowed the data to be analyzed with conventional statistical methods and

also provided the data in a format that can be readily compared to other studies that

measure refractive error with aberrometers.

Statistical methods

All analyses were performed using SAS software (version 8.2) and performed

separately for each eye. To simplify presentation, results are shown only for the right eye,

although conclusions for the left eye were similar. To assess the repeatability of each

measurement, the method described by Bland and Altman was used.70 The mean

difference between the repeated measurements, i.e., the difference between visits,

characterizes the bias of the method. This mean difference was compared to zero using a

one-sample t-test to determine if the bias was statistically significant. The mean

difference and its standard deviation were used to construct 95% limits of agreement

[mean ± (1.96 * standard deviation)]. The limits of agreement characterize the expected

differences between repeated measurements.

The validity of each autorefractor was assessed by comparing the value obtained

from the instrument to the gold standard of subjective refraction. A statistical comparison

of the mean difference between the autorefractor and subjective refraction was performed

using a one-sample t-test. Methods of Bland and Altman were also used for these

comparisons, and we again checked to determine if the difference was related to the

mean. The limits of agreement were not calculated if the difference between

measurements was related to the mean because in this case, the measurements would be

different at every value, making the limits irrelevant. A scatter plot of the difference

between measurements versus the mean of the measurements for each subject was

constructed and used to determine if the bias was related to the underlying measurement.

Measurement of autorefractor infrared beam

The Humphrey autorefractor operates on a knife-edge principle and includes an

aperture associated with an internal beam splitter that is about 8 mm in diameter,

allowing near infrared light from the patient’s entire pupil to be included in the refractive

error calculation.71 Conversely, the Grand Seiko autorefractor operates on an image-size

principle.71 In addition to evaluating the clinical performance of this instrument, we

sought to measure the diameter of the infrared beam used by the Grand Seiko

autorefractor in measurements. We used an infrared video camera to record the image of

the infrared beam when it was projected onto a white millimeter ruler as the Grand Seiko

autorefractor was activated. The ruler was placed in the approximate location of a

patient’s corneal plane, and the autorefractor was positioned so that the scale on the

millimeter ruler was in sharp focus prior to activation of the autorefractor. The image of

the infrared beam and the scale on the millimeter ruler were recorded simultaneously by

the infrared camera. This allowed the scale of the ruler to be used for calibration purposes

when we measured the diameter of the image of the infrared beam. This analysis was

completed using Adobe Photoshop version 5.0 software (Adobe Systems Incorporated,

San Jose, CA).


The mean ± SD age of the 40 post-LASIK subjects was 30.3 ± 8.5 years. Twenty-two

(55%) of the subjects were female. The mean and standard deviation of ten measurements

of the diameter of the infrared beam for the Grand Seiko autorefractor was 1.97 ± 0.05

mm. Values for the left eye were similar to those values reported for right eyes; therefore,

all values reported here are for right eyes only.


Repeatability of M (spherical equivalent), J0, and J45, was good regardless of the

method or presence/absence of cycloplegia (Table 5.1). The coefficient of variation

(standard deviation of the difference * 2) for M, J0, and J45 indicated a normal variation in

autorefraction measurements between visits of no more than 0.76 D under any of the

reported conditions.

There was very little bias, i.e. the difference between visit 1 and visit 2, in M

(spherical equivalent) measurements, as almost all differences were appreciably zero

(mean = bias column, Table 5.1), and not statistically significant after adjusting for

multiple comparisons (all p-values > 0.002). None of the six values for the difference

between visits in J0 reported in Table 5.1 was statistically significant (all p-values >

0.29.) Similarly, none of the six values for the difference between visits for J45 was

statistically significant after adjusting for multiple comparisons (all p-values > 0.002).

Measure* Mean = bias SD 95% limits of agreement
Non-cycloplegic subjective refraction
M 0.01 0.37 –0.71, 0.73
J0 –0.00 0.30 –0.60, 0.59
J45 0.01 0.19 –0.37, 0.38
B –0.05 0.34 –0.72, 0.62
Non-cycloplegic Grand Seiko autorefraction
M –0.16 0.33 –0.80, 0.48
J0 –0.06 0.33 –0.69, 0.58
J45 0.00 0.27 –0.53, 0.54
B 0.09 0.32 –0.53, 0.71
Non-cycloplegic Humphrey autorefraction
M –0.03 0.30 –0.63, 0.57
J0 0.02 0.23 –0.44, 0.47
J45 –0.02 0.21 –0.44, 0.40
B –0.01 0.30 –0.60, 0.59
Cycloplegic subjective refraction
M –0.01 0.38 –0.76, 0.74
J0 –0.01 0.24 –0.47, 0.46
J45 0.07 0.22 –0.37, 0.51
B 0.04 0.28 –0.51, 0.59
Cycloplegic Grand Seiko autorefraction
M –0.01 0.24 –0.49, 0.47
J0 –0.00 0.38 –0.75, 0.75
J45 –0.02 0.22 –0.45, 0.42
B –0.03 0.26 –0.55, 0.49
Cycloplegic Humphrey autorefraction
M –0.07 0.21 –0.49, 0.34
J0 0.03 0.23 –0.42, 0.49
J45 –0.04 0.28 –0.59, 0.51
B 0.07 0.21 –0.33, 0.48
Axial length 0.008 0.04 –0.07, 0.09
Data are for right eyes only. No statistically significant differences between visits
were found (p > 0.002) after adjusting for multiple comparisons.
Bias = difference between visits (visit 2 – visit 1)
* Refractive error measurements as calculated by Thibos et al., (1997). M =
spherical equivalent, Z02; J0 = astigmatism with axes at 0 and 180 degrees,
Z22; J45 = astigmatism with axes at 45 and 135 degrees, Z–22.

Table 5.1 Repeatability for each measure of refractive error and axial length

Measure* Mean SD Range
Non-cycloplegic subjective refraction
M –0.40 0.60 –1.75, +1.25
J0 –0.02 0.17 –0.48, +0.36
J45 +0.01 0.17 –0.25, +0.57
B +0.59 0.48 0.00, +1.75
Non-cycloplegic Grand Seiko autorefraction
M –0.35 0.68 –2.30, +1.16
J0 –0.02 0.24 –0.60, +0.49
J45 –0.02 0.18 –0.40, +0.28
B +0.66 0.48 +0.12, +2.38
Non-cycloplegic Humphrey autorefraction
M –1.30** 0.94 –3.56, +0.74
J0 –0.03 0.12 –0.32, +0.24
J45 –0.01 0.17 –0.57, +0.33
B +1.40 0.82 +0.31, +3.57
Cycloplegic subjective refraction
M –0.33 0.52 –1.75, +1.00
J0 –0.01 0.17 –0.60, +0.36
J45 –0.02 0.14 –0.38, +0.36
B +0.49 0.44 +0.00, +1.75
Cycloplegic Grand Seiko autorefraction
M –0.16 0.63 –1.86, +1.29
J0 +0.03 0.30 –1.15, +0.52
J45 –0.02 0.17 –0.36, +0.28
B +0.59 0.43 +0.11, +1.93
Cycloplegic Humphrey autorefraction
M –2.38‡ 1.31 –6.72, –0.63
J0 –0.05 0.19 –0.43, +0.29
J45 +0.01 0.17 –0.31, +0.31
B +2.40 1.30 +0.67, +6.72
Data are from visit one and include right eyes only.
* Refractive error measurements as calculated by Thibos et al., (1997). M =
spherical equivalent, Z02; J0 = astigmatism with axes at 0 and 180 degrees,
Z22; J45 = astigmatism with axes at 45 and 135 degrees, Z–22.
** Significantly different from non-cycloplegic subjective refraction, p < 0.0001

Significantly different from cycloplegic subjective refraction, p < 0.0001

Table 5.2 Mean and standard deviation of refractive error measurements

95% Limits of

Measure* Difference (D) Agreement p-value
Non-cycloplegic Grand Seiko vs. subjective refraction
M +0.05 –0.92, +0.78 0.52
J0 +0.00 –0.55, +0.55 0.99
J45 –0.03 –0.55, +0.50 0.48
B +0.08 –0.86, +1.02 0.31
Cycloplegic Grand Seiko vs. subjective refraction
M +0.17 –0.73, +1.07 0.03
J0 +0.04 –0.70, +0.78 0.47
J45 +0.01 –0.44, +0.46 0.84
B +0.10 –0.84, +1.04 0.20
Non-cycloplegic Humphrey autorefraction vs. subjective refraction
M –0.90 –2.35, +0.55 <0.0001
J0 0.00 –0.43, +0.43 0.89
J45 –0.02 –0.55, +0.51 0.69
B +0.81 –0.66, +2.28 <0.0001
Cycloplegic Humphrey autorefraction vs. subjective refraction
M –2.05 –4.32, +0.22 <0.0001
J0 –0.03 –0.52, +0.46 0.40
J45 +0.03 –0.42, +0.48 0.36
B +1.91 –0.42, +4.24 <0.0001
Data are from visit one and include right eyes only.
* Refractive error measurements as calculated by Thibos et al., (1997). M =
spherical equivalent, Z02; J0 = astigmatism with axes at 0 and 180 degrees,
Z22; J45 = astigmatism with axes at 45 and 135 degrees, Z–22.

Difference = autorefraction measurement – subjective refraction

Table 5.3 Agreement between subjective refraction measurements and

autorefraction measurements

Agreement between subjective refraction and autorefraction

Mean values for subjective refraction and each autorefraction for right eyes at

visit 1 are shown in Table 5.2. Results for agreement were similar between visit 1 and

visit 2, so only results for visit 1 are reported. The mean for M (spherical equivalent)

obtained using the Grand Seiko was nearly identical to the mean for M from subjective

refraction when no cycloplegia was used (mean difference = 0.05 ± 0.53 D, p = 0.52).The

difference between mean values for the Grand Seiko autorefractor and subjective

refraction with cycloplegia (mean difference = 0.17 ± 0.46 D) was not statistically

significant (p = 0.03) after adjusting for multiple comparisons. For both cycloplegic and

non-cycloplegic conditions, the Humphrey autorefraction measurements were

significantly more myopic than the subjective refractions (mean difference = –0.90 ± 0.74

D and mean difference = –2.05 ± 1.16 D, respectively, p < 0.0001 for both conditions).

For J0 and J45, no significant differences were found when comparing the result obtained

from either autorefractor with subjective refraction, with or without cycloplegia (all p-

values > 0.36).

Figures 5.1 through 5.4 show the agreement between autorefraction and

subjective refraction for spherical equivalent (M). Note that the difference between

Humphrey autorefraction and subjective refraction is dependent on the mean spherical

equivalent with and without cycloplegia (Figures 5.3 and 5.4). Although the scatter of

data points in Figures 5.1 and 5.2 appears to be random, when examining the scatter of

data points in Figure 5.3 and 5.4, a distinct pattern emerged. We fitted a regression model

to the data and a reasonably strong R2 value was found showing a relationship between

the mean of the spherical equivalent measurements and the difference between



Difference in spherical equivalent (M):

Grand Seiko-subjective (Diopters)












-4.00 -3.50 -3.00 -2.50 -2.00 -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
Mean Spherical Equivalent (D)

Figure 5.1 Difference versus mean plot for the agreement in spherical equivalent between Grand Seiko

autorefraction and subjective refraction without cycloplegia.




Difference in spherical equivalent (M):

Grand Seiko-subjective (Diopters)












-4.00 -3.50 -3.00 -2.50 -2.00 -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
Mean Spherical Equivalent (D)

Figure 5.2 Difference versus mean plot for the agreement in spherical equivalent between Grand Seiko

autorefraction and subjective refraction with cycloplegia.




Difference in spherical equivalent (M):

Humphrey-subjective (Diopters)







Modeling difference in methods as a


function of the mean refraction:
R2 = 0.38, p<0.0001
Difference = -0.33 + 0.75 * M


-4.00 -3.50 -3.00 -2.50 -2.00 -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
Mean Spherical Equivalent (D)

Figure 5.3 Difference versus mean plot for the agreement in spherical equivalent between Humphrey autorefraction

and subjective refraction without cycloplegia.




Difference in spherical equivalent (M):

Humphrey-Subjective (Diopters)







-3.50 Modeling difference in methods as a

-4.00 function of the mean refraction:
R = 0.67, p<0.0001

-5.00 Difference = -0.47 + 1.20 * M


-4.00 -3.50 -3.00 -2.50 -2.00 -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
Mean Spherical Equivalent (D)

Figure 5.4 Difference versus mean plot for the agreement in spherical equivalent between Humphrey autorefraction

and subjective refraction with cycloplegia.

measurements. The Bland Altman 95% limits of agreement are not a valid metric of

agreement in this comparison. Because the difference between subjective and automated

refraction is a function of the mean spherical equivalent, the limits of agreement will vary

in proportion to the mean spherical equivalent.

Axial length

The repeatability of axial length measurement was excellent for both eyes. Axial

length data are reported for the right eye only (Table 5.1). The mean difference between

visits (bias) was near zero (p = 0.19), and the 95% limits of agreement indicated an

expected difference of less than 0.10 mm with repeated measurements.


The first objective of this study was to determine the repeatability of refractive

error measurements and axial length measurements in patients after LASIK. Axial length

measurements were highly repeatable, and these results are very similar to a report by

Sheng and co-workers on the inter-visit repeatability of the IOLMaster in non-LASIK

subjects.62 Sheng and co-workers found 95% LoA ranging from –0.11 to 0.07 in non-

LASIK patients and we found a 95% LoA ranging from –0.07 to 0.09 in LASIK patients.

The vast majority of refractive error measurements, i.e., subjective refraction,

autorefraction with the Grand Seiko autorefractor and autorefraction with the Humphrey

autorefractor, were highly repeatable with and without cycloplegia (Table 1). Still, some

differences between visits approached statistical significance, most notably the difference

between visits for non-cycloplegic Grand Seiko spherical equivalent measurements, and
one could debate the clinical significance of the difference, –0.16D. This difference

between visits is perplexing for several reasons.

Because there was not a clinically meaningful or statistically significant

difference between visits when subjects were measured with the Grand Seiko

autorefractor under cycloplegic conditions, it appears that subjects in this study

accommodated a mean of 0.16 D more at visit 2 than visit 1 when measured with the

Grand Seiko autorefractor under non-cycloplegic conditions. This did not occur,

however, when the same subjects were measured with the Humphrey autorefractor at

these same visits. Future studies should investigate the impact of various vision targets on

the stimulation/control of accommodation during measurement with the Grand Seiko

autorefractor under non-cycloplegic conditions. In addition, future studies should

investigate the impact of using a mean of more than five measurements with the Grand

Seiko autorefractor. The instrument is capable of taking measurements very rapidly, and

the use of ten measurements instead of the five used in this study may improve inter-visit


In one of the original papers by Bland and Altman that describes the comparison

of measurement techniques, the authors state “Repeatability is relevant to the study of

method of comparison because the repeatabilities of the two methods of measurement

limit the amount of agreement which is possible. If one method has poor repeatability…

the agreement between the two methods is bound to be poor.” Because we found good

agreement between non-cycloplegic subjective refraction and Grand Seiko autorefraction,

as discussed below, we believe that the difference between visits is an anomaly and not

clinically important.
The second objective of this study was to determine if measurements made with

the two autorefractors agreed with the gold standard of subjective refraction. There were

no clinically relevant differences between the M, J0, and J45 components of refractive

error measurements made with the Grand Seiko autorefractor and the corresponding

components of subjective refraction measurements with or without cycloplegia. This was

also the case for the astigmatic components of refractive error measurements, J0 and J45,

made with the Humphrey autorefractor. Conversely, the spherical equivalent (M)

measurements made with the Humphrey autorefractor were significantly more myopic

than subjective refraction measurements with and without cycloplegia (–0.90 D and –

2.05 D, respectively). Both of these differences would be clinically meaningful. This bias

was dependent on the mean spherical equivalent refractive error (Figures 5.3 and 5.4), so

no single correction factor can be used to adjust for the differences in spherical equivalent

between the Humphrey autorefractor and subjective refraction.

Comparisons between the results of this study and previous studies are somewhat

problematic because most previous studies of autorefraction in LASIK patients did not

consider the pitfalls of using conventional statistics with the traditional, directional

representation of refractive error measurements, i.e., sphere, cylinder and axis. Still,

statistical differences aside, our finding that the M component (spherical equivalent) of

measurements made with the Humphrey autorefractor was more myopic than subjective

refraction results is similar to previous studies of autorefraction after corneal refractive

surgery.63, 65-67 On the other hand, we found that refractive error measurements with the

Grand Seiko autorefractor agreed well with subjective refraction; this is the first report of

its kind.
Our findings related to the Grand Seiko autorefractor are comparable to results of

previous autorefraction studies in non-LASIK patients. In a study of non-LASIK subjects

tested with the Canon R-1 autorefractor, Zadnik and co-workers suggested a “criterion of

0.50 D of change by autorefraction with cycloplegia should be applied in studies of

refractive error variation over time, because changes of less than 0.50 D may be

attributable to measurement variability.”61 Based on the standard deviation of 0.24 D for

the M component of the Grand Seiko cycloplegic autorefraction, and therefore a

coefficient of repeatability of 0.48D, found in the present study, a criterion of 0.50 D of

change in refractive error is also acceptable in post-LASIK patients measured with the

Grand Seiko autorefractor under cycloplegia. In addition, the differences between visits

for the refractive error components measured with the Grand Seiko autorefractor are

similar to differences in non-LASIK subjects.72

Given that so many previous studies have found problems with autorefraction

measurements in patients after LASIK, one might ask what is different about the Grand

Seiko autorefractor that enables this instrument to accurately and reliably assess

refractive error in patients after LASIK. Although this study was not specifically

designed to answer this question, we hypothesize that the answer is related to the

diameter of the infrared beam used by the Grand Seiko autorefractor. The two

autorefractors used in this study have different measurement principles and dramatically

different infrared beam sizes; the infrared beam of the Humphrey autorefractor fills the

patient’s entire pupil, whereas the infrared beam of the Grand Seiko autorefractor is only

about 2 mm in diameter. We hypothesize that any autorefractor that has an infrared beam

large enough to include either transition zones of the ablated cornea and/or untreated
peripheral areas of the cornea will provide falsely myopic autorefraction readings in post-

corneal refractive surgery patients. This may be due to one of two related hypotheses:

either the falsely myopic readings are due to an increase in spherical aberration in the

peripheral areas of the cornea, or the falsely myopic readings are caused by an averaging

of the central, emmetropic refractive error of the eye with the peripheral, more myopic

refractive error of the eye. Future studies should investigate both of these hypotheses.



Multiple questionnaires have been developed for evaluating satisfaction, subjective

quality of vision, and/or quality of life in patients who have had refractive surgery

procedures.22, 41-44 These procedures include photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) or laser in

situ keratomileusis (LASIK). Nonetheless, there is very little information available in the

published literature on how these questionnaires perform, in terms of validity and

repeatability, when used to evaluate LASIK patients. The one questionnaire that has been

validated in LASIK patients, the Refractive Status and Vision Profile (RSVP), is a lengthy

questionnaire, and the developers have found it a difficult task to convince patients to

complete and return the questionnaire (51% response rate), thereby making the usefulness

of the RSVP questionable.22

Two other questionnaires show promise for effectively evaluating LASIK results,

the Quality of Vision Questionnaire (QOV) and the National Eye Institute Refractive Error

Quality of Life Questionnaire (NEI-RQL-42). Both questionnaires were shown to be

acceptably repeatable and valid in studies by their developers.41-43 Nonetheless, there are no

published data on the use of the NEI-RQL-42 or the QOV in an exclusively LASIK patient


Studies validating the QOV were completed with PRK patients,41 and studies

validating the NEI-RQL included patients with several different types of refractive error

correction.43 It is also important to note that the version of the QOV that was validated in

PRK patients is designed for postoperative administration only. The developers created, but

did not validate, the exclusively preoperative and postoperative versions of the

questionnaire. Additional studies demonstrating the ability of the NEI-RQL-42 to detect

differences in quality of life for patients with different types of refractive error correction

have been published. One study found differences between presbyopic and non-presbyopic

patients for several subscales,73 and another found differences between groups of patients

with various modes of refractive error correction.74

In order to properly assess which of these instruments is best suited to evaluate

outcomes of LASIK, however, the validity and the repeatability of the instruments must be

determined in LASIK patients. The developers of the NEI-RQL-42 have reported on the

responsiveness of the instrument when used in keratorefractive surgery patients but not

when used in an exclusively LASIK patient sample.44 The repeatability of the NEI-RQL-42

in post-keratorefractive surgery patients was not reported. In addition, this study

administered the NEI-RQL-42 preoperatively and then once more within three months after

LASIK. The developers did not make an assessment of the performance of the NEI-RQL-

42 when administered on multiple occasions, such as over the course of the first year after


The purpose of the present study is to compare the results of two questionnaires that

measure symptoms and satisfaction after LASIK, the NEI-RQL-42 and the QOV. First, we

will determine if the NEI-RQL-42 is repeatable when administered to post-LASIK patients

at two separate visits. Second, the performance of these questionnaires when used in a

longitudinal study is evaluated. By testing the two instruments simultaneously, we will be

able to compare the results across questionnaires for an additional assessment of the

validity of the two instruments.


Study 1: Repeatability of the NEI-RQL-42 in LASIK patients

Subjects completed the NEI-RQL-42 for the purposes of determining the

repeatability of this instrument on two separate occasions, separated by approximately

two weeks. During these two visits we also assessed the repeatability and validity of

refractive error measurements (Chapter 6). For a description of subject recruitment

procedures and exclusion criteria, see Chapter 6. The questionnaire was self-administered

and the instructions given to subjects were “Please answer every question (unless you are

asked to skip questions because they don’t apply to you),” and “If you are unsure of how

to answer a question, please give the best answer you can.” No interpretation on the

meaning or purpose of questions was supplied to the subjects, even if requested.

To assess the repeatability of the NEI-RQL-42, the difference between visits was

calculated for the scores of each of the 13 subscales. We then tested for a significant bias

in the measurements by comparing the difference between visits to zero with a one-

sample t-test. The 95% limits of agreement (LoA) were computed for the difference

between visits for each subscale.

Study 2: Comparison of the NEI-RQL-42 and QOV

Subjects and informed consent

Subjects were recruited from patients who presented to LASIK Vision Institutes

in Columbus, Ohio or Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas for a preoperative evaluation for LASIK

surgery. Only myopic patients who actually had LASIK surgery were enrolled. All

subjects were over the age of 21 years.

When LASIK patients presented to the surgery center for their initial examination,

the study was described to patients by an ophthalmic technician. If the patient indicated

that he or she was interested in participating in the study, then a letter with a more

detailed explanation of the study was given to the subject along with an informed consent

document and a packet of the preoperative questionnaires. The study protocol was

approved by the Biomedical Sciences Institutional Review Board at The Ohio State

University. All subjects completed the informed consent document or they were not

enrolled in the study.

The study included comparisons of two quality of life questionnaires, the NEI-

RQL-42, and the QOV. The subjects completed the questionnaires at each of four time

points: pre-LASIK, and one month, three months, and six months after LASIK. Both

questionnaires were administered to all subjects at each time point and the order in which

the subjects completed the questionnaires was randomly assigned. All questionnaires

were self-administered and returned by mail.

Any subject who did not complete and return the questionnaire as scheduled was

contacted by telephone or email and reminded to return the questionnaire at least twice.

Subjects were contacted up to three times if the first two calls/emails were not answered

on one of the previous two occasions and no voicemail/answering machine was available

to leave a message. If required, additional questionnaires were mailed to the subject.

Data analysis
For the longitudinal assessment of the NEI-RQL-42 and QOV, the internal

reliability of each scale, i.e. the consistency of questions within a scale, was evaluated by

computing Cronbach’s Alpha for each subscale at the preoperative administration of the

questionnaire. Finally, the change in subscale scores across visits was determined by

comparisons with Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with Tukey

adjusted post hoc analyses.


Repeatability of the NEI-RQL-42

The subscale scores for both visits, the difference between visits (bias), the 95%

LoA for the difference between visits, and the p-value for t-tests comparing the bias value

to zero are shown in Table 6.1. The bias was not significantly different for any of the

subscales after adjusting for multiple comparisons (all p-values > 0.004). Nonetheless,

the 95% LoA are fairly large in several cases. For example, the 95% LoA for the

Expectations subscale range from –41.80 to 61.80. This means that the coefficient of

95% Limits of
Subscale Score Agreement
of the Bias
Subscale Visit 1 Visit 2 Difference* Difference Lower Upper p-value
Clarity of Vision 88.4 91.3 2.9 8.5 –13.7 19.4 0.04

Expectations 66.9 76.9 10.0 26.4 –41.8 61.8 0.02

Near Vision 96.1 96.4 0.3 5.2 –9.8 10.5 0.70

Far Vision 88.8 90.9 2.1 6.9 –11.4 15.7 0.06

Diurnal 81.5 87.3 5.8 16.4 –26.3 38.0 0.03


Activity 96.9 96.4 –0.5 7.8 –15.8 14.8 0.71


Glare 74.4 77.2 2.8 12.8 –22.3 27.9 0.17

Symptoms 86.6 87.7 1.1 7.4 –13.3 15.5 0.36

Dependence 95.1 93.3 –1.8 8.2 –17.8 14.2 0.18

on Correction

Worry 72.2 76.3 4.1 11.8 –19.1 27.2 0.04

Suboptimal 96.3 97.2 0.9 10.4 –19.4 21.3 0.57


Appearance 92.7 92.5 –0.2 9.5 –18.8 18.4 0.91

Satisfaction 90.0 93.5 3.5 10.0 –16.1 23.1 0.03

with Correction

*Calculated as Visit 2 score – Visit 1 score. No values for the difference between
visits were significantly different from zero after adjusting for multiple comparisons (all
p-values > 0.003).

repeatability (standard deviation of the differences * 2) would be 52.86 points, or more

than half of the total value of the subscale (100 points). Also, six of the preoperative

subscale scores and eight of the postoperative subscale scores were in the nineties. This

indicates that many of the subjects scored at or near the maximum score.

Comparison of the NEI-RQL-42 and the QOV questionnaires

All measures of internal reliability, Cronbach’s Alpha, for the individual items

that made up each subscale (preoperative visit) were above 0.4, and the vast majority of

subscales were above 0.6 (Figure 6.1). Note that some NEI-RQL-42 subscales, Worry,

Suboptimal Correction, and Appearance, did not have equivalent subscales on the QOV.

The Satisfaction with Correction subscale only had one question on the NEI-RQL-42;

thus, the internal reliability cannot be calculated. In general both instruments performed

well, but the QOV performed as well if not consistently a little better than the NEI-RQL-

42 (Figure 6.1); however, many of the subscales for the QOV have many more questions

than the subscales of the NEI-RQL-42, which may have artificially inflated the

Cronbach’s alpha scores through redundancy of questions. The exception was the

Symptoms subscale where the internal consistency for this subscale on the NEI-RQL-42

performed more consistently than the Symptoms subscale on the QOV.

Tables 6.2 and 6.3 summarize the performance of the NEI-RQL-42 and QOV

across all visits. Table 6.2 gives the mean value for each subscale at each visit for the

NEI-RQL-42, and Table 6.3 gives the mean value for each subscale at each visit for the

QOV. The mean (standard error) difference between the preoperative visit and the six-

month postoperative visit for each subscale was also calculated for each subscale (Tables
6.2 and 6.3). Overall, there was a significant effect of visit for nine of the 13 subscales for

the NEI-RQL-42, and all of the subscales for the QOV. All of the differences between the

preoperative and six-month postoperative visit were positive; a positive score indicates an

improvement in quality of life. Tukey adjusted post hoc analyses show that the significant

effect of visit was primarily driven by differences between preoperative scores and each

of the postoperative scores, with very few significant differences in subscale scores

between each of the postoperative visits (Table 6.4).

Cronbach's Alpha
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Clarity of Vision


Near Vision

Far Vision

Diurnal Fluctuations

Activity Limitations



Dependence on Correction


Suboptimal Correction


Satisfaction with Correction


Figure 6.1 Internal reliaibility, Cronbach’s Alpha, of the individual items for
each subscale of the NEI-RQL-42 and QOV at the preoperative visit

Mean (± standard error) Score
One Three Six
Subscale Preoperative Month Month Month Change* p-value†
Clarity of Vision 67.2 67.1 73.3 79.2 +12.1 0.01
(3.1) (3.5) (3.7) (3.6) (3.9)

Expectations 14.3 46.2 58.6 61.6 +47.3 <0.0001

(4.6) (5.2) (5.4) (5.2) (5.6)

Near Vision 80.7 86.8 86.2 87.2 +6.5 0.03

(2.1) (2.3) (2.4) (2.4) (2.3)

Far Vision 76.6 85.0 87.3 86.6 +10.1 0.0001

(2.0) (2.2) (2.3) (2.3) (2.3)

Diurnal 70.3 74.6 75.4 78.7 +8.3 0.10

Fluctuations (2.7) (3.1) (3.2) (3.1) (3.6)

Activity 65.3 91.8 95.9 94.2 +29.0 <0.0001

Limitations (2.7) (3.1) (3.3) (3.1) (3.3)

Glare 62.1 58.7 65.3 68.9 +6.8 0.32

(3.3) (3.7) (3.9) (3.7) (3.9)

Symptoms 71.5 76.0 82.5 80.5 +9.05 0.0001

(2.0) (2.2) (2.3) (2.2)

Dependence on 51.5 87.7 89.6 90.7 +39.1 <0.0001

Correction (23.0) (3.4) (3.6) (3.5) (3.9)

Worry 43.1 52.6 61.0 67.1 +24.0 <0.0001

(2.8) (3.2) (3.4) (3.2) (3.6)

Suboptimal 82.3 94.0 97.0 92.0 +9.7 0.04

Correction (2.6) (3.0) (3.2) (3.0) (3.7)

Appearance 46.7 76.3 81.5 78.0 +31.4 <0.0001

(2.6) (3.0) (3.2) (3.1) (3.8)

Satisfaction 57.1 80.7 81.7 83.2 +26.1 <0.0001

with Correction (2.6) (3.0) (3.1) (3.0) (3.3)

Bold = statistically significant after adjusting for multiple comparisons (p < 0.004)
* Change = six month postoperative subscale score – preoperative subscale score

Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Table 6.2 Mean (± standard error) scores for each of the NEI-RQL-42 subscales

Mean (± standard error) Score
One Three Six
Subscale Preoperative Month Month Month Change* p-value†
Clarity of Vision 60.8 72.9 76.1 79.8 19.1 <0.0001
(2.6 ) (3.0) (3.1) (3.0) (3.4)

Expectations NA 84.6 83.5 89.7 NA NA

(3.2) (3.3) (3.2)

Near Vision 60.5 67.9 66.5 73.3 12.9 0.01

(3.0) (3.5) (3.7) (3.5) (4.2)

Far Vision 55.7 75.3 76.2 79.5 23.8 <0.0001

(1.9) (2.2) (2.3) (2.2) (2.5)

Diurnal 13.0 65.4 63.9 75.7 62.8 <0.0001

Fluctuations (3.4) (4.0) (4.2) (4.0) (4.7)

Activity 44.2 70.5 71.1 75.6 31.4 <0.0001

Limitations (2.2) (2.6) (2.7) (2.6) (2.9)

Glare 61.0 64.8 65.4 69.2 8.2 0.003

(2.0) (2.2) (2.3) (2.3) (2.3)

Symptoms 77.1 83.1 85.1 85.9 8.8 0.0004

(2.2) (2.4) (2.4) (2.4) (2.1)

Dependence on 25.8 66.8 66.7 69.0 43.2 <0.0001

Correction (3.1) (3.5) (3.7) (3.6) (4.2)


Suboptimal NA NA NA NA NA NA

Appearance NA NA NA NA NA NA

Satisfaction with NA 84.5 83.7 89.6 NA NA

Correction (3.2) (3.3) (3.2)

Bold = statistically significant after adjusting for multiple comparisons (p < 0.006)
* Change = six month postoperative subscale score – preoperative subscale score

Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
NA = subscale not included in the questionnaire administered at this visit and/or unable to
calculate change because the scale is not included in the questionnaire administered in
the preoperative visit

Table 6.3 Mean (± standard error) scores for each of the QOV subscales

0 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 1 1 3
Visits Compared*
1 3 6 3 6 6 1 3 6 3 6 6
Clarity of Vision X X X X X
Expectations NA NA NA X X X X X
Near Vision X X X X
Far Vision X X X X X X
Diurnal X X X X X X
Activity X X X X X X
Glare X X
Symptoms X X X X X X X X
Dependence on X X X X X X
Suboptimal NA NA NA NA NA NA X X X
Appearance NA NA NA NA NA NA X X X
Satisfaction with NA NA NA X X X
* Visit 0 = preoperative visit

Scales not found in QOV
X = significant differences between the pair of visits (p < 0.05)
NA = subscale not included in the questionnaire administered during one or both

Table 6.4 Tukey adjusted post hoc comparisons of the Repeated Measures

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tests for each subscale


When assessing the usefulness of a given questionnaire for patient-based research

or even for use in clinical practice, it is desirable to have an instrument that is repeatable

and can detect clinically relevant changes in patient symptoms and quality of life. The

test-retest repeatability of the NEI-RQL-42 was assessed as a part of this study. We found

that most of the subscale scores were consistent across visits and that none of the

differences were statistically significant; however, the bias values reported here were

somewhat higher than those reported in previous studies. Both the developers of the NEI-

RQL-42 and Nichols and co-workers reported excellent repeatability for this

instrument.43, 74 Nonetheless, when we compare the 95% LoA for the test-retest

repeatability of subscale scores obtained in this study to those obtained by Nichols and

co-workers (Table 6.5), the range is actually smaller for each subscale in this study of

LASIK patients, even though there is a significant bias for some subscales (differences

between visits are significantly different from zero).

It is also important to note that when the difference between visits was

significantly different from zero for a given subscale, the difference was fairly small and

amounted to a less than 10% difference. Any biases we noted as differences between

visits are also very small when compared to differences between preoperative and

postoperative visits. When we administered the NEI-RQL-42 to LASIK patients over the

course of six months, the difference between preoperative and six-month postoperative

scores was always several points larger for a given subscale than the bias found in the

repeatability study. In addition, it is likely that most future clinical studies using the NEI-

RQL-42 would attempt to find at least a 10% difference in subscale

Current Study Nichols, et al.
Difference Difference
Between 95% Limits of Between 95% Limits of
Subscales Visits Agreement Visits Agreement
Clarity of Vision 2.9 –13.7, 19.4 0.05 –22.3, 22.4
Expectations 10.0 –41.8, 61.8 0.60 –34.5, 35.7
Near Vision 0.3 –9.8, 10.5 –0.50 –11.9, 10.9
Far Vision 2.1 –11.4, 15.7 –0.80 –16.3, 14.7
Diurnal Fluctuations 5.8 –26.3, 38.0 1.10 –26.1, 28.3
Activity Limitations –0.5 –15.8, 14.8 0.40 –19.8, 20.6
Glare 2.8 –22.3, 27.9 0.30 –35.7, 36.2
Symptoms 1.1 –13.3, 15.5 0.30 –19.3, 19.9
Dependence on –1.8 –17.8, 14.2 0.70 –35.4, 36.8
Worry 4.1 –19.1, 27.2 1.10 –30.7, 32.9
Suboptimal 0.9 –19.4, 21.3 –2.30 –25.4, 20.8
Appearance –0.2 –18.8, 18.4 2.20 –34.8, 39.2
Satisfaction with 3.5 –16.1, 23.1 3.30 –22.4, 29.0

Table 6.5 Comparison of the repeatability of the National Eye Institute Refractive

Error Quality of Life (NEI-RQL-42) Questionnaire across studies

scores between groups, or a 10% difference after changing modes of refractive error

correction. In this case, the repeatability of the instrument would be acceptable.

In the case of the Expectations subscale, the difference between visits was 10

points, and the coefficient of repeatability was 52.86. The coefficient of repeatability, an

indicator of the amount of variation that can be attributed to measurement error, is more

than half of the total score for the Expectations subscale and represents an unacceptable

level of repeatability. We anecdotally noted during data collection that we were

frequently asked to clarify one of the two questions in this subscale. “If you had perfect

vision without glasses, contact lenses, or any other type of vision correction, how

different would your life be?” Patients seemed to be confused by “or any other type of

vision correction.” Patients often asked if that meant “if I had not had LASIK.” Our study

protocol did not allow for the clarification of the meaning of questions to intentionally

uncover ambiguity in questions during the test-retest process; thus, the confusion

associated with the interpretation of this question may be a cause for the 10 point

difference between visits.

Our test of the internal reliability for the NEI-RQL-42 and QOV demonstrated an

acceptable level of consistency among the questions within each subscale for both

questionnaires. Although, the internal reliability was higher in previous studies for both

the Worry and Appearance subscales when this aspect of the questionnaire design was

evaluated.43, 74 The internal reliability for other subscale scores reported in this study was

remarkably similar to these previous studies.

Our study was different from previous evaluations of questionnaires in that we

evaluated the performance of the NEI-RQL-42 and the QOV in a LASIK-only patient
population over the course of time. We found a significant effect of visit for nine of the

13 NEI-RQL-42 subscales. The main differences were, as expected, between the

preoperative visit and each of the postoperative visits. Differences were also noted across

the postoperative visits for Clarity of Vision, Expectations, Glare, Symptoms, and Worry

subscales. For these subscales, quality of life improved from the preoperative visit

through the postoperative visits and reached a plateau after the three-month visit. All

NEI-RQL-42 subscale scores stabilized between the three- and six-month visits. This

finding is similar to the picture of postoperative recovery that most clinicians experience

with LASIK patients, i.e. by six months the vast majority of patients symptoms have

subsided, or are at least stable.

Our preoperative-to-postoperative comparison of scores on the NEI-RQL-42

subscales is remarkably similar to that reported by McDonnell and co-workers.44 If one

compares the preoperative-to-postoperative differences in subscale scores reported in the

two studies, differences of only a few points are found in most cases (Table 6.6). There

are exceptions to this rule. The Clarity of Vision, Dependence on Correction, and Worry

subscales all had larger changes between preoperative and postoperative visits in this

study than those changes reported by McDonnell and co-workers. The postoperative

scores for these subscales, however, were similar between studies; the difference seems

to be in the preoperative scores. In the case of all subscales where we found a larger

Current Study McDonnell et al.
6-Month 5-Month
Preoperative Postoperative Preoperative Postoperative
Subscale Score Score Score Score
Clarity of Vision 67.16 79.24 80.91 82.29
Expectations 14.28 61.61 14.05 55.81
Near Vision 80.69 87.20 79.47 87.52
Far Vision 76.56 86.63 79.12 88.46
Diurnal 70.30 78.65 72.21 76.62
Activity Limitations 65.28 94.24 66.70 93.12
Glare 62.10 68.86 74.73 67.09
Symptoms 71.49 80.54 77.24 84.90
Dependence on 51.52 90.66 26.08 83.85
Worry 43.06 67.08 51.08 65.68
Suboptimal 82.34 92.04 86.21 96.55
Appearance 46.69 78.04 64.28 91.79
Satisfaction with 57.14 83.19 56.41 82.61

Table 6.6 Comparison of preoperative and postoperative NEI-RQL-42 scores

across studies

preoperative-to-postoperative difference than McDonnell and co-workers, our sample had

an average preoperative subscale score that was lower (poorer quality of life) than in the

sample studied by McDonnell and co-workers. Thus, there was more room for

improvement in quality of life in our sample of patients.

The most surprising finding in our study was the non-significant difference

between preoperative and postoperative Glare subscale scores. When we compared our

results to that of McDonnell and co-workers who found a decrease in quality of life for

the Glare subscale, we again find a preoperative difference between the two samples of

patients. Our patients had a lower mean score on the Glare subscale (indicating more

difficulties with glare conditions) prior to having LASIK, but the mean postoperative

scores were similar. This indicates that the NEI-RQL-42 performed similarly in the two

studies; the samples of the two studies just had difference baseline characteristics that led

to differences in the preoperative-to-postoperative comparisons.

The NEI-RQL-42 is unique in that it was developed to provide an instrument that

could be used to assess changes in quality of life that occur when one changes from one

type of refractive error correction to another, as well as to compare quality of life across

various types of refractive error correction. Based on the results of this study, it appears

that the NEI-RQL-42 is acceptably sensitive to changes that occur when one has

refractive surgery and repeatable when used to assess outcomes of LASIK. Nonetheless,

future studies should investigate the wording of questions contained within the NEI-

RQL-42 to see if minor changes might clarify the meaning of certain questions within

subscales with poorer repeatability and lead to improvement in the test-retest

performance of the NEI-RQL-42 in LASIK patients.



As we have reported and discussed previously (Chapter 1), multiple investigators

have found a consistent decrease in low-contrast visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, or

both following corneal refractive surgery under.10, 16, 19, 20 The effects are more

pronounced at low luminance or with large pupil diameters. We have also discussed the

inconsistencies across studies using other levels of luminance and inconsistencies in

determining if these changes persist over time. One potential explanation for these

inconsistencies could be differences in the type and quality of the instruments used to

collect these data. A recent report suggests that two commonly used contrast sensitivity

tests have unacceptable ceiling and floor effects when used in normal and post-LASIK

patients and that the measurements lack test-retest repeatability.75

Nonetheless, contrast sensitivity measurements have demonstrated important

changes in visual function that are induced by LASIK. Table 7.1 is the work of Lee, Hu,

and Wang who demonstrated a decrease in contrast sensitivity in post-LASIK eyes.76 The

table was modified to include a column showing the difference between contrast

sensitivity scores of non-LASIK corneas and post-LASIK corneas. If one follows the

differences in contrast sensitivity down the columns for moderate myopes and then again

for high myopes, it appears that a trend for increasing differences is present as the spatial

frequency increases. There is also a trend for increasing differences if one compares the

three luminance conditions, comparing normal luminance to dim luminance and then dim

luminance to dim luminance with glare.

Although these data make a compelling case for the use of contrast sensitivity

measurements to evaluate results of corneal refractive surgery, the lack of repeatability

associated with contrast sensitivity measurements makes the use of contrast sensitivity

measurements in clinical research problematic.75 Visual acuity measurements, however,

are generally very repeatable when the measurements are standardized and logMAR

visual acuity charts are used.77 Visual acuity measurements also carry the added

advantage of being a task that is familiar to patients.

The purpose of this study is to determine if a low-contrast visual acuity chart

and/or a series of low-contrast visual acuity charts used under various lighting conditions

would provide a repeatable and sensitive measurement of visual function in refractive

surgery patients.

Test Moderate Myopia (–3.50 to –7.00) High Myopia (–7.00 to –10.00)
Post- Post-
Normal LASIK p- Normal LASIK p-
Cornea cornea Difference value Cornea Cornea Difference value
BSCVA, day 1.10 1.11 –0.01 0.61 1.08 1.07 0.01 0.58

BSCVA, night 1.02 1.01 0.01 0.48 0.99 0.97 0.02 0.46

PCVA, day 1.05 0.95 0.10 0.001 0.98 0.9 0.08 0.07

PCVA, night 0.90 0.75 0.15 <0.001 0.86 0.8 0.06 0.11

CSD (1.5) 1.56 1.41 0.15 0.001 1.50 1.37 0.13 0.001

CSD(3) 1.73 1.60 0.13 0.001 1.71 1.6 0.11 0.003

CSD (6) 1.78 1.59 0.19 <0.001 1.75 1.61 0.14 0.007

CSD (12) 1.56 1.31 0.25 <0.001 1.45 1.35 0.10 0.15

CSD (18) 1.19 1.02 0.17 0.008 1.01 0.96 0.05 0.30

CSN (1.5) 1.48 1.35 0.13 0.001 1.48 1.34 0.14 0.003

CSN (3) 1.66 1.56 0.10 0.001 1.67 1.55 0.12 0.002

CSN (6) 1.63 1.46 0.17 0.001 1.56 1.42 0.14 0.03

CSN (12) 1.20 0.96 0.24 <0.001 1.05 0.94 0.11 0.06

CSN (18) 0.74 0.48 0.26 0.001 0.60 0.48 0.12 0.15

CSNG (1.5) 1.41 1.19 0.22 <0.001 1.40 1.19 0.21 0.007

CSNG (3) 1.58 1.40 0.18 0.002 1.60 1.40 0.20 0.004

CSNG (6) 1.50 1.28 0.22 0.001 1.48 1.25 0.23 0.006

CSNG (12) 1.01 0.71 0.30 0.002 0.95 0.69 0.26 0.004

CSNG (18) 0.60 0.29 0.31 0.003 0.52 0.28 0.24 0.015

*Table is a modified version of a table of data in a report by Lee et al. The column with
differences between the normal cornea and the post-LASIK cornea was added to demonstrate
the trend for increasing differences. BSCVA = best-spectacle-corrected visual acuity, PCVA =
predicted corneal visual acuity, CSD = contrast sensitivity in daylight, CSN = contrast sensitivity in
dim illumination, CSNG = contrast sensitivity in dim illumination with glare

Table 7.1 Contrast sensitivity from a report by Lee, Hu and Wang (2003).*


Subjects were recruited between January and March of 2003 through

advertisements in the campus newspaper, The Lantern. All subjects were over the age of

18 years, were previously myopic, and had had LASIK or any LASIK enhancements at

least three months prior to enrollment in the study. Following enrollment of each LASIK

subject, a non-LASIK subject was enrolled to serve as a control for comparative analyses.

For each LASIK subject enrolled in the study, a non-LASIK subject who was of similar

age (± 3.0 years) and axial length (± 0.5 mm) was recruited and enrolled as a control. We

controlled for axial length to account for differences in retinal image magnification and

retinal stretching. Thirty-five LASIK patients and 35 control patients were enrolled in the

study. The purpose and procedures of the study were explained to all subjects, and

written informed consent was obtained from all subjects. The study protocol was

approved by the Biomedical Sciences Institutional Review Board at The Ohio State

University. All measurements, except autorefraction, subjective refraction and stereopsis,

were made on the right eyes only of all LASIK subjects and all control subjects on two

different occasions, separated by approximately two weeks. Refraction measurements

were made by one observer for all subjects on both occasions.

Refractive error measurements

Two refractive error measurements, subjective refraction and autorefraction with

the Binocular Auto Refractor/Keratometer WR-5100K (Grand Seiko Co., Ltd,

Hiroshima, Japan), were made under non-cycloplegic conditions for all subjects. The

results of the final subjective refraction were placed in a trial frame for all patients for

visual acuity testing.

IOLMaster measurements

Axial length measurements were made following procedures recommended by the

manufacturer with the IOLMaster (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin CA), a non-contact

method for measuring axial length, under non-cycloplegic conditions. Axial length

measurements were made until five axial length measurements of high confidence were

obtained. High-confidence measurements were defined as those with a signal to noise

ratio > 2.0. The mean of the five high-confidence measurements was used in data


Visual acuity measurements

Visual acuity measurements were made under best-spectacle-corrected conditions

with logMAR visual acuity charts at multiple levels of contrast (Michelson: 2.5%, 5%,

10%, and 100%) under normal (450 lux), dim (5.0 lux), and dim with glare lighting

conditions. The order of contrast and lighting conditions was randomized across subjects

to minimize learning and fatigue effects. Subjects adapted to each lighting condition for

two minutes prior to visual acuity measurements. A brightness acuity tester (BAT) on the

highest setting was used as a glare source for the dim with glare condition. Visual acuity

testing was performed with the best spectacle correction in a trial frame. Testing was

performed at 6 meters with the visual acuity charts front illuminated to daylight/photopic

conditions (96 - 108 cd/m2) under all conditions. Testing was completed by an
experienced examiner, Examiner 1, at both Visit 1 and Visit 2. A second visual acuity

testing session was completed at Visit 2 by an inexperienced examiner, Examiner 2, after

a short break.

Subjects were required to read each letter on each row, beginning with the first

line at the top of the chart. Subjects were encouraged to guess when errors were made

with smaller letters, near the bottom of the acuity chart. Subjects were allowed to stop

reading letters when they missed three or more letters on a line after reading the entire

line. A visual acuity score was assigned based on the number of letters read correctly.

Each row progressively changes by 0.1 log minutes of arc in size and there are five letters

in each row, therefore, each letter has a value of 0.02 logMAR. All visual acuity scores

were corrected for spectacle magnification prior to data analysis.


Thirty-five LASIK and 35 non-LASIK subjects of similar axial length and age

underwent testing (Table 7.2). A high contrast (100%) measurement under dim with glare

illumination was not available for one LASIK subject for testing with Examiner 2 due to

a visual acuity testing protocol violation. Visual acuity scores at 2.5% contrast under the

dim with glare lighting conditions were not available for one LASIK subject because the

subject was unable to read more than two letters on the top line of the chart at any


LASIK patients Control patients
Mean (SD) age in years 31.5 (8.7) 30.7 (8.3)
% Male 54.3 42.9
% White 91.4 94.3
Mean (SD) time since surgery in months
OD 30.7 (17.7) NA
OS 30.3 (17.9) NA
Mean (SD) axial length in mm 25.4 (1.1) 25.32 (1.1)
Mean (SD) manifest spherical equivalent RE in diopters
OD -0.25 (0.5) -4.43 (2.2)
OS 0.00 (0.5) -4.48 (2.2)
% stereopsis > 40” 17.1 22.6

Table 7.2 Descriptive statistics by group


Mean (±SD) scores for visual acuity testing under all conditions, for both

examiners, and for both visits are found in Table 7.3. No significant bias was found for

within-examiner (Table 7.4) nor for between-examiner repeatability (Table 7.5) for the

LASIK patients; however, a small but significant bias was found for control patients

between visits for several of the low-contrast visual acuity measurements (Table 7.4). All

significant differences amounted to a difference of four letters or less.

Examiner 1, Visit 1 Examiner 1, Visit 2 Examiner 2, Visit 2
Lighting Contrast Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range
Normal 100% –0.17 (0.06) –0.30, 0.07 –0.17 (0.06) –0.29, 0.02 –0.17 (0.08) –0.34, 0.00
10% 0.02 (0.09) –0.20, 0.28 0.01 (0.09) –0.18, 0.19 –0.00 (0.11) –0.14, 0.28
5% 0.16 (0.11) –0.06, 0.40 0.14 (0.12) –0.05, 0.38 0.13 (0.11) –0.04, 0.37
2.5% 0.30 (0.12) 0.10, 0.64 0.28 (0.96) 0.14, 0.47 0.28 (0.12) 0.09, 0.65
Dim 100% –0.16 (0.06) –0.24, –0.04 –0.16 (0.07) –0.29, 0.00 –0.18 (0.08) –0.30, 0.00
10% 0.05 (0.10) –0.20, 0.28 0.06 (0.09) –0.10, 0.36 0.04 (0.09) –0.12, 0.34
5% 0.19 (0.12) –0.04, 0.40 0.20 (0.12) 0.00, 0.43 0.19 (0.11) –0.07, 0.46
2.5% 0.35 (0.12) 0.08, 0.62 0.66 (0.12) 0.36, 0.12 0.35 (0.12) 0.09, 0.68
Dim + Glare 100% –0.14 (0.06) –0.24, 0.02 –0.14 (0.08) –0.28, 0.06 –0.12 (0.14) –0.30, 0.44
10% 0.12 (0.10) –0.04, 0.32 0.10 (0.12) –0.07, 0.38 0.11 (0.16) –0.09, 0.80
5% 0.30 (0.13) 0.02, 0.62 0.26 (0.15) –0.01, 0.80 0.26 (0.16) 0.03, 0.82
2.5% 0.51 (0.22) 0.24, 1.28 0.47 (0.15) 0.24, 0.84 0.43 (0.16) 0.10, 0.84
Examiner 1, Visit 1 Examiner 1, Visit 2 Examiner 2, Visit 2
Lighting Contrast Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range

Normal 100% –0.18 (0.06) –0.31, –0.04 –0.19 (0.07) –0.36, 0.01 –0.20 (0.08) –0.41, –0.06
10% –0.00 (0.09) –0.21, 0.23 –0.24 (0.07) –0.17, 0.14 –0.04 (0.07) –0.18, 0.10
5% 0.12 (0.09) –0.07, 0.32 0.08 (0.09) –0.05, 0.36 0.07 (0.08) –0.08, 0.26
2.5% 0.26 (0.11) 0.02, 0.46 0.21 (0.11) 0.06, 0.63 0.22 (0.86) 0.10, 0.50
Dim 100% –0.16 (0.07) –0.33, –0.03 –0.18 (0.08) –0.36, 0.01 –0.19 (0.07) –0.33, –0.08
10% 0.04 (0.09) –0.19, 0.26 0.01 (0.09) –0.17, 0.19 –0.00 (0.08) –0.16, 0.24
5% 0.16 (0.10) –0.05, 0.42 0.13 (0.11) –0.03, 0.40 0.12 (0.09) –0.04, 0.34
2.5% 0.30 (0.10) 0.11, 0.52 0.28 (0.10) 0.12 , 0.59 0.27 (0.12) 0.02, 0.65
Dim + Glare 100% –0.15 (0.08) –0.34, –0.01 –0.17 (0.08) –0.34, –0.02 –0.18 (0.06) –0.35, –0.74
10% 0.08 (0.11) –0.07, 0.38 0.06 (0.09) –0.10, 0.28 0.04 (0.10) –0.15, 0.29
5% 0.25 (0.09) 0.10, 0.43 0.21 (0.10) 0.00, 0.42 0.19 (0.10) –0.00, 0.36
2.5% 0.48 (0.19) 0.27, 1.07 0.38 (0.11) 0.16, 0.69 0.35 (0.10) 0.17, 0.60

Table 7.3 Visual acuity scores for each level of contrast and lighting level by group, examiner, and visit
LASIK patients Control patients
Contrast Bias p–value 95% LoA Bias p–value 95% LoA
Normal Lighting
100% –0.00 0.83 –0.12, 0.12 –0.01 0.27 –0.15, 0.12
10% –0.01 0.65 –0.20, 0.19 –0.02 0.10 –0.18, 0.13
5% –0.02 0.46 –0.27, 0.24 –0.05 0.02 –0.26, 0.17
2.5% –0.02 0.50 –0.27, 0.24 –0.01 0.02 –0.24, 0.23
Dim Lighting
100% 0.00 0.77 –0.13, 0.14 –0.02 0.23 –0.15, 0.12
10% 0.01 0.71 –0.25, 0.26 –0.03 0.07 –0.23, 0.17
5% 0.00 0.91 –0.27, 0.28 –0.04 0.02 –0.21, 0.14
2.5% 0.01 0.71 –0.27, 0.28 –0.02 0.34 –0.21, 0.18
Dim + Glare Lighting
100% 0.02 0.70 –0.13, 0.14 –0.02 0.13 –0.18, 0.14
10% –0.03 0.17 –0.22, 0.17 –0.03 0.09 –0.20, 0.15
5% –0.04 0.16 –0.33, 0.26 –0.04 0.04 –0.23, 0.16
2.5% –0.02 0.47 –0.33, 0.30 –0.09 0.00 NA*
Bias = Visit 2 – Visit 1
For Dim + Glare lighting at 2.5% contrast control patients the difference was related
to the mean: Difference = 0.22 – 0.74*Mean

Table 7.4 Within examiner test-retest repeatability

LASIK patients Control patients
Contrast Bias p–value 95% LoA Bias p–value 95% LoA
Normal Lighting
100% –0.00 0.92 NA* –0.00 0.71 –0.12, 0.11
10% –0.01 0.34 –0.17, 0.14 –0.02 0.18 –0.15, 0.12
5% –0.02 0.29 –0.17, 0.14 –0.01 0.30 –0.13, 0.11
2.5% –0.00 0.78 –0.16, 0.15 0.01 0.34 –0.13, 0.15
Dim Lighting
100% –0.02 0.04 –0.12, 0.08 –0.01 0.19 –0.13, 0.10
10% –0.02 0.16 –0.15, 0.12 –0.01 0.46 –0.13, 0.11
5% –0.01 0.68 –0.18, 0.17 –0.01 0.55 –0.14, 0.13
2.5% –0.01 0.33 –0.17, 0.14 –0.02 0.32 –0.19, 0.16
Dim + Glare Lighting
100% 0.02 0.44 NA† –0.01 0.30 NA†
10% 0.01 0.65 NA‡ –0.01 0.39 –0.19, 0.16
5% –0.00 0.95 –0.20, 0.20 –0.02 0.31 –0.24, 0.20
2.5% –0.04 0.09 –0.29, 0.22 –0.03 0.16 –0.29, 0.22
Bias = Examiner 2 – Examiner 1
Normal lighting at 100% contrast: LASIK patients (Difference = 0.061 +

Dim+Glare lighting at 100% contrast: LASIK patients (Difference = 0.094 +
0.597*Mean), Control patients (Difference = –0.080 – 0.386*Mean)

Dim+Glare lighting at 10% contrast: LASIK patients (Difference = –0.023 +

Table 7.5 Between examiner test-retest repeatability

Comparisons of visual acuity between groups

When comparing the visual acuity scores for LASIK subjects to the visual acuity

scores for non-LASIK subjects, no statistically significant differences were found (Table

7.6). Under dim and dim with glare lighting conditions, differences between groups of

approximately two letters were found for some low-contrast conditions, but these differences

were not statistically significant. No significant differences between groups for low-contrast

visual acuity were found when controlling for visual acuity at 100% contrast.

Mean Score Observed Adjusteda

Level of LASIK Non-LASIK Differenceb p- Differenceb p-
contrast value* value†
Normal lighting
100% –0.17 (0.06) –0.18 (0.06) –0.01 0.55 --- ---
10% 0.02 (0.09) –0.00 (0.09) –0.02 0.36 –0.02 0.37
5% 0.16 (0.11) 0.12 (0.09) –0.03 0.17 –0.03 0.18
2.5% 0.30 (0.12) 0.26 (0.11) –0.03 0.25 –0.03 0.25
Dim lighting
100% –0.16 (0.06) –0.16 (0.07) –0.00 0.73 --- ---
10% 0.05 (0.10) 0.04 (0.09) –0.01 0.59 0.01 0.59
5% 0.19 (0.12) 0.16 (0.10) –0.03 0.25 –0.03 0.26
2.5% 0.35 (0.12) 0.30 (0.10) –0.05 0.10 –0.05 0.10
Dim + Glare lighting
100% –0.14 (0.06) –0.15 (0.08) –0.01 0.56 --- ---
10% 0.12 (0.10) 0.08 (0.11) –0.04 0.10 –0.04 0.09
5% 0.30 (0.13) 0.25 (0.09) –0.05 0.06 –0.05 0.07
2.5% 0.51 (0.22) 0.48 (0.19) –0.03 0.54 –0.03 0.54
Adjusted for mean visual acuity at 100% contrast for pair
Difference = Control value – LASIK value
* Paired t-tests comparing LASIK and non-LASIK scores

Linear regression testing the mean difference against zero while controlling for mean
visual acuity at 100% contrast

Table 7.6 Difference between LASIK and Non-LASIK patient visual acuity
LASIK patients Control patients
Contrast β p-value R β p-value R2
100% –0.01 0.32 0.03 –0.02 0.08 0.10
10% 0.02 0.19 0.05 –0.01 0.57 0.01
5% 0.02 0.11 0.08 –0.01 0.43 0.02
2.5% 0.03 0.06 0.11 –0.01 0.37 0.03

Table 7.7 Relationship between mean visual acuity scores (across light levels)

and axial length

The relationship between axial length and logMAR visual acuity was not a function

of group at the 100% (p=0.344), 10% (p=0.208), or 5% (p=0.101) contrast level (mean visual

acuity score across all three lighting conditions. There was, however, a significant effect of

group at the 2.5% contrast level (p=0.047) (Table 7.7). Given this relationship and previous

literature showing differences in visual function based on preoperative refractive error, we

further assessed the relationship between visual acuity differences and axial length. Figures

7.1 through 7.4 are plots representing the difference between visual acuity scores for LASIK

and control patient pairs as a function of axial length. For 5% contrast and dim illumination,

there was a significant relationship between axial length and the difference between LASIK

and non-LASIK visual acuity scores (R2 = 0.12, p = 0.04).

Dim lighting at 100% contrast
R2 = 0.037, p = 0.265
Difference in logMAR visual acuity




23 23.5 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28
Mean axial length

Figure 7.1 Mean axial length versus difference between pairs at 100% contrast in

dim lighting conditions

Dim lighting at 10% contrast
R2 = 0.030, p = 0.320
Difference in logMAR visual acuity




23 23.5 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28
Mean axial length

Figure 7.2 Mean axial length versus difference between pairs at 10% contrast in dim

lighting conditions


Dim lighting at 5% contrast

difference = 1.253 - 0.051*axial length
Difference in logMAR visual acuity
0.4 R2 = 0.120, p = 0.041




23 23.5 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28
Mean axial length

Figure 7.3 Mean axial length versus difference between pairs at 5% contrast in dim

lighting conditions


Dim lighting at 2.5% contrast

R2 = 0.055, p = 0.177
Difference in logMAR visual acuity




23 23.5 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28
Mean axial length

Figure 7.4 Mean axial length versus difference between pairs at 2.5% contrast in

dim lighting conditions


As with choosing any measurement in clinical research, measurements of visual

function should be sensitive to true differences between groups and possess an acceptable

level of test-retest repeatability so that researchers can detect clinically meaningful changes

in visual function. For the visual acuity measurements assessed as a part of this study, the

difference between visits and the differences between examiners was almost always

equivalent to one letter or less. A statistically significant level of bias between visits was

detected for the control (non-LASIK) patients under several conditions. While the differences

between the two visits rarely approached a level of clinical significance, it is curious that this

only occurred for the control group. This finding may be the result of the population from

which we recruited the control patients. All control patients were recruited from the faculty,

staff, and students at The Ohio State University College of Optometry. Because these

individuals might have some prior knowledge of the testing procedures, it is possible that a

portion of these subjects learned which letters were and were not included in the visual acuity

charts or other aspects of the test that would lead to a one or two letter improvement in score.

The improvement in visual acuity scores, or practice effect, did not occur for the testing

between examiners (the two testing sessions that occurred during the second visit), so one

might expect the practice effect we observed with control (non-lay) subjects to reach a

plateau and/or be eliminated with two administrations of visual acuity testing. Regardless, the

improvement we noted between the two visits is not necessarily clinically meaningful.

In addition to considering the repeatability of the tests, one must also consider how

sensitive a test is to clinically important distinctions between groups of patients. Multiple

previous studies have shown that low-contrast visual acuity measurements are sensitive to
changes after PRK and LASIK,7, 10, 16, 17 but many different levels of low-contrast visual

acuity charts are available. No previous studies have distinguished one chart as being more

sensitive to visual function after refractive surgery than another. When strictly considering

differences in visual acuity scores between LASIK and non-LASIK patients in this study, it

appeared that larger differences were present with the 5% and 2.5% contrast charts, although

none of the differences was statistically significant or clinically meaningful.

Given that the within-examiner 95% LoA for the 2.5% and 5% contrast charts were

equivalent to several lines under the dim with glare lighting condition, but were more narrow

under the dim condition, we chose to further analyze the differences in visual acuity under

dim illumination between LASIK and non-LASIK patients by determining if the difference

was related to axial length. Previous studies have shown that losses of low-contrast visual

acuity can be larger for higher myopes.18 In this study, the differences between LASIK and

non-LASIK visual acuity scores on the 5% contrast charts were significantly associated with

axial length (a surrogate measure for preoperative myopia). This relationship was not present

for other levels of contrast (100%, 10%, and 2.5%). While future studies comparing visual

acuity scores in the same patient before and after refractive surgery might provide additional

evidence of sensitivity, 5% low-contrast visual acuity appears to be the most sensitive to

visual function differences between LASIK and non-LASIK patients in this study. This is

based on the fact that we would expect LASIK patients to have poorer low-contrast visual

acuity than non-LASIK patients as the amount of preoperative myopia, i.e. axial length,


In summary, measuring 5% contrast visual acuity under dim illumination conditions

appears to be an acceptably sensitive and repeatable measurement of visual function in

LASIK patients. In addition, this is a task that is very familiar to patients, and we noted no

floor or ceiling effects for this measurement, i.e. no patients scored the maximum score and

all patients were able to achieve at least a minimum score on the test. While previous studies

of contrast sensitivity measurements after LASIK have shown that this measurement is

sensitive to differences in visual function,76 two commercially available contrast sensitivity

tests have been shown to lack acceptable test-retest repeatability and have the added

disadvantage of floor and ceiling effects. Based on these findings, we would recommend 5%

contrast visual acuity measurements in dim illumination in refractive surgery studies in

addition to the traditional, high-contrast, logMAR visual acuity testing.



Several recent publications have reported the long-term outcomes of corneal laser

refractive surgery.26, 78-80 The safety of the procedure that was demonstrated in the initial

FDA studies, including very minor losses of best-spectacle-corrected visual acuity, seem

to be stable in the long-term. When evaluating efficacy, these studies all noted at least

minor amounts of what was termed “regression.” Two studies with 24 months of

postoperative follow-up found significant increases in myopia over the course of the

postoperative period in patients with higher levels of myopia.78, 80 In one of these studies,

only 28.6% of the higher myopes were within 1.00 D of the intended correction at the 24-

month visit.78 This same study also followed changes in corneal curvature and found a

significant increase in corneal curvature over the course of two years,78 indicating that all

of the change in refractive error is not due to axial length changes.

Retrospective studies of six and eight years of follow-up have also found

increases in myopia with long-term follow-up. Sekundo and co-workers found a shift

from –0.25 D to –0.88 D on average between one and six years after LASIK.26 This study

also indicated that 29% of the patients were unhappy with their uncorrected visual acuity.

While 52% of patients were within 1.00 D of the intended correction at one year, only

46% of patients were within 1.00 D of the intended correction at 6 years. Changes in

corneal curvature were not reported except to report that there was no evidence of


In order to plan studies to evaluate the long-term results of LASIK and determine

if certain factors would predict problems like regression, pilot data in several areas would

be required. Conducting studies in a field of rapidly changing technology is difficult,

because researchers can end up studying a moving target. Based on the results of our

evaluation of FDA studies, it appears that changes in LASIK outcomes have stabilized, at

least for lower myopes.

It is also important in clinical research to fully evaluate the outcomes of a

procedure from the patient and the eye care practitioner’s point of view. Based on our

survey of postoperative LASIK patients and the focus groups discussions with eye care

practitioners we were able to determine that patients are primarily interested in

decreasing their dependence on optical aids. We also learned that eye care practitioners

are concerned about the impact of patient personality factors on LASIK outcomes.

Previous studies have rarely had spectacle/contact lens dependence as an outcome

measure, and we are aware of no studies that have specifically looked at the impact of

patient personality and/or mental illness such as depression and anxiety disorders on the

outcomes of elective, refractive surgical procedures. Future studies should evaluate both

of these areas.

In order to conduct these studies, we also needed to determine how to measure

refractive surgery outcomes. Refractive error measurements, visual acuity measurements

and measurements of quality of life need to provide results that are both repeatable and
sensitive to clinically meaningful changes. In the course of collecting these pilot data, we

were able to identify refractive error, visual function, and quality of life instruments that

should provide us with the tools we need to address the important unanswered questions

in corneal refractive surgery. We determined that cycloplegic autorefraction

measurements with the Grand Seiko autorefractor, high- and low-contrast visual acuity

measurements, and measurements with the vast majority of subscales of the NEI-RQL-42

can be made in a repeatable and valid manner in post-LASIK patients.


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