45 Acta15 ABS 2 2014
45 Acta15 ABS 2 2014
45 Acta15 ABS 2 2014
Andrej Gregori
Institute for Natural Sciences (Zavod za naravoslovje), Ulica bratov Učakar 108,
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Correspondence: andrej.gregori@zanaravo.com
Abstract: This is a first report on C. militaris mycelia and fruiting bodies culti-
vation on solid-state containing spent brewery grains (SBG). Five different strains of
C. militaris were cultivated on substrates containing rye grains and 0 to 60% SBG.
Stromata formation on SBG containing substrates was noticed with two C. militaris
strains. All strains failed to grow on substrates containing SBG amounts higher than
50%. Highest (10.42 mg/g) cordycepin concentration in cultivating substrate was
determined with strain CM2 on 50% SBG. One gram of CM11 strain fungal biomass
was able to produce 787.11 mg/g of cordycepin. SBG as a byproduct represent a
readily available, low price substrate for cordycepin solid-state production. Obtained
concentrations of cordycepin are so far the highest reported concentrations obtained
on solid-state substrates therefore we can talk about cordycepin hyperproduction.
identified with help of standard retention time and containing SBG amounts of 60% and higher. When
the specific absorption triple peak characteristic transferred onto SBG containing substrates all
for ergosterol between 260 nm and 300 nm. For strains except CM11 and CM14 formed mycelia
quantification a calibration curve was employed with very strong rhyzomorphic primordia forming
using purified (Nylund et al. 1992) ergosterol characteristics. Stromata formation was noticed
standard (Sigma, Germany). Ergosterol content with strain CM2 (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% SBG)
was calculated using calibration curve for fungal and CM5 (10, 20, 30, and 50% SBG) (Figure 1).
mycelia and ergosterol. In all strains except CM11 the increase in
Two parameters were calculated for deter- CCS is noticed with the increase of portions of
mination of cultivation process effectiveness – SBG in the cultivation substrates. Only in strain
cordycepin content in substrate (CCS) and fungal CM5 CCS the decrease from 8.90 to 6.64 mg/g
biomass cordycepin production (FBCP). CCS was was observed in 50% SBG substrate. Maximum
calculated per substrate weight and shows the CCS (10.42 mg/g) was obtained with strain CM2
end concentration of cordycepin in the substrate cultivated on 50% SBG substrate (Figure 3).
(w/w). FBCP shows cordycepin production ability The highest FBCP (787.11 mg/g) was observed
of certain fungal biomass/mycelia quantity (w/w). with strain CM11 cultivated on 0% SBG drasti-
cally reduced (to 305.75 mg/g) with addition of
SBG to the substrate (Figure 4). The same FBCP
Statistical analysis
reduction trend at SBG addition was noticed
The data were evaluated by ANOVA (program with CM5 strain. FBCP stayed the highest at all
past 2.16) and significance accepted at p < 0.05. SBG concentrations compared to other strains,
the second in FBCP was CM5 strain followed by
CM2, CM14 and CM15. The lowest FBCP was
Results obtained with CM15 strain on average (Figure 2).
The comparison of different C. militaris strains
C. militaris mycelia overgrew all the tested showed that they react differently to SBG addition
substrate mixtures but failed to grow on substrates to the substrate, with CM2 being the strongest
Figure 3: Average cordycepin content in substrates (CCS) containing rye and spent brewery grains overgrown
with Cordyceps militaris. Columns within a treatment marked with different letters are significantly
Slika 3: Povprečna vsebnost kordicepina v substratih (CCS), ki vsebuje rž in pivovarske tropine preraščene z
glivo Cordyceps militaris. Stolpci znotraj enega obravnavanja, ki so označeni z različnimi črkami, se
značilno razlikujejo
Gregori: Cordycepin production by Cordyceps militaris cultivation 49
Figure 4. Average Cordyceps militaris fungal biomass for cordycepin production (FBCP) on substrates containing
spent brewery grains
Slika 4: Povprečna biomasa glive Cordyceps militaris za proizvodnjo kordicepina (FBCP) na substratih (CCS),
ki vsebuje pivovarske tropine
CCS producer and third strongest FBCP producer. C. militaris characteristics (white color without
CM11 was the strongest FBCP producer (787.11 stromata forming ability) noticed with CM11 strain
mg/g), meaning that 1 g of CM11 biomass can were reported by Sreshtha et al. (2012) and is by
produce up to 787.11 mg of intra and extracellular this author linked to strain degeneration (Figure 2).
cordycepin (Figure 4). This could mean that CM11 is a degenerated
C. militaris strain, capable of producing high FBCP
on rye substrate only. At the same time CM11 is
Discussion the only strain of which CCS is not drastically
influenced by addition of SBG to the substrate.
According to our results SBG addition into Holliday and coworkers (2004) reported 2.25
C. militaris cultivation substrate very effectively mg/g CCS in commercial C. sinensis products
increased CCS and at the same time decreased obtained through solid-state cultivation and 0.65
FBCP. CCS hyperproduction in SBG containing mg/g cordycepin in wild collected C. sinensis
substrates could be caused by higher concentra- stromata. Ni and coworkers (2009) reported
tions of low molecular compounds in SBG (simple 0.1 to 1 mg/g CCS content in spent C. militaris
sugars and other fermentation products produced cultivating substrates, Wen and coworkers (2014)
through the brewing process), compared to unfer- optimized solid-state composition for C. militaris
mented rye grains. cultivation and achieved CCS of 9.17 mg/g. All
Many different chemically defined substrate reported concentrations are lower compared to
supplements are used in commercial C. militaris results (10.42 mg/g) obtained in our research,
cultivation, with some researchers (Xie et al. 2009) showing SBG are a superior, readily available
reporting natural substrate components such as and low cost substrate for cordycepin production
brown rice, malt and soybean being better sources through C. militaris cultivation.
of nutrition for C. militaris in comparison to chemi- Why all strains failed to grow on substrates
cally defined media. This suggests high cordycepin containing SBG amounts of 60% and higher is
concentrations in SBG containing substrates could still unknown. This phenomenon could be linked
be achieved because SBG is a complex material with higher nitrogen content reported by Gao and
composed of only natural components. coworkers (2000) to suppress C. militaris growth.
50 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 57 (2), 2014
Conclusion Povzetek
SBG represent a readily available, low price Pivovarske tropine predstavljajo lahko
substrate for cordycepin solid-state production. dosegljiv, cenen substrat za proizvodnjo kordicepi-
Here reported concentrations of cordycepin are na na trdih substratih. Proizvedene koncentracije
so far the highest reported concentrations (10.42 kordicepina v substratu so najvišje (10,42 mg/g)
mg/g) obtained on solid-state substrates. koncentracije znane iz objav do sedaj.
Use of SBG for cordycepin production by Uporaba pivovarskih tropin za produkcijo
C. militaris is shown here as a very effective kordicepina z gojenjem glive C. militaris je v
technique for producing high value food additive članku predstavljena kot enostavna metoda za
or medicated animal feed - with just drying SBG proizvodnjo hrane, prehranskih dopolnil ali krme
processed through C. militaris cultivation. z visoko vsebnostjo kordicepina.
Further research are needed to determine the Za hiperprodukcijo kordicepina so potrebne
exact components and/or physical properties caus- nadaljnje raziskave za določitev ključnih karakter-
ing cordycepin hyperproduction in SBG contain- istik pivovarksih tropin ter optimizacijo gojitvenih
ing substrates and for optimization of cultivation parametrov kot so temperatura, svetloba, trajanje
parameters such as temperature, incubation time, inkubacije in prezračevanje.
light and aeration. Opisane tehnike gojenja C. militaris so že v
Here described technique of SBG usage is procesu optimizacije in komercializacije za namene
already in the process of optimization and com- proizvodnje prehranskih dopolnil in medicinirane
mercialization focusing on high cordycepin content krme z visoko vsebnostjo kordicepina.
in food and feed production.
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