B.A. (H) English-2nd Semester-2018

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[This question paper contains 2 printed pages]

Roll No. MO I
S. No. of Question Paper q49
Unique Paper Code :203201
Name of the paper :English Literature 4 (i1)

Name of the Courte B.A. (Hons.) English 4, }


Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt ofthis question paper

All questions have to be attempted.


Q1. Write short critical note on any one of the following:

a) Helen Burns


b)The burning of Thornfield. (10)

Q2. Write a short critical note on any one of the following

a) Tom's education at Mr.Stelllings


b) The ending of The Mill on the Floss.


Q3. Identify, contextualise, explain and critically comment on the following

al Handfinl of men as we were.
we were Enelish in heart and in limb,
There whisper among us, but only a whisper that past
waas a

Children and wives ---if the tigers

leap unto the fold unawares-
Every man die at his post---and the foe
may outlive us at
Better to fall by the hands that
they love, than to fall into theirs,"


b) She cried, "Laura," up the garden,

"Did you miss me?
Come and kiss me.
Never mind my bruises,
Hug me, kiss me, suck my juices
Squeez'd from goblin fruits for you,
Goblin pulp and goblin dew,
Eat me, drink me, love me;
Laura, make much of me;
For your sake I have braved the glen
And had to do with goblin merchant men."


Q4.(a) How does the poetic form of the dramatic monologue facilitate the construction of diffe
voices in Robert Browning's poetry? Elucidate with examples from his work.


b) Tennyson's, The Lady of Shallot reflects gender issues of the nineteenth century Eng
Discuss. (15)

Q5. a) Discuss the importance of symbolism in Jane Eyre.


b) Discuss the hypocrisies of class structure and morality as manifested in Jane Eyre
6. a) It is a concerted effort on the part of George Eliot not to create an acceptable mate for
Maggie Tulliver. Evaluate Philip Wakem and Stephen Guest as Maggie's suitors in the
light of the above statement.
ns n l l . navomina tha ralac that Maoaie'e hrother and father nlav in her life
[This nèstion paper contains-4 printed pages.]

eLIBRARY Your Roll No......

Sr. No. oQuestio Daper: 4458 HC

Unique Paper Code 12031201

Name of the Paper Indian Writing in English

Name of the Course :BA (Hons) English - CBCS

Semester II

Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75

Instructions for Candidates

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of
this question paper.

2 All questions are compulsory.

3. Questions 1, 2 and 3 are of (10) ten marks each.

A. Questions 4, 5 and 6 are of (15) fifteen marks each.

1. (a) Discuss the ending of Swami and Friends.


(b) The Education system in Swami and Friends,


4458 3
2. (a) In 'A Poem for Robin S.
Mother Ngangom deploys the (b)"...Mother did not believe he wore his sudra and
figure of mother both as a
metaphor and as a looking kusti anymore, she would be
glass. Discuss.
very surprised if he

remembered any of the prayers; when she had dsked

him if he needed new sudras he said not to take any
trouble because the Zoroastrian society of Ontario
(b) With reference to Nissim Ezckiel's "The Night of imported them from Bombay for their members.."
the Scorpion' discuss the tension between faith and Referring to the above excerpt, discuss the anxiety
experienced by Mother and Father regarding the
reason. (10)
Parsi identity of their son in the story Swimming
Lessons. (15)
3. (a) Using appropriate examples from the story The Two
Lady Rams, comment on the use of mock-heroic style
(a) Swami and Friends is a depiction of child psychology.
to satirise Sir Jhinda Ram and his wives.

(b) Murad's magazine in In Custody" (10)

(b) Discuss anti-colonial consciousness in Swami and

Friends. (15)
in the
4. (a) "I heard rumours of what was happening
but I closed my ears." What was happening8
(a) Through Nur's wives, Anita Desai explores the
story The Free Radio by
in the caravan? How does the
multilayered and perilous existence of women in an
of the policies of
Salman Rushdie produce a critique orthodox Indian family. Discuss.
the Indian State during the Emergeney


(h) In Anita Desai's ln CuSto dy, the custodians of culture

are in custody themselves. Discuss.


This qostion páper contains 4 printed pages
Your Roll No.

S1. No. of Q. Paper: 4646 HC

Unique Paper Code 12031202

Name of the Course :B.A.(Hons.)

Name of the Paper British Poetry and
Drama 14th-17th Centuries

Semester II

Time 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75

Instructions for Candidates:

(a) Write your Roll No. on the top immediately
on receipt of this question paperI.
(b) Attempt all questions.

SECTION- A 10x3-30o

1. Identify the passage given below and explain

with reference to the context 10
He putte it in oure owene jugement.
For hadde God commanded maydenhede,
Thane hadde he dampned wedding with the

And certes, if ther were no sees y-sowe, 3. Identify the passage given below and
Vigninitee, thane where of sholde it growe ? with reference to the context: 10
OR "Come to my woman's
So let us melt, and make no noise, And take my milk for
gall, you murding
No tear -

floods, nor sigh tempests move;

Twere profanation of our joys OR

To tell the laity our love. "No, indeed, sir, the Lady Olivia has no folly.
She will keep no fool, sir, till she be married;"
2. Identify the passage given below and explain
with reference to the context: 10 Section - B 15x3-45
0, what a world of profit and delight, 4. In Macbeth, Shakespeare critiques the values
Of power, of honor, of omnipotence that define the idea of masculinity. Do you
agree ? Give a reasoned answer. 15
Is promised to the studious artisan!
All things that move between the quiet poles "Macbeth is a morality play written in termns
Shall be at my command of Jacobean tragedy." Discuss.

OR 5. "Doublings and Inversions are the main

sources of humour in Twelfth Night." Explain
My God, my God ! Look not so fierce on me. with examples. 15

Adders and serpents, let me breathe awhile. OR

Malvolio is a character which " invites

Ugly hell, gape not ! Come not Lucifer sympathy and accommodates pathos and even
TIl burn my books. Ah tragedy..". Do you agree ?

2 3 P.T.O.

6. Critically examine John Donne as a

to the poem
metaphysical poet with reference
"Batter my Heart." 15


Discuss Dr Faustus as a text which embodies

the contradictions of its age.

4 3500

[This estion paper cenains 4 printed pages.]

965 Your Roll No. ...

alks -

B.A. (Hons.) /I H

ENGLISH - Paper I (A-101)

(English Literature IV)

Time: 3 Hours Maximunm Marks: 100

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately

on receipt of this question paper.)

Note:- The maximum marks printed on the question paper are

applicable for the candidates registered with the School of
Open Learning for the B.A. (Hons.). These marks will,
however, be scaled down proportionately in respect of the
students of regular colleges, at the time of posting of awards
for compilation of result.

Attempt all questions.

1. (a) Write short notes (15x3=45)

Mr. Tulliver


Tom's schooling at Mr. Stellings

965 965
(b) Out flew the web and floated wide;

The mirror cracked from side to side;

(b) Explain what Marx means by the statement: "The
The curse is come upon me," cried ideas of the ruling class in every
are epoch the ruling
ideas." (8)
The Lady of Shalbts

3. (a) Comment on the use of the first person narrative in
Victorian Fiction.
Evening by evening;
Among the brook side rushes, OR

Laura bowed her head to hear, (b) Write a note on women as objects of male gaze in

Lizzie veiled her blushes: Victorian poetry with reference to any two poems in the

syllabus. (7)
Crouching close together In the cooling weather,

With clasping arms and cautioning lips, 4. (a) Compare and contrast the relationship of Elizabeth and

With Darcy,and Wickham and Lydia.

tingling cheeks and fingertips.
(c) Coketown

OR (b) Georgiana Darcy plays a small but significant role in

Pride and Prejudice. Discuss. (20)
Sissy Jupe

5 (a) 'Reader, I married him. Discuss this statement in the

2 (a) "Unnatural generally means only uncustomary."Comment
context of Jane Eyre.
on Mill's views on gender relations in The Subjection of

Women in the light of the above statement.



(b) Explore Jane's ideas on religion through her interaction

with various characters in the novel.


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