Annual 18-19

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Date: 18.03.2012 Time 2 Hours
15 mins
Total no. of qns.:16 ENGLISH LITERATURE Marks: 80

This paper consists of 3

Section-A: Prose sections:
Section-B: Poetry 35 marks.
Section-C: Non-Detailed 25 marks.
20 marks.
Attempt all questions.
2. Do not write
3. All the
anything in the question
answers must be
in the answer correctly nurmbered as in the question paper and written
sheets provided to you.
Attempt all questions in each section before going to the next
Read each question carefully and follow the given instructions.question.

Read the given extracts and answer the questions
that follow:
We are going
too far,' said Holmes. "We dare not take the chance of his being
overtaken before he can reach us.'
Name the lesson and the author.
The listener is and 'he' refers to 1)
The speaker dare not take the chance because
2. Bob Cratchit said, and
calmly too, that he regarded it as the greatest success
achieved by Mrs. Cratchit
i t ' refers to
Bob Cratchit made the above statement to (1)
Make a sentence with the word 'success
3. Milk ? she said. 'And Sugar?"
Name the author.
Billy found that the tea tasted peculiar because (1)
Was thespeakertrying to distract Billy ? Why/Why not ?
IL Complete the analogy (2)
conscious :unconscious :: mortal:.
Grimpen Mire: Baskerville estate : : Bed and Breakfast

IL. Unsecramble the following words with the help of the clues: (1 X3=3)
cQurteous táegisóu
unexpected ghost like appearance P aariniot
projecting part of the face of a dog or a horse: um zlèz

Std.VIl-English Literature Annual Exam 2018-19

Complete the following: (1 X4=4)

The barons accused Merlin of

The Grimpen Mire looked like a
Billy was compelled to enter 'Bed and Breakfast' because
Mrs. Cratchit was getting
impatient about Martha as -

V. Match the following phrases/ (1 X4 4 )

expressions with ther
silver spangled sky eccentric
off her rocker to feel nervous
3. glance continually over either
shoulder praised fulsomely
exalted to the skies full of stars

VI. Identify the tone of the Speaker; (1 X4=4)

'Not coming?' said Bob. 'Not

We have it all to ourselves. coming upon Christmas Day?
J: "He has worked the miracle, the sword is
4 Look out! It's coming!" withdrawn.
VIL Answer the following: (4x2-8)
: Describe the hound.
. T h e Cratchits are a perfect example of how one can conquer adversities in lire wu
the right attitude. Elucidate.
. Why did the people of England accept young Arthur as their rightful king?
When did Holmes realise that the hound was vulnerable?

VIL. Read the given lines and answer the guestions that follow:
1. So secretly like wrongs hushed up they went"

Name the poem. (1)

They'refersto (1)
Why does the poet say 'like wrongs hushed up?" 2)
2 "Here Captain Dearfather!
This arm beneath your head."
Name the poet. (1)
T h e above words are spoken by. ()
Bring out the depth oftherelationship between the captain and the speaker (2)
3. Andshining morningfoce, creeping like snail"
Name the poem and the poet. (1)
I n the above line, the poet refers to the stage öf à man's life. (1)
H o w does the poet describe the above stage? (1)
IX. Complete the analogy % X4=2)
a baggagecarrier : porter:ahomeless personn:
bells: peal:: bugles
adolescent : woeful ballad: middle aged
yells: wells : :ours:.
Std.VIl-English Literature 3
X. Explain the given lines: Annual Exam 2018-19
The ship is
anchor'd safe and sound, its (1 X4=4)
Their breasts voyage
As men's are were stuck all white with wreath closed
and done.
dead.' and spray
While I stand on
I hear it in the the roadway or on the
deep heart's core.' pavement gray
'All the world's
stage and all men and women
merely players."
X. Identify the poetic
devices employed in the lines
.There moonlight's all below (% X4 2)
the vessel grim and
glimmer and noon a
purple glow.
3. grimly gay. daring
Peace comes
dropping slow.
XII. AnSwer the
Explain how Wilfred Owen evokes the (3x2-6)
2. In reader's sympathy for the
theipoem O Captain! My Captain' there
deck of the is a stark contrast soldiers
ship and on the shore. in the mood on the
How does the poet Elucidate.
highlight role of pride in the fourth
stage of life?

XIL. State True or Falsei:
Jason was the son (hX4=2)
of King Pelias.
Perseus turmed Andromeda into
Jason asked the Talking Bird for mountain of stone.

Perseus was asked to guidance to find the golden fleece.

polish helmet until it shone.
XIV. Match the following:
V Polydectes
a) Mount Helicon
.Pegasus b) Field of Mara
. King Pelias
King Aeetes c)Valley of Lycia
d) Island of Seriphus
XV. Who amI:
1 X5=5)
I was the only heroine 'with all the heroes to help Jason.
. I had educated a great number of brave men in
my school.
3. I am a bright, inteligent young man with a strange cap and a twisted
I am the ship builder who came to Jason's aid.
. I asked Bellerophon to save my country from the terrible Chimaera.

Annual Exam 2018-19
Std.VII-English Literature /4/

(1 x8= 8)
XVI. Fillin theblanks:
Bellerophon waited for Pegasus
with a (a) in his hand near

Jason lost his(c). when he tried to help the old woman and

to cross the river.

played a harp and sang a song to celebrate Jason's triumph.

List the three things the Nymphs gave Perseus.

. (8)- , (h).

TD VII ANNUAL EXAMINATION -2017-2018 Time:2 hrs15 mins

Date:09.03.2018 ENGLISH LITERATURE Marks: 80

Total no. of qns: 13

Roll No Class& Sec

This paper consists of 3 sections

Section A : Prose 35 marks
Section B : Poetry 25marks
Section C: Non-dctailed 20 marks

1. Attempt all questions. answer
in the question paper. and written in the
2. Do not write anything numbered as in the question paper
must be correctly
3. All the answers

sheets provided to you. next section,

each section
before going to the
4. Attempt all questions follow the
for exceeding the
each question carefully and Marks will be
5. Read limit for each question.
adhere to the word
6. Strictly
word limit.

L Give reasons forthe following:
and other
to Merlin among themselves , calling him an impostor
A. The barons began

names. from me today?"

"Do you know, a great load is gone
2/The astrologer said to his wife,
the glass into the room.

He went right upand peered through

3. He stopped walking.
his collar.
he had llen. We tore away
insensible where
4. Sir Henry lay
the given lines and answerthe questionsthat follow:
IL Read
!' cried he.
1. See brother, asword for you
sword lay behind barred
"Do not that I failed you, though your own
the lesson and the

aName (1)
talking to ?
for ? Who is the speaker
bWho does T stand (1)
sword ?
to the listener's
What happened (1)
lines ?
understand about the speaker from the given
What do you


we move
farther back upon higher ground ?
2. "Shall 2)
a) "We' refers to (1)

b) Where were they waiting? (2)

ground ?
farther back upon higher
decide to move
c)Why did they

gsLIerature Annual Exam - 2017-18
3." You know
my name !" the other said, taken aback .

a) Who is the speaker of this line ?

b) What is the emotion he exhibits here ?
Why? (2)
c) How does the listener calm
him down ? Why does he advise
him to go back to his village? l)

Il. Unscramble the letters and find out the

synonyms of the given words: (1x3-3)
1. crowd n t grho T

2. joyful:a u e ttxn l: E_
3. irritating :nnaalgttiiz :

IV. Match the

following: (x4=2)
1 Mulholland a) Enchanter
2. Merlin b) bait
3. vendor of groundnut c) Cardiff
4. Henry Baskerville d) vociferous
Complete the analogy: (1x3-3)
1. Kingdom:
specimen : sample
2. see : saw strike
3.survey inspection feud

VI. Answer the following: (2x3-6)

1. He was as much a stranger to the stars as were his innocent customers.Then howdid the

astrologer manage to be successful ?

2. How do you understand that being vigilant is essential in life from the story

The Land Lady' ?

3. Describe the wild animal in The Hound ofthe Baskervilles.


VIL Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow:
the guard."
1. 'Then, unmoved, signals nodded, and a lamp winked to

a) Name the poet.

words said ?
b) In which context were these
device used in the given line.
c)Explainthe poetic
English Literature
Nine /3/
bean-rows willI have Annual Exam 2017-18
there a hive for


And live alone in honcy-bee,

the bee-loud glade.
a) Name the
speaker of these lines.
b) What will the
speaker have ther as per the
c) What do you given lines ?
understand about the (2)
speaker from these lines?
VII. 1. Find the words using the (2)
given chues : (1x4-4)
a) a small brown and
grey bird
b) a school bag for carying books
c) not planned in advance

d) flowers wound together into a

ring: w

Complete the analoY: (1x3-3)
a) ridicule :praise :appreciate.

b) strange: Oaths : : reputation.

c) golden lightning : sunken sun keen arrows:

3. Completethe following: (1x3-3)

a) P. B.Shelley compares the skylark to a cloud offire because

b) Inthe poem, "The Lake Isle of Innisfree' the poet wants to hear during
day and night.

c)In the poem All the World's a Stage' the school boy is unwilling to go to school and so he


IX. Answerthefollowing: (2x3=6)

a) The poem "The scend-off' is a satire that strongly criticizes war Justify.

described in the poem

b) How is the attraction of morning, noon and midnight
The Lake Isle of Innisfree' ?

c)How does William Shakespeare describe second childishness'?

X. Fillin the blanks
Blerop hen
a) Pegasüs was told the water came from the sorrow of a mother's heart and was called
and to live with him.
b) The fisherman took
to inorder to dethrone the wicked king
c) Jason said that he was going

STD. VII- English Literature Annual Exam-2017-18
XI. Who amI?
a) I grew by the water and was eaten by Pegasus before running on the grass.
b) I did more adventurous feats than Bellerophon and became a poet too.

c) I have the head and shoulders of a man and body and legs of a white horse.

d) I gave Jason a golden box.

e) I was the beautiful maiden rescued from a terible sea- monster by Perseus.

XII. Match the following: (1x5-5)


1. Hippodamia a) mountain

2. Mercury b) speaking Oak's prophecy

3. Helicon c) bride of king Polydectes

4. Youngman with one sandal d) blind king

5. Phineus e)Quicksilver

XIII. a) State whether thefollowing statements are true/ false. 2)

i) When Jason was ready to board the Argo, fifty- nine herocs ofJason were ready at their


could not see him.

i) Perseus wore the slippers of invisibility and the Gorgons
b)Choose the correct option:
i) Three Grey Women/ Gorgons used their one eye in turn.
ii) Castor and Pollux were educated by Chiron/Hercules
shone with iis bright rows of gems and the golden
ii) Bellerophon's sword/bridle

@ @ @ @ @ @ c @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @

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