11.1 - KTG & Radiation

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1. At 100 K and 0.1 atmospheric pressure, the 6. When volume of system is increased two
volume of helium gas is 10 litres. If volume times and temperature is decreased half of
and pressure are doubled, its temperature its initial temperature, then pressure
will change to__ becomes__
a) 400 K b) 127 K a) 2 times b) 4 times
c) 200 K d) 25 K c) ¼ times d) ½ times

2. A sample of an ideal gas occupies a volume V 7. A gas at 270C has a volume V and pressure P.
at a pressure P and absolute temperature T, On heating its pressure is doubled and
the mass of each molecule is m. The volume becomes 3 times. The resulting
expression for the density of gas is temperature of the gas will be__
(k = Boltzmann’s constant) a) 18000C b) 1620C
a) mkT b) P/kT c) 15270C d) 6000C
c) P/kTV d) Pm/kT
8. The equation of state for 5 g of oxygen at a
3 0
3. A ballon contains 500 m of helium at 27 C pressure P and temperature T, when
and 1 atmospheric pressure. The volume of occupying a volume V, will be__
the helium at -30C temperature and 0.5 (Where R is the gas constant)
atmospheric pressure will be__ a) PV = (5/32)RT b) PV = 5RT
a) 500 m3 b) 700 m3 c) PV = (5/2)RT d) PV =(5/16)RT
c) 900 m3 d) 1000 m3
9. O2 gas is filled in a vessel. If pressure is
4. 1 mole of gas occupies a volume of 100 ml at doubled, temperature becomes four times,
50 mm pressure. What is the volume how many times its density will become__
occupied by two moles of gas at 100 mm a) 2 b) 4
pressure and at same temperature__ c) ¼ d) ½
a) 50 ml b) 100 ml
c) 200 ml d) 500 ml 10. The r.m.s. speed of the molecules of a gas at
a pressure 105 Pa and temperature 00C is
5. At 00C the density of a fixed mass of a gas 0.5 km/sec. If the pressure is kept constant
divided by pressure is x. At 1000C, the ratio but temperature is raised to 8190C, the
will be__
273 velocity will become__
a) x b) 373 𝑥
a) 1.5 kms-1 b) 2 kms-1
373 100 c) 5 kms-1 d) 1 kms-1
c) 273 𝑥 d) 273 𝑥




11. At what temperature is the root mean square a) - 50 J b) 20 J

velocity of gaseous hydrogen molecules c) 30 J d) 50 J
equal to that of oxygen molecules at 470C__
a) 20 K b) 80 K 16. ‘’ Heat cannot by itself flow from a body at
c) -73 K d) 3 K lower temperature to a body at higher
temperature” is a statement or consequence
12. Gas at a pressure P0 is contained in a vessel. of__
If the masses of all the molecules are halved a) Second law of thermodynamics
b) Conservation of momentum
and their speeds are doubled, the resulting
c) Conservation of mass
pressure P will be equal to__ d) First law of thermodynamics
a) 4P0 b) 2P0
c) P0 d) P0 / 2 17. An ideal gas heat engine operates in zcarnot
cycle between 2270C and 1270C. It absorbs
13. A cylinder of capacity 20 litres is filled with H2 6 × 104 cals of heat at higher temperature.
gas. The total average kinetic energy of Amount of heat converted to work is__
translatory motion of its molecules is a) 2.4 × 104 cal b) 6 × 104 cal
1.5 × 105 J. The pressure of hydrogen in the c) 1.2 × 104 cal d) 4.8 × 104 cal
cylinder is__
a) 2 × 106 N/m2 b) 3 × 106 N/m2 18. A refrigerator with coefficient of
6 2
c) 4 × 10 N/m d) 5 × 106 N/m2 1
performance releases 200 J of heat to a
14. In a thermodynamics process, pressure of a hot reservoir. Then the work done on the
fixed mass of a gas is changed in such a working substance is__
manner that the gas releases 20 J of heat and a) 100/3 J b) 100 J
8 J of work is done on the gas. If the initial c) 200/3 J d) 150 J
internal energy of the gas was 30 J. The final
internal energy will be__ 19. A Carnot engine operating between
a) 18 J b) 9 J temperatures T1 and T2 has efficiency 1/6.
c) 4.5 J d) 36 J When T2 is lowered by 62 K, its efficiency
increases to 1/3. Then T1 and T2 are,
15. If the amount of heat given to a system is 35 respectively__
J and the amount of work done on the a) 372 K and 310 K b) 372K and 330K
system is 15 J, then the change in internal c) 330 K and 268 K d) 310K and 248K
energy of the system is__




20. A carnot engine, whose efficiency is 40%, 24. A body cools from 600C to 500C in 10
takes in heat from a source maintained at a minutes. If the room temperature is 250C and
temperature of 500 K. It is desired to have an assuming Newton’s law of cooling to hod
engine of efficiency 60%. Then, the intake good, the temperature of the body at the
temperature for the same exhaust (sink) end of the next 10 minutes will be__
temperature must be__ a) 38.50C b) 40 0C
a) Efficiency of carnot engine cannot be c) 42.850C d) 450C
made larger than 50 %
b) 1200 K 25. The temperature of a liquid drops from 365 K
c) 750 K to 361 K in 2 minutes. Find the time during
d) 600 K which temperature of the liquid drops from
344 K to 342 K. Temperature of room is 293 K
21. The tungsten filament of an electric lamp has a) 84 s b) 72 s
a surface area A and a power rating P. if the c) 66 s d) 60 s
emissivity of the filament is 𝜀 and 𝜎 is
Stefan’s constant, the steady temperature of 26. A body cools from 50.00C to 49.90C in 5 s.
the filament will be__ How long will it take to cool from 40.00C to
𝑃 𝑃 39.90C ? assume the temperature of
a) T = ( 𝐴𝜀𝜎 ) b) T = ( 𝐴𝜀𝜎 )
1 1
surrondings to be 30.00C__
𝐴𝜀𝜎 4 𝑃 4
c) T = ( ) d) T = ( 𝐴𝜀𝜎 ) a) 2.5 s b) 10 s
c) 20 s d) 5 s
22. A bucket full of hot water cools from 750C to
27. The initial temperature of a body is 800C. If
700C in time T1, from 700C to 650C in time T2
its temperature falls to 640C in 5 minutes and
and from 650C to 600C in time T3, then,__
in 10 minutes to 520C then the temperature
a) T1 =T2 =T3 b) T1 > T2 > T3
of surrounding will be__
c) T1 < T2 < T3 d) T1 > T2 < T3
a) 260C b) 490C
c) 350C d) 420 C
23. A body cools takes 5 minutes to cool from
900C to 600C. If the temperature of the
28. A body takes 5 minutes for cooling from 500C
surroundings is 200C, the time taken by it to
to 400C. Its temperature comes down to
cool from 600C to 300C will be__
33.330C in next 5 minutes. Temperature of
a) 5 min b) 8 min
surroundings is__
c) 11 𝑚𝑖𝑛 d) 12 min
a) 150C b) 20 0C



c) 25 C d) 10 0C
2𝑒𝑉𝑁 3𝑅
a) b)
3𝑅 2𝑒𝑉𝑁
29. A black body radiates heat at temperature
‘ T1 ’ and ‘ T2 ’ (T2 > T1). The frequency 𝑁𝑒𝑉 2𝑁𝑒𝑉
c) d)
corresponding to maximum energy is__
a) more at T1 34. What will be r.m.s speed of a gas at 800 K ?
b) more at T2 a) four times the values at 200 K
c) equal for T1 and T2 b) half the value at 200 K
d) independent of T1 and T2 c) twice the value at 200 K
d) same as at 200 K
30. In the expression for Boyle’s law, the product
‘ PV ’ has dimensions of__ 35. The average distance covered by a molecule
a) force b) impulse between two successive collisions is called__
c) energy d) momentum a) free path
b) constant path
31. A gas is compressed isothermally. The r.m.s. c) mean free path
velocity of its molecules__ d) free path per unit time
a) increases
b) decreases 36. For athermanous surface__
c) first increases and then decreases a) r =1 b) a = 1
d) remains the same c) t =0 d) t = 1

32. Gases exert pressure on the walls of the 37. SI unit of Wein’s constant is__
container because the gas molecules __ a) m K b) Cal/m2
a) have finite volume
c) J/m2 d) K/m
b) obey Boyle’s law
c) possess momentum
38. At what temperature will the R.M.S. velocity
d) collide with one another
of a gas be double its value at N.T.P.?
a) 2730 C b) 5460 C
33. What temperature does the average
c) 8190 C d) 10920 C
translational K.E. of a molecule in a gas
becomes equal to K.E. of an electron
39. For an ideal gas, CV / CP is ?__
accelerated from rest through potential
a) < 1 b) > 1
difference of V volt ? All symbols have their
c) = 1 d) ≥ 1
usual meaning__




40. The correct equation out of the following ? 46. Two spheres made of same material have
a) E . Eb = a b) =a radii in the ratio 2 : 1. If both the spheres are
𝐸𝑏 1 at same temperature, then what is the ratio
c) =a d) E . Eb = 𝑎
𝐸 of heat radiation enegy emitted per second
by them ?
41. Given that CV – CP = R and 𝛾 = CP / CV, where a) 1 : 4 b) 4 : 1
CP = molar specific heat at constant pressure, c) 3 : 4 d) 4 : 3
CV = molar specific heat at constant volume,
Then CV = 47. The pressure exerted in terms of total kinetic
𝛾𝑅 𝑅 energy per unit volume ( E ) is__
a) 𝛾 − 1 b) 𝛾−1 a) 3/2 E b) E
𝛾−1 𝛾−1 c) 2/3 E d) √3 E
c) d)
𝑅 𝛾𝑅

42. In terms of mechanical unit, cp – cV is, where 48. At what temperature, the rms speed of gas
cp and cv are principal specific heats.____ molecules is half the value at NTP ?
a) R b) R/J a) 68.25 K b) 273 K
c) R/M d) R/MJ c) 345 K d) 0 K

43. At constant pressure, which of the following 49. Which of the following is the unit of specific
is TRUE ? heat?
a) J kg / 0C b) J/kg 0C
a) c ∝ √𝜌 b) c ∝ r
c) c ∝ 1/𝜌 d) c ∝ 1/√𝜌 c) kg 0C / J d) J kg / 0C2

44. The temperature at which the rms velocity of 50. If a = 0.72, r = 0.24, then value of t is__
hydrogen is four times of its value at NTP, a) 0.02 b) 0.04
is__ c) 0.4 d) 0.2
a) 8190 C b) 43680 C
c) 10920 C d) 40950 C 51. If 2 kcal, of heat is supplied to a system cause
to change the internal energy of a gas is
45. The coefficient of absorption of perfectly 5030 J, and external work done is 3350 J,
black body is__ then what is mechanical equivalent of heat ?
a) 1 b) 0 a) 41.90 J/kcal b) 4190 J/cal
c) 0.75 d) none of these c) 4.19 J/kcal d) 4.19 J/cal



52. PV/3 = RT, V represents volume of__ is heated at constant volume to raise the
a) any amount of gas temperature by 10 K, then heat required is__
b) 2 moles of gas [ R = 8.3 J/mol K]
c) 3 moles of gas a) 96.6 J b) 124 J
d) 4 moles of gas c) 198.8 J d) 215.4 J

53. What is the true for 3 moles of a gas ? 58. If at same temperature and pressure, the
(𝐶𝑃 – 𝐶𝑉 ) densities for two diatomic gases are
a) 3(CP – Cv) = R b) =R
respectively d1 and d2, then the ratio of
c) CP – Cv = R d) CP – 3 Cv = R
velocities of sound in these will be__
𝑑 𝑑
54. 5 gm of air is heated from 273 K to 275 K. a) √𝑑2 b) √𝑑1
1 2
The change in internal energy of air will be__
[CV = 172 cal/kg K and J = 4.2 J/cal] c) 𝑑1 𝑑2 d) √𝑑1 𝑑2
a) 7.22 J b) 5.22 J
c) 8.16 J d) 3.5 J
59. The mean kinetic energy of one gram – mole
55. A sphere, a cube and a thin circular plate, all of a perfect gas at absolute temperature T
are made of the same material and having is__
1 1
the same mass are initially heated to a a) kT b) RT
2 2
temperature of 30000 C. Which of these cools 3 3
fastest ? c) kT d) RT
2 2
a) Sphere b) Cube
c) Plate d) None of these 60. The difference between the principal specific
heats of Nitrogen is 300 J/kg K and the ratio
56. Radiation emitted by a surface is directly of the two specific heats is 1.4. Then the CP
proportional to__ is__
a) third power of its temperature a) 1050 J/kg K b) 650 J/kg K
b) equal to its temperature c) 750 J/kg K d) 150 J/kg K
c) twice power of its temperature
d) fourth power of its temperature 61. A body cools at the tatio of 1.20C/min when
its temperature is more than that of the
57. One mole of an ideal gas requires 207 J heat surrounding by 400C. The rate of cooling of
to raise the temperature by 10 K, when the body when its temperature is more than
heated at constant pressure. If the same gas that of surrounding by 250C will be__



a) 0.75 C/min b) 0.250C/min 66. A body radiates heat at the rate of 50 J/s at
c) 1.250C/min d) 10C/min 300 K. When the same body is at 600 k then
its rate of radiation of heat will be__
a) 100 J/s
62. A body cools from 600C to 520C in 5 minutes
b) 200 J/s
what will be the further fall in its
c) 400 J/s
temperature in the next five minutes ? If the
d) 800 J/s
temperature of the surrounding is 280C.__
a) 460C b) 400C
67. If the temperature of a hot body is raised by
c) 360C d) 48 0C
4 %, then the heat energy radiated would
increased by__
63. A body cools at the rate of 0.750C/s when it is
a) 16 % b) 12.5 %
500C above the surrounding. Its rate of
c) 4 % d) 9 %
cooling when it is 300C above the same
surrounding is__
68. The maximum energy in thermal radiation
a) 0.320C/s b) 0.360C/s
from a source occurs at the wavelength
c) 0.400C/s d) 0.450C/s
4000 A0. The effective temperature of the
source is__
64. A body in a room cools from 850C to 800C in 5
a) 7000 K b) 80000 K
minutes. Then the time taken to cool from 4
c) 10 K d) 106 K
800C to 750C is__
a) 5 minutes
69. What will be the ratio of temperatures of sun
b) more than 5 minutes
and moon if the wavelengths of their
c) less than 5 minutes
maximum emission radiations rates are
d) 10 minutes
140 A0 and 4200 A0 respectively ?
a) 1 : 30 b) 30 : 1
65. Newton’s law of cooling leads to the
c) 42 : 14 d) 14 : 42
following expression. The correct expression
70. Solar radiation emitted by sun resembles
a) (𝜃 - 𝜃0 ) = Kt + C
that emitted by a black body at a wavelength
b) log (𝜃 - 𝜃0 ) = - Kt + C
of about 4800 A0. If the sun were to cool
c) log 𝜃 = - Kt + C
down from 6000 K to 3000 K then the peak
d) 𝜃 = K 𝜃0 + C
intensity would occur at a wavelength__
a) 4800 A0 b) 9600 A0
c) 7200 A0 d) 6400 A0



71. A black body emits radiation of maximum 76. The coefficients of absorption and reflection
intensity and a wavelength of 5000 A0, When of the surface of a body are 0.70 and 0.25
the temperature of the body is 12270C. If the respectively. If 200 calories of radient heat is
temperature of the body is increased by incident on the surface of the body, the
10000C, then maximum intensity of emitted quantity of heat transmitted will be__
radiation would be observed at__ a) 140 cal b) 50 cal
a) 2754.8 A0 b) 3000 A0 c) 10 cal d) 60 cal
c) 3500 A0 d) 4000 A0
77. If an athermanous body absorbs 20 % of the
72. Two stars emit maximum radiation at incident radiant energy, then reflection
wavelength 3600 A0 and 4800 A0 coefficient of the body is__
respectively. The ratio of their temperature a) 0.2 b) zero
is__ c) 0.8 d) 1
a) 1 : 2 b) 3 : 4
c) 4 : 3 d) 2 : 1 78. The efficiency of a heat engine operating
with reservoir temperature of 1000C and sink
73. If the wavelength corresponding to temperature of – 230C will be__
100 − 23 100 − 23
maximum energy radiated from moon is 14 a) b)
100 373
micron, and Wien’s constant is 2.8 × 10-3 m K,
then temperature of moon is__ 100 + 23 100 + 23
c) d)
373 100
a) 100 K b) 200 K
c) 2000 K d) 400 K
79. What is the efficiency of a heat engine whose
74. A metal cube with each side 3 cm long emits temperature of source and sink are 800 K
0.27 kcal in 100 s. Then its emissive power and 600 K respectively ?
is__ a) 100 % b) 75 %
a) 1 kcal/sm2 b) 1.5 kcal/sm2 c) 50 % d) 25 %
c) 0.5 kcal/sm2 d) 3.5 kcal/sm2
80. A heat engine converts 1/6th of input heat
75. The emissive power of a sphere of area 0.07 into work. When temperature of sink is
reduced by 62 K the efficiency of engine
m2 is 0.5 k cal/m2s. The amount of heat
becomes 1/3. The temperature of source is__
radiated by the spherical surface in 20 a) 362 K b) 372 K
second is__ c) 392 K d) 412 K
a) 7 kcal b) 0.7 kcal
c) 0.07 kcal d) 20 kcal



81. An ideal heat engine working between 270C 86. A system absorbs 100 cal of heat and does an
and 1270C takes 400 cal of heat in one cycle. external work of 150 J. If J = 4.2 J/cal the
The work done is__ change in internal energy is__

a) 75 cal b) 50 cal a) 420 J b) 270 J

c) 100 cal d) 200 cal c) 250 J d) 150 J

82. A heat engine working between 300 K and 87. If temperature of 5 moles of a gas is raised
600 K has a work output 800 J/cycle. How through 1000C at constant pressure, then
much heat energy is supplied from source external work done by the gas will be__
per cycle ?
( R = 8.32 J/mol K)
a) 1400 J b) 1600 J
c) 1500 J d) 1700 J a) 832 J b) 4160 J
c) 41.6 J d) 15280 J
83. An ideal heat engine works between source
at 1270C and sink 270C. If 800 J heat is taken 88. For hyderogen gas, molar specific heat
from reservoir, the amount of heat rejected CP – CV = a and for oxygen gas CP – CV = b, the
to sink is__ relation between a and b is__
a) 300 J b) 400 J a) a = 16 b b) a = 4b
c) 500 J d) 600 J c) 16 b = a d) a = b

84. A gas expands from 75 litres to 125 litres at 89. The specific heat of a gas at constant volume
constant pressure of 4 atmosphere. Work is 20 J/mol K. When two moles of such gas is
done by the gas during this change is__ heated through 100C at constant pressure,
( 10 atm = 105 Nm-2 ) what is the increase in internal energy and
a) 50 kJ b) 40 kJ work done ? ( R = 8 J/mol K )
c) 30 kJ d) 20 kJ a) 200 J, 160 J b) 400 J, 260 J
c) 400 J, 160 J d) 200 J, 460 J
85. The temperature of 2 moles of a gas is
changed from 200C to 300C when heated at 90. 5 moles of gas were heated from 1000C to
constant volume. If the molar heat capacity 1200C at constant volume. The internal
at constant volume is 8 J mol-1 K-1, the change energy was changed by 200 J. What is the
in internal energy is__ specific heat capacity of the gas ?
a) 80 J b) 20 J a) 5 J/mol K b) 4 J/mol K
c) 160 J d) 16 J c) 2 J/mol K d) 10 J/mol K



91. The temperature of 5 moles of a gas which is
held at constant volume is changed from 96. The dimensions of specific heat are__
1000C to 1200C. If the change in internal a) [L2 M0 T-2 K-1] b) [L2 M1 T-2 K-1]
energy is found to be 80 J, then the total heat c) [L2 M0 T-2 K-2] d) [L2 M1 T2 K-2]
capacity of the gas at constant volume will
be__ 97. What temperature does the average
a) 8 J/K b) 4.0 J/K translational K.E. of a molecule in a gas
c) 0.8 J/K d) 0.4 J/K becomes equal to K.E. of an electron
accelerated from rest through potential
92. Molar specific heat of a monoatomic gas at difference of 5 volt ? ( K = 1.38 × 10-23 )
constant pressure is__ a) 38.65 × 103 K b) 0.3865 × 103 K
a) 5/2 R b) 3/2 R c) 3.865 × 103 K d) 38.65 K
c) 7/2 R d) R
98. A sample of hydrogen at temperature T,
93. If the amount of heat given to a system is volume V and pressure P have speed v and in
50 J and work done on the system is 15 J, a sample of oxygen at temperature T, volume
then change in internal energy of the system 2 V and pressure 3 P. The root mean square
will be__ velocity of the oxygen molecule is__
a) 35 J b) 50 J a) b) √6 v
c) 65 J d) 15 J
c) √3 v d) √2 v
94. The change in internal energy when 5 mole
of hydrogen is heated to 200C from 100C, 99. The r.m.s. velocity of the molecules in a gas
specific heat of hydrogen at constant at 270C is 300 m/s. Then the r.m.s. velocity of
pressure is 8 cal/mol 0C is__ the molecules in the same gas at 9270C is__
[ R = 2 cal/mol 0C ] a) 1200 m/s b) 600 m/s
a) 200 cal b) 350 cal c) 150 m/s d) 75 m/s
c) 300 cal d) 475 cal
100. A container has a mixture of two gases,
95. The quantity of heat energy supplied to 14 hydrogen and oxygen at room temperature.
grams of nitrogen to raise its temperature by Which one of the following statements is
400C at constant pressure in terms of R is__ true ? ( If CH and CO are the root mean
square velocities of hydrogen and oxygen
( Molecular weight of nitrogen is 28 )
molecules respectively )
a) 50 R b) 60 R
a) CH > CO b) CH < CO
c) 70 R d) 80 R

c) CO = 4 CH d) CO = 16 CH

101. The temperature at which rms velocity of

nitrogen gas molecules will be doubled that
at 00C is__
a) 273 K b) 546 K
c) 136 K d) 1092 K

102. The mean square velocity of the five

molecules of velocities are 2 m/s, 3 m/s,
4 m/s, 5 m/s and 6 m/s respectively is__
a) 4.242 m/s2 b) 4 m/s2
c) 18 m/s2 d) 16 m/s2


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