Valdezbriana Ilp Semester4 2024
Valdezbriana Ilp Semester4 2024
Valdezbriana Ilp Semester4 2024
Value of project for audience. The project would be a great tool for a professional learning community.
How might you integrate more formative assessments using read works
and within your overall vocabulary instruction? Vocabulary acquisition
needs to be practiced and applied in other content areas. The project
allowed the candidate to explore using readworks. She actively analyzed
student work and adjusted her instruction. I would have loved to see more
Overall feedback. opportunities for formative assessments that showcased student thinking
—for example, looking at different examples of student work, determining
the level of student understanding, and talking about it as a group. The
class is collaborative and talkative so that showcasing student work will
increase student investment. Briana’s project is well planned and shows
the eagerness and care she has for her community of learners.
Action Items (some may not be applicable)
For curriculum As the candidate becomes more familiar with their content and standards, they can begin to identify
design, lesson vocabulary words that are content specific and vocabulary that builds academic discourse. For example,
planning, assessment when students take their iReady diagnostic they struggle with content specific vocabulary but we also
planning noticed student's struggling understanding academic language.
For classroom Find more opportunities to Integrate vocab instruction and spiral vocab learning strategies in other
practice content areas.
For teaching English
learners, students The vocabulary activities presented ranged for more visual and auditory learners. There can be more
with special needs, opportunities for kinesthetic movement and even play. When applicable, these opportunities for play or
and students with realia can support multilingual learners and students with exceptionalities. To cater instruction for these
other instructional learners, continued collaboration with MLL specialists and RSP teachers is an encouraged practice.
For future I think the candidate can lead a professional learning community with her learnings with this project.
professional Briana can continue to seek professional development opportunities outside of school or continue her
development active collaboration with her teaching colleagues.
For supporting
The candidate's use of readworks has supported the K-5 teachers to access readworks for their own
Other n/a
Other Notes and Comments
The vocabulary journals were a great hit! Briana has been encouraged to share this project with her teaching colleagues because
we see the investment students had with their vocabulary learning and the responsiveness of refining her instruction!