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Valdezbriana Ilp Semester4 2024

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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) – Teacher Leader Project

Revised January 2024
The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange cells
after POP Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as needed. When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please include copies of
all instructional resources, including Google Survey used for assessment of audience satisfaction.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Briana Valdez bvaldez@gabri.org Multiple Subject 2
Mentor Email School/District Date
Almarosa Ulloa aulloa@gabri.org Gabriella Charter 1 2/20/24
Section 2: CSTP Focus
Identify 2-3 CSTP elements in which you are at least at the applying level for ILP focus. Use most recent CSTP Assessment.
Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
Emerging, Exploring, Applying, Integrating, Innovating

CST Rating Description

Element Initial
T– T - Supports students to initiate critical thinking through independently developing
1.5 Integrating questions, posing problems and reflecting on multiple perspectives
S – Applying
problem S - Students respond to questions and problems posed by the teacher and begin to pose
solving, and and solve problems of their own related to the content
Creating a
rigorous T - Develops a rigorous learning environment that includes accuracy, analysis, problem solving, and
learning appropriate levels of challenge.Holds high expectations for students. Has an understanding of
environment achievement patterns, anduses scaffolds to address achievement gaps.
with high T - Applying
expectations S - Applying S - Students engage in a variety of differentiated supports and challenges in ways that promote
and their accuracy,analysis, and problem solving in learning
support for all
knowledge of
Integrates knowledge of the range of students' development into instructional decisions to ensure
student understanding of the subject matter including related academic language.
3.2 and T - Integrating
Provides explicit teaching of specific academic language, text structures, grammatical, and stylistic
proficiencies to
language features to ensure equitable access to subject matter understanding for the range of
ensure student
student language levels and abilities.
1.3 Connecting T - Integrating T - Integrates connections to meaningful, real-life contexts in planning subject matter instruction
subject matter S- Integrating and is responsive during instruction to engage students in relating to subject matter.
to meaningful, S - Students actively engaged in making and using real-life connections to subject matter to extend
real-life their understanding.
Section 3: Teacher Leader Inquiry Focus and Planning
Project Title Inquiry Question Project Objective(s)
How can the use of technology in the
Students will learn academic vocabulary, build
classroom improve student performance
background knowledge, and build
in reading instruction by building
Technology Integration Showcase background knowledge, enhancing
comprehension skills. Teachers will use
technology to support student reading skills
vocabulary, and supporting reading
through sites like ReadWorks.
How Project Fits into
Audience for Project Professional Goals and/or How Audience Satisfaction will be
(Who Participates/Who Benefits) Department/School/District Assessed
The second grade team will discuss how the
Our school has seen a big need implementation of ReadWorks into the
for better academic vocabulary classroom is working for their students, and
The second grade team will use ReadWorks in class instruction and reading they will provide feedback on its effectiveness.
On ReadWorks, it allows teachers to look at
during reading instruction in order to support comprehension skills across
students' responses to the article and
students’ vocabulary instruction and comprehension many grades. Administrators vocabulary they are using and learning. Based
skills. have been pushing for teachers on their responses from the beginning of our
to help students build these skills time using it toward the end of the project, we
in the classroom. will assess if it has been effective for students
in our classrooms.
Special Emphasis: Teacher Leader Model Standards and NBPTS Core Propositions
Identify at least one standard (NBPTS, ISTE C, Teacher Leader Model Standards) that is the special emphasis focus of your project.
Explain how these standards will be incorporated. You may add more than 1 if you wish
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated

I am going to spend time reading about good teaching practices for

NBPTS Proposition 2: Teachers know the subjects
reading instruction, particularly with multilingual learners and
they teach and how to teach those subjects to
neurodivergent students, in order to use ReadWorks effectively to ensure
students will be able to improve their reading skills with it.

Inquiry Implementation Plan

Analyze Discuss Results
Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Results with Mentor
Milestone 4 Milestone 5
Identify name and 3/22 4/5 4/12 4/19 4/26
date for activities. Finish second Finish fourth
Finish fifth week
Finish first week of week of Finish third week of week of
of ReadWorks
ReadWorks Lessons ReadWorks ReadWorks Lessons ReadWorks
Lessons Lessons
Provide 1-2 sentence ReadWorks will be integrated into the school day daily. Everyday students will complete the Article of the
summary of your Day for the first 10 minutes of the reading block to promote vocabulary and background knowledge.
teacher leader Three times a week, students will complete 40 minute ReadWorks lessons, including 10 minutes of Article
project. of the Day, 15 minutes of Reading and Questions sets, and 10-15 minutes of independent reading.
Summarize process
for analyzing At the end of each week, I am going to monitor student progress by reviewing their responses to Article a
effectiveness of Day and by reviewing how they did on the article questions sets.
leadership role.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and
statement of what was learned.)
Literacy and Equity

In this article, Joan Sedita discusses the issue of

Pathway to Equity in Early Literacy
equity within reading instruction. She points out
many disparities between how many curriculums
are teaching reading instruction and what the
research supports with reading instruction. She also
This article discusses the importance of evidence-based instruction and the
states that less than 40% of teaching programs are
effects that poor reading instruction has on brown and black students. It
properly preparing teacher candidates for reading
highlights how culturally responsive practices give students the space to
instruction because they do not include all the
thrive in a safe learning environment. It also points out that reading
components of reading instruction in their
instruction is more than a skill set, and that reading should be a “mirror
coursework. In order to have effective reading
and window” that allow students to see themselves and learn about
instruction, teachers must teach phonics that uses
others. In fact, texts should reflect students’ own community. Finally, good
the science of reading framework, they must
reading instruction requires high expectation and high support.
expose students to sophisticated vocabulary,
comprehension, and need to have extensive
knowledge of how to support neurodivergent
students in order to meet all students’ need for
Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed similar leadership roles OR the status of the issue at
department/school/district level.)
In my K—2 Pod at school, kinder and first grade
teachers have also shared their dissatisfaction with Some of our administrators have pointed out that many grades are
our reading instruction. They have shared that our struggling with reading and comprehension across the school, and have
students need more than what our current been pushing for more vocabulary and comprehension instruction.
curriculum offers.
Section 5: Results and Reflection
Initial Revised Suggestions for Moving
CSTP Element Evidence/Rational for Rating
Rating Rating Forward
Promoting To move to INNOVATING
critical level: Consider how to
thinking Teacher asked questions of analysis and increase complexity of task
through T – Applying evaluation. beyond a single lesson so that
1.5 inquiry, S– Students answered questions that there are continuing
problem Exploring included all levels of Bloom’s. Students opportunities for students to
solving, created their own math problems. engage in inquiry in complex
and problem. How could you
reflection extend lesson into PBL?
Creating a Teacher provides students with tools they need
rigorous for analysis and critical reading. Students were
directed to use key words if they were unsure
learning how to answer a question and to reread the
environme section where they key words were found. To move to INNOVATING level:
nt with T- Students still building their skills met with the Have students focus on a single
teacher in a small group to reteach them the
high T - Applying Integrating skill.
topic and do a deep dive into the
expectation S - Applying S- content. Students can create a
s and Innovating Students practiced highlighting key terms, used presentation based on their
appropriat the online glossary, context clues, and rereading findings.
strategies to find answers to their questions.
e support They asked for help and worked with peers and
for all teachers when they needed extra support.
I used multiple different strategies to teach
Applying vocabulary and close reading so students
knowledge could find meaning within the text. Students To enhance Innovating level:
of student use vocabulary journals to come up with Have students keep vocabulary
developmen definitions, examples, illustrations, and journals with them at all times so
t and T- sentences with key vocabulary terms. They if they ever stumble upon an
3.2 T - Integrating
proficiencies Innovating also completed vocabulary activities that unfamiliar word, they can write it
to ensure required them to use vocabulary properly in in their journal and make
student context on ReadWorks. I also used a meaning out of it using their
understandi combination of explicit modeling, mini newly acquired skills.
ng matter lessons, and classroom discussions to prompt
comprehension skills.
T - Teacher found articles for students to
read that they would find interesting.
During instruction I made in the moment
adaptations such as underlining key words To move to INNOVATING level:
Connecting to bring students toward the correct Find ways to streamline content
subject T- answer. they are learning so the
matter to T - Integrating Integrating information sticks with them.
meaningful, S- Integrating S- S - Students read multiple articles that Integration across content areas
real-life Integrating were closely related. They were able to helps them to see how the
contexts take background knowledge gained from content is relevant in a variety of
other articles to connect it to the new areas.
content they were learning.

Special Emphasis (Teacher Leader Model Standards or NBPTS Core Propositions

Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Contribution to
Product(s) Generated
Developed by Teacher Others/Department/School/District
My biggest takeaway from this project was learning
how to adapt my lessons to better meet the needs of
my students. With my mentor, we worked together
to take articles and we built teaching points around Vocabulary Journals: Students
them. At the start of the project, many students learned to navigate the
were struggling with the material. The first change I ReadWorks Website to look for
made was teaching a mini lesson before diving into key vocabulary words, they
the article. I took some sentences from the article learned to use a glossary, and
and created an exercise where students had to take they learned how to use context I was able to present my findings with
an underlined vocabulary word and figure out the clues to figure out the meaning my school administrators, who have
meaning using the sentences around it. When I of unfamiliar words. been very supportive during this
chunked the work for them like this, more of my Vocabulary Activities: Students entire process. They really liked the
students were successful. Through this project, I had to correctly use vocabulary vocabulary journals I had students
learned how to start small and then students words in context. use and they appreciate the support
eventually worked their way up to having the entire Comprehension Question: and changes I made to make the
article to complete the same exercises with. Next, Students answered a content more accessible to students.
during my lessons, there was a moment when I combination of open-ended and
realized some students did not know what the word multiple choice questions. Their
‘furniture’ meant -which was not one of the responses helped me determine
predetermined vocabulary words, but was still very who needed additional help and
important for understanding the text. This led me who was understanding.
toward anticipating other words that were not
technically vocabulary words in order to pre-teach
Mentor Feedback
The Mentor should Identify strengths and areas of improvement in each of the following areas.
The candidate has identified the need for better teaching practices within
student reading comprehension and vocabulary instruction. The candidate
built on a push made by the school and used iReady data to determine
where students were. The candidate's strengths reflected in this project
were her collaboration with her K-2 learning POD and her analysis of
student work together. We would reflect on instruction during our weekly
Effectiveness of resources designed by the check-ins and revise/adjust lesson plans based on making more innovative
Candidate, including presentation, notes, handouts, strides. The students were very engaged in using their vocabulary journals.
and other resources. I was able to see students interact with one another meaningfully and see
them apply words accurately within a conversation in class.

Understanding grade-level standards to better integrate vocabulary

instruction is an area for growth. This project shows how this can be
integrated within other content areas.

The candidate demonstrated she was responsive to the needs reflected by

her class. She had a plan but could adapt and reflect based on what
students produced within their vocabulary journals. The project was very
Effectiveness of Overall Project
effective, and students really enjoyed making their journals. One area to
build on the vocabulary journals is having an active vocabulary wall in the
room so students can access or revisit the words.

Value of project for audience. The project would be a great tool for a professional learning community.

How might you integrate more formative assessments using read works
and within your overall vocabulary instruction? Vocabulary acquisition
needs to be practiced and applied in other content areas. The project
allowed the candidate to explore using readworks. She actively analyzed
student work and adjusted her instruction. I would have loved to see more
Overall feedback. opportunities for formative assessments that showcased student thinking
—for example, looking at different examples of student work, determining
the level of student understanding, and talking about it as a group. The
class is collaborative and talkative so that showcasing student work will
increase student investment. Briana’s project is well planned and shows
the eagerness and care she has for her community of learners.
Action Items (some may not be applicable)
For curriculum As the candidate becomes more familiar with their content and standards, they can begin to identify
design, lesson vocabulary words that are content specific and vocabulary that builds academic discourse. For example,
planning, assessment when students take their iReady diagnostic they struggle with content specific vocabulary but we also
planning noticed student's struggling understanding academic language.
For classroom Find more opportunities to Integrate vocab instruction and spiral vocab learning strategies in other
practice content areas.
For teaching English
learners, students The vocabulary activities presented ranged for more visual and auditory learners. There can be more
with special needs, opportunities for kinesthetic movement and even play. When applicable, these opportunities for play or
and students with realia can support multilingual learners and students with exceptionalities. To cater instruction for these
other instructional learners, continued collaboration with MLL specialists and RSP teachers is an encouraged practice.
For future I think the candidate can lead a professional learning community with her learnings with this project.
professional Briana can continue to seek professional development opportunities outside of school or continue her
development active collaboration with her teaching colleagues.
For supporting
The candidate's use of readworks has supported the K-5 teachers to access readworks for their own
Other n/a
Other Notes and Comments

The vocabulary journals were a great hit! Briana has been encouraged to share this project with her teaching colleagues because
we see the investment students had with their vocabulary learning and the responsiveness of refining her instruction!

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