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GV-IP Device Utility Guide

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GV-IP Device Utility

GV-IP Device Utility detects any GeoVision devices within the same LAN. It allows you to
quickly set the IP address, update firmware, export/import device settings for and reboot IP
devices, as well as monitoring the power status of PoE switches.

IMPORTANT............................................................................................................................................ 1
1. Installing GV-IP Device Utility ....................................................................................................... 1
2. The GV-IP Device Utility Window ................................................................................................. 2
3. Creating GV-IP Device’s Login Credentials................................................................................. 4
4. Updating Firmware ......................................................................................................................... 5
4.1. Important Notes before Firmware Update .............................................................................. 5
4.2. Online Update (Internet) ......................................................................................................... 6
4.3. Manual Update ....................................................................................................................... 7
5. Advanced Settings.......................................................................................................................... 7
6. Setting GV-PoE Switch ................................................................................................................... 9
7. Assigning Camera Channels for GV-DVR / NVR / VMS............................................................. 10
7.1 Assigning a Camera Channel.................................................................................................11
7.2 Importing the Camera Channel Configuration........................................................................11

If you are a first-time user of GeoVision products, it is essential to use the GV-IP Device Utility
to proceed with the following two settings:

1. Set up a unique username and password for your device. See 3. Creating GV-IP Device’s
Login Credentials.
2. Update the firmware of your device to the latest. See 4. Updating Firmware.

1. Installing GV-IP Device Utility

Download and install GV-IP Device Utility to a PC under the same LAN as your devices:

Once started, the utility will automatically search for GV devices connected in the same LAN.

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2. The GV-IP Device Utility Window

7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6

The controls in the window:

No. Name Description
1. Search Searches for any GV devices under the same LAN.
2. Auto Set IP Automatically assigns unused IP addresses on the LAN to the
Address devices with the same username and password.
3. Add Adds a GV device to the list.
4. Delete Deletes a device from the list.
5. Configure Specifies a network adaptor.
6. Check the Latest Lists all GV devices with newer firmware available. Select the
Firmware desired devices, with the same ID and password, from the list to
install firmware updates together. See 4. Updating Firmware.
7. Tool (on the Contains these features: Temperature Monitoring (sets up a
menu bar) value for temperature monitoring, by which the Internal
Temperature of a device will be shown in red when its
temperature exceeds the value), Show cameras connected by
GV-VMS/Recording Server (displays the devices connected to
GV-VMS/GV-Recording Server in green), GV-Software Camera
Setting (see 7. Assigning Camera Channels for GV-DVR / NVR /
VMS for details), Export device list for optional functions and
Import optional functions to device list (for optional ACC
audio function), UPnP function (enables and disables UPnP on
the devices with the same username and password)

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8. IP Address Click on the field to access these features: Web Page (directs to
the Web interface of a device), Live View (accesses the live view
of a device), Camera Adjustment (adjusts live images and
quality), Focus Value (adjusts image clarity of certain IP
cameras), Configure (accesses advanced settings).
Note: The features available vary among models of GV devices.


1. Listen Port in Temperature Monitoring must match with Camera’s VSS Port.
2. Show cameras connected by GV-VMS/Recording Server only supports
GV-Recording Server V1.3.0.0, GV-VMS V15.10 or later versions.

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3. Creating GV-IP Device’s Login Credentials

When purchasing new GV devices, or after resetting them, you need to create a login
username and password for these devices.

1. Certain devices do not support this feature to create login credentials.
2. If your device has default login credentials (admin/admin) already, for safety concerns,
you are urged to change the default password by double-clicking on the device in the list
> the Other Settings tab > Change Password.

1. Double-click on a device in the list. This dialog box appears.

2. Click the Create User Account tab and type a username and password. The password
must meet the password strength required.
3. Optionally, click Upgrade all devices to apply the created username and password to the
devices that do not yet have login credentials.

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4. Updating Firmware

To install the latest firmware, use either of the two methods:

A. Online Update (Internet): Click Check the latest firmware on the toolbar to
detect and install firmware updates. See section 4.2 for details.

B. Manual Update: Click on the IP address of your device in the list, select Configure, click
the Firmware Upgrade tab, and locate the latest firmware downloaded from GeoVision
website to update. See section 4.3 for details.

4.1. Important Notes before Firmware Update

Before updating firmware, read through these important notes:
 Stop monitoring of the camera.
 Stop all the remote connections, such as connection to GV-VMS.
 While the firmware is being updated,
A. the power supply must not be interrupted, and
B. do not unplug the Ethernet cable if the cable is the source of power supply (PoE
 If firmware upgrade fails, restore the device to its default settings.

WARNING: The interruption of power supply during updating causes not only update failure
but also damages to the device. In this case, please contact our sales representative and
send your device back to GeoVision for repair.

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4.2. Online Update (Internet)
For online firmware update, your devices must be accessible from Internet.

1. Click Check the latest firmware on the toolbar to detect firmware updates.

2. Select the desired devices in the list and click Upgrade.

3. You will be prompted to enter a username and password. The firmware updates will be
applied to the selected devices, with the same username and password you entered.

1. Certain devices do not have default login credentials (admin/admin). For these
devices, you must create a user account before firmware update. See 3. Creating GV-IP
Device’s Login Credentials for details.
2. Certain devices do not support online firmware update. For these devices, see 4.3
Manual Update for details.
3. Certain devices have intermediate firmware. After the firmware update is complete, it
is recommended to click Check the latest firmware again to see whether a newer
firmware version exists for your device to be updated again.
4. The error message “Unable to download the firmware file” will appear under a slow
Internet connection which causes download failed. In such circumstances, re-perform
the online update procedures to resume the download.

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4.3. Manual Update
1. Double-click the desired device in the list and select the Firmware Upgrade tab.
2. Click Browse to locate the firmware file downloaded from GeoVision website.
3. Type the username and password of the device under User Login.
4. Optionally, select Upgrade all devices to update the firmware of the devices, of the
the same model with an identical username and password, in the list.
5. Click Upgrade.

5. Advanced Settings

Double-click a device in the list to open the setting dialog box. Click the different tabs
described below to access advanced settings. Before you change any settings, make sure to
type username and password of the device.

IMPORTANT: The advanced settings available vary among models of GV devices.

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[Set IP Address] Change the IP address and ports of a device.

[Firmware Upgrade] Update firmware to the latest. See 4.3. Manual Update for details.

[Device Name] Rename a device.

[Export Settings] Export the configuration settings of a device.

[Import Settings] Import a configuration file to the device. You can specify the imported items:
Device Name, General Settings, Password Settings and/or Network Settings. The
Upgrade all devices option will import configuration settings to all other devices of the same
username, password, model and firmware version.

[Camera Adjustment] This tab is only available for GV-IP Cameras.

 Live View: Access live images.

 Camera Adjustment: Adjust live images and quality settings.

 Focus Value: Adjust image clarity. For details, see Adjusting Image Clarity in GV-IPCAM
Quick Start Guide.

 Codec Configure: Change image ratio, streaming codec, resolution, fps, etc. The
Apply settings to all devices option will apply the settings to all other devices with the
same username and password.

[Other Settings]

 Reboot: Restart the device.

 Load Default: Reload factory defaults of the device including username and password.
The Upgrade all devices option will reload defaults to all other devices with the same
username and password.

 Sync Time with PC: Synchronize the date and time with those of a local computer. The
Sync all devices option will synchronize all other devices with the same username and

 Change Password: Change the current password. The Sync all devices option will
synchronize all other devices with the same username and password.

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6. Setting GV-PoE Switch

When connecting multiple GV-PoE Switches in the LAN, you can use GV-IP Device Utility to
quickly access the PoE power and port status of each connected switch.

Note: The function is only supported by GV-IP Device Utility V8.6.0.0 with GV-POE0801 /
1601 / 2401 Firmware V1.02, or later versions.

1. Click on the IP address of the desired switch in the list and select Configure. This dialog
box appears.

2. To enable or disable the PoE of a device connected to the switch, select or deselect the
POE checkbox.
3. Click Refresh to retrieve the port information and Apply to allow the settings to take

Note: If a new device is connected to the PoE switch, close the setting dialog box and click
the Search button on the toolbar to update its port status.

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7. Assigning Camera Channels for GV-DVR / NVR / VMS

To assign a channel for each camera connected to GV-DVR / NVR / VMS, select Tool from
the menu bar > GV-Software Camera Setting.

The buttons in the Dispatch Pattern toolbar:

No. Name Description

1. Add Adds a new tab to create another camera channel arrangement.
2. Delete Deletes the selected tab.
3. Delete Selection Deletes the selected camera from Dispatch Pattern.
4. Clear all Clears all cameras in the selected tab.
5. Export Exports the channel arrangement settings.

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7.1 Assigning a Camera Channel
1. Drag devices from Camera List to the desired camera channels in Dispatch Pattern.
2. By default, the login username and password for all devices both are set to admin. If the
added device does not have the login default, right-click it in Dispatch Pattern and select
Login User Information to modify its login credentials.

3. To arrange a different set of camera channels, click the Add button on the Dispatch
Pattern toolbar. A new tab (NVR 2) is created.

4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to assign camera channels in the new arrangement.

5. To export the configuration settings, select a NVR tab (e.g. NVR 2), and click the Export

7.2 Importing the Camera Channel Configuration

To import the configuration settings into GV-DVR / NVR / VMS, follow the steps below.

1. Close GV-IP Device Utility and run GV-DVR / NVR / VMS.

2. Open the IP Device Setup dialog box.

A. GV-DVR / NVR: Click the Configure button > System Configure > Camera Install
> IP Camera Install.

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B. GV-VMS: Click Home > Toolbar > Configure > Camera Install.

C. Select Import Camera.

D. Locate a Configuration file and click OK. The camera channel arrangements are
imported to GV-DVR / NVR / VMS.

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