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Concur Quickstart Guide 2021

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QuickStart Guide

SAP Concur Travel

Section 1: Logging on to Concur
How to… Additional Information
1. Navigate to https://www.concursolutions.com.
2. Log onto Concur following your company’s If you are not sure how to start Concur, check with
logon instructions. your company’s system administrator. When
starting Concur, you will first see the Login screen.
When logging onto Concur, remember that your
password is case sensitive.
3. After entering your User Name click Next and
then enter your Password, and then click Sign In.
Section 2: Retrieving and Changing your Password
If you have forgotten your password, you can request to receive it in an email.
Retrieving a link to change your password
How to… Additional Information
1. On the Login page, click the Forgot
your password? link.

2. Enter the username associated with your

account and click Send.
Section 3: Navigating Concur
The Concur home page includes the following sections that make it easy for you to navigate and find the
information you need.
• My trips – Displays any upcoming Trips booked in Concur or through an agent.
• Trip Search – Provides the tools you need to book a trip.
• Company Notes – Provides helpful information from The Travel Team and you company.
• Unused Tickets – Displays list of any unused ticket credits you currently have on file.
Section 4: Updating your Profile
You use the Profile Options page to customize your user profile.

Step 1: Accessing your Profile page

How to… Additional Information
• On the Profile Options page, review your
information, and select the appropriate links to
update your profile information.
Step 2: Completing your information
How to… Additional Information
• Click the appropriate links on the My Profile – To avoid re-entering personal and permanent
Personal Information page to complete your information about yourself (phone number, contacts,
profile information, as needed. credit card information etc.), complete your profile
after logging onto Concur for the first time and
update it whenever your information changes.
Section 5: Using Concur Travel
You use Concur Travel to book a flight, rail, car, and/or hotel reservation.
Step 1: Making a flight reservation
How to… Additional Information
1. On the Concur home page, on the If you have a car, hotel, limo, or rail to book without
Flight tab on the left side of the page, airfare, use the corresponding tabs.
select one of the following options.
• Round Trip
• One Way
• Multi City

2. In the From and To fields, enter the cities for When you type in a city, airport name, or code, Travel
your travel, and then click Search. will automatically search for a match.
3. Click in the Departure and Return date fields,
and then select the appropriate dates from the
4. Select depart or arrive, the time of day you want Travel searches before and after the time you select.
to fly, and time range from the dropdown
5. If you need a car, select the Pick-up/Drop-off car Depending on your company’s configuration, you
at airport check box. can automatically reserve a car, which allows you to
bypass viewing the car results. After you select a
vendor and car type, a car is automatically added to
your reservation.
6. If you need a hotel, select the Find a Hotel check You can choose to search for the hotel by:
• Airport
• Address
• Company Location
• Reference Point / Zip Code (a city or
7. Select Schedule or Price from the Search by
dropdown arrow.
8. To search only fully refundable fares, select the
Refundable only air fares check box.

9. Click Search.

10. Review the search results and select the most To filter the results, select a column, row, or cell in
appropriate option for your flight. the airline grid at the top of the results screen or use
the sliding scales on the left. You can easily switch
between the Shop by Fares tab and the Shop by
Schedule tab by clicking on the tab.
13. To select your flight: Next to the Select buttons there may be icons:
• On the Shop by Schedule tab, select your • A green check icon indicates the fare is within
Outbound and the system will refresh with policy.
Return options. click View Fares, and then • A yellow yield icon indicates the fare is outside
click Select for the appropriate flight. of policy. If you select this fare, you must
-OR- enter additional information.
• On the Shop by Fares tab, click Select next to • A red exclamation point icon indicates the
the appropriate flights. fare is outside of policy. If you select this fare,
you must enter additional information or you
may not be able to book this.
14. On the Review and Reserve Flight page, review Add or choose a different frequent flier program.
your information, and then click Reserve Flight Travel automatically selects the corresponding
and Continue. frequent flier program from the profile, if available.
To select a seat, click the Select a Seat link next to
the flight. A code for seats appears at the bottom of
the page, showing which seats are available,
occupied, or considered preferential. Please note that
if you choose a Paid Preferential seat, you will be
charged for the seat price even though the price is
not shown on the seat map.
Step 2: Selecting a car
How to… Additional Information
1. If you selected Pick Up/Drop off car at If you selected Automatically reserve this car, Travel
airport on the Flight tab, you will see will add your car and then display your hotel results.
the results for the car search.
2. Click the Price button next to the You can sort the car results to help find your
appropriate rental car. selection.

3. Review your car rental details, and then

click Reserve Car and Continue.
4. Review your travel details, and then
click Next.

Step 3: Selecting a hotel

How to… Additional Information
1. If you selected the Find a Hotel option on the
Flight tab, the hotel results appear after you
choose your rental car.
2. Use the filter options to narrow your search by
Amenity or Chain.
3. Click view room to view room rates.

4. When you are ready to reserve your hotel room, The Select buttons are color coded as follows:
click the radio button next to the desired room • A green check icon indicates the rate is within
type, and then click Select. policy.
• A yellow yield icon indicates the rate is outside
of policy. If you select this rate, you must
enter additional information.
• A red exclamation point icon indicates the rate
is outside of policy. If you select this rate, you
must enter additional information or you may
not be able to book this. You will see a
notification if a hotel is outside of policy.
You can view the type of rate and room, as well as
other information that is available from the agency
5. Review the information on the Review and
Reserve Hotel page, click to agree, and then
click Reserve Hotel and Continue.
Step 4: Completing the reservation
How to… Additional Information
1. Review the details of the reservation, and then From here, you can add or make changes to the car
click Next. or hotel as well as change the dates of the flight.
Depending on your company’s configuration you
may be able to add parking, taxi or dining at this
2. On the Trip Booking Information page, enter your The trip name and description data are for your
trip information in the Trip Name and Trip record keeping.
Description fields. If you would like to apply an
Unused Ticket Credit to the reservation, select
Yes from the dropdown.
3. Click Next. You will see the name and itinerary, along with the
quoted airfare amount.
4. Click Purchase Ticket to finalize your trip. You will see verbiage at the top of the page
exclaiming that you are Finished.

Step 5: Cancelling or changing a car rental, or hotel reservation

How to… Additional Information
1. At the top of the Concur page, click Travel.
2. On the Upcoming Trips tab, click the name of the
trip you want to change.

3. To cancel a trip, in the Action column, click

Cancel Trip.
4. On the Itinerary page, select the portion of the trip From the Itinerary page, you can:
you want to change. • Email your itinerary
• Print your itinerary
• View Trip History
• Share Trip
• Create Template
• Clone Trip
• Cancel Entire Trip
5. To cancel your entire trip, in the I want to column, When you cancel a trip, if your ticket is refundable,
click Cancel Entire Trip, and then follow prompts your ticket will be voided or refunded, as applicable.
until you get confirmation of the cancellation. If your ticket is non-refundable, and you cancel it in
accordance with the airline rules, an e-ticket will be
retained that you can apply to future trips.

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