Acsat 2012 46
Acsat 2012 46
Acsat 2012 46
Fuzzy Logic Based MPPT for PV Array under Partially Shaded Conditions
Chia Seet Chin, Yit Kwong Chin, Bih Lii Chua, Aroland Kiring, Kenneth Tze Kin Teo
Modelling, Simulation and Computing Laboratory, Material & Mineral Research Unit
School of Engineering and Information Technology
Universiti Malaysia Sabah,
Abstract— This paper presents the fuzzy logic based maximum current or open circuit voltage is constant. Hence the optimal
power point tracking for the optimization of the solar voltage can be tracked based on the linear relationship.
photovoltaic (PV) array under partially shaded conditions. The However, these techniques are not reliable as the relationship
PV system is modelled in MATLAB/SIMULINK where the PV between the MPP voltage and short circuit current or open
array is formed by five PV modules connected in series. The circuit voltage might not be the same for different PV cell
P V characteristic of PV module and PV array under uniform technology. These methods might fail in determining the
solar irradiance are nonlinear but there are one maximum optimal operating condition of the PV system especially
power point (MPP) can be identified. Nevertheless, the P V when the system is under rapidly changing environmental
characteristic becomes more complex with multiple MPP when
conditions [3]. Due to this reason, P&O method is proposed
the PV array under partially shaded conditions (PSC). In this
to replace the short circuit current and open circuit voltage
paper, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) approach
based on perturb and observe algorithm has been investigated.
methods. P&O method is popular and widely applied
Fuzzy logic is adopted into the conventional MPPT to enhance because of the ease of implementation. However, many
the overall performance of the PV system. The performances modified techniques are still proposed with the aiming to
of MPPT and FMPPT are investigated particularly on the reduce the hardware costing or to improve the performance
transient response and the steady state response when the PV of the controller [4]. Incremental conductance method for
array is exposed under different partially shaded conditions. instance is an extensive technique of P&O method. It is
The simulation results show that FMPPT has better developed to improve the tracking accuracy.
performance where it can facilitate the PV array to reach the To track the optimum operating condition of PV system,
MPP faster and provide more stable output power. the characteristics of the PV system should be recognized.
Solar cell is common known as the basic element that
Keywords-photovoltaic; partially shaded conditions; converts solar energy into electrical energy. The electricity
fuzzy logic; MPPT generation is affected by the incident light where the amount
of the illuminated solar irradiance determines the generation
I. INTRODUCTION of the charge carrier in solar cell [5]. Under uniform
illuminated conditions, PV system presents nonlinear
The solar photovoltaic (PV) power system becomes characteristics where a unique maximum point can be
popular in this new era because the solar energy is renewable identified in the P V characteristic. The point is commonly
and environmental friendly. Although research and known as maximum power point. If the PV system is
development on solar cell design and fabrication is carried operated under MPP, maximum power can be extracted from
out continuously to reduce the high capital cost, the the PV system. However, PV system presents different
improvement of overall PV system performance is equally characteristics when it is exposed under partially shaded
important [1]. One of the interesting areas is by conditions. Multiple MPPs will appear in the P V
implementing maximum power point tracking (MPPT) characteristic. The complication of the characteristics is
technique to control the operating condition of the PV depending on the orientation of the PV array and the shading
system. This approach is to track the maximum available patterns [6, 7]. The occurrence of multiple MPPs decreases
output power of the PV system and hence to ensure the the effectiveness of tracking algorithm where the PV array
maximum power can be extracted regardless changes of might be operated at the trapped local MPP [8]. Ji et al. has
environmental conditions such as solar irradiance level and proposed a real MPP tracking (RMPPT) method to allocate
ambient temperature. the global maximum power point [9] and consequently
Various MPPT schemes have been introduced by optimizing the generation of PV system.
different authors. Among the popular tracking methods are In this paper, optimization of PV system under partially
short circuit current, open circuit voltage, perturb and shaded conditions will be discussed. PV array will be formed
observe (P&O) and incremental conductance. Short circuit by five PV modules connected in series. The P&O algorithm
current and open circuit voltage methods appeared in the will be developed to track the optimal condition of the PV
early stage to detect the optimal operation of the PV system system. In general, the efficiency of P&O algorithm is
[2]. These methods assume that the relationship between strongly affected by the iteration perturbation size [10].
maximum power point (MPP) voltage and short circuit
ª §V pv + IR s · º §V + IR s · Start
I = I pv − I 0 «exp¨¨ ¸ − 1» − ¨ pv ¸ (1)
¸ ¨ ¸
¬« © nVT ¹ ¼» © Rp ¹
Measure Vk, Ik, Vk – 1, Ik – 1
where I is the solar cell terminal current, Ipv is the solar cell
light-generated current, I0 is the diode Dm reverse biased
saturation current, V is the solar cell terminal voltage, n is the Pk = Vk×Ik
ideality factor of the diode Dm, VT is the thermal voltage, Rs Pk – 1 = Vk – 1×Ik – 1
and Rp are the equivalent series and parallel resistance
PV module is formed by a number of identical solar cells Pk>Pk – 1?
connected in series or in parallel to provide larger operating
voltage or larger current to the connected load. The further
series or parallel connection of several PV modules can form N N
PV array. The basic configuration of five identical PV Vk>Vk – 1? Vk>Vk – 1?
modules connected in series to form a PV array can be
shown in Fig. 2.
B. MPPT Algorithm
The P&O method has been selected to perform maximum Vk + 1 = Vk + V Vk + 1 = Vk – V
power point tracking for PV array due to its simplicity and
Conn1 MPP continue
I +
I pv ID
Dm Rp V
N Y = Yes
- N = No
2 End
voltage either to a larger value or to a smaller value. The linguistic fuzzy sets via fuzzification. The linguistic fuzzy
operation of P&O algorithm to change the operating voltage sets will be represented by fuzzy membership function which
of PV array is based on four conditions. The four conditions it is a curvature presenting each and every point of the
and action to be taken by the P&O algorithm can be membership value. The fuzzy rule base is a compilation of
summarized as in Table 1. every if-then rules. The rule base contains all information for
The basic operation of P&O algorithm is by the controlled parameters and judges all the possible
implementing the iterative process to track the optimal outcomes. The rules are defined according to the
operating conditions of the PV array. Even though the professional knowledge and experience on the operation of
optimal operating voltage is successfully identified, P&O the system control. The fuzzy inference engine has the
algorithm will continuously iterate the PV array’s operating capability on decision making where the judgment is based
voltage, aiming to track the next MPP. As a result, the on the defined fuzzy rules. The inference engine is therefore
increment and decrement process will lead to the voltage and transforming the fuzzy rule base into fuzzy linguistic output.
power fluctuation problem. The fluctuation is obvious when Subsequently, the defuzzifier transferred the linguistic fuzzy
a large perturbation size is applied. Therefore, fuzzy logic is sets back into the actual value of .
proposed to be adopted into the conventional P&O Fuzzy logic is adopted in the P&O algorithm to increase
algorithm. By varying the perturbation size of V, the the flexibility of the algorithm in varying the size of the
oscillation of the PV operating voltage is anticipated to be perturbed voltage, V. When the fixed perturbation size V
minimum hence reducing power loss in the PV system. is small, the PV array will suffer from slow tracking of
C. Fuzzy Logic MPP. Increasing perturbation size of V will cause large
oscillation on the PV array’s operating voltage and
Fuzzy logic is well known as a logical system that does subsequently causing power fluctuation problem in the
not require accurate mathematic model. Fuzzy logic system. With the assistance of fuzzy logic, FMPPT is able
implements linguistic variable computing method rather to adjust the perturbation size of V based on the collected
than the precise numerical digit numbers. In other words, data at instantaneous circumstances. FMPPT can control the
fuzzy is able to function properly even without precise PV array to have fast transient response hence the maximum
inputs. Fuzzy logic is relatively more robust compared to power operating condition can be tracked faster. In addition,
the conventional nonlinear controller. FMPPT is able to reduce the oscillation of the operating
There are four basic elements in the operation of fuzzy voltage thus maintaining the power stability of the PV array
logic control, known as the fuzzification, the rule base, the when the MPP has been successfully identified.
inference engine and the defuzzification. The operation of
fuzzy logic control is shown in Fig. 4 where the fuzzy logic D. Real Maximum Power Point Tracking
control has two inputs, and and one output, . The real maximum power point tracking method
The operation of fuzzy logic control is initiated by the (RMPPT) proposed by Ji et al. is to allocate the global MPP
fuzzification. Fuzzification is the progression of converting when the PV array experiences PSC [9]. When the PV array
the inputs into linguistic variable. Referring to Fig. 4, the is under PSC, the P V characteristic will become more
PV system actual signal and will be converted into complex with the occurrence of multiple MPPs. PV array
which is operated at the trapped local MPP will generate
TABLE I. CONDITIONS FOR THE OPERATION OF P&O ALGORITHM limited power but in fact the PV array is capable to generate
higher output power. For a PV array that generates less
Case Condition Action on PV array power, the efficiency of the system is reduced.
Case I Pk>Pk – 1 and Vk>Vk – 1 Operating voltage is The idea of RMPPT is to compute a new and resettable
increased by V voltage point within the vicinity of operating voltage when
the PSC is detected. If the evidence showing that the PSC is
Case II Pk>Pk – 1 and Vk<Vk – 1 Operating voltage is occurred, RMPPT will instruct the PV array to operate at the
decreased by V computed voltage point for a new cycle of MPP tracking.
Case III Pk<Pk – 1 and Vk>Vk – 1 Operating voltage is The rearrangement of operating voltage point can facilitate
decreased by V the PV array from being trapped at the local MPPs.
Case IV Pk<Pk – 1 and Vk<Vk – 1 Operating voltage is The computation of the new and resettable voltage
increased by V reference, Vreset is described in (2),
Rule Base V mp
V reset = ×I (2)
I mp
Fuzzification Inference Defuzzification
Engine where Vmp is the maximum power operating voltage of PV
array at standard test condition (STC), Imp is the maximum
Fig. 4. Operation of fuzzy logic control.
power operating current of PV array at STC and I is the
instantaneous current when the PSC is identified. At STC, The current generated by PV array under PSC is not the
the PV array is receiving 1000W/m2 solar irradiance and same as the PV array under STC. At STC, constant current
operated at 25ͼC cell temperature. of approximate 5.2A is generated along the functional
operating voltage from 0V to 80V. However, when the PV
II. MODELLING AND SIMULATION array is under PSC, the generating current is not able to be
The SHARP NE 80E2EA multi-crystalline silicon PV sustained at a constant value.
module with rated power 80W is selected as the reference When 80% of PV array being shaded 60%, the PV array
model for PV array modelling in MATLAB SIMULINK. It is generating constant current of approximate 5.2A for the
has 36 series connected solar cell with open circuited voltage first 13V operating voltage. The current starts to decrease
of 21.3V and short circuited current of 5.16A. Several PV after 13V and settling at a constant current approximately
modules can be connected in series to form PV array in order 2.1A along the remaining operating voltage until it reaches
to have larger output power. The I V of PV module and PV 74V.
arrays under STC are shown in Fig. 5 and the respective The PV array at STC has only one MPP as shown in the
P V characteristics are shown in Fig. 6. The operating P V characteristic in Fig. 8. However, if the PV array is
voltage of PV array is greater for larger numbers of series under PSC, the PV array shows multiple MPPs. When 80%
connected PV modules. Referring to Fig. 6, three series of PV array is shaded 60%, a local MPP located at
connected PV modules can generate output power of 240W approximate 17V and a global MPP located at 74V are
which is equal to three times the rated power of a PV spotted in the P V characteristic. When the condition is
module. On the other hand, five series connected PV changed to 80% shaded on 40% of the entire PV array, a
modules is able to generate output power of 400W, local MPP located at approximate 73V and a global MPP
equivalent to five times of the rated power of a PV module. located at 48V are identified in the P V characteristic.
However, series connected PV module is not able to generate Fuzzy logic is developed to assist the P&O algorithm for
larger current as shown in Fig. 5. faster response in tracking the MPP while controlling the PV
The character of PV array under PSC is modelled and the array to have less fluctuation around the MPP. Fuzzy logic
simulation of I V and P V characteristics of PV array will make decision on the size of the perturbed voltage, V
under STC and PSC are shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 based on the change of power, dp and change of power with
respectively. These characteristics are referring to five PV respect to change of voltage, dp/dv. Fig. 9 shows the
modules connected in series.
I-V characteristics of PV array I-V characteristic of PV array at partially shaded condition
6 Single PV module Three (3) PV modules in series Five (5) PV modules in series
Standard test condition 80% of PV array at 60% PSC 40% of PV array at 80% PSC
A PV module
4 40% of PV
Current (A)
Current (A)
array at 80%
3 Five PV 3 PSC
Three PV modules in
2 modules in series 2
series 80% of PV array
1 at 60% PSC
0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
0 20 40 50 60 100 Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)
Fig. 5. I V characteristic of PV array under STC. Fig. 7. I V characteristic of PV array under PSC.
40% of PV
Pow er (W )
250 array at 80%
Three PV 200 PSC
200 modules in
150 series
A PV 100
100 module
0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)
Fig. 8. P V characteristic of PV array under PSC.
Fig. 6. I V characteristic of PV array under STC.
Stage 1: 80% of PV Stage 2: 40%
array at 60% PSC of PV array at
Power (P)
80% PSC
Power (P)
arrangement of membership function in the fuzzy output
variable, V.
The configuration of membership function is not set to be
distributed evenly along the universe of discourse. As shown
in Fig. 9, the output variable has three membership functions
in the range of [0 1] whereas only one membership functions
is defined in the range of [0.8 2]. This is because fuzzy logic
has been placed to work more sensitive in the range of [0 1],
Power (P)
where fuzzy logic will decide a smaller but precise size of
perturbed voltage when the PV array is approaching MPP.
The membership functions of the input variables are t = 161s
matched with the membership functions of the output
t = 65s
variable forming fuzzy rule base system. The rules are
validated through fuzzy viewer by adjusting the index line.
This process is to verify the fuzzy computed V to be same Time (s)
as the desired value.
Fig. 10. The output power controlled by MPPT and FMPPT.
A. Results
The performance of FMPPT is compared with the MPPT
with perturbation size 0.5V and 1.0V particularly when the
Voltage (V)
The performance of the proposed fuzzy logic based
Perturbed voltage (V)