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An improved particle swarm optimization based
maximum power point tracking algorithm for PV system

 Introduction
 Characteristic of PV cell
 Effects of PSC’s on PGS
 Overview of PSO algorithm
 Improvement and application of PSO to
 Conclusion
 References
 Renewable energy tracking becomes one of the
interesting areas in recent years due to increased energy
demand all over the world and issues related to the

 Out of all renewable energy sources, solar energy has

gained much more attention due to its availability,
cleanness and inexhaustible nature.

 Power produced by PV panel varies with variation in

atmospheric conditions such as solar irradiation and cell

 MPPT is an art of extracting maximum power from PV panel

and it is regarded as the critical component of a PV system.

 PV system with MPPT achieves load matching and extracts

maximum power thereby increases the efficiency of solar
power tracking.

 PV system is operating at MPP, a DC-DC converter along with

an MPPT controller is inserted in between load and PV
Characteristic of PV cell
 PV cell can be represented using an ideal model, single
diode four parameter model.

 Single diode five parameter model shown in Fig. 1 is

used to represent PV cell.

 Single diode model of solar cell is nonlinear but it is less

complex as compared to the two diode model hence
mathematical analysis is easy.
fig.1:-single diode five parameter model of solar cell

Where, Rs and Rsh are series and shunt resistance of PV cell respectively, Io is
diode saturation current, Iph is the current source.
q is electric charge of the electron, Vpv and Ipv are the PV generated voltage and
current respectively.

equation.. (1)
Effects of PSC’s on PGS
 To achieve the required voltage and current rating PV panels
are connected in parallel, series or combination of two.

 Bypass diodes are connected across PV modules to avoid the

formation of hot spots due to absorption of energy by shaded
PV modules from non- shaded PV modules.

 PV array exhibits a unique MPP as shown in curve 1 of fig.

2(c) when all modules are exposed to uniform solar irradiance
as shown in fig. 2(a).

 When any one of the modules in the array is shaded as shown

in fig. 2(b) PV array exhibits multiple peaks as shown in fig.
Fig 2:-PV array (a) under uniform insolation (b) under partial shading (c) I-V & P-V curve
 Depending upon the shading pattern, bypass diode
incorporated in the PV module, and system configuration
output power of string varies.

 Due to uneven solar irradiation falling on different panels of

the same string.
Overview of PSO algorithm
 In 1995 Kennedy and Eberhart developed PSO, a population based swarm
intelligence algorithm to optimize engineering problems with local optimal

 PSO is an optimization technique developed based on the social behavior

of bird flocking.

 Population of particle called as cooperative agents are used to find the

optimum solution. Each particle or agent in a population follows two
fundamental rules for finding the optimal solution.

 It follows the best performing particle and the best solution found by the
particle itself. All particles in the population converge towards the best
Fig 3:-Flow chart of conventional PSO
Improvement and application of
 PSO algorithm is now applied to realize MPPT
controller for a PV system to track peak power
effectively under PSC and varying atmospheric

 The standard version of PSO is improved to increase the

tracking speed, tracking accuracy and robustness.

 Convergence speed and tracking accuracy are improved

by decreasing inertial weight and cognitive coefficient
linearly from larger value to smaller value and
increasing social coefficient linearly from relative
smaller value to larger value.
Fig 4:-Block diagram of proposed system

Due to changes in the environmental conditions, the objective

function also changes during real time operations.
 A system independent, adaptive PSO based MPPT algorithm
for centralized-type PGS operating under PSC, which
improves the tracking speed, tracking accuracy.

 The proposed technique boasts the following advantages:

(1) Compared to other GMPP searching methods, the

tracking efficiency of the APSO-based MPPT algorithm is
very high.

(2) PSO-based method is a good candidate for MPPT

algorithms, as it is easy to implement and converges to the
desired solution in a reasonable time.

(3) The proposed method is system independent.

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