Kin177 GalacticHumanDesign
Kin177 GalacticHumanDesign
Kin177 GalacticHumanDesign
of Time
In the year 2013, the Dreamspell target of launching Timeship
Earth 2013 was reached, and a New Beam coming from the Source
launched Velatropa 24.3 Planet Earth. In the micro- fractal of my
life I found the Human Design System, or it found me.
I had heard about it a few years earlier, but I never had enough
time to investigate it, but this time, when I saw a video addressing
the Projector Type, of which I am one, it really touched me deep,
like a calling. Since then i started to gather all the information i
could like audio files, videos and books.
Since 2001 I was fully immersed in the study and practice of the
Law of Time, and I felt there must be a way to integrate Human
Design, starting with the 64 Hexagrams which both systems in-
clude as the alphabet of our DNA. As I started to go deep into the
realm of Human Design, I became fascinated.
When I first got my Rave Chart (you can get yours for free at, its basic description resonated deeply
within me. Basically, there is a cosmology that describes 4 differ-
ent types of aura mechanics called Generator, Projector, Mani-
festor and Reflector. But this is only the beginning. There are many
different levels of differentiation that help you to perceive more
accurately and discover your uniqueness as a differentiated being,
what makes you to be you and none else, and to learn how to oper-
ate correctly according to it. Your design is very much like your
genetic fingerprint, and to operate correctly means that decisions
are no longer made by your conditioned homogenized mind, but
instead, by following your Strategy and Authority, which are de-
rived from your particular configuration. This configuration when
studied, leads you into resonance with your form and gives an un-
derstanding of how you are designed to meet the world. This way
you make sure that your decisions are in alignment with your per-
sonal trajectory and that they are not the byproduct of what you
have been conditioned to think that you should or should not do or
Once the mind is freed from a job that is not appropiate for it, mak-
ing decisions, it is released to perform what it is best at: To devel-
op a unique awareness and be of service to others as Outer Author-
Both the Law of Time and the Human Design systems were mainly
transmitted between 1987 and 2011. I was surprised again to learn
that Ra departed this world only 11 days before Votan, on March
12, 2011 (just one day after Fukushima) on kin 78 White Cosmic
Mirror, which is associated with Mars and is also the sum of the
tones of the 13 clear signs of Pakal Votan’s sarcophagus lid.
I saw that just as Votan got revelations about the nature of Time,
Ra’s system is deeply rooted in Space,. I wondered: What is Time
and Space if not mental constructs that are derived from the same
unified field of what we call reality?
The Human Design system is a binary system, which you can also
understand by contemplating the I Ching wheel where Space and
Time are complementary to each other. I reflected that both of
these incredible systems of information were like twin systems, a
binary pair.
For example, when I crossed the gate of the Yellow Galactic Seed
(2013) and found this, my feeling was that somehow the future
comes from the past, and for people coming from the Law of Time
teachings and being able to enter the Human Design experiment or
vice-versa, it would look like an eight/infinity shaped time loops in
which my past is your future and my future is your past. At least
this was my experience, that only affirmed that these complemen-
tary systems when put together created an intersection where
everything we need to evolve and to navigate in this particular mo-
ment in our evolution is already here. It is only a matter to fully
live it and make it real. So we can stop expecting for anything else
to come and start driving the ship that’s already here and now and
we’re part of it. The destiny is in our hands, we have the time
maps, but we’ll only get there if we can operate correctly by being
our authentic self. Whhen I get closer and closer to my own partic-
ular differentiated time-space awareness, then I wondered how is it
possible that these two magnificient agents of the divine (Votan
and Ra) did not meet in life to match their revelations and how
wonderful it could have been! I know the answer is that the legacy
is now in our hands. So when I found myself working with both of
these systems or streams of information, I knew there was so much
to do in order to integrate them appropriately, and I could not do it
alone, so I created a blog and a Facebook group to invite others to
join me in this open research. Both the blog and the group have
versions in english and spanish, here you will find the first bundle
of reports I wrote about it and hopefully join with your own per-
ceptions as well.
Since then, a few of us, coming both from one “side” and the other,
started to join and exchange visions and experiences, as well as
study material, etc. It’s funny as I always have this sentence of
that old movie in my head “If you build it, they will come” (Kevin
Costner, Field of Dreams, 1989). So here are the links: