Research (Group 5) (Repaired)
Research (Group 5) (Repaired)
Research (Group 5) (Repaired)
This research aims to determine the Factors Affecting the Academic Stress of Grade 10
b. academic motivation?
a. Work factors;
b. Parental factors;
c. Social factors;
d. Personal factors
3. What is the extent of these factors in affecting the academic stress among
a. Sex;
b. Academic honor;
their senior high school career. However, the Grade 10 students encounter a significant
barrier that is a hindrance to their academic advancement and overall success within
their educational journey. These problems can negatively affect the student's life.
Students will not be able to live their life to the fullest and peacefully with the constant
pressure of family and friends with the student’s academic life. The factors affecting the
students can lead to bigger problems if actions are not done. In the current highly
factors, such as social media, academic quality, family and social bonding, etc. (4) As
Greene and Azevedo (2017), it was found that a heavy workload leads to a decrease in
students’ intrinsic motivation, which refers to the internal drive to engage in an activity
because it is interesting or enjoyable. Hence, it is important to dig deeper into the cause
of this problem. According to Pascoe et al., 2020, academic stress can reduce
motivation, hinder academic achievement, and lead to increased college dropout rates.
Academic stress has also been shown to negatively impact mental health in students
(15). Since the educational system plays the leading role in the increase of stress levels
settings include excessive assignments, poor time management and social skills, peer
competition, etc. (Fairbrother & Warn, 2014). Never-ending stress or academic pressure
of studies can also be a chief reason leading to depression in students (12) Students
are a pillar of the future in building an educated society (10). If they will be unable to
handle stress and pressure, it can negatively affect the economy and society as they
In several countries, university students were studied concerning stress, and results
show that depression disorder and apparent anxiety are correlated to educational needs
and demands (3). Stress negatively impacts students' mental peace, and 42.3% of
stress (35, 36). Moreover, there were (58.1%) students who stated academic projects
are too tough to handle for them. In Germany, Bulgaria, and Poland, a huge sample of
respondents consider assignments a burden on their lives that cannot stand compared
students' mental health in the Philippines. Students experience worry, tension, and
dread related to academic settings or tasks, including exams, assignments, and social
pressures. This leads to moderate to high levels of academic anxiety among grade 10
students. A survey conducted with 1879 respondents from the Philippines resulted to
stress levels wherein students where one of the factors in the survey conducted
(Pubmed, 2020).
Recent research of Gonzaga, M. & Oblianda, L. (2022) There were a total of 307
respondents who are the online students enrolled in the different Universities in Davao
Region, and were selected through random sampling. The result reveals that the
students in Davao Region perceived a high level of academic stress, moderate level of
This study is relevant to the Grade 10 students. An awareness of these stressors can
help them foster a healthier relationship with school, minimize risks of both physiological
diseases and mental disorders, and demonstrate positive help-seeking behaviors with
stress as they move on to a different playing field in college, it is important for students
to have an understanding these concepts so they are able to judge the extent to which
stress may affect them as well as know how to manage that stress in a proper way.
Through this study, teachers can also have a better understanding of their responsibility
as a potential stressor.
Review of the Related Literature
Work Factors
High schools strive to train their students for academic and personal achievement -
offering teenagers a wide variety of curricular programs in pursuit of this goal. Students
are prepared in areas much outside the academic curriculum in high school. Secondary
education is widely believed to provide the optimum setting to prepare young people,
predominantly adolescents, for healthy and productive adult lives, including participation
in social, political, and economic spheres (Jacob J. & Lehner. S) The persistent and
increased expectations for honor students to perform at the highest level may exact a
heavy toll on their social well-being and development as their workloads become
heavier. The University of San Diego reports that high schoolers spend 16.8 hours
weekly on homework. In a study by Better Sleep Council, 74% of teens say homework
causes stress. A significant workload reduces students' intrinsic motivation, or their
inner drive to participate in an activity because it is interesting or enjoyable according to
research by Greene and Azevedo (2017).
Academic pressure is defined as "the tension, discomfort, and other emotions caused
by the pressure from school, family, and society in the learning process" (Vallejo 2023).
Parents, guardians, or educators encourage children to plan ahead and meet academic
milestones from a young age; in some cases, they even make it mandatory. In the
Philippines, academic pressure has a major impact on students' mental health. Exams,
assignments, and social pressures are just a few of the academic environments and
tasks that cause anxiety, tension, and dread in students. Students in senior high school
have moderate to severe levels of academic anxiety as a result.
Conceptual Framework
A. Work Factors 5 4 3 2 1
Alway Most of Sometimes Rarely Never
s the
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