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KG 581 Print Version
KG 581 Print Version
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President Barzani urges constitutional
adherence and consensus in talks with
Preserving Linguistic Security: US Acting Ambassador
The Intrinsic Value
of Mother Tongue
By | Himdad A. Muhammad
Language is an integral part of being reason and under any pretext, so is the
human and the essence of an indi- diversity of thought, perspective, and
viduals’ cultural identity. It functions experience that enriches humanity.
as a vessel through which traditions, It goes without saying that the digital
values, and heritage are transmitted age imposes some dominant languag-
from generation to generation. Within es,like English , to be used as the lin-
linguistic diversity, the mother tongue gua franca of communication, hence
stands as a cornerstone, representing a some mother tongues might undergo
community's unique identity and col- assimilation.Even though proficien-
lective memory. As we witness the ex- cy in global languages is undoubtedly KDP leader emphasizes a collective approach to coalition
traordinary effects and side effects of beneficial for participation in the glob-
globalization and cultural assimilation, al economy and the exchange of ideas, forces, counterterrorism, and acknowledges
preserving mother tongues emerges as it should not come at the expense of
a vital safeguard for linguistic security. linguistic diversity and mother tongues US’s vital role in Iraq's liberation
In the hearts of every Kurd, regard- of people and nations. Instead, it is vi-
less of their place of living, the Kurdish tal to promote and encourage an en-
language is endeared and holds a spe- vironment that values and promotes President Massoud Barzani met with sensus within the Sunni community and
cial place. Dating back to ancient histo- multilingualism, where individuals the US Acting Ambassador to Iraq, Da- urged cooperation among all parties for
ry, Kurdish poets, writers, and intellec- are empowered to celebrate and pre- vid Burger, and a delegation in Salahad- a successful election process.
tuals have woven the Kurdish identity serve their mother tongues while en- din in a diplomatic exchange addressing
through their works, celebrating the gaging with the broader world. This key regional concerns. The talks cen- National security and
beauty and resilience of their mother case is clearly seen and implemented tered around the evolving situation in coalition forces
tongue. However, in the face of exter- in Kurdistan Region of Iraq, as there Iraq, the persistent threat of terrorism, President Barzani underscored the
nal pressures and internal challenges, are schools where the language of in- relations between the Kurdistan Region national significance of the remaining
preserving the Kurdish language and struction is the mother tongue of in- and the Federal Republic of Iraq, and coalition forces in Iraq, emphasizing
culture remains an ongoing struggle. dividuals, a model that needs to taken the challenges impeding these relations. that this issue transcends any particular
Undoubtedly, the value of the mother as a very successful model. Scientific President Barzani emphasized the community and should be addressed
tongue in preserving linguistic security research has also proved that knowl- need for all parties to adhere to the through official government channels.
cannot be denied. Language is not just edge is better absorbed in the mother constitution, a document ratified by He stressed the importance of recog-
a means of communication but more tongue, particularly in the early stages the Iraqi people, and underscored the nizing the ongoing threat of terrorism
of the source of collective knowledge, of learning. importance of safeguarding the status and the potential for resurgence, urging
wisdom, and cultural heritage of any Finally, preserving mother tongues is of the Kurdistan Region and its insti- collective support for dialogue between
nation and people. When a language not just a matter of preserving the lin- tutions. He highlighted that the legisla- the Iraqi government and its allies.
fades away and steps towards extinc- guistic heritage; it is a matter of pro- tive process in the region should remain President Barzani emphasized that
tion or at least does not function prop- tecting cultural identity, promoting free from unconstitutional interference. such matters should be devoid of po-
erly, a whole universe of thought and diversity, and ensuring the linguistic Additionally, the constitution clearly litical bargaining, prioritizing Iraqi in-
expression is lost, leaving a gap in the security of future generations. It is im- establishes the precedence of Kurdistan terests, stability, and the security of all
cultural landscape that cannot be easily perative to cherish, nurture, and pass Region laws in case of conflicts with communities.
and quickly filled. on the gift of the mother tongue to fu- Iraqi Parliament laws.
It is worth noting that the weakness ture generations. Only then can we em- Historical perspective
of mother tongues can have intense brace the richness and diversity of our Elections and political process In a historical context, President Bar-
psychological and social consequenc- culture and live in a more inclusive and Addressing the broader political land- zani acknowledged the pivotal role
es. Language is closely connected with harmonious world. Let Mother Tongue scape, President Barzani asserted the played by the United States in over-
one's sense of identity and belonging. Day serve as a reminder of the invalu- necessity of holding parliamentary throwing the previous Iraqi regime and
For many individuals, the ability to ex- able treasure that is our linguistic heri- elections in Kurdistan, emphasizing assisting in the liberation process. He
press themselves in their mother tongue tage, and let us work together to ensure that the electoral process should be emphasized that without U.S. interven-
is not just a matter of convenience but that the Kurdish language continues to free from any unconstitutional med- tion, those currently in power in Iraq
a fundamental human right. When lin- thrive for generations to come. dling. On electing the Iraqi parliament's would not have had the opportunity to
guistic diversity is threatened for any speaker, he expressed a desire for con- govern the country.
By Jawad Qadir
KRG preserves
linguistic diversity
Language freedom in Kurdistan: Turkmen, Syriac, and Armenian enjoy
studying unrestricted mother tongue education
The significance of preserving called for the increased use of the the Sociopolitical Center across
one's mother tongue and, in the Kurdish language on digital plat- 15 provinces in Kurdish-inhibit-
case of Kurds, the importance of forms and media, especially on ed cities in Turkey, a staggering
learning the Kurdish language is International Mother Language 86.7% of respondents expressed
deeply rooted in cultural identi- Day. This aligns with UNESCO's a strong desire for their children
ty and heritage. In countries like recognition of February 21st as to receive education in the Kurd-
Iraq, Turkey, Iran, and Syria, 'Mother Language Day,' empha- ish language. The survey, encom-
where substantial Kurdish popu- sizing the crucial role of language passing the diverse provinces of
lations reside, the language serves in fostering sustainable develop- Amed, Merdin, Ruha, Van, and
as a crucial link to their history, ment. others, highlighted a resounding
traditions, and sense of belonging. According to UNESCO, 40 per- demand for integrating Kurdish
The Kurdish language, the 59th- cent of the global population do into the educational system.
most used in the world, is pri- not have access to study in their The significance of this demand
marily spoken in the all parts of mother tongues. extends beyond the classroom,
Kurdistan, which include areas of In the Kurdistan Region, along reaching into the healthcare sec-
Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran and with Kurdish, Turkmen, Syriac tor. A recent development in the
scholars classify it as Indo-Euro- and Armenian languages are giv- Turkish health system saw the
pean. en importance, so 19 schools have inclusion of five languages for
However, the Kurdistan Region been opened for the Turkmen lan- electronic prescriptions, omitting
of Iraq stands out as a beacon of guage alone and students study in Kurdish. This sparked a debate
progress, having made significant their mother tongue. among social media users, ques- their own language, the reality With over 7,000 languages spo-
strides in developing and promot- Sabah Salih, Director General of tioning whether the addition of for Kurds and other minorities ken worldwide, the United Na-
ing the Kurdish language. Despite Turkmen Education in the Minis- Kurdish would lead to division remains a struggle for accessible tions warns that 6,000 are at risk
these challenges, the resilience of try of Education-KRG, said, “The within the country. education in their mother tongue. of extinction by the end of the
the Kurdish people in preserving same Kurdish education system According to the 1979 Irani- Frustrated parents have resorted century, emphasizing the pro-
their linguistic identity remains a will be translated into Turkish an constitution, minorities in the to hiring private teachers to en- found impact language has on
testament to the enduring power and Syriac will be taught the same country have the legal claim to sure their children learn Kurdish, culture and heritage.
of cultural heritage. subjects, along with Turkish sub- be taught in their own language in underscoring the value placed on As debates around language
In the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, jects taught in our schools." schools. However, over 40 years language as a cornerstone of iden- preservation continue, it is crucial
efforts have been made to recog- Kurmanji is the largest dialect since the drafting of the consti- tity. to recognize the Kurdish language
nize and support various languag- group, spoken by an estimated tution, this right is yet to be im- Mohammad Khani, a Kurdish not just as a means of communi-
es, including Turkmen, Syriac, 15 to 20 million Kurds in Turkey, plemented fully in many areas sociologist in the Kurdish re- cation but as a vital component
and Armenian. Schools where Syria, northern Iraq, and north- and Kurds of the country, as well gion of Iran , emphasized that no of Kurdish identity and heritage.
instruction in these languages west and northeast Iran. as other minorities, still struggle school should relegate a moth- Efforts to promote and integrate
have been established ensuring Sorani is spoken by an estimat- with the inaccessibility to an edu- er tongue to a second language, Kurdish into education and daily
the preservation of linguistic di- ed 6 to 7 million Kurds in much cation in their own language. urging mothers to prioritize their life are not only essential for the
versity. of Iraqi Kurdistan and the Iranian In Iran, despite constitution- children's first language as a vital Kurds but also contribute to the
Last year, Kurdistan Region Kurdistan Province. al provisions guaranteeing mi- element in shaping personality broader tapestry of global linguis-
Prime Minister Masrour Barzani In a recent survey conducted by norities the right to be taught in and national identity. tic diversity.
KRG to establish climate change office KRG Police Report: 40% Crime Rate Drop
Linked to Unlicensed Gun Registration
Lieutenant Colonel Karzan Amir, the Lieutenant Colonel Amir also cau-
Media and Communication Chief of tioned that individuals discovered in
the Kurdistan Region Police, has stated possession of unauthorized firearms
that the incidences of criminal activity at police checkpoints would face a fi-
have witnessed a notable decrease of nancial penalty and have their firearms
roughly 40 percent due to the registra- confiscated.
tion of unlicensed firearms. Additionally, Amir announced the
According to him, Prime Minister immediate closure of all establish-
Masrour Barzani of the Kurdistan Re- ments engaged in the unauthorized sale
gional Government (KRG) initiated a of firearms following PM Barzani's de-
gun registration process in Kurdistan. cision. He underscored that no remain-
The Kurdistan Regional Government to the Kurdistan Region’s meteorology He stated that the KRG had established ing locations exist where firearms may
(KRG) has recently approved the forma- and seismology directorate. This office has 90 offices where individuals with un- be sold. Furthermore, he mentioned
tion of an office within the environmental functioned in the past as well, but it had licensed weapons could register their that certain internet platforms had been
board to address issues relating to climate not been independent,” Khailani stated. firearms. utilized for the illegal sale of firearms,
change in the Region. According to the UN, Iraq is the fifth He further emphasized that incidents but they were promptly identified and
In a letter addressed to the Board of En- most vulnerable to climate change, includ- of homicide, suicide, and gun violence shut down.
vironmental Protection and Improvement, ing water and food insecurity. It is facing a have also declined by 30 to 40 percent. Amir stated that the Kurdistan Re-
the Kurdistan Region’s Council of Minis- severe water shortage because of reduced He stressed that while no government gional Government (KRG) and the
ters approved a petition from the board to precipitation, higher temperatures, and can entirely eradicate crime, efforts can Ministry of Interior have jointly de-
establish a climate change office. The of- waste mismanagement. be made to mitigate crime rates. cided to establish a facility in each city
fice will consist of two departments: Miti- Scorching temperatures exceeding 50 Amir added that the KRG has granted and autonomous administration within
gation and Loss and Damage. degrees Celsius were recorded in Iraq in gun owners a one-year period to reg- the Kurdistan Region (KR). These fa-
The office will be a separate entity from 2023, coupled with water scarcity, deserti- ister their unlicensed firearms. Further- cilities will be tasked with repairing
the meteorology and seismology director- fication, and reduced rainfall. more, he highlighted that this deadline firearms, as well as facilitating the buy-
ate, affiliated to the Ministry of Transport According to the UN, over 130,000 peo- has been extended by an additional two ing, selling, and issuance of permits for
and Communications, according to Abdul- ple in southern Iraq were prone to dis- months. He urged all individuals to vis- them. The KRG will oversee the opera-
razaq Khailani, the spokesperson for the placement by the end of 2023 due to the it the designated offices and complete tions of these facilities, which will also
environmental board. effects of climate change. the official registration process for be equipped with a police station, civil
“The climate change office is not linked their firearms. defense office, and hospital.
The Kurdish Globe No. 581, Monday, February 19, 2024 8
By Saadula Aqrawi
Kurdistan Matters
Valentine’s Day
and the Paradox of
By Dr. Tyler Fisher & Jhodssie Roca Enriquez
New Traditions
In some towns of Kurdistan, on that date. In our own time,
Valentine’s Day, February 14, Valentine’s Day, which now
passes unnoticed. This year was carries scarcely any religious
no exception. In Soran, north- connotations, is perhaps most
east of Erbil, for example, there redolent of European and North
were no visible signs of Valen- American popular culture (red
tine’s celebrations this month, and white decorations, greeting
not even among the university cards, gifts of flowers or choc-
students who constitute a large olates, and romantic rendez-
and lively portion of the city’s vous), but it has proved remark-
population. Some, to be sure, ably adaptable in far different
avoid the holiday for religious contexts worldwide.
reasons, considering it un-is- Certain holidays are inextri-
lamic; others simply choose to cably linked to particular em-
forgo a custom that seems alien blems, objects and rites that
and inauthentic. Elsewhere, vividly represent the signifi-
however, the people of Kurd- cance of the celebration or me-
istan adopt and adapt elements morial: Kurdistan’s Flag Day
of Valentine’s Day, a relative- (December 17) is unmistakably
ly recent foreign import to the patriotic in its visual displays;
region, alongside old Kurdish Newroz would be unrecogniz-
customs for expressing affec- able without bonfires and pic-
tion, to mark this mid-February nics. But the objects associat-
Feast of Love. “Valentine’s Day ed with Valentine’s Day offer
is a new tradition in Kurdistan, scope for greater variation and
a new addition to Kurdish cul- adaptation, and even afford
ture,” says Chyayi Abbas, a cross-cultural continuities.
48-year-old university lecturer The colors red and white are
in Erbil. Is the holiday out of ubiquitous in Valentine’s Day
place here? As a “new tradi- decorations: red, the color of
tion,” it embodies the paradox- desire and other heightened
es and tensions that globaliza- emotions; white, the color of
tion has brought to the country, purity. This dovetails with
where conspicuously “West- Kurdish connotations regarding rally to February 14. traditions. “If it was a Kurdish tic coupling. Some champion
ern” ingredients of the holiday these colors. Among others, the Tavga Hassan, a 22-year- tradition,” Mohammed says, “Palentine’s Day” and “Galen-
mingle alongside ancient Kurd- combination of sûr u spî, red old university student in Er- “we would have heard about it tine’s Day” as alternatives to
ish folkways as well as shared and white, signal ruddy health bil, describes Valentine's Day from our parents, like Newroz the conventional holiday. Pal-
features that seem to transcend and beauty, as in rosy cheeks as a “time for renewing love, for example.” Although he ac- entine’s (punning on the word
cultures. and a fair complexion. In the reinforcing commitment, and knowledges that the celebra- “pal”) emphasizes that the day
Historically, the Feast Day of past, red was a traditional color celebrating relationships.” She tion can bring couples together, can celebrate friendship as well
Saint Valentine commemorated for Kurdish wedding gowns and notes that the Kurdish version strengthening their relationship, as romantic love, while Gal-
at least two Christian martyrs, still carries celebratory signifi- of the celebration is character- he sees little value in “celebrat- entine’s (punning on “gal,” an
both named Valentinus, who cance for auspicious occasions. ized by the use of Kurdish love- ing only one day for our loved informal or dialectal version of
were put to death for their faith In Kurdistan, the comercial de- words and, for many, by dress- ones, emphasizing only one the word “girl”) extols affection
in the last decades of the pa- mand for red roses has rapidly ing in traditional Kurdish attire. day.” (Still, we can proudly fly among female friends.
gan Roman Empire. When the increased, year upon year, be- Mohammed Ahmed, a recent the Kurdish flag every day, but Traditions can appear change-
medieval European church set cause of the custom for lovers graduate of Charmo Universi- it is also important to set aside less, but this appearance belies
the memorial day for their mar- to give one another roses, as ty in Chamchamal, is now en- one special day to commem- the reality that traditions are, in
tyrdom as February 14, it was well as other red flowers, on gaged to be married. He and orate its meaning. So, too, for fact, forever evolving, taking
inevitable that the date would Valentine’s Day. A local coun- his bride-to-be are consider- love.) on new features while discard-
become associated with the terpart is the sêva mêxekrêj, a ing making the anniversary of In the United States and in ing others over time. Valen-
first signs of spring each year, red apple studded with cloves. their engagement their personal Great Britan, there is a notable tine’s Day in Kurdistan is still
the first mating of birds, and ro- Chyayi Abbas recalls, “Kurds “Valentine’s Day,” even though rise in efforts to counter the hol- too new to be called a tradition,
mantic love. Geoffrey Chaucer, used to express romantic af- the date does not coincide with iday’s over-commercialization and certainly too recent to be
writing in the late fourteenth fection through the gesture of February. “We prefer choosing -- to give handmade greeting deemed a “Kurdish” tradition.
century, gives us the earliest re- giving a clove-apple, a practice a day that is uniquely special cards, or to plan inexpensive yet If Valentine’s Day does prove
corded reference to Valentine’s dating back centuries in Kurd- for both of us.” For them, pri- meaningful family gatherings. to have endurance as a celebra-
Day in English, describing it as ish culture.” This fragrant, col- oritizing their personal alter- Alongside reactions against tion in Kurdistan, it will duly
“Seynt Volantynys day / Whan orful, long-lasting love token, native to Valentine’s Day also the annual commercial excess, take on local characteristics as
euery bryd comyth there to which some areas of Kurdistan makes sense because they do there are movements to make it takes root. Fears of global ho-
chese his ma[t]e,” based on the associate more closely with the not view the foreign holiday the holiday more inclusive of mogeneity or cultural erasure
belief that birds begin mating Winter Solstice, translates natu- as an authentic part of Kurdish relationships beyond roman- are likely to be premature.
The Kurdish Globe No. 581, Monday, February 19, 2024 10
Efforts to invest in
medical education,
training, and
capacity building
are essential for
out-of-pocket payments. How- dietary habits. Moreover, on- grapple with systemic weak- of life, disabilities, and loss
workforce ever, in countries with weaker going conflicts and displace- nesses, resource constraints, of livelihood. Eight years of
shortages and healthcare systems, such as ment have exacerbated health and public health crises. Mov- war against Iran in the 1980s
improving the Lebanon and Palestine, access risks, leading to outbreaks of ing forward, addressing these and the Second Gulf War in
to healthcare is often limited communicable diseases, mal- challenges will require sus- 1991, Iraq officially admit-
quality of by financial barriers, leaving nutrition, and mental health tained investment, collabora- ted to a crime that destroyed
healthcare delivery vulnerable populations at risk crises among displaced popu- tion, and innovation to ensure confidentiality. Affected and
of inadequate or unaffordable lations. The adoption of digital equitable access to quality healthy after the fall of Sadd-
across the region. care. The availability and dis- health technologies and inno- healthcare for all residents of am Hussein's regime in 2003,
tribution of healthcare profes- vation presents an opportunity the Middle East. the country remains clearly
sionals play a crucial role in to transform healthcare deliv- committed to neoliberalism
shaping the effectiveness of ery and address some of the in improving the situation of
pitals and private clinics to healthcare systems in the Mid- challenges facing the Middle the right to health in Iraq, as
under-resourced rural health dle East. While countries like East. Countries like the UAE The adoption of he suffers from public health
centers. In countries like the Saudi Arabia and the UAE at- and Israel are at the forefront digital health neuropathies due to the lack
United Arab Emirates, Qatar, tract skilled expatriate health- of leveraging digital health of policy independence, which
and Saudi Arabia, significant care workers through lucrative solutions such as telemedi- technologies has restricted the ability of the
investments in healthcare in- employment opportunities, cine, electronic health records, and innovation health care system to provide
frastructure have led to the others struggle with shortages and mobile health applications its services to the population.
development of state-of-the- of trained personnel, particu- to improve access, efficiency,
presents an In addition, the long history
art hospitals and medical larly in rural and remote areas. and patient outcomes. Em- opportunity to of extensive conflicts has left
facilities. However, in con- Efforts to invest in medical ed- bracing innovation and invest- transform most Iraqis with levels of var-
flict-affected countries such ucation, training, and capacity ing in digital health infrastruc- ious mental health problems
as Syria, Yemen, and Iraq, building are essential for ad- ture can help bridge gaps in healthcare delivery and unresolved trauma, but
healthcare infrastructure has dressing workforce shortages healthcare access and deliv- and address this aspect is rarely addressed
been decimated, leading to a and improving the quality of ery, particularly in remote and by the healthcare system, pol-
shortage of essential medical healthcare delivery across the underserved areas. The health some of the iticians, journalists and gov-
supplies, personnel, and fa- region. system in the Middle East is challenges facing ernment ministers' guidance.
cilities. Healthcare financing The Middle East faces a characterized by a complex In addition, Iraq faced envi-
varies across the Middle East, range of public health chal- interplay of factors, includ-
the Middle East. ronmental challenges such
with some countries offering lenges, including non-commu- ing healthcare infrastructure, as pollution, climate change,
universal healthcare coverage nicable diseases (NCDs), in- financing mechanisms, hu- heat, and drought. These all
funded by government budgets fectious diseases, and mental man resources, public health have resulted in low water lev-
or social insurance schemes. health disorders. Lifestyle-re- challenges, and technological Iraq has a long history of els that have affected not only
In countries like Kuwait and lated diseases such as diabe- innovation. While some coun- wars, conflicts, economic human but also their daily lif.
Oman, citizens receive free or tes, obesity, and cardiovas- tries in the region have made crises, and social divisions Food security and agriculture
heavily subsidized healthcare cular diseases are on the rise, significant strides in advanc- that have directly and indi- become a challenge.
services, while expatriates of- driven by urbanization, seden- ing healthcare provision and rectly affected the health of
ten rely on private insurance or tary lifestyles, and changing outcomes, others continue to its population, such as loss
The Kurdish Globe No. 581, Monday, February 19, 2024 12
Kurdish poetry stands as poetry to advocate for ing the diversity and influenced his worldview celebrates the beauty and
a testament to the Kurdish Kurdish rights, celebrate complexity of Kurdish Ahmadi Khani, The and poetic sensibilities. resilience of Kurdistan's
people's rich cultural her- Kurdish culture, and con- culture and identity. With Legacy of Kurdish Po- Ahmadi Khani's most land and people. Ahmadi
itage and enduring spirit. demn oppression. Ce- its mountains, rivers, and etry's Pioneering Voice. enduring contribution to Khani's "Mem û Zîn" has
With a history spanning gerxwîn's lyrical verses, landscapes, nature serves Ahmadi Khani, often Kurdish literature is his had a profound and en-
centuries, Kurdish poets infused with symbolism as a recurring motif, sym- hailed as the "Homer of epic poem "Mem û Zîn," during impact on Kurd-
have used their craft to and metaphor, resonate bolizing endurance, re- Kurdistan", holds a re- which he composed in the ish literature, serving as
express the joys, sorrows, with themes of resilience, silience, and connection vered place in Kurdish lit- late 17th century. Written a source of inspiration
hopes, and struggles of longing for freedom, and to the homeland. Love, erature as one of its most in classical Kurdish and for generations of poets,
their community. From pride in Kurdish identity. longing, and nostalgia influential and celebrated influenced by Persian lit- writers, and intellectu-
ancient oral traditions In the contemporary era, also feature prominently poets. His magnum opus, erary traditions, "Mem û als. The poem has been
to contemporary verse, Kurdish poetry contin- in Kurdish poetry, ex- "Mem û Zîn," is not only Zîn" tells the tragic love translated into numerous
Kurdish poetry embodies ues to evolve and thrive, pressing the universal hu- a literary masterpiece but story of Mem, a Kurdish languages and continues
themes of identity, resis- with a diverse array of man experiences of joy, also a cultural touchstone prince, and Zîn, a beau- to be studied, recited, and
tance, love, nature, and voices exploring new heartache, and yearning that has resonated with tiful maiden from a rival revered by Kurds world-
the human experience. themes and forms of ex- for a better future. Kurd- generations of Kurds, in- tribe. The poem is divid- wide. Khani's pioneering
This article delves into pression. Poets like Sher- ish poetry stands as a vi- spiring pride in their her- ed into ten books, each use of the Kurdish lan-
the captivating world of ko Bekas (1940–2013) brant and integral part of itage and identity. In this containing richly woven guage and his explora-
Kurdish poetry, exploring and Abdulla Pashew (b. Kurdish cultural heritage, article, we delve into the narratives, vivid descrip- tion of universal themes
its evolution, prominent 1946) have gained in- embodying the collective life, works, and enduring tions, and profound phil- have earned him a place
poets, and enduring sig- ternational recognition consciousness and spir- legacy of Ahmadi Khani, osophical reflections on among the greatest poets
nificance. for their innovative and it of the Kurdish people. exploring the profound love, destiny, and human in Kurdish literary his-
Kurdish poetry traces its thought-provoking poet- From ancient oral tradi- impact of his poetry on nature. "Mem û Zîn" is tory. In addition to his
origins to the ancient oral ry. Sherko Bekas, known tions to contemporary Kurdish culture and lit- replete with themes and literary achievements,
traditions of the Kurdish for his surreal imagery verse, Kurdish poets have erature. Ahmadi Khani symbolism that resonate Ahmadi Khani played a
people, dating back to and existential themes, used their craft to cele- was born in the late 17th deeply with Kurdish cul- pivotal role in the cultur-
pre-Islamic times. Passed delves into the complex- brate their identity, resist century in the village of ture and identity. The al revival and preserva-
down through genera- tion of Kurdish identity
tions, these oral poems, during a period of politi-
known as "dengbêj," cal upheaval and external
were recited by bards and pressures. Through his
storytellers, preserving poetry, Khani sought to
the collective memory instill a sense of pride, re-
and cultural identity of silience, and unity among
the Kurdish community. Kurds, encouraging them
The themes of heroism, to cherish their language,
honor, love, and nature history, and heritage. His
featured prominently in enduring legacy as a cul-
these oral compositions, tural icon continues to in-
reflecting the values and spire Kurds in their quest
aspirations of Kurdish for recognition, digni-
society. The emergence ty, and self-expression.
of written Kurdish po- Ahmadi Khani's legacy
etry can be traced to the as a pioneering voice
medieval period, with in Kurdish poetry tran-
poets like Melayê Cizîrî scends time and borders,
(1570–1640) and Eh- resonating with the col-
medê Xanî (1650–1707) lective consciousness and
making significant con- aspirations of the Kurd-
tributions to Kurdish lit- ish people. Through his
erature. Melayê Cizîrî's epic masterpiece "Mem û
epic poem "Mem û Zîn," Zîn," Khani immortalized
often considered the mas- the beauty, resilience, and
terpiece of Kurdish liter- spirit of Kurdistan, leav-
ature, explores themes of ing an indelible mark on
love, tragedy, and social Kurdish literature and
justice. Ehmedê Xanî's culture for centuries to
"Mem û Zîn" remains a come. As Kurds contin-
source of inspiration for ue to navigate the com-
Kurdish poets and writers plexities of their history
to this day, showcasing and identity, the endur-
the enduring legacy of ities of human existence oppression, and express Hakkari, located in pres- love story of Mem and ing legacy of Ahmadi
classical Kurdish poetry. and the search for mean- the timeless truths of ent-day Turkey. Little is Zîn serves as a metaphor Khani serves as a beacon
The 20th century wit- ing. Abdulla Pashew's the human condition. As known about his early for the enduring struggle of inspiration and pride,
nessed a resurgence of poetry, marked by its Kurdish poetry continues life, but he received a of the Kurdish people reminding them of their
Kurdish poetry, fueled by simplicity and emotional to evolve and inspire, it traditional education in for freedom, justice, and rich cultural heritage and
political upheavals, cul- depth, captures the strug- serves as a testament to Kurdish literature, Islam- self-determination. The the power of poetry to
tural movements, and the gles and aspirations of the enduring power of ic theology, and Persian poem's portrayal of honor, transcend boundaries and
struggle for Kurdish au- the Kurdish people with language, art, and cre- poetry. Khani's upbring- loyalty, and sacrifice re- unite hearts.
tonomy. Poets like Cege- poignant clarity. Kurd- ativity in shaping the des- ing in the rugged moun- flects the values and ethos
rxwîn (1903–1984), the ish poetry encompasses tiny of a people and pre- tains of Kurdistan, with of Kurdish society, while
"father of modern Kurd- a wide range of themes serving their legacy for its rich oral traditions and its evocative imagery
ish literature," used their and symbolism, reflect- generations to come. cultural heritage, deeply of nature and landscape
The Kurdish Globe No. 580, Monday, February 05, 2024 14
Kurdish as
The term ‘heart language’, more deeply and are more ures, for instance, wield mother tongue, second ever, the shadow of their ities inherent in multilin-
usually refers to the local impactful when conveyed significant influence by language, or foreign lan- heart language runs after gual learning environ-
or regional language. It is in the mother tongue— employing their mother guage, its survival hinges them and tries to catch ments and highlights the
the language that is most the language of the heart. tongue, adeptly captivat- upon sustainable usage. them in every single word adaptability of educators
natural and meaningful A notable example is the ing the hearts and minds Regrettably, numerous and phrase they express in in navigating linguistic
to a person, the language renowned translation of of their audience. This languages find them- the second language (like barriers to effectively im-
that one grew up speaking the Holy Quran by Mam is particularly evident in selves on the brink of mine!). The main reason part knowledge.
and understanding best. Hazhar, which continues the speeches delivered extinction, once vibrant is not only that, that per- In conclusion, the heart
The term is often used as to captivate readers and by Mullas on Fridays heart languages now rele- son is not very expert in language profoundly
the opposite of the second remains a subject of in- midday mass-prayer, gated to the periphery of the culture of the second reflects one's identity,
language and greatly af- quiry among people and where the use of Kurdish everyday communication. language, but sometimes nationality, and even
fects communication. Its scholars. as an effective medium Endangered languag- the speaker believes that love. Its consistent usage
effect appears not only In many households, profoundly impacts the es are the ones at risk the expression is not the across various aspects of
when two or more people parents communicate in Kurdish speech commu- of disappearing as their one he/she is trying to ex- life signifies a deep and
communicate and don’t their respective heart lan- nity. speakers die out or move press! genuine connection to the
understand each other, guages, fostering a sense Poetry serves as a quint- to speak other languages. issues at hand. By priori-
then the phrase ‘what do of cultural and familial essential example of the Fortunately, the Kurdish #Heart language among tizing the heart language,
you mean?’ comes, but connection. Meanwhile, power of the heart lan- language is in its growing English teachers! individuals contribute to
also permeates every fac- children often acquire a guage. Poets masterfully stage; thousands of books Indeed, within educa- the preservation and vital-
et of daily existence. In global or secondary lan- manipulate their heart have been translated into tional contexts, partic- ity of their mother tongue,
essence, it encapsulates guage through schooling, language, crafting verses the Kurdish language ularly in departments thereby safeguarding it
the concept of the "Moth- leading them to navigate that resonate deeply and (despite our notice of focused on second or from the threat of extinc-
er tongue." For us, our between languages based are often committed to the language of transla- foreign languages such tion posed by endangered
heart language is Kurdish. on various contexts and memory. While a poem tion). Today, Educational as English, certain ex- languages.
In the vibrant, multi- considerations. However, composed in a secondary language, social media, pressions like "What do Fortunately, in Kurd-
lingual community of the heart language retains or foreign language may regular practice, cultural you mean?" or "I mean..." istan, parents have a
Kurdistan, the Kurdish its centrality, proving to still evoke emotions, a engagement, etc. prevent often emerge as readily growing awareness of the
language holds a spe- be the most fitting and unique potency in one's the Kurdish language deployable tools when importance of imparting
cial place as the heart versatile choice across own language and culture from disappearing. teachers encounter chal- Kurdish language skills to
language. Over the past different situations. renders it most effective However, the journey lenges in conveying their their children. Additional-
decade, there have been and enduring. Thus, the toward linguistic preser- message to students. In ly, efforts in translation,
endeavors to advocate #Heart language is, heart language emerges vation remains ongoing; such instances, educators particularly in fields such
that certain disciplines, then the language as the true language of the necessitating continued may resort to utilizing as the sciences, are ex-
such as science, are better of the Heart! heart, transcending mere dedication and heightened elements of their heart panding, laying a crucial
comprehended in second- The notion of the "heart linguistic communication endeavors to safeguard language to better articu- foundation for national
ary or official languages. language" encapsulates to convey the essence of the Kurdish language for late their intentions. This development. This con-
While this assertion may a profound expression one's being future generations. dynamic often leads to certed effort towards lin-
hold merit in terms of of respect and affection, instances of code-switch- guistic preservation and
comprehension, the effi- where words flow effort- #Heart languages #The shadow of heart ing and code-mixing, enhancement strengthens
cacy of communication lessly, reflecting one's also die! language on the second where linguistic elements cultural identity and holds
is undeniably heightened deepest sentiments. When Linguists have under- and foreign languages! from multiple languages the potential to foster
when conducted in the conveyed in the heart lan- scored a poignant anal- It’s been years since are interwoven to facili- broader societal advance-
heart language. Recent guage, a message is in- ogy, likening languages teachers have warned lan- tate communication and ment.
studies have underscored tricately shaped by one's to living entities that un- guage learners to engage comprehension between
this phenomenon, demon- own cultural nuances, im- dergo birth, growth, and in thinking processes us- teacher and student. This
strating that even reli- buing it with authenticity eventual demise. Whether ing the language they are fluidity in language usage By: Sangar Hassan Najim
gious messages resonate and resonance. Public fig- a language serves as one's attempting to learn. How- underscores the complex-
The Kurdish Globe No. 580, Monday, February 05, 2024 15