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From the Heart of Kurdistan Region

No: 581 Monday, February 19, 2024

President Barzani: without U.S. intervention,

those currently in power in Iraq would not
have had the opportunity to govern the country

National P3
National P4
National P6
National P10

Kurdistan Region PM Barzani’s Iraqi Government Navigating

seeks stability and diplomatic success Plans to Close Diplomacy, the KRG’s
partnership at Munich in WGS24 IDP Camps in Successful Foreign
Security Conference in Dubai Kurdistan Policy Approach
The Kurdish Globe No. 581, Monday, February 19, 2024 2

E ditorial
President Barzani urges constitutional
adherence and consensus in talks with
Preserving Linguistic Security: US Acting Ambassador
The Intrinsic Value
of Mother Tongue

By | Himdad A. Muhammad

Language is an integral part of being reason and under any pretext, so is the
human and the essence of an indi- diversity of thought, perspective, and
viduals’ cultural identity. It functions experience that enriches humanity.
as a vessel through which traditions, It goes without saying that the digital
values, and heritage are transmitted age imposes some dominant languag-
from generation to generation. Within es,like English , to be used as the lin-
linguistic diversity, the mother tongue gua franca of communication, hence
stands as a cornerstone, representing a some mother tongues might undergo
community's unique identity and col- assimilation.Even though proficien-
lective memory. As we witness the ex- cy in global languages is undoubtedly KDP leader emphasizes a collective approach to coalition
traordinary effects and side effects of beneficial for participation in the glob-
globalization and cultural assimilation, al economy and the exchange of ideas, forces, counterterrorism, and acknowledges
preserving mother tongues emerges as it should not come at the expense of
a vital safeguard for linguistic security. linguistic diversity and mother tongues US’s vital role in Iraq's liberation
In the hearts of every Kurd, regard- of people and nations. Instead, it is vi-
less of their place of living, the Kurdish tal to promote and encourage an en-
language is endeared and holds a spe- vironment that values and promotes President Massoud Barzani met with sensus within the Sunni community and
cial place. Dating back to ancient histo- multilingualism, where individuals the US Acting Ambassador to Iraq, Da- urged cooperation among all parties for
ry, Kurdish poets, writers, and intellec- are empowered to celebrate and pre- vid Burger, and a delegation in Salahad- a successful election process.
tuals have woven the Kurdish identity serve their mother tongues while en- din in a diplomatic exchange addressing
through their works, celebrating the gaging with the broader world. This key regional concerns. The talks cen- National security and
beauty and resilience of their mother case is clearly seen and implemented tered around the evolving situation in coalition forces
tongue. However, in the face of exter- in Kurdistan Region of Iraq, as there Iraq, the persistent threat of terrorism, President Barzani underscored the
nal pressures and internal challenges, are schools where the language of in- relations between the Kurdistan Region national significance of the remaining
preserving the Kurdish language and struction is the mother tongue of in- and the Federal Republic of Iraq, and coalition forces in Iraq, emphasizing
culture remains an ongoing struggle. dividuals, a model that needs to taken the challenges impeding these relations. that this issue transcends any particular
Undoubtedly, the value of the mother as a very successful model. Scientific President Barzani emphasized the community and should be addressed
tongue in preserving linguistic security research has also proved that knowl- need for all parties to adhere to the through official government channels.
cannot be denied. Language is not just edge is better absorbed in the mother constitution, a document ratified by He stressed the importance of recog-
a means of communication but more tongue, particularly in the early stages the Iraqi people, and underscored the nizing the ongoing threat of terrorism
of the source of collective knowledge, of learning. importance of safeguarding the status and the potential for resurgence, urging
wisdom, and cultural heritage of any Finally, preserving mother tongues is of the Kurdistan Region and its insti- collective support for dialogue between
nation and people. When a language not just a matter of preserving the lin- tutions. He highlighted that the legisla- the Iraqi government and its allies.
fades away and steps towards extinc- guistic heritage; it is a matter of pro- tive process in the region should remain President Barzani emphasized that
tion or at least does not function prop- tecting cultural identity, promoting free from unconstitutional interference. such matters should be devoid of po-
erly, a whole universe of thought and diversity, and ensuring the linguistic Additionally, the constitution clearly litical bargaining, prioritizing Iraqi in-
expression is lost, leaving a gap in the security of future generations. It is im- establishes the precedence of Kurdistan terests, stability, and the security of all
cultural landscape that cannot be easily perative to cherish, nurture, and pass Region laws in case of conflicts with communities.
and quickly filled. on the gift of the mother tongue to fu- Iraqi Parliament laws.
It is worth noting that the weakness ture generations. Only then can we em- Historical perspective
of mother tongues can have intense brace the richness and diversity of our Elections and political process In a historical context, President Bar-
psychological and social consequenc- culture and live in a more inclusive and Addressing the broader political land- zani acknowledged the pivotal role
es. Language is closely connected with harmonious world. Let Mother Tongue scape, President Barzani asserted the played by the United States in over-
one's sense of identity and belonging. Day serve as a reminder of the invalu- necessity of holding parliamentary throwing the previous Iraqi regime and
For many individuals, the ability to ex- able treasure that is our linguistic heri- elections in Kurdistan, emphasizing assisting in the liberation process. He
press themselves in their mother tongue tage, and let us work together to ensure that the electoral process should be emphasized that without U.S. interven-
is not just a matter of convenience but that the Kurdish language continues to free from any unconstitutional med- tion, those currently in power in Iraq
a fundamental human right. When lin- thrive for generations to come. dling. On electing the Iraqi parliament's would not have had the opportunity to
guistic diversity is threatened for any speaker, he expressed a desire for con- govern the country.

Weekly Newspaper printed in Erbil

First published in 2005 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ARTS EDITOR Website Manager HR Manager Tahir Taeb Jaff Diyaco Qayoumy Ali Smko Rozhgar Jaafar
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The Kurdish Globe No. 581, Monday, February 19, 2024 3

Kurdistan Region seeks stability and partnership

at Munich Security Conference
Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani
presented the Kurdistan Region as a model of
tolerance and coexistence in a region often
marred by sectarian strife.
As the global security landscape looming threat of escalating ten-
trembles with escalating tensions sions in the Middle East, empha-
and unresolved conflicts, the 60th sizing the imperative to preserve
Munich Security Conference peace and stability. The presiden-
provided a critical platform for cy issued a joint statement declar-
world leaders and officials to con- ing their mutual commitment to
vene and navigate these conflicts. exerting every effort to control
Amidst this backdrop, the Kurdis- the situation and address the hu-
tan Region, represented by Kurd- manitarian crisis in Gaza.
istan Region President Nechirvan Kurdistan Region President
Barzani, actively participated in Barzani expressed gratitude for
shaping the dialogue, advocating the enduring friendship and re-
for stability, and seeking interna- lations between France and the
tional collaboration. Kurdistan Region, particularly
From February 16th to 18th, commending the role played by
Barzani embarked on a diplomat- French President Emmanuel Ma-
ic marathon, engaging in a series cron. In response, Minister Se-
of high-level meetings that aimed journe affirmed France's ongoing Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani meets with Amos Hochstein, Senior Advisor to the US President of the
to solidify the Kurdistan Region's support for Iraq and the Kurdistan United States for Energy and Investment, at the Munich Security Conference in Germany.
position as a beacon of stability Region, reinforcing their commit-
and a vital partner for internation- ment to stability and cooperation. against terrorism and ensuring in- emphasized the need for diplo- plored avenues for strengthening
al cooperation in a region fraught The strong diplomatic ties be- ternal security. matic solutions and regional co- bilateral ties and fostering re-
with volatility. tween the Kurdistan Region and operation to combat this scourge. gional partnerships. His meeting
France trace back to August 2014, Kurdistan-Vatican appreciate Barzani also stressed the crucial with Azerbaijani President Ilham
Kurdistan-US relations in when the international commu- Region’s commitment for role of the UN in mediating di- Aliyev focused on exploring av-
economy, energy, and security nity formed a coalition against religion freedom alogue and facilitating peaceful enues for deepening cooperation
Kurdistan Region President ISIS. France emerged as the sec- Barzani's efforts at the confer- resolutions to ongoing conflicts. between the two regions, includ-
Nechirvan Barzani engaged in ond force in the coalition, stand- ence extended beyond securing Guterres commended the Kurd- ing the potential establishment
discussions with Amos Hoch- ing alongside the United States, diplomatic and security partner- istan Region's ongoing efforts of an Azerbaijani consulate in
stein, Senior Advisor to the US and has maintained this collabo- ships. He actively presented the to promote peace and stability Erbil, which would further solid-
President of the United States for ration to date. Kurdistan Region as a model of within its borders and across the ify their political and economic
Energy and Investment, during Highlighting the historical sup- tolerance and coexistence in a region. His meeting with Antonio ties. Similarly, his discussions
the Munich Security Conference. port, President Macron's stance region often marred by sectarian Guterres saw both leaders recog- with Kuwait's Foreign Minister
The meeting delved into the intri- after the 2017 independence strife. In his meeting with Vatican nizing the importance of the UN Abdullah Ali Al-Yahya served
cacies of US relations with Iraq referendum was acknowledged. Foreign Minister Paul Gallagher, playing a key role in facilitating to reinforce their commitment to
and the Kurdistan Region, partic- During that critical time, he wel- he emphasized the Kurdistan Re- this dialogue and finding a mutu- strengthening bilateral relations
ularly in the realms of economy, comed the Kurdistan Regional gion's commitment to upholding ally agreeable solution. and working collaboratively to-
energy cooperation, and invest- Government Prime Minister and the rights of all religious minori- wards achieving regional peace
ment. Deputy Prime Minister at the ties and fostering a multicultural Kurdistan-Jordan use and stability.
Hochstein affirmed the United Elysee Palace, emphasizing the society. This commitment earned diplomatic efforts for However, Barzani's efforts at
States' commitment to peace and desire for a robust Kurdistan Re- him praise from the Vatican for de-escalation tensions the Munich Security Conference
stability in Iraq and the Kurdistan gion within a unified Iraq. its dedication to peaceful coexis- Recognizing the potential for weren't without their challenges.
Region. He expressed the US's tence. escalating tensions, Kurdistan The ongoing Iraqi parliamentary
eagerness to foster opportunities Kurdistan-UK focus on Region President Barzani met deadlock and unresolved issues
and cooperation in the economic, Kurdistan’s long-delayed Austria's Recognition: with King Abdullah of Jordan. between Erbil and Baghdad cast
investment, and energy sectors. parliamentary elections Partnering with Kurdistan Both leaders underscored the im- a shadow over some discussions.
The commitment to continue sup- However, Kurdistan Region Region for regional stability portance of de-escalation efforts Nevertheless, Barzani consistent-
porting Iraq and the Kurdistan President Nechirvan Barzani's Security concerns cast a long and the pursuit of peaceful reso- ly emphasized the Kurdistan Re-
Region was reiterated. agenda extended beyond address- shadow over the conference, lutions. Barzani emphasized the gion's commitment to dialogue
Crucially, both leaders ad- ing external threats. He also used and Kurdistan Region President Kurdistan Region's commitment and finding a peaceful resolution
dressed the security situation in the conference platform to shine a Barzani actively participated in to peaceful coexistence and re- through constitutional means.
Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, light on the internal situation with- addressing them. In his meeting gional stability, a message warm- The 60th Munich Security Con-
evaluating the threat posed to co- in the Kurdistan Region. A crucial with Austrian Foreign Minister ly received by King Abdullah. ference served as a critical stage
alition forces and diplomats. The meeting with British Foreign Sec- Alexander Schallenberg, he un- for Kurdistan Region President
impact of regional unrest in the retary David Cameron saw them derscored the Kurdistan Region's Kurdistan-Netherland talk on Nechirvan Barzani to showcase
Middle East was also a key focal delve into the upcoming elections strategic importance as a "reliable security and cooperation the Kurdistan Region's proactive
point during the meeting. As the in the Kurdistan Region and the partner" for Europe in navigating At the Munich Security Con- approach to tackling regional
day unfolded, the leaders navigat- broader security challenges faced the complex security landscape ference, Kurdistan Region Pres- challenges, fostering internation-
ed through the complex dynam- by Iraq and the Middle East. Both of the Middle East. Schallenberg ident Barzani met with King al collaboration, and securing its
ics, seeking common ground for leaders discussed the importance echoed this sentiment, highlight- Willem-Alexander of the Neth- position as a vital partner for re-
enhanced cooperation and stabil- of holding the long-delayed elec- ing the positive role the Kurdistan erlands. They discussed a range gional security and stability. His
ity. tions as soon as possible to ensure Region plays in promoting sta- of issues, including regional se- unwavering commitment to dia-
political stability and legitimacy bility and security in the region, curity, economic cooperation, logue, peaceful resolutions, and a
Kurdistan-France discuss within the region. calling it an "important and reli- and the importance of upholding strong, unified Kurdistan Region
peace in the Middle East able" partner for Austria. human rights. King Willem-Alex- resonated throughout the confer-
In a pivotal meeting, Kurdis- Kurdistan-Germany discuss ander commended the Kurdistan ence, setting the stage for con-
tan Region President Nechirvan unifying Peshmerga forces Kurdistan-UN advocate for Region's progress in recent years tinued engagement and construc-
Barzani engaged in high-level This focus on regional sta- regional solutions and reiterated the Netherlands' tive partnerships in the months
discussions with French Foreign bility continued in Barzani's The theme of regional security continued support for the region. and years to come. By actively
Minister Stephane Sejourne. The meeting with German Defense resonated with Kurdistan Region participating in these high-lev-
primary focus of their talks cen- Minister Boris Pistorius, where President Barzani's discussions Diplomacy in Action: el discussions and forging new
tered on the volatile situation in he expressed appreciation for with UN Secretary-General An- Strengthening bilateral ties partnerships, Kurdistan President
Iraq and the broader Middle East Germany's unwavering support tonio Guterres. Both leaders ac- with Azerbaijan and Kuwait Nechirvan Barzani positioned the
region. in unifying the Peshmerga forc- knowledged the existential threat While security dominated the Kurdistan Region as a key player
Both leaders acknowledged the es, a crucial element in the fight posed by terrorism and its destabi- discussions, Kurdistan Region in shaping the future of a region
lizing impact on the region. They President Barzani actively ex- still grappling with uncertainty.
The Kurdish Globe No. 581, Monday, February 19, 2024 4

PM Barzani’s diplomatic success in WGS24 in Dubai

Security concerns and strategic alliances in focus: PM Barzani addresses regional threats and calls
for global action, advocating the right to self-determination for Kurds and Palestinians
In a pivotal diplomatic move,
Prime Minister Masrour Bar-
zani embarked on a significant
journey to the UAE on Sunday,
February 11, 2024, following a
special invitation from Sheikh
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Mak-
toum, Vice President, Prime
Minister and Ruler of the Emir-
ate of Dubai. The purpose of his
visit was to participate in the
World Government Summit, a
prominent annual event held in
Dubai from February 12 to 14,
where he not only represented
the Kurdistan Region of Iraq but
also unveiled a compelling vi-
sion for global collaboration and

Global leaders converge

at the WGS24
The Prime Minister of the
Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG)
Masrour Barzani's attendance threaten their neighbors for their form to address not only region- in Iraqi politics, and the Kurds' to peace, stability, and progress
was particularly noteworthy, as own interests must be prosecut- al challenges but also interna- role as equal partners in the fed- on the global stage. The summit
he leveraged this international ed. The international communi- tional issues. His message on eral system. served as a catalyst for stronger
platform to convey the vision of ty must not be soft on the source the Palestinian issue resonated "If these issues and economic ties between the Kurdistan Re-
a ‘stronger Kurdistan’. of the threats" he said. with a broader narrative, draw- prosperity are not resolved, cli- gion and the UAE, fostering op-
"Delighted to visit Dubai to Regarding the Kurdistan Re- ing parallels between the neglect mate problems and challenges portunities for increased invest-
attend #WGS24," the PM wrote gion's position in the region, of Palestinian rights and the will destroy us all," the former ment and diplomatic relations.
on his X account. Prime Minister Masrour Barzani struggles of the Kurdish people. British Finance Minister said.
"This year we have strength- said: “At the regional level, we He called for international rec- In response to the participation Economic opportunities
ened our partnerships, built new are paying a very heavy price ognition of the Kurds' legitimate of the KRG delegation in the unveiled on the sidelines
bridges and conveyed the vision because of our positions. We demand for self-determination, summit, Ahmad Al-Zahir, the The KRG seized the opportu-
of a stronger Kurdistan," PM have been targeted without jus- stressing that respecting these UAE Consul General in Erbil, nity presented by the WGS24 to
Barzani wrote. tification. This aggression must rights would fortify global sta- emphasized the significance of announce more than 200 invest-
stop." bility and progress. Prime Minister Barzani's pres- ment opportunities for foreign
PM Barzani's multi-faceted “As I have said before here "The root causes of the Pal- ence. Al-Zahir noted that the investors in various sectors. Dr.
engagement and in other capitals, Kurdistan estinian issue have not been Prime Minister's meetings with Mohammed Shukri, Chairman
In subsequent speeches, he has never been a threat to any- implemented for 80 years. If UAE leaders highlighted the im- of the Investment Board of the
highlighted the Kurdistan Re- one. We are a factor of peace they had been implemented, we portance of UAE relations with KRG, highlighted the diverse
gion's journey of reintegration and stability. We want regional would not have seen the current Iraq and showcased the Kurdish investment prospects in fields
over the past two decades and behavior based on respect and tragedy," PM Barzani stated. He nation. He further emphasized such as industry, agriculture,
emphasized the shared challeng- interests. We ask for support, drew a parallel between the ne- the potential for strengthened and mining, emphasizing the
es faced by the region. His dual and we need to work together to glect of Palestinian rights and ties and increased UAE invest- untapped potential of the Kurd-
role as the PM of the Kurdistan address the dangerous security the Kurdish story, emphasizing ment in the Kurdistan Region, istan Region.
Region and as a representative threats that could destroy all the that injustice served as a breed- acknowledging the distinctive- "There is a lot of potential for
of the people was evident in his progress we have made,” PM ing ground for inequality, pov- ness of the Prime Minister's investment opportunities in the
nuanced address at the summit. Barzani said. erty, corruption, and political speech at the summit. Kurdistan Region," Dr. Shukri
"I am speaking to you today as "We stood by our allies during instability. stated. According to the statis-
the Prime Minister of the Kurd- the plague of ISIS. We did our Diplomatic triumph for tics of the Investment Board,
istan Region, which has been best together then. If we had not Acclaim from political analysts the Kurdistan Region 2023 alone witnessed 154 proj-
able to reintegrate itself from the achieved that, the region would Kurdish political analyst Mo- PM Barzani met with Turk- ects in the Kurdistan Region se-
remnants of the former Iraq over have been a completely different hammed Ihsan applauded Prime ish President Recep Tayyip curing investment licenses, with
the past two decades. However, place and full of foreign terror- Minister Barzani's bold refer- Erdogan in Dubai during the a cumulative capital of four bil-
I am speaking to you as a person ists, those who wanted to make ence to the right to self-deter- WGS24. It caused widespread lion and 300 million dollars.
standing by the decision-makers their mark in the Middle East, mination in his speech at the reaction in the Turkish media. The World Government Sum-
of our beloved region and we to create chaos for us whenever WGS24. He stated, "Prime Min- The official Anadolu news agen- mit, an annual gathering known
have faced many common chal- they wanted,” PM Barzani stat- ister Masrour Barzani boldly cy reported the news as the first for its impact on shaping glob-
lenges together,” PM Barzani ed. referred to the right to self-de- source in Turkey and later pub- al policies, spanned three days,
stated. termination in his speech at the lished a video of the meeting. from February 12 to 14. Over
In addition, Barzani remarked Addressing regional challenges World Government Summit." Meanwhile, Milliyet newspaper 125 leaders, heads of govern-
that: “We are all used to living and security threats Ihsan commended the KRG's reported on its website that Er- ment, and representatives of
in the shadow of tensions and Prime Minister Barzani ad- commitment to addressing glob- dogan held a number of import- international institutions partic-
many crises that have required dressed the escalating tensions al issues and championing the ant meetings in Dubai, including ipated, making it a unique plat-
wise management, at least over in various regions, emphasizing rights of the Kurdish people. one with KRG Prime Minister form for dialogue and coopera-
the past few decades ". "During the need for intensified efforts Masrour Barzani. tion. With representation from
my discussions with deci- to develop a new plan to protect Global acknowledgment of PM The KRG’s PM Masrour more than 25 heads of state and
sion-makers in the Middle East national, regional, and global Barzani's vision Barzani's participation in the government, 85 international
and abroad, I have realized a interests. He called for account- On the sidelines of the summit, WGS24 in Dubai proved to be a organizations, and 120 govern-
desire to overcome the common ability for those seeking war and Nadim Zahawi, a member of the diplomatic and strategic triumph ment delegations, the summit
misery of our past," he said. threatening their neighbors, un- British Parliament and former for the Kurdistan Region. The underscored its global signifi-
In another part of his speech, derscoring that the international Finance Minister, commend- summit not only provided a plat- cance.
the Prime Minister said that with community must not turn a blind ed Prime Minister Barzani's form for global dialogue on crit- This year's summit, hosting
the increasing tensions in Gaza, eye to such threats, even if they speech. He highlighted the im- ical issues but also showcased 110 key dialogue sessions and
Iraq, Syria and the Red Sea, it align with certain interests. portance of the Prime Minister's the region's potential for invest- 23 ministerial meetings, fea-
has become necessary to intensi- insights in addressing regional ment and collaboration. Prime tured the participation of 200
fy efforts to develop a new plan PM Barzani draws parallels prosperity, effective manage- Minister Barzani's speeches international speakers and more
to protect national, regional and between Kurdish and ment, and climate change. Za- resonated with the internation- than 300 ministers from differ-
global interests. Palestinian causes hawi underscored the intercon- al community, reinforcing the ent governments.
"Those who seek war and PM Barzani utilized his plat- nectedness of stability, justice Kurdistan Region's commitment
The Kurdish Globe No. 581, Monday, February 19, 2024 5

The significance of federalism Franso Hariri’s legacy: Symbol of

in addressing Iraq's challenges diversity and unity in Kurdistan,
remains intact 23 years after assassination

By Jawad Qadir

Following the Kurdish Upris- for them. At the national lev-

ing in the spring of 1991, the el however, Iraq witnessed
Kurdistan Front, a coalition a lack of central authority,
of the Kurdish political par- marking the first instance of a
ties, sought to develop a fresh complete breakdown in gov-
perspective on the Kurdish ernment presence since the More that two decades after the tragic tics. Under his leadership, Erbil saw the
national aspirations within establishment of modern Iraq assassination of Franso Hariri by the ter- establishment of the Franso Hariri In-
Iraq. The Kurdish leadership over 100 years ago. However, rorist group Ansar Al-Islam while he was ternational Stadium, a testament to his
conducted a comprehensive it is crucial to take into ac- going to his work office, the Kurdistan commitment to sports infrastructure. His
assessment of the existing count the historical context Region reflects on the enduring legacy of passion for the arts flourishes in the Kurd-
transformations at the time, when examining the factors a man who symbolized diversity and uni- ish Orchestra and the Palace of Art, both
considering the new geopo- behind the establishment of a ty in the face of adversity. Franso Hariri, initiated by him.
litical developments both at federal Iraq. a prominent Assyrian-Christian figure and
the international and regional Nonetheless, the Kurds main- former governor of Erbil, continued to be
levels. These transformations tained a strong sense of opti- celebrated for his unwavering commit-
encompassed the conclusion mism and trust in Iraq's fresh ment to coexistence among various ethnic
of the Cold War and the af- political framework and the and religious communities.
termath of the second Gulf internal opposition. They an- In 2001, Hariri fell victim to a radical
War, which had brought about ticipated that the new political religious group, leaving a void in Kurd-
a new political landscape for leadership in Iraq would adopt ish politics. On the 23rd anniversary of
his assassination, the people of Kurdistan
the Kurds in the region. a different approach from its
will pay homage to a leader whose life
In May 1992, the Kurds took predecessor and acknowledge was dedicated to fostering peace and un-
a momentous stride towards the struggle for freedom and derstanding.
autonomy by organizing national rights. Symbol of diversity
the inaugural free elections, Regrettably, the past 20 years Educational and social contributions
which received international have demonstrated that Iraq's During his tenure as governor from 1996
observation, and establishing new political elite have failed to 2000, Hariri actively supported proj-
a political and civil admin- to learn from the nation's his- ects for the modernization of Erbil, even
istration in their territories. tory. While dividing Iraq into amidst economic challenges. His dedica-
Concurrently, the Parliament three self-governing regions tion to education, health, and sports proj-
of Kurdistan embraced the may not be the ideal solu- ects left a lasting imprint on the city.
concept of a “federal Iraq” as tion, it remains the sole via-
a means to pursue a peaceful ble solution that satisfies the A multifaceted leader
Hariri's influence reached beyond polit-
resolution to the long-stand- enduring desires for national
ical borders. He served in various capac-
ing ethnic conflict in the and political rights of not just ities, from a close associate of the KDP
country. This unresolved is- the Kurds, but also the Shiites leader Mustafa Barzani during the Kurd-
sue was deliberated upon at and Sunnis, who have experi- Born in Harir, northeast of Erbil, Hariri
hailed from a Christian Assyrian family. ish Revolution to a minister in the Kurd-
the London and Salahaddin enced marginalization during istan Regional Government. Despite his
Conferences right before the various eras in Iraq's past. Despite his Christian background, he em-
braced and championed the rich diversity Christian background, Hariri's friendships
fall of former Iraqi regime, Unfortunately, the policies extended across religious lines, and his
where the Kurdish leadership implemented by Iraq's gov- of the Kurdistan Region, home to various
ethnic and religious groups, including As- contributions to mosques and religious
consistently underscored the ernments deliberately post- places were noteworthy.
syrians, Chaldeans, Yezidis, Sabeans, Zo-
significance of federalism as poned or obstructed the pro- As Kurdistan commemorates Franso
roastrians, and Shabaks.
a political framework suitable cess outlined in Article 140 of Hariri every February 18th, his legacy
for a multi-ethnic nation like the Iraqi Constitution which stands as a reminder of the enduring pow-
Legacy in sports
Iraq. could strengthen the federal er of diversity, unity, and the pursuit of a
and arts
After the demise of Saddam structures in the country. peaceful coexistence.
Hariri's impact extended beyond poli-
Hussein's rule in 2003, the Federalism remains rele-
Kurds collaborated with all vant in Iraq due to its ability
Iraqi factions to establish a to accommodate diversity,
democratic and federal sys- promote decentralization,
tem that would uphold human mitigate conflicts, address
rights and recognize the aspi- economic disparities, and
rations of the Kurdish people. safeguard against authoritari-
Two decades ago, the Kurds anism. Given Iraq's complex
expressed their desire to re- demographic makeup, feder-
main a part of a federal and alism provides a mechanism
democratic Iraq by voting for to address the concerns and
the country’s 2005 constitu- aspirations of various com-
tion. During this period, signif- munities, fostering a sense of
icant developments unfolded inclusivity and shared gover-
at the national, regional, and nance.
international levels, present-
ing a promising opportunity
The Kurdish Globe No. 581, Monday, February 19, 2024 6

Kurds Claim Ninawa’s Following securing a to-

tal of 6 seats in Ninawa’s
Provincial Council, Kurds
agreement to facilitate
the return of the displaced
people. He added that, as
in the Council, including
Kurdish votes and became
Ninawa’s governor. The
claim the post of Ninawa’s the administration, they governor stated in his first

Deputy Governor Post deputy governor. Nina-

wa’s Provincial Council
held its first meeting on
will not allow any party to
undermine the stability of
Ninawa. The elected depu-
appearance on the Kurd-
ish media that they need
Kurdistan Region’s expe-
the 4th of February after ty governor also criticized rience in the reconstruc-
the result of the elections, the federal government’s tion efforts of Ninawa.
which was ratified on 18 budget allocation for the He emphasized the impor-
December 2023, to elect governorate. He argued tance of the implementa-
the governor and the head that the Iraqi government tion of Sinjar agreement,
of the provincial council has not adequately con- adding that the stability
in Ninawa. The election sidered the extensive lev- of Ninawa is tied to the
of the deputy governor el of destruction Ninawa stability in Sinjar district.
was delayed to 10th of endured in the past due to He also stated that the se-
February, due to disputes the war on ISIS. He urged curity dossier in Ninawa
between Shia and Sunni the federal government to is under a big challenge
blocs. During the second increase the budget for the while Popular Mobiliza-
session, Sirwan Rojbiyani reconstruction of the gov- tion Forces (PMF) are de-
from Kurdistan Demo- ernorate, pledging to exert ployed in most of the gov-
cratic Party (KDP) bloc their maximum efforts to ernorate, explaining that
was elected by the coun- extend the services to the the security dossier of all
cil’s majority of votes. people of Ninawa. of Ninawa will be handed
In an interview follow- Following the provin- over to the federal police.
ing his election as a dep- cial council election in Ninawa Provincial
uty governor of Ninawa, Ninawa, the Sunni blocs Council consists of 29
Rojbiyani promised to formed an alliance of 13 seats. In the election that
work on maintaining the seats, forming up the larg- was held on 18 December
coexistence of different est bloc of the council. 2023, the KDP bloc se-
components of the gov- The bloc nominated Ab- cured 4, while Kurdistan
Sirwan Rozhbayani from the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) was re-elected on Saturday as ernorate, and fully im- dulqadir Dakhil, who won Patriotic Union secured 2
Nineveh’s first deputy governor after lengthy negotiations. plementation of Sinjar the majority of the votes seats in the council.

Iraqi Government Plans to Close IDP Camps in Kurdistan

The government of Iraq to return, will be given 4
has set a deadline to close million Iraqi dinars cash,
all the Internally Displaced and 2% of Ninawa’s pub-
Persons (IDPs) camps in lic jobs will be allocated
Iraq, particularly those in to the returnees” stated Ali
the Kurdistan Region, by Abbas, the spokesperson of
the end of July, aiming to the Iraqi Ministry of Dis-
put an end to the displace- placement Migration and,
ment crisis, which has been speaking to Kurdish media
ongoing since 2014. The outlets. However, despite
move came amid specula- these efforts, the Yezidi
tions that the Iraqi govern- member of the Iraqi parlia-
ment might be leveraging ment, Mahma Khalil criti-
the dossier as a political cized the MDM’s attempts
tool against the Kurdistan for failing in its duties to
Region, given KRG’s long- provide services to the
standing opposition to the IDPs and “lacking any plan
forcible return of the dis- [for them] to return to their
placed people. Meanwhile, areas of origin”.
the federal Ministry of Dis- Kurdistan Region Gov-
placement and Migration ernment repeatedly ac-
(MDM) is facing heavy counted its stance in clearly
criticism for its failure to supporting the voluntary The Bardarash camp in the Kurdistan Region's Duhok Province
deliver services to the IDPs and dignified return of the
residing in the camps in the displaced people, while suffice to re-establishing a ceived are “insufficient and residents to leave the camps The federal government’s
Kurdistan Region. strongly opposing the forc- dignified life in their area of not fast enough”. He voiced or return to their areas of MDM estimates the number
The Iraqi government has ible return of the people origin, including re-build- concerns that this will lead origin, according to Majid of Internally displaced per-
given three choices to the who sought shelter in the ing a house of their own Yezidis to consider leaving Shingali, a Kurdish mem- sons currently living in the
IDPs to leave the camps: Kurdistan Region and are after it was destroyed due Iraq instead of returning to ber of the Iraqi parliament. camps across the Kurdistan
first, to return to their areas currently living in camps. to the military campaigns their area. The MP revealed that the Region by 120,000 people
of origin; secondly, to per- Despite the Iraqi govern- in Mosul between 2016 and Following the announce- MDM and has distributed (180,000 according to the
manently reside in the gov- ment’s decision, a part of 2017. ment of the plan to close food assistance to the IDPs UN agencies), mostly from
ernorates they are displaced the displaced community Moreover, locals in Sin- the IDPs camps, the Iraqi from Sinjar three times only Sinjar, divided among 23
to and are currently staying; is still concerned, and un- jar districts who have re- government has extended throughout 2023, while the camps. The displacement
and thirdly, move to a third willing to return, mainly turned to the area complain its measures to end the ac- families should have re- emerged in 2014 when ISIS
Iraqi governorate of their due to the destruction of of a lack of services and tivities of Iraq’s Ministry of ceived the assistance on attacked the Iraqi provinces
choice. The announcement their homes as a result of compensation by the Iraqi Education’s representatives monthly basis. “Kurdistan neighboring the Kurdistan
came amidst criticism as- the military operations, government. According to in Kurdistan Region’s gov- Region Government has Region, including the Iraq’s
serting that the Iraqi gov- and the security situation in the officials in the district, ernorates as well. The rep- rejected the process [of the second largest city of Mo-
ernment lacks a compre- their areas, in particular in only 20% of the population resentatives used to sponsor forcible return of the IDPs], sul. Moreover, a larger scale
hensive plan for the return Ninawa Governorate’s Sin- who returned to Sinjar have and oversee schools and thus, the MDM blames displacement occurred to-
of the IDPs. The MDM has jar district. Haji Qasim, one received compensation education activities in the KRG for lack of coordi- wards the Kurdistan Re-
pledged various forms of of the IDPs who is current- from the Iraqi government. IDPs camps. This decision nation with the Ministry [ gion when the Iraqi army
assistance for the IDPs opt- ly residing in an IDP camp Yezidi activists, on the consequently means the due to the KRG’s stance]” launched the military op-
ing to return to their origi- around Erbil, told a Kurdish other side, are concerned students in the IDPs camp Shingali added. The Kurd- eration to recapture Mosul
nal areas, including cash, media outlet that he and about the level of support will no longer have access ish MP criticized the role from ISIS in 2016, during
necessary home appliances, his family are not willing the returnees in Sinjar are to schools after July this of the federal Ministry’s which time over 1 million
enrolling them in the social to return to western Mosul receiving from the Iraqi year. Similarly, the federal performance due to their at- individuals were displaced
support network and pub- due to lack of services and government. Murad Isma- government’s support to the tempts to use the displace- to the Kurdistan Region.
lic appointment. “The dis- dwelling. He added that el, a Yezidi activist, stated displaced community has ment dossier as a political
placement dossier must be the assistance given by the on his account on ‘X’ that dropped drastically, as an tool against the Kurdistan By Shvan Goran
closed. Those who choose Iraqi government does not the support the returnees re- attempt to pressure camp Region.
The Kurdish Globe No. 581, Monday, February 19, 2024 7

KRG preserves
linguistic diversity
Language freedom in Kurdistan: Turkmen, Syriac, and Armenian enjoy
studying unrestricted mother tongue education
The significance of preserving called for the increased use of the the Sociopolitical Center across
one's mother tongue and, in the Kurdish language on digital plat- 15 provinces in Kurdish-inhibit-
case of Kurds, the importance of forms and media, especially on ed cities in Turkey, a staggering
learning the Kurdish language is International Mother Language 86.7% of respondents expressed
deeply rooted in cultural identi- Day. This aligns with UNESCO's a strong desire for their children
ty and heritage. In countries like recognition of February 21st as to receive education in the Kurd-
Iraq, Turkey, Iran, and Syria, 'Mother Language Day,' empha- ish language. The survey, encom-
where substantial Kurdish popu- sizing the crucial role of language passing the diverse provinces of
lations reside, the language serves in fostering sustainable develop- Amed, Merdin, Ruha, Van, and
as a crucial link to their history, ment. others, highlighted a resounding
traditions, and sense of belonging. According to UNESCO, 40 per- demand for integrating Kurdish
The Kurdish language, the 59th- cent of the global population do into the educational system.
most used in the world, is pri- not have access to study in their The significance of this demand
marily spoken in the all parts of mother tongues. extends beyond the classroom,
Kurdistan, which include areas of In the Kurdistan Region, along reaching into the healthcare sec-
Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran and with Kurdish, Turkmen, Syriac tor. A recent development in the
scholars classify it as Indo-Euro- and Armenian languages are giv- Turkish health system saw the
pean. en importance, so 19 schools have inclusion of five languages for
However, the Kurdistan Region been opened for the Turkmen lan- electronic prescriptions, omitting
of Iraq stands out as a beacon of guage alone and students study in Kurdish. This sparked a debate
progress, having made significant their mother tongue. among social media users, ques- their own language, the reality With over 7,000 languages spo-
strides in developing and promot- Sabah Salih, Director General of tioning whether the addition of for Kurds and other minorities ken worldwide, the United Na-
ing the Kurdish language. Despite Turkmen Education in the Minis- Kurdish would lead to division remains a struggle for accessible tions warns that 6,000 are at risk
these challenges, the resilience of try of Education-KRG, said, “The within the country. education in their mother tongue. of extinction by the end of the
the Kurdish people in preserving same Kurdish education system According to the 1979 Irani- Frustrated parents have resorted century, emphasizing the pro-
their linguistic identity remains a will be translated into Turkish an constitution, minorities in the to hiring private teachers to en- found impact language has on
testament to the enduring power and Syriac will be taught the same country have the legal claim to sure their children learn Kurdish, culture and heritage.
of cultural heritage. subjects, along with Turkish sub- be taught in their own language in underscoring the value placed on As debates around language
In the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, jects taught in our schools." schools. However, over 40 years language as a cornerstone of iden- preservation continue, it is crucial
efforts have been made to recog- Kurmanji is the largest dialect since the drafting of the consti- tity. to recognize the Kurdish language
nize and support various languag- group, spoken by an estimated tution, this right is yet to be im- Mohammad Khani, a Kurdish not just as a means of communi-
es, including Turkmen, Syriac, 15 to 20 million Kurds in Turkey, plemented fully in many areas sociologist in the Kurdish re- cation but as a vital component
and Armenian. Schools where Syria, northern Iraq, and north- and Kurds of the country, as well gion of Iran , emphasized that no of Kurdish identity and heritage.
instruction in these languages west and northeast Iran. as other minorities, still struggle school should relegate a moth- Efforts to promote and integrate
have been established ensuring Sorani is spoken by an estimat- with the inaccessibility to an edu- er tongue to a second language, Kurdish into education and daily
the preservation of linguistic di- ed 6 to 7 million Kurds in much cation in their own language. urging mothers to prioritize their life are not only essential for the
versity. of Iraqi Kurdistan and the Iranian In Iran, despite constitution- children's first language as a vital Kurds but also contribute to the
Last year, Kurdistan Region Kurdistan Province. al provisions guaranteeing mi- element in shaping personality broader tapestry of global linguis-
Prime Minister Masrour Barzani In a recent survey conducted by norities the right to be taught in and national identity. tic diversity.

KRG to establish climate change office KRG Police Report: 40% Crime Rate Drop
Linked to Unlicensed Gun Registration
Lieutenant Colonel Karzan Amir, the Lieutenant Colonel Amir also cau-
Media and Communication Chief of tioned that individuals discovered in
the Kurdistan Region Police, has stated possession of unauthorized firearms
that the incidences of criminal activity at police checkpoints would face a fi-
have witnessed a notable decrease of nancial penalty and have their firearms
roughly 40 percent due to the registra- confiscated.
tion of unlicensed firearms. Additionally, Amir announced the
According to him, Prime Minister immediate closure of all establish-
Masrour Barzani of the Kurdistan Re- ments engaged in the unauthorized sale
gional Government (KRG) initiated a of firearms following PM Barzani's de-
gun registration process in Kurdistan. cision. He underscored that no remain-
The Kurdistan Regional Government to the Kurdistan Region’s meteorology He stated that the KRG had established ing locations exist where firearms may
(KRG) has recently approved the forma- and seismology directorate. This office has 90 offices where individuals with un- be sold. Furthermore, he mentioned
tion of an office within the environmental functioned in the past as well, but it had licensed weapons could register their that certain internet platforms had been
board to address issues relating to climate not been independent,” Khailani stated. firearms. utilized for the illegal sale of firearms,
change in the Region. According to the UN, Iraq is the fifth He further emphasized that incidents but they were promptly identified and
In a letter addressed to the Board of En- most vulnerable to climate change, includ- of homicide, suicide, and gun violence shut down.
vironmental Protection and Improvement, ing water and food insecurity. It is facing a have also declined by 30 to 40 percent. Amir stated that the Kurdistan Re-
the Kurdistan Region’s Council of Minis- severe water shortage because of reduced He stressed that while no government gional Government (KRG) and the
ters approved a petition from the board to precipitation, higher temperatures, and can entirely eradicate crime, efforts can Ministry of Interior have jointly de-
establish a climate change office. The of- waste mismanagement. be made to mitigate crime rates. cided to establish a facility in each city
fice will consist of two departments: Miti- Scorching temperatures exceeding 50 Amir added that the KRG has granted and autonomous administration within
gation and Loss and Damage. degrees Celsius were recorded in Iraq in gun owners a one-year period to reg- the Kurdistan Region (KR). These fa-
The office will be a separate entity from 2023, coupled with water scarcity, deserti- ister their unlicensed firearms. Further- cilities will be tasked with repairing
the meteorology and seismology director- fication, and reduced rainfall. more, he highlighted that this deadline firearms, as well as facilitating the buy-
ate, affiliated to the Ministry of Transport According to the UN, over 130,000 peo- has been extended by an additional two ing, selling, and issuance of permits for
and Communications, according to Abdul- ple in southern Iraq were prone to dis- months. He urged all individuals to vis- them. The KRG will oversee the opera-
razaq Khailani, the spokesperson for the placement by the end of 2023 due to the it the designated offices and complete tions of these facilities, which will also
environmental board. effects of climate change. the official registration process for be equipped with a police station, civil
“The climate change office is not linked their firearms. defense office, and hospital.
The Kurdish Globe No. 581, Monday, February 19, 2024 8

Building Democratic State in Iraq

Weaknesses of the Iraqi state is its persistent political fragmentation along ethnic and sectarian lines

By Saadula Aqrawi

Iraq's transition to democracy

has been marred by decades
of authoritarian rule, sectarian
conflict, and external

I believe that the Iraq's relations

with its neighbors and the broad-
er international community play a
crucial role in shaping its demo-
cratic trajectory. Regional rival-
ries, geopolitical tensions, and
external interference have often
complicated Iraq's internal poli-
tics and security situation. Con-
structive engagement with neigh-
boring countries, as well as with
international partners and organi-
zations, is essential for fostering
stability, economic development,
and democratic governance in
Yes, since the fall of Saddam
Hussein's regime in 2003, Iraq has
embarked on a challenging jour-
ney towards building a democrat- sues such
ic state. Despite significant prog- as reve-
ress in holding elections, drafting nue shar-
constitutions, and establishing ing, security, and
democratic institutions, Iraq con- environment remains fragile, with a culture governance. It's to ensure
tinues to grapple with deep-root- abil- that the Iraqi state's weakness-
ongoing threats from terrorism, of dialogue, tolerance, and respect ity hampers efforts
ed political, social, and security insurgency, and external actors. for pluralism, Iraq can overcome es pose significant challenges
challenges. I believe in the com- to deliver essential services, ad- to its stability, prosperity, and
The rise of ISIS (Islamic State of its challenges and chart a path to- dress public grievances, and com-
plexities of building democracy Iraq and Syria) in 2014 posed a wards a more stable, prosperous, democratic aspirations. Address-
in Iraq, highlighting the key ob- bat nepotism and cronyism. ing these weaknesses requires
significant challenge to Iraq's sta- and democratic future. The Iraqi Iraq faces persistent security
stacles, recent developments, and bility, leading to a protracted con- state has grappled with a myriad a comprehensive approach that
potential pathways forward. Iraq's threats from terrorism, insurgen- tackles the root causes of polit-
flict that displaced millions and of challenges since its inception, cy, and militia violence, which
transition to democracy has been caused widespread destruction. ranging from political instability ical fragmentation, governance
marred by decades of authoritari- undermine the state's ability to deficiencies, security threats,
While Iraqi security forces, sup- and sectarian divisions to eco- maintain law and order. Despite
an rule, sectarian conflict, and ex- ported by international partners, nomic woes and security threats. economic vulnerabilities, and
ternal interference. The legacy of significant gains in combating ethnic tensions. Reforms aimed
have made gains in combating Despite efforts to rebuild and ISIS , pockets of instability re-
Saddam Hussein's regime, char- terrorism, security remains a par- strengthen governance structures at strengthening institutions,
acterized by repression, violence, main fueled by sectarian tensions, promoting transparency and ac-
amount concern for the country's following decades of dictatorship external interference, and the pro-
and ethnic divisions, has left deep stability. On the other hand, the and conflict, Iraq continues to countability, fostering inclusive
scars on Iraqi society. Addition- liferation of armed groups. The governance, and diversifying the
economic development and the struggle with deep-rooted weak- Iraqi security forces continue to
ally, the US-led invasion in 2003 provision of basic services are es- nesses that undermine its stability economy are essential for build-
and subsequent occupation fur- grapple with capacity gaps, cor- ing a resilient and cohesive Iraqi
sential for consolidating democra- and hinder its progress. ruption, and internal divisions,
ther destabilized the country, ex- cy and addressing the grievances I believe that we can delve into state. Moreover, regional and in-
acerbating sectarian tensions and hampering their effectiveness in ternational cooperation, coupled
of the Iraqi population. Despite the critical weaknesses of the Iraqi ensuring national security. We
fueling insurgency. Despite these being rich in natural resources, state, examining their underlying with genuine efforts towards na-
challenges, Iraq has made signifi- know that Iraq's economy is high- tional reconciliation and social
Iraq faces challenges such as cor- causes and potential implications ly dependent on oil exports, leav-
cant strides in establishing demo- ruption, unemployment, and inad- for the country's future. One of cohesion, are crucial for overcom-
cratic institutions and processes. ing it vulnerable to fluctuations ing the myriad challenges facing
equate infrastructure. Improving the most pronounced weaknesses in global oil prices and market
The country has held multiple economic prospects and ensuring of the Iraqi state is its persistent Iraq and charting a path towards
national and provincial elections, dynamics. The country's overreli- a more stable, prosperous, and in-
equitable access to education, political fragmentation along eth- ance on oil revenues has hindered
forming representative govern- healthcare, and employment op- nic and sectarian lines. Divisions clusive future.
ments at both the federal and local economic diversification and sus- I believe that the deficit in the
portunities are critical for promot- between Sunni Arabs, Shiite Ar- tainable development, exacerbat-
levels. The Iraqi parliament, judi- ing social cohesion and building abs, and Kurds have fueled sectar- political and economic fields
ciary, and executive branches play ing poverty, unemployment, and made the Iraqi state vulnerable to
public trust in democratic institu- ian tensions and hindered efforts social disparities. Moreover, mis-
crucial roles in shaping the coun- tions. to foster national unity. Political penetration from the outside, just
try's governance structure and up- management of public finances, as it exposed Iraqi society and the
We know that the process of parties often prioritize sectarian lack of investment in infrastruc-
holding the rule of law. I believe building a democratic state in Iraq interests over the common good, Iraqi citizens to very severe tests
that one of the biggest hurdles to ture, and bureaucratic hurdles because of this, especially with
is a complex and multifaceted perpetuating a cycle of polariza- have stifled private sector growth
building democracy in Iraq is the endeavor that requires sustained tion and mistrust that undermines weak immunity and the feeling
persistent ethnic and sectarian and hindered efforts to stimulate of discrimination and marginal-
efforts, political will, and socie- effective governance and consen- economic recovery. The Iraq's
divisions that continue to shape tal engagement. While significant sus-building. I believe the weak ization by large segments of the
political dynamics. The country's ethnic and regional dynamics fur- population. The matter has to do
progress has been made since the governance and rampant corrup- ther exacerbate its vulnerabilities,
diverse population, comprising fall of Saddam Hussein's regime, tion pose significant challenges with the absence of the necessary
Arabs, Kurds, Turkmen, and oth- with tensions simmering between political participation and the
challenges such as ethnic divi- to the Iraqi state, eroding public the central government in Bagh-
er ethnic groups, as well as Sun- sions, security threats, and gover- trust in institutions and exacer- dominance of elites who are igno-
ni and Shiite Muslims, presents dad and semi-autonomous regions rant of the state’s working mech-
nance deficiencies persist. Moving bating social inequalities. Cor- such as Iraqi Kurdistan. Disputes
unique challenges to fostering na- forward, Iraq must prioritize na- ruption permeates all government anisms and agencies, as well as
tional unity and inclusivity. Sec- over territory, resources, and po- about its involvement in financial
tional reconciliation, institutional and public administration levels, litical representation continue to
tarianism has often been exploited reform, and inclusive governance distorting resource allocation, sti- and administrative corruption.
by political elites to advance their strain relations between Baghdad
to consolidate its democratic gains fling economic development, and and Erbil, impeding efforts to
interests, further polarizing soci- and address the aspirations of its undermining the rule of law. The
ety. Of course, the Iraq's security forge a cohesive national identity
diverse population. By fostering lack of transparency and account- and foster cooperation on key is-
The Kurdish Globe No. 581, Monday, February 19, 2024 9

Kurdistan Matters
Valentine’s Day
and the Paradox of
By Dr. Tyler Fisher & Jhodssie Roca Enriquez
New Traditions
In some towns of Kurdistan, on that date. In our own time,
Valentine’s Day, February 14, Valentine’s Day, which now
passes unnoticed. This year was carries scarcely any religious
no exception. In Soran, north- connotations, is perhaps most
east of Erbil, for example, there redolent of European and North
were no visible signs of Valen- American popular culture (red
tine’s celebrations this month, and white decorations, greeting
not even among the university cards, gifts of flowers or choc-
students who constitute a large olates, and romantic rendez-
and lively portion of the city’s vous), but it has proved remark-
population. Some, to be sure, ably adaptable in far different
avoid the holiday for religious contexts worldwide.
reasons, considering it un-is- Certain holidays are inextri-
lamic; others simply choose to cably linked to particular em-
forgo a custom that seems alien blems, objects and rites that
and inauthentic. Elsewhere, vividly represent the signifi-
however, the people of Kurd- cance of the celebration or me-
istan adopt and adapt elements morial: Kurdistan’s Flag Day
of Valentine’s Day, a relative- (December 17) is unmistakably
ly recent foreign import to the patriotic in its visual displays;
region, alongside old Kurdish Newroz would be unrecogniz-
customs for expressing affec- able without bonfires and pic-
tion, to mark this mid-February nics. But the objects associat-
Feast of Love. “Valentine’s Day ed with Valentine’s Day offer
is a new tradition in Kurdistan, scope for greater variation and
a new addition to Kurdish cul- adaptation, and even afford
ture,” says Chyayi Abbas, a cross-cultural continuities.
48-year-old university lecturer The colors red and white are
in Erbil. Is the holiday out of ubiquitous in Valentine’s Day
place here? As a “new tradi- decorations: red, the color of
tion,” it embodies the paradox- desire and other heightened
es and tensions that globaliza- emotions; white, the color of
tion has brought to the country, purity. This dovetails with
where conspicuously “West- Kurdish connotations regarding rally to February 14. traditions. “If it was a Kurdish tic coupling. Some champion
ern” ingredients of the holiday these colors. Among others, the Tavga Hassan, a 22-year- tradition,” Mohammed says, “Palentine’s Day” and “Galen-
mingle alongside ancient Kurd- combination of sûr u spî, red old university student in Er- “we would have heard about it tine’s Day” as alternatives to
ish folkways as well as shared and white, signal ruddy health bil, describes Valentine's Day from our parents, like Newroz the conventional holiday. Pal-
features that seem to transcend and beauty, as in rosy cheeks as a “time for renewing love, for example.” Although he ac- entine’s (punning on the word
cultures. and a fair complexion. In the reinforcing commitment, and knowledges that the celebra- “pal”) emphasizes that the day
Historically, the Feast Day of past, red was a traditional color celebrating relationships.” She tion can bring couples together, can celebrate friendship as well
Saint Valentine commemorated for Kurdish wedding gowns and notes that the Kurdish version strengthening their relationship, as romantic love, while Gal-
at least two Christian martyrs, still carries celebratory signifi- of the celebration is character- he sees little value in “celebrat- entine’s (punning on “gal,” an
both named Valentinus, who cance for auspicious occasions. ized by the use of Kurdish love- ing only one day for our loved informal or dialectal version of
were put to death for their faith In Kurdistan, the comercial de- words and, for many, by dress- ones, emphasizing only one the word “girl”) extols affection
in the last decades of the pa- mand for red roses has rapidly ing in traditional Kurdish attire. day.” (Still, we can proudly fly among female friends.
gan Roman Empire. When the increased, year upon year, be- Mohammed Ahmed, a recent the Kurdish flag every day, but Traditions can appear change-
medieval European church set cause of the custom for lovers graduate of Charmo Universi- it is also important to set aside less, but this appearance belies
the memorial day for their mar- to give one another roses, as ty in Chamchamal, is now en- one special day to commem- the reality that traditions are, in
tyrdom as February 14, it was well as other red flowers, on gaged to be married. He and orate its meaning. So, too, for fact, forever evolving, taking
inevitable that the date would Valentine’s Day. A local coun- his bride-to-be are consider- love.) on new features while discard-
become associated with the terpart is the sêva mêxekrêj, a ing making the anniversary of In the United States and in ing others over time. Valen-
first signs of spring each year, red apple studded with cloves. their engagement their personal Great Britan, there is a notable tine’s Day in Kurdistan is still
the first mating of birds, and ro- Chyayi Abbas recalls, “Kurds “Valentine’s Day,” even though rise in efforts to counter the hol- too new to be called a tradition,
mantic love. Geoffrey Chaucer, used to express romantic af- the date does not coincide with iday’s over-commercialization and certainly too recent to be
writing in the late fourteenth fection through the gesture of February. “We prefer choosing -- to give handmade greeting deemed a “Kurdish” tradition.
century, gives us the earliest re- giving a clove-apple, a practice a day that is uniquely special cards, or to plan inexpensive yet If Valentine’s Day does prove
corded reference to Valentine’s dating back centuries in Kurd- for both of us.” For them, pri- meaningful family gatherings. to have endurance as a celebra-
Day in English, describing it as ish culture.” This fragrant, col- oritizing their personal alter- Alongside reactions against tion in Kurdistan, it will duly
“Seynt Volantynys day / Whan orful, long-lasting love token, native to Valentine’s Day also the annual commercial excess, take on local characteristics as
euery bryd comyth there to which some areas of Kurdistan makes sense because they do there are movements to make it takes root. Fears of global ho-
chese his ma[t]e,” based on the associate more closely with the not view the foreign holiday the holiday more inclusive of mogeneity or cultural erasure
belief that birds begin mating Winter Solstice, translates natu- as an authentic part of Kurdish relationships beyond roman- are likely to be premature.
The Kurdish Globe No. 581, Monday, February 19, 2024 10

Investment Opportunities in the Iraqi Oil Sector

Abundant Reserves and Production Potential
By Dr. Mathew Jose
Government Initiatives and infrastructure, Iraq has expand export capacity. Up- initiatives are integral to re- complexities of investing ment should be on a paral-
and Investment the capacity to significantly grading aging infrastructure sponsible oil development in Iraq's dynamic energy lel path with the launch of
Framework increase its oil output and and implementing modern practices. Investing in local market. licensing rounds so that we
exports, driving economic technologies are essential workforce training, edu- Iraq seeks to enhance oil do not delay again, as hap-
Endowed with some of the growth and revenue gener- for maximizing the efficien- cation, and healthcare can and gas production and en- pened when the oil fields
world's largest oil reserves, ation. The Iraqi government cy and profitability of Iraq's contribute to human capital courage investment in the were introduced and gas
Iraq presents lucrative op- has taken steps to attract oil operations. Security and development and socio-eco- oil sector through the entry was neglected, which cre-
portunities for investment foreign investment in its political stability are critical nomic empowerment in of international companies ated a gap and a great need
in its oil sector. Despite de- oil sector through various considerations for investors oil-producing regions. The through competition for for it and Iraq lost billions
cades of conflict, political initiatives and investment in Iraq's oil sector, given the investment in the Iraqi oil investment opportunities, of dollars. The importance
instability, and economic frameworks. The Ministry country's history of conflict sector presents significant which includes 13 fields and of the government approach
challenges, Iraq remains of Oil has launched licens- and instability. While se- opportunities for interna- exploration sites distributed to developing the oil and
a key player in the global ing rounds and produc- curity challenges persist in tional investors seeking to across the northern, central gas sector, improving and
energy market, attracting tion-sharing agreements certain regions, particularly capitalize on the country's and southern governorates, increasing production, and
interest from international (PSAs) to encourage in- areas affected by insurgen- abundant hydrocarbon re- as specialists in Iraqi eco- working to invest in gas to
investors eager to capital- ternational oil companies cy and militia activity, the sources and production po- nomic affairs described the achieve self-sufficiency in
ize on its vast hydrocarbon (IOCs) to participate in Iraqi government has made tential. Despite challenges step of the new licensing cooperation with interna-
resources. In this article, exploration and develop- progress in improving se- related to security, political round as “positive.” While tional companies. Oil in-
we explore the investment ment projects. Addition- curity conditions through stability, and infrastructure, others called for the resto- vestment has great impor-
landscape in the Iraqi oil ally, the Iraqi government military operations, law Iraq's commitment to at- ration of governance of the tance in serving the state
sector, highlighting key has implemented reforms enforcement measures, tracting foreign investment, oil and gas sector in Mes- and its reconstruction on the
opportunities, challenges, to improve the investment and international cooper- implementing reforms, and opotamia. Benefiting from one hand and enriching the
and strategies for potential climate, enhance regulatory ation. Political stability leveraging technological the expertise of internation- investor on the other. The
investors. Iraq boasts signif- transparency, and stream- and a conducive regulato- advancements creates a fa- al companies specialized oil state needs huge resourc-
icant oil reserves estimated line bureaucratic proce- ry environment are essen- vorable investment climate. in developing oil and gas es of money and modern
at over 140 billion barrels, dures for investors. Invest- tial for fostering investor By partnering with the fields and sites, in order to technical expertise to com-
making it one of the top ment in Iraq's oil sector confidence and mitigating Iraqi government and local achieve for Iraq enhanced plete its projects, increase
oil-producing countries in extends beyond exploration risks. Investment in Iraq's stakeholders, investors can returns from the enormous its growth, and increase its
the world. The country's oil and production to include oil sector must prioritize contribute to the sustain- oil and gas wealth, pointing well-being. Therefore, the
fields, located primarily in infrastructure development sustainable development able development of Iraq's out that licensing rounds to process of investment in the
the southern Basra region and upgrading. The country and social impact consider- oil sector while realizing develop exploratory patch- oil sector is considered one
and the Kurdistan region requires significant invest- ations to ensure long-term attractive returns on invest- es and increase oil produc- of the important processes.
in the north, hold immense ments in pipelines, refiner- benefits for the country and ment. However, careful risk tion must be accompanied In changing the roots of
potential for exploration, ies, storage facilities, and its people. Environmental assessment, due diligence, by diversifying export out- the economy from a rentier
development, and produc- transportation networks to protection, community en- and adherence to ethical lets from the export ports in economy to making oil a
tion. With ongoing ad- optimize production, re- gagement, and corporate and legal standards are es- Basra or through neighbor- bridge for the development
vancements in technology duce operational costs, and social responsibility (CSR) sential for navigating the ing countries. This develop- of all sectors.

Navigating Diplomacy, the Kurdistan Regional

Government’s Successful Foreign Policy Approach
By James Harris
Regional Engagement and lomatic efforts have focused programs, and participation refugees fleeing conflict and and self-determination. broader regional dynamics
Bilateral Relations, the Hu- on fostering economic coop- in international forums, the persecution. Despite facing The Kurds' quest for and geopolitical consider-
manitarian Assistance and eration, enhancing security KRG has engaged with gov- economic challenges and re- self-determination dates ations, shaping the responses
Refugee Support, Energy collaboration, and addressing ernments, multilateral orga- source constraints, the KRG back centuries, marked by of neighboring countries and
Diplomacy and Economic cross-border issues. By main- nizations, and civil society has collaborated with inter- periods of rebellion, repres- external actors. Turkey, Iran,
Partnerships, the Conflict taining cordial relations with groups to advocate for its national humanitarian orga- sion, and marginalization by and Syria view Kurdish as-
Mediation and Regional Sta- neighboring states, the KRG political rights and security nizations and donor countries central governments in the pirations for autonomy as a
bility, and the Diplomatic has secured vital trade routes, interests. While challenges to deliver aid, shelter, and region. Throughout history, threat to their territorial in-
Outreach and International investment opportunities, persist in achieving full- essential services to vulner- Kurdish aspirations for au- tegrity and national security,
Recognition and support for its regional fledged statehood, the KRG's able populations. By up- tonomy have been met with leading to policies aimed at
The Kurdistan Regional aspirations. Energy diplo- diplomatic efforts have yield- holding humanitarian values resistance from the ruling containing Kurdish autono-
Government (KRG), situ- macy has been a cornerstone ed increased visibility and le- and addressing the needs of authorities, leading to cycles my and suppressing Kurdish
ated in northern Iraq, has of the KRG's foreign policy, gitimacy on the global stage. displaced communities, the of conflict and displacement. political activism.
demonstrated adeptness in leveraging its significant oil As a key actor in Iraq's KRG has bolstered its repu- The Treaty of Sèvres in 1920 The Kurds in the Middle
navigating regional dynam- and gas reserves to forge complex political landscape, tation as a responsible actor promised Kurdish statehood East continue to navigate a
ics to carve out a successful strategic partnerships and at- the KRG has played a con- on the global stage. but was never realized, fur- complex landscape marked
foreign policy strategy. De- tract investment. The KRG's structive role in mediating The Kurdistan Regional ther fueling Kurdish griev- by historical grievances, po-
spite challenges posed by engagement with internation- conflicts and promoting dia- Government's successful for- ances and nationalist move- litical fragmentation, and
geopolitical complexities and al oil companies (IOCs) has logue among rival factions. eign policy approach reflects ments. regional tensions. Despite
internal dynamics, the KRG resulted in the development Through its participation in its strategic vision, prag- Despite these challenges, facing formidable challeng-
has effectively engaged with of oil fields and infrastructure national reconciliation ef- matism, and adaptability in Kurds in the Middle East con- es, Kurds remain resilient in
neighboring countries and in- projects, contributing to eco- forts and intra-Kurdish dia- navigating complex regional tinue to advocate for greater their pursuit of autonomy,
ternational actors to promote nomic growth and revenue logues, the KRG has sought dynamics. Through proac- autonomy and recognition self-governance, and cultur-
its interests and solidify its generation. Moreover, the to mitigate tensions, resolve tive engagement, economic of their cultural and political al preservation. The path to-
position on the global stage. KRG has sought to diversify disputes, and foster stability diplomacy, and conflict me- rights. In Iraq, the Kurdistan wards achieving these goals
We can explore the key com- its economy through trade in Iraq and the wider region. diation, the KRG has effec- Region has enjoyed a degree is fraught with obstacles,
ponents and successes of the agreements, tourism initia- By facilitating peace talks tively promoted its interests, of autonomy since the estab- including resistance from
Kurdistan Regional Govern- tives, and foreign invest- and confidence-building enhanced its international lishment of the Kurdistan Re- central governments, internal
ment's foreign policy. The ment incentives, fostering measures, the KRG has po- standing, and contributed to gional Government (KRG) in conflicts, and external inter-
KRG has prioritized build- sustainable development and sitioned itself as a credible regional stability. Moving 1992. The KRG has its own ference. Nevertheless, the
ing strong bilateral relations job creation. The KRG has mediator and advocate for forward, continued dialogue, government, security forces, Kurdish struggle for recogni-
with neighboring countries, pursued an active diplomacy peaceful coexistence. cooperation, and diplomacy and parliament, albeit with tion and rights remains a de-
including Turkey, Iran, and agenda to garner internation- The KRG has demonstrated will be essential for the KRG limitations imposed by the fining feature of the region's
Syria, as well as with re- al recognition and support commitment to humanitar- to address emerging chal- central government in Bagh- political landscape, with im-
gional powers such as Saudi for its regional autonomy and ian principles by providing lenges, capitalize on opportu- dad. plications for stability, peace,
Arabia and the United Arab aspirations. Through dip- assistance to internally dis- nities, and advance its aspira- The Kurdish quest for and democracy in the Middle
Emirates (UAE). These dip- lomatic missions, outreach placed persons (IDPs) and tions for prosperity, security, autonomy intersects with East.
The Kurdish Globe No. 581, Monday, February 19, 2024 11

Challenges of developing the Healthcare

System in the Iraq and Middle East
By Dr. Nojdar Akreyi

The healthcare landscape

in the Middle East is as di-
verse as the region itself, en-
compassing a wide range of
healthcare systems, resources,
and challenges. From oil-rich
Gulf countries with advanced
healthcare infrastructure to
conflict-affected nations grap-
pling with humanitarian cri-
ses, the Middle East presents
a complex tapestry of health-
care provision. I think that we
can explore the intricacies of
the health system in the Mid-
dle East, highlighting key
challenges, recent develop-
ments, and potential avenues
for improvement. The Mid-
dle East is home to a mix of
healthcare systems, ranging
from well-funded public hos-

Efforts to invest in
medical education,
training, and
capacity building
are essential for
out-of-pocket payments. How- dietary habits. Moreover, on- grapple with systemic weak- of life, disabilities, and loss
workforce ever, in countries with weaker going conflicts and displace- nesses, resource constraints, of livelihood. Eight years of
shortages and healthcare systems, such as ment have exacerbated health and public health crises. Mov- war against Iran in the 1980s
improving the Lebanon and Palestine, access risks, leading to outbreaks of ing forward, addressing these and the Second Gulf War in
to healthcare is often limited communicable diseases, mal- challenges will require sus- 1991, Iraq officially admit-
quality of by financial barriers, leaving nutrition, and mental health tained investment, collabora- ted to a crime that destroyed
healthcare delivery vulnerable populations at risk crises among displaced popu- tion, and innovation to ensure confidentiality. Affected and
of inadequate or unaffordable lations. The adoption of digital equitable access to quality healthy after the fall of Sadd-
across the region. care. The availability and dis- health technologies and inno- healthcare for all residents of am Hussein's regime in 2003,
tribution of healthcare profes- vation presents an opportunity the Middle East. the country remains clearly
sionals play a crucial role in to transform healthcare deliv- committed to neoliberalism
shaping the effectiveness of ery and address some of the in improving the situation of
pitals and private clinics to healthcare systems in the Mid- challenges facing the Middle the right to health in Iraq, as
under-resourced rural health dle East. While countries like East. Countries like the UAE The adoption of he suffers from public health
centers. In countries like the Saudi Arabia and the UAE at- and Israel are at the forefront digital health neuropathies due to the lack
United Arab Emirates, Qatar, tract skilled expatriate health- of leveraging digital health of policy independence, which
and Saudi Arabia, significant care workers through lucrative solutions such as telemedi- technologies has restricted the ability of the
investments in healthcare in- employment opportunities, cine, electronic health records, and innovation health care system to provide
frastructure have led to the others struggle with shortages and mobile health applications its services to the population.
development of state-of-the- of trained personnel, particu- to improve access, efficiency,
presents an In addition, the long history
art hospitals and medical larly in rural and remote areas. and patient outcomes. Em- opportunity to of extensive conflicts has left
facilities. However, in con- Efforts to invest in medical ed- bracing innovation and invest- transform most Iraqis with levels of var-
flict-affected countries such ucation, training, and capacity ing in digital health infrastruc- ious mental health problems
as Syria, Yemen, and Iraq, building are essential for ad- ture can help bridge gaps in healthcare delivery and unresolved trauma, but
healthcare infrastructure has dressing workforce shortages healthcare access and deliv- and address this aspect is rarely addressed
been decimated, leading to a and improving the quality of ery, particularly in remote and by the healthcare system, pol-
shortage of essential medical healthcare delivery across the underserved areas. The health some of the iticians, journalists and gov-
supplies, personnel, and fa- region. system in the Middle East is challenges facing ernment ministers' guidance.
cilities. Healthcare financing The Middle East faces a characterized by a complex In addition, Iraq faced envi-
varies across the Middle East, range of public health chal- interplay of factors, includ-
the Middle East. ronmental challenges such
with some countries offering lenges, including non-commu- ing healthcare infrastructure, as pollution, climate change,
universal healthcare coverage nicable diseases (NCDs), in- financing mechanisms, hu- heat, and drought. These all
funded by government budgets fectious diseases, and mental man resources, public health have resulted in low water lev-
or social insurance schemes. health disorders. Lifestyle-re- challenges, and technological Iraq has a long history of els that have affected not only
In countries like Kuwait and lated diseases such as diabe- innovation. While some coun- wars, conflicts, economic human but also their daily lif.
Oman, citizens receive free or tes, obesity, and cardiovas- tries in the region have made crises, and social divisions Food security and agriculture
heavily subsidized healthcare cular diseases are on the rise, significant strides in advanc- that have directly and indi- become a challenge.
services, while expatriates of- driven by urbanization, seden- ing healthcare provision and rectly affected the health of
ten rely on private insurance or tary lifestyles, and changing outcomes, others continue to its population, such as loss
The Kurdish Globe No. 581, Monday, February 19, 2024 12

Raban Boya, the Shrine Uniting Muslims and Christians

Since antiquity, the Kurd- mouth of the cave, there is Rahman, was actually a
istan Region has been the a seven-meter-deep water follower of Islam. Add-
center of religious and eth- well dug in the rocks. It ing to the mystery, some
nic coexistence.There are was built for storing water speculate that the cave may
several villages, districts, and served as a source of have originally functioned
towns and cities in the water. Moving up the stairs as a Zoroastrian temple.
Kurdistan Region where and arriving at the cave, Despite the ambiguity
Muslims and Christians the visitors face an ancient surrounding its history,
or Muslims and Yazidis 5X6 meter rock and plaster certain Christian clerics
or Muslims, Yazidis and erected wall that blocks the assert that the shrine's ori-
Christians dwell side by mouth of the cave. There- gins can be traced back to
side.Furthermore, they fore, an arched-shaped the third century BC. Re-
have joint shrines. In other gate to enter the cave is gardless of its exact incep-
words, Muslims and Chris- constructed. Walls inside tion, the shrine holds deep
tians both agree that such divide the cave into three
shrines are holy; therefore, parts (rooms). Each room
they visit the same shrines hosts a different ceremony.
at separate times. The first part resembles a
reception hall. There is a
Raban Boya’s Location stone called Bardi Mirazan,
which is 3x4 meters in size who come together to pay
The Shrine of Raban
and has a sloping position. homage to the sacred site
Boya, also known as Ra-
Tourists lean down on the and partake in the spiritual
ban Beri or Wisu Rahman,
stone on their stomachs, festivities.
is located in Shaqlawa, a
resort town in Erbil gov- praying God for their wish-
ernorate. It is situated in es, especially for having Travelling to the Shrine
a valley at the skirts of children. It’s believed that Every year, a significant
Safin Mountain Range, if the head of the person number of Christians from
across Iraq and around
the world visit the shrine,
drawn by its sacred signif-
icance. Additionally, the
location attracts tourists
seeking to explore its cul-
tural and historical heri-
significance for both Mus- occurs during the second tage. The shrine sits along
lims and Christians, who week following Easter in the route to the Jutadar Cli-
visit at different times ac- April. During this time, max atop Safin Mountain,
cording to their respective a grand ceremony takes making it a popular des-
traditions. For Christians place, drawing thousands tination for mountaineer-
throughout Iraq, a partic- of worshippers, locals, ing groups. These groups,
ularly significant occasion tourists, and even Muslims, numbering between five to
10 or more weekly, are en-
chanted by the picturesque
landscape and serene atmo-
sphere of the valley, shrine,
and surrounding mountain
The area also boasts the
remains of an orchard,
featuring a variety of fruit
trees, both wild and cul-
overlooking Shaqlawa. touches the ground, their tivated by humans. This
The shrine is more than wish will come true. Small diverse landscape adds to
2km away from the near- stones are thrown back- the allure of the site, of-
est major road. Half of the ward into a high hole in fering visitors a sensory
path to the shrine has been the second part of the cave, experience rich with nat-
constructed and asphalted which is 4 meters deep. It ural beauty and historical
by the Kurdistan Region- is believed that if the stone charm.
al Government (KRG), falls into the hole, the wish Furthermore, the vantage
leaving only 30 minutes of of the person throwing it point of the shrine provides
walking for the visitors. As will come true. The third stunning panoramic views
a ritual, people walk to the room contains a grave of the town of Shaqlawa
shrine. Half the pedestrian which is thought to belong below, adding an extra
path is paved with stairs; to Raban Boya. layer of fascination for
the rest is steep and swirl- tourists. The opportunity
ing. The shrine is to the Who Is Raban Boya and to observe the scenic town
right of the road, connect- from this elevated position
Why He Is Holy?
ing the Sarmaydan neigh- enhances the appeal of the
The cave bears signs
borhood in Shaqlawa to the religious site, contributing
of human intervention,
upper part of the town and to its popularity among
suggesting deliberate ex-
stretching further to the Hi- travelers seeking both spir-
pansion over time. While
ran township at the foot of itual and recreational expe-
precise historical records
Safin Mountain. The shrine riences.
regarding the shrine are
is 40km away from central lacking, local lore offers Sources consulted for this
Erbil. intriguing accounts of its article:
origins. According to one Rosti, N. (2011) A Trip to
The Structure of narrative, the cave served Tourism, Erbil: Roksana.
the Shrine as a place of worship for
The shrine is located in a a Christian saint known as awladalshohadaa/1/a1/der-al-
valley inside a cave high in Raban Boya, who is said raban-
the mountain. It’s 20 meters to have frequented the site
higher than its surrounding during the third century Written by: Nadir Rusti
areas. So, stairs are built to AD. Conversely, Muslims
lead up to the shrine. Some in the region believe that Translated by:
30 meters away from the the saint, known as Wisu Leyla Hamid
The Kurdish Globe No. 581, Monday, February 19, 2024 13

The Rich Tradition of Kurdish Poetry

Echoes of Identity, Resistance, and Resilience
By Dania Hakim

Kurdish poetry stands as poetry to advocate for ing the diversity and influenced his worldview celebrates the beauty and
a testament to the Kurdish Kurdish rights, celebrate complexity of Kurdish Ahmadi Khani, The and poetic sensibilities. resilience of Kurdistan's
people's rich cultural her- Kurdish culture, and con- culture and identity. With Legacy of Kurdish Po- Ahmadi Khani's most land and people. Ahmadi
itage and enduring spirit. demn oppression. Ce- its mountains, rivers, and etry's Pioneering Voice. enduring contribution to Khani's "Mem û Zîn" has
With a history spanning gerxwîn's lyrical verses, landscapes, nature serves Ahmadi Khani, often Kurdish literature is his had a profound and en-
centuries, Kurdish poets infused with symbolism as a recurring motif, sym- hailed as the "Homer of epic poem "Mem û Zîn," during impact on Kurd-
have used their craft to and metaphor, resonate bolizing endurance, re- Kurdistan", holds a re- which he composed in the ish literature, serving as
express the joys, sorrows, with themes of resilience, silience, and connection vered place in Kurdish lit- late 17th century. Written a source of inspiration
hopes, and struggles of longing for freedom, and to the homeland. Love, erature as one of its most in classical Kurdish and for generations of poets,
their community. From pride in Kurdish identity. longing, and nostalgia influential and celebrated influenced by Persian lit- writers, and intellectu-
ancient oral traditions In the contemporary era, also feature prominently poets. His magnum opus, erary traditions, "Mem û als. The poem has been
to contemporary verse, Kurdish poetry contin- in Kurdish poetry, ex- "Mem û Zîn," is not only Zîn" tells the tragic love translated into numerous
Kurdish poetry embodies ues to evolve and thrive, pressing the universal hu- a literary masterpiece but story of Mem, a Kurdish languages and continues
themes of identity, resis- with a diverse array of man experiences of joy, also a cultural touchstone prince, and Zîn, a beau- to be studied, recited, and
tance, love, nature, and voices exploring new heartache, and yearning that has resonated with tiful maiden from a rival revered by Kurds world-
the human experience. themes and forms of ex- for a better future. Kurd- generations of Kurds, in- tribe. The poem is divid- wide. Khani's pioneering
This article delves into pression. Poets like Sher- ish poetry stands as a vi- spiring pride in their her- ed into ten books, each use of the Kurdish lan-
the captivating world of ko Bekas (1940–2013) brant and integral part of itage and identity. In this containing richly woven guage and his explora-
Kurdish poetry, exploring and Abdulla Pashew (b. Kurdish cultural heritage, article, we delve into the narratives, vivid descrip- tion of universal themes
its evolution, prominent 1946) have gained in- embodying the collective life, works, and enduring tions, and profound phil- have earned him a place
poets, and enduring sig- ternational recognition consciousness and spir- legacy of Ahmadi Khani, osophical reflections on among the greatest poets
nificance. for their innovative and it of the Kurdish people. exploring the profound love, destiny, and human in Kurdish literary his-
Kurdish poetry traces its thought-provoking poet- From ancient oral tradi- impact of his poetry on nature. "Mem û Zîn" is tory. In addition to his
origins to the ancient oral ry. Sherko Bekas, known tions to contemporary Kurdish culture and lit- replete with themes and literary achievements,
traditions of the Kurdish for his surreal imagery verse, Kurdish poets have erature. Ahmadi Khani symbolism that resonate Ahmadi Khani played a
people, dating back to and existential themes, used their craft to cele- was born in the late 17th deeply with Kurdish cul- pivotal role in the cultur-
pre-Islamic times. Passed delves into the complex- brate their identity, resist century in the village of ture and identity. The al revival and preserva-
down through genera- tion of Kurdish identity
tions, these oral poems, during a period of politi-
known as "dengbêj," cal upheaval and external
were recited by bards and pressures. Through his
storytellers, preserving poetry, Khani sought to
the collective memory instill a sense of pride, re-
and cultural identity of silience, and unity among
the Kurdish community. Kurds, encouraging them
The themes of heroism, to cherish their language,
honor, love, and nature history, and heritage. His
featured prominently in enduring legacy as a cul-
these oral compositions, tural icon continues to in-
reflecting the values and spire Kurds in their quest
aspirations of Kurdish for recognition, digni-
society. The emergence ty, and self-expression.
of written Kurdish po- Ahmadi Khani's legacy
etry can be traced to the as a pioneering voice
medieval period, with in Kurdish poetry tran-
poets like Melayê Cizîrî scends time and borders,
(1570–1640) and Eh- resonating with the col-
medê Xanî (1650–1707) lective consciousness and
making significant con- aspirations of the Kurd-
tributions to Kurdish lit- ish people. Through his
erature. Melayê Cizîrî's epic masterpiece "Mem û
epic poem "Mem û Zîn," Zîn," Khani immortalized
often considered the mas- the beauty, resilience, and
terpiece of Kurdish liter- spirit of Kurdistan, leav-
ature, explores themes of ing an indelible mark on
love, tragedy, and social Kurdish literature and
justice. Ehmedê Xanî's culture for centuries to
"Mem û Zîn" remains a come. As Kurds contin-
source of inspiration for ue to navigate the com-
Kurdish poets and writers plexities of their history
to this day, showcasing and identity, the endur-
the enduring legacy of ities of human existence oppression, and express Hakkari, located in pres- love story of Mem and ing legacy of Ahmadi
classical Kurdish poetry. and the search for mean- the timeless truths of ent-day Turkey. Little is Zîn serves as a metaphor Khani serves as a beacon
The 20th century wit- ing. Abdulla Pashew's the human condition. As known about his early for the enduring struggle of inspiration and pride,
nessed a resurgence of poetry, marked by its Kurdish poetry continues life, but he received a of the Kurdish people reminding them of their
Kurdish poetry, fueled by simplicity and emotional to evolve and inspire, it traditional education in for freedom, justice, and rich cultural heritage and
political upheavals, cul- depth, captures the strug- serves as a testament to Kurdish literature, Islam- self-determination. The the power of poetry to
tural movements, and the gles and aspirations of the enduring power of ic theology, and Persian poem's portrayal of honor, transcend boundaries and
struggle for Kurdish au- the Kurdish people with language, art, and cre- poetry. Khani's upbring- loyalty, and sacrifice re- unite hearts.
tonomy. Poets like Cege- poignant clarity. Kurd- ativity in shaping the des- ing in the rugged moun- flects the values and ethos
rxwîn (1903–1984), the ish poetry encompasses tiny of a people and pre- tains of Kurdistan, with of Kurdish society, while
"father of modern Kurd- a wide range of themes serving their legacy for its rich oral traditions and its evocative imagery
ish literature," used their and symbolism, reflect- generations to come. cultural heritage, deeply of nature and landscape
The Kurdish Globe No. 580, Monday, February 05, 2024 14

Kurdish as
The term ‘heart language’, more deeply and are more ures, for instance, wield mother tongue, second ever, the shadow of their ities inherent in multilin-
usually refers to the local impactful when conveyed significant influence by language, or foreign lan- heart language runs after gual learning environ-
or regional language. It is in the mother tongue— employing their mother guage, its survival hinges them and tries to catch ments and highlights the
the language that is most the language of the heart. tongue, adeptly captivat- upon sustainable usage. them in every single word adaptability of educators
natural and meaningful A notable example is the ing the hearts and minds Regrettably, numerous and phrase they express in in navigating linguistic
to a person, the language renowned translation of of their audience. This languages find them- the second language (like barriers to effectively im-
that one grew up speaking the Holy Quran by Mam is particularly evident in selves on the brink of mine!). The main reason part knowledge.
and understanding best. Hazhar, which continues the speeches delivered extinction, once vibrant is not only that, that per- In conclusion, the heart
The term is often used as to captivate readers and by Mullas on Fridays heart languages now rele- son is not very expert in language profoundly
the opposite of the second remains a subject of in- midday mass-prayer, gated to the periphery of the culture of the second reflects one's identity,
language and greatly af- quiry among people and where the use of Kurdish everyday communication. language, but sometimes nationality, and even
fects communication. Its scholars. as an effective medium Endangered languag- the speaker believes that love. Its consistent usage
effect appears not only In many households, profoundly impacts the es are the ones at risk the expression is not the across various aspects of
when two or more people parents communicate in Kurdish speech commu- of disappearing as their one he/she is trying to ex- life signifies a deep and
communicate and don’t their respective heart lan- nity. speakers die out or move press! genuine connection to the
understand each other, guages, fostering a sense Poetry serves as a quint- to speak other languages. issues at hand. By priori-
then the phrase ‘what do of cultural and familial essential example of the Fortunately, the Kurdish #Heart language among tizing the heart language,
you mean?’ comes, but connection. Meanwhile, power of the heart lan- language is in its growing English teachers! individuals contribute to
also permeates every fac- children often acquire a guage. Poets masterfully stage; thousands of books Indeed, within educa- the preservation and vital-
et of daily existence. In global or secondary lan- manipulate their heart have been translated into tional contexts, partic- ity of their mother tongue,
essence, it encapsulates guage through schooling, language, crafting verses the Kurdish language ularly in departments thereby safeguarding it
the concept of the "Moth- leading them to navigate that resonate deeply and (despite our notice of focused on second or from the threat of extinc-
er tongue." For us, our between languages based are often committed to the language of transla- foreign languages such tion posed by endangered
heart language is Kurdish. on various contexts and memory. While a poem tion). Today, Educational as English, certain ex- languages.
In the vibrant, multi- considerations. However, composed in a secondary language, social media, pressions like "What do Fortunately, in Kurd-
lingual community of the heart language retains or foreign language may regular practice, cultural you mean?" or "I mean..." istan, parents have a
Kurdistan, the Kurdish its centrality, proving to still evoke emotions, a engagement, etc. prevent often emerge as readily growing awareness of the
language holds a spe- be the most fitting and unique potency in one's the Kurdish language deployable tools when importance of imparting
cial place as the heart versatile choice across own language and culture from disappearing. teachers encounter chal- Kurdish language skills to
language. Over the past different situations. renders it most effective However, the journey lenges in conveying their their children. Additional-
decade, there have been and enduring. Thus, the toward linguistic preser- message to students. In ly, efforts in translation,
endeavors to advocate #Heart language is, heart language emerges vation remains ongoing; such instances, educators particularly in fields such
that certain disciplines, then the language as the true language of the necessitating continued may resort to utilizing as the sciences, are ex-
such as science, are better of the Heart! heart, transcending mere dedication and heightened elements of their heart panding, laying a crucial
comprehended in second- The notion of the "heart linguistic communication endeavors to safeguard language to better articu- foundation for national
ary or official languages. language" encapsulates to convey the essence of the Kurdish language for late their intentions. This development. This con-
While this assertion may a profound expression one's being future generations. dynamic often leads to certed effort towards lin-
hold merit in terms of of respect and affection, instances of code-switch- guistic preservation and
comprehension, the effi- where words flow effort- #Heart languages #The shadow of heart ing and code-mixing, enhancement strengthens
cacy of communication lessly, reflecting one's also die! language on the second where linguistic elements cultural identity and holds
is undeniably heightened deepest sentiments. When Linguists have under- and foreign languages! from multiple languages the potential to foster
when conducted in the conveyed in the heart lan- scored a poignant anal- It’s been years since are interwoven to facili- broader societal advance-
heart language. Recent guage, a message is in- ogy, likening languages teachers have warned lan- tate communication and ment.
studies have underscored tricately shaped by one's to living entities that un- guage learners to engage comprehension between
this phenomenon, demon- own cultural nuances, im- dergo birth, growth, and in thinking processes us- teacher and student. This
strating that even reli- buing it with authenticity eventual demise. Whether ing the language they are fluidity in language usage By: Sangar Hassan Najim
gious messages resonate and resonance. Public fig- a language serves as one's attempting to learn. How- underscores the complex-
The Kurdish Globe No. 580, Monday, February 05, 2024 15

Harmony on the Pitch: Kurdish Players'

Impact in Iraq's Asian Cup Run
From triumphs to trials, the call for fair opportunities grows louder as
some think Kurdish players should be given more chances
In the aftermath of Iraq's within the Kurdish talent league), Ahmad Ali creased participation. apology for the limited ship within the squad. He
spirited campaign at the pool. The midfield boast- (French league), and In the post-tournament playing time during the spoke highly about Ah-
Asian Cup, a call for rec- ed four more exceptional Akam Hashem from the reflections, Akam Hashem group stage. The coach mad Ali, his closest friend
ognizing the immense Kurdish players: Iraqi league's Erbil club. shed light on the situation, expressed optimism for in the national team, and
talent of Kurdish players Osama Rashid The group stage saw expressing gratitude for their participation in fu- expressed positive rela-
echoes through the foot- (Portuguese Iraq triumph in all Coach Casas's attention ture games, acknowledg- tions with Alan Mohedeen
ball community. Coach league), three encounters, se- while voicing his desire ing the valuable relation- and Osama Rashid. Such
Jesus Casas's diverse Yousef curing a spot in the for more playing time. ships formed within the camaraderie, reflective of
squad included six Kurd- Amin quarterfinals as the Hashem highlighted a team. the team's unity, adds a
ish players, each con- (Ger- top team in their missed chance against As Akam Hashem con- layer of depth to their col-
tributing uniquely to the man group. Notably, Jordan, emphasizing his templates future career lective journey.
team's success, sparking during this phase, commitment to contribut- moves amid offers from The Asian Cup journey
conversations about the some Kurdish play- ing to the team's success clubs within and outside has not only showcased
need for increased oppor- ers, including and expressing hope for a Iraq, he remains focused Iraq's football prowess but
tunities for these players. Akam Hashem, future role in World Cup on making an informed also ignited a conversation
In the defensive had limited qualifiers. decision. His commitment about the equitable distri-
line, the prowess of opportunities Coach Casas, acknowl- to excellence and a desire bution of opportunities
Merkhas Doski from on the field, edging the con- for more playing time res- for Kurdish players. As
the Czech League sparking tributions of onates as a testament to the football community
and Alan Mohedeen discussions players like the potential within Kurd- eagerly awaits their next
from the Swedish about the Fahd Taleb ish players. endeavor, the call for in-
League was evident, potential and Akam "I am grateful for coach creased playing time for
showcasing the impact Hashem, Casas's attention, but I these talented individuals
depth and versatility of in- issued an yearn for more opportu- is bound to shape the dis-
nities on the field. Against course surrounding Iraq's
Jordan, circumstances football landscape.
denied me a chance, but Iraq have appeared in
I remain committed to the finals of the AFC
contributing to our team's Asian Cup on 9 occasions
success. My focus is on in 1972 to 1976, 1996 to
the future, and I aspire to 2019. Their best ever per-
play a significant role in formance was as cham-
the upcoming World Cup pions in the 2007 tourna-
qualifiers." Hashem told ment held in Indonesia,
The Kurdish Globe Malaysia, Thailand and
When asked if he has Vietnam respectively.
received any offers from The 2024 Asia Cup was
other clubs outside of held in Qatar and the host
Iraq, Hashem said “Ac- country successfully de-
tually I got offers from fended their Asian Cup
both: the domestic league crown after beating Jor-
clubs, and clubs outside dan 3-1 on Feb 10 at Lu-
of Iraq. But I would pre- sail Stadium where Akram
fer to stay in Erbil for this Afif converted three pen-
season.” alties as the hosts won
Hashem, known for their second continental
his connections with fel- title.
low players, also shared
insights into the friend-

Shokhan Nouraddin: Saudi Football's Top Scorer

In a dazzling display that commitment but has season unfolds, Nourad- continues to leave an in-
of talent and goal-scor- also become a force to din continues to rewrite delible mark on the Saudi
ing prowess, Shokhan be reckoned with on the records and capture the Women's Premier League,
Nouraddin, the Kurdish field, netting an impres- attention of not only local her story transcends bor-
star hailing from Saudi sive 52 goals. Her ex- fans but also European ders, showcasing the im-
Al-Hilal, has etched her ceptional speed and ball clubs. mense talent and potential
name as the all-time lead- control have set her apart The extraordinary abil- within women's football.
ing scorer in the Saudi as a standout player in the ities of this Kurdish ath- The allure of her skills has
Women's Premier League, league. lete have garnered inter- not only elevated Al Hilal
a feat that rivals even the One of the standout est from European clubs, but has also positioned
likes of football icon Cris- moments in Nouraddin's with multiple offers on Nouraddin as a rising
tiano Ronaldo. goal-scoring journey was the table. Nouraddin's star on the global football
Originally from Erbil, when she netted a stag- remarkable goal-scoring stage. The football world
Nouraddin made head- gering 15 goals in a single spree and dynamic perfor- eagerly watches as this
lines when she inked a game against the Bayra mances have made her a Kurdish sensation navi-
two-season contract with club. Last season alone, sought-after talent, paving gates her career, poised
Al Hilal in 2022. Fast-for- she recorded a remarkable the way for a potential in- for greater heights and
ward to the present, and 43 goals in just 14 ap- ternational career. potential international ac-
she has not only upheld pearances. As the current As Shokhan Nouraddin claim.
Last Page No. 581, Monday, February 19, 2024

Erbil Pays Tribute to Abbas Abdullah Yousef 's

Folklore Spotlight
Literary Contributions
Hassan Zirak
Hassan Zirak, the legendary Kurdish singer, was
born in Harmileh, part of Saqqez County, near
Bukan in northwestern Persia. His birthplace,
once a part of the Sublime State of Persia, now
holds historical significance in the Kurdish cultur-
al narrative.
Born to Abdulla Zirek and Amina, Hassan inher-
ited not only a name but also a legacy of talent.
His father's remarkable abilities in the Xan of the
Agha of Hermêle influenced the young Hassan's In a ceremony held on Monday, Union, orchestrated an event at the Yousef. Attendees gathered to honor
upbringing. February 12, 2024, the Directorate Shahid Mahdi Khoshnaw Hall. The Yousef's remarkable contributions
Tragedy struck early in Hassan's life when his of Literary Activities in General occasion, graced by the presence of to literature and the arts, marking
father passed away when he was just five years Directorate of Culture and Arts of Mr. Omid Khoshnaw, Erbil's Gov- the evening with reverence and ap-
old. His mother's remarriage left him emotionally Erbil, in collaboration with the Er- ernor, spotlighted the celebrated preciation for his profound impact.
shattered. At the age of 12, he began working for bil Branch of the Kurdish Writers writer and poet, Abbas Abdullah
the Agha of Hermêle, where his enchanting voice
became a source of joy for the villagers. Agha is a
title given to a leader of a group and Hermêle is a
small village in Bukan region in West Azerbaijan Kurdish films will be Kirkuk Cultural Center
province of Iran.
Hassan left his birth village at 13, seeking
opportunities in the main Kurdish cities. His
screened free of charge Hosts Third Festival of
journey took him to various restaurants, where
his singing talents became evident. In 1953, at 27, in cinemas in Erbil Peace and Brotherhood
he left Harmelah and made a significant mark by
The Kirkuk Cultural Cen- "This marks the third
recording numerous Kurdish songs for Baghdad's
ter recently served as the round of the Festival of
broadcasting station. venue for the third Festi- Peace and Brotherhood.
However, political upheavals forced him to val of Peace and Brother- Our troupe had the privi-
leave Iraq after the 1958 revolution. He relocated hood, featuring participa- lege of performing a tra-
to Tehran, working at the Tehran Radio Station, tion from national teams ditional Kurdish dance,
where he met his wife, Medya Zendi. In 1960, representing Kurdistan which was well-received
circumstances compelled him to leave Iran for and Iraq. by the audience. I sincere-
Kurdistan of Iraq, collaborating with the Kurdish Kosrat Qadir, a mem- ly hope such festivals be-
Fine Art Groups. ber of the Erbil National come an annual tradition,
Hassan Zirak left Kurdistan in 1967, settling in Arts Troupe, shared his fostering unity and harmo-
Saqqez, Iran, where he spent the rest of his life. thoughts on the event: ny in the hearts of all.
In 1971, he faced a formidable adversary – stage
four cancer. Nights at Urmia and Bukan hospitals
became a somber routine until his passing at the "Nazdar Jaziri's New Song
age of 50.
Despite his illiteracy, Hassan Zirak's prolific ca-
reer produced around 1500 songs, showcasing his
'Qismat' Sparks Romance
unique free-style folk singing. He is celebrated
not only for his contributions to Sorani Kurd-
on Valentine Day"
ish but also for singing in languages like Azeri, In celebration of Val- heart, complemented
Turkish, and Persian. His legacy endures as one entine Day, renowned by the soulful composi-
of the most beloved and well-known figures in artist Nazdar Jaziri has tion of musician Siamak
Northern and Eastern Kurdistan, with timeless unveiled her latest mu- Faqizadeh. The song,
collaborations with fellow artists like Mamle, sical creation, titled meticulously record-
Mala Hussain Abdulzada, Osman Bukani, and "Qismat," on her offi- ed by musician Afshin
Ahmed Shamal. cial YouTube channel. Shukri, comes to life in
This enchanting melo- a captivating music vid-
As an incentive to increase the audience of Kurdish films dy, crafted by Jaziri her- eo directed by Imra Öz-
in cinemas, every Wednesday, the Erbil Cinema Arts Di- self, is accompanied by bilen.
rectorate will screen Kurdish films free of charge. lyrics that speak to the

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