2.5 Reference Frames

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1 Reference frames
Space Mission Design and Operations
Prof. Claude Nicollier
Geographic coordinate system

The geographic coordinate system

is used for describing positions on
the surface of planet Earth.
It is a fundamental coordinate

Space Mission Design and Operations

Geocentric-inertial coordinate system

An inertial frame is the frame of reference XYZ, all perpendicular to

each other, orthogonal, with respect to which the laws of motion, the
laws of Newton, are valid.
The center of the geocentric inertial coordinate system is the center of
the Earth.
The plane of reference is the plane of the Equator, where the direction
of X is the direction of the vernal equinox.
The vernal equinox is a point on the Equator that the Sun crosses
when it goes from the southern celestial hemisphere to the northern
celestial hemisphere around the 21st of March.
This point is very slowly migrating to the west so when using the
geocentric-inertial coordinate system, the year shall be specified.
Normally the year 2000 is the one currently used.

Space Mission Design and Operations

Heliocentric-inertial coordinate system

The heliocentric-inertial coordinate system has the same

directions of axes as the geocentric-inertial coordinate system.
The center of the coordinate system is in the center of the Sun. Precession of the Vernal
The axes are perpendicular to the ones of the geocentric-inertial
coordinate system with the X directed to the vernal equinox for Equinox of 0.014 degrees
the year 2000. per year.
Space Mission Design and Operations
Precession of the equinoxes

● Earth’s rotational axis has a tilt of 23.5°.

● Axial precession is the displacement of the

rotational axis of an astronomical body.

● Earth goes through one such complete

precessional cycle in about 26000 years.

The Earth is not a perfect sphere, but has an equatorial bulge,

Credits: NASA GSFC,
and the gravitational force, from the Sun and the Moon also, on
Robert Simmon
a non-spherical body, causes the precession.
Space Mission Design and Operations
Precession of Earth’s axis
Precession of Earth’s axis Precession of Earth’s axis
around the south ecliptical pole around the north ecliptical pole

Credits: Wikipedia, Tau’olunga

Space Mission Design and Operations
2.5.2 Orbital parameters and calendars
Space Mission Design and Operations
Prof. Claude Nicollier

Credits: Adapted from

Wikipedia, Lasunnkty
Classical orbital parameters
● e, a, then:
● i = inclination of the orbital plane.
● Ω = longitude or Right Ascension of the
Ascending Node (RAAN, in the plane of
● ω = argument of periapsis (in the orbital plane).
● Tp = time of periapsis transit.
● Current time t allowing a determination of the
exact position of the celestial body or satellite.
i = 0 means a polar orbit.
The spacecraft is passing from the southern celestial hemisphere to the
northern on a point on the plane of reference which is the so-called ascending
node. The descending node is on the other side, where the spacecraft go
from the north to the south.
Credits: Adapted from
Wikipedia, Lasunnkty
Space Mission Design and Operations
Spacecraft’s state vector

X, Y, Z, Ẋ, Ẏ, Ż corresponds to the
geocentric-inertial coordinate

On board a spacecraft, the

propagation of the state vector is

The spacecraft’s state vector is

functionally equivalent to the six
orbital parameters plus the time t.

Space Mission Design and Operations

Mean solar day – sidereal day
● Picture left: a distant star (the small red
circle) and the Sun are at culmination,
on the local meridian.
● Picture center: the distant star is at
culmination (after one sidereal day).
● Picture right: few minutes later the Sun
is on the local meridian again. A solar
day is complete.
The sidereal day, is the time it takes for the Earth to make one full
rotation with respect to the stars.
The mean solar day is the time it takes for the Earth to make one full
rotation with respect to the Sun.
The duration of the mean solar day is 24 hours, but the duration of the
sidereal day, is about four minutes less. Credits: Wikipedia, Francisco
Javier Blanco González
Space Mission Design and Operations
Gregorian days vs. Julian days

Julian day is used in the Julian date (JD) system of time measurement for
scientific use by the astronomy community, presenting the interval of time in days
and fractions of a day since January 1st, 4713 BC Greenwich noon. Julian date is
recomended for astronomical use by the International Astronomical Union. Space Mission Design and Operations
Conversion of Gregorian days to Julian days

● J = Julian day number

● Y = calendar year
● M = calendar month number (e.g., July = 7)
● D = calendar day and fraction

● All divisions must be integer divisions. Only

the integer is kept; the fraction is discarded.
● Good from 1901 to 2099.

Space Mission Design and Operations

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