L04 - Heliocentric Model and Keplers Laws
L04 - Heliocentric Model and Keplers Laws
L04 - Heliocentric Model and Keplers Laws
Kepler’s Laws
Creating a
Heliocentric Model
of the Solar System
Let’s try to leave here today…
• State Kepler’s 3 laws of planetary motion
• Describe what the semi-major axis of an ellipse
• Yesterday (start of MR…) something magical happened to both my partner and I separately -
and the thing they had in common was they were both related to podcasts, manifestation, and
the consistency of our work….”
The puzzle of retrograde planetary motion:
• planets move generally west-to-east across the sky
• sometimes they go “retrograde” and loop backwards
Heliocentric vs Geocentric
models of the Solar System
Two explanations for retrograde loops of the planets:
Heliocentric Geocentric
The Sun is ‘motionless’. Planets orbit The Earth is motionless. Stars orbit on
around it, with ones closer to the Sun a sphere. Planets orbit on circles
moving faster. Stars are far away. orbiting on circles.
Two explanations for retrograde loops of the planets:
The Sun is ‘motionless’. Planets orbit
around it, with ones closer to the Sun
moving faster. Stars are far away.
Two explanations for retrograde loops of the planets:
The Sun is ‘motionless’. Planets orbit
around it, with ones closer to the Sun
moving faster. Stars are far away.
As Earth orbits around the Sun, by how much
does the closest star wobble on the sky?
A. wobble more
B. wobble the same amount
C. wobble less
If the closest star wobbles by 0.8” on the sky over
a year, all the other more distant stars should:
A. wobble more
B. wobble the same amount
C. wobble less
How big of an angle is 0.8”?
A. small
B. very small
C. tiny
D. so tiny that no human can see it
with their eyes
E. all of the above
How big of an angle is 0.8”?
A. small
B. very small
C. tiny
D. so tiny that no human can see it
with their eyes
E. all of the above
Two explanations for retrograde loops of the planets:
The Earth is motionless. Stars orbit on
Ptolemy (100-170 AD)
a sphere. Planets orbit on circles
orbiting on circles.
Two explanations for retrograde loops of the planets:
The Earth is motionless. Stars orbit on
Ptolemy (100-170 AD)
a sphere. Planets orbit on circles
orbiting on circles.
In addition to apparent retrograde motion,
the geocentric model could explain…
A. day and night on Earth
B. seasons
C. lunar phases
D. day and night on Earth and seasons
E. all of the above
In addition to apparent retrograde motion,
the geocentric model could explain…
A. day and night on Earth
B. seasons
C. lunar phases
D. day and night on Earth and seasons
E. all of the above
The geocentric model
was good enough to
explain the data…
…but the predictions
of Ptolemy’s model got
Mars worse over time.
These Mars
measurements of
measurements of are uncertain by
Mars in the sky about 1˚.
l e s s
i rc cl e
ic c i cy
n t r e p
ce t r ic
e l i o e n
h o c
i t h g e
n w i t h
c t i o n w
d i t i o
p re d i c
A .p re
s Without precise
rc le l e s
c i c y c data, we can’t tell
t r ic p i
e n i c e these models apart.
i oc n t r
h l
e oc e
t h e Both are fine!
w i h g
o n w i t
i c t i n
e d c t i o
p red i
“I made a bunch of
measurements of the planets
that are way more precise
than ever before!”
(not a direct quote)
Orbits of planets with varying eccentricities. The red ray rotates at a constant angular velocity
and with the same orbital time period as the planet, . S: Sun at the primary focus, C: Centre of
ellipse, S': The secondary focus. In each case, the area of all sectors depicted is identical.
By Mkwadee - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=116376382
Eccentricity = 0 Eccentricity = 0.8
Orbits of planets with varying eccentricities. The red ray rotates at a constant angular velocity
and with the same orbital time period as the planet, . S: Sun at the primary focus, C: Centre of
ellipse, S': The secondary focus. In each case, the area of all sectors depicted is identical.
By Mkwadee - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=116376382
Kepler’s 3rd Law:
More distant planets take longer to orbit the
Sun, so that the (period)2 is proportional to Kepler’s 3rd law
the (semimajor axis)3.
P 2
∝ a 3
( GM )
2 4π 3
P = a
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630 AD)
Kepler’s 3rd Law
The orbital period P of an object is related to the semi-major axis a of its
orbit and the mass M of whatever it is orbiting by the following expression:
( 𝐺𝑀 )
2 4𝜋 3
𝑃 = 𝑎
All of this = 1.
✓ ◆2 ⇣ a ⌘3
1 yr 1 AU
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630 AD)
Calculations with Kepler’s 3 rd Law
2 3
𝑃 =𝑎
If you are solving for If you are solving for
the orbital period: the semi-major axis:
𝑎 = (𝑃 )
𝑃 = (𝑎 ) 3 1/2 2
Note: This is the
…which is the
…which is the simplified version of
same as…
same as… Kepler’s 3rd law. If one
or more of the
3/2 assumptions aren’t true,
𝑃=𝑎 use the full version. 𝑎=𝑃
Kepler’s 3rd Law:
More distant planets take longer to orbit the
Sun, so that the (period)2 is proportional to Full Kepler’s 3rd law
the (semimajor axis)3.
( GM )
2 4π 3
P = a
The table above shows the orbital period and semi-major axis of Earth’s orbit around
the Sun and the orbital period and semi-major axis of the Moon’s orbit around Earth.
Which of the following best completes this sentence: The data for Earth’s orbit can be
used to calculate the mass of ___ and the data for the Moon’s orbit can be used to
calculate the mass of ___.
A) Jupiter in it’s new orbit would have a shorter orbital period than
B) Mercury in it’s new would have a shorter orbital period than
C) Neither planet would experience a change in its orbital period.
D) We cannot answer this question without knowing the masses of
Mercury and Jupiter.
Typical Test Question
Imagine you find an asteroid with the orbit shown in the Sun
figure at right. Which of the following statements is
A. 57 AU
B. 100 AU
C. 157 AU
D. 175 AU
E. Ack! I don’t know where to begin!
The dwarf planet 2008 ST291 has a semimajor axis a=100 AU and
eccentricity of e=0.57. What’s the farthest it gets from the Sun?
A. 57 AU
B. 100 AU
C. 157 AU
D. 175 AU
E. Ack! I don’t know where to begin!
The dwarf planet 2008 ST291 has a semimajor
axis a=100 AU. What is its orbital period?
A. 10 years
✓ ◆2 ⇣ a ⌘3
B. 100 years P
C. 1000 years 1 yr 1 AU
D. 10 4 years
E. Ack! I don’t know where to begin!
Typical Test Question
Imagine you discover a new planet whose orbit around
the Sun has a period of 5 years. What is the semi-
major axis of the new planet’s orbit?
A) 2.9 AU
B) 11 AU
C) 25 AU
D) 62.5 AU
E) 125 AU
How did astronomers rule out
the geocentric model?
• The fact that Kepler’s ellipses fit Tycho Brahe’s more
accurate data supported Kepler’s theory.