IV Semester M.A. Degree Examination, September/October 2022 (CBCS Scheme) economics Managerial Economics (Optional Paper) Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
Instructions : a) Answer all the three Parts.
ÓÜãaÜ®æWÜÙÜá : G) GÇÝÉ ÊÜáãÃÜá »ÝWÜWÜÚWæ EñܤÄÔ. b) Part – A : Answer to each question not exceeding ½ page. ¹) »ÝWÜ & G : ±ÜÅ£ ±ÜÅÍæ°Wæ ½ ±ÜâoÊÜ®Üá° ËáàÃܨÜíñæ EñܤÄÔ. c) Part – B : Answer to each question not exceeding 4 pages. Ô) »ÝWÜ & ¹ : ±ÜÅ£ ±ÜÅÍæ°Wæ 4 ±ÜâoWÜÙÜ®Üá° ËáàÃܨÜíñæ EñܤÄÔ. d) Part – C : Answer to each question not exceeding 6 pages. w) »ÝWÜ & Ô : ±ÜÅ£ ±ÜÅÍæ°Wæ 6 ±ÜâoWÜÙÜ®Üá° ËáàÃܨÜíñæ EñܤÄÔ. paRt – A »ÝWÜ – G 1. Answer any ten of the following : (10×2=20) D PæÙÜX®Ü ¿ÞÊÜâ¨Ý¨ÜÃÜã ÖÜñܤ®Üá° EñܤÄÔ : a) What do you mean by proprietorship ? ÊÜÞÈàPÜñÜÌ Gí¨ÜÃæà®Üá ? b) Define the concept of financial stability. ÖÜ|PÝÔ®Ü Ô§ÃÜñæ¿á ±ÜÄPÜƳ®æ¿á®Üá° ÊÝÂTݯÔ. c) What do you mean by demand forecasting ? ¸æàwPæ¿á ÊÜáá®Ü°í¨Ýgá Gí¨ÜÃæà®Üá ? d) What do you mean by uncertainty ? A¯ÎcñÜñæ Gí¨ÜÃæà®Üá ? e) Define the concept of transfer prices. ÊÜWÝìÊÜOæ ¸æÇæWÜÙÜ ±ÜÄPÜƳ®æ¿á®Üá° ÊÝÂTݯÔ. P.T.O. ECS 554(C) -2- *ECS554C*
f) What do you mean by smoothing techniques ?
ÓÜáWÜÊÜáWæãÚÓÜáÊÜ ñÜíñÜÅWÜÙÜ A¥ÜìÊæà®Üá ? g) What do you mean by profit forecasting ? ÇÝ»Ü¨Ü ÊÜáá®Ü°í¨Ýgá Gí¨ÜÃæà®Üá ? h) What do you mean by break-even analysis ? ÇÝ»Ü&ÊæaÜc ÓÜÊÜá®ÝíñÜÃÜ ËÍæÉàÐÜOæ Gí¨ÜÃæà®Üá ? i) What do you mean by cost minimization ? ÊæaÜcÊÜ®Üá° PÜwÊæá ÊÜÞvÜáÊÜâ¨Üá Gí¨ÜÃæà®Üá ? j) Define the concept of managerial economics. ÊÜÂÊÜÓݧ±Ü®Ý A¥ÜìÍÝÓÜ÷¨Ü ±ÜÄPÜƳ®æ¿á®Üá° ÊÝÂTݯÔ. k) Define the concept of sales revenue maximization. ÊÜÞÃÝo¨Ü B¨Ý¿á¨Ü WÜÄÑuàPÜÃÜ|¨Ü ±ÝÅÊÜááSÂñæ¿á ±ÜÄPÜƳ®æ¿á®Üá° ÊÝÂTݯÔ. l) What do you mean by profit measurement ? ÇÝ»Ü¨Ü ÊÜÞ±Ü®Ü Gí¨ÜÃæà®Üá ? part – B »ÝWÜ – ¹ Answer any five of the following : (5×6=30) D PæÙÜX®Ü ¿ÞÊÜâ¨Ý¨ÜÃÜã I¨ÜPæR EñܤÄÔ : 2. Explain the important problems of regression analysis. ×ígÄñÜ ËÍæÉàÐÜOæ¿á ±ÜÅÊÜááS ÓÜÊÜáÓæÂWÜÙÜ®Üá° ËÊÜÄÔ. 3. Explain the types of business organization. E¨ÜÂÊÜá ÓÜíZo®æ¿á Ë«ÜWÜÙÜ®Üá° ËÊÜÄÔ. 4. Discuss the specific pricing problems of a firm. E¨ÜÂÊÜá¨Ü ¸æÇæ ¯«ÝìÃܨÜÈÉ®Ü ¯—ìÐÜr ÓÜÊÜáÓæÂWÜÙÜ®Üá° aÜbìÔ. 5. Explain the concept of optimization technique. AñÜáÂñܤÊÜá ñÜíñÜÅ¨Ü ±ÜÄPÜƳ®æ¿á®Üá° ËÊÜÄÔ. *ECS554C* -3- ECS 554(C)
6. Explain the importance of residual claimant theory.
EÚ¨Ü ÖÜPÜáR¨ÝÃÜ Ô¨ÝœíñÜ¨Ü ±ÝÅÊÜááSÂñæ¿á®Üá° ËÊÜÄÔ. 7. Distinguish between the business and economic profit. ÊݱÝÃÜ ÊÜáñÜᤠB¦ìPÜ ÇÝ»Ü¨Ü ®ÜvÜá訆 ÊÜÂñÝÂÓÜÊÜ®Üá° WÜáÃÜá£Ô. 8. Explain the scope of managerial economics. ÊÜÂÊÜÓݧ±Ü®Ý A¥ÜìÍÝÓÜ÷¨Ü Êݲ¤¿á®Üá° ËÊÜÄÔ. 9. Explain the issues on the efficiency measurement of the firm. E¨ÜÂÊÜá¨Ü ¨ÜPÜÒñæ¿á ÊÜÞ±Ü®Ü¨Ü AíÍÜWÜÙÜ®Üá° ËÊÜÄÔ. part – C »ÝWÜ – Ô Answer any two of the following : (2×10=20) D PæÙÜX®Ü ¿ÞÊÜâ¨Ý¨ÜÃÜã GÃÜvÜPæR EñܤÄÔ : 10. Examine critically the Baumol’s sales revenue maximization model. ¸èÊæãÇ…®Ü ÊÜÞÃÝo¨Ü B¨Ý¿á¨Ü WÜÄÑuàPÜÃÜ|¨Ü ÊÜÞ¨ÜÄ¿á®Üá° ËÊÜáÍÝìñܾPÜÊÝX ±ÜÄàQÒÔ. 11. Analyse critically the Marris model of managerial enterprise. ÊÜÞÂÄÓ…ÃÜ ÊÜÂÊÜÓݧ±Ü®Ý E¨ÜÂÊÜá ÊÜÞ¨ÜÄ¿á®Üá° ËÊÜáÍÝìñܾPÜÊÝX ËÍæÉàÑÔ. 12. Examine critically the relevance of determining the size of capital budget. ŸívÜÊÝÙÜ Ÿhæp… WÝñÜÅÊÜ®Üá° ¯«ÜìÄÓÜáÊÜ ±ÜÅÓÜá¤ñÜñæ¿á®Üá° ËÊÜáÍÝìñܾPÜÊÝX ±ÜÄàQÒÔ. 13. Evaluate the role of the government in the economy. B¦ìPÜñæ¿áÈÉ ÓÜPÝìÃÜ¨Ü ±ÝñÜÅÊÜ®Üá° ÊÜåèÆÂÊÜÞ±Ü®Ü ÊÜÞw.