60731/AKBEF/ Ade5A: Answer Any Questions

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APRIL 2013 60731/AKBEF/


Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 marks)

Answer any TEN questions each in 30 words.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. What do you mean by Managerial Economics?

÷©»õsø©¨ ö£õ¸Íõuõµ® GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

2. Define ‘Elasticity of demand’.

÷uøÁ ö|QÌa] – Áøµ¯ÖUP.

3. What is Cost reduction?

ö\»Ä SøÓ¨¦ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

4. Define ‘Demand forecasting’.

÷uøÁ •ßPo¨ø£ Áøµ¯ÖUP.

5. What is Fixed cost?

{ø»¯õÚ ö\»Ä GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

6. Write any two characteristics of production

EØ£zva \õº¤ß H÷uÝ® C¸ C¯À¦PøÍ GÊxP.

7. What is Monopoly?
•ØÖ›ø© GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

8. Write any two features of perfect competition.

{øÓĨ ÷£õmi°ß C¯À¦PÎÀ H÷uÝ®
CµsiøÚ GÊxP.

9. What is profit forecasting?

C»õ£® •ßPozuÀ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

10. Define ‘Break even point’.

C»õ£ |mh©ØÓ ¦ÒÎ – Áøµ¯ÖUP.

11. What do you mean by capital budgeting?

‰»uÚ ÁµÄö\»Äz vmhªhÀ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

12. State the characteristics of project.

ö\¯Àvmhzvß C¯À¦PøÍU TÖP.

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions in 200 words.
All questions carry equal marks.

13. Describe the role of Managerial economist.

÷©»õsø©¨ ö£õ¸Î¯»Ôb›ß £[QøÚ ÂÁ›UP.

14. What are the factors influencing elasticity of

÷uøÁ ö|QÌa]ø¯z wº©õÛUS® PõµoPÒ ¯õøÁ?

2 60731/AKBEF/

15. Explain the relationship between AC and MC

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÷PõkPÐUS Cøh÷¯²ÒÍ öuõhº¤øÚ ÂÍUSP.

16. What are the assumptions of Break even analysis?

C»õ£ |mh©ØÓ B´Âß AÝ©õÚ[PÒ ¯õøÁ?

17. Explain the techniques of profit forecasting.

C»õ£ •ßPozu¼ß ~qUP[PøÍ ÂÍUSP.

18. Explain the features of monopoly.

•ØÖ›ø©°ß C¯À¦PøÍ ÂÍUSP.

19. Describe the need for capital budgeting.

‰»uÚ ÁµÄö\»Äz vmhªh¼ß ÷uøÁø¯

PART C — (3 × 10 = 30 marks)

Answer any THREE questions in 500 words.

All questions carry equal marks.

20. Discuss the nature and scope of Managerial

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©ØÖ® £µ¨ö£Àø»ø¯²® £ØÔ ÂÁõvUP.
3 60731/AKBEF/

21. Explain the production function.

EØ£zv \õº¤øÚ ÂÍUSP.

22. How are pricing and output decisions made under

perfect competition?
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•iÄPÒ GÆÁõÖ ÷©ØöPõÒͨ£kQßÓÚ?

23. Narrate any five pricing methods in practice.

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24. Describe the importance of capital budgeting.

‰»uÚ ÁµÄ ö\»Ä vmhªh¼ß •UQ¯zxÁzøu


4 60731/AKBEF/

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