Annotated-Intasc 20standard 20 239 20 20journals
Annotated-Intasc 20standard 20 239 20 20journals
Annotated-Intasc 20standard 20 239 20 20journals
INTASC Standards
Artifact Reflection Form
Title of Artifact: Teacher observation journals
(Explain what you did to complete this assignment/artifact and how this artifact best
represents this particular InTASC standard, Course Competency and Essential Learning
● How did this assignment help you with professional learning?
● Observing another teacher interact with their students was an amazing example
of what a healthy student-teacher relationship should look like; not to mention,
being able to realize that the teacher you are observing spent years working
with different students and finding which methods to learning work best
further proves that teaching is a job that continues to change and develop.
● How did this assignment help you to examine the professional aspects of
● For the artifact, Teacher observation journals, I viewed every move of the
teachers as intentional. This helped show me that even now, teachers continue
to make changes to their lesson plans and even try new methods in order to
make sure their students learn easier and more.
● How did this help assignment help you to understand the discipline of teaching
and learning?
● Being a teacher means working a lot of the time, even outside of work hours. It
requires time, patience, flexibility, dedication, and much more. Being able to
observe another teacher that has been doing the job for years showed all of this
in real time.
(Explain what you gained from completing this assignment/artifact.
● What did you learn about the profession of teaching and learning?
● How will this help you in the future?
● How will completing this assignment help your students in the future?)
For InTasc Standard 9, the Teacher observation journals Artifact put many things into
perspective for me. Seeing teachers continually change their lesson plan and attempt to
improve their teaching for the benefit of their students further proves the passion and
dedication along with other characteristics needed to succeed as a teacher. Realizing what
teachers need to succeed will help me thrive in the future because of self-awareness. This
will also be extremely beneficial to my future students who will hopefully succeed due to
my dedication in my class and outside of it.