Hasil 32

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Classical Item and

Test Analysis Report

Report created on 03/06/2023

This report was produced by the demo version of Iteman 4.3,

which is limited to 50 items and 50 examinees.

Iteman: Software for Classical Analysis

Copyright � 2013 - Assessment Systems Corporation

This report provides the results of a classical item and test analysis by the computer program Iteman
Version 4.3 (Assessment Systems Corporation, 2013) for Tes IPA. The output is divided into three

1. Specifications
2. Summary statistics
3. Item-by-item results.

The statistical output is also recorded in a comma-separated value (CSV) file of the same name.

The Windows paths for the input files used in this analysis were:

C:\Users\ASUS\OneDrive\Dokumen\Fix control.txt

The Windows paths for the output files produced by this analysis were:

C:\Users\ASUS\OneDrive\Dokumen\Hasil 32.rtf
C:\Users\ASUS\OneDrive\Dokumen\Hasil 32.csv
C:\Users\ASUS\OneDrive\Dokumen\Hasil 32 Scores.csv

Table 1 presents the specifications and basic information concerning the analysis. This provides important
documentation of the setup of the program for historical purposes.

Table 1: Specifications

Specification Value Specification Value

Number of examinees 30 Total Items 20
Scored Items 20 Pretest Items 0
Multiple Choice Items 20 Polytomous Items 0
Number of domains 1 External scores No
Minimum P 0,00 Maximum P 1,00
Minimum item mean 0,00 Maximum item mean 15,00
Minimum item correlation 0,00 Maximum item correlation 1,00
ITEMAN 3.0 Header No Exclude omits from option statistics No
Number of ID columns 2 ID begins in column 1
Responses begin in column 3 Omit character O
Not Admin character N Produce quantile tables No
Correct for spuriousness No Produce quantile plots No
Save data matrix No Include omit codes in matrix N/A
Include Not Admin codes in matrix N/A Include scaled scores for Total Score
Scaling function N/A Scaled score setting 1 N/A
Scaled score setting 2 N/A Dichotomous Classification No
Classify based on N/A Cutpoint N/A
Low group label Low High group label High
Data is delimited by N/A Test for DIF No
Group status is in column N/A Ability levels for DIF N/A
Group 1 code N/A Group 2 code N/A
Group 1 label N/A Group 2 label N/A

Summary statistics
Table 2 presents the summary statistics of the test, for the scored items. Definitions of these statistics are
found in the Iteman manual.

Table 2: Summary statistics

Score Items Mean SD Min Max Mean P Mean

Score Score Rpbis
Scored Items 20 15,800 3,316 10 20 0,790 0,387
Scaled Total 20 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 - -

Table 3 presents a reliability analysis of the tests. Alpha (also known as KR-20) is the most commonly
used index of reliability, and is therefore used to calculate the standard error of measurement (SEM) on
the raw score scale. Also presented are three configurations of split-half reliability, first as uncorrected
correlations, and then as Spearman-Brown (S-B) corrected correlations. This is because an uncorrected
split-half correlation is referenced to a "test" that only contains half as many items as the full test, and
therefore underestimates reliability.

Table 3: Reliability

Score Alpha SEM Split-Half Split-Half Split-Half S-B S-B First- S-B Odd-
(Random) (First-Last) (Odd-Even) Random Last Even
Scored items 0,779 1,559 0,667 0,820 0,597 0,801 0,901 0,748

Table 4 presents the item statistics and flags for the item(s) that were flagged during the analysis

Table 4: Summary Statistics for the Flagged Items

Item ID P / Item Mean R Flag(s)

item002 0,500 -0,499 K, LR
item020 0,600 -0,072 K, LR
Figure 1 displays the distribution of the raw scores for the scored items across all domains.
Table 5 displays the frequency distribution for total score shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Total score for the scored items

Table 5: Frequency Distribution for Total Score

Score Frequency
10 3
11 0
12 6
13 0
14 0
15 4
16 1
17 1
18 9
19 3
20 3
Figure 2 displays the distribution of the P values for the dichotomously scored items (correct/incorrect).
Table 6 displays the frequency distribution of the P values shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: P values for the scored items

Table 6: Frequency Distribution for the P values

Score Frequency
0,0 to 0,1 0
0,1 to 0,2 0
0,2 to 0,3 0
0,3 to 0,4 0
0,4 to 0,5 0
0,5 to 0,6 1
0,6 to 0,7 2
0,7 to 0,8 4
0,8 to 0,9 5
0,9 to 1,0 5
Figure 3 displays the distribution of the Point-Biserial Correlations for the dichotomously scored items
(correct/incorrect). Table 7 displays the frequency distribution of the Point-Biserial correlations shown in
Figure 3.

Figure 3: Rpbis for the scored items

Table 7: Frequency Distribution for the Rpbis

Score Frequency
-0,5 to -0,4 1
-0,4 to -0,3 0
-0,3 to -0,2 0
-0,2 to -0,1 0
-0,1 to 0,0 1
0,0 to 0,1 0
0,1 to 0,2 0
0,2 to 0,3 0
0,3 to 0,4 0
0,4 to 0,5 4
0,5 to 0,6 5
0,6 to 0,7 0
0,7 to 0,8 0
0,8 to 0,9 3
0,9 to 1,0 1
Figure 4 displays the scatterplot of P (difficulty) by Rpbis (discrimination) for the dichotomously scored
items (correct/incorrect).

Figure 4: P by Rpbis
Figure 5 displays a graph of the Conditional Standard Error of Measurement (CSEM) Formula IV.

Figure 5: CSEM
Item-by-item results
The following section presents the item-by-item results of the analysis.

There are three tables presented for each item.

1. Item information table: records the information supplied by the control file (or Iteman 3 header) for this
2. Item statistics table: overall item statistics.
3. Option statistics: detailed statistics for each item, which helps diagnose issues in items with poor

The item statistics table presents overall item statistics in the first row of numbers. The two most
important item-level statistics for dichotomously scored (correct/incorrect) items are the P value and the
point-biserial correlation, which represent the difficulty and discrimination of the item, respectively. For
polytomously scored (rating scale or partial credit) items, the difficulty is represented by the mean
(average) item score, while the discrimination is represented by a Pearson r correlation.

The P value is the proportion of examinees that answered an item in the keyed direction. P ranges from
0 to 1. A high value (0.95) means that an item is easy, a low value (0.25) means that the item is difficult.
The point-biserial correlation (Rpbis) is a measure of the discriminating, or differentiating, power of the
item. Rpbis ranges from -1 to 1. A negative Rpbis is indicative of a bad item as lower scoring
examinees are more likely than higher scoring examinees to respond in the keyed direction.

For rating scale or partial credit items, the mean item score ranges from the minimum to the maximum of
the scale. For example, if the item has a rating scale of 1 to 5, the possible range for the mean is 1 to 5.
The Pearson r is similar to the Rpbis in that it ranges from -1 to 1, with a positive r indicating that the item
correlates well with total score.

The option statistics table presents statistics for each individual option (alternative). The key thing to
examine in this portion of the table is that no distractors have a higher Rpbis than the correct answer.
That indicates that higher scoring examinees are selecting the incorrect answer, which therefore might be
arguably correct.

Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
1 item001 B Yes 4 Science

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 1,000 0,000 0,000 0,781

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
B 30 1,000 0,000 0,000 15,800 3,316 **KEY**
C 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
D 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
2 item002 B Yes 4 Science K, LR

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 0,500 -0,499 -0,626 0,842

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
B 15 0,500 -0,499 -0,626 14,200 3,913 **KEY**
C 12 0,400 0,476 0,603 17,667 1,303
D 3 0,100 0,055 0,095 16,333 1,528
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
3 item003 B Yes 4 Science

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 0,733 0,574 0,772 0,760

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 7 0,233 -0,580 -0,802 12,429 1,134
B 22 0,733 0,574 0,772 16,909 3,115 **KEY**
C 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
D 1 0,033 -0,046 -0,112 15,000 0,000
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
4 item004 A Yes 4 Science

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 0,733 0,574 0,772 0,760

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 22 0,733 0,574 0,772 16,909 3,115 **KEY**
B 1 0,033 -0,046 -0,112 15,000 0,000
C 6 0,200 -0,593 -0,847 12,000 0,000
D 1 0,033 -0,046 -0,112 15,000 0,000
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
5 item005 B Yes 4 Science

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 0,867 0,557 0,879 0,762

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 4 0,133 -0,557 -0,879 11,250 2,500
B 26 0,867 0,557 0,879 16,500 2,860 **KEY**
C 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
D 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
6 item006 B Yes 4 Science

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 0,800 0,489 0,698 0,767

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 5 0,167 -0,530 -0,791 12,000 2,739
B 24 0,800 0,489 0,698 16,583 2,962 **KEY**
C 1 0,033 0,012 0,028 16,000 0,000
D 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
7 item007 C Yes 4 Science

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 0,633 0,881 1,000 0,726

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 10 0,333 -0,905 -1,000 11,700 1,494
B 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
C 19 0,633 0,881 1,000 17,947 1,545 **KEY**
D 1 0,033 0,012 0,028 16,000 0,000
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
8 item008 D Yes 4 Science

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 0,600 0,841 1,000 0,731

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 8 0,267 -0,503 -0,677 13,125 2,232
B 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
C 4 0,133 -0,557 -0,879 11,250 2,500
D 18 0,600 0,841 1,000 18,000 1,495 **KEY**
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
9 item009 A Yes 4 Science

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 0,800 0,593 0,847 0,758

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 24 0,800 0,593 0,847 16,750 3,025 **KEY**
B 6 0,200 -0,593 -0,847 12,000 0,000
C 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
D 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
10 item010 B Yes 4 Science

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 0,833 0,474 0,708 0,767

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 1 0,033 0,070 0,168 17,000 0,000
B 25 0,833 0,474 0,708 16,480 2,917 **KEY**
C 4 0,133 -0,557 -0,879 11,250 2,500
D 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
11 item011 D Yes 4 Science

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 0,633 0,859 1,000 0,729

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 9 0,300 -0,912 -1,000 11,333 1,000
B 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
C 2 0,067 0,017 0,032 16,000 1,414
D 19 0,633 0,859 1,000 17,895 1,595 **KEY**
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
12 item012 A Yes 4 Science

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 0,867 0,496 0,783 0,766

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 26 0,867 0,496 0,783 16,423 2,873 **KEY**
B 3 0,100 -0,603 -1,000 10,000 0,000
C 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
D 1 0,033 0,070 0,168 17,000 0,000
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
13 item013 A Yes 4 Science

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 0,733 0,574 0,772 0,760

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 22 0,733 0,574 0,772 16,909 3,115 **KEY**
B 1 0,033 -0,046 -0,112 15,000 0,000
C 6 0,200 -0,593 -0,847 12,000 0,000
D 1 0,033 -0,046 -0,112 15,000 0,000
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
14 item014 A Yes 4 Science

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 1,000 0,000 0,000 0,781

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 30 1,000 0,000 0,000 15,800 3,316 **KEY**
B 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
C 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
D 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
15 item015 D Yes 4 Science

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 1,000 0,000 0,000 0,781

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
B 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
C 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
D 30 1,000 0,000 0,000 15,800 3,316 **KEY**
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
16 item016 A Yes 4 Science

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 1,000 0,000 0,000 0,781

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 30 1,000 0,000 0,000 15,800 3,316 **KEY**
B 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
C 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
D 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
17 item017 B Yes 4 Science

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 1,000 0,000 0,000 0,781

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
B 30 1,000 0,000 0,000 15,800 3,316 **KEY**
C 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
D 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
18 item018 D Yes 4 Science

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 0,700 0,912 1,000 0,724

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 9 0,300 -0,912 -1,000 11,333 1,000
B 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
C 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
D 21 0,700 0,912 1,000 17,714 1,648 **KEY**
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
19 item019 D Yes 4 Science

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 0,767 0,482 0,666 0,768

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 6 0,200 -0,489 -0,698 12,667 2,944
B 1 0,033 -0,046 -0,112 15,000 0,000
C 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
D 23 0,767 0,482 0,666 16,652 3,009 **KEY**
Omit 0
Not Admin 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
20 item020 B Yes 4 Science K, LR

Item statistics
N P Total Total Rbis Alpha w/o
30 0,600 -0,072 -0,092 0,815

Option statistics
Option N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 9 0,300 0,472 0,622 18,111 0,333
B 18 0,600 -0,072 -0,092 15,611 3,146 **KEY**
C 0 0.000 -- -- -- --
D 3 0,100 -0,603 -1,000 10,000 0,000
Omit 0
Not Admin 0

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