0732_35_141-Ida Ayu Vibhuti Dewinta Pradnya
0732_35_141-Ida Ayu Vibhuti Dewinta Pradnya
0732_35_141-Ida Ayu Vibhuti Dewinta Pradnya
C:\Users\Lenovo\OneDrive\Documents\data baruuu.txt
The Windows paths for the output files produced by this analysis were:
Table 1 presents the specifications and basic information concerning the analysis. This provides
important documentation of the setup of the program for historical purposes.
Table 1: Specifications
Specification Value Specification Value
Number of examinees 71 Total Items 20
Scored Items 20 Pretest Items
Multiple Choice Items 20 Polytomous Items 0
Number of Domains 1 External scores False
Minimum P 0,00 Maximum P 0,00
Minimum item mean 0,00 Maximum item mean 0,00
Minimum item correlation 0,00 Maximum item correlation 0,00
ITEMAN 3.0 Header False Exclude omits from option False
Number of ID columns 0 ID begins in column 2
Responses begin in 9 Omit character O
Not Admin character N Produce quantile tables No
Correct for spuriousness No Produce quantile plots No
Save data matrix No Include omit codes in N/A
Include Not Admin codes N/A Include scaled scores for N/A
in matrix
Scaling function N/A Scaled score setting 1 N/A
Scaled score new SD N/A Dichotomous Classification N/A
Classify based on N/A Cutpoint N/A
Low group label 1.00000000000000E+0000 N Y 3 Y Y 5 N High group label LP
Data is delimited by Tab Test for DIF No
Group status is in column N/A Ability levels for DIF N/A
Group 1 code N/A Group 2 code N/A
Group 1 label N/A Group 2 label N/A
Table 2 presents the summary statistics of the test for the scored items. Definitions of these statistics are
found in the Iteman manual.
Table 2: Summary statistics
Score Item Mean SD Min Max Mean P Mean Rpbis
s Scor Scor
e e
Score 20 9,7323943661971 5,7742228827259 2 20 0,48661971830983 0,58770706526234
d 8 8 5 1
Table 3 presents a reliability analysis of the tests. Alpha (also known as KR-20) is the most commonly
used index of reliability, and is therefore used to calculate the standard error of measurement (SEM) on
the raw score scale. Also presented are three configurations of split-half reliability, first as uncorrected
correlations, and then as Spearman-Brown (S-B) corrected correlations. This is because an uncorrected
split-half correlation is referenced to a "test" that only contains half as many items as the full test, and
therefore underestimates reliability.
Table 3: Reliability
Sco Alpha SEM Split-Half Split-Half Split-Half S-B S-B First- S-B Odd-
re (Random) (First-Last) (Odd-Even) Random Last Even
Sco 0,90011844 1,8248878 0,86421874 0,76870163 0,81928088 0,92716452 0,86922702 0,90066453
red 4972283 9769165 1152977 3995689 5327343 4285897 9840085 3920973
Table 4 presents the item statistics and flags for the item(s) that were flagged during the analysis
Figure 1 displays the distribution of the raw scores for the scored items across all domains. Table 5
displays the frequency distribution for total score shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Total score for the scored items
Table 5: Frequency Distribution for Total Score
Score Frequency
2 1
3 5
4 6
5 11
6 7
7 6
8 4
9 3
10 1
11 3
12 3
13 0
14 2
15 2
16 1
17 2
18 4
19 7
20 3
Figure 2 displays the distribution of the P values for the dichotomously scored items (correct/incorrect).
Table 6 displays the frequency distribution of the P values shown in Figure 2.
Figure 3 displays the distribution of the Point-Biserial Correlations for the dichotomously scored items
(correct/incorrect). Table 7 displays the frequency distribution of the Point-Biserial correlations shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 4 displays the scatterplot of P (difficulty) by Rpbis (discrimination) for the dichotomously scored
items (correct/incorrect).
Figure 4: P by Rpbis
Figure 5 displays a graph of the Conditional Standard Error of Measurement (CSEM) Formula IV.
Figure 5: CSEM
Item-by-item results
The following section presents the item-by-item results of the analysis.
The item statistics table presents overall item statistics in the first row of numbers. The two most
important item-level statistics for dichotomously scored (correct/incorrect) items are the P value and the
point-biserial correlation, which represent the difficulty and discrimination of the item, respectively. For
polytomously scored (rating scale or partial credit) items, the difficulty is represented by the mean
(average) item score, while the discrimination is represented by a Pearson r correlation.
The P value is the proportion of examinees that answered an item in the keyed direction. P ranges from
0 to 1. A high value (0.95) means that an item is easy, a low value (0.25) means that the item is difficult.
The point-biserial correlation (Rpbis) is a measure of the discriminating, or differentiating, power of the
item. Rpbis ranges from -1 to 1. A negative Rpbis is indicative of a bad item as lower scoring examinees
are more likely than higher scoring examinees to respond in the keyed direction.
For rating scale or partial credit items, the mean item score ranges from the minimum to the maximum of
the scale. For example, if the item has a rating scale of 1 to 5, the possible range for the mean is 1 to 5.
The Pearson r is similar to the Rpbis in that it ranges from -1 to 1, with a positive r indicating that the item
correlates well with total score.
The option statistics table presents statistics for each individual option (alternative). The key thing to
examine in this portion of the table is that no distractors have a higher Rpbis than the correct answer.
That indicates that higher scoring examinees are selecting the incorrect answer, which therefore might be
arguably correct.
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
1 Item01 B Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,619718309859155 0,330113743689611 0,420794037393675 0,902690521299298
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 7 0,0985915492957 - - 6,85714285714 5,52052447473
746 0,167032752687 0,286690843511 286 883
431 055
B 4 0,6197183098591 0,330113743689 0,420794037393 11,2045454545 5,87695359089 **KEY
4 55 611 675 455 331 **
C 5 0,0704225352112 - - 7,6 4,21900462194
676 0,103097308148 0,195552749408 58
342 196
D 1 0,2112676056338 - - 7,46666666666 4,94059953948
5 03 0,205980494012 0,290722207158 667 14
754 18
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
2 Item02 C Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,633802816901408 0,518891860164682 0,664341753052245 0,897388358502455
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 1 0,211267605633 - - 6,8 4,662923668993
5 803 0,266588098964 0,376264174452 21
703 961
B 9 0,126760563380 - - 4,77777777777 0,833333333333
282 0,331590612978 0,530721818113 778 333
095 948
C 4 0,633802816901 0,518891860164 0,664341753052 11,9777777777 5,577914602531 **KEY
5 408 682 245 778 25 **
D 2 0,028169014084 - - 3,5 0,707106781186
507 0,186385508992 0,477573615418 548
098 853
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
3 Item03 A Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,464788732394366 0,529926006555783 0,665107574578176 0,897195268279982
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 3 0,4647887323943 0,529926006555 0,6651075745781 12,9696969696 5,79592986761 **KEY
3 66 783 76 97 426 **
B 1 0,2394366197183 - - 5,29411764705 3,63601268359
7 1 0,437430158750 0,6012369490154 882 918
31 74
C 1 0,1971830985915 - - 7,71428571428 3,40652250901
4 49 0,175686301195 0,2518244372388 571 056
456 71
D 7 0,0985915492957 - - 9,28571428571 5,12231346542
746 0,025949105036 0,0445383955629 429 705
116 491
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
4 Item04 C Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,563380281690141 0,472416740379782 0,594833507100041 0,898862432648739
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 1 0,169014084507 - - 7,08333333333 2,84312035153
2 042 0,2098569452124 0,311953802200 333 866
26 97
B 1 0,239436619718 - - 6,23529411764 3,56246775011
7 31 0,3446691618601 0,473739249914 706 203
93 937
C 4 0,563380281690 0,4724167403797 0,594833507100 12,1 6,17604968759 **KEY
0 141 82 041 075 **
D 2 0,028169014084 - - 8 5,65685424949
507 0,0518088533469 0,132749276150 238
562 326
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
5 Item05 A Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,338028169014085 0,608904617774812 0,787860742714321 0,894755101231671
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 2 0,338028169014 0,608904617774 0,787860742714 14,58333333333 5,941136376929 **KEY
4 085 812 321 33 53 **
B 1 0,267605633802 - - 6,157894736842 3,403644417626
9 817 0,379539647818 0,510455516237 11 12
465 73
C 1 0,211267605633 - - 8,266666666666 4,061433010064
5 803 0,133251368070 0,188071846404 67 07
414 442
D 1 0,183098591549 - - 7,692307692307 3,966203377383
3 296 0,169657500182 0,247398727063 69 62
662 96
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
6 Item06 B Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,605633802816901 0,630300190047884 0,800357413965183 0,894129995656011
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 9 0,126760563380 - - 5,444444444444 2,068278940998
282 0,286973556399 0,459310733301 44 48
236 396
B 4 0,605633802816 0,630300190047 0,800357413965 12,62790697674 5,584942578951 **KEY
3 901 884 183 42 75 **
C 1 0,154929577464 - - 4,363636363636 1,433368568981
1 789 0,403795347896 0,613343692541 36 98
758 434
D 8 0,112676056338 - - 6,375 2,263846284534
028 0,210156990851 0,347367195366 35
655 281
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
7 Item07 B Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,577464788732394 0,60088795225694 0,758350377185925 0,895032005156259
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 1 0,1830985915492 - - 5,15384615384 1,46322439872
3 96 0,380760804977 0,555234742736 615 551
126 216
B 4 0,5774647887323 0,600887952256 0,758350377185 12,6585365853 5,88051764769 **KEY
1 94 94 925 659 719 **
C 1 0,1690140845070 - - 5,58333333333 1,72986249234
2 42 0,328685999701 0,488594014523 333 563
34 894
D 5 0,0704225352112 - - 7,6 3,13049516849
676 0,103097308148 0,195552749408 971
342 196
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
8 Item08 B Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,549295774647887 0,618739265861968 0,777641398204988 0,894495115476853
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 1 0,140845070422 - - 6 2,708012801545
0 535 0,265454060542 0,413182619672 32
287 276
B 3 0,549295774647 0,618739265861 0,777641398204 12,92307692307 5,855202883736 **KEY
9 887 968 988 69 53 **
C 1 0,183098591549 - - 5,615384615384 1,850155918585
3 296 0,342378385923 0,499264558068 61 49
588 533
D 9 0,126760563380 - - 6 2,291287847477
282 0,249792675916 0,399801495957 92
853 602
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
9 Item09 C Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,47887323943662 0,386785020654186 0,485010787334262 0,901371062934304
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 8 0,112676056338 0,00892643747193 0,0147544535000 9,875 6,42400631559
028 708 884 91
B 2 0,281690140845 - - 8,05 4,87177693724
0 07 0,18506508046773 0,2465804688515 947
2 29
C 3 0,478873239436 0,38678502065418 0,4850107873342 12,0294117647 5,81265752666 **KEY
4 62 6 62 059 383 **
D 9 0,126760563380 - - 4,66666666666 1,22474487139
282 0,33902678907457 0,5426236655827 667 159
2 07
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
10 Item10 C Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,52112676056338 0,519526570573919 0,651462642621152 0,897512141523661
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 7 0,0985915492957 - - 4,57142857142 1,27241802056
746 0,299817362241 0,5145990298151 857 07
61 54
B 1 0,2676056338028 - - 5,94736842105 2,48268860110
9 17 0,401893289456 0,5405196735607 263 536
882 32
C 3 0,5211267605633 0,519526570573 0,6514626426211 12,5675675675 5,91392208897 **KEY
7 8 919 52 676 568 **
D 8 0,1126760563380 0,024575253780 0,0406202855619 10,125 5,30330085889
28 765 719 911
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
11 Item11 D Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,323943661971831 0,5664927860537 0,737568109379282 0,895960790439598
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 1 0,225352112676 - - 7,75 4,95983870705
6 056 0,18781724535599 0,2614203657967 49
7 89
B 1 0,225352112676 - - 5 1,63299316185
6 056 0,44835946315889 0,6240656689713 545
9 76
C 1 0,225352112676 0,00166800395520 0,0023216728756 9,75 4,93288286231
6 056 427 376 625
D 2 0,323943661971 0,5664927860537 0,7375681093792 14,3913043478 5,39139997365 **KEY
3 831 82 261 149 **
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
12 Item12 A Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,464788732394366 0,758105088613949 0,951494039782174 0,89007417922254
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 3 0,4647887323943 0,758105088613 0,951494039782 14,3636363636 5,11626195221 **KEY
3 66 949 174 364 046 **
B 2 0,2816901408450 - - 5,8 2,46234804500
0 7 0,432567354261 0,576352171647 437
956 943
C 1 0,1549295774647 - - 5,18181818181 1,94000937204
1 89 0,342258208067 0,519872044667 818 859
035 841
D 7 0,0985915492957 - - 6,28571428571 1,60356745147
746 0,200228905075 0,343667890087 429 455
976 08
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
13 Item13 D Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,366197183098592 0,703332094820374 0,900482214131203 0,891916929994209
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 1 0,225352112676 - - 6,6875 3,859512058969
6 056 0,288481284052 0,401533323841 8
573 516
B 1 0,225352112676 - - 6,5625 3,539656292165
6 056 0,300324112134 0,418017201258 48
523 542
C 1 0,183098591549 - - 6,846153846153 3,670743654133
3 296 0,240025268447 0,350010732288 85 18
483 045
D 2 0,366197183098 0,703332094820 0,900482214131 15 4,987985565335 **KEY
6 592 374 203 97 **
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
14 Item14 B Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,535211267605634 0,496879862705963 0,623631520482347 0,898176090549245
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 7 0,0985915492957 - - 5,14285714285 1,06904496764
746 0,2666212098530 0,4576219832391 714 97
65 3
B 3 0,5352112676056 0,4968798627059 0,6236315204823 12,3684210526 6,06461180608 **KEY
8 34 63 47 316 155 **
C 1 0,2253521126760 - - 5,6875 2,54869247523
6 56 0,3832239087081 0,5334043431777 771
73 29
D 1 0,1408450704225 - - 9,4 4,64758001544
0 35 0,0236404370898 0,0367966408462 89
037 857
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
15 Item15 D Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,394366197183099 0,777037496735502 0,986684989406642 0,889551399191483
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 1 0,183098591549 - - 5,153846153846 2,267382993899
3 296 0,380760804977 0,555234742736 15 72
126 216
B 1 0,253521126760 - - 7,444444444444 3,257971621264
8 563 0,234213323858 0,318272065008 44 88
517 849
C 1 0,169014084507 - - 5,333333333333 1,497472618255
2 042 0,348490842116 0,518034049911 33 25
159 048
D 2 0,394366197183 0,777037496735 0,986684989406 15,21428571428 4,817846013691 **KEY
8 099 502 642 57 2 **
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
16 Item16 A Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,507042253521127 0,676144700634689 0,847470286548606 0,892702455283959
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 3 0,507042253521 0,676144700634 0,847470286548 13,52777777777 5,644142911580 **KEY
6 127 689 606 78 92 **
B 1 0,169014084507 - - 6,916666666666 2,353269807709
2 042 0,223060173488 0,331580492459 67 86
972 073
C 1 0,169014084507 - - 5,416666666666 2,108783937953
2 042 0,341889227977 0,508220704781 67 27
886 996
D 1 0,154929577464 - - 5,090909090909 1,868397465987
1 789 0,349095668048 0,530257783320 09 66
116 462
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
17 Item17 D Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,436619718309859 0,739749532935564 0,931439889586531 0,890688913796721
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 1 0,140845070422 - - 4,8 2,043961295567
0 535 0,350800045290 0,546024729846 45
223 155
B 1 0,239436619718 - - 7,058823529411 3,665218073922
7 31 0,263503289581 0,362178763201 76 99
342 967
C 1 0,183098591549 - - 5,615384615384 2,399252020195
3 296 0,342378385923 0,499264558068 61 1
588 533
D 3 0,436619718309 0,739749532935 0,931439889586 14,51612903225 4,891291361470 **KEY
1 859 564 531 81 48 **
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
18 Item18 D Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,366197183098592 0,677655120976151 0,867607760612427 0,89270121124268
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 5 0,0704225352112 - - 5,2 1,64316767251
676 0,219132851797 0,415646464726 55
468 27
B 2 0,2957746478873 - - 8,09523809523 3,99880934660
1 24 0,186372377922 0,246224667955 809 258
308 017
C 1 0,2676056338028 - - 5,78947368421 2,17508486088
9 17 0,418658520685 0,563067791552 053 4
694 984
D 2 0,3661971830985 0,677655120976 0,867607760612 14,8076923076 5,63573761468 **KEY
6 92 151 427 923 172 **
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
19 Item19 A Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,47887323943662 0,570028347842383 0,714789567916247 0,895992795986368
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 3 0,478873239436 0,5700283478423 0,7147895679162 13,1176470588 6,05412309233 **KEY
4 62 83 47 235 239 **
B 1 0,197183098591 - - 5,92857142857 2,33581762045
4 549 0,3311415278265 0,4746501481556 143 84
3 2
C 1 0,183098591549 - - 5,38461538461 1,85015591858
3 296 0,3615695954503 0,5272496504023 539 549
57 74
D 1 0,140845070422 - - 9,2 4,36653943835
0 535 0,0378647678811 0,0589369925419 008
263 323
Omit 0
Not 0
Item information
Seq. ID Key Scored Num Options Domain Flags
20 Item20 C Yes 4 1
Item statistics
N P Total Rpbis Total Rbis Alpha w/o
71 0,507042253521127 0,57222430596957 0,717217921097212 0,895928190232347
Option statistics
Optio N Prop. Rpbis Rbis Mean SD
A 1 0,1408450704225 - - 6,2 1,81352940116
0 35 0,251229729750 0,391042267976 473
965 63
B 1 0,2676056338028 - - 6,63157894736 2,94789051349
9 17 0,329243954132 0,442811162260 842 133
028 976
C 3 0,5070422535211 0,572224305969 0,717217921097 12,9444444444 5,97109439332 **KEY
6 27 57 212 444 257 **
D 6 0,0845070422535 - - 6,16666666666 5,38206899497
211 0,190297852300 0,341639710439 667 458
261 935
Omit 0
Not 0