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Student #: 34092048 LADHSSA Carmen Mohangi

Assignment Unique#: 795637 Assignment 2 2021

Teacher: C Mohangi
Subject: Social Science – Geography
Topic: Natural Resources and Conservation in South Africa
Subtopic: Water in South Africa
Content: 1. Who uses South Africa’s water (pie graph of water users)
2. Availability of water and requirement in South Africa
3. River health and the care of catchment areas
4. Disappearing wetlands and why conservation is necessary – case
5. Responsible use of water resources - agricultural, industrial and
domestic users
Concepts: 1. Irrigation-watering crops
2. Portable Water
3. Generate- to produce something
4. Shortage -a situation where there is not enough of
Values & Attitudes • Interest their environment.
• Appreciation of the beauty and uniqueness of the physical
• Appreciation of the earth as a life-sustaining system in the
• Positive attitudes towards conservation
• A positive environmental ethic
• Concern for the environment and the planning of human
habitat for future generations
• Understanding the significance of attitudes and values in
decision making
Duration: 4 hours – Classroom work, 3 hours Revision and Assessment
School: Dinwiddie High School 1
Grade: 7 (Implemented as revision for the grade 9 before Resource use and
Date: 12/10/2021
Specific Geographical 1. Learners will be able to understand and work with a range of
Aims sources. These includes maps, data, pie graphs. use and draw
2. Identify and extract information from texts, visual sources such
the photographs.
3. Work with data and statistics in the form of graphs, tables and
diagrams Cross-reference information using different sources.
Assessment Aims and 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10
Introduction: Teachers shows introduction video,
(Special Attention)
the-ultimate-guide/ Teacher asks learners what the word for
water is in their mother or home language. Learners should
already know what the uses of water are.
The purpose of this lesson is to make learners aware that water is
an essential natural resource.

Student #: 34092048 LADHSSA Carmen Mohangi
Assignment Unique#: 795637 Assignment 2 2021

Lesson Objectives:
Skills Approaches Resources
Teachers 1. 1.Teacher defines 1.Use IT to make 1. 1.Worksheet and
Activities: concepts (generate, my lesson more Notes.
shortage etc) after appealing to the 2. 2.IT via YouTube
asking the learners millennials and 3.Platinum Grade 7
what these words enjoying (You Tube social Science
mean in their own (videos of water textbook.
words. etc)
2. Instruct learners 1. Define all new
to write down the concepts.
concepts in their
3. With reference to
the introduction
video that they
have watched, I will
remind learners
that water is a
natural resource.
We cannot survive
without it.
4. Engage the class
in a discussion on
the pie graph who
uses South Africa’s
5. I will guide
learners on
activities that need
to be completed in
the classroom or at 3

Parents 1. Reinforce 1. Parents should 1. Please indicate

Activities information such as assist learners n resources that can
concepts that have search for a map to be found at home:
been conveyed by the use with the weather magazines,
teacher. report. newspapers,
2. Parents should 2. Parents should dictionary cell
guide leaners with the ensure that learners phones with
activities that they will make use of their parent supervision
continue with at personal dictionaries
home. all the time when
dealing with Social
Sciences concepts

Advanced After introducing the subtopic with the video of the global uses
Preparation: of water, Teacher reads Page 95 of the textbook and narrows

Student #: 34092048 LADHSSA Carmen Mohangi
Assignment Unique#: 795637 Assignment 2 2021

down to the USES to SOUTH AFRICA. Learners must then use

the notes provided by teacher to answer the Activity 1

The learners are then shown the video on “Improving water in

South Africa” Teacher
then highlights the information conveyed in the video,
especially the complex system that is used to provide water to
the country. Activity 2 to be done in groups of two, Learners are
instructed to use the tablets to access the e learning textbooks
and internet sources for answering the questions.

After speaking about the water feature of a man made feature:

DAM, Teachers then introduce Learner to the concept of a
natural water feature, RIVER CATCHMENT using a diagram on
the overhead projector, teacher explains Catchment. Separate
the classroom into 4 groups. Ask each group to take a stand on
the following debatable statement. “We humans need not
worrying about the effect of pollution on natural water
features such as River catchments since we are creating plenty
of Dams”. Learners can use internet sources to justify their
opinions. The issue should be discussed in class and one person
must present the points made by the group.

Now that learners have thoroughly had a glimpse of the impact

of pollution on water resources, Teachers now introduces the
concept of WETLANDS by asking leaners to volunteer reading
page 100 and 101 out loud to the class. Teacher then highlights
concepts: Alien Plants, Rehabilitate, Indigenous plants by
getting the class to recite the definitions together. Teacher asks
learners to design a poster for the Conservation of the Water in
South Africa.

Teacher then emphasis to class that we as humans have a

responsibility to protect water and water related features in
the environment since we have made a huge negative impact
on them. Teacher then goes back to the pie chart on water use
and reminds learners that irrigation used the most water.
Teacher then asks learners to use both internet sources and
textbooks to answer Activity 5 from Platinum Social Science as
Learners 1. Participate in discussion and Question & answer with the
Activities: Educator.
2. Transfer information from a pie graph to a bar graph.
3. Read Page 95 of Platinum Social Science Grade 7.
4. Bring in Objects and posters/pictures that are “Water in South
Africa related to be placed in the display corner.”
5. Read Notes given by teacher
Teacher Notes:

Student #: 34092048 LADHSSA Carmen Mohangi
Assignment Unique#: 795637 Assignment 2 2021

Water used by humans can be put into three groups. They

a) Domestic use: This refers to water used in our homes for our
personal use example for bathing, cooking, cleaning of
homes, drinking and to keep healthy.
b) Industrial use: This includes water used in industry, mining
and to generate power.
c) Agricultural use: This is water used for irrigation of crops
and for forestry.
The share of water for each of these uses is depicted in the
Pie chart.
Like other natural resources, we humans are dependant in
water. Water and water bodies like other natural resources
are being used up or damaged and are in desperate need for
us to take care of them. Water is needed by all living things,
and people quickly die without it. Water wastage and
pollution are serious threats to all life.

Pie Graph Activity on Uses of Water In South Africa

Activity 1

Analyse a graph (adapted from Platinim Social Science Grade

5 Textbook)
1. Look at the pie graph of water uses:
1.1 List the uses of water in order from highest to the lowest?

1.2 Why do you think so much of South Africa’s water is used

for irrigation?

1.3 Say which part of the Pie graph do the following words
refer to:
a) Shower 4
b) Sugar Plantation
c)The South African breweries
d) A plantation of poplar trees.

Student #: 34092048 LADHSSA Carmen Mohangi
Assignment Unique#: 795637 Assignment 2 2021

1.4 Use the information on the graph labelled A to complete

the table below.

Amount of Water needed and available in South Africa

Total available Total Difference

(ml m3/year) Needed (ml (ml m3/year)
2000 a) b) c)
2025 d) e) f)

1.5 How has the difference between the amount of water

needed and the amount available changed from 2000 to
1.6 What are the possible reasons for this change?

Activity 2: Water Storage:

Adapted from 2.1 Why do we need dams? What would happen if we did not
Platinum Social have them? (3)
Science Grade 7 2.2 Use the internet to find three other ways in which we can
increase water availability except for building a Dam.
2.3 Explain how ONE of these methods is useful for the
increase of water availability. (3)
2.4 In pairs, create your own flow chart to show the journey of
water from rivers to taps. Add labels to each stage.

Student #: 34092048 LADHSSA Carmen Mohangi
Assignment Unique#: 795637 Assignment 2 2021

2.5 Do research to find out about a local Water Project and

provide 5 points on it.

Activity 3 Class Debate Topic: We humans need not worrying about the effect
of pollution on natural water features such as River catchments
since we are creating plenty of Dams
Activity 4 Design an A3 poster for Geography showing how water can be
conserved/saved and used responsibly for domestic, industrial and
agricultural uses in South Africa.


• Main Heading: Water conservation in South Africa

• Pictures
• Explanations for each type of water use. 5
• Have at least 4 uses with explanations.

Links with other English HL via reading of the text, writing of the answers to activities
Senior phase Creative Arts via the poster and flow chart activities 6
Subjects: Mathematics, EMS and Natural Science via the use of graphs

Approaches Individual, pairs, group work

Learner Internet access, textbook, other reading sources such as magazines,7
Resources: library books, stationery for poster.
Homework: Activity 5 (Platinum Social Sciences Grade 7 Learner's Book CAPS
by B. Johannesson)
1. Describe the effects of the following on South Africa’s water
a ) Poor irrigation techniques
b) Old water Pipes
c) Water pollution
2. List six things your family could do to use water more efficiently.
Enrichment: Fieldtrip to the Vaal Dam.
Assessment: Activity 1 worksheet, Activity 2 worksheet, Class Debate, Poster
Memorandum & Rubrics
Activity 1
1.1 Farmers, Homes, Mines & Industries, Forests
1.2 Irrigation has many activities. The use of agricultural water makes it possible to grow
fruits and vegetables and raise livestock, which is a main part of our diet. Agricultural
water is used for irrigation, pesticide and fertilizer applications, crop cooling (for
example, light irrigation), and frost control.
1.3 a) Homes, b) Farmers, c) Mine & industries, d) Forests
1.4 a) 14 000
b) 13 000
c) 1000
d) 15 000
e) 16 000

Student #: 34092048 LADHSSA Carmen Mohangi
Assignment Unique#: 795637 Assignment 2 2021

f) 2000

1.5 The need for water since 2000 exceeds the availability.
1.6 This is due to the increase in pollution and the destruction of river catchments.

Activity 2
2.1 Dams ensure that communities do not run out of water. Dams also prevent flooding. If we
did not have dams, we would not have a ready supply of fresh water. Much of the fresh water
would be lost to the oceans. There would be severe flooding.
2.2 Open ended –
1. Recycle wastewater.
2. Improve irrigation and agricultural practices.
3. Appropriately price water.
4. Develop energy efficient desalination plants.
5. Improve water catchment and harvesting.
2.3 Open ended (3 points each)
Category 4 3 2 1
Layout The Flow chart The flow chart The flow chart The flow
has an has an has a usable chart is
exceptionally attractive and layout, but cluttered
attractive and usable layout. may appear looking or
usable layout. It is easy to busy or boring. confusing. It
It is easy to locate all It is easy to is often
locate all important locate most of difficult to
important elements. the important locate
elements. elements. important
White space, elements.
alignment are
effectively to
Graphic Graphics are Graphics are Graphics are Graphics
related to the related to the related to the seem
theme/purpose theme/purpose theme/purpose randomly
of the chart, of the chart, of the chart chosen, are
are are of good and are of of low
thoughtfully quality and good quality. quality, OR
cropped, are of enhance distract the
high quality reader interest reader.
and enhance or
reader interest understanding.

Student #: 34092048 LADHSSA Carmen Mohangi
Assignment Unique#: 795637 Assignment 2 2021

Colour Colours of Colours of Colours of Colours of
Choices background, background, background, background,
fonts, form a fonts, links do fonts, links do fonts, links
pleasing not detract not detract make the
palette, do not from the from the content
detract from content, and content. hard to read
the content, are consistent or
and are across pages. otherwise
consistent distract the
across pages. reader.
Learning The student The student The student Student did
of Content has an has a good has a fair not appear
exceptional understanding understanding to learn
understanding of the material of the material much from
of the material included in the included in the this project.
included in the site. Can easily site. Can easily Cannot
site and where answer answer most answer
to find questions questions most
additional about the about the questions
information. content and content and about the
Can easily procedures procedures content and
answer used to make used to make the
questions the flow chart. the flow chart. procedures
about the used to
content and make the
procedures flow chart.
used to make
the flow chart.

2.6 Open -end a mark for a point.

Activity 3 : Rubric Classroom Debate
Levels of Performance
Criteria 1 2 3 4
Poor Average Good Excellent
1 Organisation Mostly unclear Clear in some Most clear and Completely
and Clarity parts but not orderly in all clear and
Views points and overall parts orderly
responses and presentation.
outlined both
clear and orderly
2 Use of Few or no Some Most reasons Most
Arguments relevant relevant given. Most relevant
reasons given reasons given relevant reasons

Student #: 34092048 LADHSSA Carmen Mohangi
Assignment Unique#: 795637 Assignment 2 2021

Reasons are given in

given to support support.
3 Use of Examples Few or no Some Many Many
and Facts relevant relevant examples/facts relevant
Examples and supporting example/facts given. Most supporting
facts are given to examples/facts given relevant examples
support reasons and facts
4 Use of Rebuttal No effective Few effective Some effective Many
Arguments made counter counter counter effective
by the other arguments arguments arguments counter
teams are made made. made. arguments
responded to made.
and dealt with
5 Presentation Few style Few styles All style All style
style features were features were features were features
Tone of voices, not used used used were used
use of gestures convincingly convincingly convincingly convincingly
and level of
enthusiasm are
convincing to

Activity 4: Rubric: Water Conservation Poster

Completed all relevant Headings and topics 5

Pictures 5

Content (relevant, accurate and spelt 5

Presentation and creativity 5

Total 20

Homework: Rubric & Memorandum

a) Water loss since water is not properly channelled to the root of the plant and so the
plant requires more water.

Student #: 34092048 LADHSSA Carmen Mohangi
Assignment Unique#: 795637 Assignment 2 2021

b) Old water pipes were the caused for eThekwini Municipality loss of 100 million litres
of water per day
c) Water pollution incurs a large cost since government spends millions to clean the
water supply and make it safe.

Rubric for homework

Punctuality 3 2 1
Handed in on time Handed in 1 days Handed in 2 days
late late
Completeness of 3 2 most questions 1
work All questions attempted 9
Most questions not
attempted done
Neatness & layout 3 2 1
Very neat and well Quiet neat with Untidy, not well laid
laid out some corrections out
Mastery of Skills 7 4 2
tested 75% and above 55%-74% 33%-54%

Assessors Evaluators Feedback

✓Observation ✓Teacher ✓Learners

✓Listening Self ✓Parents
✓Reading Peer ✓Others
✓Interpretation ✓Another teacher
✓Revision External expert 10
✓Questioning Class panel
✓Group discussion Others
Written observations

a) Curriculum and assessment policy statement Grades 7-9, p11, p13, p14
b) Study Guide for LADHSSA, LU. 1, 3, 6 11
c) B. Johannesson, Platinum Social
12 Sciences Grade 7 Learner's Book CAPS, p95- p103

Student #: 34092048 LADHSSA Carmen Mohangi
Assignment Unique#: 795637 Assignment 2 2021

Student Name:
Student Number:
1. I understand what plagiarism is and am aware of the University’s policy in
this regard.
2. I declare that this portfolio is my own original work. Where other people’s
work has been used (either from a printed source, Internet or any other
source), this has been properly acknowledged and referenced.
3. I have not used work previously produced by another student or any other
person to hand in as my own.
4. I have not allowed, and will not allow,anyone to copy my work with the
intention of passing it off as his or her own work.

Date: 21 /06/2020

Total = 44 / 50 (88%)
1 C = Well explained concepts for lesson planning!
2 O = Lesson aims well defined and elaborated
3 C = Lesson objectives well elaborated!
4 I = Good and standardized activities for knowledge testing!
5 I = Good and standardized activities for knowledge testing!
6 R = Good link and relation with other Subjects!
7 O = Perfect selection of resources, well done!
8 O = Good example of assessment activities!
9 I = Well done!
10 O = Perfect collection of data, well done!
11 G = Relevant references used!
12 C = 9R = 9I = 9O = 7G = 10 44 of 50, 88 %, Nobela D.T. Excellent!

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