Computer's Notes

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Computer Applications

An easy approach to any test as well job interview

This booklet contains

 Basic definitions about computer & its devices

 Major Computer devices
 Connectivity of computer
 Microsoft office (word, Excel, Power-Point, Access, In-Page).
 Network, Internet & E-mailing
 Some general & PPSC past papers questions
 Some abbreviations regarding to computer terminologies

Note: Error and omissions are accepted.


Muhammad Kamran Shehzad

(MPhil Computer Science, B. Ed)

Ex- Visiting Instructor IT (TEVTA)

Contact: 0343 7851497
Basic Introduction To Computer & Its Devices

Computer Stands for

Common Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade Education and Research

What is Computer?

Computer is an electronic machine that takes data in the forms of input then process on
it, after processing on data it provides us ouput and we later on store it.

Computer types:

There are the three major types according to the computer classification.

Analog computer, Digital computer, Hybrid computer

Digital Computer types:

Micro computer (PC), Mini computer, Mainframe Computer, Super computer, Embedded

Father of computer & computer science.

Father of computer is Charles Babbage and Computer science’s father is Allen Turing.

WINDOWS stands for:

Wide Interactive Network Development for Office Work Solutions

Write the name of four operations/cycles of computer.

Input, Processing, Output, Storage

Major difference b/w backspace key and delete key.?

Backspace key delete one character from left side, while delete key remove one character
from right side.
Major difference b/w Caps lock & Shift key.?

When caps lock on then alphabetic are write in Uppercase, while shift key write alphabetic
in Uppercase when we press it.

Which type of keyboard using nowadays?


Computer devices:

There are three different computer devices like, InPut devices, Processing device, Output
devices, and Storage devices.

Some commonly used devices are as given below.

Input devices Output devices Storage devices

Mouse LCD/Monitor USB
Keyboard Printer Floppy disc
Microphone Speakers CD
Scanner Multimedia Zip Disc
Web cam/camera Plotters Hard Disc
Joystick Head phone Memory card

Difference between Trackball and Mouse.

Trackball is a stationary pointing device with a ball on its top or side. To move the pointer
using a trackball, you rotate the ball with your thumb, fingers, or the palm of your hand. With a
mouse, users control the movement of the pointer.

What is keyboard, tell about its keys?

Keyboard is the most useful input device that is used to enter the data the data in
computer. Keyboard can be wire-based or wireless. A standard keyboard contains 101-106 keys.
How many types of keys on keyboard?

A standard keyboard contains on follow different keys…

1) Functions keys…………….(Total keys 12)

2) Alphabetic keys…………..(Total keys 26)
3) Alpha numeric keys (Special Character + Numeric)
4) Numeric keys……………..(Total keys 10)
5) Arrow keys………………….(Total keys 4)
6) Additional keys……………(delete,insert,etc)
7) Modifier/combinational keys…..(Ctrl,Alt,Shift)

Uses of function keys in Windows:

1. F1 Display help screen.

2. F2 Highlight file or folder for renaming.

3. F3 Open search tool.

4. Ctrl+F4 closes the tab in the active window

5. Alt+F4 - Close the current window.

6. F5 Refresh the contents of a window or webpage.

7. F6 Move the cursor to the address bar in Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and most
other Internet browsers.

8. F7 is used for spell checker. Shift+F7 run a thesaurus.

9. F8 Boot Windows into Safe Mode by holding F8 during startup.

10. F9 While it has no essential Windows function.

11. F10 Used to enable the menu of the program that you use. After you press F10 on your
keyboard, you can use the directional keys to navigate through the program's menu
options. When used in combination with the Shift key, it displays the right-click menu.
12. The F11 key is a function key found at the top of almost all computer keyboards.
The key is most often used to Enter and exit full screen mode in all modern Internet
13. F12 Key used for Save As file.

What is a device driver?

A device driver is a special kind of software program that controls a specific hardware
device attached to a computer. Device drivers are essential for a computer to work properly.

What is Plug & play?

Plug and Play (PnP) is the part of Windows that enables a computer system to adapt to
hardware changes with minimal intervention by the user. A user can add and remove devices
without having to do manual configuration, and without knowledge of computer hardware.

Difference b/w hardcopy & Softcopy.

Hardcopy Softcopy
We can see it. We can’t see it.
We can touch it. We can’t touch it.
It is tangible. It is not tangible.

Computer Memory Units.

Bit 0,1
1 Nibble 4 bit
1 Byte 8 bits
1 Killo bytes (KB) 1024 bytes
1 Mega Bytes 1024 Killo bytes
1 Giga Bytes (GB) 1024 Mega bytes
1 Tera Bytes (TB) 1024 Giga bytes
1 Peta Bytes (PB) 1024 Tera bytes
1 Exa Bytes (EB) 1024 Peta bytes
1 Zetta Bytes 1024 Exa bytes
1 Yotta Bytes 1024 Zetta bytes
1 Bronto Bytes 1024 Yotta bytes
1 Geop Bytes 1024 Bronto bytes

Responsible for performing all tasks.

Processor (CPU), it is also called brain of computer.

What are the computer language?

Basically there are two langauges high level & low level languages. Computer works and
undertsand only binary language (Low level) if any data written in high level language (source
code) it must be converted into low level langauge means object code.

Computer High level language:


Computer Low level language:

Assembly language, machine language/binary language. Assembly is one step higher than
binary so it will also coverted into binary language then computer can understand it.

What are translators in computer?

There are 3 translators that are Compiler, Interpreter and Assembler. Compiler covert the
high level/Object code into source code as a whole. Interpreter convert the object code into
source code line by line, while assembler converts the only assembly language into
machine/binary laguage code.
Data is stored in memory in which form…

Binary form (0,1)

Performance of processor can be in…form.

Mega Hertz (MGH), Giga Hertz (GHZ)

Graphical pictures that represent an object like file, folder, etc.


How we create folder.?

By right click can create a folder or by using shortcut key Ctrl+shift+N. Folder name can
be changed by right click or F2.

Different File’s extension.

.docx use for Microsoft Word file

.pdf -Writer document file

.pptx used for PowerPoint file

.xlsx used for Excel workbook file

.inp is used for Inapge (Urdu) file

.mdb used for database file

JPEG, PNG, GIF used for image file, GIF Graphics Interchange Format files are widely used for web
graphics, because they are limited to only 256 colors, can allow for transparency, and can be

How many types of computer memory?

1) RAM/Primary memory/volatile or non-permanent memory.

2) ROM/Secondary memory/non-volatile or permanent memory.
To reboot/restart the computer:

Ctrl + Alt + Del

View the properties of selected item:

To display the start menu:
Ctrl +Esc

To cycle through items in the order that they had been opened:
In which window version the option "My Computer" was introduced in:
Window 95
Date & Time of computer can be changed from:
Control Panel


How many necessary components are required to connect a computer?

Power cable, Video Graphic Array(VGA) cable, CPU, Keyboard, Mouse, LCD/Monitor

How many types of connection?

Connection can be Wireless or wire-based, such as wireless keyboard, mouse. For wire-
based /Physical connection we use coaxial cable, twisted pair of fiber optic.

History of Microsoft:

Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology company with

headquarters in Redmond, Washington. It develops, manufactures, licenses, supports, and sells
computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services. Founder of
Microsoft is bill gates, Paul Allen. Founded on April 4, 1975, its headquarters in Redmond,
Washington, United States.
Which of the following is the first computer to use “Stored Program Concept”:


The structure or format of data is called:


What is text wrapping?

Text wrap is a feature supported by many word processors that enables you to surround
a picture or diagram with text.


It is an application software. To write the descriptive data such as Letter, Reports, Proposals
Application writing, we used it. Ms-word file saves with .docx extension. Version of ms-word can
be 2003, 2007,2010,2013, 2016,2019,2021 etc.

Shortcut Keys of Ms-Word, but these are mostly used in every application software….


Ctrl+A To Select all data. Ctrl+B To bold the selected

Selection can be data
done by mouse click
drag or Shift key
with any arrow key.

Ctrl+Z Undo/last action Ctrl+Y Redo/Repeat last

Ctrl+N For new file Ctrl+P For Priniting

Alt + Ctrl + I /Ctrl +F2 Print Pre-view Alt + Ctrl + C For copy write symbol

Ctrl+O To open a existing Ctrl+F2 For print preview


Ctrl+S To save a file Ctrl+X To cut the selected


F12 Save as file Ctrl+C To Copy the selected


Ctrl+V To Paste the data Ctrl+Shift+C In Ms-Word, Format

Painter Short cut key

Ctrl+Shift+F To chane the font Ctrl+Shift+P or To decrease the font

face Ctrl+[ by using size 1 point
Shift+Insert Paste
Ctrl+Shift+P or To increase the font
Ctrl+] by using size 1 point
Ctrl + < decrease font size by 2
Ctrl + > Increase font size by
2 points

Ctrl+I To Italic the selected Ctrl+U To underline the

data selected data
Ctrl+Shift+D Double Underline Ctrl+= Subscript the data, for
example as H2o

Ctrl+shift++ Superscript the data, Ctrl+shift+L Apply bullet is Ms-word

for example as X2
To indent the
Ctrl+F To find/search any data
Ctrl+M Paragraph from left

Ctrl+H To replace any data Ctrl+G Go-to Command

Ctrl+L Align selected Ctrl+R Align selected text/line

text/line to left to Right

Ctrl+E Center alignment Shift+Enter Line break

Align selected
Ctrl + Q Ctrl + M Indent the Paragraph
paragraph to left

Hanging option
Ctrl + T Ctrl + D Font option

Ctrl+J Ctrl+Enter Page break

To justify the data

Ctrl+K Hyper link Alt+= Equation

F7 Spell checker Alt+shift+T To insert time in

Close current open Ctrl + F4 Close window in
Alt + F4
program program

Alt+ctrl+K Apply auto format in Ctrl+Shift+G To open word count list

Ms-word in Ms-word

Alt+ctrl+O Outlin view in Ms- Ctrl+F1 To open task pane in

word ms-word

Ctrl+1 Sinlge line Spacing Ctrl+2 Double line Spacing

Ctrl+5 1.5 line Spacing Ctrl+Spacebar Deletes words to left

side of cursor

Ctrl+Spacebar Resest highlighted Ctrl+Home Move the cursor to the

text to the default beginning of the
font document
Ctrl+End Move the cursor to Ctrl+Alt+1 Changes text to
the End of the heading 1
Ctrl+Alt+2 Changes text to Ctrl+Alt+3 Changes text to
heading 2 heading 3

Ctrl + 1 Single-space lines Ctrl + 2 Double-space lines

Ctrl + = To put an item title Ctrl + W To close the current

to the normal text window

Alt + Ctrl + D To insert End Note Alt + O + C To open a column

dialog box
Some questions about Ms-word

In MS Word, “MultiLevel List” option available in:

Home Tab

Option used to save documents after 10 minutes automatically in ms word:

Auto recover

Format Painter toolbar can be found on:

Standard toolbar

Size, weight & spacing in Ms word are called:


Bold, Italic, Regular are known as:

Font Styles

Superscript, subscript, outline, emboss, engrave are known as:

Font Effects

Shimmer, Sparkle text, Blinking Background etc. are known as:

Text Effects

Time New Roman is a:

(Font format)
To display list of all subjects:

(Selection Pane)
Green line shows:

(Grammatical error)
Red line shows:

(Spelling mistake)
How format painter works in ms word, excel, etc?

lets you copy all of the formatting from one object and apply it to another one – think of
it as copying and pasting for formatting. Select the text or graphic that has the formatting that
you want to copy. (Ctrl+shift+c, Ctrl+shift+v)

In MS word 2016, screnshot is in:

Insert Menu

Screenshort key is:

Window sign button + Prtsc button

Where are used header & footer.?

A header is the top margin of each page, and a footer is the bottom margin of each
page. Headers and footers are useful for including material that you want to appear on every
page of a document such as your name, the title of the document, or page numbers.

There are 5 Change cases, to Change the Case Shortcut key…. Shift+F3

Sentence Case, UPPER CASE, Lower case, Capitalize Each Word, tOGGLE cASE

Bold, italic, Underline, Strike etc, called:


Any Change in appearance of sentence, is called:


Bullets, Numbering & Multilevel lists can be added from which menu:

Home tab
There are three text alignments in Ms -Word such as:

Left (Ctrl+L) , Center (Ctrl+E) , Right (Ctrl+R), Justification (Ctrl+J)

Commonly used Line-Spacing:


Border can be:

Top-border, Bottom-border, Left-border, Right-border, in side border, outside border, all

order, inside horizontal border, outside vertical border

Thesaurus means:

Synonym (Same meaning), Shift+F7

What is Drop Cap, in ms word?

A drop cap (dropped capital) is a large capital letter used as a decorative element at the
beginning of a paragraph or section. By default, it covers three line and maximun covers 10 lines.

How many different position can you set for Drop Cap?

2 Dropped, In margin

What is the Minimum & Maximum lines can you set for Drop Cap?

Min 3, Max 10

Following things can be inserted from insert menu…

Cover page, Blank page, Page break (Shift+Enter), Table, Picture, Clip art, Shapes, Chart/Smart
Chart, Hyper link(Ctrl+K), Bookmark, Cross-reference. Header, Footer & Page number, Text Box,
Word art, Drop Cap, Signature line, Date&time, object, Equation/symbol (Alt+) =
Following things can be inserted from Page Layout menu…

 Theme, Color, Font effects

 Margin (Normal, Narrow, Moderate, Wide, Mirrored, Custom can be.)
 Orientation (Portrait, Landscape), Portrait is mostly used.
 Paper Size (Letter, Legal, Executive, A4, A5, A6, etc) ,A4 is mostly used and complete
printing on page Legal size is used mostly.
 Break, Line break (Shift+Enter), Hyphenation
 Watermark, in custom option mark we set our watermark.
 Page color, Page border (Box, Shadow,3-D, Custom)
 Indent (Left, right)
 Spacing (before, after)
 Align option (left, right, center)

Following things can be inserted from Reference menu…

Table of Contents, add text, update table, Insert footnote, marks citation, insert caption,
mark entry.

Following things can be inserted/checked from view menu:

Print layout, full screen reading, web layout, outline, Draft, Ruler, grid, document map,
New window, switch window, Zoom, macros

What is Merge cell?

You can combine two or more table cells located in the same row or column into a single

What is ruler in MS word?

The Ruler is located below the Ribbon around the edge of the document. It is used to
change the format of the document, i.e. it helps you align the text, tables, graphics and other
elements of your document. It uses inches or centimeters as the measurements unit and gives
you an idea about the size of the document. Option of Ruler is in view Menu.

In MS Word, when we insert a picture into document the default text wrapping option is:

In Line with text

Which key strokes updates a biblography field:


In MS word, you can brake the column:

Ctrl + shift + enter

In MS word, to extend a selection to the end of the documents:

Ctrl + shift + end

In MS word to extend your current selection to left side by one word:

Ctrl + Shift + left arrow

Ghosted text behind the content on page in MS word is called:


If you open the file after that you start your work that you last ends:

Book mark

How we use macro in MS word, suitable reason?

To automate repetitive tasks
Which is used to display the list of all subjects:

Selection Pane

In MS word, what is a Document outline view:

A view with a structure of heading at various level

In Ms word, mailing list known as:

Data Source

In MS word, maximum scale percentage available in scale drop down box?


Min and Maximum zoom of ms-word:

10% to 500%


It is an application software. For calculation and make database, such we want the calculate the
mark of students, we used it. Different formulas used in it formulas start with = symbol.

For example, we want add/sum values …=sum (A1:A10). Ms-excel file save with .xls extension.

Some questions about ms-excel:

In MS Excel, go to specific cell:

F5 gave the reference number of cell, e.g A10

In MS Excel, open the excel formula window:

Shift + F3
In MS Excel, data can be arranged by:

Data Sort

In MS Excel which bar is used for formula & data writing:

Formula Bar

In MS Excel, to create a formula, you can use:

Value & cell reference

Getting data from a cell located in different sheets is called:


In MS Excel, Cell name box:

Appears to the left of the formula bar

In MS Excel, Cancel & Enter buttons appears in the:

(Formula bar)

Total rows in Ms-Excel are…rows are represented/range by:

1048576…Numbers (1 to 1048675)

Total columns in Ms-Excel are…columns are represented/range:

16384…English Alphabetic (A to XFD)

In MS Excel, bring up the search box:

Ctrl + F or Shift + F5
In MS Excel, the row of table corresponds to:


Cell is combination of:

Row & coulm

Working area of ms-excel is called:


We can move to next cell:

By click/arrow key or press Tab button

We can move to Previous cell:

By click/arrow key or press Shift+Tab button

By default, selected cell in Ms-excel:


To display the items in the active list:


To edit the formula from cell:

Double click on cell/F2

If we want to set any condition in Excel, then we used:

If Condition

To Add a chart in Ms-Excel:

To add a new sheet in ms-excel, shortcut key:

Shift+F11 or Alt + Shift + F1

Move to next worksheet in ms-excel:


Wrap text mean:

To allocate/adjust the required space in one Colum… Alt+Enter

How do you wrap the text in a cell?

(Format, cell, alignment)

Go to last cell in data region in ms-excel:


We can set the data of table any way like in horizontal/vertical form, by using:

Pivot table

In Ms-Excel, Print set area & print title option available in which menu:

Page Layout

In ms-excel current time/date can be inserted in workbook:

click on any cell and type =now ()

In ms-excel current time by shortcut key:

Ctrl + shift + ;

What does =count A/ count blank ()?

(count non empty cell)
In ms-excel current date can be inserted in workbook:

click on any cell and type Ctrl+; or =today ()

To minimize workbook in Ms-excel:


Calculating current sheet in MS-Excel?


Insert columns/rows in ms-excel:

Ctrl+sift++ (plus sign)

To Increase the width colum, we drag the colum to:

Right side

To select the entire/whole colum we used:


To select the entire Row/tuple we used:


In MS Excel, spacing in a colum is called:


By default, height of row:

By default, width of colum:


To Hide the colum, we used:


To Hide the row, we used:


Format cells, shortcut key:


To place the outline border around the selected cells:


In MS Excel 2016, which of the following shows can be used to split into two window:


To fix values in MS Excel we used:

Absolute reference

MOD () function used in MS excel to get:


In MS Excel, a Data series defined as what:

A collection of related data
Formula Pelette used for:

Create & edit formula containing functions

Which allows to access from one cell to another:


Which key is used to add comment in MS Excel:

Shift + F2

Which function can be used to calculate monthly payment mortgage:


Write 8/9 in MS Excel without formula then it shows:


To calculate range of cells in MS Excel:

Alt + =

In MS- Excel, format no is in Commma format?


In MS- Excel, Currency format?


In MS- Excel, Date format?

In MS- Excel, Percentage format?


In MS- Excel, Scientific format?


In MS- Excel, Time format?


In MS-Excel, which symbol specifies the fixed columns & rows?


The______ option is used to show a specific row & column on every printed page:

Print title

In MS Excel, option of setting/clearing print area available in which menu:

Page Layout

To select a group of worksheets we press & hold___key and select the sheet we want to add:


You can’t link MS Excel’s worksheet into MS word document:

With the copy & paste buttons on standard toolbar

In MS Excel, which is a best orientation for maximum width columns:


In MS- Excel Go to (Ctrl+G) command located in which option:

(Find & select)
Wild card characters are recognized by MS-Excel?

(* and ?)

Min & Maximum zoom of ms-excel is:

10% to 400%

What is the difference between workbook and worksheet answer?

The difference between Excel Workbook and Worksheet is that a worksheet is a single-page
worksheet, while the workbook is a file or a book. The worksheet is a single spreadsheet that
contains data in a tabular form in rows and columns. Multiple worksheets can be added to a
workbook as it depends on the memory.


It is an application software. To represent our ideas, expressions or lecture in front of others in

powerful way by using facts&figures, we use powerpoint. It is also called presentation software.
File extension of PowerPoint is .pptx.

Some questions about to Ms-Powepoint

Who invented slide rules?

(William Oughtred)

In PPT, a best way to copy of a slide…?

(Insert menu>Duplicate slide)

How to create a new presentation in PowerPoint.?

Click on file menu/Ctrl+N
When you open a new presentation, a slide with the default______ layout appears:


Working area in PowerPoint is called:


Slide can be added from:

Home tab menu (New slide option) /Ctrl+M

How we can go to next slide in PowerPoint?

Press down arrow key/ Space button

Slide can be deleted from:

Home tab menu (delete option) or right click on slide that you want to delete.

Layout of slide can be change from which menu:

Home tab

In PPT, slide design layout found in which type of menu?

(Format menu)

Specific design template slide is…?

(Slide master & Title master)

Slide design is not a…?

(Slide layout)
What is to be used text in a slide:

Text box

To select a multiple slide:

Ctrl + click

Page setup & Slide orientation option is available in which menu:

Design menu

By default, slide oriententation:


Orientation of Master slide, outline or handouts is:


By default, orientation of Slide:


By default, slide size:

4:3 width 10 inches, Height 7.5 inch

Slide show/From beginning, shortcut key:


To show the current slide, shortcut key:

Toggle screen white in PowerPoint press:

Toggle screen white in PowerPoint press:

To end slide, show in PowerPoint press:

Esc key

Pause the slide show in PowerPoint during presentation press:

Slide can be hide from:

Slide show menu (Hide option)/Right click on slide that you want to hide.

Following option are available in view menu:

Normaln, Slide sorter, Notes page, Slide show, Slide master, Handout master, Notes
master, Fit to window, Macros…… (Alt+F8)

To change the effect of slide:


To change the effect of object (Text/Picture/Shape) that lies on slide, then we used:


Speed can be applied on:

We can replace a font on all slide with another using___in PPT?

(Format, Replace font)

In MS Powerpoint record slide can show record:

Slide & animation timings

In MS Powerpoint, on mouse click option can be used by:

Transition > on mouse click

Slide transition done on:

Current, previous or new slide (All of these)

Slide sorter can be accessed through:

View menu

The view that displays the slides of a presentation as a miniature representaions of the slides
is called:

Slide sortrer view

In MS PowerPoint, “Rehearse Timings” option available in which menu:

Slide Show Tab

Which powerpoint features allows the user to create simple presentation quickly:

Auto content wizard

In MS Powerpoint, header & footer can be found on the Insert tab in what group:

Text group
In MS Powerpoint, to stop a slide show view of presentation which key is used:


Objects on the slide that hold text is called:


View that displays only text (title & bullets) is:

Outline view

____ control all the main slide control task for your presentation:

(Task panel)

Minimun & Maximum zoom of Ms-PowerPoint is:

10% to 400%


It is an application software. It is used to make the data base of any organization, school, college
or university. File extension of ms access is mdb.

 Difference b/w ms-access & excel is that queries are apply to find out the required data
from access while in excel different formulas are applied.
 We can make any query by using Structure Query Language (SQL).
 Forms are also created, where we can put the data in tables. Forms are front end that
are linked with table. Data stored in tables.
 Tables are also created in Ms-Access, we can also make their relation b/w them.
 Table is the backbone of database.
 For example: I created a table with Table1 name where Name Field contain many names
but,i wants to find out only Kamran then I will apply this query,
Select* from Table1 where Name=kamran

What is Primary key?

A primary key is a field in a table which uniquely identifies each row/record in a database table. It
can’t be null & repeat. Yours ID card, Registration No, Roll No can be a primary key.

In database, each row is called?


Output of MS Access records is called:


You want to create a built-in cover page for your report. You go to the:

Insert tab

In MS Access, which data type is appropriate to store large text data & numbers:


From Wizard in MS Access can build forms that can display fields from____tables:


In MS Access, minimum of___ data types can be assigned to a field.


What do you call a collection of records matching parameter of query?


 It is also an application software that is used for urdu typing.

 All formatting is same like other software such as ms word, excel, powerpoint, access.
 When we open the in-page then a small questioning box is open we click on OK.
 For Urdu typing we used Phonetic keyboard mostly, because it is to remember the words
sound like A gives sound of Alif or Alma daa, S for seen and sooad etc.
 We can also type English in inpage. Shortcut key for change of language is Ctrl+Space.
 Ife we want to copy Urdu text from inapge to word then we will write urdu in box and then
select the box and copy it and then we will go to ms word and click on special paste click on
picture box.
 Different symbols can be added from symbol menu or their short cut keys are given in menu.

Some shortcut keys are here, regarding to InPage

Shortcut key Work Shortcut key Work

Ctrl+Alt+S Save as file Ctrl+Y Import a file

F2 Story editor Ctrl+H Find/Replace

F5 Fit in a window F6 50% window

F7 Actual window F8 200% window

F9 Snap to guide Ctrl+H Any change in


Ctrl+G Paragraph Ctrl+Alt+T Tabs

Ctrl+T Style sheet Alt+ins Page Number

Ctrl+Alt+I Index entry Ctrl+L Spell checker

Ctrl+Alt+O Table of contents F12 Ribbon


What is Network.?

Two or more computers connected to each other of sharing information.

Components of Data Communication

Message, Sender, Receiver, Transmission medium, Protocol

A computer network is mainly of four types:

1. LAN (Local Area Network) A computer network that interconnects computers within a
limited area such as a Computer lab residence, school, laboratory, university campus
2. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network A computer network across an entire city, college
campus, or a small region.
3. WAN (Wide Area Network) A WAN can cover many cities, country and continent.
4. PAN (Personal Area Network) A computer network for interconnecting electronic devices
centered on an individual person's workspace. It provides data transmission among devices
such as computers, smart phones, tablets and personal digital assistants.

Commonly used network devices:

Hub, Switch, Router, Bridge, Gateway, Modem, Repeater, Access Point
The Top 10 Most Popular Search Engines in the World

Google, Microsoft Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, Yandex, DuckDuckGo,, Ecosia

Define Website.

A website is a collection of web pages and related content that is identified by a common
domain name and published on at least one web server. Examples are,,
and All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide Web.
Fisrt page of website is called home page


To view the website, we use:


What maintains database of web pages containing information on variety of topics:

Search Engines

Google is a search engine while google chrome is a:

Web browser

Some web browsers are:

Google chrome, Opermini, microsoft edge, Internet explorer, Mozila firefox, etc.

When you open a web browser which page is open:

Home Page
Web browser stores previous information for web pages termed as:

Auto complete

Website use information is called:


Acomputer program that's used to search and automatically index website content and other
information over the internet, is called:

A web crawler/web spider


WWW invented by Tim Berner lee (1893), birth place of WWW:


_______ is a unique name choosen by a user while creating an E-mail:

User name

Which enables us to send same letter to different persons:

Mail Merge

Sending an E-mail is similar to:

Writing a letter

Which can not be a part of E-mail address:

Space ()

Creating a new E-mail account is called______an E-mail:

Sign up
Yahoo is an:

(E-mail client)

Answering a received E-mail is called:


An E-mail can’t send message without:

Reciever’s address

Storage area of E-mail client is called:

Mail box

Drive access time is measured in:

Milli seconds

___is the correct format of an E-mail address:


Which part of computer used for transfer of data?

Physical part & Software parts

An error in computer is called Bug, removing error is called debugging. Alternative name of
error is:

A temporary storage area where material cut or copied from a file is kept for pasting into
another file.


Ctrl, Alt, Shift are____:

Modifier keys

___ is the key use to run the selected command?


A____ is a unit of information in a___:

File, Record

NotePad is a:

Text Editor

The extension of Note Pad is:


Adobe flash is an example of:

Multimedia Software

Where is Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) used?

Mobile phones to connect with internet

What is FoxPro?

A text-based procedurally oriented programming language and database management system

What is Cache Memory?

A small-sized type of volatile computer memory that provides high-speed data access to a
processor and stores frequently.

IBM 1401 belongs to:

(2nd generation of computer)

_____ refers to electronic trepassing or criminal hacking is known as…?


Hacking is form of:

(Cyber crime)

Which of the following devices can be used to directly input printed text?


The Scrambelling of data is known as:


An Application programs that gathers user information & sends it to through internet is called:


The thing that eventually terminates a worm virus is a lack of:

(Memory/disk space)

Vector graphic is composed of?

Hard disk partition is called:


The ribbon is used in which type of printer?

(Dot matrix printer)

IC are classfied on the basis of?

(Number of transistor, used in 3rd generation of computer)

Who was the world 1st computer programmer?

(Ada Lovelace)

How many menus has a calculator in the WINDOW?


How many types of computer interface?

Graphical User Interface (GUI), Command Line Interface (CLI). Nowadays, GUI are being
used because it is easy to use and undertsand it has pictorali shapes/symbols. Our Windows are
GUI based.

LPT-1 is a used by:


Wav file& mid files are:

(Sound effect file)

Blue water is the name of:

(Super computer)
What is the name for Programmed chip?


Avira, Kaspersky & McAfee are:

(Computer Anti virus)

Minmize, maximize & close buttons are called:

(Control Buttons)

To open the shorcut menu of Active WINDOW?

(Alt+ Spacebar)

First working LASER stands for developed by:

(Theodore Maiman)

Which technology is used in CD:


A light pen is which device:

(Optical Input)

A computer operator works:

(Operate devices, manage works)

A Programmer/software developer works:

(deveolps software according to the user needs)

WINDOW XP released in:

WINDOW XP succeeded by:
(WINDOW Vista)
WINDOW-8 released in:
WINDOW-10 released in:
(July 29, 2015)
WINDOW-11 released in:
(Oct5, 2021)
To update the active WINDOW:


IT stands for Information Technology

ITU stands for International Telecommunications Union

HP stands for Hewlett-Packard

CRT stands for Cathode Ray Tube

LCD/LED stands for Liquid Crystal Display/Light Emitting Diode

LSB/MSB stands for Least Significant Bit/Most Significant Bit

BCD stands for Binary Coded Decimal

BIT stands for Binary Digit
KB stands for Kilobytes

KBPS stands for Kilobits per second

BPS stands for Bits per Second

MBPS stands for Mega Bits per Second

MIPS stands for Million Instructions per Second

DB Stands for Decibel

PDF stands for Portable document format

KBD stands for Keyboard

CPU stands for Central Processing Unit

Wi-Fi stands for Wireless fidelity

LI-FI stands for Light Fidelity

IC stands for Integrated Circuit

RAM stand for Random access memory

SDRAM stand for Synchronous Dynamic RAM

ROM stand for Read Only Memory

BIOS stands for Basic Input Output System

FDX stands for Full Duplex Transmission

FM stands for Frequency Modulation

FRC stands for Frequency Redudancy Checking

FSK stands for Frequency Shifty Key
FDM stands for Frequency Division Multiplexing

FDDI stands for Fiber Distributed Data Interface

FDD stands for Floppy disk drive

HDD stand for Hard Disk Drive

USB stands for Universal Serial Bus

CD stands for Carrier Detect & Compact Disc

CD-R stands for Compact Disc – Recordable

CD-ROM stands for Compact Disc-Read-Only Memory

DDR RAM stands for Double Data Rate Random Access Memory

CD-RW stands for Compact Disc - Read Write

CD-R stands for Compact Disk-Recordable

CD-WORM stands for Compact Disc - Write Once Read Many

DVD stands for Digital Video Disc/Digital Verstile Disc

DVD-R stands for Digital Video Disc-Recordable

WWW stand for World Wide Web…Invented by Tim Bener Lee

URL stands for Uniform resource locator (URL)

E-Mail stands for Electronic Mail

BCC stands for Blind Carbon Copy

HTTP stands for Hypertext transfer protocol

SMTP stand for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

HTML stands for Hypertext markup language
XML stands for Extensible Markup Language

FTP stands for File transfer protocol

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet

TCP/IP stands for Telecommunication Protocol/Internet Protocol

DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

MAC/ MAP stands for Media Access Control/ Multi Access Portal

PPP stands for Point to Point Protocol

DLC stands for Data Link Control

DLL stands for Dynamic Link Library

DPI stands for Dot Per Inch

PPM stands for Page Per Minute

PPI stands for Page Per Inches

LPI stands for Line Per Inch

ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization

ISP stands for Internet Service Provider

BIOS stand for Basic Input/output System

CMOS stand for Complementary Metal Oxide Semi-conductor

POST stands for Power On Self Test

DNS stand for Domain Name System

ISDN stands for Integrated Services Digital Network
ALU/CU stands for Arithmetic Logic Unit/Control Unit

IBM stands for International Business Machine

ATM stands for Automatic Teller Machine

CAD stands for Computer Aided Design

CAM stands for Computer Aided Manufacturing

BPS stands for Bit Per Second

COBOL stands for Common Business Oriented Language

FORTRAN stands for Formula Translation

FM stands for Frequency Modulation

CSMA-CD stands for Carrier Sense Multiple Access-Collision Detection

DAP stands for Directory Access Protocol

DMA stands for Directory Memory Access

DBMS stands for Data Base Management System

FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions

FAT stands for File Allocation Table

FDDI stands for Fiber Distributed Data Interface

LIFO/FIFO stands for Last In First Out/First In First Out

HD-Video stands for High Definition Video

IEEE stands for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment

JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group
PNG stands for Portable Network Graphic

GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format

TIFF stands for Tagged Image File Format

LOGO stands for Lanaguage of Graphic Oriented

LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulation of Radiation

LNB stands for Low Noise Block Down converter

MCB stand for Memory Control Block

UNIVAC stands for Universal Automatic Computer

EBCDIC stand for Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange

OS stands for Operating System

DOS stands for Disk Operating System

GUI stands for Graphical User Interface

CLI stands for Command Line Interface

PCB stands for Printed Circuit Board

PCI stands for Peripheral Component Interconnect

PNP stands for Plug and Play

PSTN Stands for Public Switched Telephone Network

LAN stands for Local Area Network

MAN stands for Metropolitan Area Network

WAN stands for Wide Area Network
PAN stands for Personel Area Network

VDU stands for Visual Display Unit ....... known as (Screen/Monitor)

OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition

MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

OMR stands for Optical MarkUp Reader

MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Data Interface

MIMD stands for Multiple Instructions Multiple Data

MISD stands for Multiple Instructions Single Data

MMX stands for Multiple Media Extensions

VRT stands for Volume Rendering Technique

VIRUS stands for Vital Information Recourse Under Siege

HDMI stands for High Definition Multimedia Interface

NIC stands for Network Interface Card

OTG stand for On The Go

NFS stands for Network File System

NTFS stands for New Technology File System

ANSI stands for American National Standards Institute

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange

RISC stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computing
SCSI stands for Small Computer System Interface

SDLC stand for System Development Life Cycle

SMS stands for Short Message Service

SIMM stands for Single Inline Memory Line Code

UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol

UPS stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply

VLSI stands for Very Large Scale Integeration

XGA stands for Extended Graphic Array

XMS stands for Extended Memory Specification

XT stands for Extended Technology

ZIF stands for Zero Insertion Force

ASP stand for Active Server Page

ADF stands for Automatic Document Format

SATA stands for Serial Advanced Technology Attachment

SWF stands for Shock Wave Flash

AGP stands for Accelerated Graphic Port

RTF stands for Rich Text Format

SOAP stands for Small Object Access Protcol

MNG stands for Multiple Network Graphic

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