Brother BC800 Service

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The CD-ROM version of service manual contains movie!

CD-ROM version of service manual contains movies "2. Disassembly"
"3. Assembly".Please click on mark to start the movie.

c 2010 Brother Industries, Ltd. 10.2005.

CONFIDENTIAL All rights reserved. 8.2016.

Date Added Models Contents


Aug.,2015 BC800 -

Aug.,2016 FS50 -
1. Outline of Mechanism ........................................................................1 - 1
Main Mechanisms ...........................................................................1 - 2
Driveline ..........................................................................................1 - 3
Positions of electronic components ...................................................................1 - 4
Control system block diagram ...........................................................................1 - 5
Control system block diagram ...........................................................................1 - 6
Operation of other electronic components .........................................................1 - 7

2. Disassembly ........................................................................................2 - 1
Main parts ..........................................................................................................2 - 2
Accessory table removal ....................................................................................................................2 - 3
Bottom cover removal .......................................................................................................................2 - 3
Needle plate B assembly removal ......................................................................................................2 - 4
Needle plate B ASSY disassembly ..............................................................................................2 - 4
Face plate assembly removal .............................................................................................................2 - 5
Face plate A ASSY disassembly .................................................................................................2 - 5
Front cover removal ...........................................................................................................................2 - 6
Thread tension holder assembly and thread take-up holder B removal .............................................2 - 7
Thread tension holder ASSY disassembly ..................................................................................2 - 7
Thread take-up holder B disassembly ...........................................................................................2 - 8
LED lamp removal .............................................................................................................................2 - 8
Operation PCB assembly and SSVR PCB assembly removal ...........................................................2 - 9
Button removal ..................................................................................................................................2 - 9
Front panel and LCD removal ...........................................................................................................2 - 9
SV keytop removal ..........................................................................................................................2 - 10
Base plate rubber removal ...............................................................................................................2 - 10
Upper cover thread guide removal ...................................................................................................2 - 10
Main PCB assembly removal ..........................................................................................................2 - 11
Main PCB ASSY disassembly ...................................................................................................2 - 11
Power PCB assembly removal .........................................................................................................2 - 12
Power PCB ASSY disassembly ................................................................................................2 - 12
Inlet assembly removal ....................................................................................................................2 - 12
FC jack removal ...............................................................................................................................2 - 13
Main motor assembly removal ........................................................................................................2 - 13
Main motor ASSY disassembly ................................................................................................2 - 13
Tension pulley assembly removal ....................................................................................................2 - 14
Tension pulley ASSY disassembly ............................................................................................2 - 14
Feed unit assembly removal ...........................................................................................................2 - 14
Upper shaft assembly removal .........................................................................................................2 - 15
Needle-presser unit removal ............................................................................................................2 - 15
Plate spring removal ........................................................................................................................2 - 15
Bobbin base assembly removal ........................................................................................................2 - 16
Bobbin base ASSY disassembly ................................................................................................2 - 16
Bobbin winder assembly removal ....................................................................................................2 - 16
Spool pin removal ............................................................................................................................2 - 17
Bobbin presser removal ...................................................................................................................2 - 17
Thread guide assembly removal ......................................................................................................2 - 17
Base plate rubber removal ...............................................................................................................2 - 18
Feed unit ..........................................................................................................2 - 19
Needle plate A assembly removal ...................................................................................................2 - 20

Needle plate A ASSY disassembly ...........................................................................................2 - 20
Spring removal .................................................................................................................................2 - 20
Inner rotary hook bracket assembly removal ...................................................................................2 - 20
Feed dog removal .............................................................................................................................2 - 21
Vertical adjuster screw assembly removal .......................................................................................2 - 21
Outer rotary hook removal ...............................................................................................................2 - 21
Shaft supporter removal ...................................................................................................................2 - 21
Feed bar removal .............................................................................................................................2 - 22
Needle plate supporter shaft B removal ...........................................................................................2 - 22
Feed arm A assembly removal .........................................................................................................2 - 23
Feed arm B ASSY disassembly ................................................................................................2 - 23
Feed adjuster assembly removal ......................................................................................................2 - 24
Feed adjuster disassembly .........................................................................................................2 - 24
Vertical lever removal .....................................................................................................................2 - 24
FPM holder assembly removal ........................................................................................................2 - 25
FPM disassembly .......................................................................................................................2 - 25
Timing pulley D removal .................................................................................................................2 - 25
Lower shaft assembly removal ........................................................................................................2 - 26
Lower shaft bushing removal ..........................................................................................................2 - 26
Needle-presser unit .........................................................................................2 - 27
Threader hook assembly .................................................................................................................2 - 28
LED lamp left assembly removal ....................................................................................................2 - 28
BH switch assembly removal ..........................................................................................................2 - 28
Thread take-up lever and needle bar crank removal ........................................................................2 - 28
Thread take-up lever link removal ...................................................................................................2 - 29
Needle bar assembly removal ..........................................................................................................2 - 29
Needle bar ASSY disassembly ...................................................................................................2 - 29
Needle holder assembly removal .....................................................................................................2 - 30
Needle holder ASSY disassembly .............................................................................................2 - 31
Presser bar removal ..........................................................................................................................2 - 32
Z zigzag lever assembly removal .....................................................................................................2 - 32
Z zigzag lever disassembly .......................................................................................................2 - 33
Z zigzag camp removal ....................................................................................................................2 - 33
Shaft bushing removal .....................................................................................................................2 - 33
Presser foot lifter removal ................................................................................................................2 - 33
Thread release lever removal ...........................................................................................................2 - 34
Lock nut removal .............................................................................................................................2 - 34
Z pulse motor removal .....................................................................................................................2 - 34
Presser switch assembly removal ....................................................................................................2 - 34

3. Assembly .............................................................................................3 - 1
Main parts ..........................................................................................................3 - 2
Base plate rubber attachment .............................................................................................................3 - 3
Thread guide assembly attachment ....................................................................................................3 - 3
Bobbin presser attachment .................................................................................................................3 - 3
Spool pin attachment .........................................................................................................................3 - 4
Bobbin winder assembly attachment .................................................................................................3 - 5
Bobbin base assembly attachment .....................................................................................................3 - 6
Bobbin base ASSY assembly .......................................................................................................3 - 6
Plate spring attachment ......................................................................................................................3 - 6
Needle-presser unit attachment ..........................................................................................................3 - 7
Upper shaft assembly attachment ......................................................................................................3 - 8
Feed unit assembly attachment ..........................................................................................................3 - 9
Upper shaft and lower shat phase matching ......................................................................................3 - 9
Tension pulley assembly attachment ...............................................................................................3 - 10

Tension pulley ASSY assembly ................................................................................................3 - 10
Main motor assembly attachment ....................................................................................................3 - 10
Main motor assembly .................................................................................................................3 - 10
FC jack attachment ..........................................................................................................................3 - 11
Inlet assembly attachment ................................................................................................................3 - 11
Power PCB assembly attachment ....................................................................................................3 - 12
Power PCB ASSY assembly .....................................................................................................3 - 12
Main PCB assembly attachment ......................................................................................................3 - 13
Main PCB assembly ..................................................................................................................3 - 13
Upper cover thread guide attachment ..............................................................................................3 - 13
Base plate rubber attachment ...........................................................................................................3 - 14
SV keytop attachment ......................................................................................................................3 - 14
Front panel LCD attachment ............................................................................................................3 - 14
Button attachment ............................................................................................................................3 - 15
Operation PCB assembly and SSVR PCB assembly attachment ....................................................3 - 15
LED lamp attachment ......................................................................................................................3 - 16
Thread tension holder assembly and thread take-up holder B attachment ......................................3 - 16
Thread tension holder ASSY assembly .....................................................................................3 - 16
Thread take-up holder B assembly..............................................................................................3 - 17
Front cover attachment ....................................................................................................................3 - 18
Face plate A assembly attachment ...................................................................................................3 - 19
Face plate A ASSY assembly ...................................................................................................3 - 19
Needle plate B assembly attachment ...............................................................................................3 - 20
Needle plate B ASSY assembly .................................................................................................3 - 20
Base cover attachment .....................................................................................................................3 - 20
Accessory table attachment .............................................................................................................3 - 21
Feed unit ..........................................................................................................3 - 22
Lower shaft bushing attachment ......................................................................................................3 - 23
Lower shaft assembly attachment ....................................................................................................3 - 23
Timing pulley D attachment ............................................................................................................3 - 23
FPM holder assembly attachment ....................................................................................................3 - 24
FPM assembly ...........................................................................................................................3 - 24
Vertical lever attachment .................................................................................................................3 - 25
Feed adjuster assembly attachment ..................................................................................................3 - 26
Feed adjuster ASSY assembly ...................................................................................................3 - 26
Feed arm A assembly attachment ....................................................................................................3 - 27
Feed arm B ASSY assembly ......................................................................................................3 - 28
Needle plate supporter shaft B attachment ......................................................................................3 - 29
FPM gear engagement .....................................................................................................................3 - 30
Feed bar attachment .........................................................................................................................3 - 31
Shaft supporter attachment ..............................................................................................................3 - 31
Outer rotary hook attachment ..........................................................................................................3 - 32
Vertical adjuster screw assembly attachment ..................................................................................3 - 32
Feed dog attachment ........................................................................................................................3 - 32
Inner rotary hook bracket assembly attachment ..............................................................................3 - 33
Spring attachment ............................................................................................................................3 - 33
Needle plate A assembly attachment ...............................................................................................3 - 33
Needle plate A ASSY assembly ................................................................................................3 - 33
Needle-presser unit .........................................................................................3 - 34
Presser switch assembly attachment ................................................................................................3 - 35
Z pulse motor attachment ................................................................................................................3 - 35
Lock nut attachment .........................................................................................................................3 - 36
Thread release lever attachment ......................................................................................................3 - 36
Presser foot lifter attachment ...........................................................................................................3 - 37
Shaft bushing attachment .................................................................................................................3 - 37

Z zigzag cam attachment .................................................................................................................3 - 38
Z zigzag lever assembly attachment ................................................................................................3 - 39
Z zigzag lever ASSY assembly .................................................................................................3 - 39
Presser bar attachment .....................................................................................................................3 - 40
Needle holder assembly attachment ...............................................................................................3 - 41
Needle holder ASSY assembly .................................................................................................3 - 42
Needle bar assembly attachment ......................................................................................................3 - 43
Needle bar ASSY assembly .......................................................................................................3 - 43
Thread take-up lever link attachment ..............................................................................................3 - 43
Thread take-up lever and needle bar crank attachment ...................................................................3 - 44
BH switch assembly attachment ......................................................................................................3 - 44
LED lamp left assembly ..................................................................................................................3 - 45
Threader hook attachment ...............................................................................................................3 - 45

4. Adjustment ..........................................................................................4 - 1
Test mode ..........................................................................................................4 - 2
Timing belt tension adjustment ..........................................................................4 - 3
Motor belt tension adjustment ............................................................................4 - 4
Upper thread tension adjustment .......................................................................4 - 5
Three point needle drop adjustment ..................................................................4 - 6
Needle drop position adjustment for needle bar unit and rotary hook unit ........4 - 7
Needle interference left/right adjustment ...........................................................4 - 8
Needle bar rise adjustment ................................................................................4 - 9
Needle bar height adjustment ..........................................................................4 - 10
Needle interference adjustment .......................................................................4 - 11
Adjust the needle thread block ........................................................................4 - 12
Presser bar height and parallel adjustment .....................................................4 - 13
Inner rotary hook (bobbin thread) tension ........................................................4 - 14
Feed forward/reverse adjustment ....................................................................4 - 15
Bobbin winder (uneven bobbin winding and bobbin winding amounts) adjustment .....4 - 16
BH lever switch position adjustment ................................................................4 - 17
Forward and back adjustment of needle and presser. .....................................4 - 18
Feed dog forward/reverse and left/right adjustment ........................................4 - 19
Feed dog height adjustment ............................................................................4 - 20
Inner rotary hook bracket position adjustment .................................................4 - 21

5. Special Instructions of Wiring ...........................................................5 - 1

LED lamp right supply assy ...............................................................................5 - 2
Operation PCB supply assy and SSVR PCB supply assy .................................5 - 3
Operation PCB supply assy ...............................................................................5 - 4
Lead wire assy, FPM-LE ....................................................................................5 - 5

Lead wire assy, Power-LE .................................................................................5 - 6
BH switch assy ..................................................................................................5 - 7
LED lamp left supply assy .................................................................................5 - 8
Needle bar unit ..................................................................................................5 - 9
Upper side of shutter cover ..............................................................................5 - 10
FC jack supply assy .........................................................................................5 - 11

6. Failure Investigation for Electronic Parts .........................................6 - 1

Error message list ..............................................................................................6 - 2

1 Outline of Mechanism
Main Mechanisms .................................................... 1 - 2
Driveline ................................................................... 1 - 3
Positions of electronic components .......................... 1 - 4
Control system block diagram .................................. 1 - 5
Operation of other electronic components ............... 1 - 7

Outline of Mechanism Main Mechanisms

Sewing Machine

Bobbin winder mechanism

Thread guide mechanism
Needle bar /
Presser mechanism
Upper shaft

Needle threader

Side feed mechanism

Feed / Rotary hook mechanism

Outline of Mechanism Driveline

A) Up and down movement of needle bar, movement of thread take-up lever and zigzag


Outline of
Thread take-up
counter weight Upper shaft Pulley

Needle bar crank Thread take-up lever

Needle bar crank rod

Needle bar block

Needle bar supporter Z zigzag lever Z zigzag cam Z pulse motor

Needle bar assy


Needle bar crank Upper shaft

Needle bar supporter assy
Z zigzag cam
Z pulse motor
Z zigzag lever
Thread take-up counter weight
Needle bar Needle bar crank rod
Needle bar block

B) Movement of feed dog and rotary hook

Timing pulley D Timing belt Upper shaft Upper shaft Pulley

Feed module
Lower shaft
gear Lower shaft Feed adjuster F pulse motor

Outer rotary Feed arm b

hook assy Feed arm A

Vertical lever Vertical Feed bar Feed dog

adjusting screw
Upper shaft pulley
Upper shaft

Feed dog
Vertical adjusting screw
F pulse motor Timing belt
Feed bar

Timing pulley D
Feed arm A Lower shaft

Outer rotary hook

Lower shaft gear Feed arm b assy

Outline of Mechanism Positions of electronic components

Sewing Machine

LCD PCB assy

SS-VR PCB assy

LED Lamp SR assy

Power PC assy

Power switch/Inlet assy

BWSW-S assy
Z pulse motor PFSW-S assy

BH change switch assy

NP sensor

BH switch lever
Main PCB assy

LED Lamp SL assy

F pulse motor

Outline of Mechanism Control system block diagram

CPS33 S34

Outline of












Outline of Mechanism Control system block diagram

CPS36 S37













Outline of Mechanism Operation of other electronic components

Start/Stop (SS) Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Switch for starting and stopping the sewing machine. The machine
operates at a slow speed while the switch is being held down.

Outline of
Reverse switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This switch is for backtracking or ending a seam. If the switch is
pushed, it makes three to four stitches in that place and stops
automatically. If the switch is held down, it sews at a slow speed
in the reverse direction as long as the switch is held.

Raise needle switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This switch toggles the needle between the up and down positions.

Operation PCB assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input for pattern selection and other conditions necessary for sewing.

BH (buttonhole) switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This switch is for detecting the forward and rear ends of the
buttonhole according to the BH presser and lever.

BH (button hole) lever switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This switch detects whether the BH lever is up or down.

NP sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This sensor detects the drive timing for the pulse motor for
zigzagging and feed, the vertical stop position for the needle. It
detects the upper shaft angle of rotation using a shutter attached
to the upper shaft and an optical sensor.

Speed sensor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This sensor detects the rotational speed of the main motor. It
detects the upper shaft rotational speed using a shutter attached
to the upper shaft and an optical sensor.

Presser switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This switch detects the vertical position of the presser foot lifter.

BW (bobbin winder) switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . When the bobbin thread is wound, this switch detects whether
the bobbin is set for winding or not.

Foot control jack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This is the jack for plugging in the foot controller when it is used.

LED lamp SR assy., SL assy. . . . . . . . . . . . . White LED lamps for illuminating the work space.

2 Disassembly
Main parts........................................ 2 - 2
Feed unit........................................ 2 - 19
Needle-presser unit ....................... 2 - 27

With the CD-ROM version, click to start the movie clip.

Main unit

Main parts location diagram

Main unit Main parts

1 Accessory table removal

1. Remove the accessory table 1.


2 Bottom cover removal 2 1

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the base cover 1.
2. Remove the screw 2, and then remove base cover A 2.

1 1

Main unit Main parts

3 Needle plate B assembly removal 1

1. Remove the needle plate cover 1.
2. Remove the needle plate B assembly 2.

3-1 Needle plate B ASSY disassembly 2 1 5

1. Remove the cutter cover 2 from the needle plate B assembly 1.
2. Remove the spring plate 3 from the cutter cover 2, and then remove the
NT lower thread cutter 4.
3. Remove the 2 slide button hooks 5, and then remove the slide button 6.

3 4 5 6

Main unit Main parts

4 Face plate assembly removal 1

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the face plate assembly 1.


4-1 Face plate A ASSY disassembly

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the cutter cover assembly 1.
2. Remove the CS retaining ring 2, and then remove the NT lower thread
cutter 3.

3 1

Main unit Main parts

5 Front cover removal 1

1. Remove screws 1 (front, 1 pc.), 2 (rear, 1 pc.), and 3 (rear, 5 pcs.), and
then remove the front cover.
*Key point
• Disconnect the SSVR PCB lead wire connector 1 and the
operation PCB lead wire connector 2 from the main PCB
assembly 3 located near the front cover.

3 2

2 1 3

Main unit Main parts

6 Thread tension holder assembly and thread take-up holder B removal 1

1. Remove the two screws 1.
2. Remove the thread guide A assembly 1.
3. Remove the screw 2.
4. Remove the thread guide B assembly 2.

1 2 2

6-1 Thread tension holder ASSY disassembly

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the notch spring 2 from the thread
tension holder assembly 1.
2. Remove the thread dial shaft 3. 5
*Key point
• Turn the dial clockwise until it stops. 6
0 8
3. Remove the thread tension dial 4 and the thread tension plate assembly
4. Remove the spring 6, washer 7, tension disc washer 8, thread release
plate 9, washer 7, tension disc B ;, and then tension disc A A in this
order from the caulking shaft of the thread tension holder assembly 1. A 7
5. Remove the thread tension adjusting screw B from the thread tension plate
assembly 5.



Main unit Main parts

6-2 Thread take-up holder B disassembly

1 1
1. Remove the screw 1.
2. Remove the thread catching spring case 2 from thread take-up holder B
3. Remove the thread take-up spring 3 from the thread catching spring case
4. Remove the thread guide wire 4 from thread take-up holder B 1.

3 2

7 LED lamp removal 1 2

1. Disconnect the LED lamp connector 2 from the operation PCB 1.
2. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the LED lamp 3.

1 3

Main unit Main parts

8 Operation PCB assembly and SSVR PCB assembly removal 1 1 2 1

1. Remove the 2 screws 1, and then remove the operation PCB assembly 1.
2. Disconnect the LCD cable 2 from the operation PCB assembly 1.
3. Remove the 3 screws 2, and then remove the SSVR PCB assembly 3.
*Key point
• Remove the bands (2 locations) securing the cords of the
operation PCB assembly 1 and the SSVR PCB assembly 3.

2 3 2

9 Button removal 2 3 1
1. Remove the 2 selecting buttons 1.
2. Remove manual button A 2 and manual button B 3.
3. Remove the SS button 4, the backstitching button 5, and the NP button

6 5 4

10 Front panel and LCD removal 1

1. Remove the 2 screws 1.
2. Remove the front panel 1 and the LCD 2.

Main unit Main parts

11 SV keytop removal
1. Remove the SV keytop 1.
*Key point
• Press the SV keytop hooks (2 locations) from the inside of the
front cover to remove the SV keytop.

12 Base plate rubber removal

1. Remove the 2 base plate rubbers 1.

13 Upper cover thread guide removal 1

1. Remove the upper cover thread guide 1.

2 - 10
Main unit Main parts

14 Main PCB assembly removal 1

1. Remove the 2 screws 1.
2. Remove the main PCB assembly 1.


14-1 Main PCB ASSY disassembly 1 1

1. Remove the screw 1.
2. Remove the main PCB plate spring 1, and then remove the main PCB 2.

2 - 11
Main unit Main parts

15 Power PCB assembly removal 1 2 2

1. Remove screws 1 and 2 (2 pcs. /1pc.), and then remove the power PCB
assembly 1.
2. Disconnect the main motor lead wire 2 and the inlet assembly connector
*Key point
• Hold the hook on the inlet assembly connector 3 and pull it

15-1 Power PCB ASSY disassembly 2 1 1 4

1. Disconnect the power lead wire assembly connector 1.
2. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the power plate spring 2.
3. Remove the screw 2, and then remove the insulator sheet 3.
4. Remove the power PCB 4.

2 3

16 Inlet assembly removal

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the inlet assembly 1.

1 1

2 - 12
Main unit Main parts

17 FC jack removal
1. Remove the jack nut 1, and then remove the FC jack assembly 2.

1 2

18 Main motor assembly removal 1 2

1. Remove the 2 screws 1, and then remove the main motor assembly 1.
2. Remove the motor belt 2 from the main motor assembly 1.

18-1 Main motor ASSY disassembly

1. Remove the motor fan 1. 1
2. Remove the 2 screws 1, and then remove the main motor 3 from the
motor holder 2.

2 - 13
Main unit Main parts

19 Tension pulley assembly removal 1 1

1. Remove spring S09 .
2. Remove the 2 screws 1, and then remove the tension pulley assembly 1.


19-1 Tension pulley ASSY disassembly

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the tension pulley holder 2 from
the tension pulley assembly 1. 1

20 Feed unit assembly removal 1

1. Remove the 2 screws 1, and then remove the upper shaft bearing presser
2. Remove the 2 screws 2, and then remove the feed unit assembly 2.

2 - 14
Main unit Main parts

21 Upper shaft assembly removal 1 1 2 1

1. Remove the screw 1.
2. Remove the 4 screws 2, and then remove the 2 upper shaft bearing
pressers 1.
3. Remove the upper shaft assembly 3 from the needle bar crank 2, and
then remove timing belt 420-5GT-6 4 and timing belt 372-2GT-6 5.

2 3 4 5

22 Needle-presser unit removal 1

1. Peel the label, and then remove the screw 1.
2. Remove the 2 screws 2, and then remove the needle-presser unit 1.

23 Plate spring removal 2 1 3

1. Remove the adjusting screw 1.
2. Remove the 2 screws 1, and then remove the adjusting plate 2 and the
plate spring 3.


2 - 15
Main unit Main parts

24 Bobbin base assembly removal 1 2

1. Remove the bobbin base assembly 2 from the bobbin winder shaft 1.

24-1 Bobbin base ASSY disassembly

1 2
1. Remove the bobbin thread cutter holder 2 from the bobbin base assembly
1, and then remove the NT lower thread cutter 3.

25 Bobbin winder assembly removal 1 2 3 2

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the bobbin winder shaft stopper 1
and the bobbin winder spring 2.
2. Remove the 2 screws 2, and then remove the bobbin winder assembly 3.
3. Remove the rubber ring 4 from the bobbin winder pulley.

1 4

2 - 16
Main unit Main parts

26 Spool pin removal 2

1. Remove the spool pin spring 1 and pull out the spool pin 2.
2. Peel the spool pin stand 3.


27 Bobbin presser removal 1 1

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the bobbin presser 1.

28 Thread guide assembly removal 1

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the thread guide assembly 1.

2 - 17
Main unit Main parts

29 Base plate rubber removal 3 1

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the plain washer (M 3.5) 1 and
rubber cushion A 2.
2. Remove the base plate rubber 3.

1 2

2 - 18
Main unit

Feed unit location diagram


2 - 19
Main unit Feed unit

1 Needle plate A assembly removal 1 1

1. Remove the 2 screws 1, and then remove the needle plate A assembly 1.

1-1 Needle plate A ASSY disassembly 2 1

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the F gear stopper plate 1.
2. Remove the screw 2, and then remove the stopper plate 2.

2 1

2 Spring removal S10

1. Remove the spring S10 .

3 Inner rotary hook bracket assembly removal

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the inner rotary hook bracket
assembly 1.

1 1

2 - 20
Main unit Feed unit

4 Feed dog removal 1

1. Remove the 2 screws 1, and then remove the feed dog 1.


5 Vertical adjuster screw assembly removal 1

1. Remove spring S10 .
2. Remove the M5 nut 1
3. Remove the vertical adjuster screw assembly 2.

S04 2

6 Outer rotary hook removal

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the outer rotary hook shaft 1,
washer 6 2, outer rotary hook assembly 3, spacer 4, and washer 6 2 .

7 Shaft supporter removal 2

1. Remove the 2 screws 1, and then remove the shaft supporter 1 and the
collar 2.

1 1 1

2 - 21
Main unit Feed unit

8 Feed bar removal

1. Remove the retaining ring (CS4). 2
2. Remove the polyester slider 1, feed bar 2, and polyester slider 1 in this
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)

Retaining ring CS4

9 Needle plate supporter shaft B removal

1. Remove nut 1 (M3) 1.
2. Remove needle plate supporter shaft B 2, and feed arm supporter 3.
*Key point
• Press the hook on the feed arm supporter 3 from the rear of
the feed bar to remove the supporter.
3. Remove the feed arm supporter 3 from the needle plate supporter shaft B


2 - 22
Main unit Feed unit

10 Feed arm A assembly removal 1

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the set collar 1 and the thrust
wafer 2 in this order. 3
2. Remove the screw 2, and then remove the horizontal feed shaft 3. 2
3. Remove the feed arm A assembly 4 and the thrust wafer 2. 1

Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)



10-1 Feed arm B ASSY disassembly

Retaining ring CSTW-3.5 1
1. emove the retaining ring (CSTW-3.5), and then remove the feed arm B
assembly 1 and the polyester slider 2.
2. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the feed supporting plate 4 and
feed supporting plate B 5 from the feed arm B 3.

5 4 1

2 - 23
Main unit Feed unit

11 Feed adjuster assembly removal 1

1. Remove the feed adjuster assembly 1, polyester slider 2, and spring S06
in this order.
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)

S06 2

11-1 Feed adjuster disassembly

1. Remove spring S05 , and then remove the F gear 2 from the feed adjuster

1 2


12 Vertical lever removal

1. Remove the 4 retaining rings (E3).
2. Pull out the vertical feed shaft 1, and then remove the plain washer (L4) Retaining ring E3 1
2, spring S07 , vertical lever 3, and drop knob 4. 2
Retaining ring E3
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)
Retaining ring E3

2 - 24
Main unit Feed unit

13 FPM holder assembly removal 1 2 1

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove spring S08 .
2. Remove the screw 2, and then remove the FPM holder assembly 1.


13-1 FPM disassembly

1. Remove the lead wire assembly (FPM-LE) 1.
2. Remove the 2 screws 1, and the remove the FPM 2.
3. Remove the rubber 3.

1 1

14 Timing pulley D removal Retaining ring E6 1

1. Remove the 2 screws 1, and then remove timing pulley D 1.
2. Remove the retaining ring (E6), and then pull out the lower shaft bushing

2 1

2 - 25
Main unit Feed unit

15 Lower shaft assembly removal

1. Remove the retaining ring (E6), and then remove the thrust washer 1.
2. Remove the lower shaft assembly 2.
*Key point
• Push down the lower shaft assembly 2 to remove it.
• Check that the gear does not contact the base plate. 1
3. Remove the 2 screws 1, and then remove the thrust wafer 1 and the set
collar 3.

Retaining ring E6

1 3

16 Lower shaft bushing removal 1

1. Remove the 3 screws 1.
2. Remove bushing presser B 1 and the lower shaft bushing 2.

2 1

2 - 26
Main unit

Needle-presser unit location diagram


2 - 27
Main unit Needle-presser unit

1 Threader hook assembly 1

1. Pull the needle thread slider 1 toward you, and then remove the threader
hook assembly 2.

2 LED lamp left assembly removal 1

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the LED lamp left assembly 1.

3 BH switch assembly removal 1

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the BH switch assembly 1.

4 Thread take-up lever and needle bar crank removal 1 2

1. Remove the needle bar crank rod 1.
2. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the needle bar crank 3 from the
thread take-up lever 2. 3

2 - 28
Main unit Needle-presser unit

5 Thread take-up lever link removal 1 Retaining ring E5 2

1. Remove the retaining ring (E5) and spring washer 1, and then remove the
thread take-up lever link 3 from the shaft 2.
2. Remove the screw 1, and then pull the shaft 2 out of the base holder.
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)

3 1

6 Needle bar assembly removal 3 2 1 2

1. Loosen the screws 1 and 2, and then pull the needle bar 1 down and
remove the needle thread block 2 and the needle bar block 3.
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)

6-1 Needle bar ASSY disassembly

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the needle block assy 1.

1 1

2 - 29
Main unit Needle-presser unit

7 Needle holder assembly removal S02 1

1. Remove springs S02 and S03 .
2. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the shaft 1, needle holder block
2, and needle holder assembly 3.
*Key point
• Pull out the needle holder assembly from the top.
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)

2 1


2 - 30
Main unit Needle-presser unit

7-1 Needle holder ASSY disassembly

1. Remove spring S01 .
2. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the plate 1.
3. Remove the screw 2. Pull out the shaft 2, and then remove needle holder
shaft A 3.
4. Remove the screw 3, and then remove the zigzag adjusting nut 4.
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only) 3 2


4 3

2 - 31
Main unit Needle-presser unit

8 Presser bar removal 1

1. Remove the screw 1. Pull out the presser bar 1, and then remove the
spring 2 and the presser bar clamp 3.
*Key point
• Remove the presser bar 1 and the presser feed holder
assembly 4.
2. Remove the J foot 5 from the presser feed holder assembly 4.
3. Remove the screw 2, and then remove the presser feed holder assembly
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)

2 3

1 2 5 4

9 Z zigzag lever assembly removal Retaining ring E4

1. Remove the retaining ring (E4), and then remove the Z zigzag lever 1.
2. Remove the polyester slider 2.
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)

2 - 32
Main unit Needle-presser unit

9-1 Z zigzag lever disassembly 1

1. Pull out the Z zigzag cap 2 from the Z zigzag lever 1.


10 Z zigzag camp removal 1 Retaining ring E3

1. Remove the retaining ring (E3), and then remove the Z zigzag cam 1.
2. Remove the rubber 2.
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)

11 Shaft bushing removal 1

1. Remove the 2 screws 1, and then remove the shaft bushing 1.

12 Presser foot lifter removal

1. Remove the retaining ring (E4), and then remove the presser foot lifter 1.

Retaining ring E4 1

2 - 33
Main unit Needle-presser unit

13 Thread release lever removal 1

1. Remove the retaining ring (CS4), and then remove the thread release lever
1 and the spring 2.

2 Retaining ring CS4

14 Lock nut removal 1 1

1. Remove the lock nut 1, and then remove the screw 1.

15 Z pulse motor removal 1

1. Remove the 2 screws 1, and then remove the Z pulse motor 1.

16 Presser switch assembly removal 1

1. Remove the screw 1, and then remove the presser switch 1.

2 - 34
3 Assembly
Main parts........................................ 3 - 2
Feed unit........................................ 3 - 22
Needle-presser unit ....................... 3 - 34

With the CD-ROM version, click to start the movie clip.

Main unit

Main parts location diagram

Main unit Main parts

1 Base plate rubber attachment 1 1

1. Attach the base plate rubber 1 to the arm bed cover.
• Attach rubber cushion A 2 and the plain washer (M3.5) 3 to the
arm bed cover with the screw 1.

Taptite, Pan B Torque

1 M3X12
0.59 – 0.78 N·m
Color; Silver
3 2

2 Thread guide assembly attachment

1. Attach the thread guide assembly 1 to the arm bed cover.
2. Temporarily tighten the screw 1.
*Key point
• Tighten the screw after performing "4 - 16 Bobbin winder
(uneven bobbin winding and bobbin winding amounts)

Giza Tite Torque

1 4X12
0.88 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Gold

3 Bobbin presser attachment 1 1

1. Attach the bobbin presser 1 with the screw 1.
*Key point
• Place the bobbin presser with the smaller end facing the rear.
• Tighten the screw after performing "4 - 16 Bobbin winder
(uneven bobbin winding and bobbin winding amounts)

Taptite, Pan B (S/P washer) Torque

1 M3X12
0.39 – 0.78 N·m
Color; Silver

Main unit Main parts

4 Spool pin attachment 1

1. Attach the spool pin stand 1 so that it does not protrude from the
attachment section.
2. Insert the spool pin 2 into the arm bed cover. Insert the pin from the
grooved end.
3. Attach the spool pin spring 3 to the arm bed cover.
*Key point
• Check that the spool pin 2 moves lightly.

Main unit Main parts

5 Bobbin winder assembly attachment

1. Attach the rubber ring 1 to the bobbin winder pulley.
2. Insert the bobbin winder shaft 2 into the groove on the arm bed cover, and
secure the shaft with the 2 screws 1.
3. Insert the BW switch lever 3 into the bobbin winder shaft stopper 4.
4. Set the bobbin winder spring 5 and then the bobbin winder shaft stopper
4 to the stopper attachment section of the arm bed cover, and secure them
with the screw 2.
*Key point
• Check that the bobbin winder spindle base passes over the
bobbin winder spring when the bobbin winder is switched.
• Check that the bobbin winder spring returns to the original
position when the bobbin winder is switched.

4 1


5 4 6

1 Giza Tite Torque

Color; Gold
1.18 – 1.57 N·m

Main unit Main parts

6 Bobbin base assembly attachment 1

1. Attach the bobbin base assembly 1.

6-1 Bobbin base ASSY assembly

1 3
1. Attach the 2 NT lower thread cutters 2 and the bobbin thread cutter holder
3 to the bobbin base assembly 1.

7 Plate spring attachment 2 3 1

1. Attach the adjusting plate 1 and then the plate spring 2 from the inside of
the arm bed cover with the 2 screws 1.
2. Tighten the adjusting screw 3 to the plate spring 2.


Taptite, Bind B Torque

1 M4X10
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Gold

Main unit Main parts

8 Needle-presser unit attachment 1

1. Attach the needle-presser unit 1 to the arm bed cover with screws 1 and
2 (1 pc. and 2 pcs. respectively).
*Key point
• Lift the presser foot lifter 2 and insert it into the hole on the
arm bed cover 3 to set the needle-presser unit 1 to the
attachment position.
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)

Screw, Pan Torque
1 M3X25
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Silver

Giza Tite Torque

2 5X20
1.18 – 1.57 N·m
Color; Gold
1 2

Main unit Main parts

9 Upper shaft assembly attachment 1

1. Pass timing belt 420-5GT-6 (timing belt) 2 and timing belt 372-2GT-6
(motor belt) 3 to the upper shaft assembly 1.
2. Attach the needle bar crank 5 to the thread take-up lever crank 4.
3. Set the upper shaft bushing 6 to the arm bed cover attachment position.
4. Attach the 2 upper shaft bearing pressers 78 with the 4 screws 1.
*Key point
• Check that the bobbin base assembly is on the left side.
• Attach the left upper shaft bearing presser 7 so that the
projecting part of 7 is positioned at the upper right. And attach
the right upper shaft bearing presser 8 so that the projecting
part of 8 is positioned at the lower shaft.
5. Apply 1 or 2 drops of OILER to the matching section of the upper shaft 2 3
and the upper shaft bushing.
6. Align the D-cut face of the needle bar crank with the screw hole on the
thread take-up lever crank, and tighten the screw 2. 5 4

Apply OILER to the matching section of the upper shaft 1 - 2 drops

and the upper shaft bushing. XZ0206***

7 1 8

6 6

D cut face
D cut face

Giza Tite Torque

1 5X16
1.18 – 1.57 N·m
Color; Gold

Set Screw, Socket (FT) Torque

2 M5X5
1.18 – 1.57 N·m
Color; Black

Main unit Main parts

10 Feed unit assembly attachment 1

1. Fit the feed unit 1 to the arm bed cover attachment position, and secure
them with the 2 screws 1.
2. Fit the lower shaft bushing 2 to the arm bed cover attachment position, set
the lower shaft bearing presser 3, and secure them with the 2 screws 2.
*Key point
• Set the lower shaft bearing presser 3 so that the projecting
part of 3 is positioned at upper right.
3. Apply 1 or 2 drops of OILER to the matching section of the lower shaft 4
and the lower shaft bushing 2.

Apply OILER to the matching section of the lower shaft 1 - 2 drops

and the lower shaft bushing. XZ0206***

Giza Tite Torque
1 5X16
1.18 – 1.57 N·m
Color; Gold

Giza Tite Torque

2 5X16
1.18 – 1.57 N·m
Color; Gold 4 2 3

11 Upper shaft and lower shat phase matching

1. Rotate the upper shaft 1 until the trench on the upper shaft pulley 2 is at
the front. 2
2. Turn the lower shaft 3 to the point where the mark on the outer rotary
hook 4 is at the front, the larger feed cam 5 is at the rear, and the hole on
the lower shaft 6 is at the top. 7
3. Pull the timing belt 7 and hang it over the timing pulley D 8. 1
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)


Main unit Main parts

12 Tension pulley assembly attachment 1 1

1. Attach the tension pulley assembly 1 to the arm bed cover with the 2
screws 1.
2. Attach spring S09 .
*Key point
• Perform "4 - 3 Timing belt tension adjustment.

Giza Tite Torque

1 5X16
1.18 – 1.57 N·m
Color; Gold

5 XC2538***

12-1 Tension pulley ASSY assembly

1. Align the boss 3 on the tension pulley holder 2 with the hole on the
tension pulley assembly 1, and secure the tension pulley assembly with 1
the screw 1.

Screw, Pan (S/P washer) Torque
1 M4X8DA
1.18 – 1.57 N·m
Color; Silver 1

13 Main motor assembly attachment 1 2

1. Hang the motor belt 2 over the main motor assembly 1.
2. Attach the main motor assembly 1 to the arm bed cover assembly with the
2 screws 1.
*Key point
• Perform "4 - 4 Motor belt tension adjustment.

Giza Tite Torque

1 5X16
0.29 – 0.49 N·m
Color; Gold

13-1 Main motor assembly

1. Attach the main motor 2 to the motor holder 1 with the 2 screws 1. 3
2. Attach the motor fan 3.

Screw, Pan (S/P washer) Torque

1 M3X8DB
0.59 – 0.78 N·m
Color; Silver 2

3 - 10
Main unit Main parts

14 FC jack attachment
1. Insert the FC jack assembly 1 from the inside of the arm bed cover
2. Attach the jack nut 2 from the outside of the arm bed cover assembly.
*Key point
• Pass the lead wire of the FC jack assembly 1 through the
rear of the main motor.

2 1

15 Inlet assembly attachment

1. Attach the inlet assembly 1 with the screw 1.

Taptite, Bind B Torque

1 M4X10
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Gold
1 1

3 - 11
Main unit Main parts

16 Power PCB assembly attachment 2 3 4 2 1

1. Attach the power unit assembly 1 with screws 1 and 2 (1 pc. and 2 pcs.
*Key point
• Attach the power plate spring 3 to the upper screw 2.
2. Attach the main motor lead wire assembly connector 4 to the power PCB
3. Attach the inlet assembly connector 5 to the power PCB 2.

2 5

Taptite, Bind B Torque

1 M4X10
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Gold

Screw, Bind Torque

2 M4X8
1.18 – 1.57 N·m
Color; Silver

16-1 Power PCB ASSY assembly 4 2 2

1. Attach the power PCB 2 and the insulator sheet 3 to the insulation cover
1 with the screw 1.
2. Attach the power plate spring 1 with the screw 2.

1 Taptite, Bind B Torque

2 Color; Gold
0.39 – 0.78 N·m
1 1 3

3 - 12
Main unit Main parts

17 Main PCB assembly attachment

1. Insert the bobbin winder switch of the main PCB 2 into the slot on the 1
bobbin winder stopper plate 1, and then insert the boss on the arm bed 3
cover into the screw hole on the shutter cover 3.
2. Main PCB assembly 4 with the 2 screw 1.
*Key point
• Refer to "5 - 1 Special Instructions of Wiring" for wiring details.

Taptite, Bind B Torque
1 M4X10
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Gold

17-1 Main PCB assembly 2 1

1. Attach the main PCB plate spring 2 and the main PCB 3 to the shutter
cover 1 with the screw 1.

Taptite, Bind B Torque

1 M3X8
0.39 – 0.78 N·m
Color; Gold
1 3

18 Upper cover thread guide attachment 1

1. Attach the upper cover thread guide 1.

3 - 13
Main unit Main parts

19 Base plate rubber attachment

1. Attach the 2 base rubber plates 1.

20 SV keytop attachment
1. Attach the SV keytop 1.

21 Front panel LCD attachment 2

1. Attach the LCD 1 and the front panel 2 with the 2 screws 1.
*Key point
• Insert the LCD cable 3 into the hole in the upper section of
the front cover.

Taptite, Bind B Torque

1 M3X8
0.39 – 0.78 N·m
Color; Gold

3 - 14
Main unit Main parts

22 Button attachment 1 2 3
1. Attach the SS button 1, the backstitching button 2, and the NP button 3.
2. Attach manual button A 4, manual button B 5, and 2 selecting buttons

4 5 6

4 5 6

3 2 1

23 Operation PCB assembly and SSVR PCB assembly attachment 1 1 5 1

1. Attach the operation PCB assembly 1 with the 2 screws 1.
2. Attach the SSVR PCB assembly 2 with the 3 screws 2.
*Key point
• Insert the speed dial of the SSVR PCB assembly 3 into the
slot on the SV keytop 4.
3. Connect the LCD cable 5 to the operation PCB assembly 1.
*Key point
• Bind the operation PCB cord and SSVR PCB cord, and secure
these with two bands. <Refer to "5 - 1 Special Instructions of
Wiring" for wiring details.>

2 2 2

3 1

1 Taptite, Bind B Torque

2 Color; Gold
0.39 – 0.78 N·m
4 2

3 - 15
Main unit Main parts

24 LED lamp attachment 3 2

1. Attach the LED lamp 1 with the screw 1.
2. Attach the LED lamp connector 2 to the operation PCB 3.
*Key point
• Secure the LED lamp lead wire 1 to the rib on the front cover.
• <Refer to "5 - 1 Special Instructions of Wiring" for wiring

Taptite, Bind B Torque

1 M3X8
0.39 – 0.78 N·m
Color; Gold
1 1

25 Thread tension holder assembly and thread take-up holder B attachment 1

1. Attach the thread tension holder assembly 1 with the 2 screws 1.
2. Attach the thread take-up holder B 2 with the screw 2.
*Key point
• Insert the wire of the thread tension holder assembly B 2 into
the groove on the front cover, and then insert the boss into the
hole on the front cover.

1 Taptite, Bind B Torque

2 Color; Gold
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
1 2 2

25-1 Thread tension holder ASSY assembly

1. Attach tension disc A 2, tension disc B 3, washer 4, thread release plate
5, tension disc washer 6, washer 7, and spring 8 in this order to the
caulking shaft of the thread tension holder assembly 1. 9
2. Attach the thread tension adjusting screw ; to the thread tension plate 9. 5
3. Engage the ridge of the thread tension plate 9 with the groove on the 8
thread tension dial A, insert them into the caulking shaft of the thread 3 6
tension holder assembly 1, and secure them with the tension dial shaft B.
4. Attach the notch spring C to the thread tension holder assembly 1 with
the screw 1. ;
*Key point 2 4
• Hold the notch spring with the ridge side up, and insert it into
the lower thread tension dial A. Align the round hole with the
boss on thread tension holder assembly 1.


Screw, Pan Torque
1 M3X4
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Silver

3 - 16
Main unit Main parts

25-2 Thread take-up holder B assembly

1. Attach the wire 2 to thread take-up holder B assembly 1. 2
2. Insert the tip of the thread take-up spring 3 into the second hole from the
bottom on the thread catching spring case 4, secure 9.7 to 10.7 mm from
the top of the groove on thread take-up holder B assembly 1 to the ridge
of the thread hanging section on the thread take-up spring, and attach the
thread take-up spring to thread take-up holder B assembly 1 with the
screw 1.
*Key point
• Attach the thread hanging section on the thread take-up spring
to the section between the ribs of the thread catching spring
• Insert the 2 ribs of the thread catching spring case into the slot
on thread take-up holder B 1.

3 4



2 1

Screw, Pan (S/P washer) Torque

1 M3X18DA
0.59 – 0.78 N·m
Color; Silver 4

3 - 17
Main unit Main parts

26 Front cover attachment 2 1 3

1. Connect the SSVR PCB connector 1 and the operation PCB connector 2
to the main PCB 3.
*Key point
• Pass the lead wires to the hook section of the shutter cover 4
while preventing them from lifting or disconnecting.
<Refer to "5 - 1 Special Instructions of Wiring" for wiring
2. Attach the front cover to the arm bed cover with screws 1 (front, 1 pc.), 2
(rear, 1 pc.), and 3 (rear, 5 pcs.).

3 2

Giza Tite Torque

1 4X12
0.88 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Gold

Giza Tite Torque

2 4X25
0.88 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Gold

Giza Tite Torque

3 5X16
1.18 – 1.57 N·m
Color; Gold 3

3 - 18
Main unit Main parts

27 Face plate A assembly attachment

1. Attach the face plate A assembly 1 with the screw 1.

Taptite, Cup P Torque
1 M4X20
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Silver

27-1 Face plate A ASSY assembly

1. Attach the NT lower thread cutter 2 to the cutter cover 1, and then attach 3
the CS retaining ring 3.
*Key point
• Insert the narrow edge of the NT lower thread cutter 2 into
the cutter cover 1 first.
• Align the tab of the CS retaining ring with the groove on the
shaft of the cutter cover 1.
2. Attach the cutter cover assembly to face plate A 4 with the screw 1.

2 1

Taptite, Bind B Torque

1 M3X8
0.39 – 0.78 N·m
Color; Gold

3 - 19
Main unit Main parts

28 Needle plate B assembly attachment 1

1. Attach the needle plate B assembly 1.
2. Attach the needle plate cover 2 to the needle plate B assembly 1.

28-1 Needle plate B ASSY assembly 5 2

1. Attach the slide button 1 to needle plate B 2.
2. Attach the NT lower thread cutter 3 and the spring plate 4 to the cutter
cover 5.
3. Attach the cutter cover to needle plate B 2.

4 3 1

29 Base cover attachment 2 1

1. Attach the base cover 1 with the screw 1.
2. Attach base cover A 2 with the screw 2.

Screw, Flat B Torque

1 M3X8
0.39 – 0.78 N·m
Color; Gold
2 1

3 - 20
Main unit Main parts

30 Accessory table attachment

1. Attach the accessory table 1.


3 - 21
Main unit

Feed unit location diagram

3 - 22
Main unit Feed unit

1 Lower shaft bushing attachment 1

1. Attach the lower shaft bushing 2 and bushing presser B 3 to the base
plate assembly 1 with the 3 screws 1.

Taptite, Bind B Torque

1 M3X6
0.39 – 0.78 N·m
Color; Gold
1 2 3

2 Lower shaft assembly attachment

1. Temporarily tighten the 2 screws 1 to the set collar 1, and attach the set
collar to the lower shaft assembly 2. 2
*Key point
• Set the set collar with the machined surface facing out.
2. Insert the thrust washer 3 into the lower shaft assembly 2, and attach
them to the lower shaft bushing 4. 3 1
3. Insert the thrust washer 5 into the lower shaft assembly 2, and attach the
retaining ring (E6).
4. Push the lower shaft assembly 2 from the retaining ring side, move the set
collar 1 to the lower shaft bushing 4, and then secure them with the 2 1
screws 1.
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)


Retaining ring E6
Set Screw, Socket (CP) Torque
1 M4X4
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Black

3 Timing pulley D attachment 1 Retaining ring E6 3

1. Insert the upper shaft bushing 2 into the lower shaft assembly 1, and
attach the retaining ring (E6).
Insert the timing pulley D 3 into the lower shaft assembly 1, and secure
them with the 2 screws 1.

Set Screw, Socket (CP) Torque

1 M5X5
1.18 – 1.57 N·m
Color; Black
2 1

3 - 23
Main unit Feed unit

4 FPM holder assembly attachment 2 1

1. Insert the FPM holder assembly 1 into the feed adjuster shaft 3 of the
base plate assembly 2.
2. Insert spring S08 between the base plate assembly 2 and the FPM holder
assembly 1, and secure them with the screw 1.
*Key point
• Tighten the screw 1 until the tip of the screw protrudes 7 mm.
3. Attach the screw 2.
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)

1 S08 2

2 3

Bolt, Socket
1 M4X25
Color; Black

Screw Torque
2 M3X8
0.59 – 0.78 N·m
Color; Black

5 XC2537***

4-1 FPM assembly

1. Attach the rubber 2 to the caulking shaft of the FPM holder assembly 1. 1
2. Attach the FPM 3 with the 2 screws 1.
3. Apply 1 or 2 drops of FBK OIL RO 100 to the shaft bushing of FPM 3.
4. Attach the lead wire assembly (FPM-LE) 4.

1 - 2 drops
Apply FBK OIL RO 100 to the shaft bushing of FPM.

1 3

Screw, Bind Torque

1 M3X4
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Silver 1 4

3 - 24
Main unit Feed unit

5 Vertical lever attachment

1. Insert the vertical feed shaft 1 into the inside of the drop knob 2, and
then insert the plain washer (L4) 3, spring S07 , vertical lever 4, and Retaining ring E3 1
drop knob 5 in this order. 3
*Key point Retaining ring E3
• Determine which end of the vertical feed shaft 1 is closer to S07
the retaining ring and hold this end, and insert the shaft from
Retaining ring E3
the left side of the base plate assembly.
2. Attach the 2 retaining rings (E3).
3. Place the groove on the vertical feed shaft 1 inside the base plate 5
assembly 6, and attach the retaining ring (E3).
4. Move the vertical feed shaft to the left, and attach the retaining ring (E3).
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)

5.7 XC2550***

3 - 25
Main unit Feed unit

6 Feed adjuster assembly attachment S06 2

1. Insert the polyester slider 2 into the shaft of the feed adjuster assembly 1,
and then attach spring S06 .
*Key point
• Insert the spring from the smaller end.
2. Apply 1 or 2 drops of OILER to the shaft of the feed adjuster assembly 1.
3. Attach the feed adjuster assembly 3 to the base plate assembly.

1 - 2 drops
Apply OILER to the shaft of the feed adjuster assembly.

8.8 5.5
S06 2

6-1 Feed adjuster ASSY assembly

2 1
1. Attach the flat side of the F gear 1 to the shaft of the feed adjuster 2, and
then attach the ends of spring S05 to the F gear 1 and the feed adjuster
gear 2.



5 XC2530***

3 - 26
Main unit Feed unit

7 Feed arm A assembly attachment

1. Insert the feed arm A assembly 1 from the rear of the base plate assembly 0 3 7
2, and then insert the square shaft 4 of the feed arm B assembly 3 into 6
the feed adjuster 5.
2. Insert the thrust washer 7 between the feed arm A assembly 1 and the
base plate assembly 6. 5
3. Apply a bead of EPCON AP(N) 0 to the hole on the feed arm A assembly 4
1 and the hole on the base plate assembly 6.
4. Insert the horizontal feed shaft 8 into the feed arm A assembly 1, and
secure them with the screw 1. 1
*Key point
• Insert the horizontal feed shaft 8 through the feed arm A
assembly 1 so that the hole on the shaft faces FPM, and
align this hole with the hole on the base plate assembly 6.
5. Attach the feed supporting plate 9 and feed supporting plate B 8 to the 9 8
feed arm B assembly 3 with the screw 2.

6. Insert the thrust washer 7 and the set collar 9 into the horizontal feed 2
shaft 8, and then secure them with the screw 3.
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only) 2

Apply EPCON AP(N) 0 to the hole on the feed arm A Bead

assembly and the hole on the base plate assembly. XC8387***

Screw, Bind Torque

1 M3X12
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Silver
6 1

Taptite, Bind B Torque

2 M3X6
0.00 – 0.00 N·m
Color; Gold

Set Screw, Socket (CP) Torque

3 M4X4
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Black

3 - 27
Main unit Feed unit

7-1 Feed arm B ASSY assembly

1. Insert the polyester slider2 into the shaft of the feed arm A assembly 1.
2. Apply a bead of MOLYKOTE EM-30L to the shaft of the feed arm A
assembly 1. 2
3. Attach the feed arm B assembly 3 to the shaft of the feed arm A assembly
1, and then attach the retaining ring (CSTW-3.5).

Apply MOLYKOTE EM-30L to the shaft of the feed arm Bead

A assembly. XC8385***

Retaining ring CSTW-3.5

3 - 28
Main unit Feed unit

8 Needle plate supporter shaft B attachment 2 1

1. Insert the feed arm supporter 1 into the needle plate supporter shaft B 2,
and attach them to the base plate assembly 3.
2. Tighten nut 1 (M3) 4.
3. Move the feed arm supporter 1 down, and fit the hook 5 to the base plate
assembly 3.

2 3

3 1

3 - 29
Main unit Feed unit

9 FPM gear engagement 4 2 3 1

1. Rotate the FPM gear 1 clockwise until the stopper 2 of the FPM gear 1
contacts the shaft 3 of the bushing B assembly .
2. Rotate the feed adjuster assembly 4 to the point 5 it contacts the FPM
gear 1.
*Key point
• Hold the F pulse motor gear with your finger to prevent it from
rotating when the feed adjuster assembly 4 contacts the F
pulse motor gear.
3. Align the feed adjuster assembly 4 with the F gear teeth 6, and engage
them with the FPM gear 1.
*Key point
• Check that the mark 7 on the feed adjuster assembly 4 is
aligned with the mark 8 on the FPM gear.
4. Apply a bead of EPNOC AP (N) 0 to the circumference of the F gear 6. 4 6
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)

Apply EPNOC AP (N) 0 to the entire circumference of Bead

the F gear. XC8387***

5 1

7 8

3 - 30
Main unit Feed unit

10 Feed bar attachment

1. Insert the polyester slider 2 to the left shaft of the feed arm A assembly 3
2. Apply a bead of MOLYKOTE EM-30L to the shaft of the feed arm A
assembly 1.
3. Insert the feed bar 3 into the shaft of the feed arm A assembly 1.
4. Insert the polyester slider 2 into the left shaft of the feed arm A assembly Retaining
1, and then attach the retaining ring (CS4). ring CS4

ApplyMOLYKOTE EM-30L to the shaft of the feed arm Bead

A assembly. XC8385*** 2

11 Shaft supporter attachment 2
1. Insert the collar 2 between the shaft supporter 1 and the base plate
assembly, and secure the shaft supporter with the 2 screws 1.

Screw, Bind Torque

1 M4X20
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Silver
1 1 1

3 - 31
Main unit Feed unit

12 Outer rotary hook attachment

1. Apply a light covering of EPNOC AP (N) 0 to the groove on the outer
rotary hook shaft 1.
2. Insert the outer rotary hook shaft 1 into the the spacer 4 and outer rotary 2
hook assembly 2 . 3
3. Place spacer 4 and then the washer 6 3 onto the outer rotary hook shaft 4
4. Attach the outer rotary hook assembly 2 to the shaft supporter 5 with the
screw 1.
*Key point
• Rotate the lower shaft until the larger feed cam is at the rear
and the hole on the lower shaft is at the top, and attach the
outer rotary hook assembly so that the mark is at the front.
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)

Apply EPNOC AP (N) 0 to the groove on the outer Light covering

rotary hook shaft. XC8387***

Set Screw, Socket (CP) Torque

1 M4X4
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Black

13 Vertical adjuster screw assembly attachment 2

1. Attach the vertical adjuster screw assembly 1.
2. Attach the M5 nut 2 to the vertical adjuster screw assembly 1.
3. Attach spring S04 .

S04 1

14 Feed dog attachment 1

1. Temporarily tighten the 2 screws 1 to attach the feed dog 2 to the feed
bar 1.
*Key point
• Tighten the screws after performing "4 - 19 Feed dog forward/
reverse and left/right adjustment"

Screw, Bind Torque

1 M3X6
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Silver
1 2

3 - 32
Main unit Feed unit

15 Inner rotary hook bracket assembly attachment

1. Align the inner rotary hook bracket 1 with the boss on the base plate
assembly 2, and temporarily tighten the screw 1.
*Key point
• Tighten the screw after performing "4 - 21 Inner rotary hook
bracket position adjustment."

Screw, Pan (S/P washer) Torque

1 M3X6
0.59 – 0.78 N·m
Color; Silver
1 1 2

16 Spring attachment


1. Attach the spring S10 .


17 Needle plate A assembly attachment 1 1

1. Attach the needle plate A assembly 1 with the 2 screws 1.

Screw Torque
1 M4
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Silver

17-1 Needle plate A ASSY assembly 2 1

1. Attach the F gear stopper plate 1 with the screw 1.
2. Attach the stopper plate 2 with the screw 2.

1 Screw, Bind Torque

2 Color; Silver
0.59 – 0.78 N·m
2 1

3 - 33
Main unit

Needle-presser unit location diagram

3 - 34
Main unit Needle-presser unit

1 Presser switch assembly attachment 1

1. Attach the presser switch assembly 1 to the base holder assembly with the
screw 1.
• Engage the ridge of the presser switch 1 with the trench of
the base holder assembly 2.

Screw, Bind Torque

1 M3X6
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Silver
1 2

2 Z pulse motor attachment

1. Attach the Z pulse motor 1 to the base holder assembly with the 2 screws
2. Apply 1 or 2 drops of FBK OIL RO 100 to the shaft bushing 2 of the Z
pulse motor 1.

Apply FBK OIL RO 100 to the shaft bushing of the Z 1 - 2 drops

pulse motor. XC8388***

Screw, Bind Torque

1 M3X6
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Silver

3 - 35
Main unit Needle-presser unit

3 Lock nut attachment 1

1. Attach the screw 1 to the lock nut 1.
*Key point
• Screw 1 the screw in half way.
2. Attach the screw 1 to the base holder assembly.
*Key point
• Tighten the screw until the lock nut 1 contacts the base
holder assembly.

Set Screw, Socket (CP)

1 M4X12
Color; Black

4 Thread release lever attachment 1 3

1. Apply a bead of EPNOC AP (N) 0 to the caulking shaft 2 of the base
holder assembly 1.
2. Attach the thread release lever 3 and the spring 4 to the caulking shaft 2
of the base holder assembly 1, and then attach the retaining ring (CS4).
*Key point
• Position the tip of the spring at the top, and align the spring
with the hole on the thread release lever 3.
• Secure 0.2 mm between the thread release lever 3 and the
base holder 5.

Apply EPNOC AP (N) 0 to the caulking shaft of the Bead

base holder assembly. XC8387***
2 4

1 3

4 Retaining ring CS4

3 - 36
Main unit Needle-presser unit

5 Presser foot lifter attachment

1. Apply a bead of EPNOC AP (N) 0 to the presser foot lifter shaft 1 of the
base holder assembly.
2. Attach the presser foot lifter 2 to the shaft 1.
3. Attach the retaining ring (E4).
4. Apply a bead of EPNOC AP (N) 0 to the cam face 3 of the pressure foot
lifter 2.

Apply EPNOC AP (N) 0 to the presser foot lifter Bead

attachment shaft of the base holder assembly. XC8387***
Apply EPNOC AP (N) 0 to the cam face of the pressure Bead
foot lifter. XC8387***

Retaining ring E4 3 2

6 Shaft bushing attachment 1

1. Attach the shaft bushing 2 to the base holder assembly 1 with the 2
screws 1.
*Key point
• Tighten the 2 screws 1 in the following order: temporarily
tighten the left screw, tighten the right screw, and then tighten
the left screw.

Screw, Bind Torque

1 M3X6
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Silver

3 - 37
Main unit Needle-presser unit

7 Z zigzag cam attachment 3 4

1. Attach the rubber 2 to the shaft 1 of the base holder assembly.
2. Apply a bead of EPNOC AP (N) 0 to the Z zigzag cam shaft 3 of the base
holder assembly.
3. Attach the Z zigzag cam 4 to the shaft 3.
*Key point
• Align the mark on the Z zigzag cam 4 with the mark on the Z
pulse motor 5.
4. Attach the retaining ring (E3).
5. Apply a light covering of EPNOC AP (N) 0 to the gear of the Z zigzag cam
4 and the circumference of the cam.
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)
4 5 1 2
Apply EPNOC AP (N) 0 to the Z zigzag cam shaft of Bead
the base holder assembly XC8387***
Apply EPNOC AP (N) 0 to the gear of the Z zigzag cam Light covering
and the circumference of the cam. XC8387***

3 - 38
Main unit Needle-presser unit

8 Z zigzag lever assembly attachment 2 1

1. Attach the polyester slider 2 to the Z zigzag lever shaft 1 of the base
holder assembly.
2. Apply a bead of EPNOC AP (N) 0 to the Z zigzag lever shaft 1 of the base
holder assembly.
3. Attach the Z zigzag lever assembly 3, and then attach the retaining ring
*Key point
• Place the caulking shaft 4 on the left side of the Z-zigzag cam
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)

Apply EPNOC AP (N) 0 to the Z zigzag lever shaft of Bead

the base holder assembly. XC8387***

4 5 Retaining ring E4


8-1 Z zigzag lever ASSY assembly 1

1. Attach the Z zigzag cap 2 to the Z zigzag lever 1.

3 - 39
Main unit Needle-presser unit

9 Presser bar attachment 1

1. Attach the presser feed holder assembly 2 to the presser bar 1 with the
screw 1.
2. Attach the J foot 3.
3. Apply a light covering of OILER to the circumference of the presser bar 1
(upper 20 mm).
4. Insert the lower end of the presser bar 1 into the base holder 4, and then
attach the presser bar 1, presser bar clamp 5, and spring 6 in this order
to the base holder 4.
5. Temporarily tighten the screw 2 to the presser bar clamp 5.
*Key point
• Tighten after performing "4 - 13 Presser bar height and
parallel adjustment".
2 1 3
• Adjust the distance from the base holder bottom face to the tip
of the presser bar 1 to approximately 50 mm.
6 5
Apply OILER to the circumference of the presser bar Light covering
(upper 20 mm). XZ0206***

1 4

Screw Torque
1 3.57
1.18 – 1.57 N·m
Color; Silver

Set Screw, Socket (CP) Torque

2 M5X8
Hand tighten
Color; Black

3 - 40
Main unit Needle-presser unit

10 Needle holder assembly attachment 3 6 1

1. Apply 1 or 2 drops of FBK OIL RO 100 to the circumference of needle
holder shaft A 1 of the needle holder assembly.
2. Apply 1 or 2 drops of MOLYKOTE M DISPERSIOIN to the
circumference of the needle holder assembly 2.
3. Insert the needle holder assembly between the H holder attachment section
4 of the base holder 3 and the Z zigzag lever 5, and then attach the
needle holder shaft A 1 to the shaft bushing 6.
4. Insert the shaft of the needle holder assembly into the small hole on the
needle holder block 7, and then insert the shaft of the shaft assembly 8
into the hole on the needle holder block 7 and the hole on the base holder
3. Secure them with the screw 1.
5. Attach springs S02 and S03 .
5 4 2
*Key point
• Set spring S03 with the longer hook down.

Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)

Apply FBK OIL RO 100 to the circumference of needle 1 - 2 drops

holder shaft A of the needle holder assembly. XC8388***
Apply MOLYKOTE M DISPERSIOIN to the 1 -2 drops
circumference of the needle holder assembly. XC8386***

S02 7 1

Screw Torque
1 3X10
0.59 – 0.78 N·m
Color; Black

A decided hook form is the same.


3 - 41
Main unit Needle-presser unit

10-1 Needle holder ASSY assembly

1 1
1. Attach the zigzag adjusting nut 1 with the screw 1.
2. Apply OILER to the circumference at the top of the needle holder 2.
3. Pass the needle holder shaft A 3 from the end with the hole through the
rear of the needle holder assembly 4, and then pass the shaft 5 through
the hole on the needle holder assembly 4 and the hole on needle holder
shaft A 3 so that the narrow end of the shaft is on the left side.
4. Insert the plate 6 into the groove on the shaft 5, and then attach them to
the needle holder assembly 4 with the screw 2.
5. Attach the screw 3.
6. Attach spring S01 to the plate 6 and the needle thread slider 7.
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)

Apply OILER to the circumference at the top of the 1 - 2 drops

needle holder. XZ0206***

3 5


Bolt, Socket Torque 7

1 M3X10
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Black

Screw, Bind Torque

2 M3X5
0.78 – 1.18 N·m
Color; Silver

Screw, Bind Torque

3 M2X4
0.29 – 0.49 N·m
Color; Silver

4 X50476***

3 - 42
Main unit Needle-presser unit

11 Needle bar assembly attachment 2 3

1. Insert the needle bar assembly 1 from the bottom of the needle holder
assembly, and then insert the needle bar block 2 and the needle thread
block 3 through the needle bar assembly and then through to the upper
*Key point
• Insert the needle bar block 2 and the needle thread block 3
so that the shaft of the needle bar block 2 is on the right side
and the tab of the needle thread block 3 is on the left side.
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)

11-1 Needle bar ASSY assembly

1. Attach the presser feed holder assembly 1 to the needle bar assembly 2
with the screw 1.
*Key point
• The screw 1 should be on the right side when the groove on
the needle bar assembly 2 faces the front.

Needle Clamp Screw

Color; Black
1 1

12 Thread take-up lever link attachment 1 3 4

1. Insert the shaft 1 into the base holder 2, and then align the screw 1 with
the trench on the base holder 2, and tighten it temporarily.
2. Attach the thread take-up lever link 3.
3. Apply a light covering of MOLYKOTE EM-30L to the circumference of
the shaft within 10 mm of the retaining ring.
4. Insert the spring washer 4 into the shaft 1.
5. Attach the retaining ring (E5) to the groove on the shaft 1.
Start movie clip (CD-ROM version only)

Apply MOLYKOTE EM-30L to the circumference of the Light covering

shaft within 10 mm of the retaining ring. XC8385***

Retaining ring E5

1 2

Screw, Pan (S/P washer) Torque

1 M3X8DB
Hand tighten
Color; Silver

3 - 43
Main unit Needle-presser unit

13 Thread take-up lever and needle bar crank attachment

1. Apply a light covering of MOLYKOTE EM-30L to the thread take-up
lever attachment section of the needle bar crank 1. 1 2
2. Attach the thread take-up lever 2 to the needle bar crank 1 with the
screw 1.
3. Apply a light covering of MOLYKOTE EM-30L to the shaft of the thread
take-up lever 3. 1
4. Attach the thread take-up lever assembly 4 to the thread take-up lever link
5, and then attach the needle bar crank rod 6 to the needle bar crank 1
and the needle bar block 7.
*Key point
• Move the shaft 8 to the right, and then attach the thread take-
up lever assembly 4.
5. Tighten the screw 2.
6. Temporarily tighten the needle bar block 7 and the needle thread block 8
with the screw 3. 5

Apply MOLYKOTE EM-30L to the thread take-up lever Light covering

attachment section of the needle bar crank. XC8385***
Apply MOLYKOTE EM-30L to the shaft of the thread Light covering
8 2
take-up lever. XC8385*** 6

Screw, Flat Torque

1 SM3.57-40X7 L 1.18 – 1.57 N·m
3 4
Color; Black

Screw, Pan (S/P washer) Torque

2 M3X8DB
0.59 – 0.78 N·m 7
Color; Silver

Set Screw, Socket (FT) Torque

3 M4X4
Hand tighten
Color; Black

14 BH switch assembly attachment 1

1. Attach the BH switch assembly 1 with the screw 1.
• Align the boss 2 on the base holder with the hole on the BH
switch assembly 1.

Screw, Pan (S/P washer) Torque

1 M4X8DA
1.18 – 1.57 N·m
Color; Silver
1 2

3 - 44
Main unit Needle-presser unit

15 LED lamp left assembly 3 1

1. Attach the LED lamp L assembly 1 with the screw 1.
• Align the boss 2 on the LED lamp L assembly 1 with the hole
on the base holder 3.

Screw, Pan (S/P washer) Torque

1 M4X8DA
1.18 – 1.57 N·m
Color; Silver
2 1

16 Threader hook attachment

1 3
1. Pull the needle thread slider 1 toward you, and then align the D-cut of the
threader hook assembly 2 with the D-cut of the needle thread shaft 3.

3 - 45
3 - 46
4 Adjustment
Test Mode Test mode ............................................... 4 - 2
Adjustment Timing belt tension adjustment ............... 4 - 3
Motor belt tension adjustment................. 4 - 4
Upper thread tension adjustment............ 4 - 5
Three point needle drop adjustment ....... 4 - 6
Needle drop position adjustment for needle bar unit and rotary hook unit 4 - 7
Needle interference left/right adjustment 4 - 8
Needle bar rise adjustment ..................... 4 - 9
Needle bar height adjustment ............... 4 - 10
Needle interference adjustment ............ 4 - 11
Adjust the needle thread block.............. 4 - 12
Presser bar height and parallel adjustment . 4 - 13
Inner rotary hook (bobbin thread) tension 4 - 14
Feed forward/reverse adjustment ......... 4 - 15
Bobbin winder (uneven bobbin winding and bobbin winding amounts) adjustment 4 - 16
BH lever switch position adjustment ..... 4 - 17
Forward and back adjustment of needle and presser.. 4 - 18
Feed dog forward/reverse and left/right adjustment 4 - 19
Feed dog height adjustment ................. 4 - 20
Inner rotary hook bracket position adjustment. 4 - 21

Adjustment Test mode

1. Starting in test mode

• With the front cover in place press and while turning the power on; the buzzer will sound four times,
and test mode will start.

U1 or
2. Mode selection

• Press and select pattern number (mode).

3. Starting and stopping test mode

• Press (If not , use foot controller)

4. Test modes (used for adjustments)

Mode selection Z (zigzag) F (feed)

Mode Operating speed
Screen number operations operations

Switches left base line / center

Press 2 times and base line / right base line with
3 point needle Any speed may be
select pattern number. each stitch 0 mm
drop selected using the
*Pressing stops the base speed control key
line from changing.

Press 5 times and Switches low / middle /

Feed select pattern number. 100 stitches forward on the left base line high speed with each
adjustment 100 stitches reverse on the right baseline
push of .
When the test mode will be changed the power off and the test mode will start again.

Adjustment Timing belt tension adjustment

1. Loosen the pan (S/P washer) M4X8 screw on the tension pulley assembly.
2. With a force of 1.96 N (200 g) pushing on the center of the belt, adjust the tension pulley assembly position for a
deflection of 4 - 5 mm.
3. Tighten the pan (S/P washer) M4X8 screw on the tension pulley assembly.

XC2277001 Push-pull gauge (3 N)

1.96N (200g)

Pan head screw 4-5mm

(S/P washer, M4x8)

Tension pulley assembly

Adjustment Motor belt tension adjustment

1. Loosen the giza tite 5 x 16 (two) in the motor holder.

2. With a force of 0.98 N (100 g) pushing on the center of the belt, adjust the motor pulley position for a deflection
of 3 - 4 mm.
3. Tighten the giza tite 5 x 16 (two) in the motor holder.

XC2277001 Push-pull gauge (3 N)


0.98N (100g)


Motor holder

Adjustment Upper thread tension adjustment

1. Remove the front cover.

2. Remove the 2 screws, and then remove the thread guide A assembly.
3. Remove the 2 screws, and then remove the front panel and manual buttons A/B.
4. Attach the thread guide A assembly with the 2 screws.
5. Set the thread tension dial to [4].
6. Open the thread release plate (move to the right to open the tension disc), and then pass the Schappe Spun Sewing
Thread #60 through the tension disc.
7. Pull the thread with a tension gauge, and adjust the thread tension adjusting screw depth for 0.372 - 0.421 N (38 -
8. Remove the 2 screws, and then remove the thread guide A assembly.
9. Attach the front panel and manual buttons A/B with the 2 screws.
10. Attach the thread guide A assembly with the 2 screws.

XA9154001 Tension gauge 50 (0.5 N)

Tension release plate

Thread tension adjusting screw

Schappe Spun Sewing Thread #60

Adjustment Three point needle drop adjustment

1. Attach the front cover.

2. Turn the power on while holding down the backstitching button and the selecting button (right). (The buzzer
must sound four times.)
3. Select pattern number [02].
4. Turn the pulley by hand, and insert the tip of the needle into the needle hole.
5. Loosen the zigzag adjusting nut screw (3X10).
6. Adjust the zigzag adjusting nut so that the left base line / center base line / right base needle drop is uniform to the
left and right of the needle plate A needle hole.
7. Tighten the zigzag adjusting nut screw (3X10).
*Key point
• Refer to the next page to adjust the needle drop position when it cannot be adjusted correctly using the
above procedure.

Socket bolt (M3x10)

Adjustment Needle drop position adjustment for needle bar unit and rotary hook unit

1. Attach the front cover temporarily.

2. Hold down the backstitching button and the selecting button (right), and turn the power on (the buzzer must sound
four times).
3. Select pattern number [02].
4. Press the [REV] key four times to select the left base line.
5. Turn the pulley manually so that the top of the needle passes through the needle hole.
6. Loosen GIZA TITE 5X16 (2 locations).
7. Move the rotary hook unit right and left to adjust the position so that the needle top is aligned with the V-groove
in the needle hole.
8. Tighten GIZA TITE 5X16 (2 locations).



Adjustment Needle interference left/right adjustment

1. Attach the front cover.

2. Turn the pulley by hand, and insert the tip of the needle into the needle hole.
3. Loosen the screw (3 x 10).
4. Adjust the needle holder shaft block to the left or right so that the left base line / right base line needle drop is
uniform forward and back with respect to the needle plate A hole.
5. Tighten the screw (3X10).

Screw (3x10)

Adjustment Needle bar rise adjustment

1. Attach the front cover.

2. Hold down the backstitching button and the selecting button (right), and turn the power on (the buzzer must sound
four times).
3. Select pattern number [02].
4. Press the [REV] key four times to select the left base line.
5. Attach the J foot and lower the presser hoot lifter.
6. Turn the pulley by hand, moving the needle bar to its lowest point.
7. Remove the base cover.
8. Loosen the set screws (socket (CP) M5 x 5) (two) on lower shaft pulley D.
9. Rotate the outer rotary hook manually so that the right edge of the needle is aligned with the tip of the outer rotary
hook when the needle bar is raised 2.9 to 3.3 mm from the reference line of the lowest point.
10. Fully tighten the set screws (socket (CP) M5 x 5) on lower shaft pulley D.
11. Attach the base cover.

Socket set screws
(CP, M5x5) (2 pcs.)

Lower shaft pulley D

The right edge of the needle is aligned

with the tip of the outer rotary hook when
the needle bar is raised 2.9 to 3.3 mm
from the lowest point.


Draw a reference line

extending from the lowest 2.9-3.3mm
point of the needle bar.

Adjustment Needle bar height adjustment

1. Attach the front cover.

2. Remove needle plate B.
3. Hold down the backstitching button and the selecting button (right), and turn the power on (the buzzer must sound
four times).
4. Select pattern number [02].
5. Press the [REV] key four times to select the left base line.
6. Attach the J foot and lower the presser hoot lifter.
7. Turn the pulley by hand until the right edge of the needle and the tip of the outer rotary hook meet.
8. Loosen the set screw (socket (CP) M4 x 4) in the needle bar block.
9. Adjust the height of the needle bar for 1.0 - 1.4 mm between the top of the needle hole and lower edge of the outer
rotary hook tip.
• Needle hole turned forward.
10. Tighten the socket set screw (FT, M4X4) to secure the needle bar block.
11. Perform "Adjust the needle thread block ".

Needle bar block

Socket set screw

(FT, M4x4)

Needle bar

The right edge of the needle is aligned

with the tip of the outer rotary hook.


4 - 10
Adjustment Needle interference adjustment

1. Attach the front cover.

2. Remove the label.
3. Hold down the backstitching button and the selecting button (right), and turn the power on (the buzzer must sound
four times).
4. Select pattern number [02].
5. Remove screws M4 (two), and remove needle plate A (1).
6. Loosen screw, pan M3 x 25
7. Hand turn the pulley until the right edge of the needle and the outer rotary hook tip meet.
8. Adjust the gap between the needle and the outer rotary hook tip (front and back) to 0.1 mm or less using the
tightening depth of the adjusting screw.
9. Install and fully tighten screw, pan M3 x 25.

Rear Front

0.1mm or less
Pan head screw Tip

4 - 11
Adjustment Adjust the needle thread block

1. Attach a needle.
2. Turn the pulley by hand, and set the needle bar at the highest point.
3. Loosen the set screw (socket FT 4 x 4).
4. Adjust the height of the needle thread block so that the threading hook passes through the needle hole, and secure
the needle thread block with the socket set screw (FT, M4X4).
*Key point
• Slant the needle thread block slightly to the left (approximately 1 degree) and attach it.
• Adjust so that the upper edge of the threading hook and the upper edge of the needle hole are at the same
• If the needle thread block is slanted to far to the left, the hook will not operate, and threading cannot be done
(Fig. 1).
• If the needle thread block is slanted too far to the right, the needle bar supporter assy. and the needle thread
block will come into contact and be damaged (Fig. 2).


Fig. 1 Fig. 2

4 - 12
Adjustment Presser bar height and parallel adjustment

1. Attach the J foot.

2. Raise the presser foot lifter.
3. Turn the pulley by hand, and lower the feed dog below needle plate A.
4. Loosen the set screw (CP) M5 x 10 in the presser bar clamp assy.
5. Adjust the height of the presser bar so that there is 6.0 - 6.5 mm between the top of needle plate A and the bottom
of the presser foot.
• Adjust the presser bar so that the needle plate feed dog hole and the presser are parallel (to prevent slanting
during serging and damage to the needle).

Top face of
needle plate


Socket set screw

(CP, M5x10)

4 - 13
Adjustment Inner rotary hook (bobbin thread) tension

1. Set a bobbin (wound with Schappe Spun Sewing Thread #60) in the inner rotary hook and thread.
2. Pull the thread with a tension gauge, and adjust the tension adjusting screw so that it is 0.1 - 0.12 N (10 - 12 g).

XA9153001 Tension gauge 30 (0.3 N)


Schappe Spun Sewing

Thread #60

Sprig adjusting screw

4 - 14
Adjustment Feed forward/reverse adjustment

1. Attach the front cover.

2. Hold down the backstitching button and the selecting button (right), and turn the power on (the buzzer must sound
four times).
3. Select pattern number [05] to enter "Feed forward and backward mode."
4. Press [Start/Stop] to run the machine in "Feed forward and backward mode," checking the forward and backward
feed length.
5. Remove base cover A.
6. Loosen the FPM holder assy. screw (3 x 8)
7. Adjust the forward and reverse feed using the FPM holder assy. screw (4 x 25).
*Key point
• When a material of two layers of broadcloth with paper in between is given 100 stitches forward and reverse
("Feed forward and reverse" mode), the forward side should be 0 - 10 mm longer than the reverse side.
• Tightening the screw (4 x 25) ® shortens the reverse side.
• Loosening the screw (4 x 25) ® lengthens the reverse side.
8. Attach base cover A.

Socket bolt (3x8)

Socket bolt (4x25)


Forward Backward

4 - 15
Adjustment Bobbin winder (uneven bobbin winding and bobbin winding amounts) adjustment

1. Move the bobbin winder tension assy. up and down to adjust uneven bobbin winding.

2. Turn the bobbin presser left and right, and adjust the winding quantity
*Key point
• The target for the bobbin winding quantity is filling 80 - 90% of the diameter..

Bobbin presser

4 - 16
Adjustment BH lever switch position adjustment

1. Raise the presser foot lifter.

2. Set the BH presser two marks smaller than the maximum length.
3. Attach the BH presser foot.
4. Lower the presser foot lifter.
5. Lower the BH lever, and set to BH presser foot.
6. Rotate the BH eccentric shaft so that BH0 comes into contact with BH1.
*Key point
• With the presser foot lifter raised, pull the BH presser foot forward as much as possible, and check that BH0
comes into contact with BH2 and that BH2 has some slack.
• With the presser foot lifter raised, push the BH presser foot back as much as possible, and check that BH0
comes into contact with BH1 and that BH1 has some slack.



Pull the PH presser all
the way out and then
returns it 2 pitches.
2 pitches

BH eccentric





When pulled to the front When pushed to the rear

4 - 17
Adjustment Forward and back adjustment of needle and presser.

1. Turn the pulley by hand, and insert the tip of the needle into the needle hole.
2. Loosen the locknut.
3. Adjust the needle tip to the front/back center position of the needle hole using the set screw (socket (CP) M4X12).
4. Tighten the lock nut.

Socket set screw (CP, M4x12)

Lock nut

Needle hole

Needle tip

4 - 18
Adjustment Feed dog forward/reverse and left/right adjustment

1. Hold down the backstitching button and the selecting button (right), and turn the power on (the buzzer must sound
four times).
2. Select pattern number [07].
3. Remove needle plate A.
4. Press the [REV] key twice to set the feed length to 0 mm. (Check that the mark on the feed adjusting gear is
aligned with that on the F pulse motor gear.)
5. Loosen the screw (bind 3 x 8), temporarily install needle plate A, and adjust the forward/reverse and left/right
positions of the feed dog.
*Key point
• Adjust the gap between the forward edge of the feed dog middle tooth and feed plate A front to back to 3.2 -
3.8 mm.
• Adjust the left and right gaps between the feed dog and needle plate A to be approximately the same.
• Make sure that the feed dog and needle plate A are not at an angle to each other.



6. Tighten screw (bind 3X8).
7. Tighten screw M4 (two).

Screw (bind, M3x8)
(bind, M3x8)

4 - 19
Adjustment Feed dog height adjustment

1. Turn lower the pulley, and bring the feed dog to its highest position.
2. Loosen the M5 nut.
3. Adjust the feed dog height so that it is 0.9 - 1.1 mm from the upper surface of needle plate A by the amount the
vertical feed adjuster assembly is screwed in.
4. Tighten the M5 nut being careful that the vertical feed adjuster assembly does not turn.
5. With the feed dog in the lowest position, check that the feed dog is 0.3 mm or more below the upper surface of
needle plate.
• When the feed dog is too high, problems such as abnormal noise, bad feed quantities and the cloth not being
fed arise.
• When the feed dog is too low, problems such as bad feed quantities and the cloth not being fed arise.

Feed dog highest point

Needle plate

M5 nut

Feed dog lowest point

Needle plate

0.3 mm or more

4 - 20
Adjustment Inner rotary hook bracket position adjustment

1. Set the inner rotary hook in the outer rotary hook.

2. Loosen screw (bind 3X6).
3. Adjust the inner rotary hook bracket assy. attachment position so that contact between the inner rotary bracket
assy. and inner rotary hook is 1.6 - 1.8 mm, and fully tighten screw (bind 3X6).




4 - 21
4 - 22
5 Special Instructions of Wiring
LED lamp right supply assy .................... 5 - 2
Operation PCB supply assy and SSVR PCB supply assy . 5 - 3
Operation PCB supply assy .................... 5 - 4
Lead wire assy, FPM-LE......................... 5 - 5
Lead wire assy, Power-LE ...................... 5 - 6
BH switch assy........................................ 5 - 7
LED lamp left supply assy....................... 5 - 8
Needle bar unit........................................ 5 - 9
Upper side of shutter cover................... 5 - 10
FC jack supply assy .............................. 5 - 11

Adjustment LED lamp right supply assy

Pass the lead wires between 2

bosses and then attach the
thread guide assy B.

Adjustment Operation PCB supply assy and SSVR PCB supply assy

Lead wires should be tied

near the edge of cover.

Lead wires should

be tied just above
the leftmost rib.

S33 and S34 models

Special Instructions
of Wiring
Lead wires should be tied
near the edge of cover.

Lead wires should

be tied just above
the leftmost rib.

S36 and S37 models

Adjustment Operation PCB supply assy

S33 and S34 models

S36 and S37 models

Adjustment Lead wire assy, FPM-LE

Special Instructions
of Wiring
Wind the lead wires around the rib once.

Pass the lead wires

through the ferrite core.

No slack

Adjustment Lead wire assy, Power-LE

Lead wires should

pass inside the rib.

BH switch assy

Special Instructions
of Wiring
Adjustment LED lamp left supply assy

Pass a band through the hole

of base holder and tie the lead
wires with the band.

Adjustment Needle bar unit

Pass a band through

the hole of base
holder and tie the
lead wires with the

Special Instructions
of Wiring
Tie the lead wires to
depressed portion of
presser switch holder
with a band.

Cut end should

face front.

Adjustment Upper side of shutter cover

Lead wires should pass under the ribs.

There should be some slack in lead wires.

Lead wires should be put inside the rib.

5 - 10
Adjustment FC jack supply assy

Special Instructions
of Wiring
Lead wires should pass
behind the motor.

5 - 11
5 - 12
6 Failure Investigation
for Electronic Parts
* Perform resistance measurements after turning off the power, and detaching the
connectors to be measured from the PCB.

Error message list ............................................................ 6 - 2

Failure Investigation for Electronic Parts Error message list

Error display Cause Explain

F01 Abnormal rotation in main motor Motor runs at more than maximum speed
F02 Key pressed continually with power ON (motor unit SW) Pushing S/S or NP or BK button continually
Key pressed continually with power ON Pushing button continually except S/S or NP or
(operation system SW) BK switch
F04 FC disconnect FC disconnects
F05 Dirty speed sensor No encorder signal than the rated value
F06 NP sensor disconnect NP sensor disconnect
F07 Speed VR disconnect Speed volume disconnect
F08 Power failure DC power is not in the range of rated value




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