Chevrolet Castiron Powerglide
Chevrolet Castiron Powerglide
Chevrolet Castiron Powerglide
6 7
42 43
This diagnosis guide covers the check are listed in the sequence to be for the particular transmission type.
most common symptoms and is an aid followed for quickest results. Thus As the trouble is located the remain-
to careful diagnosis. The items to follow the checks in the order given ing checks will be unnecessary.
Items to Check
Key to Checks
A. Oil Level K. U Joint Seals g. Clutch Piston Seals q. Broken Transmission Parts
B. Linkage Adjustment L. Oil Cooler or Lines h. Clutch Release Valve r. Rear Pump
C. Oil Suction Tube or Screen M. Make Pressure Check i. Low Servo Leaks s. Front Pump Prime Loss
D. Throttle Valve Adjustment N. Aerated Oil j. Low Band or Drum t. Hydraulic System Reslr 'c-e:
E. Modulator or Hose a. Front Pump k. Accumulator Valve u, Transmission End Cleere-,.
F. Reverse Band Adjustment b. Valves and/ or Body I. Reverse Band or Drum v. Rear Case Bushing
G. Low Band Adjustment c. Stator Com Rollers m. Reverse Servo w. Planetary
H. High fogine Idle Speed d. Converter Pump n. Clutch Vent Valve x. Free Wheel Clute
I. Binding Torque Tube Ball e. Clutch Plates o. Internal Linkage y. Converter Seo
J. Extern_g_Lleaks f. Hydraulic System Leaks p. Parking Pawl Damaged z. B.r,-Pass Valve
clutch line between low and drive V-8 and 55-65 psi with 6-cylinder.
GENERAL valve body and high clutch is indicat-
INFORMATION ed if pressures vary more than 5 psi. MANUAL "LOW" RANGE
The type "A" transmission is identi- Low servo apply at 1000 rpm, 114-
fied by a cast iron case. It uses a 3- IDLE PRESSURE IN 127 psi with V-8 and 70-80 psi with
element converter. The clutch plates "DRIVE" RANGE 6-cylinder.
are waved. These plates are identified Low servo apply, 60-71 psi with
by an "O" and must be stacked in one DRIVE RANGE COAST
direction. PRESSURE
OIL LEVEL CHECK Coasting in drive at 20-25 mph, low
Check the level every 1000 miles, servo apply pressure 47-53 psi with
with transmission at operating tem- either engine.
perature and the selector in neutral.
With engine idling oil should not be THROTTLE VALVE AND
above the "full" mark and added to GOVERNOR
when below the "add 1 quart" mark. Throttle valve pressure varies with
Be careful not to overfill, to avoid accelerator position, 0-63 psi with V-
aerating and foaming. 8 and 0-50 with 6-cvlinder. Governor
Do not change oil except at over- ,o
haul. Capacity Chart in Car Section .,; 80
shows proper quantities. .: 70
"'::, 60
for towing. ,. ,. ,o .,
Speed in Tow should never exceed ' 10
" " MILES "PER HOUR "" 60
45 mph.
To place the transmission in Neu- Fig. 4-Governor Pressure Graph
tral when the hand lever is inopera-
Car Speed Gov.ernor Pressure
1. Remove the cotter pin and dis- 5 mph 2-4 psi
connect the long control rod at the bell 10 mph 8½-13 psi
crank on the left side of the trans- 15 mph 21-27½ psi
mission case. 20 mph 31½-34½ psi
2. Push the bell crank as far rear- LOW SERVO RELEASE OR 25 mph 35½-40 psi
ward as it will go. (This will be Re- CLUTCH APPLY PRESSURE 30 mph 41-46 psi
verse.) Now move it forward to the 35 mph 47½-53½ psi
third detent which will be Neutral. REVERSE SERVO 40 mph 55-62 psi
Naturally if the Transmission is 45 mph 63½-71½ psi
locked up the car must not be moved 50 mph 73½-82 psi
on its rear wheels unless the drive 55 mph 84-93½ psi
shaft is disconnected at the universal 60 mph 95½-106 psi
Fig . 5-Governor Pressure Chart
1,1 , G.M. Corp
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with the transmission still in the car.)
nbolt the left side cover and rE:-
move tne cover and throttle valve as
an assembly, Fig. 10. Remove cover
to case gasket. Do not unbolt the
outer lever as it acts to hold the in-
ner lever in place on the assembly.
It is preset to 62 psi (plus or minus
1 psi) at the factory . (:}
It is more than likely that trouble
with this assembly can be cleared by
a thorough cleaning.
Remove the low-and-drive-valve-
body to side cover attaching bolts and
lock-washers. Remove the throttle er l o catin g Sleeve
valve outer lever and catch the inner VACUUM
lever and shaft seal.
pawl shof
Modulator cover
oO .,•.::-
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GM. Corp.
Fig. 23-Bolt to Transmission Case Inside Fig . 24-Crescent Sha ped Gasket Between
Fig. 22-Distance Not Over 9 / 16" Bell Housing Valve Body ond Transm ission Case
ing in the pump body. stalled. distortion or damage. Do not take
Install three long bolts in these For cleaning, the unit may be taken apart. Check that the weights do not
holes (they· are blind holes) and, apart. bind in their retainers.
using them as points of leverage, ease Cut off one end of each of the gov- Insert the rings in the bore in the
the oil pump out of the case, ernor weight pins and remo_ve the case and check that the hooked ends
OTE: On late models the oil pump pins. Measure and record their di- have clearance.
is dnven by a loose fitting pin in the ameter, for the same gage piano wire
output shaft. must be used when reassembling to Reinstall
preserve the unit's calibration. Reinstall the oil seal rings on the
There is an "O" stamped on the end sleeve.
of the shaft to show the location of Inspect the weight assemblies for Reinstall the valve, wider end in.
the pin. When this "O" is toward the
top of the transmission the pin is
aligned with a slot in the rear oil
pump front cover. This permits re-
moval of the planetary carrier and
output shaft assembly thru the front
of the case.
The bearing lock plate was not used
on all models. Install one on any units
found to be not already so equipped.
The bearing is a tight fit on the out-
put shaft. If when using this proced-
ure the pump refuses to move, the
transmission will have to be removed
from the car and disassembled.
On no condition exert forward pres-
sure on the output shaft with the
transmission assembled.
THE GOVERNOR ASSEMBLY Check Driven Gear to Body Check Pump Bodv Bushing
All Models
(This operation can be performed
with the Powerglide in the car.)
Unbolt and remove the governor
cover and gasket.
Turn governor· clockwise and bring
it out of the transmission case.
All the parts of the governor ex-
cept the oil seal rings on the sleeve
are selected fits and individually cali-
brated. Parts for the governor are not
sold separately but only as a unit.
Therefore if anything is needed
other than the oil seal rings, a whole
new governor assembly must be in-
...,_ Stator Support
= ,,._.
= 1 ·;;. . • r,-
~ !
! , ~ -i\
f (If/fl
" " . gs
~ ··r~ "'-.,.~
f Drive Gear
~ Oil Seal
Driven Gear
Pump Body
© G.M . Corp. 0 G.M. Corp .
Clutch hub
0 ]'"'"' Strut assembly
Clutch piston inner seal
(0 G.M . Corp .
Clutch piston outer seal
- S t rut assemb ly
Fig. 35- Powerglide Clutch Section With Low Band Lay Out
)· , I SHAFI
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~ ~ l
' r "f~ ;'¥ ~•=r
v ~-
1uz 0
r, G.M. Corp.
Fi!J. 38-Measuring Low to Reverse Sun Fig. 39-/nstalling Parking Lock Pawl Spring
Fig. 37- Measuring Sun Gear Depth Gear Clearance
Rea semble the thrust cap to the out of the way. manual control valve and wrap it in
weig ht assemblies and install new Remove the low band adjusting protective material.
pins. Be sure new pins -are similar in screw cover, loosen the lock nut and Remove the bolts and lock-washers
weight to the old ones. Crimp the ends tighten the adjusting screw to hold attaching the valve body to the bell
of both pins and check the weight the clutch assembly in place. A ¼" housing and the front pump.
assemblies that they aren't binding. Allen wrench is required for this op- Remove the valve body and its gas-
Turn the assembly counterclock- eration. ket. Wrap the valve body so it is pro-
wise when installing. Remove the one bolt running from tected.
the inside of the bell housing into the Drive the front oil pump and re-
transmission case. Fig. 23. actor shaft assembly out of thu bell
Remove the transmission case to
THE CONVERTER bell housing bolts and lock washers.
housing to the rear.
With oil pumps disassembled check
Carefully separate the bell housing for galling or scoring and check for
ASSEMBLY from the transmission case. proper clearances as shown
N otP that there are two (2) gas-
All Models kets, one between the bell housing,
The Powerglide must be removed the valve body, and the transmission CLUTCH
from the car for this operation. The case, and another smaller crescent
moon shaped one between the valve Remove retainer ring and flange
converter assembly is no longer re-
body and the case . Fig. 24. retainer. Remove low sun gear and
tained to the reactor shaft and may
Note that there is a bronze thrust flange from drum. Now remove
be slipped off the input shaft as a unit.
washer on the oil delivery sleeve of thrust washer hub and plates.
Remove the primary pump retain- Compress spring to remove snap
ing cover to the primary pump. the valve body to intervene between
the clutch assembly and the valve ring and slowly release seat and
With a small punch drive out the
body. spring.
cover locating dowels. Rap the drum sharply on block of
Remove turbine, stator, and con- On late models this thrust washer
is the one controlling transmission wood to remove piston.
verter pump thrust washer. Figs. 18 Carefully inspect both seals, pis-
and 20 show parts layout. endplay.
ton, drum, bushings and plates. Be
Remove cam retaining snap ring sure the relief valve ball is free and
and front stator thrust washer, sta- REINSTALL BELL HOUSING
that it seats properly.
tor race, cam rollers and springs and Manual valve inner lever should ex- In reassembling coat all parts with
overrunning cam from body. tend l ' ½u'' in the low position. transmission oil to prevent sticking
Next remove rear cam snap ring Install new crescent valve body to and scoring.
and rear stator thrust washer. case gasket. When installing plates start with
Thoroughly clean all parts. Do not Raise the manual valve outer lever a steel plate. The three, thick .090"
use rags as lint may interfere with to top detent position, which is re- plates must be in center of pack.
operation. Make thorough inspection verse.
and replacements. The connecting lever inside the case
Always use new "O" ring on con- is called the reaction lever. It is now REASSEMBLY
verter cover. set to engage the inner lever in the
To check that converter assembly is As planetary parts, with clutch,
bell housing. The fact that they prop-
properly installed, measure, as shown drums and bands are reassembled,
erly engage can be observed through
in Fig. 22, the distance from the ma- check clearances as indicated in Figs.
the opening occupied by the throttle
chined front face of the bell housing 37 and 38. Fig. 37 illustrates meas-
valve assembly.
to the front surface of a converter uring sun gear depth. Various thick-
drive lug. The distance should be no ~1ess washers are available to place
more than 9/ 16". Temporarily fasten VAL VE BODY AND FRONT m front of clutch drum to obtain a
OIL PUMP ASSEMBLY, clearance of .007" to .035".
the converter to the bell housing so it
Fig. 38 illustrates measuring to
won't fall out of place. Fig. 21. ALL MODELS obtain clearance between low and re-
With the transmission out of the verse sun gears. Select proper washer
car and lying on the bench remove the to obtain clearance of .025" to .050".
REMOVAL Foot-Pound s
Remove the tran smission from the C::se to Housing 29-37
ca1· . Converter Pump to Converter Cover 20-24
Remove the converter assembly Low and Drive Valve Cover to Body 3-5
from the transmission. Low and Drive Body to Housing 15-18
Remove the oil screen, the modu- Main Valve Body Bolts 7-10
lator assembly, the servo cover as- Low Servo Adjusting Screw 5-7
sembly and the throttle valve assem- Servo Cover to Case 15-18
bly. Governor Cover to Case 9-11
Be sure that the pressure regulator Rear Pump to Case 12-15
val ve is out of the case and safely put B,rnd Adjusting Screw Locknut 20-25
Flywheel to Converter 25-30
Transmi ss ion Case to Extension Housing 15-18