The Role of Sheikh Adam Abdullahi Al-Ilory Toward Educating Nigerian People
The Role of Sheikh Adam Abdullahi Al-Ilory Toward Educating Nigerian People
The Role of Sheikh Adam Abdullahi Al-Ilory Toward Educating Nigerian People
Abstract: - The aim of this study is to evaluate the contribution of Among the prominent scholars in twentieth century,
sheik Adam Abdullahi Al-ilory as a scholar in western Nigeria to the flourishing era was Waziri Junaidu, Nasir Kabara and
the growth and development of Arabic and Islamic education Sheikh Abubakar Mahmud Gumi and many others. From
while by simplifying the teaching of Arabic language to Yoruba these elites was Sheikh Adam Abdullahi Ilorin who served
community. This paper cast a retrospect at the various roles and
Nigerian people as a teacher and preacher. This genius has
contribution given by sheik in promoting and building schools
across the ensile Yoruba. Among the scholar that sheik learn assumed educationally a significant and valuable results in
from are sheik Salih Asmiyobo, sheik Adam Namo’aji , Nasir this field. The article aimed to shed light on the contribution
Kabara Sheik Muhammad Alim. therefore this paper aims at of this genius to national development and education of the
presenting the educational philosophy of this seasoned scholar as citizens.
a way of reclaiming the teaching of Arabic language identity that
has been diluted among the contemporary Yoruba community The centre of the paper p after the introduction
and Nigeria in general. revolves around the two points as follows:
Keywords: Biography, writings, Sheikh Adam, Nigeri and people. - A personal biography of Sheikh Adam Abdullahi
I. INTRODUCTION - Sheikh‟s role in educating Nigerian people.
After that, how useful it is for a person to quote from His Upbringing
the rays of his rich heritage, by exploiting and exploring the Sheikh grew in the hands of his parents, that is he
dimension of personalities who played on active role in grew in an educationally oriented family. He started learning
enriching that heritage, and then proceed to search for the basic Arabic and Islamic knowledge from his father. His
contributions of his predecessors and most importantly to find father usually go with him on his trips especially for visiting
the wonderful example and role model to follow those scholars. He then met Sheikh Salih Asniyobo and learnt some
ancestors and trace their footsteps. books from him such as: Al-Hukmu Al-Ulawiyyah,
Nigerian scholars, nowadays and previously, have Manzumat Zuhd, al-Ishnawiyya, Burdatu Al-Busariy etc.
been deeply influenced by Islamic culture. First of all, they Sheikh then joined Ma‟ahadu Al-Imam Umar Al-Abhajiy and
have adopted Islam as a way of life in political and social further his studies from him. And after that he stayed with
situations. This influence is quietly obvious regarding their Sheikh Adam Nama‟aji, Kano and learn a lot form him. In a
deep concern with Islamic education. Their reliance on nutshell, Sheikh Ilori learnt from a number of Arab and non-
Islamic culture marked the emergence of the great scholars Arab scholar Nasir Kabara, Kano and Sheikh Muhammad al-
who actively sought to revive the Islamic heritage by Amin, a Syrian etc. Finally, Sheikh travelled to Egypt and
teaching, writing and expresses valuable ideas and opinions joined al-Azhar University. He learnt a lot there and he wrote
aimed at social reform. examinations and acquired a certificate equivalent to
Secondary School certificate that allowed him to teach, preach scholar, I tried my best toward highlighting the way to the
and write books. gratification of Allah!! There‟s nothing you can do for a
person than to mention his good actions:
Finally, he was on top of teaching, writing and
preaching until his reputation became widespread. He became إنما المرء حديث بعده * فكن حديثا حسنا عن وعي
one of the unique personalities that Nigerians will never forget
Indeed, about the account of a person after his death, it should
his academic activities and achievements4.
be of a good account for the narrator8.
His traces
Sheikh Ilori left behind a large amount of academic
Teaching and Writing:
traces that contributed in promoting Arabic and Islamic
teaching in Nigeria in particular and African continent in Sheikh paid attention by putting the books according
general. These traces can be compared in to two domains. to the level of the students in his environment pertaining
Arabic and Islamic studies. As he paid more attention in the
teaching methods, knowing that giving knowledge without
Sheikh established several adult and children Arabic much thinking will not deliver the target of sending advanced
schools in different areas of Yoruba land. This is one of the knowledge that will bring about the continuous development.
factors that lead to the spread of Arabic education in those Ibn Khaldoun discussed about the level of learning in his
areas. His effort was not limited in establishing schools but he lifetime and this attributed to the ignorance due to lack of
established an Arabic and Islamic learning centre in 1905 AD. suitable method of teaching. He was saying: “We witnessed
The outcome of the center is spreading Islamic religious many teachers whom we realized that they are unfamiliar with
knowledge and Arabic language in those areas. He also begun the teaching methods and this brought about a bad teaching.
to send delegations from Yoruba lands to Arab countries to
One of the great efforts that Sheikh did for achieving
further their studies and specialize in Arabic language and
his goal was that he simplified teaching of Arabic language to
Islamic studies. One of the outcome of this effort is having a
Yoruba community by developing the pupil‟s ability on
large number of educated people in Arabic language5.
written and conversational expression in a simple and accurate
Writing Domain manner. This appear in setting the Arabic language
curriculum by adopting what is called: “Traditional literal
Sheikh Ilori was among the scholars who were
method”. And this method is among the oldest methods. It
interested in enrichment of Arabic Libraries in Nigeria. The
concentrates on learning language heritage from advanced text
books in the libraries were excellent in this domain. The
like the Holy Qur‟an and the tradition of the Holy Prophet.
writings consist of: Monotheism (Tauheed), Jurisprudence,
Then the original literal heritage. This method excelled on
Transactions and Arts. He also wrote numerous books in
learning the impeccable Arabic rules, analyzing the sentences
Arabic literature, the History of Arabic literature and the
in grammatical order. In order to achieve this goal, Sheikh
criticism of Arabic literature. The other books were in
tried to look in to the student‟s level and what is appropriate
Linguistic field and they were estimated about thirty books.
for their environments and he wrote a book in “Reading”
These are some of them6.
subject where he composed valuable texts which will provide
He wrote in Monotheism “Sharh Jauharat al-Tauheed” while students with language fluency that they can understand the
in the History and Translations he wrote a book called: Arabic grammar by practicing. Among these books is the
„Nasim al-Sabd fi Akhbar al-Islam wa al-Ulamã fiBilad book titled: “Al-Fawãkih al-Saqitah”.
Yoruba‟ and „Lamahal al-Bullur fi Mashahir Ulamã Ilorin.
Sheikh compiled in this small book selected pieces
And also in Arabic Literature he wrote; „Misbah al-Dirasat al-
from different sections that will blaze and boost the students‟
Adabiyya fi al-Diyar al-Naijeriyya. In Islamic Da‟awa
knowledge and mastering the Arabic language. A part from
(mission) he wrote „Tarikh al-Dãwat al-Islamiyya‟ and a book
“Al-Mutãli‟ah” (Reading) Sheikh also wrote other books in
titled: „Addin Annasiha‟.
grammar, literature and rhetoric such as “Sharhaya Talib al-
In a nutshell, definitely the writing of this man indicate that he Irab”, Misbah al-Dirasat al-Adabiyya fi Naijeriya and Durus
is a big encyclopedia in terms of Arabic and Islamic education al-Balaghat al-Arabiyya.
in such a way that the history of Arabic and Islamic heritage
Sheikh said expressing the reason for selecting this method in
in Nigeria will not be complete without him7.
his writing – which some of the scholars considered it the best
His Demise (Death) method of teaching because it connects the pupil with the
reality, „we have chosen the method of separating poem,
Sheikh Adam Ilori died on Sunday, the 3 rd May 1992
writing and oration with writing and teaching in order to
AD. (May his soul rest in perfect peace) at the age of seventy-
facilitate the pupil in mastering and differentiating the
five he spent serving for knowledge and spread of Islamic
elements of literature, it is an exemplary method and realistic
education. May Allah, the Almighty forgive him and have experiment‟9.
mercy on him, and paradise his final abode! oh our pious great
Mission Activity (Da’awa) and Counseling’s “Ansaruddeen”. The contribution was accepted by Muslim
Ummah who were interested to educate their children by
Da‟awa has two meanings in Islamic teaching:
sending male and female students. The centre remained in
1. Islam and the message Abeokuta for three years then it transferred Agege. The
2. The process of spreading Islam and conveying of the religious activities continued until became a shelter of people
message. craving on Islamic education from different tribes coming
from different angles.
Al-Ilori has given the first meaning in his preaching activity
as the meaning of da’awa for him is calling the truth to the After the establishment of the centre, Sheikh
mankind; to believe that there is only one God, worship him encountered a sort of harming and intimidation from the
not associating him, following his commands. He applied the enemies of Islam and envious but he deep-rooted by plan for it
second meaning where he considered the conveyance of the giving an instance for Allah‟s saying in the Holy Qur‟an:
God‟s message to the people in every period and place with
Or do ye think that ye shall enter the Garden (of bliss) without
methods and manners that suit preached people10.
such (trials) As came to those who passed away before you?
Perhaps Sheikhs book titled: “Addin Annasihah” is giving the They encountered suffering and adversity, and were so shaken
example of his efforts towards the Da’awa when he incited In spirit that Even the Messenger and those of Faith who were
Islamic scholars to carry the flag of preaching diligently with Him cried: "When (will come) the help of Allah." Ah!
keeping away from the debris and runs of the world because Verily, the help of Allah is (always) near!14
the (scholars) are the successors of the prophets giving an
The centre played a significant role in fillings the gap for
example of Allah‟s saying in the Qur‟an:
eradicating illiteracy where it produced a large amount of
Invite (all) to the way of Thy Lord with wisdom and student who became proficient scholars in Arabic and Islamic
preaching; and argue with them In ways that are best and education as well as western education not only in Yoruba
Most gracious: for Thy knoweth best, who have strayed from land but in the continent of Africa, Asia and Europe. The
His path, and who receive guidance11. centre has many branches and instates not only in Nigeria but
in Africa. These branches include: Arabic institute in Ibadan,
The scholars are the truth – withies of the messengers to the
established in 1957 AD and Centre for Islamic Education,
servants of Allah (people) as long as they did not intermingle
Oke Agude, Ilorin established by Ustaz Yahya Murtala Imam
the ruler and engage into the present life. If they intermingle
as well as Centre for Islamic Education, Sakitete, Benin
the sovereign ruler and engage into the present life they
definitely betrayed the messengers avoid them and separate
away from them12. Sheikh Adam‟s good job toward the society was
commended by remarkable scholars such as: Sheikh Nasir
It is worthy mentioning that Sheikh encouraging the people in
Kabara who said, I do not see him except like he who
general and particular to adhere to the traces of the scholars
resurrect the dead bodies, revive the bones of a corpse, is there
those are zealous to the tradition of prophet Muhammad such
any other thing to be proud of above who he did in Islamic
as Al-Imam Al-Gazali, Mugili and Usman bin Fodiyo. And
education in this country. May Allah the Almighty reward
what Sheikh concerned most in his Da’awa was eradicating him and put his work in the book people who are close to
innovations ((bidi’a) and widespread customs in Yoruba land Allah.
and breach of Prophet‟s sunnah. Indeed Sheikh wage was
against customs and traditions without fear, saying. A former ambassador of Morocco to Nigeria,
Muhammad Al-Sa‟adi said; „Sheikh Adam had struggle in
It is obvious from these verses that his da’awa
belief trustfulness, and feeling to fulfill his obligation until he
targeted adherence to the religion of Allah which he has was able to establish this centre where the sharia (Law) is
contented for the mankind. It is also a simplification for their studied. It is also a centre of teaching of peaceful Islam for the
needs, fulfillment to their rights, protection to their affairs,
new generation in West Africa.
safekeeping to their unity, respect to their humanity and a
spread to the truth and justice between them13. I may not exaggerate if I say: The Sheikh Adam‟s
role in literacy resembles the role of An-Nazzam, the founder
of Almadrasatu Al-Nizamiyya in Baghdad in second half of
Formation of the Islamic Centre was one of the ways the fifth century of hijra and from this school, the Islamiyya
of spreading of Islamic education. Thousands of Nigerians schools divided into branches in Muslim countries such as :
benefited from the centre founded by Sheikh Ilori. Its Balkh, Naysabur, Asfahan, Basra and Marwa.
activities continued in the Yoruba Land. He supervised the
1. A perfect performance in legal expenditure and a
activities of the centre since its establishment until his last
tremendous effort to train the students effectively in
order to reach the needed aim.
The centre was established in Abeokuta 1371 A.H. 2. Producing a good individual for himself and a
equivalent to 1952 AD in a rented house with the support of reformer to other people.
3. Providing an academic atmosphere that helps da’awa that is a complete awareness of the parameters of
teachers to think, write, invent and continuously add Islamic education and effort in the integration of Muslim
new things in various academic fields. ummah.
4. Providing intellectual horizon for the students so that
The expectation of the lines is to highlight the roles
they can acquire new and productive skills from the
of Sheikh Ilori in teaching the people of Nigeria. I hope base
pass generations, therefore they can be able to
on what I presented that the expectation has been achieved.
transfer their Islamic culture and intellectual heritage
to the new generation. ENDNOTES
5. Preparing befitted citizens for exercising different [1]. AnNur: 37-38
services either public or private sectors. [2]. Muhammad bin Isah Attirmizy, Sunanuattirmizy, darsadar,
BerutLebaon, no date, bab ma ja'a fi dualilumri.
It is worth mentioning that all the above goals had been [3]. Nuru Atiku and Adam Masama, FannuMaqalalada Al- Ilori,
achieved by the centre as it had graduated ambassador had Malam Vol. V111, Novermber: 2011 ADpp: 207.
worked hard in the spread of Arabic and Islamic education not [4]. Op-cit, p.207..
only in Nigeria but in the whole continent of Africa15. [5]. Agaka, AbdulbaqiShuaibu, al-adabu al-islamiy fi Diwani al-
VI. CONCLUSION [6]. Dr. Isa Alabiy, A'imalu al-allamatu al-ilory, qira'atunwa
The paper in the above lines discussed a brief presentation of [7]. Kabir Adam, Tudunnufawa, Almadkhalila al-adabilarabiy an-
naijairiyfilqani al-ishreen al-meladey, book 2, pg: 26
Arabic education by Sheikh Adam Abdulalhi Al-Ilori starting
[8]. Dr. Isa alabiy, pg:27
by his biography, growth, study and his work in literacy. The [9]. Al-Ilori: Libab Al-Adab, pg: 11
paper also discussed his role in teaching his people his [10]. Agaka, pg:15
writings which facilitate in comprehension of the subjects. [11]. AnNahal: 125
[12]. Kanzu al-Ummal fi Sunani Al-aqwalwa al-af’al 204/10.
The paper also discussed his preaching for reformation of the
[13]. Agaka pg:15
society where he began to preach for moral discipline. The [14]. Al-Baqarah : 214
paper also clarified the philosophy of Sheikh in Islamic [15]. Agaka, pg: 16