The document is a model exam for Human Resource Management. It contains multiple choice and long answer questions testing knowledge of topics like job analysis, recruitment, training, performance appraisal, and promotion. There are three parts to the exam containing different question types and lengths.
The document is a model exam for Human Resource Management. It contains multiple choice and long answer questions testing knowledge of topics like job analysis, recruitment, training, performance appraisal, and promotion. There are three parts to the exam containing different question types and lengths.
The document is a model exam for Human Resource Management. It contains multiple choice and long answer questions testing knowledge of topics like job analysis, recruitment, training, performance appraisal, and promotion. There are three parts to the exam containing different question types and lengths.
The document is a model exam for Human Resource Management. It contains multiple choice and long answer questions testing knowledge of topics like job analysis, recruitment, training, performance appraisal, and promotion. There are three parts to the exam containing different question types and lengths.
DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT 11.automation has eliminated
MODEL EXAM OCT- 2023 (A)human operation (B)human interfere (C)human interface (D)human interaction Class : II BBA DATE:18.10.23 Time:3Hours 12.which of these is caused when there is less than optimum activity Subject : HRM Marks: 75 (A)Hypo stress (B)distress Subject code: 21UBA07 (C)esters (D)Non of the above PART-A 13.the science of studying human be hazier is CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER 15X1=15 (A)Sociology (B)psychology 1. ……….means limitation of organized action (C)philosophy (D) Non of the above (A)organizing (B) directing 14………. How does individual cope with stress (C) controlling (D) planning (A)the self-concept (B)self motivation 2.Advantages of career planning is are (C) regular exercise (D) self-concept (A)reduces turnover (B) tap potentials of employees 15.Any kind of risk will cover under………….. (C) motivates employees (D) all of the above (A)Financing (B)Risk Bearin 3.Resistance from employees is …………. To HPP (C)Working (D)Both a & b (A)objectives (B )Advantage (C)scope (D) disadvantage PART-B 5*2=10 4……….is a process of obtaining all pertinent job facts ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS (A) job description (B)job analysis (C)job specification (D) none of the above 16.Describe the process of job analysis 5.The human resource planning is done passed on the……. 17.State the objectives of human resource management (A) HRM function (B) organizational plan 18.write a note on career planning and development ? (C)HRM scope (D) market situation 19.Describe the steps in performance appraisal process?. 6.whichis not advantage of external source of recruitment 20. what are the objeectiv of transfer? (A)new blood (B) more competition (C)less expensive (D) less partial PART-C 5*10=50 7…….. is not an internal source of recruitment 21.A. Elaborate the managerial and operative function of HRM. (A) promotion (B )transfer B .Describe the objective and scope of HRM?. (C)job rotation (D )departmental exam 22.A.What is the steps in human resource management. 8……….is not external source of recruitment (A )campus selection (B)internal advertisement B. Explain the various sources of recruitment. (C) consultancy (D)walk-in 23.A. Differentiate between training and development? 9. How many types of arbitration are there B. Elaborate the methods of training. (A)three (B)two 24.A. Discuss the methods of performance appraisal. (C)four (D)five B.Discuss the process of job evaluation 10. The gradual evaluation of industrial system has passed through how many 25.A. Expline the benefits of effective Promotion policy. stages B. Discuss the causes of ab.senteeism (A)3stages (B)4 stages . (C)5 stages (D)6 stages ************* ALL THE BEST ***************