Psychology 3w1
Psychology 3w1
Psychology 3w1
Ambreen Ahmed
Independent Researcher
Nawaz Ahmad
Institute of Business Management
A survey was conducted to study the preferred learning strategies;
that is, surface learning or deep learning of undergraduate and
graduate male and female students and the impact of the preferred
strategy on their academic performance. Both learning strategies
help university students to get good scores in their examinations to
meet the demands of industry in workforce. Quantitative research
method was used to determine the impact of learning strategy on
academic achievements. The R-SPQ2F questionnaire was sent
to 103 students through Google forms and hard copies through
snowball sampling technique. The results show that rote learning
and academic performance are inversely related to each other. In
high achievers, deep learning is significant as compared to low
achievers. Furthermore, comparative analysis of learning styles
on males and females showed that both preferred deep learning
strategy equally. Learning strategy is not related to education level
of students because there is no difference among preferred learning
strategies of graduate and undergraduate students.
Literature review
present the information and were not interested in the text, moved
towards surface approach; whereas, those students who were not
told to present information, but were interested in the text were more
intrinsically motivated and adopted deep approach.
Research tool
Table 1
Impact of deep and surface learning on academic achievement
95% Confidence
Std. Interval for Exp(B)
B Wald df Sig. Exp(B)
Lower Upper
Bound Bound
2=<GPA<2.5 Intercept -0.445 3.653 0.015 1 0.903
Surface learning 1.138 0.879 1.674 1 0.196 3.12 0.557 17.485
Deep learning 1.722 0.787 4.786 1 0.029 0.179 0.038 0.836
2.5=<GPA<3 Intercept -0.615 1.988 0.096 1 0.757
Surface learning 0.165 0.447 0.136 1 0.712 1.179 0.491 2.83
Deep learning -0.212 0.406 0.273 1 0.601 0.809 0.365 1.792
3=<GPA<3.5 Intercept 1.309 1.388 0.889 1 0.346
Surface learning 0.047 0.313 0.022 1 0.881 1.048 0.568 1.934
Deep learning -0.297 0.285 1.091 1 0.296 0.743 0.425 1.298
The results show that those who achieve high CGPA (greater
than 3.5) are more towards deep learning; whereas, those with
low CGPA are more towards surface approach. This signifies that
meaningful learning helps students in better understanding and
retention of material. Therefore, hypothesis 1 is rejected.
Table 2
Learning approaches of students with respect to their education
Std. Std. Error
Education Mean N Sig Correlation
Deviation Mean
Undergraduate Pair 1 Surface learning 2.912 86 0.754 0.081 0.628 -0.053
Deep learning 3.413 86 0.776 0.084
Table 3
Gender-wise significance of rote learning
this strategy. High achievers and low achievers both prefer deep
learning strategy; therefore, teachers should promote deep learning
strategy in their lectures to enhance the academic performance of
students at all levels. In addition, deep strategy is not the prevalent
approach in male students only, but it is also a common strategy
in females too which; therefore, rejects the notion that females are
rote learners. Despite all the scientifically proved evidences about
the superiority of deep learning strategy, at some instances surface
learning approach is necessary for the students. Surface learning
does not need to be rote memorization of content, but it could help
in deep understanding of content too.
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