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Journal of Power Sources 447 (2020) 227363

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A non-aqueous sodium hexafluorophosphate-based electrolyte degradation

study: Formation and mitigation of hydrofluoric acid
Pete Barnes a, Kassiopeia Smith a, Riley Parrish a, Chris Jones a, Paige Skinner a, Erik Storch a,
Quinn White a, Changjian Deng a, Devan Karsann a, Miu Lun Lau a, Joseph J. Dumais b,
Eric J. Dufek c, **, Hui Xiong a, *
Micron School of Material Science and Engineering, Boise State University, 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID, 83725, United States
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Boise State University, 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID, 83725, United States
Energy Storage and Advanced Vehicles, Idaho National Laboratory, P.O. Box 1625, Idaho Falls, ID, 83415, United States


� NaPF6-based nonaqueous electrolytes

are highly susceptible to HF with water
� NMR reveals an autocatalytic hydrolysis
pathway of PF6 to form HF.
� FM2 can serve as an HF scavenger to
improve electrolyte chemical stability.
� HF mitigation is closely related to the
chemical stability of NaPF6.
� HF formation is observed in battery
grade electrolytes with <20 ppm H2O.


Keywords: Fundamental characterization of battery electrolyte is vital for rechargeable batteries. This work reports the
Sodium-ion battery chemical stability of sodium hexafluorophosphate (NaPF6)-based non-aqueous electrolytes containing different
NaPF6 salt solvent mixtures (e.g., cyclic and acyclic carbonates) in the presence of water for Na-ion batteries. A degradation
study is conducted using NaPF6-based electrolytes, highlighting two electrolyte additives, 2,2,2-trifluoroethoxy-
Mitigation of HF
2,2,2-ethoxy phosphazene (FM2) and fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC), on degradation and cell performance of
HF scavenger Na-ion batteries. Hydrolysis of NaPF6 in acidic condition is particularly prone to form hydrofluoric acid (HF), and
can be observed in electrolytes made with battery grade carbonate solvents (<20 ppm of water). Degradation
mechanisms of NaPF6-based electrolytes are studied using liquid nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Noticeable
degradation takes place in high purity electrolytes with the presence of moisture to form HF and organophos­
phates in timeframes below the current shelf-life of the Na electrolytes. FEC is not efficient to protect the
electrodes from being exposed to HF. On the other hand, FM2 is revealed as a “scavenger” of HF, which helps
stabilize the shelf life of electrolytes that might contain or become exposed to water. Our study underscores the
importance to understanding the degradation of electrolyte and improving stability toward better shelf life for
sodium ion batteries.

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: eric.dufek@inl.gov (E.J. Dufek), clairexiong@boisestate.edu (H. Xiong).

Received 12 August 2019; Received in revised form 9 October 2019; Accepted 29 October 2019
Available online 6 November 2019
0378-7753/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Barnes et al. Journal of Power Sources 447 (2020) 227363

1. Introduction compared to BG solvents. Degradation mechanisms of NaPF6-based

electrolytes are studied using liquid state nuclear magnetic resonance
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are at the forefront of current energy (NMR). The effect of additive is assessed in full-cell SIBs. Noticeable
storage technologies offering high energy, power densities, and design degradation takes place in high purity electrolytes with the presence of
flexibility that outperform various technologies [1]. However, avail­ water to form HF and organophosphates in time frames well below the
ability and cost are current challenges [1–3]. As demand continues to currently needed shelf-life of the sodium electrolytes. The fluorinated
grows, industry faces the depletion of raw material reserves for lithium additive, FEC, is unable to protect the electrodes from the detrimental
and cobalt [3]. The challenges introduce a complex interplay of avail­ exposure of HF. On the other hand, FM2 is a “scavenger” of HF, which
ability, production, recycling, geographical/political constraints, envi­ helps stabilize the shelf life of electrolytes that might contain or become
ronmental impacts, and cost [4]. These possible issues are now a debate exposed to water. This study underscores the importance to understand
on whether the future energy demands can be met solely by the degradation of electrolyte to improve its stability toward better shelf
lithium-based chemistry or if other alternatives need to be utilized. One life for SIBs.
of the most appealing options is to substitute lithium with sodium in key
applications to enable a sustainable outlook due to sodium’s high 2. Experimental
abundance and low cost.
There are a number of challenges associated with developing a long 2.1. Water content of carbonates
cycle life sodium-ion battery (SIB). An aspect that has not been fully
investigated for SIBs is the electrolyte degradation and the effect of the Standard grade (SG) solvents of propylene carbonate (PC, Sigma
degradation byproducts on battery performance. As learned from the Aldrich, anhydrous, 99%), ethylene carbonate (EC, Sigma Aldrich,
development of LIB, the electrolyte plays a pivotal role to enable long anhydrous, 99%), dimethyl carbonate (DMC, Sigma Aldrich, anhydrous,
cycle life and performance [5–7]. The advancement in LIBs using 99%), diethyl carbonate (DEC, Sigma Aldrich, anhydrous, 99%), and
graphitic materials was enabled once electrolytes which formed an ethyl methyl carbonate (EMC, Sigma Aldrich, 99%) were tested for
effective solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) were recognized [7–11]. water content. In addition, battery grade (BG) solvents of PC (BASF,
Currently, the most commonly used electrolytes for SIB research mimic anhydrous, 99.98%), EC (BASF, anhydrous, 99.98%), DMC (BASF,
those from the lithium system. The most stable and widely used anhydrous, 99.99%), DEC (BASF, anhydrous, 99.99%), and EMC (BASF,
non-aqueous electrolyte for LIB is a mixture of aprotic cyclic and small 99.4%) were obtained for water content studies. Determination of the
alkyl branched carbonates (e.g., ethylene carbonate (EC); diethyl car­ water content was completed on a V20S Compact Volumetric KF Titrator
bonate (DEC); ethyl methyl carbonate (EMC)) and lithium hexa­ (Mettler Toledo) by coulometric Karl Fisher titration.
fluorophosphate (LiPF6) salt [12]. Sodium hexafluorophosphate
(NaPF6) is the salt used in the Na systems which historically was ex­ 2.2. Electrolyte preparation
pected to provide analogous chemistry to the Li system [13,14].
Nevertheless, electrolytes that perform well for Li-ion batteries may not All tested electrolytes consist of either 1.2 M or 1.0 M sodium hexa­
be suitable for SIBs. Differences exist between sodium and lithium fluorophosphate (NaPF6, Alfa Aesar) salt in pure or binary solvent
electrolytes, which include thermodynamic (e.g., solvation and des­ mixtures (1:1 vol) of PC (BASF, anhydrous, 99.98%), EC (BASF, anhy­
olvation), kinetics (e.g., ion mobility) and interfacial properties [13, drous, 99.98%), DMC (BASF, anhydrous, 99.99%), DEC (BASF, anhy­
15–17]. It is unknown if electrolytes containing NaPF6 salt will degrade drous, 99.99%), and EMC (BASF, 99.4%). In incremental amounts,
in the same manner and behave similar to the lithium analog. water or aqueous 48–50% HF solution were added in the electrolyte
The studies of lithium-based chemistry have uncovered important solutions to be tested for degradation. Fluorinated cyclic phosphazene
physiochemical properties of electrolytes that play a key role in trimer (FM2) was prepared in house using previously published syn­
improving battery performance [5,18]. A great example of this effort is thetic routes [37]. Fluorinated ethylene carbonate was obtained through
LiPF6-based electrolytes that have been extensively characterized Sigma Aldrich. Parallel sets of samples of each mixture were maintained
through physical properties, degradation, and contribution to the SEI at two different temperatures, room temperature (RT) and 52 � C as
formation [12,18–21]. Detailed analyses of LiPF6-based electrolyte controlled by an environmental chamber (ESPEC).
degradation have revealed that trace amount of HF can be formed due to
the presence of water [22–24]. It has also been noted that water can be 2.3. NMR sample preparation
electrochemically reduced during the initial cycling to form a uniform
and dense LiF-rich SEI layer on the surface of the electrode [25]. All electrolyte solutions were prepared in an argon filled glovebox
Degradation studies of LiPF6-based electrolytes and their aging pro­ and transferred into a polytetrafluoroethylene sleeve for storage to
cesses reveal that water and other protic impurities have a detrimental prevent HF, presented in the evaluated samples, from etching the glass.
effect on electrolyte stability [26–33]. Additionally, the selection and All PTFE tubes were cleaned before use by rinsing with DI water and
optimization of binders, additives, and salts have made a dramatic effect acetone followed by drying in an oven at 70 � C overnight. These tubes
on the electrochemical properties and performance of LIBs. The (obtained from New Era Enterprise) were sealed in the glovebox with
advancement of SIBs which can achieve high cycle and calendar life PTFE caps. In the case of addition of water/HF mixture the tubes were
requires similar knowledge of stability and physicochemical properties sealed, removed from the glovebox, quickly unsealed, impurity added,
[34,35]. In SIBs, NaPF6 is a salt that offers promise. It has high solubility and resealed. The sample cell (Fig. S1) contained a 5 by 155 mm glass
that leads to a large number of charge carriers to be present in solution tube with a screw cap bulb for reference solvent storage. The desired
[36]. In addition, the salt is relatively stable under reductive and electrolyte is contained within a 4 � 143 mm PTFE tube sealed with a
oxidative conditions [36]. To the best of our knowledge, no research has cap. This liner fits within the glass caustic cell. External to the PTFE
been done to elucidate the degradation mechanisms of NaPF6-based sleeve, the remaining void within the NMR tube is filled with a reference
electrolytes. solvent of deuterated chloroform containing 99.8% atom D, 1% v/v%
Herein, we report for the first time a degradation study of NaPF6- (SiMe4). Data processing was completed with the software TopSpin
based electrolytes as well as the effect of two electrolyte additives: 2,2,2- 4.0.6 (Bruker).
trifluoroethoxy-2,2,2-ethoxy phosphazene (FM2) and fluoroethylene
carbonate (FEC) on degradation and cell performance. The water con­ 2.4. NMR measurements
tent in both battery grade (BG) and standard grade (SG) solvents is
evaluated, which shows higher amount of water in all SG solvents NMR measurements were performed employing a Bruker AVANCE

P. Barnes et al. Journal of Power Sources 447 (2020) 227363

III spectrometer 300 MHz NMR operating at 300.130 MHz with a 3. Results and discussion
broadband probe (5 mm PA BBO probe, 300 MHz, Bruker). The 1H and
C NMR signals were referenced to TMS signal 0.0 ppm, while the 19F 3.1. Water content in carbonate solvents (standard grade vs. battery
and 31P signals were referenced with respect to the signals of PF6 at grade)
72.7 ppm (19F) and 146.1 ppm (31P). Chemical shift data and coupling
are given for compounds in electrolyte mixtures containing 1 M NaPF6. All BG solvents exhibit water content below 20 ppm (Table 1), with
many containing less than 10 ppm (the lower detection limit of the KF
� Propylene carbonate (PC): 1H NMR (300 MHz, Neat) δ 5.03 (hex, titration method). The water level dramatically increases for SG solvents
J ¼ 6.50 Hz, 1H), 4.70 (d, J ¼ 8.07 Hz, 1H), 4.17 (t, J 7.85 Hz, 1H), from lowest concentration being contained with DMC of 24.6 ppm to
1.53 (d, J ¼ 6.48 Hz, 3H). 13C NMR (75 MHz, Neat): δ 156.5, 74.6, EMC of up to 530.8 ppm. In the case of SG carbonate solvents from
71.3, 18.9. general chemical suppliers, it is shown that the water content is in
� Ethylene carbonate (EC): 1H NMR (300 MHz, Neat) δ 4.80 (s, general higher compared to BG solvents. Battery grade solvents are
J ¼ 1.82 Hz, 4H). 13C NMR (75 MHz, Neat): δ 157.4, 66.1. needed to promote high performance by limiting electrolyte degrada­
� Ethyl-Methyl carbonate (EMC): 1H NMR (300 MHz, Neat) δ 4.38 (q, tion. The use of SG solvents increases the amount of water available to
J ¼ 7.10 Hz, 2H), 3.98 (s, 3H), 0.82 (t, J ¼ 7.11 Hz, 3H). 13C NMR participate in electrolyte degradation. This is especially important to SIB
(75 MHz, Neat): δ 156.3, 64.7, 54.9, 14.1. research as commercially available Na electrolytes are scarce and the
� Dimethyl carbonate (DMC): 1H NMR (300 MHz, Neat) δ 3.98 (s, 6H). few that are available are cost prohibitive presenting barriers to many
C NMR (75 MHz, Neat): δ 157.2, 55.1 laboratories. Thus, most research labs blend their own electrolytes. The
� Diethyl carbonate (DEC): 1H NMR (300 MHz, Neat) δ 4.37 (q, grade of solvents used is particularly important to limiting the water
J ¼ 7.20 Hz, 2H), 1.47 (t, J ¼ 7.20, 3H). 13C NMR (75 MHz, Neat): δ content in the electrolytes. For the sake of controlling the water content
156.0, 64.1, 14.1. in the electrolytes, we used BG solvents for all electrolytes tested for the
� Sodium hexafluorophosphate (NaPF6): 19F NMR (282 MHz, Neat): δ remaining degradation studies.
71.7 (d, J ¼ 712 Hz, 6F). 31P NMR (121 MHz, Neat):
146.1282 MHz, (sep, J ¼ 712 Hz, 1P) 3.2. Degradation of electrolytes in the presence of water
� 2,2,2-trifluoroethoxy-2,2,2-ethoxy phosphazene (FM2). 1H NMR
(300 MHz, Neat): δ 4.25 (m, 6H), 4.05 (m, 6H) 1.33 (m, 9H). Electrolytes containing PF6 salt are known to degrade in the pres­
ence of water through a process of hydrolysis to form HF and fluo­
2.5. Electrochemistry rophosphates [19,39,40]. In this work, the degradation products in BG
electrolytes are monitored by NMR. After aging at 52 � C for 31 days
NaNi0.4Fe0.2Mn0.4O2 (NFM) was prepared by a solid state reaction of (Fig. 1), a distinct increase in HF and phosphorus-containing salt
coprecipitated precursor Ni1/2Mn1/2(OH)2, Fe2O3, and Na2CO3 [38]. byproducts is observed for the sample with 0.2% v/v water content.
Stoichiometric amounts of chemicals were ground for 1 h and then HF is generated through hydrolysis of the hexafluorophosphate as
pressed into pellets which were then heated at 800 � C for 24 h in a indicated by the singlet at 183.9 ppm in Fig. 1a and c. The presence of
Vulcan 3–550 muffle oven. Commercial hard carbon (HC) (Carbotron P, HF is a key concern since the rate for degradation in acidic environment
Kureha Battery Materials Japan Co. Ltd.), was obtained as a gift from is significantly enhanced [41]. The increased concentration of Hþ, as
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and used directly for anode noted by the increased concentration of HF can in turn facilitate an
electrode preparation. autocatalytic process which accelerates the rate of degradation. This
A typical coin cell fabrication for the cathodes includes preparing a catalytic process supported by the data in Fig. 1, is proposed through the
slurry of 80 wt% active material, 10 wt% C65 (Timcal America Inc.), and following pathways which mirror observations in Li salts [19,23]:
10 wt% polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone
(NMP). This slurry was then laminated onto aluminum foil. Similarly, NaPF6 þ H2O ⇌ NaF þ POF3 þ 2HF (1)
the anode material was prepared in a slurry of 90 wt% active material,
POF3 þ H2O ⇌ PO2F2 þ HF þ H þ
5 wt% C65, 5 wt% PVDF in NMP, and laminated onto copper foil. After
drying at 100 � C for about 4 h, electrode disks (15 mm) were punched PO2F2 þ H2O ⇌ PO3F2 þ HF þ Hþ (3)
and allowed to further dry under vacuum at 120 � C for at least 18 h. The
mass loading of active materials for NFM cathode was between 4.26 and For the aged BG electrolyte, only trace amounts of HF and two flu­
4.71 mg cm 2 and hard carbon anode was 2.49–3.21 mg cm 2. Both orophosphate ions, monofluorophosphate (PO3F2 ) and difluor­
cathode and anode were pre-cycled in a Na half-cell before assembled ophosphate (PO2F2 ), are present (Fig. 1a and b). These two
into full-cell coin cells (CR2032). Half-cells were assembled in an Ar- fluorophosphate ions have been noted as major products in the hydro­
filled glovebox (Mbraun) with O2 <0.5 ppm. These electrodes were lysis of PF6 , and are observed as two doublets in the 19F NMR [19]. The
used as the working electrode and placed opposite that of Na metal disks corresponding 31P spectrum exhibits a splitting pattern of a doublet
(15 mm). A separator (Celgard 2325) was placed between the two (PO3F2 ) and a triplet (PO2F2 ), corroborating with the results from 19F
electrodes. An electrolyte of 1 M NaPF6 in either EC:PC or EC:DEC was NMR. To confirm the location and coupling constants of PO2F2 , the
freshly mixed the day before use. The NFM electrodes were cycled 5 full corresponding difluorophosphoric acid was obtained and measured in a
cycles from 4 to 2 V, after being charged to 4 V. The HC electrodes were carbonate solvent. The chemical shift and splitting pattern matched with
cycled 5 full cycles from 2 to 0.01 V. Subsequently, full cells were a deviation of 0.06 ppm and 17.4 Hz. The 0.2% water containing aged
assembled using the pre-cycled HC anode and NFM cathode, with a electrolyte shows a dramatic increase in HF as well as four byproducts
capacity-based negative:positive (N:P) ratio of at least 1.1:1. Various
aged electrolytes with or without additive and water were utilized in full Table 1
cell testing. Comparison of water content in SG and BG carbonate solvents.
Solvent SG H2O (ppm) BG H2O (ppm)

Ethylene Carbonate (EC) – –

Propylene Carbonate (PC) 61.8 <10
Diethyl Carbonate (DEC) 47.2 11.2
Ethylmethyl Carbonate (EMC) 530.8 <10
Dimethyl Carbonate (DMC) 24.6 <10

P. Barnes et al. Journal of Power Sources 447 (2020) 227363

Fig. 1. 19F and 31P NMR spectra of thermally aged 1.2 M NaPF6 in 3:7 EC:EMC (w/w) electrolyte for 31 days at 52 � C, BG electrolyte (a–b) and electrolyte with 0.2%
(v/v) H2O (c–d). Insets: Zoomed in spectra.

due to NaPF6 degradation (Fig. 1c and d). These include a large amount
of both PO2F2 and PO3F2 . The additional byproducts are possibly
related to solubilized PF5 or POF3 gas which was observed to form in the
NMR tubes (Supporting Information, Fig. S1). The fourth degradation
product is the insoluble precipitate, NaF as determined by
energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (Supporting Information, Fig. S2).
As NaF precipitates it promotes further hydrolysis. Electrolytes at room
temperature with the same concentration of water took several months
to show observable hydrolysis products (Supporting Information,
Fig. S3). The concentration of the phosphates and HF are considerably
lower (40–100 times smaller) than electrolytes held at higher temper­
ature. This is in stark contrast to the lithium battery system where PF6
has been shown to degrade much faster even at room temperature [19].
To accelerate degradation, temperatures were held at 52 � C for the
remaining NMR-based hexafluophosphate degradation studies.
As expected, as the water content increases so does the concentra­
tions of the HF and the fluorinated phosphates (Fig. 2). Increasing the
water content from 0.2% to 1.25% (v/v), led to a shift in the major
component of the electrolyte from PF6 to a mixture of degraded fluo­
rophosphates and HF. While this level of water content is not observed in
commercial electrolytes, it does suggest that the extent of degradation in
an electrolyte is determined by the initial amount of water. While the
abundance of the PF6 is held constant as shown in Fig. 2, the concen­
Fig. 2. 19F NMR spectra of aged 1 M NaPF6 in 1:1 EC:PC (v/v) electrolyte
tration of HF increases by 500%. In addition, the formation of PO2F2 and
containing 0.2% (v/v) of water and 1.25% water (v/v) with degradation
PO3F2 shows a two-fold and three-fold increase, respectively. products of HF, PO2F2 , POF3 (likely), and PO3F2 .
To better understand more realistic battery electrolyte conditions,
smaller additions of water (10–100 ppm) are studied (Fig. 3). HF is

P. Barnes et al. Journal of Power Sources 447 (2020) 227363

the electrolyte contains EC:PC, 1,2-ethanediol becomes the major

degradation product. In addition, the electrolyte contains a small
amount of 1,2-propanediol, the corresponding alcohol of PC. Based on
these observations, it suggests that both the steric hindrance and the
ability to act as an electron donating group of the –CH3 moiety makes PC
less susceptible to chemical breakdown. Based on the near equimolar
ratios of solvent molecules it is clear from the results that EC is the most
susceptible to proton attack. A possible explanation for this heightened
susceptibility is the intramolecular stress of the five-membered ring of
the cyclic carbonates, such as EC and PC. However, the steric hindrance
assumed from the methyl moiety of PC improves its stability. The linear
carbonates also exhibit a decreasing rate of degradation as the aliphatic
chain lengths increased, DMC > EMC > DEC.

3.4. Full cell degradation performance

The degradation seen in the NMR data for the carbonate electrolytes
poses the question of how degradation impacts overall cell cycling
performance. To better understand the role of electrolyte degradation
cycling performance of NaNi0.4Fe0.2Mn0.4O2 (NFM)/hard carbon (HC)
full cells in the presence of degraded electrolytes with and without ad­
ditives that contain 0 ppm and 100 ppm added water is shown in Fig. 5.
In addition to standard and water-containing electrolyte, the role of two
Fig. 3. 19F NMR spectra of increasing water concentration from aged (31 days different additives (FM2 and FEC) is investigated. The first additive is a
at 52 � C) BG to 100 ppm of added water electrolytes containing 1 M NaPF6
promising phosphazene derivative, which has proven beneficial to bat­
1:1 EC:PC.
tery electrolytes by increasing the thermal and electrochemical stability
[37]. This work also investigates FEC, a popular additive that is linked to
present in every sample. After aging the electrolyte with 100 ppm added the production of a more resilient SEI layer [46,47]. Improved resilience
water, the HF concentration nearly doubles of that found in the pristine may lead to less impact from impurities such as HF [48]. These two
BG electrolyte. The concentration of fluorophosphates, PO2F2 and additives act through one of the two methods: either mitigation of
PO3F2 , only increases by a fourth compared to the pristine electrolyte. electrolyte degradation or through the production of a more resilient
It is interesting to note the formation of these degradation byproducts in SEI.
the pristine electrolyte. The pristine electrolyte of 1 M NaPF6 in EC:PC Aged pristine electrolyte (black) is identical in performance of aged
shows water content well below the commercial standard (<20 ppm). 5% FM2 containing electrolyte (red) (Fig. 5). In comparison, the full cell
Such result reinforces the effect that trace water can have on the with electrolyte that contain 5% FEC (blue) exhibits a ~20 mAh/g ca­
degradation of NaPF6-based electrolytes given enough thermal energy pacity drop. When 100 ppm water is added with no electrolyte additives
or time. the cell (purple) retains only 14 � 2 mAh/g after 100 cycles. This is
expected as the NMR results indicate large quantities of both HF and salt
3.3. Carbonate solvents degradation in the presence of HF degradation products with water addition. When FM2 is added (green)
the initial capacity is improved to nearly 44 � 3 mAh/g. This result in­
Carbonate solvent stability study is performed via 1H NMR on five dicates that mitigating the degradation of the salt in the electrolyte can
electrolyte mixtures in the presence of HF (Fig. 4). Aging the electrolytes prevent the battery from complete failure. For the FEC added electrolyte
includes the addition of a 1:1 (v/v) HF:H2O (final concentrations of with 100 ppm water (cyan), the capacity is similar to the additive-free
0.125% (v/v) HF and 0.125% (v/v) H2O). The 1H NMR spectra were electrolyte. Insignificant HF mitigation has taken place leading to poor
obtained after 4 weeks (or 28 days). From these results, cyclic EC is the cycling performance. FEC has been established as a promising additive
most vulnerable form of the five tested carbonates. As demonstrated by to improve hard carbon electrode performance via the formation of a
the appearance of 1,2-ethanediol (4.05 ppm) in solvent mixtures con­ more resilient SEI layer [20,47,49,50]. However, HF has been proposed
taining EC. The most plausible formation for this alcohol is through acid as a detrimental component in electrolytes related to the dissolution of
catalyzed hydrolysis, which leads to decarboxylation of the cyclic EC transition metals in cathode materials [51]. The dissolved transition
[42–44]. The formation of 1,2-ethanediol is the only observable degra­ metals can then deposit on the surface of the anode, which leads to poor
dation product over the 28 day period at room temperature in the cycle life performance [52–54]. From our results, it is suggested that in
blended solvent of EC:DEC. Decarboxylation of DEC would have led to order to extend the shelf life of Na ion batteries it might be necessary to
the formation of methanol and ethanol, which were not detected. The mitigate both the chemical stability of the electrolyte and stability of SEI
hydrolysis of DEC and EMC have been described as a completely intra­ using different functional additives.
molecular process, due to the degradation products of C2H4 and CO2 in
an equimolar ratio, and ethanol or methanol, respectively [45]. No 3.5. Effect of additive in degradation
ethanol was observed in either DEC or EMC when EC is present. Meth­
anol formation is observed in DMC. The thermodynamically favorable As indicated in the cycling data the use of FEC and FM2 present two
degradation pathway of these alkyl carbonates is to form the corre­ distinctly different performance levels in full cells. To discern the role
sponding alcohol with the intermediates favoring the formation of that both play in electrolyte degradation FM2 and FEC are evaluated
methanol before ethanol. It is plausible that the ethyl substituent does during the degradation process (Fig. 6).
not possess the energetics to support the formation of ethanol. Similar The 1H and 19F NMR results of 1 M NaPF6 in EC:PC (1:1) with
behavior was observed for EMC containing electrolyte in which meth­ 100 ppm added water (Fig. 6a and b) indicate that FM2 acts as a
anol is the only observable degradation product. EMC contains both “scavenger” and inhibits the formation of HF. This phosphazene additive
ethyl and methyl moieties, though the more favorable intermediate has been used in other studies to stabilize LiPF6-based electrolytes at
would promote the hydrolysis reaction at the shorter alkyl branch. When high temperatures [37]. In the absence of HF the degradation of PF6

P. Barnes et al. Journal of Power Sources 447 (2020) 227363

Fig. 4. Stability of carbonates in NaPF6 electrolytes via 1H NMR. Highlighted area: EC degradation product 1,2-ethanediol (blue), PC degradation product 1,2-pro­
panediol (red) and EMC/DMC degradation product methanol (cyan). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
Web version of this article.)

salts is dramatically reduced. The 31P NMR result (Fig. 6c) suggests FM2
degradation accompanies the F formation. This in turn removes or
scavenges F from the catalytic pathway of PF6 salt hydrolysis. Intrin­
sically, FM2 has mitigated the complete formation of HF. We believe
that this result stems from the structure of the phosphazene additive,
which has a cyclic ring with resonating π bonds between P and N. This
structure leaves P susceptible to nucleophilic attacks from free ions in
solution such as F or from H2O. For comparison, the more commonly
used FEC additive exhibits only a small effect in mitigating the degra­
dation products. Through 19F and 31P NMR characterization, even with
up to 10% FEC, HF concentration remains high (Supporting Information,
Fig. S4).
Combining the NMR and cycle life data using elevated water content
suggest that degradation of the electrolyte may be a key contributor to
shortened cycle life for SIBs. While it is not anticipated that future SIBs
will contain the high levels of water used here, the degradation at
elevated temperatures, even for high purity solvents, suggests that for­
mation of HF is bound to pose long-term problems for full cell perfor­
mance. Thus, continuing to evolve SIB electrolyte formulations to more
Fig. 5. Cycle life performance of 1:1 EC-PC aged electrolytes with and without closely mirror what has been done in LIB systems is a logical path for
additives and water. future development. Specifically targeting additives such as FEC to

P. Barnes et al. Journal of Power Sources 447 (2020) 227363

Fig. 6. (a) 1H (b) 19F (c) 31P NMR spectra of 1 M NaPF6 in EC:PC 1:1 with 100 ppm added water aged over a 31 day period at 52 � C, with no additive (black), 2% v/v
FEC additive (red), 2% v/v FM2 (blue). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

increase SEI stability and FM2 to mitigate salt breakdown are likely to measurements. PB conducted electron dispersion spectroscopy. PB, HX,
continue to advance SIBs into the cycle life realm that is needed to be and ED wrote the manuscript.
effective in many applications of interest including stationary energy
Declaration of competing interest
4. Conclusion
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Water has a dynamic, significant role in the stability of NaPF6-based interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
non-aqueous electrolytes for sodium ion batteries. These electrolytes are the work reported in this paper.
highly susceptible to the formation of HF in the presence of water. Most
remarkably, HF formation can be observed in BG electrolytes which Acknowledgement
contain <20 ppm H2O. The NMR results demonstrate an autocatalytic
hydrolysis pathway of hexafluorophosphate to form HF in the electro­ This work was supported by the National Science Foundation [Grant
lyte. Byproducts of the salt degradation, PO3F2 and PO2F2 , are also No. DMR-1454984]; Visiting Faculty Program of the Department of
confirmed with NMR. It is acknowledged that these species may play a Energy. The authors acknowledge Dr. X. Li from Pacific Northwest Na­
dramatic role in the stability of the electrolyte. The most vulnerable tional Lab for generous supply of the commercial hard carbon samples
carbonate solvent is shown to be cyclic EC. In comparison, PC clearly and helpful discussion. ES acknowledges the Project SEED Scholarship
shows a slower rate of degradation. The rate of decarboxylation of the from the American Chemical Society for summer research. Funding for
acyclic carbonate species depends on the length of the aliphatic chain (i. ED was provided from INL Laboratory Directed Research and Develop­
e., DMC > EMC > DEC). Electrolytes with and without added water are ment funds. This manuscript has been authored by Battelle Energy
tested in full-cell batteries of NFM cathode and hard carbon anode with Alliance, LLC under Contract No. AC07-05ID14517 with the U.S.
FM2 and FEC. The full cell with aged electrolyte with no added water Department of Energy. The United States Government retains and the
and containing FM2 shows comparable performance to aged pristine publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that
electrolyte without added water at 91 � 0.5 mAh/g. In comparison the the United States Government retains a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevo­
full cell with FEC demonstrates a dramatic decrease in initial capacity. cable, worldwide license to publish or reproduce the published form of
When water is added (100 ppm), the capacity drastically decreases to this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for United States Government
14 � 2 mAh/g, similar to the additive-free electrolyte. Remarkably, purposes.
when FM2 is present in the aged electrolyte with added water the full
cell has an initial capacity of ~44 � 3 mAh/g and an overall capacity Appendix A. Supplementary data
retention of 62% at 100 cycles. This verifies that the byproducts of the
salt degradation are detrimental to the performance of a sodium ion Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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