Development of Flood Warning System
Development of Flood Warning System
Development of Flood Warning System
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 6) January 2016, pp.57-64
Community-based early warning systems (CBEWS) is a “people-centered” system and empowers individuals
and communities threatened by hazards to act on sufficient time and in an appropriate manner to reduce the
possibility of personal injury, loss of life, damage to property, environment and loss of livelihood. These things
lead to the development of the device necessary for the protection of the community against flood hazards as it
allows people to get prepared with sufficient time. An alarm system was developed to monitor the water level on
Salog River that overflows during heavy rains. The water level sensors were submerged in a canal of water to
test the functionality of the device before its installation. Computer programs were created to enhance the
monitoring of water level: the River Monitor Software and the Water Level Monitor. The LED arrays emit light
according to water level; green for low, orange for medium, and red for high. A siren also alarms with different
intervals (30 seconds for low, 15 seconds for medium, and a continuous alarm for high). Automatic emergency
lighting was integrated in the design and lights up during power outages powered by rechargeable sealed battery
that charges when ac power is supplied to the device. Levels were established based on available data; low water
level means awareness; medium water level means preparedness and high water level means immediate
response is necessary.
KEYWORDS: Early flood warning system, floods, water level, water level monitoring, Philippines, Asia 57|P a g e
Joy J. Labo et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 6) January 2016, pp.57-64
The impacts of climate change in the city down guarantees communication in cases of
considering its location and previous stresses are seen emergency. Mobile phones can also be used as
to be associated with the climate driven phenomena alternatives.
on changes in extremes such as tropical cyclones, The message content of the warning needs to be
storm surge, and extreme rainfall/flooding. Changes as simple as possible for end-users and to be provided
in means –increased precipitation, and sea level rise- in a timely manner to facilitate appropriate action.
are also foreseen by the local experts and Message delivery systems must be as cost effective,
communities based on both recorded and unrecorded replicable and simple as possible. Although false
local observations. alarms are risks that must be acknowledged, the
credibility of the message is crucial for initial project
The community-based flood early warning system acceptance.
In the Philippines, flood mitigation before the
„90s was centered on flood control projects such as Deciding to do a CBFEWS
the construction of dikes or levees and other There are several factors, which may influence a
hydraulic structures. During the International Decade community to do CBFEWS, such as hydrologic
for Natural Disaster Reduction from 1990 to 1999, characteristics of the area; frequency of flooding,
activities in flood mitigation shifted towards non- community‟s interest and awareness, flood loss
structural measures. There are several reasons why potential (hazard vs. damage curve), warning time vs.
the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and benefits and costs of putting-up a system.
Astronomical Services Administration promote the The key to facilitating the community‟s
CBFEWS. The system empowers local government participation is rapport. As outsider and initiator,
units and the communities to protect themselves PAGASA accept the largely intuitive and indigenous
against floods. The community and LGUs are in the knowledge of communities as equally important and
best position to undertake preparedness measures reliable as its technical and scientific expertise.
against floods. It promotes a sense of ownership on Therefore, consultation with the LGUs and certain
the part of the LGUs, hence it is easier to sustain. It members of the community is a prerequisite prior to
enhances the social and moral responsibilities of the commencement of the CBFEWS.
locals. CBFEWS also enables the PAGASA to
expand its operational hydrological services to the Comparison of the Flood Monitoring & Warning
countryside and is a non-structural flood mitigating Device with Other CBFEWS
measure. It provides localized early warning system, Most of the early flood warning systems today
which can be operated in a real-time basis. Simple have advanced features that are very useful for
and inexpensive to operate, it envisions monitoring, disaster mitigation and disaster preparedness. These
information exchange, warning and disaster features include: receiving a message regarding a
preparedness response by employing locally-based water level observed at a geographic area, using the
volunteer observers. message and one or more items of available data to
generate a flood level prediction, and sending a flood
Communication and dissemination warning if the flood level prediction exceeds a
The communication network is the heart of the predetermined threshold. Others include a signaling
CBFEWS. The system preferably adapts existing element adapted for energization in response to a rise
communications that are already installed in order to in water level above the preselected level, a power
achieve a sense of community participation in the source for energizing the signal, a sensor for
transmission of observed data to the operation center. detecting the rise of water, and wires for effecting a
The implementation of a communication system by series connection between the signaling element,
radios that works even when commercial power is power source, and sensor; a digital liquid level 58|P a g e
Joy J. Labo et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 6) January 2016, pp.57-64
gauges, gauge actuated transmitters, a receiver, a meters). A siren also alarms continuously at different
decoder and validity logic unit, a data analysis unit, a intervals depending on the water level on the river
central disaster alert station, and a plurality of along with the LED indicators. The device will also
disaster alert modules. Others include a stilling well provide an automatic emergency lighting in the area
having mounted therein a lowest level float switch, a during power outages.
middle level float switch and a high level float This research project develops a flood
switch. The float switches are connected by cables to monitoring and warning device with automatic
alarm dialer.While the features of the flood emergency lighting for Barangay Salog, Sorsogon
monitoring and warning device includes computer City to help in disaster mitigation and disaster
programs, the River Monitor Software and the Water preparedness of the community. Based on city
Level Monitor for a real time monitoring of the water reports, it is one of the identified barangays/villages
level on Salog River. The device is connected to the with a population of 2,586 that is at risk to flooding
PC through a USB to serial cable (DB-9 connector) and landslidesbecause itis located along Salog River
commonly used for serial ports (RS-232). It uses that overflows during heavy rains. The affected areas
three colors of LED arrays for each water level; the are seen on the community hazard map of the
green LEDs indicate low (1 meter), orange LEDs for barangay in figure 3, Salog River is shown in figure
medium (3 meters), and red LEDs for high (5 4.
II. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY level on Salog River; (2) to design a program to have
The general objective of the study is to develop a a real time PC based monitoring of water level; (3) to
flood monitoring and warning device with automatic establish levels based on available data; (4) to
emergency lighting for Barangay Salog, Sorsogon construct a prototype for water level monitoring and
City to minimize the hazards brought by floods when alarm system; and (5) to test the functionality of the
Salog River overflows. The specific objectives are: device in a separate location before its installation.
(1) to develop an alarm system to monitor the water
PC-based monitoring
Development of
computer programs to
Water level have a real time
Rate of Increase monitoring of water Alarm system
of Water Level
Integration of automatic
Power Outages emergency lighting in
Construction of the
the design
device 59|P a g e
Joy J. Labo et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 6) January 2016, pp.57-64
Figure 6 Schematic Diagram of Flood Figure 7 Set –up Diagram of the Flood
Monitoring & Warning DeviceMonitoring & Warning Device 60|P a g e
Joy J. Labo et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 6) January 2016, pp.57-64
used, the Water Level Monitoring System shows a Low water level means awareness on the residents
line graph at 1 m for every second. A green bar at 1m that there is water build-up on the river caused either
appears on the chart, together with the red bar at the by flooding due to continuous rains or by high tide.
critical level of 6 meters, the height of the device. A The flood warning specifies „ready‟.
message of „Water level is at 5 meters from the
Critical Level‟ appears on the bottom of the screen.
Figure 8.a Green LED Array Turns onFigure 8.b Low Water Level Sensor
Submerged in the Water
Medium water level (3 meters) isindicated by the line graph at 3 m for every second. A green bar at 3m
orange LED and a siren alarm with an interval of 15 appears on the chart together with the red bar at the
seconds. On the PC where the device is connected critical level of 6 meters. A message of „Water level
using the Water Level Monitor, the green and yellow is at 3 meters from the Critical Level‟ appears on the
light indicator lights up but only the „Medium‟ text at bottom of the screen.
the yellow light indicator flashes, with a Medium water level means the river is near
corresponding alarm. A „Water Level 3m‟ text spillage; evacuation must be initiated or started. The
appears on the screen. If the River Monitor Software flood warning specifies „get set‟.
is used, the Water Level Monitoring System shows a
Figure 9.a Orange LED Array Turns On Figure 9.b Low & Medium Water Level
Sensors Submerged in the Water
Figure 9.c Water Level Monitoring SystemFigure 9.d Water Level Monitor at
at Medium Water Level Medium Water Level
High water level (5 meters) is indicated by the red light indicators light up but only the „High‟ text at
red LED and a continuous siren alarm. On the PC, the red light indicator flashes. A „Water Level 5m‟
using the Water Level Monitor, the green, yellow and text appears on the screen. If the River Monitor 61|P a g e
Joy J. Labo et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 6) January 2016, pp.57-64
Software is used, the Water Level Monitoring System High water level means the river is already on
shows a line graph at 5 m for every second. A green spillage. The flood warning specifies „go‟. Immediate
bar at 5m appears on the chart, together with the red response is necessary; evacuation is a must.
bar at the critical level of 6 meters. A „Warning!‟ sign Residents are advised to proceed to the evacuation
appears and a message of „Water level is at 1 meter centers.
from the Critical Level‟ appears on the bottom of the
Figure 10.a Red LED Array Turns On Figure 10.b Low, Medium & High Water Level
Sensors Submerged in Water
Figure 10.c Water Level Monitoring Figure 10.d Water Level Monitor at
System at High Water Level High Water Level
Using the River Monitor Software, if the water the bottom of the screen. If the Water Level Monitor
level does not reach 1 meter, a line graph does not is used, the green, yellow and light indicators are
appear on the Water Level Monitoring System and turned off and the „Water Level 0m‟ text appears on
only the red bar at 6m appears on the chart. A the screen.
message „Water level is at Normal Level‟ appears at
Figure 11.a Water Level Monitoring SystemFigure 11.b Water Level Monitor at
at Normal Water Level Normal Water Level
Using the Water Level Monitor, if the device is several factors (a) power outage; no power is being
accidentally disconnected from the PC through the supplied to the device that the PC is not able to
DB9 connector a „SYSTEM FAULT!‟ appears on the communicate with the device; (b) the device might
screen. This is shown in Figure 12. This can be due to 62|P a g e
Joy J. Labo et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part - 6) January 2016, pp.57-64
have been disconnected from the PC; (c) the device is not working properly.
Figure 12. A „System Fault!‟ appears on the screen Figure 13. Water Level Monitoring System
when the device is disconnected from the PC showing changes in the water level
The water level can rise or drop. The graph in level on Salog River with an alarm and warning
Figure 13 shows the changes when there is a rise or system; and (5) the water level sensors were
drop in the water level. There is also a corresponding submerged in a canal of water to test the functionality
change in the color of the LED arrays depending on of the device before its installation. The device is
the water level, and a change in the level of the bar functioning and providing appropriate outputs for its
graph at the water level monitoring chart. intended purpose.
The emergency light has a power output of 4
Watts and the device has 144 W power output VI. RECOMMENDATIONS
because the output of the battery is 12V DC and the In view of the foregoing findings and
current passing through the device is at 12 A. It has a conclusions, the following recommendations are
high power output that the alarm produces a made to enhance the functionality of the flood
deafening sound. monitoring and warning device: (1) develop a stilling
well with a level float switch capable of providing a
V. CONCLUSIONS continuous monitoring of water at all levels; (2)
The research project addresses the general enhance the river monitor program to monitor every
objective of the study. A flood monitoring and meter per second (m/s) rate of increase of water level;
warning device with automatic emergency lighting (3) modify the sound of the siren alarm for every
was developed to monitor the water level on Salog water level aside from the intervals/ gaps to
River that would help in the disaster mitigation and differentiate each water level; (4)modify the
disaster preparedness of the community. The transmission of the signal from the device to the PC
emergency light lights up during power outages to a wireless-based transmission instead of using a
supplied by the rechargeable lead acid battery to DB-9 connector.
provide lighting.
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