Human Resource Planning
Human Resource Planning
Human Resource Planning
Mr. Pradeep Kumar Vannarath
Language Editor
Prof. Jaipal Gaikwad
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The content is developed by taking reference of online and print publications that
are mentioned in Bibliography. The content developed represents the breadth of
research excellence in this multidisciplinary academic field. Some of the
information, illustrations and examples are taken "as is" and as available in the
references mentioned in Bibliography for academic purpose and better
understanding by learner.'
Block Introduction
Human resource applies to the workforce managed by any employer. As an
important asset for any business leader, employees need to be properly managed,
in order for optimal efficacy to be achieved. HRP is a deliberate strategy for
acquisition, improvement and preservation of enterprise‘s human resources. It is a
managerial function aimed at coordinating the requirements, for and availability
of different types of employees.
The block will explain all the concepts related to the Human Resource
Development along with theories such as Academic theory and Critical Academic
Theory. The usage of HRM in the Business Practice and the careers related to it
will also be explained. The block also comprises the changing role of HR and the
job tasks for the HR managers. Further the block explains the various concepts of
Human Resources in small businesses like the recruitment and selection, training
and performance appraisal etc. The role of HR in a Company‘s growth and the
benefits of HR planning are also included in this block.
Unit 1 provides an introduction to human resource development. The
modern concepts of human resources and definitions for human resources are
discussed in this unit. What is Human resource management and what is academic
theory and critical academic theory have been described in this unit. Business
practices, careers and professional organizations related to the Human resource
management is included in this unit .The concept of outsourcing of human
resources, the changing HR role and new HR roles such as business and strategic
partner, employee advocate and change champion are discussed in detail. The unit
ends up with the description of the job tasks for human resources managers. Unit
2 provides the information about the Human Resources in Small Business. The
literature review and hypotheses development is also included in this unit. The
unit also provides the knowledge about the recruitment and selection, training and
performance appraisal. The importance of HR agenda in a company‘s growth is
also discussed in detail. The concept of growth gap and the four roles of HR are
also enclosed in this unit.
Introduction to
Block Objective
Resource After learning this block, you will be able to understand:
Block Structure
Unit 1: Human Resources: An Introduction
Unit 2: Human Resources and Business
Unit Structure
1.0 Learning Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Human Resource Development
1.5.1 Features
1.9 Careers
1.20 Glossary
1.21 Assignment
1.22 Activities
1.23 Case Study
Introduction to 1.24 Further Readings
1.1 Introduction
Human Resource Management is the study of activities about the workforce
in an organization. It involves an administrative function that attempts to go with
the organizational wants and the skills and abilities of its employees. Let us see
what is meant by the three key terms: Human, resource and management.
employees. One of the major aspects of HR maintenance involves employee Human
recruitment, training and development as a function of human capital Resources: An
management. Making sure that employees‘ abilities are optimally nurtured is Introduction
essential to seeing a worthwhile return on investment come from their
contribution to the company, once their training period is over. Along with
employee training, human resources departments also delve into the area of
applicant tracking. How to find the best talent available on the global market place
is often a problem that the human resources department strives to tackle.
In addition, human resources departments take care of a variety of concerns
such as crucial and highly sensitive negotiations between employees and
management and job descriptions. They also monitor the interplay between
employees in order to design a more efficient employee management system, the
compilation of benefits packages as well as a variety of other vital functions that
relate directly to the employee workforce of the company.
Basic functions that all managers perform are planning, organizing, staffing,
leading and controlling. HR management involves policies and practices needed
to carry out the staffing (or people) function of management.
Introduction to
Human 1.2 Human Resource Development
Resource Human Resource Development or HRD is defined as "organised learning
activities arranged within an organisation in order to improve performance and/or
personal growth for the purpose of improving the job, the individual and/or the
Human Resources Development is the composition that facilitates individual
development, prospectively fulfilling the organisational or country goals. It‘s
obvious that the personal development adds value to the person, and ultimately
benefits the organisation and the country as a whole. In the context of business,
the Human Resources Development consider workforce as an asset, whose worth
is improved by development.
Employee training
Career development
Succession planning
Organization development
Human Resource Development lays emphasis on developing a superior
workforce so that the organisation and individual employees can work on
achieving their work goals. There are many opportunities in an organisation for
human resources or employee development, both within and outside of the
workplace. Human Resource Development can have both formal and informal
aspects. It can be formal such as in classroom training, a college course or an
organisational planned effort or it can be informal as in employee coaching by a
manager. Human Resource Development covers all these activities to excel as a
healthy organisation.
HRD includes the areas of training and development, career development
and organisation development. This is related to Human Resource Management -
a field that includes HR research and information systems, employee-employer Human
relations, employee assistance, compensation/benefits, selection and staffing, Resources: An
performance management systems, and HR planning and organisation/job design. Introduction
a. true
b. false
b. Career development
3. Personal development adds value to the person, but does not benefit
the organisation
a. true
b. false
Introduction to Under the modern HRM approach, some basic assumptions about human
resources are also different from the traditional approach. The important
assumptions of modern concept of HRM are as follows:
a. True
b. false
b. false
in helping companies deal with a fast-changing competitive environment and Human
the greater demand for quality employees‖. Resources: An
Wikipedia says, ―Human resources are a term used to describe
the individuals who comprise the workforce of an organisation‖.
Introduction to
1.5.1 Features
HRM aims at bringing together expertise and skills in a scientific way. It
helps in creating attitudes that motivate a group to achieve organisational goals
effectively and economically. Analysis of definitions of human resource
management reveals the following features of HRM:
1. People Oriented: Human resource management is concerned with
employees both as individuals and as a group and how these employees
achieve goals. It is also concerned with behavioural, emotional and social
aspects of personnel. It is the process of bringing people and organisations
together so that the goals of each are met.
2. Individual Oriented: Under human resource management, every employee Human
is considered an individual to provide services and programmes, to facilitate Resources: An
employee satisfaction and growth. In other words, it is concerned with the Introduction
development of human resources, i.e., knowledge, capability, skill,
potentialities and attaining and achieving employee goals.
3. Continuous Function: Human resource management is a continuous
process. George R Terry says: ―It cannot be turned on and off like
water from a faucet; it cannot be practiced only one hour each day or one
day each week. Personnel management requires a constant alertness and
awareness of human relations and their importance in everyday
4. Staff Function: Human resource management is a responsibility of all line
managers and it is a function of staff managers in an organisation. Human
resource managers do not manufacture or sell goods but they do contribute
to the success and growth of an organisation by advising the operating
departments on personnel matters.
5. Pervasive Function: HRM pervades the organisation. Every person in an
organisation is involved with personnel decisions. We can say that whether
or not individuals plan to go into HR work, they become involved with
human resource management decisions. It is the central sub-function of an
organisation and it permeates through all types of functional management
viz. production management, marketing management and financial
management. Every manager is involved with human resource function. It is
the responsibility of all line managers and a function of staff managers in an
6. Challenging Function: Managing human resources is a challenging job due
to the dynamic nature-of people. Human resource management aims at
securing unreserved co-operation from all employees in order to attain pre-
determined goals.
7. Development Oriented: Individual employee-goals consist of job
satisfaction, job-security, high salary, attractive fringe benefits, challenging
work, pride, status, recognition, opportunity for development etc. Human
resource management is concerned with developing the potential of
employees, so that they derive maximum satisfactions from their work and
give their best efforts to the organisation.
Introduction to
Human Check your progress 4
Resource HRM is a progressive function, which works by bringing people and organisations together so th
Who related HRM to "those decisions and actions which concern the management of employees
competitive advantage".
Human resource management is people oriented as it‘s concerned with employees both as indivi
Change agent
Employee champion
All these HR schemes have a specific role to play in the organisations. Human
However, many HR functions are limited to the roles of administration and Resources: An
employee champion. They are seen more as a reactive partner than a strategically Introduction
proactive partner for the top management. In addition, HR organisations also have
difficulty in proving how their activities and processes add value to the company.
In modern times, HR practitioners and HR professionals have shifted their focus
on developing models that can measure whether HR adds value.
2. Who defined the fourfields for the HRM function as strategic business
partner, change agent ,employee champion and administration
1. The theory should be aimed at acting at the totality of society in its historical
perspective (i.e. how it came to be configured at a specific point in time)
2. That critical theory should act in a way to improve the understanding of
society by integrating all the major units of social sciences, which includes
bit of geography, economics, sociology, history, political science etc. to
strengthen its premise.
Introduction to A criticism of the Critical theory reveals that HRM itself is an attempt to
move away from the modernist traditions of personnel (man as machine) towards
a postmodernist view of HRM (man as individuals). Many HR scholars debate
this argument. Critiques include the notion that because 'human beings' are the
subject, we should recognise that people are complex and that it is only through
various discourses that we understand the world. Critical Theory questions
whether HRM is in the pursuit of ‗attitudinal shaping‘ (Wilkinson 1998),
particularly when considering empowerment or perhaps more precisely pseudo-
empowerment- as the critical perspective notes. It must be noted down here that
the move away from Man as Machine is more of a Linguistic (discursive) move
away, than a real effort to recognise the Human in Human Resource Management.
1.8 Business Practice Resources: An
Business practices can be defined as, methods, processes, procedures and
rules employed or followed by a firm in the pursuit of its objectives. Human
resources management comprises of these processes that can be performed in an
HR department, outsourced or performed by line-managers or other departments.
Workforce planning
Skills management
Personnel administration
Time management
Performance appraisal
Business practices in India are undergoing major changes. The common
man today is expecting something more from huge business houses and he is not
willing to compromise on quality and promptness of services. For example, let us
talk about how real estate business is practiced in India. Changing aspirations and
higher disposable incomes have caused a sea change in the kind of homes
available in India.
Introduction to example, many flyovers that have already been made have certainly improved
travel within cities.
The newest upmarket addresses are those places that were once considered
underdeveloped areas of the city. Today builders provide complex's with gardens,
pool and a gym. Everyone these days it seems is looking for a lifestyle home and
every builder today is promising and providing exactly this. Estate developers
have kept their focus on providing better facilities, which keeps on improving
with the new projects. Many factors play a key role in this demand for lifestyle
homes. Some of them may be the fact that people are buying homes at younger
ages than ever before; their exposure to international trends; and higher spending
power of buyers.
Luxury has gained prominence along with comfortable living. Builders and
developers have grabbed these opportunities and are cashing on this idea. In the
Indian market, where the basic product is similar; it is ultimately the ability to
understand the customers need completely, which helps in business growth. It is
with this thought in mind that developers try to innovate constantly, based on
constant interaction with the customer. In order to succeed in business, the
developers offer not only the best possible service available but also provide
value-added features and benefits.
1.9 Careers Human
Resources: An
In the globalised era, organisations have realized that the need of the hour is Introduction
to have skilled, well- trained and highly motivated staff to help the growth of the
company. Organizations invest time and money in the welfare and benefit of the
employees because they see merit in such activities. All this and more has led this
part of an organisation's activity to be called ‗Human Resource Management‘.
However, there is more to HRM than just being the internal function of a
corporate. Some options open for professionals interested in career in Human
Resource are given below.
Corporate HRM
Corporate HR has a rich array of roles in the organisation. The role of an
HR manager in the corporate sector is not only to search, select and recruit
suitable and qualified staff for his organisation, but is also concerned with the
development, motivation and training of this staff. This is required in order to
maximise satisfaction and minimize turnover.
Recruitment consulting
Recruitment as a career is the job of helping people find jobs of their own
and find employees for companies. Recruitment consultants work with companies
to help them find the right people for their positions. They also work for
candidates to find a role that is suitable for them. The key skill of a recruitment
consultant is to meet the needs of both the client and the candidate to ensure the
best mutual fit; this is not simply a case of skills matching but of truly
Introduction to understanding the business and its culture, as well as the aspirations of the
HR Consulting
Human resources consulting involve advising organizations on how to make
the most out of their human capital. Most companies seek the services of a human
resources consulting firm in order to help them realize competitive advantages by
enhancing their human capital and by making their human resource processes
more effective. In addition, organisations employ services of HR consultants to
either find solutions or help them tide over issues relating to people in the
Career Counselling
Career counselling advisors assess people's interests, personality, values and
skills, and also help them explore career options and research options. Career
counselling provides one-on-one or group professional assistance in exploration
and decision making tasks related to choosing a major/occupation, transitioning
into the world of work or further professional training. The field is vast and
includes career placement, career planning, learning strategies and student
HR is a fast developing field, which was considered the domain of women
until a few decades ago.
Since a variety of roles are available today, more people are pursuing HR as
a viable career option.
3.advisorsassesspeople'sinterests,personality,valuesand Human
skills, and also help them explore career options and research options. Resources: An
Career counseling c. Recruitment
Human resources consulting
Introduction to
Human Check your progress 9
1. Full form of the abbreviation SHRM , one of the leading organisation of
the HR related professionals is
a. Society for Human Resource Management
Employment/termination procedures implementation Human
Resources: An
Job description process
Exit interviews
On-site support
Retained search
Ad placement
Applicant screening
Culture development
Acquisition planning
Succession planning
Benefits administration
Introduction to
Analysis of benefit, cost control and reduction recommendations
Resource Development of employee communications
Payroll services
Processing of payroll
Improved processes
Levels of satisfaction
Check your progress 10 Resources: An
1. Payroll operations, benefits administration, employee data records and
management, asset management services are some of the outsourced human
resource operations.
a. true
b. false
2. Compatibility in culture and values, along with an open and flexible
approach go a long way in ensuring that the organisation‘s decision on
outsourcing its HR is a successful one.
a. true
b. false
a. Improved processes
b. Levels of satisfaction
Introduction to The role of HR manager is shifting from a protector and screener to the
planner and change agent. In the present day competitive world, highly trained
and committed employees are often a firm‘s best bet. HR professionals can help
an organisation select and train employees for emerging roles. Only people who
are involved and thinking can make a difference. In the past, HR managers were
often viewed as the systematizing, policing arm of executive management. Their
role was more closely aligned with personnel and administration functions that
were viewed by the organisation as paperwork.
Charles Creer, has pointed out, ―In a growing number of
organisations human resources are now viewed as a source of competitive
advantage. Increasingly it is being recognised that competitive advantage can be
obtained with a high quality workforce that enables organisations to compete on
the lines of market responsiveness, product and service quality, differentiated
products and technological innovations‖. HR professionals play a key role in
planning and implementing downsizing, restructuring and other cost-cutting
activities. They enable a firm to be more responsive to product innovations and
technological changes.
Organisations will need to be concerned with extending their recruiting
efforts, developing careful screening procedures, training employees to help them
adapt to change, providing appropriate and sufficient educational programmes and
accounting for their investment in recruiting, selecting and training employees
considering the changing times of business.
a. true
b. false
b. William R. Tracey
1.13 New HR Role Resources: An
There are an incredible number of pressures on today's organizations. To
name a few: environmental pressures such as increasing globalization, rapid
technological change, and tougher competition; organizational changes such as
new organizational alliances, new structures and hierarchies, new ways of
assigning work, and a very high rate of change; changes in the workforce,
including employees' priorities, capabilities, and demographic characteristics.
Within these pressured organizations, there is a need for (and opportunity for) the
human resource function to play a critical role in helping organizations to navigate
through these transitions. In order to play this role, however, HR will have to
increase its real and perceived value.
Making the move to a new HR role will elevate exceptional issues for every
HR who tries it, but there are some universal steps and behaviours that will add to
the possibility of achievement.
Some of these steps and actions are:
Introduction to Delivering value: Though this is not an innovative confront for HR, it
remains as a vital one. HR is still alleged by many inside the present business as
merely non-revenue creating function. It is vital to make clear the worth provided
by functioning with the executive team to employ the exact people, administer
them well, compensate them suitably, and put up an effective environment that
give confidence to success.
The three new HR roles are:
a) Strategic Partner
In the modern organizations, to assure their capability and aptitude to
contribute, HR managers have to consider of themselves as strategic partners. In
this role, the HR person adds to the progress and achievement of the organization
according to its business plan and objectives.
The HR business goals are customary to maintain the achievement of the
entire strategic business plan and objectives. The deliberate HR delegate is
extremely conversant regarding the plan of work structure in which individuals
This intentional partnership reshape the HR services such as the plan of
work positions, recruitment, compensation, performance, career and succession
plan and employee development. When HR professionals are associated with the
business, the workforce element of the business is considered as a strategic
provider to business accomplishment.
To be victorious business partner, every HR staff associate have to act like
business people, identify economics and book-keeping, and be responsible and in
charge for cost diminution and the dimension of all HR programs and methods.
The HR persons will have to establish that they encompass the business know-
how and that‘s the reason that they are in the position.
b) Employee Advocate
As an employee advocate, the HR manager plays an important role in
managerial accomplishment by using his knowledge concerning and support to
the work force. This advocacy comprise know-how in how to generate a employ
favourable work environment in which individuals will decide to be encouraged,
and tend to contribute for the development of the organisation.
Promoting efficient techniques of target setting, communication
and authority through delegation, creates an outcome of employee ownership of
the business. The HR experts help to set up the organizational ethnicity and
atmosphere in which individuals have the ability, apprehension and obligation to
serve customers.
In this responsibility, the HR manager generally offer capacity management Human
plans, worker development prospects, worker support programs , gain sharing and Resources: An
income sharing schemes, business expansion intervention, owing course of action Introduction
towards employee grievances and crisis resolving, and frequently planned
communication prospects.
c) Change Champion
The invariable assessment of the efficiency of the business results in the call
for the HR proficient to frequently champion change. Both acquaintance about
and the aptitude to carry out successful alteration strategies formulate the HR
professional unusually esteemed. Perceptive how to connect modification to the
strategic desires of the organization will reduce employee discontent and conflict
to change.
Organization development, the authority for change administration
strategies, gives the HR professional supplementary defy. The HR professional
add to the organization by continually considering the efficiency of the HR
function. To endorse the overall success of the organization, it champions the
classification of the organizational mission, vision, principles, objectives and
action plans.
Growing globalization will generate a call for both flexibility and inspiration as businesses will attempt to t
Introduction to
Human 1.14 HR Role: Business and Strategic Partner
Resource The Strategic Business Partner model is a way to make sure the human
system suggestions and needed change policies as a part of business management
decisions. The growth of the strategic business partnership role appears from a
combination of having proficiency and information in the regions of human
resources, organization development, business insight, and individual partnership.
A well-designed Strategic Business Partnership role coupled with excellent
delivery of operational HR functions can help in performing the HR functions.
Human resources, with its varied internal and external customer base, the
ability to touch all levels of the organisation and the legendary understanding of
the organisation's environment could not be more suited for the critical role of a
strategic business partner.
To take on the responsibility of a strategic business partner, it‘s essential for
the HR managers to know the organization's business. And for this they should be
aware of the environment in which the business functions along with the
competition and the conditions that might persuade the development of the
The HR in a business can no longer focus on its own domestic errands. It
must be accountable to guarantee that HR's plans, objectives and precedence are
obsessed by and associated with the general business requirements. Hence it‘s
necessary to set up key business joint ventures with higher level management, as
well as important posts in other functions inside the organization. Though the
functional part of HR, the everyday responsibilities needed to run an organization
are not intended in character, the responsibilities must reflect the objectives of the
Organisations that consider their employees to be the most valuable asset
prefer to have its human resources functioning in a true strategic business partner
role. Human Resource professionals are equipped with the knowledge, skills and
the talent to collaborate with senior leadership. These qualities help them to not
only be involved in the strategic management of the organisation but drive its
implementation too.
HR leaders must understand the organisation's business to fulfil a strategic
business partner role. In addition to fully understanding the business, HR must
understand the environment in which it operates the competition and the
circumstances that could influence the progress of the organisation. It can no
longer focus on its own internal tasks. HR must be responsible for ensuring that
the strategies, goals and priorities put forth are driven by and aligned with overall Human
business needs. It must establish key business partnerships with senior Resources: An
management and key figures of management in other functions within the Introduction
To be successful business partners, the thought-process of HR team
members have to be like business people. They should know finance and
accounting, be accountable and responsible for cost reductions and the
measurement of all HR programs and processes.
b. false
b. false
Introduction to equilibrium, multiplicity, and employee support. To be an efficient employee
advocate, HR must be familiar with the workers and find out time to meet with
and listen to employees. HR should encourage communication; including
employee assessments; employee submission programs, all-employee summit,
progress of communication of the business eminence, and any program that can
make employees experience themselves as a part of the team. This role also
comprises the assurance of the employees with troubles to obtain a just
To be a proper employee advocate, a HR professional can relate conclusions
to external customs that evidently do well to the workforce in other organizations.
An employee advocate must keep up equilibrium between the desires of
management and the wants of workforce. The role of the HR Employee Advocate
needs a clear knowledge about the preferences and interests of the employees to
make employees satisfied and motivated. The role of the HR Employee advocate
for the employees in the organisation is to make a clear alignment between the
interest of the organisation and the business goals and objectives.
The employee advocate helps to get better conditions for employees at an
affordable price for the company. When the organisation plans to reduce
headcount, the employee advocate represents the employees and knows what the
employer can afford to pay. The employee advocate proposes the plan, which is
socially responsible and the employees can trust the employer that the offer for
them will be fair enough. In this role, the HR manager provides employee
development opportunities, employee assistance programs, gain sharing and
profit-sharing strategies, organisation development interventions, due process
approaches to problem solving and regularly scheduled communication
a. true
b. false
2. HR professional cannot relate conclusions to external customs that
evidently do well to the workforce in other organizations
a. true
b. false
1.16 HR Role: Change Champion
Resources: An
The constant evaluation of the effectiveness of the organisation, demands Introduction
the need to frequently champion changes in the business. Both knowledge about
and the ability to execute successful change strategies make the HR professional
exceptionally valued.
HR has knowledge of employees and it can help provide many useful tips,
when the management is trying to usher in changes. These tips are of great value
to the project and its implementation. Human Resources can include several
actions that influence project charter and project plan to help the employees
understand the impact of the project on their lives in the organisation. The HR
professional contributes to the organisation by constantly assessing the
effectiveness of the HR function. He/she sponsors change in other departments
and in work practices. HR is able to align different projects together and imagine
their impact on employees. Employees are not able to absorb many changes at one
time and the change agent can prepare a proper communication plan. To promote
the overall success of his organisation, he champions identification of the
organisational mission, vision, values, goals and action plans. Finally, he helps
determine the measures that will tell his organisation, how well it is succeeding in
all of this
b. false
b. false
Introduction to
Human 1.17 Job Tasks for Human Resources Managers
Following are the tasks of Human Resource Managers:-
Recommending improvement of organization‘s personnel policies Human
and practices. Resources: An
Conducting exit interviews to identify reasons for employee termination.
a. true
b. false
Introduction to 3. Providing terminated employees with outplacement or relocation
Human assistance
is not the job of Human Resources.
a. true
b. false
1.19 Answers for Check Your Progress Human
Resources: An
Check your progress 1
Introduction to
Human Check your progress
Resource 12
Answers: (1-a), (2-b), (3-a)
Answers: (1-a), (2-a), (3-b)
Check your progress
Check your progress
Answers: (1-a), (2-b)
1.20 Glossary
1. Nurture - Look after
3. Assumption - statement
4. Proactive - practical
5. Pursuit - search
6. Compromise - negotiation
7. Prominence - importance
8. Sanctity - holiness
9. Elevate - raise
1.21 Assignment
Resources: An
Describe the concept of HRD and its need in the present industrial scenario. Introduction
1.22 Activities
Visit a company and observe the roles and responsibilities of HR. Discuss
the changing role with HR and write a detailed note.
2. Designing and Managing Human Resources Systems, Pareek, Udai and T.V.
Rao, 3rd Edition 3. Human Resource Management, Bob Mathis and John
Jackson 2004.
Introduction to
Unit Structure
2.0 Learning Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Human Resource in Small Business
2.11 Glossary
2.12 Assignment
2.13 Activities
2.1 Introduction Resources and
Many small businesses operate with no employees. One person handles the
whole business with perhaps occasional help from family or friends. Hiring
someone to help is a big decision as one has to worry about payroll and benefits.
Employers are also worried about a host of problems that can arise from
personality conflicts and loss-of-control of all the processes in running the
A survey of personnel functions of smaller firms found that functions like
finance, accounting, production, and marketing all take priority over personnel
management. Personnel management is considered as a second most important
management activity next to general management/organizational work. Most
small business owners manage the personnel functions themselves as the work
force is small. They do not develop sophisticated personnel systems. But as a
small business grows, personnel practices begin to emerge in importance and
more systems and process are being developed.
Introduction to recruitment and management. A business cannot run with an employee who is
lazy, incompetent or dishonest in nature or dealings. A small business with a work
force of half a dozen people will have a worse impact on its process by such an
incompetent employee as compared to a company with a work force that numbers
in the hundreds (or thousands). It is rightly said that, ―most small
business employers have no formal training in how to make hiring decisions".
Though, SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) include organisations of
different sizes with changing extent of intricacy in executive practices they
habitually are considered as one unit. The small business owner should take into
account many factors prior to the hiring of a fresh employee. Katzell (1962)
argued its difficult generalise the case of one organisation and expect that it‘s
applicable to all the other organisations. He recognized definite proportions, such
as size of the firm and the degree of relations of organisational associates, which
determine the difference and intricacy in organisational practice and conducts.
Going after Katzell's (1962) proposal, organisational size along with the strategic
inference of growing size should be taken into account while considering suitable
stages of proper HRM practices appropriate to every organisation .Blau (1970,
1972) pointed out two wider tendencies as organisations enlarge in size. The first
is growing allotment of labour, resulting to more horizontal and vertical
separation. The second is –according to the increase in size, at first quickly and
then slowly the differentiation enhances.
Small business consultants strongly urge that even the most modest of Human
business enterprises should implement and document policies regarding human Resources and
resource issues and functioning. In order to manage their enterprise's employees, Business
some small business owners also need to consider training and other development
needs. The need for such educational supplements can range dramatically. A
bakery owner, for instance, may not need to devote much of his resources to
employee training, but a firm that provides electrical wiring services to
commercial clients may need to implement a system of continuing education for
its workers in order to remain viable.
To establish and maintain a productive working atmosphere for the
employees of the company, the small business owner needs to work on developing
the same. Employees only become a productive asset to the company when they
feel that they are treated in a fair and professional way. The small business owner,
who communicates business expectations and company goals to his employees,
provides adequate compensation offers meaningful opportunities for career
advancement and anticipates work force training and developmental needs have
better chances to prosper in his business. These practices help in providing
meaningful feedback to his or her employees too, which leads him to be more
successful than that owner who is neglectful in any of these areas.
Human resource management function of a small business is of the same size or complexity as those of a
Employees only become a productive asset to the company when they feel that they are treated in a fair
Introduction to
Human 2.3 Literature Review and Hypotheses Development
Resource Formal practices of HRM process are important for the organisational
functions. Here, the word formal refers to suggested or prescribed practices where
the emphasis is on those practices, which are generally approved in the literature
as appropriate for the various HRM areas examined. In this regard, it can be said
that this hypothesis extends beyond documentation and standardisation of
procedures, roles and instructions to include legitimate sources of recruitment and
the use of specialists for training. From Katzell's (1962) contention, SMEs (small
and medium enterprises) of varying sizes should demonstrate various levels of
formality in their HRM practices.
Hornsby and Kuratko (1990) examined HRM practices of small firms
keeping their studies consistent with Katzell's (1962) propositions. They examined
three size categories and reported increased sophistication in practices with firm‘s
growth. Roberts, Sawbridge and Bamber (1992) argued that the limits of
informality become apparent in firms with 20 or more employees when informal
networks of recruitment dry up and when informal styles of management
communication are stretched. Jennings and Beaver (1997) noted that at this size
the owner becomes overextended and needs to delegate responsibility to more
professional management. Wilkinson (1999) studied relations of employees in the
business and argued that employment relations in SMEs are characterised by
informality. They insisted that formal control systems and communication
strategies are almost non-existent in this set up. He maintained that emphasis on
rules and procedures is out-dated in an environment where owners have to make
speedy decisions in response to market pressures.
Several similarities were found among small and large firms in many areas
of HRM practices by Golhar and Deshpande (1997). These contrasting views
make it difficult to understand existing HRM practices in SMEs and to prescribe
appropriate practices for these firms. The result derived from these contrasting
studies gives an approach, which is a "one-size-fits-all" approach to HRM training
and advice for SMEs.
Following hypotheses are suggested; keeping in line with the argument that
HRM, practices will become formal with firm‘s growth;
H1: As the firm grows a greater variety of formal recruitment sources are
H2: As the firm‘s size increases, multiple selection methods intensify the
screening of candidates.
H3: The application of formal employment procedures at the managerial Human
level lags behind those processes at the operational level for smaller firms. Resources and
Katzell c. Wilkinson
Hornsby and Kuratko
2.argued that the limits of informality become apparent in firms with 20 or more employees when informa
Introduction to
After identifying the sources of human resources, finding out the potential
candidates and persuading them to submit an application for the vacancies in the
organisation, the management has to perform the function of selecting the right
employees at the right time.
Finding the best possible people who can fit within the culture and Human
contribute within the organisation is a challenge and an opportunity. Once we Resources and
find, retaining the best people is easy if we do the right things right. It is important Business
to have a good organisation structure, but it is even more important to fill the jobs
with the right people. Staffing includes several sub-functions:
a. Recruitment or getting applications for the jobs as they open up
b. Selection of the best qualified from those who seek the jobs
Introduction to As these familiar sources become no longer able to cater to the specialist skills
required this difference is expected to diminish with further growth of business.
Recruitment c. Employment
Organisations rely on one or more of a number of selection devices, including application form
resource management too. Training improves changes and moulds the employee‘s Human
knowledge, skill, behaviour, aptitude and attitude towards the requirements of the Resources and
job and the organisation. It also bridges the difference between job requirements Business
and employee‘s present specifications.
Management development is a systematic process of growth and
development by which managers develop their abilities to manage. It is a planned
effort to improve current or future managerial performance.
MacMahon and Murphy (1999) found out that SMEs rarely carry out formal
training-needs analysis and have no systematic approach to training. Training
often is perceived as an unaffordable luxury involving not only course fees but
also the cost of unproductive labor. Owner-managers are of the view that that
training results in highly specialized staff, whereas, multi-skilled workforce is
required to cope with the highly flexible nature of jobs (MacMahon and Murphy
1999). In contrast, Hornsby and Kuratko (1990) reported the use of a variety of
training methods in small firms with on-the-job training being the predominant
method. Most of the owner-managers of small business firm perform almost all
business activities by themselves or they honestly administer the performance of
these actions (Timmons 1999). And hence, they encompass the responsibility of
all the key business actions, like employee training, where they instruct their
workers in the manner they want their work to be carried out.
People differ in their abilities and their aptitudes. There is always some
difference between the quality and quantity of the same work on the same job
being done by two different people. Performance appraisals of Employees are
necessary to understand each employee‘s abilities, competencies and relative
merit and worth for the organisation. Performance appraisal rates the employees
in terms of their performance.
These appraisals are widely used in the society. The history of performance
appraisal can be dated back to the 20th century and then to the second world war
when the merit rating was used for the first time. An employer evaluating their
employees is a very old concept. These are an indispensable part of performance
measurement and they check the progress of employees towards the desired goals
and aims.
Introduction to The modern view of the organisations to compensate according to the work
delivered, points out their concentration on individual performance leading to
effective performance management. If the process of performance appraisals is
formal and properly structured, it helps the employees to clearly understand their
roles and responsibilities and give direction to the individual‘s performance. It
helps to align the individual performances with organisational goals and also
review their performance. Performance appraisal takes into account the past
performance of the employees and focuses on the improvement of the future
performance of the employees.
Hornsby and Kuratko (1990) identified narrative descriptions of employee
performance, assessment of their ability to meet targets. They suggested use of
rating scales as appraisal methods that increased in prominence with firm size and
found that performance appraisal varies by firm size and industry sector. In
contrast, MacMohan and Murphy (1999) argued that owner-managers usually lack
the skills necessary to perform effective performance reviews and may perceive
formal system of performance appraisal as time consuming.
Mintzerg, Quinn and Voyer 1995 suggested that in very small firms,
performance appraisal would be informal and continuous as owner-managers
directly control all activities. As the span of control increases, it is expected that
appraisals would be more formal and occur at longer intervals.
2. Management development is a systematic process of growth Human
and Resources and
development by which managers develop their abilities to manage.
a. true
b. false
Introduction to perception. To close the gap between the ‗strategic-HR haves‘ and ‗have-nots‘,
practitioners need a thoughtful but practical approach to achieve the following:
1. There has to be a set of clear choices, to connect the people priorities to
business priorities
2. The line ownership for HR outcomes should have a detailed clarification
and a contract specifying the responsibility that HR people will have is
3. People should be guided, so that a proper allocation is done to the most
important activities of the business.
4. The energy of the workforce should be driven upstream towards the things
that produce more impact.
a. true
b. false
business growth. This is generally described as a financial shortfall, but the root Human
cause is a gap in the enterprise's capabilities and processes to identify and exploit Resources and
new opportunities beyond the reach of the core businesses. For example, in a Business
10Billion multi-business chemical company, its core businesses were able to Growth
generate 5 percent growth though current expertise, but the board of directors and
CEO desired 10 percent growth in order to increase stock price and market
capitalization. To bridge the 500Million revenue gap, the prime responsibility of
the CEO and Executive Team was to create new families of products and services
by generating new businesses as per the size and reach of company. Most
companies believe that closing of revenue gap will be achieved by doing better at
and more of the same things. However, good strategy, understanding of markets
and technologies and analytical support will not ensure that the growth gap will be
closed. The most significant pillars of success rest in resolving the following:
2. Planning of the leadership team unified around growth goals and their
leading path.
3. Designing of an organisation so as to achieve the growth that has been
5. Finding out whether the innovation process can deliver new businesses that
will achieve the growth goals.
When HR is actively involved in driving the organisation to achieve a
positive answer for these questions, it will be aligned closely to the CEO growth
agenda too. This will require HR to adapt to the new vision by adding the
development of leaders who can identify and execute new ideas in new spaces.
This will also lead to the realignment of the organisation systems and structures
for growth to its strategic competencies.
Introduction to were basically the material for new families of products and services typically
outside the reach of the current businesses.
Second, the companies exhibited a common set of characteristics in business
innovation, leadership and organisational design to sustain the flow of NGPs.
These characteristics include:
1. Efficient and credible chief growth officer who acts as the in-charge of the
new unit
2. Believing and acting on the fact that the team is more important than the
3. NGP units are independent units but with a strong interdependency to the
core businesses
Significant pillars of success rest in resolving is realising the existence of an enterprise growt
2.8 Four Roles of HR Resources and
HR Role in the organisation is quickly changing. HRM has been developing Business
them for several decades but the function is not that mature, as many people
would expect. The real concept of Human Resources responsible for the human
capital inside the organisation evolved in the early 70s of the 20th century.
HR Role in the organisation is changing from the industry to the industry
and it also depends a lot on the country, in which the organisation operates. The
dream position of every HRM Department is to become an important deciding
authority. It gets more and more responsibilities and participates on strategic
initiatives in the organisation.
David Ulrich‘s HR Model is well known for introducing mainly the aspects
of human resources with the highest value added. The main contribution of the
David Ulrich‘s HR Model was the start of the movement from the functional HR
orientation to the more partnership-oriented organisation in HRM Function.
Business Partnering is not possible to implement without a major shift in the HR
organisation. The benefit was a more responsible and flexible organisation of
Human Resources, which allowed many HR Professionals to become real
respected business partners.
We may discuss the 4 Roles of HR according to David Ulrich:
Introduction to Administrative Expert: changes over the period of time. In the beginning,
it was just about ensuring the maximum possible quality of delivered services, but
nowadays the stress is put on the possibility to provide quality service at the
lowest possible costs to the organisation.
Employee advocate: is a very important role of Human Resources. The
employee advocate knows what employees need and HRM should know it. The
employee advocate is able to take care of the interest of employees and protect
them during the process of the change in the organisation.
All the HR Roles defined by Ulrich are essential for the success of the
whole HRM Function. The world around us is changing and the HR Roles have to
change as well. In the past, the HRM was responsible only for developing the
processes, which assure the top quality delivered to the organisation. Nowadays,
the HRM has to deliver even more. The HR roles and responsibilities have to take
the high-level recognition of the organisation and they need to be adjusted to
make a full fit.
The HR Roles have to be adjusted to:
5 about supporting the change and transition of the business in Human
the area of the human resources in the organisation. Resources and
Strategic Partner c. Change agent Growth
Employee Champion
Introduction to
Human Check your progress 3
Answers: (1-a), (2-a)
2.11 Glossary
1. Sophisticated - complicated
2. Adequate - sufficient
3. Predictive - projecting
4. Aptitude - skill
5. Perception - awareness
6. Unified - combined
7. Competency - capability
8. Agile - responsive
2.12 Assignment
As an HR manager what are the new roles that you will have to perform in
an organisation?
2.13 Activities
Resources and
Visit any one of the organisations in your city. Find out the HR Planning Business
process, if any, exclusively for the growth of the organisation. Explain the same.
Introduction to Most organisations‘ HR policies include periodic career counselling. This
involves getting a senior executive to chat with an employee to find out his career
path. It is followed by a reality check to determine if the employee is capable of
playing the role he aspires. Capable managers are then helped towards achieving
this goal. Note that the career counsellor need not be the employee‘s boss. In this
case, Mark Stacey, Prima‘s regional head, could have acted as career counsellor to
Amish and guided his career development.
This approach goes a long way in lowering attrition rates and retaining high-
potential managers. In today‘s fast-paced business environment, managers are not
ready to sit on the learning curve for longer than required. That is why they need a
vision, a plan, a direction and above all, empowerment.
First, Channey did not communicate Prima‘s goals and strategies to its
senior managers like Amish. (Prima knew it would lose the Teffer India account
to its global agency). Neither did he share his vision for DVI with its CEO. He did
hand out a growth opportunity to high-potential professionals by giving Amish
and Tulsi (another senior employee) charge of DVI, but that came with many
strings attached: a bad set of clients, hopeless employees, no financial freedom
and poor infrastructure. Prima had put its bad eggs in DVI‘s basket. In addition,
Amish were promoted to the role of a CEO, but with a leash.
In today‘s world of business, where globalisation, Mergers & Acquisitions
and hostile takeovers are facts, career planning for executives is vital. Take an
example of any large Indian corporate house that recently saw an ownership split
for example Reliance Group. After the split, it methodically chalked out roles for
all its senior managers. Similarly, a large FMCG multinational has career paths
drawn out for its 100 high-potential managers.
Even individuals need to take charge of developing their own learning and
careers for many reasons. For one, there is an ever-increasing need to keep
learning and to keep abreast of the rapid growth in knowledge and the rate of
change in our environments. Second, involvement in one‘s development fosters
greater commitment to the process than through activities directed by others. In
addition, three, job security has almost become out-dated. Just as the
responsibility for employee retirement planning is no longer just a corporate
function, companies have partially downloaded learning and career development
responsibilities to employees.
This responsibility also brings increased control over one‘s career
development and a more stimulating work life. Managers can take charge of their
careers by self-assessment, identifying their goals and bridging gaps between their
current situation and the desired outcome by upgrading their skills. First, Human
managers should assess their current skill set and identify a new one, the Resources and
knowledge and experiences they would like to acquire. Then, they must assess if Business
their professional goals are coordinated with the organisation‘s goals, mission and Growth
vision. Had Amish done that, his career would have surely touched new heights.
In many organisations, employees draft their development plans,
individually and after consulting with the leadership. The individual development
planning process is focused on personal development and career growth and is
kept separate from other HR management functions like reviews for salary.
In time, Amish realised that DVI was like the dining table in his old home
that was used as a dump-yard for laundry, groceries, and bills and so on. These
items were attended to only when someone found the inclination to deal with
them. Surely, Amish could not have let his career be treated the same way. He
made the right decision by unleashing himself and walking out of Channey‘s
clutches. He may or may not find a master who has faith in his own training.
However, he has certainly realised that he needs to be the master of his own
Introduction to
Human Block Summary
Resource The block explained the modern concepts of human resources along with
different definitions related to it. It also gave a detailed description of academic
theory and critical academic theory along with the business practices, careers and
professional organizations related to the Human resource management. The block
also gave information about the concept of outsourcing of human resources and
the changing HR role. Another important topic covered in this block is the role of
Human Resources in Small Business and its function such as recruitment and
selection, training and performance appraisal etc.
The Human Resource Management is responsible for how people or work
force is to be managed in the organizations. It attracts the workforce to a business
and employ them compensate them and solve their problems related to the
employment. The function of the human resource planning is to contribute in the
decision process by giving the information and outlook on each option and to
support line managers dealing with the work force costs of implementing the
decision. Moreover, resources must be organized and allocated to carry out
organizational goals in an effectual and well-organized method. It‘s well known
that the modern concept of HRM gives priority to the qualitative improvement of
human beings and for keeping pace with this attitude the human resource
management is changing rapidly. The modern concept of outsourcing HR
operations has been successfully adopted by most of the companies and has
become a more efficient process with the help of technology. The various HR
roles act as a strategic and business partner, an advocate of employees or an agent
that brings about transformations in the organisation. The Human Resource
Department‘s key function is to bring out the best in their employees and thus
contribute to the success of the organisation. The small business often lacks
sufficient systems to implement the efficient management of human resources. As
the small business will be owned by an individual innovative attitudes will reflect
in the business. But most of the successful businesses have awareness about the
need for team building and delegation. Human resource management function of a
business varies according to its size. The small firms will prefer easy methods of
recruitment but according to the growth of the firm they will be under pressure to
adopt a greater variety of formal recruitment sources would be used to attract
suitable candidates. As a part of adopting a practical approach many organisations
have taken steps to link its HR strategy to the growth plans which should be
practised together by HR teams and other departments of the organisation with the
involvement of line leaders. HRP helps to coordinate the needs and availability of
different types of employees, identify the skills and competencies and
subsequently develops plans for correcting deficient skills.
Block Assignment
Short Answer Questions
1. Describe the features of HRM?
Introduction to
Enrolment No.
1. How many hours did you need for studying the units?
Unit No 1 2 3 4
Nos of Hrs.
2. Please give your reactions to the following items based on your reading of the
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Block Introduction
The basic purpose of conducting Human Resource Planning is to have an
accurate estimate of the number of employees required with the matching skills to
meet the organizational goals. So it is a database where one can easily identify the
existing skills and matching positions held. A part from this it‘s a flow chart
wherein we also try to estimate the future requirements of human resource and the
existing movement of the workforce towards it. This prediction has a great
importance because this quantity and cost plays an important role in the
productivity of every business. It‘s not sure that the forecast will be always
correct. Workforce planning is an organized procedure to recognize the human
capital essential to convene organization‘s objectives and developing the policies
to fulfil these requirements. Workforce planning is a medium to long term strategy
and its processes are expected to align planning, risk and budgets to integrate
these into both annual and longer-term planning cycles. This planning lets you
strike the right balance in workforce deployment, aligning strategic objectives
with cost predictability and maximizing efficiencies within budgetary constraints.
This block explains how to design the human resource management system
and plan the total workforce by generating the required human resources and also
assessing and sustaining the organisational competence and performance. The
block also explains the different aspects of HR Planning such as its scope, purpose
and goal. The need for planning recruitment in advance which is the basic process
of HR planning is also discussed in this block. The HR Process analysis and the
tasks and activities involved in it are also discussed in detail. The requisites of a
successful HR planning are also discussed in this block. The procedures adopted
in development of annual work force plan and the changes that are often made
outside the annual workforce plan are also discussed in detail. The block will also
have a detailed discussion on the topics such as Tom Casey model of HR
planning, CEO Compensation and the process and measurement capability using
Six Sigma as a Foundation.
Basics of Human program, the source of next generation managers are discussed separately in this
unit. The strategic human resource planning model, designing the human resource
management system and planning the total workforce is also discussed in this unit.
The methods generating the required human resources and the advantages of
investing in human resource development and performance, is provided in this
unit. The unit gives knowledge about how to assess and sustain the organizational
competence and performance. The unit ends up with discussion on the HRP
Unit 2 provides an introduction to the HR planning and a brief description
of its Scope, Inputs, Purpose and Goals. The unit provides the information of the
basic process of HR planning, its strategies, process analysis, planning process
tasks and activities. This unit also helps us to find out the strategic advantages for
HR planning and the key points for successful HR planning.
Block Objective
After learning this block, you will be able to understand:
Block Structure
Unit 1: An Introduction to Human Resource Planning
Basics of Human
Unit Structure
1.0 Learning Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Practical Benefits of HR Planning
1.20 Glossary
1.21 Assignment
1.22 Activities
An Introduction
1.0 Learning Objectives to Human
After learning this unit, you will be able to understand:
The practical benefits of HR Planning.
HRP Process.
1.1 Introduction
Assigning the right man for right job and developing him into an effective
team member is an important function of every manager. It is because HR is an
important corporate asset and performance of organizations‘ depends upon the
way it is put in use. HRP is a deliberate strategy for acquisition, improvement and
preservation of enterprise‘s human resources. It is a managerial function aimed at
coordinating the requirements, for and availability of different types of
employees. HRP is a forward-looking function and an organizational tool to
identify skill and competency gaps and subsequently develop plans for
development of deficient skills and competencies in human resources to remain
Basics of Human The basic goal of human resource planning, then, is to predict the future and
based on these predictions, implement programs to avoid anticipated problems.
Very briefly, humans resource planning is the process of examining an
organisation‘s or individual‘s future human resource needs (for instance, what
types of skills will be needed for jobs of the future) compared to future human
resource capabilities (such as the types of skills among employees to be recruited
or you already have). It also caters to developing human resource policies and
practices to address potential problems for example, implementing training
program to avoid skill deficiencies.
b. false
2. The HR planning should be focused on how many should be the work force
but should not be concentrated on the skills and capability.
a. true
b. false
b. It ensures greater production by putting the right man in the right job.
d. It helps to prevent under-utilisation of personnel because of over-manning An Introduction
and the resultant high labour cost and low profit margins. to Human
e. It provides information to management for the internal succession of Planning
managerial personnel in the event of an unanticipated occurrence.
a. true
b. false
a. true
b. false
Basics of Human
What are the methods to be adopted to improve the efficiency by
introducing a unique combination production, labor administration, and
technological progress?
What are the methods that can be adopted for proper acquisition of needed
These standards can be useful to any effort to identify labor necessities, for a
new business venture, relocation, or rejuvenation of a plant or workplace.
a. true
b. false
b. false
An Introduction
to Human
Though issues about retention were not in the forefront any discussions in
recently, every business were keen to learn about the progression of resignation
and assist itself in retaining its highly skilled staff. Thus, every business should:
Find out the cost that the business will have to forfeit due to resignations.
b. false
Basics of Human 2. The costs that the business will have to forfeit due to resignations have
nothing to do with the future HR planning and retaining of skilled workers.
a. true
b. false
The kind of labour force predicted till the conclusion of the exertion.
The merits and demerits of the diverse routes which enables success of the
precise long-term plans of the business.
An Introduction
Check your progress 5 to Human
1. Downsizing of labor force has become more complicated along with the Planning
pressure of production and sales targets on the management attached with
employee apprehensions.
a. true
b. false
In order to find the solution for the issue of the availability of next
generation managers, following factors should be identified.
The current occupational structure of the business(such as promotion criteria
and retirements)
The features of personnel who occupy the senior posts in the business.
Prospect of developing talented and skilled workers from the existing
employees. This number can be compared with the future requirements to
get an accurate prediction of the workforce needed.
Basics of Human
Resource Check your progress 6
Planning 1. Successfulmanagers‘dealwithforeseenproblemsandunsuccessful managers struggle with unfore
recruitment c. planning
Disappearance of the conventional career paths has led to the import of managers from oth
c. Anticipate redundancies.
A perceptive about the resourcing functions in the business. An Introduction
to Human
Applying a Human Resources Planning program would require sound
preparatory work and comprehensive personnel records, which give accurate and Planning
objective data on all employees. We cannot make judgments on the supply of
particular skills unless we have sufficient data on the skills possessed by existing
employees. Building up full records requires both an effective system and
determination to ensure the data is complete, up-to-date, and accurate. In addition,
the information must be in a form that facilitates easy access during a review.
Plans should be set out with schedules of associated work force
requirements, giving precise categories, skills, and levels for every function.
These details will be necessary as a starting point when the questions of supply
planning are tackled.
The decisions in an organisation can be made without considering HRP, but
these decisions will devoid of the advantage of perceptive their inference. More
over quantity of workers to be recruited will be laid down in unawareness of
labour demand or management progression issues will be ignored.
b. false
Basics of Human
Resource 1.9 Strategic Human Resource Planning
Strategic Human resource planning is a significant part of strategic human
resource management. It connects Human resource management straight away to
the strategic plan of the business. Most middle to big sized businesses generally
has a strategic plan that directs it in the fruitful combination of its tasks.
Organisations regularly fulfill the financial plans to make sure that they
accomplish organizational objectives and but the labor force plans are not given
Even a tiny business with as little as 10 employees can build up a strategic
plan to make judgments about the opportunities. Depending upon the strategic
plan, a business can put up a strategic HR plan that will enable it to create HR
management choices to maintain its bright future path. Strategic HR planning is
also significant for the financial planning such as yearly budgets as the business
can predetermine operational expenditures of staffing, training, etc.
A complete human resource strategy has a crucial part to play in the success
of an organization‘s general strategic plans, clearly demonstrate that the human
resources function completely appreciates, and sustain the course in which the
business is advancing. It also maintains extra precise strategic aims undertaken by
different departments such as marketing, financial, operational, etc.
Essentially, Strategic HR Planning give importance to intelligent use of the
workforce, if a business looking forward to attain standard to long term
objectives. This can be achieved by:
Where are we going? An Introduction
to Human
How will we develop HR strategies to get there successfully, given the
circumstances? Planning
What skill sets do we need?
The overall purpose of strategic HR planning is to:
Ensure adequate human resources to meet the strategic goals and operational
plans of your organisation - the right people with the right skills at the right
Remain flexible so that your organisation can manage change if the future is
different than anticipated
The HRP strategy should demonstrate that effectual planning of workforce
matters will make the business easier accomplish its wider intentional and
organized goals.
b. false
a. true
b. false
Basics of Human
Resource 1.10 Making the HR Strategy Integral to the
Planning Organisation
Strategic human resource planning consists of a number of objectives, but
all the objectives must be closely aligned to overall business goals in order to be
effective. Human resources executives must demonstrate the employer's return on
investment through strategic activities. Strategic activities are forward-thinking
processes that support business growth through recognition of the value of human
It‘s the prime objective of the HR manager to make sure that the HR
Strategies in the business are incorporated with the wider organizational goals.
Moreover it should be taken care that it the strategies implemented are acceptable
to others also. In order to attain these objectives, HR mangers should
Communicate with all the stakeholders and detail them about the proposed
While communicating with others concentrate on the benefits that are going
to be achieved by implementing the strategy and illustrate examples for the
Customary response of the plans should be given with the help of employee
newsletters, presentations, etc.
Wherever applicable, put together the strategy proven results, as that is easy
to be monitored and evaluated.
Implement the strategy in the orientation process for the work force - in
particular for the senior level.
b. false
An Introduction
2. Assessment of the extent of commitment to the strategy across the
to Human
will increase the success rate. Planning
a. true
b. false
3. Gap assessment
Basics of Human 3. Gap analysis
Planning The subsequent step is to decide the gap between vision of the business
about its future and the present condition. The gap analysis comprises making out
the quantity of workforce, expertise and aptitude obligatory in the future in
contrast to the existing condition. HR management practices must be observed
strictly to recognize conducts that can be enhanced or the innovative practices that
are essential to sustain the organisation's capability to progress.
To deal with the related issues an HR manager should find out the answer
for the following:
The HR strategies which help the gathering of the future business needs are
a. Restructuring strategies
Giving proper training for the workers to do the consigned new roles.
Giving the existing employees the opportunity for development to set An Introduction
up them for upcoming jobs in the business. to Human
Training and development wants can be conferred in different ways.
One method is by the business paying the employees to improve their
expertise. This may entail the sending the worker to receive training or
certificates or it may be able by means of on-the-job training.
c. Recruitment strategies
Recruiting fresh personnel‘s with the talent and aptitude that the
business shall require in the future.
Bearing in mind all the accessible options for purpose fully supporting
employment openings and encouraging appropriate aspirants to
submit an application.
For strategic HR planning, every recruitment process the organisation
should be looking at the needs from a strategic viewpoint. The recruitment
strategy must be to discover somebody who will be capable to align with the
modifications that the business will plan for the future.
d. Outsourcing strategies
Basics of Human
Functioning with other organisations to organize future managers by
giving out in the growth of talented personnel‘s.
Allocation of the costs of training for the team of workers.
c. Gap assessment
c. Gap assessment
a. true
b. false
An Introduction
1.12 Designing the Human Resource Management to Human
System Resource
HRM is proactive rather than reactive, i.e., always looking forward to what
needs to be done and then doing it, rather than waiting to be told what to do about
recruiting, paying or training people or dealing with employee relations problems
as they arise. The techniques for the application of HRM will include many
familiar functions of personnel managers, such as manpower planning, selection,
performance appraisal, salary administration, training and management
development. These will be overlaid by special programmes designed to improve
communication systems, involvement, commitment and productivity.
Broadly, there are three meanings attached to the concept of HRM. In the
first place, persons working in an organisation are regarded as a valuable source,
implying that there is a need to invest time and effort in their development.
Secondly, they are human resources which means that they have their own special
characteristics and therefore, cannot be treated like material resources. The
approach focuses on the need to humanise organisational life and introduce human
values in the organisation. And thirdly, human resources do not merely focus on
employees as individuals, but also on other social realities, units and processes in
the organisation. These include the role or the job a person has in the organisation,
team processes, etc.
The HRM model is characterised as being employee-oriented with an
emphasis on the maximisation of individual skills and motivation through
consultation with the workforce so as to produce high levels of commitment to
company strategic goals. It is a resource to be used to its fullest capacity. It is an
asset to be invested in. HRM is concerned with both the structure of work in a
firm and with all the related employment practices that are needed to carry out the
work. HRM is not simply about HR or ‗people practices‘, it is about the
Basics of Human management of work and people in the firm. Managing people includes both
individual and collective dimensions
a. true
b. false
b. false
The sketching out of a workforce plan is an important element of every An Introduction
human resource strategy and one of the anticipated products of human resource to Human
manager‘s actions. In spite of this, manpower or labor force planning, along with Resource
succession planning, has only newly had the benefit of revival in reputation. The Planning
failure of several businesses to build up and execute labor force planning is
somewhat problem-solving of the need of strategic planning itself.
Strategic goals of each business are most important for its success and labor
force planning works according to it. In order to convene the company‘s strategic
goals the procedure should be ingenious and should identify the employee‘s
individual and expert features. This preparation is also accomplished to build up
the strategies of fulfilling the business needs. It is a systematic progression that
gives the manager a representation for taking human resource decisions in
accordance to the business functions, strategic plan, allocated funds and a set of
preferred labor force proficiencies. So the workforce planning can be stated as an
organized process that is incorporated, arranged, enduring and reliable in
According the requirement of the businessman workforce plan shall vary
from easy to intricate. It makes out the necessity of the business in terms of
prospective workers to meet organizational objectives. This brings out the
determination of quantity and skills needed along with the time schedule they will
be required. Workforce planning might be for a division or subdivision or for the
entire business to offer productive out comes to the business; the success of these
plans rely upon its assimilation with much broader management strategies. The
labour force planning also initializes the improvement of strategies to fulfill the
business needs and it includes the taking appropriate actions to magnetize and
maintain workers of mandatory skills along with upholding most favorable figures
according to the organization‘s needs.
Besides the labor force planning, it has to be guaranteed that organizational
structure along with the jobs guarantee the proficient rendering of services and
administration of the organization as a whole.
Suggested proceedings:
Basics of Human
Resource Check your progress 12
1. There are no transformations in the existing work group as fresh applicants
adhere and older ones depart.
a. true
b. false
a. true
b. false
b. false
present and the future. The new recruitment schemes might me be An Introduction
implemented or the description of selected groups or obtaining necessary skills in to Human
the business. Resource
Suggested proceeding
b. false
b. false
Basics of Human
Resource 1.15 Investing in Human Resource Development
Planning and Performance
personal capability to coordinate his work with others and support personal and An Introduction
group skills to facilitate the business goals. to Human
Compensation strategies have an objective to support the functions of the Planning
organization with the method of giving compensation to its people, giving the
obligatory incentives and enthusiasm to the workers. Its elements are the blend of
the basic pay, bonus, revenue sharing, share preferences, and a variety of suitable
benefits, generally according to the market or competitor rules and the
organization‘s capacity to compensate.
Suggested actions:-
b. false
b. false
3. Every significant proposal is taken for the person, group and organization
for ensuring maximum performance levels and business development.
a. true
b. false
Basics of Human
Resource 1.16 Assessing and Sustaining Organisational
Planning Competence and Performance
Suggested actions:-
any strategic objectives or intentions or which have no positive achievement An Introduction
elements. Likewise, setting up of a quantities target with no workforce and to Human
succession planning work out is in most occasions, basically insignificant. Resource
Human resource planning (or HRP for short) is the absolute vital function
that look firstly at strategy and then deploys the necessary human capital (people)
where it is called for designing strategy in the organisation.
HRP therefore falls into the wider area of employee resourcing (planning
for, acquiring and allocating the desired human resources for the organisation).
HRP entails by knowing in advance, what the staffing needs of the organisation
will be, assessing the supply of the relevant workers in the organisation and labour
market and finding ways to fulfil the staffing needs of the organisation.
Organisations are greatly affected by their demand for labour and therefore
by the supply of labour. Firstly, formulating a strategy can only happen after you
have knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of the workforce, which will
include these issues. Imagine, for example, if you are going to attempt a growth
strategy into more rural areas. You may need a marketing workforce that has far
more experience and contact with the customer base.
Secondly, strategic plans can only be implemented successfully if the
organisation is staffed with the right number and type of human resources to
provide the necessary skills, knowledge, abilities, etc. Successfully planning for
and handling labour needs can thus be a competitive advantage or disadvantage.
Companies who make and implement better HRP strategies than others will adjust
better to environmental changes and have the most suitable workforces.
a. true
b. false
a. true
b. false
Basics of Human 3. Strategic plans can only be implemented successfully if the organisation
Resource is
staffed with the right number and type of human resources to provide
the necessary skills, knowledge, abilities, etc.
a. true
b. false
1. Know the strengths and weaknesses of the current workforce, both with
regard to number and skills, etc.
2. Have a clear strategic plan for the future and an idea of how the current
staff fit in (i.e. fulfil) that plan.
3. If the current staff do not fit it in any way, a plan to alter it to do so.
These keys are achieved through the HRP process. The process of HRP is
entirely based on the corporate plans and objectives. HRP is a continuous process
of review, control and assessment.
HRP consists of the following stages.
In a small organisation, a human resource plan could be formulated to cover An Introduction
the whole organisation. However, in a large organisation, size may necessitate to Human
human resource planning by separate departments. Resource
2. Analysing Factors for Manpower Requirements
The existing job design and analysis may thoroughly be reviewed keeping in
view the future capabilities, knowledge and skills of present employees. The job
generally should be designed and analysed reflecting the future human resources
and based on future organisational plans. The factor for manpower requirements
can be analysed by two ways:
a. Demand Forecasting
b. Supply Forecasting
After determining the number of personnel for each job in the organisation,
the human resource department has to determine the nature of job, i.e., job
description and job specification.
Basics of Human a. Job Description: A job description will generally describe the work
performed, the responsibilities involved, the skill or training required,
conditions under which the job is done, relationships with other jobs and
personal requirements on the job. According to The British Institute of
Management, ―A job description is not intended to catalogue all
duties involved with the result that an employee would feel justified in
declining to perform any work not included in the description. It should be
regarded as an outline of the minimum requirements of the job, thus
preserving flexibility of operations‖.
b. Job Specification: The job specification is the result of job description. It
specifies the least satisfactory credentials that the fresher must hold to
execute the job acceptably and productively. Job specifications provide an
imperative way in the selection process and assessment. They are
formulated by the human resource department in discussion with diverse
line managers. The different essentials of job specification are:
plan. In case of shortage of certain categories of employees, the organisation has An Introduction
to take care not of recruitment alone but also retention of existing employees. to Human
3. Specifies the least satisfactory credentials that the fresher must hold to
execute the job acceptably and productively.
Basics of Human Downsizing of labor force maintaining the benefits of the organization and
without affecting the business is a responsible and complicated task .It increases
the pressure on managers dealing with production and sale. Efficient managers
can foresee the problems likely to occur and try to prevent them. The difference
lies in planning to overcome current problems, prevent upcoming threats and alter
the goals with the unforeseen environmental conditions. Strategic Human resource
planning, the significant part of strategic human resource management connects
the human resource management to the business plan. The total work force plan
facilitates the succession planning, training and development as they help to rotate
around the available workforce.
The HRP shapes the future work force needs and represents the most
demanding responsibilities of human resource management. The HRP works in
accordance with the strategic goals of the business which are most important for
the success of the business. Hence, it helps the manager to take human resource
decisions relating to the business functions, strategic planning, allocated funds and
a set of preferred labor force proficiencies.
An Introduction
Check your progress 6 to Human
Answers: (1-c), (2-a)
Basics of Human
Resource 1.20 Glossary
Planning 1. Deliberate - intentional
2. Anticipated - predictable
3. Competent - capable
4. Ascertain - Learn
5. Progression - Development
6. Apprehension - worry
7. Precise - accurate
8. Demonstrate - show
9. Effectual - effective
10. Augmentation - growth
1.21 Assignment
Visit any one organisation and collect as much information as possible on
retention policies of the organisation.
1.22 Activities
Assuming you are a HRD Manager in an organisation, you need to create an
HR staffing plan. Briefly explain what criteria will be considered and why?
a lot educational institutional sales and the whole unit was managed by a retired An Introduction
government officer who was appointed as the manager of the branch. There were to Human
total 15 employees all of them appointed were fresh entrant for retail sales. Resource
Things changed after 7 months, the manager had a severe heart attack and
was admitted to hospital. Though he recovered from the illness, he just resigned
from the job. The management appointed one of the sales people as a caretaker to
manage the book shop. Though not qualified, and he was a distant relative of the
managing director. Things went worst as the employees seldom heard the
manager‘s words. The sales declined and the management had to send a
supervisor from the head office to take charge. But that too was in vain and the
company had to wind up their operations.
1. What are the defects that you find in the HRP of MBS Books?
Basics of Human
Unit Structure
2.0 Learning Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.15 Glossary
2.16 Assignment
2.17 Activities
2.18 Case Study
Strategies in the HR Plan: Process Analysis. Scope and
Importance of
Planning Process Tasks and Activities.
Human Resource
Emphasis of HRP at Micro/macro level. Planning
2.1 Introduction
Planning is an integral element of our everyday activities. Different writers
have studied and written extensively about planning and its importance in
achieving objectives. Those organizations that lack in planning for the future have
fewer opportunities to survive the competition ahead. This part will discuss the
importance of HR planning; the six steps of HR planning that is: forecasting;
inventory, audit, HR resource plan; acting on plan; monitoring and control.
Human resource planning is the process by which the deciding and guiding
members of an organisation manage and lead those people who will be
responsible for implementing the strategies necessary to fulfill the company‘s
mission and reach its vision.
Basics of Human The key objective of the Human Resources Diagnostics is to re-examine the
policy, composition and services needed for the HR Department in accordance to
the requirements of the organisation. The diagnostics shall facilitate decision if the
prevailing HR practices convene improved revelation brought on by HR in fields
like recruitment, retention and recognition.
A methodical, complete-examination will give the base and validation for
the HR Strategy. It will help to decide what is needed and the sequence of
precedence, as well as the limitation of each. Major benefits are:
1. The diagnostics will point out and enumerate any risks faced by the
organisation or inadequate policy protection.
2. Identifies policies/programs, which can assist with employee
3. Helps to rationalise the HR staffing structure.
Scope and
Check your progress 1 Importance of
It‘s the dream of each organisation to competent work force with the expertise, required fulfilling its object
Human Resource
true acquire a sufficient quantity of
false awareness, know-how and wish
The key objective of Human Resources
Basics of Human decisions are fundamental to an organisation. If the implications are major,
strategic decisions are taken at the center of the business. The role and scope of
the human resource planning function is two-fold:
1. To participate in the decision process by providing information and opinion
on each option, including:
Consequences on morale.
Redeployment/outplacement opportunities.
Time constraints.
Development/training needs/schedules.
Management requirements.
This forms part of the information collated from the organisation as a whole.
c. Employee Turnover: Turnover covers the whole input-output o
process from recruitment to dismissal or retirement and takes the r
consequences of promotion and transfer into account. g
d. Soft Planning: HRM implies that planning has to go beyond the a
numbers game into the softer areas of employee attitudes, behavior n
and commitment. These aspects are critical to HR development, i
performance assessment and the management of change. z
e. Resourcing Strategies: Most large organizations employ human
resource or personnel specialists to conduct or at least, coordinate
employee resourcing. This is a role that has long been regarded as
part of the domain of personnel management. In fact, successful
recruitment must be proactive.
Organizations can take one of three actions to fulfill their
employee resourcing: t
Reallocate tasks between employees, so that existing staff take
on more or different work. The emphasis is on flexible working
practices, requiring multi-skilled workers and sophisticated t
assessment and development program. h
Reallocate people within the company.
Traditionally organizations fill their supervisory and management o
posts from existing staff.
Recruit new staff from the external job market. Countries in the c
free-market tradition have focused most of their resourcing e
activities on bringing in people from outside the organisation. p
Effectual internal resourcing needs precise and complete t
knowledge. Policies and work force strategies should be interpreted to
the real employment and individuals should be marked out and o
motivated to carry out these tasks. f
e working is nowadays Scope and
Importance of
Human Resource
Basics of Human preventing the organisation from strictly defining the job.
Planning h. Describing the Job: The final result of the analysis of a job is called
the job definition or description. Earlier the descriptions provided a
specific way of performing the task and the results expected. But due
to the changing status of jobs stipulations employers are unwilling to
concur to a firm list of responsibilities, favoring the worker to be
prepared to carry on any necessary task.
i. Do research on individuals: Though Job analysis give the complete
knowledge of the task to done by the worker it does not provide
information of his proficiency, aptitude or ability to accomplish it.
Personnel specifications facilitate to explain the individual traits
important to accomplish the task related to the jobs. In several modern
methods of job analysis which is based on proficiency, normally
create personnel specifications as part of the analysis itself.
Human Resource Planning defines project roles, responsibilities and
reporting relationships. One key result of Human Resource Planning is the
Staffing management plan, which depicts how and when team members are added
to the team and how the team members are released from the project, the training
needs of the team and several other key components.
a. true
b. false
Scope and
2.4 The Inputs in Human Resource Planning Importance of
Human Resource
The inputs to Human Resource Planning are:
Enterprise Environmental Factors: The Enterprise Environmental Factors
that comprise individuals of an organisation interacting and relating with one
another, is an input into Human Resource Planning. Items to consider about
enterprise environmental factors involving organisational culture and structure
Interpersonal c. Technical
Basics of Human
Resource 2.5 HR Planning: Purpose and Goals
Planning Human resource (HR) planning is a conglomeration of various activities of
business such as selecting, choosing and appointing of fresh aspirants,
administration of workers, scrutinizing existing and upcoming personnel
necessities and training the employees and fresher‘s. Because of these features, it
is possibly the most essential business practice in an organisation.
Scope and
Check your progress 4 Importance of
Human Resource
1. HRP is indispensable to decide the potential human resource requirements Planning
in a business.
a. true
b. false
2. Planning does not help to cope up with the changes in the demand
conditions, expertise, goods and government policies in an effectual
a. true
b. false
b. false
Basics of Human 7. Illustration up a demand forecast for the work force in the future.
Planning 8. Scheming of HR procedures for retention and effective career scheduling of
high performers.
a. true
b. false
a. true
b. false
a. true
b. false
Human Resources planning professionals should make use of appropriate Scope and
business approaches for deliberate planning and business expansion practices. Importance of
Every organisation has a promotion scheme to market the product or services. Human Resource
Same way every organisation must have a human resources plan that summarize
their work force strategy.
The Business Case for HR Plans
The human resource plan can be developed by using the same elements used
for common strategic plan of the organisation. The primary stage comprises the
conducting of a systematic study of the present environment of the organisation.
The outcome of this environmental analysis shall convey appropriate data in the
form of information, interactions, reviews and evaluation systems. This method
will raise features that will influence the divisions of the business, both at the
present and in the future. Usually HR professionals will be eager to observe these
inclinations and think about their influence in the workplace.
The environmental analysis must think about a number of aspects such as
government authority, financial environment, business rivalry and labour force
After the completion of the analysis HR planning can be initiated. HR
planning comprises of four stages that are summarized below:
Basics of Human 1. Formulation: The implemented HR culture should support organisational
goals. The vision statement must correspond to the general guidelines of the
HR department. It is the eventual manifestation of victory for the human
resources department. The mission statement will state about the actions the
human resources department proposes to practise for achieving their vision.
A definite mission and vision shall maintain the human resources team
indomitable and converse an organisational rationale that will inspire the
2. Development: Recognizing the course for the development of the HR Plan
is very essential. Finding out the answers for the questions below is the
effortless and useful method is to achieve a clear image of the present status
of the HR department.
1. Find out the strength of the department?
3. Find out the external opportunities that will facilitate growth of the
4. Find out the external threats that will hamper the growth of the
There are distinct results that a business will seek to attain their
fundamental operation. The principles of an organisation must be considered
while initialising these strategies.
3. Implementation: For the successful completion of the long-term strategies,
short-term objectives should be instituted. These goals which are considered
as the landmarks are called short term as it can be completed in a short
period of six months to a year. These objectives permit for permanent
obligation and common assessment of the long-term strategy. One of the
most significant elements throughout this stage is to inspire workers or
clarify, what is their role in these objectives. Relating the short-term goals to
the long-term plans of the organisation generate employee dedication and
positive output.
4. Evaluation: Customary reassessment of the HR department strategies is
essential to the accomplishment of the plan. Unexpected issues can be
rapidly brought to decision with customary monitoring.
A human resource plan must replicate outcomes in assessable
stipulations. Time and Budget are considered two common dimensions.
Scope and
Check your progress 6 Importance of
Human Resource
1. A strategic inaccuracy will lead to employee‘s know-how deficiency, Planning
further affecting client service and productivity.
a. true
b. false
a. true
b. false
b. false
Basics of Human
Evaluate the potential of additional workforce recruitment to cover the
losses due to wastage and to convene extra demands.
Find out the point at which the crucial manpower deficiency is likely to
b. false
b. false
HR planning helps to organisation to recognize the crucial points in the Scope and
labour force in the early stage itself, enabling them to be corrected timely. The Importance of
crucial points such as shortage of labour, improper usage of workforce, etc. can be Human Resource
identified. It also facilitates the organisational management in formulating precise
and elaborate service policies or reassessing the active policies in order to make
use of the man power effectively.
HR Planning process takes care of a number of responsibilities in business
world. Some of them may be enlisted as:
a. To ensure optimum utilization of human resources currently employed.
e. To anticipate redundancies.
b. false
b. false
3. The management tool used for the prediction and forecasting of the
quantity and cost of the work force in an organisation is called HR
a. true
Basics of Human
Resource 2.10 Strategic Advantages for HR Planning
Planning A complete and precise human resource strategy plays a very important part
in the success of the organisations goals and objectives. The HR planning gives
information of the overall human resource activities, and also facilitates the HR
to understand and support the organisation towards its objectives. A precise HR
strategy implemented in an organisation will also support the other departments of
the organisation.
Normally the strategic planning gives priority to the intelligent exploitation
of human resources to achieve short term to long term objectives. This is achieved
Keeping an eye on the employees to monitor that they are displaying. The
correct approaches and performances.
Evidently define the goals, that should be attained through the successful
implementation of other business plans and policies and which have not
been completely recognized.
Identifies fundamental issues which have been neglected for a long time but
which also require an action in order to ensure that its people are motivated,
committed and operate effectively
The HR strategy will be needed to illustrate that vigilant scheduling of
problems related to people will make it significantly easier for the organisation to
attain its wider strategic and operational objectives. The motive for resorting HR
planning exercises at the level of responsibility are
1. To ascertain the equilibrium between the tasks and manpower deployment.
7. To offer a foundation for management development programs. Scope and
Importance of
Human Resource
Check your progress 9
1. A complete and precise human resource strategy plays a very important
part in the success of the organisations goals and objectives.
a. true
b. false
2. Retaining the exact persons in exact place helps to achieve short term to
long term objectives.
a. true
b. false
3. HR planning does make sure that individuals do not surrogate systems and
a. tr
ue b
Basics of Human Technological Changes: The various innovations in manufacturing
expertise, selling methods and administration techniques have been widespread
and hasty. And their influence has been reflective on all jobs. All these
recommend the call for planning labour needs thoroughly and methodically.
Organizational Changes: The character and speed of business
transformations in organisational background due to fresh conducts and
formations influence labour needs and necessitate strategic considerations.
Demographic Changes: The varying outline of the labours according to
age, gender, literacy, technological inputs and social environment has inference
for HRP.
Skill Shortages: Joblessness is not an indication of labour market being a
buyer‘s market.
They need an extensive variety of expertise that is exceptional and limited.
And thus the exertion starts when such workers depart.
Effectual manpower forecast will guarantee that the human resources are
accessible in both degree and excellence for the deliberate development of the
monetary growth.
b. false
b. false
3. Effectual manpower forecast will guarantee that the human resources are
accessible in both degree and excellence for the deliberate development of
the monetary growth.
a. true
b. false
Scope and
2.12 Key Points for Successful HR Planning Importance of
Human Resource
HR planning ought to be accepted as a basic element of overall business
planning. The CEO of the organisation is to guide the HR planning in an
organisation and it‘s considered as one his prime duties. The person who prepares
the plan of the work force in an organisation should be aware of the companies
goals set in terms of different functions and to be performed; such as sales,
marketing, etc. Top management support and participation in the workforce
planning is essential and must get its equitable position hierarchically. The HR
planning duty must be developed in discussion with line managers and their
representatives. The prediction phase must be arranged by ability intensity rather
than by number of the work force. Both the prediction system and the forecasts
itself is to be regularly altered and enhanced according to the experience.
Basics of Human
Adequate organisation: HRP process should be adequately/properly
Top management support: Before starting the HRP process, the support
and commitment of top management should be ensured.
a. true
b. false
a. true
b. false
HR Planning predicts the consequences of business strategy on an Scope and
organisation's human resources and also reflects the planning skills and Importance of
competence needed along with the total strengths. The process make possible easy Human Resource
hiring and maintaining the right profile of people at diverse jobs, positions, places
and time frames according to the organisational need. Hence it‘s evident that
effective decision-making is based on sound planning. So in order to be successful
organisations must implement and develop long-range (strategic) and short-range
(tactical) plans. In addition to this, resources must be managed and allocated to
meet organisational objectives in an effective and efficient way. Human
Resources planning professionals need to make use of suitable business
approaches to strategic planning and business development processes.
We all know that most of the organisations will have a marketing plan to
guide their product and service strategy and in the same way every organisation
should also have a human resources plan that outlines their work force strategy.
It‘s mandatory that the organisation‘s human resource plan must be in accordance
with the overall strategic plan of the organisation plan. The Strategic decisions
require long-term commitments and also a strategic error may result in workforce
skills deficiencies, which can affect customer service and profitability. A
scientific basis for the HR forecast would make substantive improvement over the
current scenario. This is because a competitiveness of a firm will obviously be
affected both by shortage of manpower, labour or surplus of labour.
Basics of Human
Check your progress 5
2.15 Glossary
1. Sophisticated - Difficult
2. Parameter - Limitation
3. Gauge - Estimate
4. Redundancy - Joblessness
5. Reallocate - Transfer
6. Stipulation - condition
7. Indispensable - essential
8. Inaccuracy - inexactness
Scope and
2.16 Assignment Importance of
Human Resource
Observe and find out the various aspects of Human Resource Diagnosis in
any of your nearby organisations? Write a detail report on the same.
2.17 Activities
Identify and tabulate the present position of human resources and future
requirement in the organisation visited.
Basics of Human
Unit Structure
3.0 Learning Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Workforce Planning Process - within the Annual Planning and Budget
Review Process
3.14 Glossary
3.15 Assignment
3.16 Activities
Process of
3.0 Learning Objectives Human
After learning this unit, you will be able to understand:
Workforce planning process.
3.1 Introduction
An effective workforce plan is an essential tool to identify appropriate
workload, staffing levels and justify budget allocations so that organisations can
meet their objectives.
Workforce planning is an organized procedure to recognize the human
capital essential to convene organisation‘s objectives and developing the policies
to fulfil these requirements.
Workforce planning entails:
It can be said that the effectual work force planning is the going on process
ensuring the exact number of people in precise jobs at the exact time.
Basics of Human
Resource 3.2 Workforce Planning Process - within the Annual
Planning Planning and Budget Review Process
Workforce planning enables the HR manager to cope with capacity
insufficiency and excess. By studying the business cycles and responding in
accordance with the customary workforce, HR can act instead of just react.
Human Resources planners have different reasons for making and executing
their business plans. Two major reasons can be:
The first reason is to take care of the adverse impact of the boom-and-bust
cycle on the management of organisation and operation of the HR
department itself.
The second and perhaps more important reason for future planning are to
manage the talent pipeline for the organisation in a better way. It is crucial
to maintain both that pipeline and the talent ‗inventory‘ at the right levels,
because an imbalance can hamper business growth.
Workforce planning is a medium to long term strategy and its processes are
expected to align planning, risk and budgets to integrate these into both annual
and longer-term planning cycles. This planning lets you strike the right balance in
workforce deployment, aligning strategic objectives with cost predictability and
maximizing efficiencies within budgetary constraints. In preparation for the
planning and budget meetings held each year, the HR planner creates a workforce
plan to outline the projected human resource issues that will be encountered in the
next 1-3 years and describes the strategies selected to respond to these issues.
Major activities, which are taken care of during this annual process are:
b. false
Process of
2. The HR planner creates a workforce plan to outline the projected
human Human
resource issues that will be encountered in the next 1-3 years.
a. true
b. false
How will the business evaluate the development of the organisation in the
last year?
How will the business outline of the staff pattern in the coming 3 years?
b. false
2. The question, how will the business evaluate the development of the
organisation in the last year, will direct the debate at the annual Planning
and Budget Meeting.
a. true
b. false
Basics of Human
Resource 3.4 Developing the Annual Workforce Plan
Planning An annual workforce plan is every business‘s requirement. To develop such
plan, certain procedural steps need to be followed. They are:
1. Audit of the current workforce: Identify the number of staff, job roles,
work patterns, grades, etc. as well as workforce characteristics, such as
length of service and stability, gender, ethnicity and disability, linguistic
profile, skills and qualification profile.
4. Planning: Having identified gaps and surpluses, HR comes in a position to Process of
develop a workforce plan that will help it travel from the present to the Human
future scenario. This is a long-term plan rather than an annual plan as it is Resource
not possible to get where the business wants, in a short time. It should Planning
complement and support the long-term plans for service and put into
practice corporate values and objectives of the organisation.
Investigation c. Forecasting
Audit of the current workforce
The most successful organisations concentrate on a manageable number of key issues and address them in
Basics of Human 3. The forecasting process consists of two halves: forecasting the future
Resource demand
for staff and forecasting the staff team that the business will inherit.
a. true
b. false
Process of
2. By allowing proper resources when and where needed, the staffing profile Human
to help the critical paths of the project to go on. Planning
a. true
b. false
The generation Traditionalists are those born between 1928 and 1945, which
lived in homogeneous family unit and neighbourhood. This generation is well-
known for its increase in white collar jobs and a strong obligation to advanced
This generation are the individuals born between 1946 and 1964, in the era
of the Civil Rights movement, the Vietnam War; assassinations of the leaders like
John F Kennedy Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King .Boomers are more
doubtful of power and are aggressive by character, but have a strong commitment
of creating a better world.
Generation X
Those born between 1964 and 1980 are called as Generation X. They
witnessed the Cold War and the collapse of the Berlin Wall. The most noted
Basics of Human element of this generation is their experience of high divorce rates between their
parents and losing of employment of their parents due to recession period.
Generation Y
The individuals born after 1980 come under the Generation Y, which is
characterised by challenging conventional hiring and recruiting practices. The
companies are struggling to manage these generation groups and it is the largest
group. Gen Y's are very family-oriented, and the way to increase their
involvement is to engage their family in the recruitment process. As Tom Casey
stated formerly, companies are still outlining to find out a correct method to
manage Gen Y employees. He points out that the 1990s stock options were an
attempt in this direction to attract these employees. Tom Casey advises that HR
experts require looking at this subject openly and admitting that their organisation
will need to get into the education of their employees. Hence the Companies will
require filling up a greater education role by teaching skills to its employees by
means of training and development.
Tom Casey states that the management of Human assets is the challenge that Process of
the HR managers are facing now. He provides three conditions that are significant Human
constituents of upcoming workforce planning programme: Resource
1. Distinguish all four generations of group in the workforce.
traditionalists c. generation x
traditionalists c. generation x
traditionalists c. generation x
boomers d. generation y
Basics of Human
Resource 3.7 CEO Compensation
Planning Compensation of a CEO often depends upon the level of responsibility
bestowed upon him.
Though the large companies have a fixed policy of the remuneration of the
CEO, startup companies may struggle to meet the compensation of the CEO as for
them it‘s a matter of existence. But a capable CEO will be obligatory for their
organizational development. The development of the business will be depending
upon the ability and management skill of the CEO to attain the organizational
goals. So the compensation will be based on the individual‘s inherent value and
capability. So the startup companies also will have to include the basic
compensation that corresponds with the already established ones. The common
constituents of the CEO compensation may comprise the basic salary, bonus,
equity participation if any, separation arrangements and perks. Most of the startup
companies offer bonus or equity participation to motivate the employees including
the CEO of the company. Now days the equity awards are taking up a major part
of the CEO compensation.
In smaller entrepreneurial firms, it becomes the responsibility of the
CEO/founder to attract, retain and motivate bright, young and technically able
people. In large multinational companies, the impact of people on the
competitiveness of businesses has become increasingly clear and HR
professionals are made to help in creating strategic clarity across the organisation.
The Long- and short-term compensations are often converted into stock
awards, or stock options. The performance based and target based restricted shares
are also prevailing in the CEO compensation packages. The company often offers
CEOs the equity ownership percentages (after an IPO) to attract and retain
executive talent during the development stage.
Established objectives can be biased to replicate goals that are most
significant to the monetary benefits of the business and qualifiable objectives to
the CEO performance .Relying upon the policies of the company, priority can be
given to the bonus plans to promote accomplishment of various business policies.
While proposing the compensation scheme of the CEO, it is very important
that a customized composition that exclusively suits the organisation should be
selected. As the profession of CEO has developed into more and more complex,
the mission of determining the structure of compensation packages of the CEO
that will be aggressive has a significant role in the success of every business. This
compensation package should have a significant retention feature and should help
to drive the business performance.
Process of
Check your progress 6 Human
1. Compensation of a CEO is not fixed according to the level of responsibility Planning
bestowed upon him.
a. true
b. false
2. The development of the business will be depending upon the ability and
management skill of the CEO to attain the organizational goals.
a. true
b. false
b. false
Basics of Human The concept of HR planning is new and innovative and hence there is a
scope of extensive study and research. Tremendous increase in the world
population has made this study more complex as it also increased the proportion
of unemployment, monetary recession and decline and labour cost. This has made
the business to rethink about the HR planning to make more scientific.
Due to the rapid change in the economics there is a continuous demand for
here is a huge demand for up to date employees. And thus the significance of the
HR planning is not limited to the traditional recruitment, staffing and retaining of
the work force. The know-how of the earlier period is neither existing nor being
required by the current generation. A study even shows that even the productivity
between the people is different. It‘s relevant that the management should be well
aware of the existing staff pattern. Resources Information System will help the
management to predict these phenomenons. The software used for online data
entry, data tracking and which fulfils the statistical information requirements of
the Human Resources, payroll management and accounting jobs in a business is
called Human Resource Information System (HRIS).The modern HR rely upon
the succession planning to forecast transfers and promotions further taking
adequate measures to maintain and replace the existing organisational talents.
Process of
3.9 Building Human Resources Strategic Planning Human
To be most effectual, the planning procedure for an HR group should be
generally inclusive of domestic clients and stakeholders. An elegant
comprehensive planning process can achieve quite a lot of things. Grouping is the
generally understood significance of strategic planning. The plan gives an idea
how the functions of HR are grouped to sustain the organization‘s policies and
objectives. The plan also makes certain that the individuals and roles within
human resources are grouped efficiently to achieve same objectives. But to
improve the credibility of the organization, it‘s essential to invite the business into
the companies work instead of keeping them out. A comprehensive planning
process that involves clients will help to educate them about the company‘s
objectives and the significance of the HR department of the company will be
Basics of Human
Effective communication of the plan back to those who took part in the
Planning development and other important stakeholders. In the communication, it
should be repeated how the plan reveal their contributions and is intended to
maintain their accomplishment.
a. true
b. false
b. false
3. The HR plan gives an idea how the functions of HR are grouped to sustain
the organization‘s policies and objectives.
a. true
b. false
supporting the process of combination Six Sigma strategies with the business Process of
culture. To learn to expand Six Sigma applications can aid leaders to add a Human
broader perceptive of the general functioning of an business and assist to compel Resource
enhanced business results as they achieve talent at discriminating the comparative
worth of some Six Sigma dimensions.
Six Sigma is a set of system and tools for course development. Six Sigma
seek out to perk up the quality production of process by recognizing and
eliminating the reasons of mistakes and reducing inconsistency in the industry and
business processes. The important modernism of Six Sigma entails the complete
"professionalizing" of quality management tasks. Before the introduction of Six
Sigma, quality management prevailing in the organisations were consigned to the
production level and to statisticians in a detached quality department. The roles
that the Six Sigma identifies for its successful functioning are:
Supporters take accountability for Six Sigma execution across the business
in an incorporated way. The managerial leadership represent them from
upper management. Champions also operate as guides to Black Belts.
Black Belts function below Master Black Belts to pertain Six Sigma method
to definite projects. They dedicate 100% of their esteemed effort to Six
Sigma. They principally focus on Six Sigma project implementation and
individual leadership with exceptional tasks, whereas Champions and
Master Black Belts centre to decide projects or functions for Six Sigma.
Green Belts are the workers who perform Six Sigma execution along with
their other work responsibilities, functioning below the direction of Black
Basics of Human
Resource Check your progress 9
1. The main obstacle of the success of Six Sigma is the unwillingness to
encourage a continuous development state of mind right through an
a. true
b. false
2. Six Sigma is a set of system and tools for course development to perk up
the quality production of process by recognizing and eliminating the
reasons of mistakes and reducing inconsistency in the industry and
business processes
a. true
b. false
Chief information officers (CIOs) are facing a lot of work pressure in order
to enhance the overall efficiency and contribute to the project development and
productivity. In order to achieve this, it is essential that the organisations should
implement a strategic workforce planning process to support IT based human
resources and execute business and IT policies, in accordance with Gartner
Executive Programs (EXP), a unit of Gartner, Inc. A strategic workforce planning Process of
procedure that coordinates the business and IT strategies make sure that the IT Human
organizations have the accurate number of personnel with accurate skills and Resource
aptitudes in the precise responsibility at the accurate time.
According to Lily Mok, the research director of Gartner EXP‘s Human
capital management capital content development team, the workforce supply
challenge, along with the frequent change in demand of IT workforce competence
give an ultimate prospect for CIOs and human resources (HR) managers to start
the strategic workforce planning focusing on long-term.
Ms. Mok further stated that the Workforce planning is more and more
identical to organizational strategic planning in the organizations where human
capital is realised as a crucial factor for success.
Basics of Human Execution of a Workforce Plan to seal the Gap – By means of the
conclusions of the workforce analysis, the first step is to prepare methods
for staffing, retention, organising change, growth, outsourcing, balancing
the supply and demand, taking steps to maximize the worth of employee.
Develop the efficiency of Workforce Planning – The successful workforce
planning is not only just having a good plan; but also the ability to regularly
monitor the progress and modify the work force plans accordingly where
it‘s essential. IT and HR managers can enhance their workforce planning
capability and aptitudes by making sure that; they get management
dedication from the beginning , they describe collective tasks, and they
frequently measure, authenticate, account and execute the in progress
An annual workforce plan which is a mandatory need for every business is Process of
developed by following certain procedural steps such as the audit of the current Human
workforce, investigation forecasting, planning and implementation. According to Resource
Tom Casey top edged organisations are now a day‘s concentrating on segments
like recruitment, worker growth, appreciation and rewards, and talent back-up.
And the most popular strategy in hiring is to concentrate on a composition of
diverse generations. These diverse generations are Traditionalists born between
1928 and 1945, Boomers born between 1946 and 1964, Generation x born
between 1964 and 1980; and Generation y born after 1980.Compensation of a
CEO often depends upon the level of responsibility bestowed upon him. Though
the large companies have a fixed policy of the remuneration of the CEO, start-up
companies may struggle to meet the compensation of the CEO as for them it‘s a
matter of existence. So many start-up companies offer bonus or equity
participation to motivate the employees including the CEO of the company and
recently the equity awards have become the part of the CEO compensation.
It‘s evident that the human resource also must be a part of the strategic
planning process of the business. The concept of HR planning is new and
innovative and hence there is a scope of extensive study and research. Moreover
the increase in the world population has made this study more complex due to the
increase in the proportion of unemployment, monetary recession and decline and
labour cost.
Basics of Human
Resource Check your progress 5
Answers: (1-a), (2-a), (3-b), (4-d)
3.14 Glossary
1. Adverse - Unfavourable
2. Anticipate - Expect
3. Ethnicity - Traditions
4. Conventional - Conservative
5. Inherent - Natural
6. Aggressive - Hostile
7. Incorporated - Integrated
8. Reveal - Disclose
9. Implanted - Fixed
10. Obstacle - Barrier Process of
11. Clientele - Customer
12. Precise - Exact Planning
3.15 Assignment
As an HR Manager, what factors would you like to consider for workforce
3.16 Activities
Give sample questions for annual planning meeting.
Basics of Human
Resource 3.18 Further Readings
Planning 1. Human Resource Planning: An Introduction, Reilly P. Report 312, Institute
for Employment Studies, 1996.
2. Human Resource Management, Biswajeet Pattanayak, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd., 2001.
Block Summary
A detailed discussion on the practical benefits of the HR planning which
helps to determine the strength of the work force to be employed, retaining the
skilled staff pattern and formulating an effective downsizing program was
included in this block. The HRP process, the strategic human resource planning
model and the methods to plan the total workforce is also discussed in this unit.
The block explained the strategies, process analysis, planning process along with
the tasks and activities related to the HR planning. It also helped to understand the
importance of the workforce planning process which is included by the
organisations in their annual planning. The method for developing the annual
workforce plan was also discussed in detail. Different topics such as Tom Casey
Model of HR planning, CEO compensation and using Six Sigma in order to
measure the capability of the work force helped to add knowledge of the subject.
Basics of Human often seen that the start-up companies may struggle to meet the compensation of
the CEO as for them it‘s a matter of existence.
But a capable CEO will be obligatory for their organizational development.
So the CEO compensation package should have a significant retention feature and
should help to drive the business performance. Tremendous increase in the world
population has made the research on HR planning more complex as it also
increased the proportion of unemployment, monetary recession and decline and
labour cost. Six Sigma helps to improve the quality production of process by
recognizing and eliminating the reasons of errors and dropping unpredictability
rate in the industry and business processes.
Block Assignment
Short Answer Questions
1. What is an HR Management System?
4. Explain the process and measurement capability using the Six Sigma as a
5. Explain in detail HR Planning Process for Corporate.
Basics of Human
Enrolment No.
Planning 1. How many hours did you need for studying the units?
Unit No 1 2 3 4
Nos of Hrs.
2. Please give your reactions to the following items based on your reading of the
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Block Introduction
International pressure on corporates has lead for the demand of a new
model of work culture further leading to rethink, improve and reform the
organizations to withstand rigid competition or risk from the business. Current
business organizations are rigorously determined to create themselves and receive
utmost share in the international market. Large scale businesses are giving
enhanced HR practices than middle scale or small scale businesses. The cause for
this verdict may be due to the reasons like disparity in the assets, know-how
available, number of trained personnel. Human resource procedures of a business
are relevant for its survival. So they should be competently thought of and firmly
implemented. Whether large, medium or small businesses all of them need to
assign proportionately sufficient budget for the accomplishment of HR practices.
Primarily HR was seen as a support function and used to majorly concentrate on
hiring and managing the exit of an employee. HR‘s key performance indicators
were based purely on hiring numbers. Now, with the changing business
environment and more exposure to HR functions via education, the role has
emerged to be a business partner.
This block will provide the awareness about the HR practices that are to be
implemented in the small scale business. Role of HR planning and the methods to
overcome or reduce the cost of HR practices such as outsourcing is discussed in
detail in this block. The block also gives the information about the essentials of
an effective HR planning. The block also will give a description about the
concept of manpower forecasting. The block also comprises with the modern man
power planning methods.
Unit1 explains about the small industry and the role human resources in it.
General interview guidelines and the how to include the human resource
planning in a business Plan is discussed in detail. The benefits outsourcing the
HR functions in small businesses are also included in this block. The unit also
provides knowledge about the changing Organisational Structures and work
Human in HR planning along with the process analysis, tasks and activities are discussed
Resource in
industries in detail. The topics such as HR planning for corporates, advantages for HR
planning, key points for successful HR planning and the drivers for human
resource planning are included in this unit. The unit ends up with a discussion on
meeting the challenge of HR Planning using Clarity 6.0.Unit 3 explain about the
modern manpower planning and the role and content of manpower planning. The
unit also comprises of the forecasting future manpower movements and the topics
such as environmental scanning and human resources environmental scan.
Block Objective
After learning this block, you will be able to understand:
Manpower forecasting.
HR Environmental Scan
Block Structure
Unit 1: Human Resources in Small Scale
Industry Unit 2: Human Resources in Large
Unit 3: Modern Methods of Human Resource Planning
Unit Structure
1.0 Learning Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Introduction to Small Industry
1.3.1 Staffing
1.11 Glossary
1.12 Assignment
1.13 Activities
Resource in 1.0 Learning Objectives
After learning this unit, you will be able to understand:
1.1 Introduction
The small-scale business sector has been a major contributor to our
country‘s growth. Since the time of independence, this sector has huge growth
prospect in India with its wide range of products. With 40 percent share in total
industrial output and 35 percent share in exports, the small-scale industrial sector
in India has a bigger role to play in increasing the country‘s Gross Domestic
Product (GDP).
purchase basis‖. These units cannot be owned or controlled by any other
Human Resources
industrial unit.
in Small Scale
Some of the traditional small scale industries in India are – Industry
Village Industries
Resource in
Bell Metal
The modern small industries have a wider array of products to offer. Their Human Resources
products range from simple items like Hosiery Products Garments Leather in Small Scale
products, etc. to more sophisticated items like television sets Electronics Control Industry
Hosiery Products
television sets
Leather products
Human equipment‘s, automobile parts, bicycle parts, instruments, sports goods,
Resource in
industries stationery items and clocks and watches, etc.
a. True
b. False
The boss sets the strategy for the business and works with the teams to
deliver on this strategy whilst constantly keeping an eye on the bottom line.
Complying with employment obligations on top of all that can sometimes just
feel like an added job to do on the list.
It is not surprising when it comes to managing obligations - whether it is Human Resources
calculating an employee's maternity leave or providing them with a work contract in Small Scale
- some bosses believe they need to draw in external help. They find employment Industry
obligations to be complicated and time consuming. But it can be made much
simpler by taking control of the obligations personally. That would not only save
time and money but also ensure much more control and confidence in running the
business day-to-day.
The most critical challenges faced by today's small business owners in the
management of their human resources fall within the following three categories:
Third, small businesses are often limited in terms of the wage and benefit
packages they can offer, particularly as they compete with larger
Resource in 1.3.1 Staffing
The Human Resources Management (HRM) function includes a variety of
activities and key among them are:
Hiring Issues
Interview Guidelines
Human Resources
in Small Scale
The best training for a small business is short sessions focused on a specific
need. It usually keeps its focus upon the following,
Initial Training.
However, they should always ensure that their employees are aware of
personnel policies, which conform to current regulations. These policies are often
in the form of employee manuals, which all employees have.
Instituting health and safety standards
Resource in
Privacy Issues
Union relations
1.3.4 Recordkeeping
For many small businesses, the biggest problem is, not knowing where to
start with business records-so none are kept. An appropriate record-keeping
system can determine the survival or failure of a new business.
For small business, good record-keeping systems can increase the chances
of staying in business and the opportunity to earn larger profits. Complete records
will keep in touch with business's operations and obligations and help to see
problems before they occur. This includes;
1.3.5 Wage and Salary Administration Human Resources
in Small Scale
Job analysis
Pay surveys
Employment Taxes
Fringe benefits
b. false
3. Taking staff out of work for a training course can be difficult in a
Resource in
business where people usually fulfill more than one role.
a. true
b. false
c. Training
Interviewing candidates for a position within the company is one of the Human Resources
final steps in the hiring process. Before getting to this step, HR should make sure in Small Scale
that it has completed all of the preceding steps, since each of these steps will have Industry
a direct impact on how effective the interview process will be. Below is a list of
the steps involved in the hiring process.
1. Determining the need to hire a new employee.
3. Writing a job description and job specification for the position based on the
job analysis.
4. Determining the salary for the position, based on comparison and
proportion with the salaries and responsibilities of other positions inside the
company as well as similar positions out in the marketplace.
5. Deciding on the recruitment techniques to be used for the process and the
time frame for conducting the search.
8. Checking references.
Resource in Check your progress 3
1. is a common method of probing a potential candidate. It is
particularly useful for knowing a participant's experiences in detail.
a. Planning
b. Interview
c. Staffing
2. Interviewing candidates for a position within the company is one of the
final steps in the hiring process.
a. true
b. false
Step One: Preparation of a forecast: This is where HR anticipates how Human Resources
many employees it will need in the future. The longer it remains in in Small Scale
business, the more accurate the number will be because it can look at the Industry
growth in the past and forecast based on those numbers. For example, if the
business has grown by 25% in the past three years, there is a good chance
that it'll need at least one employee in the very near future. However, if the
experience in the industry suggests that this could be a quiet year, it may
include that in its planning, too. So the business's history and industry
experience can be a guide in Step One as the considerations are made for
the supply and demand of the products.
Step Two: Develop an HR inventory: This is fairly easy for most small
businesses. However, if it‘s a growing business with a couple of employees
already on board, then that should figure into the planning, too. As the
business grows, this step becomes more important as the HR takes into
account the employee turnover factor into the calculations, too.
Step Three: Develop a job analysis: This could be the toughest part of the
process; HR will be needed to figure out what each person will do even
though they haven‘t been hired. It will give an idea about what the people
on board will be getting to do and it can also help in training the current
employees if their job description does not match the job description that
they'll have when the business will have more employees. It should be kept
in mind that any current employees will be managing the ones hired after
them so they should be included in the job analysis.
Human employee compensation programs (including basic employee benefits),
Resource in
industries results in high morale, good quality output and efficient operations by well
trained employees and also ensures satisfied customers.
b. false
2. As the business grows, the step that becomes more important as the HR
takes into account the employee turnover factor into the calculations, too.
a. Develop an HR inventory
3. What will give an idea about what the people onboard will be getting to do
and which will also help in training the current employees if their job
description does not match the job description that they'll have when the
business will have more employees
a. Develop an HR inventory
One would imagine that outsourcing is something that concerns only large
companies. Well there is some truth in it, but small businesses too can reap the
benefits of outsourcing by understanding that the benefits that accrue are
substantial. This has been well appreciated by many small-scale companies.
Estimates suggest that about 47% such companies are actively considering
outsourcing administration, 44% are looking at outsourcing IT services and
another 23% at distribution and logistics facilities. Rising costs and vendor
pricing are the primary reason for even smaller companies to be favourably
disposed towards outsourcing.
There are in fact a number of advantages that accrue to a small business
when it decides to outsource. For one there is a marked decrease in your capital
costs as your fixed costs get converted to variable costs. At the same time it
enables more efficient use of scarce capital.
Outsourcing frees up time and resources, which can be better utilized in
providing value to customer. Moreover, new projects can be taken up far more
easily. That enables small firms to benefit from technology and cost advantage
which would otherwise be unavailable to them. Not only that, the companies that
one outsources to are far more adept and managing the risks involved in their
areas expertise, a great relief for harried small firm owners.
However, there is a great deal of apprehension among small firms
particularly those that outsource to countries like India about quality control. The
way to deal with this is to check if all-important processes are in place. An
important reason why outsourcing has become the new mantra for many small
firms is that the spread of internet and broadband has led to a proliferation of
Human small firms employing fewer than 100 people. The fact that they are strapped for
Resource in
industries time makes outsourcing almost a matter of no choice for them.
The prime mover in small companies having a serious look at outsourcing
is the fact that technology has brought the price of outsourcing down and the
sheer convenience and consequently economy that it offers have convinced the
most tightly managed firms to wake up and act accordingly.
Outsourcing as a matter of fact is being intertwined in everybody‘s life. It
helps them cut costs, get access to great coverage plans at competitive rates and
thereby keep employees motivated, attract skilled and experienced professionals
and bring about streamlined functioning of their business.
Outsourcing of HR services of small and medium-sized companies leads to
long term benefits for the company. They can benefit enormously from the
services of a service provider, as it helps these companies by securing
competitive rates for some comprehensive and attractive coverage plans for the
employees and the business itself. The expertise of the outsourcing agency in all
aspects of HR management helps the client organisations to focus purely on their
core responsibilities by keeping the burdens of outsourced HR functions away
from their owners. The areas in which an outsourcing service provider can help
with respect to employee benefits include:
Life Insurance
Credit Union
Human Resources
Check your progress 5 in Small Scale
Vendor pricing cannot be considered as the primary reason for the decision of smaller companies to outsou
Outsourcing frees up time and resources, which can be better utilized in providing value to customer
The areas in which an outsourcing service provider can help
Human 1. A few and important core group of experts, professionals and managers
Resource in
industries 2. A collection of sub-contractors who manufacture goods and services that
the core group does not
questions and serving customers to resolve the account balance. CSRs currently Human Resources
also suggest a suitable blend of products and services of the bank such as mutual in Small Scale
funds and allowances to clients. Workers at present require a lot of broader Industry
balance of skills than in the earlier case of the conventional slower moving
hierarchical establishment with apparent chains of order with the "thinkers" at the
apex and "doers" at the base.
The workforce has turn out to be more mobile. The major impact on work
patterns is the upcoming relationship organisations or virtual organisations. A
virtual organisation is a business, which with help of information technology
connects different industries, vendors, consumers and sometimes the competitors
and helps them to share technology and the expenditure and entrée to each other‘s
markets. The virtual organisation has an exceptionally minute core with a lot of
resources supported from outside and having no physical set up. Virtual offices
are upcoming as companies and are promoting the cyberspace and electronic
expertise to reduce expenses like rentals and to enhance efficiency. In these
offices the employees don‘t attend the offices but keep in touch through the
technology by using the devices which can send and receive messages, faxes and
emails. Telecommuting is a type of the virtual office in which the employees do
their job at home or any place other than the office. According to Richard Nolan,
a Professor of Business Administration from Harvard University forecasts that
there is a possibility that the virtual office will become conventional rather than
atrial within three years' time (Asia week 1995).
The growth of virtual organisations has HRD inference. Virtual
organisation needs employees that are extremely consistent and skilled, talented
to appreciate and acknowledge the novel types of information, flexible and can
work resourcefully with others. The workers should not only need the technical
aptitudes but also the aptitude to learn how deal with uninterrupted and
fundamental transformation of virtual businesses. New types of training that are
flexible, according to the demand and interactive should be made for the workers
of virtual organisations.
The changes in work pattern are occurring in the industrial nations. The
developing countries of the Asia pacific region are also being influenced by these
work pattern changes. Human resource development guidelines and program will
have to be altered according to these changes.
The ASTD's 1990 report listed out the seven groups of skills that the
employer desires.
Human 1. Knowing How to Learn:
Resource in
industries This can be considered as the fundamental skill. By virtue of this skill the
workers can rapidly learn more skills easily. This skill comprises the ability to
gather, examine, arrange and implement the information. It includes the methods,
approaches and information that ease dispensation of information. It is also the
skill to use suitable knowledge as well as the ability to relate it in new
circumstances at work. This talent consequently facilitate the workforce to get
used to fresh demands at work.
Now, the learning has become an element of working life with aggressive
work pressures and varying technology. Moreover, the accessibility, quantity and
density of data have amplified. Employers perceive the aptitude of acquiring the
knowledge as the solution to retrain and regular learning. Above all the skills
helps the effective usage of the innovative know-how and work in accordance
with the organisations strategic goals and competitive challenges.
2. Reading, Writing and calculation:
circles, settle on conflicts and giving significant advice all pivot on effectual Human Resources
communication skills. in Small Scale
The communication consumes a lot of hours of the workers and their
success on the job is related to their communication skills. It‘s evident by the
recent studies that only job knowledge comes above the communication skills as
an aspect for workplace accomplishment.
Most of the business heads have a perspective that a deficit in these skills
will result in a cost of millions for the employers every year in the form of low
productivity and errors.
4. Adaptability Skills:
Most of the business organisations are now a day‘s giving an extra
importance for the employee who is problem solvers and an innovative thinker.
Competitive advantage is commonly attached to a company's capability to
innovate rapidly. This capability is according to the quantity of skills that
employees have to free themselves from ordinary thoughts for a creative leap.
To be a successful problem solver one should possess aptitude to solve an
individual problem along with aptitude to solve existing in a group problem.
Above all he should possess the practical capability to relate these individual and
group problems and solve them. Hence the Cognitive skills, group
communication skills and problem handing out skills are critical to victorious
problem solving.
Creative thinking is the skill to make use of variety of thoughts, ending up
with something different and new in order to envisage, anticipate or shape new
grouping of ideas to accomplish a requirement. Usually the creative thinking in
the workplace is related to creative problem solving. This requires an effective
team work and the assessment of the problems in an innovative way and the
finding out of fresh solutions to active problems. The organisations capability to
attain its strategic goals depends upon the capability of the work force in problem
5. Developmental Skills:
Personal management skills are base for the building up of a good self-
esteem, a determined work life and even organisational efficiency. Now often the
workers are increasingly called upon in order to take decisions regarding the
production or sales or any function related to them which increases the positive
sense of self-worth. This also helps the employees to be motivated. Individual
Human employee's not having proper motivation or goal setting aptitudes will create
Resource in
industries recurring errors and quality issues or it can delay change.
6. Group Effectiveness:
It‘s seen that while doing work the employee will have to interact with
people and hence will require excellent interpersonal, teamwork and negotiation
The interpersonal skills is the ability to umpire and poise proper behaviour,
manage with unwanted behaviour in others, soak up stress, deal with uncertainty,
listen, encourage self-confidence in others, delegate the responsibility and cordial
interaction. It‘s obvious that these aptitudes are needful for the effective
conciliation of conflicts, which can be considered as the part of the work life. The
negotiating capacity can be considered as the skill to detach the people from the
crisis, to concentrate on benefits not positions, to work out compromise for a
common achievement.
Interpersonal and arbitration skills are the foundation of a winning
teamwork. Teams, which are more and more being used, are prearranged in the
workplace so that suitable aptitudes and talents can be shared to achieve vital
responsibilities and goals. A featured teamwork is an outcome when the team
members distinguish and deal with various distinctive behaviours and when each
has an idea of the customs and approaches that former group members symbolize.
Above all the team members also should be aware of group dynamics that
develop and transform as the team move towards its goals.
7. Influencing Skills:
At its most basic level, leadership means that an individual can persuade
others to act in a definite way. Often the employees are required to persuade his
work group and to give an idea of what the entire establishment or the specific
task necessitates.
a. True
b. False
Human Resources
2. is a business, which with help of information technology in Small Scale
different industries, vendors, consumers and sometimes the competitors and
helps them to share technology and the expenditure and entrée to each
other‘s markets.
a. Virtual organisation
b. Actual organisation
c. small scale organisation
b. Computing
c. Home computing
Owner/managers were mostly positive towards training but did not regard it
Resource in
industries as a critical element in overall business strategy. Matlay (2002) studied
about medium sized businesses and observed that in over two-thirds (68 per
cent) of the sample, their owner/managers were heavily involved in HRD
issues. But, despite the increasing levels of complexity and formality found
in such organisations, there was still a big number which overlooked HRD
issues. HR managers took charge of training and HRD decisions in only 26
per cent of cases. All respondents claimed that they used training plans
according to the decided budgets and saw a strong link between their firms'
specific training needs and sustainable competitive advantage. However, in
spite of taking interest in training of employees, most owner/managers did
not accept the importance of this approach in their overall business strategy.
Instead, they took an alternate approach perceiving the HRD needs of their
workforces as an expensive affair and believed that the training of non-
family members was an organisational expense which would affect the
company‘s profit.
On the other hand, in family businesses, HRD was found to be proactive for
family members as a part of medium to long-term development and
succession strategies for designing future business plans. The small
business owner needs to establish and maintain a productive working
atmosphere for his or her work force. Employees only become a productive
asset to the company when they feel that they are treated in a fair and
professional way. The small business owner, who communicates business
expectations and company goals to his employees, provides adequate
compensation offers meaningful opportunities for career advancement and
anticipates work force training and developmental needs have better
chances to prosper in his business. These practices help in providing
meaningful feedback to his or her employees too, which leads him to be
more successful than that owner who is neglectful in any of these areas.
Human Resources
Check your progress 7 in Small Scale
1. Smaller firms conducted their training .
a. Internally
b. Externally
c. Both a & b
Resource in 1.10 Answers for Check Your Progress
Check your progress 1
Answers: (1-a)
1.11 Glossary
1. Harried - anxious
2. Comply - obey
3. Termination - stop
4. Intertwined - tangled
5. Onboard - involved
6. Accrue - accumulate
7. Scarce - limited
8. Emergent - devolving Human Resources
in Small Scale
9. Diminutive - little
10. Imperfection - defect
1.12 Assignment
Describe the practices of human resource planning of any small scale
business you are acquainted with. List out the reasons, why this practice is being
1.13 Activities
Visit your nearby small organization and observe the various methods
adopted to carry out the HR functions. Write a brief note on the same.
Resource in 1.15 Further Readings
1. Students Find Some Courses One Degree Under The Week-End Australian,
Armitage.C, 11-12 May, 1996.
2. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and Institute of Developing
Economies (1995), Proceedings of the International Seminar on Industrial
Structural Change and Human Resource Development in the Asia and
Pacific Region 7-8 Dec 1994.
Unit Structure
2.0 Learning Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.17 Glossary
2.18 Assignment
2.19 Activities
Resource in 2.0 Learning Objectives
After learning this unit, you will be able to understand:
2.1 Introduction
HR planning is a deliberately formulated business strategy on the basis of
current and future business predictions related to the acquirement, operation,
growth and maintenance of the human resources mostly in large organisations.
The process helps in recruitment of apt people and retaining them in the right
profile of varying jobs, positions and places according to the organisational
HR Planning process ensures that the organisation, which implements its
plans, has the right number and kinds of people, at the right places and at the right
time. This planning process finds appropriate people who are capable of
performing the assigned tasks effectively and efficiently. This helps the
organisation to achieve its planned objectives. Prevailing business and societal
trends affect the planning process in two major ways. One is through consumer
markets, which affect the demand for goods and services and the other is through
labor markets, which affect the supply of people needed to produce goods and
One of the major challenges of the HR department is to maintain a flexible
workforce. HR Planning helps by handling this challenge. HRP is done at
different levels – corporate, intermediate, operations levels and for short-term
activities too. A good and suitable human resource planning exercise should
always consider the inputs of all the departments in the organisation. HRP always
has the support of the top management.
A good human resource professional must have a good understanding of the
market dynamics, changes in the economy organisational processes and
technological developments. That would make be better equipped for human
resource planning. The process of HRP involves three key steps – assessing and Human
making an inventory of the current human resources, forecasting the Resources in
organisation‘s human resource needs and matching the demand and supply of Large Industry
human resources.
Forecasting process involves the study and estimation of various factors
that affect the business. Assessment of an overall human resource requirements
involves studying the factors affecting the supply and estimating the increase or
decrease in the external and internal supply of human resources. Every movement
in and out of the organisation is calculated such as, new hires, transfers-in,
individuals returning from leave, etc. that increases the internal supply of human
resources, while retirements, dismissals, transfers-out of the unit, lay-offs,
voluntary quits, sabbaticals, prolonged illness and deaths that reduces the supply.
HR Planning process identifies particular areas of the organisation where
shortages and surpluses exist. When there is a need for downsizing the
organisation, common strategies that are opted for retrenchment may be lay-offs,
outplacements and leave of absence without pay, giving off loan, work-sharing,
reduced work hours, early retirement and attrition to reduce the number of
employees. An effective HRP keeps a check on the pressures on both the
management and the employees, by maintaining a well-planned employment and
retrenchment process, which remains phased out over a comfortable time span,
avoiding unpleasant consequences.
Manpower function is one of the newer areas to be brought under the
mantle of systematic planning. Human Resource Planning helps in better
allocation and control of the organisation‘s manpower resources. A concept
closely tied to HRP is that of manpower forecasting. Human Resource Planning
is a process by which an organisation prepares an inventory of skills and potential
available in the organisation. It involves the use of the concept of planning to
visualize how the organisation can go through the allocation and control of its
manpower resources in better fashion. In other words, it is a tool in the hands of
higher management to equip themselves with the necessary data on human
resources available immediately within the organisation and from outside.
HRP in Large Industry
Human management and after considerable deliberation they decide upon what aspect of
Resource in
industries planning should be among the priority considering the ongoing changes in almost
all aspect of life. Managing large work organisations has become more complex
due to several key considerations about the supply and demand of HR
practitioners and skilled personnel in the different industries.
Human Resource Planning (HRP) for large organisations differs from that
in smaller organisations owing to different contexts and aspects. While the
structure and size of organisations does not govern the choices about human
resources, researches show that they can have a very strong influence on the way
human resources are managed, regulated and planned. Important activities of
Human Resource Management (HRM) like recruitment, promotion, performance
appraisal, compensation, training and development, labour relations, job designs
and career development have a big impact because of the major differences
Caused due to the size of organisation.
process by lacking in management development Human
initiatives. Resources in
Large Industry
Balancing the cost between the utilization of plant and workforce: Cost
balancing includes comparison of costs between these two resources in
different combinations of HR processes and selecting the optimum. While
costing projects cost balancing plays an important role thus enabling large
industries to utilize the finances available in a better way.
Industrial relation: All the businesses plan and make assumptions about
their growth by considering the productivity of their human resource. This
giver a broader picture about the business situation in large industries and
also have an impact on the organisation's industrial relations strategies.
Practically, HR planning is mostly concerned with the demand and supply
of labour and problems arising from the process of reconciling these factors.
b. False
c. Management development
Human 1. Human Resource Planning must be finally incorporated into the other parts
Resource in
industries of the organisation‘s strategy and planning.
2. There should be an emphasis on HR Planning by senior management
stressing on its importance throughout the organisation.
3. Larger organisations require a central human resource-planning unit, which
is responsible to senior management. The main objectives of this unit are to
co-ordinate and reconcile the demands for human resources from different
departments. It also works to standardize and supervise departmental
assessments of requirements and to produce a comprehensive
organisational plan. Practically, the Human Resource Development
department plays a leading role in the assigned task in large organisations,
whereas in smaller organisations these responsibilities would probably be
carried out by a senior manager or even the managing director.
4. The HR Plan should have a defined time-span for execution. For example,
if the system is operated as a continuous, rolling plan, the five-year period
of general forecasting is maintained and each first year is used in turn for
purpose of review and revision for the future.
5. An extensive text on the scope and details of the plan has to be in place. For
large organisations, separate human resource plans and forecasts may be
needed for various subsidiary units and functions, whereas, in smaller
organisations one comprehensive plan will probably suffice for all
employees. Human resource planning approves of special provisions in the
cases where particular skills or occupations may pose future problems in
recruitment or training of its employees.
6. Source of information for Human resource planning is very important. The
process of planning is then based on the most comprehensive and accurate
information that is possible. For example, sometimes personnel information
becomes essential in any case for the effective management of the
organisation. It then requires information on personal details of employees
which include details of age, sex, qualifications and experience and of
trends which are likely to affect future forecasts, such as labor wastage,
charges in jobs, salaries, etc. Apart from the routine collection of data for
personnel records, a special analysis of the collected data poses to be
necessary in providing particular information.
Check your progress 2 Resources in
Large Industry
1. External human resource consultant or employment agency plays
an important role in planning the basic requirements for human resource.
a. true
b. false
2. It‘s not compulsory that the HR plan should have a have a defined time-
span for execution.
a. true
b. false
1. The information about the level of present manpower resources, such as the
types of skills on the present payroll and current capabilities of the
organisation are the inputs in Human Resource Planning.
a. true
b. false
2. Information about overall organisational objectives in terms of sales,
Resource in
and growth in the future is necessary for HR planning.
a. true
b. false
Check your progress 4 Resources in
Large Industry
1. HR planning provides a better view of the human resource dimensions
of business decisions to upper management.
a. true
b. false
2. HR planning provides sufficient time to search for talent.
a. true
b. false
a. true
b. false
Human Forecasting should also take into account major input and outflow factors.
Resource in
industries The input factors are:
e) Retirement.
f) Death.
Statistical approaches, which are based upon the fact and figures available
with the HR planners to serve the purpose. Majority of demand and supply
forecasting is done by:
a. Trend analysis
b. Ratio analysis
Judgmental methods are the forecasting approaches, which are based upon
the logical and analytical capabilities of HR personnel when they arrive at
forecasting decisions. It is based on the following:
a. Managerial judgment Human
Resources in
Human resource planning and forecasting, thus, are of great practical
Large Industry
application in the field of personnel management. It allows the managers to take
day-to-day decisions consistent with the organisation‘s long run goals seen in an
integrated fashion. It is based on present day managerial thinking that manpower
resources have to be controlled and allocated in a way that serves the total
organisational objectives in the business. In fact, proper human resource planning
helps in getting the right skills and persons into the right position at the right
time. It would also avoid many grievances and industrial relations problems
arising from layoffs, retrenchments, technology up gradations, transfer,
promotions, etc. It would allow for sufficient time to meet the repercussions of
such changes in a planned way. Such planning can also ensure smooth careers for
the employees of an organisation and thereby enhance their sense of security and
motivation to work for the organisation.
At the international level, the study on the work force are regularly
organized more to decide employment prospective, the unemployment rate, type
and kind of demographics of the existing workforce. Basically, the market has
transformed. HR Planning no longer can attach itself only to the conventional
sources dealing with hiring and retaining. The present human acknowledge that
their roles have altered from that of adore to that of a philosopher and in most
situations a philosopher who achieves.
Resource in 2.7 HR Planning: Purposes and Goals
Human resource planning is about the administration of the most significant
area of all, the successful employment of people. The alteration and stress
brought about by economic, technological and social factors oblige organisations
of all kinds to learn about the costs and human aspects of labour much more
critically and cautiously than ever before.
Some of the purposes of HR planning are:
Check your progress 6 Resources in
Large Industry
1. The HR planning does not give any help in predicting the upcoming need
for Human resources.
a. True
b. False
b. False
Human the future resources of HR that are probably to be accessible from inside and
Resource in
industries outside the organization. The insides resources are promotion, job enlargement
and while the outside resources are selection and recruitment of employees who
have the capability of doing the prescribed tasks in the organization.
4. Matching Demand and Supply
5. Action Plan
The final phase of human resource planning that deals with the surplus and
scarcity of human resource. By the virtue of it, the HR plan is implemented with
the help of varied HR activities. The key activities which are needed to
implement the HR plan are recruitment and selection, placement, training and
development, socialization, etc. In the last stage is the control and assessment of
performance of HR to ensure that the HR planning coincides with the HR
objectives and policies. Moreover this action plan must be updated in accordance
with the change in time and conditions.
a. true
b. false
c. Supply Forecasting
d. Action Plan
3. deal with the estimation of supply of manpower and Resources in
Large Industry
availability of human resource in the organization.
a. Demand Forecasting
c. Supply Forecasting
d. Action Plan
4. deal with the surplus and scarcity of human resource.
a. Demand Forecasting
c. Supply Forecasting
d. Action Plan
Human 9. Deciding how those shortages can best be conquered or how the company
Resource in
industries should regulate to them.
b. false
b. false
anticipated redundancies, surpluses and obsolescence. HR planning also helps to Human
determine the training levels as the base for the management development Resources in
programmes. Moreover the knowledge of the cost of manpower according to a Large Industry
new project is also determined and hence a budgetary allocation can be made in
advance for this upcoming corporate premeditated move.
b. false
a. true
b. false
Resource in Check your progress 10
1. Strategic HR planning is an important part of strategic HR management
a. true
b. false
b. false
policy for the future. The first task of a company must be to ensure that the Human
estimate is as reliable as possible. Resources in
Large Industry
HR planning is continuous, on-going process; and companies that treat it as
a five-year burdensome task will be deeply disappointed. In fact, it is preferable
that they do start this task as it may turn into a ritual. Even the most carefully
calculated forecasts are liable to be overtaken by unforeseeable changes.
For a successful HRP, following guidelines may be considered as key
a. Tailor made: HRP should be balanced with corporate objectives.
a. true
b. false
2. It‘s not necessary that the company should give same priority to HR
planning as it gives to planning sales, investment or profits.
a. true
b. false
Resource in
industries 3. Which of the following is essential for a successful HRP
a. Appropriate time
b. Top management
d. Adequate management
e. all the above
constitution of employees in the business, it becomes easy to adjust the number of Human
individuals in every band of seniority or grade, which is significant for a healthy Resources in
business. A proper blend of the staff pattern which comprises an equal mixture of Large Industry
talent, knowledge and seniority, helps to increase the profitability and also is
necessary for effective customer satisfaction. A disparity in the organisation‘s
manpower is by no means entertained.
Succession Planning:
Resource in Check your progress 12
1. The expenses that are incurred due to the employment in an organisation
are only the salary paid.
a. true
b. false
a. true
b. false
b. false
forecasts required to be associated with the monetary plans, permitting the Human
organisation to build up clearness on the intended performance across the Resources in
business. Large Industry
Human HR Planning is not restricted to the knowledge of the cost base. Clarity 6
Resource in
industries module allows a driver based concept towards the scheduling which remove
intricacy thereby permitting non-specialist budget controller to generate a budget
based on uncomplicated hypothesis about accepted consumption of capital and
work type.
Clarity 6 module maintains planning process at any of the stages of
organisation or a diverse approach by permitting some section to prepare in more
detail than the others. A complex HR planning point towards the standardised
approaches to the practice are often hard to attain. To suit the way and culture of
the organisation, the fundamental regulations of the business must be modified as
per the organisation‘s necessity. Clarity 6 is mainly appropriate for large
organisations because it can take in the diverse terms and conditions laid out by
diverse business units.
6 module of HR planning is designed to congregate the challenging
conditions directly. As this module for the congregation of challenges is on the
basis of excelling work-sheet format, they have an aptitude to administer lofty
data volumes, several data sources and a huge number of budget controller.
Similarly, the ability of connecting the challenges of the process data to each
other and to the HR process too, throughout strongly administered workflows
give confidence and enhanced quality forecasts. Clarity 6 HR planning module is
also designed to get advantage from the full potential of the broader program so
that the business consequences of an HR plan are firmly joined to monetary and
longer-term plans. Design of the Clarity 6 module permits an organisation to
build up the best practice presentation of management system. A single data
model acts as a financial summary and reporting applications besides measuring,
planning, budgeting and forecasting processes too.
Check your progress 13 Resources in
Large Industry
1. Clarity's Web/Excel interface permits the organisations to allocate common
Excel style-planning templates at reasonable price on the web to a extensive
array of budget holders.
a. true
b. false
2. One of the main advantages of Clarity 6 is that it permits the customer to
unlock a budget entry template in Excel and work offline with the data.
a. true
b. false
b. false
b. false
Human The HRP prepares the organisation for the upcoming in provisions of
Resource in
industries development of its manpower necessity and utilizing them appropriately in order
to convene the impact of quick practical and monetary changes and uphold its
viable position. Moreover it permits for advance planning to fill predictable skill
requirements as well as permit for desirable flexibility in day-to-day utilization of
manpower. It permits the adaption to unexpected changes such as technological
advances, novel markets, supporting and economic pressures and sharp
Effective human resource planning needs to be based on the ideology and
proceedings of effective human resource management. In the realistic world, an
outside human resource consultant or service agency plays a significant role in
forecast of the fundamental necessities for human resource. Basic units‘
compulsory to locate an HR planning process in place make sure that the
organisation do extremely.
Above all the Human resource leaders must take initiative for an action
related approach to essential a planned HR agenda in a method that describe
apparent roles and relationships amongst the standard players. This can be easily
completed by relating line leaders in realistic, healthy conversation and finalizing
agreements that are attainable inside the aptitude limitation that exist today and
supportive what is desirable for the future.
Check your progress 5 Resources in
Large Industry
Answers: (1-a), (2-b), (3-c)
2.17 Glossary
1. Assign - allocate
2. Voluntary - deliberate
3. Retrenchment - cutback
4. Visualize - envisage
Human 5. Regulated - in time
Resource in
industries 6. Comprehensive - complete
7. Anticipated - probable
8. Relocation - transfer
9. Aligned - associated
2.18 Assignment
Study Human Resource planning process in an organisation and discuss the
inputs provided and the results achieved from the processes.
2.19 Activities
Visit any of the organisations you know and collect the details of the
methods used there in manpower forecasting.
2.21 Further Readings Resources in
Large Industry
1. Human Resource Planning: An Introduction, Reilly P. Report 312, Institute
for Employment Studies, 1996.
2. Human Resource Management, Biswajeet Pattanayak, Prentice Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., 2001.
Unit Structure
3.0 Learning Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Introduction to Modern Manpower Planning
3.10 Glossary
3.11 Assignment
3.12 Activities
3.13 Case Study
Environmental scanning.
3.1 Introduction Methods of
The success of an organization mainly relies upon the capacity and Human
excellence of Human Resources that it is able to attract and preserve. Human
resources are one of the mainly imperative assets of an organization. It is the
people who create other resources moving. The assignment of accurate type of
people in right numbers, at the right place and right time is the basic function of
Human Resources management. Human Resource Planning (HRP) is a footstep
in Human Resource Management.
The progression of identifying how many people to choose, at what job and
at what occasion is called Human Resource planning. Human Resource Planning
is to get the right number of employees with the right skills, experience, and
competencies in the right jobs at the right time and at the minimum cost. This
Human Resource part of an organization makes sure that the business production
requirements are met in an efficient and effective manner. Having too many
employees is challenging due to the risk of high labour expenses, downsizing, or
Human available. This, in itself, is a very large subject. The objective of manpower
Resource in
industries planning is and must be, to improve manpower utilisation and to ensure that there
is available manpower of the right number and the right quality to meet the
present and future needs of the organisation. It must, therefore, produce a realistic
recruitment policy and plan and must be very much concerned with costs and
A business is able to place most suitable number of employees, at the most
apt jobs in the most appropriate time frame, only because of Manpower planning.
This is an exercise that is very critical to the survival of a business.
Human resources department of an organisation prepares lists of manpower
available and working across all its functional departments. This activity aims
toward analyzing whether each department has the correct number of employees
and to estimate the manpower required in the future. Without an efficient set of
employees, no organisation can make any kind of progress. The manpower
requirements need to be planned for and managed well.
b. false
2. It‘s seen that the machinery depreciates and eventually becomes obsolete,
properly developed manpower can continue to grow in usefulness and
c. true
d. false
3.3 Role and Content of Manpower Planning Methods
of Human
Manpower planning is essential to the company as long as it is in business.
The HR department chalks out detailed and intricate plans for the same. Planning
Maintaining ideal staffing levels is the premise and rationale for this exercise
Manpower planning is a very important component of HR management. A
thorough assessment of the present resources and the future estimated resources
is done because staffing has to be optimum.
With understaffing, the organisation loses orders, customers, sales and
profits. Overstaffing results in losses in terms of salaries and competence.
Manpower planning means developing strategies to match the requirement of the
staff and the available positions. The people making the plans must have a full
know-how of the organisation's goals.
This concerns the continual evaluation and amendment of plans in the light
of achievement and changing circumstances. Planning starts from a given factual
position and tries to look ahead through a range of possibilities. Evaluation in this
Human context means thoroughly checking forecasts, forecasting methods against what
Resource in
industries eventually happens, and making such revisions as may prove necessary. Any
planning activity must have a system for this regular checking built into it. In
other words, planning must be a continuing process.
It is the ultimate aim of any complete system of manpower planning that all
three phases should be fully integrated with the company‘s plan. Without a
company‘s plan, there can be no realistic manpower planning.
5. Costs by functions/departments.
6. Total numbers related to sales, production or such other criteria as may be
appropriate, in physical and financial terms.
7. Attrition and retention rates by appropriate groups, that is, overall, by
function/department, profession, sex, age group, etc.
Check your progress 2 Methods
of Human
1. The activities traditionally associated with the management of personnel – Resource
records, recruitment, selection, training and development, appraisal, career Planning
planning and are called Manpower Planning.
a. true
b. false
2. Basic elements to be considered in manpower planning are
b. wastage
Human For a company to survive, long-term manpower planning remains one of
Resource in
industries the most important activities. Succession planning is a large part of this type of
manpower planning. It involves judging what kinds of skills managers will need
in the future and figuring out how to provide people with the chance to build
these skills. In long-term manpower, planning, competitive strategy, which
ensures action, planned around business competitors, play a very important role.
b. false
a. true
b. false
b. false
recruitment targets. They should also report employment costs against budget and Modern
trends in wastage and employment ratios. Methods of
Two broad and complementary approaches to the control and evaluation of Resource
the manpower plan focuses, one in terms of numerical trends and the other in Planning
terms of costs criteria. This normally takes the form of a package of expectations
and objectives, all of which are considered mutually consistent and feasible. The
strategy for achieving these objectives determines the form of organisation to be
used and the amount and form of resources required, including manpower.
In this review, management watches the degree to which the various
specific goals of the manpower plan were achieved. This can be shown by the use
of a number of numerical controls and gauges, such as change in numbers by
total/department/function, changes in wastage (turnover) rates and the reasons for
wastage, changing age structures and their implications, all related to the original
targets set.
Another approach, which has been found useful in giving a comparative
picture of the contribution being made by personnel to the operation of the
company, is the development of cost ratios.
In a world of rapidly changing technology with an ever-growing demand
for more and different skills, the need to plan manpower is as great as the need to
plan any other resource. The prosperity and growth of any company rests, in the
end, on the quality of its manpower and the extent to which their talents are
utilized to the full.
Manpower planning is concerned with safeguarding the future, with
preventing the loss of opportunities to the business. It emphasizes the need for
rationalization by keeping in terms with modern needs, technological capabilities
and the development of organisation structures to match.
The penalties for not being correctly staffed are costly.
Human Thus, the first step is to have a superficial view of the existing workforce
Resource in
industries profile (includes numbers, skills, ages, flexibility, gender, experience, forecast
capabilities, character, potential, etc. of existing employees) and then to study and
project the same for 1, 3 and 10 years ahead. This activity also includes
amendments for normal turnover, planned staff movements, retirements, etc. in
line with the business plan for the corresponding time frames.
Major contributors to provide numbers for future staffing needs are:
Effect of new laws on the available resources e.g. payroll taxes or their
abolition, new health and safety requirements, etc.
b. false
2. Budgets, targets and standards of performance should be always included in Methods
a of Human
good HR plan. Resource
a. true
b. false
Small businesses usually carry out environmental scanning when they start
the business. This is because their resources do not allow them to perform
environmental scanning on continual basis. However, big corporations are always
scanning the macro environment factors to gain competitive advantage over their
competitors. At the end of the day, it is all about spotting the opportunities (or
threats) before our competitors do. It is important to take immediate actions
according to the situation or information gathered by the scanning process,
because environmental scanning is useful only when followed by appropriate
A business is affected by many external factors and monitoring these
factors all the time becomes very important for its growth. Business expansion
(or contraction) decisions should be based on the economic growth, income level
or employment rate in the market. When introducing a new product or
technology, one should have to have an idea of all the legal and functional
aspects of the business. Union laws, environmental protection or minimum wage
laws, etc. are some of the legal factors, which have an impact on the business.
Human Similarly, functional aspect may include observing the demographic factors like
Resource in
industries population distribution, income or education level. They can help to identify the
future trends and eventually help in opening up various new opportunities for the
business. Internal scanning can include the identification of resources in terms of
workforce, capital, technology, strength and weaknesses.
Alternatively, Environmental Scanning may also be put down as,
Environmental scanning identifies factors and trends that will influence the
future of an organisation.
Information gathered through the scan is combined with that derived from
workforce analysis. Then the impact of these on business goals is analysed
to determine current and future human resources needs.
What it is not
Service institutions organisations, businesses, etc. Modern
Internal stakeholders could include specific occupational groups or of Human
functional communities. Resource
Sources of information
Best sources will vary depending on the nature and purpose of the scan, but
typically include:
o Written documents (books, news providers, strategic plans, trade
publications, professional literature, government policies, etc.
Some issues are common to most organisations, but many key issues are
driven by the mandate, activities and nature of the organisation.
b. Environmental scanning.
c. Market scanning
a. true
b. false
Human and challenges that are expected to affect human resources management over the
Resource in
industries coming years. HR Environmental scanning provides information on what is
happening around a business's environment and how this could impinge upon the
business. With environmental scanning, the business needs to look at trends that
are shaping its industry, including:
Social and political trends ( some political and social issues may get a lot of
attention that might end up in government policy or legislation, which
could influence the business)
Physical Environment
input into the HR planning process. Modern
Methods of
Issues addressed in the scan must be relevant to the planning exercise and Human
the information gathered must support the work of planners and decision- Resource
makers. Scanning is about providing planners with the information they Planning
It is also important to facilitate the sharing and review of issues and trends
identified by individual team members.
HR should ensure that the findings and conclusions of the scan are worded
in a manner that makes them accessible to the widest audience possible.
Resource in Check your progress 6
1. What helps to improve the organisations human resources planning by
facilitating the identification of their current and future human resources
a. Business scanning
b. Environmental scanning
b. false
favourable manpower forecasting, the manpower planner must have an absolute Modern
and precise picture of the company‘s active manpower supply. Methods
of Human
The main approaches taken in order to control and evaluation of the Resource
manpower plan are numerical trends and costs criteria. Moreover the HR plan Planning
must comprise budgets, targets and standards and explain tasks for the execution,
administration, and reporting procedures, which will facilitate attainment to be
observed adjacent to the plan.
3.10 Glossary
1. Depreciate - decline
2. Obsolete - outdated
3. Sequential - in order
Human 4. Static - still
Resource in
industries 5. Consistent - steady
6. Feasible - possible
7. Terminology - terms
3.11 Assignment
As a HR Manager, what factors would you like to consider for
Environmental scanning? Explain how these factors contribute in the planning
3.12 Activities
Express your view, whether all organizations should conduct an
environmental scan or not?
Block Summary
The block provides the thorough knowledge about the small industry and
the role human resources in it. Moreover the induction of a human resource
planning in a business plan and the benefits outsourcing the HR functions in
small businesses are discussed in detail. The purpose of human resource planning
along with its results and inputs added knowledge about the topic. The process
analysis, tasks and activities related to the HR planning were also provided in this
block. The block also provided a detailed description on the challenges of HR
Planning using Clarity 6.0. The modern manpower planning and environmental
scanning along with human resources environmental scanning were also enclosed
in this block.
To conclude, it‘s apparent that most of the small businesses are managed by
a single owner without an employee. But if it has an employee working in it, it
will be significant the owners should understand the HR obligations. The main
challenge the small business owners are facing is the maintenance of competent
staff. It‘s seen that a suitable human resource planning and management results in
formulation of an enhanced rapport and communications between employees and
the management. Above all the HR planning habitually direct to the individual
employee growth plans and resulting a minimum employee turn-over, low rate of
absenteeism and rare incidents. If the employee reimbursement programs are well
prepared and competitive it will result in the increase of morale, good quality
output and competent operations. It has been proven that outsourcing helps the
small scale businesses to gather the benefits. And hence the small-scale
companies adopt strategies in order to outsource various HR functions such as
payroll, recruitment and retention. HR planning is a business strategy by which
an organisation makes sure that it has the right number and kinds of people, at the
right places, at the right time and that these people are capable of performing
their tasks efficiently and competently. The HRP organize the business for future
development of its manpower needs and utilising them suitably in order to
organize the impact of rapid realistic and financial changes by upholding its
feasible situation. Moreover it allows for planning ahead in order to fill expected
ability necessities as well as allow for enviable suppleness in day-to-day
exploitation of manpower. It allows the cope with the unexpected changes such
as technological advances, new markets, sustaining monetary pressures and
intelligent competition.
Human very well HR plan has the characteristic assets to inhabit a better number of
Resource in
industries budget controllers from a wider selection of functional area along the business.
Now a day the human resource consultant or service agency plays a vital role in
prediction of the basic necessities for human resource in an organisation. But the
manpower planner should be fully aware of the company‘s objectives in terms of
sales, marketing and growth. So the involvement of the top management in
manpower planning is essential. Moreover it should be developed in discussion
with line managers and their representatives. Man power planning which the part
of HR management helps to maintain the perfect employment levels A systematic
assessment of the existing human resources and the forthcoming human resources
is prepared as staffing has to be largely constructive. So manpower planning
covers all those actions traditionally associated with the supervision of workers
their selection training and development, performance appraisal, succession
planning. The forecast for the upcoming demand of manpower can be more
accurate if it‘s in accordance with the company‘s overall objectives.
Block Assignment
Short Answer Questions
1. Explain the process of Training and development in Small Scale industries?
4. Define Outsourcing?
5. What does the results of human resource planning help to evaluate? Define
Manpower forecasting.
Resource in Enrolment No.
1. How many hours did you need for studying the units?
Unit No 1 2 3 4
Nos of Hrs
2. Please give your reactions to the following items based on your reading of the
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- Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
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Mr. Pradeep Kumar Vannarath
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Every attempt has been made to trace thecopyright holdersof material
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The content is developed by taking reference of online and print publications that
are mentioned in Bibliography. The content developed represents the breadth of
research excellence in this multidisciplinary academic field. Some of the
information, illustrations and examples are taken "as is" and as available in the
references mentioned in Bibliography for academic purpose and better
understanding by learner.'
Block Introduction
Compensation management is a common policy, implemented in the
organisations intended to support the business to take advantage of the returns on
accessible talent. The eventual goal is to compensate exact individuals or
personals to the greatest degree for the most significant reasons. The ultimate
compensation management policy make sure that the most excellent talent will
linger with the organization whereas attracting fresh talent and reducing the
employee turnover. In combination with benefits management and workforce
analytics, a successful compensation management policy guides workers toward
behaviours that improve individual well-being and reduce the menace of burnout.
Compensation system entails the entire rewards that are offered to the workers for
the exertion and services they give to the organization. Compensation comprises
with the direct monetary benefits as well as indirect monetary benefits. Wages and
salaries are the direct financial benefits that a worker receives from his or her
organisation. In addition to the wages and salaries, bonuses and commissions are
also a part of the direct monetary benefits. The indirect monetary benefits
comprise paid leave and other leave benefits, retirement plans, workers health
insurance, health plans, education benefits, etc. A definite and unbiased
compensation system offers the organization a benefit of preserving impartiality
and fairness in wages. It is a powerful method to attract the workers, motivate
them to achieve the planned organizational objectives, and maintaining them in
the long run.
This block explains about the compensation management and its role in the
work force management in organisation. Different types of compensations and its
benefits are also explained. The block also gives an information regarding issues
related to the compensation and various retirement plans.
Unit 1 comprises with an introduction to the Compensation Management.
The Components of Compensation System are explained in detail in this unit. The
unit also provides the information regarding the different types of compensation
and the compensation Process. The different techniques used in job evaluation and
the relation between the motivation and fringe benefits are also detailed in this
Unit 2 explains the concept of Dearness Allowance related to the
compensation and its emergence and Growth in India. It also comprises a study on
the role of fringe benefits in reward systems. Different retirement plans including
VRS and Golden Handshake Schemes are discussed in detail in this unit.
Block Objective
After learning this block, you will be able to understand:
Block Structure
Unit 1: Basics of Compensation Management
Unit Structure
1.0 Learning Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Compensation Management
1.11 Assignment
1.12 Activities
Different methods of job evaluation
The motivation and fringe benefits
1.1 Introduction
Compensation may accomplish several functions helping the recruitment,
job performance, and job satisfaction etc. Compensation management is also
known as wage and salary administration, remuneration management, or reward
management, deals with the scheming and executing the entire compensation
package. The conventional perception of wage and salary management highlight
on only purpose of wage and salary composition in organizational settings.
However, over the course of time, many more form of compensation, come into
the business field which imposed to take wage and salary administration in
inclusive way with an appropriate change in its arrangement. According to Beach
Wage and salary administration or compensation management is the establishment
and implementation of sound policies and practices of employee compensation. It
comprises the areas as job assessment, surveys of wages and salaries, analysis of
appropriate organizational problems, progress and upholding of wage structure,
establishing rules to manage wages.
Compensation management comprises the scheming of the lowest cost pay Compensation
structure that will attract, retain, and inspire the competent employees and which Management
is supposed as a reasonable by the employee satisfaction. The key purposes of
compensation management are as follows:
1. An ideal compensation system will have constructive impact on the
competency and outcomes related to employees. It will support the
employees to accomplish better and attain the preset standards.
2. Compensation will elevate the confidence, competence and teamwork
among the workers.
Compensation The modern organisations have realized that thriving compensation and
benefits plans are significant to success in present highly aggressive business
environment. The lack of capable aptitude and demands for more rigorous
executive accountability and long-term obligation has led to the requirement for a
more resourceful approach as well as new compensation practices. Compensation
Management is a planned practice that helps in harmonizing the work-employee
relation by offering monetary and non-monetary benefits to employees. This
includes payments such as bonuses, over time pays, profit sharing, appreciation
rewards and sales commission. The compensation can also comprise non-
monetary benefits like company-paid car, company-paid housing and stock
options. It helps to motivate the employees and improves the organizational
effectiveness. Is often seen that compensation discontentment leads to
absenteeism, job dissatisfaction, low performance, strikes and grievances etc.
is prepared to pay and the feeling of value experienced by the employee. In an Compensation
effort to reduce the expenditure, employers might decide on to congeal wages or Management
wage levels at the cost of employee satisfaction and morale. On the other hand, an
employer who desire to lessen employee turnover may try to enhance wage and
wage levels. Compensation is also considered as remuneration for outstanding job
b. production planning
c. Compensation
b. false
3. Good compensation and rewards system does not help to build up ancordial
employee employer relation.
a. true
b. false
1.3 Components of Compensation System
Compensation will be perceived by employees as reasonable if it‟s based
on systematic components. Various compensation systems have developed to
determine the value of positions. These systems utilize many similar components
including job descriptions, salary ranges/structures, and written procedures.
The components of a compensation system include
Job analysis: The method of scrutinizing jobs from which job descriptions
are developed. Job analysis methods include the use of interviews,
questionnaires, and examination.
Job evaluation: A system for comparing jobs for the intention of shaping
suitable compensation levels for individual jobs or job elements. There are
four main techniques: Ranking, Classification, Factor Comparison,
and Point Method.
Pay Structures: This component is helpful for normalizing compensation
practices. Most pay structures comprise numerous grades with each grade
having a minimum salary or wage and moreover step increment or grade
range. Step increments are frequent with union positions where the pay for
every job is preset by means of collective bargaining.
Salary Surveys: This comprises the data relating to the average salaries,
inflation indicators, cost of living indicators, salary budget averages.
Companies may acquire results of surveys carried out by survey vendors or
may conduct salary surveys. While purchasing the results of salary surveys
conducted by others it should be noted that the surveys may be carried out
inside a specific industry or across industries and moreover within one
geographical regions.
Check your progress 2 Management
c. Job evaluation
d. Pay Structures
2. The method of scrutinizing jobs from which job descriptions are developed.
a. Job Descriptions
b. Job analysis
c. Job evaluation
d. Pay Structures
b. Job analysis
c. Job evaluation
d. Pay Structures
The incentive pay intended to reward employees for excellent performance,
such as performance-linked bonus, share in profit, etc.
a) Basic Salary Compensation
This type of wage is usually a set amount of remuneration for a definite
period of time. The most customary form is a cash amount over a period of one
year. The regularity of payment is a different part of the compensation and is
according to the organisational standards. Mostly, it‟s monthly or twice in a
b) Conveyance Allowance
f) Special Allowance
1.4.2 Indirect Forms of Compensation
a) Benefits
be suitable for the medi-claims that offer them emotional and social Compensation
security. Management
Leave Travel: The employees are offered with leave and travel
allowances to go for holiday with their families.
The Equity based programs mostly prevail in modern organisation and are
rarely found in the small business world. These types of indirect compensation
attach the worker to the organisation via ownership. Due to the complication and
the legal issues implicated, very small number of organisations uses this method.
b. false
2. Which one below is an Direct compensation
a. Insurance
b. Holiday Homes
c. basic salary
Compensation 3. Which one below is an indirect compensation
a. Insurance
b. bonus
c. basic salary
2. Job Evaluation
the composed data can provide a criterion or benchmark for devising
compensation plans and policies. The essential data and information are composed Management
through diverse resources such as published surveys, consultants and agencies,
advertisements, informal communication etc.
4. Pricing Jobs
Under-pricing jobs technique, diverse pay levels are found out based on the
status of each job. Initially the jobs are set into pay grades, and then, the pay rates
are allocated to every individual pay grade, rather than conveying rate to every
individual job. A pay grade include of jobs of just about equal difficulty or
significance. That is, the jobs having identical nature can be assembled under a
job grade as determined by job evaluation.
a. true
b. false
b. false
3. Under the technique, diverse pay levels are found out based
on the status of each job.
a. Job analysis
b. Job evaluation
c. pricing jobs
Compensation in the job. Inflation and how to cope with it has been another important issue in
compensation management. For example, salary compression means that longer-
term employees‟ salaries are lower than those for workers entering the firm today,
and it is a result of inflation.
a) Ranking Method
Jobs are set from the highest to lowest, accoring to their values or
merit to the organization
The job uppermost in the list will have the highest value and job at
the lowest has the lowest value.
Jobs are arranged in each section or department and then this section
ranking are joined to build up an organization ranking
Ranking method
5 TYPIST 1800
b) Classification Method Compensation
The classification method is a different non-quantifiable technique which
can generate job grades with “generic” point descriptions. The original positions
are fitted into the “best” fit position, based on duty. The features of this method
This method also makes use of scales to measure performance rather than
comparing and ranking employees.
Classification Method
In this method similar ranks are given to jobs that have similar
responsibilities and tasks. The evaluators examine jobs in the external labour
market. The jobs prevailing in the organization are then compared to the
benchmark jobs in accordance to the market rate of every job‟s compensable
feature to decide job salaries. Some of the features are given below.
Under this method, instead of ranking complete jobs, each job is ranked
according to a series of factors.
Pay is allocated to the job in association to its ranking on each job factor.
Compensation d) Point Method
The point method is a proven approach that is extensively used in the
private sector. It‟s easy to use once implemented, but it is time-consuming and
therefore costly to develop. After developing the compensable job factors, job
positions are evaluated to the factors and the suitable number of points is
assigned. The total points slot the position to a grade.
In this method of job evaluation, the organization recognizes the
compensable factors and split them down into degrees. The organization must also
weight the factors, determine the number of complexity levels or degrees for each
factor, and assign points. The result is that the evaluator allocates a numeric score
to a job for each factor based on how much of that factor appears in the job. The
job's entire value is then determined by totalling up the numeric scores across all
factors. This process, when carried out across all jobs, will result in a comparative
list of jobs according to the number of points that every job earns.
1.7 Motivation and Fringe Benefits Management
Fringe benefits are types of compensation that are provided to workers in
addition to the prescribed wage or salary. Familiar examples of fringe benefits
comprise medical and dental insurance, use of a company car, housing allowance,
educational assistance, vacation pay, sick pay, meals and employee discounts.
It‟s often seen that the fringe benefits are considered as foremost by
employees while evaluating the total compensation package. Salaries are vital, but
employees often agree to or disagree to take up a job based on the eminence of
fringe benefits. Health insurance costs have turn out to be very expensive and
employees that may have formerly left a job more likely stay for these benefits.
Some employers offer exclusive fringe benefits as a way to build an employee-
friendly atmosphere and to attract definite category of employees.
People work for various reasons. Many people work as they require being
paid in order to survive, while others work willingly for other reasons. Motivation
is the basis why people work, and it compel them to perform better. Therefore,
most of the present managers try to find out what motivate workers and
implement them in their organisation to encourage workers to work more
efficiently. This result is elevated in efficiency, augmented output and finally
higher profits. It‟s seen that High-tech companies may offer employees with i-
Pads, cell phones and other equipment are normally used for work. Some offer
coffee bars and complimentary snacks to make a more homelike office feel.
Usually, the more aggressive the industry, the more fringe benefits you have to
put forward to attract top talent. If the employee pool is big, there is more
suppleness in offer that is considered as motivating benefits. Fringe benefits are
methods used by human resources to hire and retain top talent and to help form a
motivated workforce.
b. Bonus
c. Fringe benefit
Compensation 2. The fringe benefits may comprise of use of a company car, housing
allowance, educational assistance, vacation pay, sick pay, meals
and employee discounts.
a. true
b. false
modern organisations try to find out the reasons for the motivation of workers and Compensation
apply them in their organisation to persuade workers to work more professionally. Management
1.10 Glossary
1. Inspire - Motivate
2. Factual - truthful
3. Impartiality- fairness
4. Rapport - relationship
5. Groundwork - Base
6. Unwavering - Steady
7. Benchmark - Standard
Compensation 8. Inflation - Rise
1.11 Assignment
Describe the four job evaluation methods with examples?
1.12 Activities
Develop a compensation chart for a business consisting of 8 employees
including a manager and two assistant managers.
1. Evaluate the demand of the workers and provide the justification for
execution or non-execution this demand?
Unit Structure
2.0 Learning Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Dearness Allowance Concept
2.8 Glossary
2.9 Assignment
2.10 Activities
Management 2.1 Introduction
As the employees play a significant role in your business‟s achievement, it
is important that the human resource practices should be carefully planned. It
should match up with your business plan.
The employees are to be motivated to develop with the company by
considering the adding up of profit-sharing, customary performance reviews and
employee awards programs. Even if the businesses have few people scheduled in
their payroll they still need to be considerate how to motivate satisfy and content
their employees. The theories abound how to raise workforce productivity and job
satisfaction. But still various small business owners may be unenthusiastic with
the thoughts that they do not have sufficient funds or capital to satisfactorily
convene the desires of their employees. On the contrary, a lot of employee
motivation and appreciation schemes necessitate small to no monetary investment,
and might be merely a subject of changing the management practices. Others need
a few investments, but that is often paid back by enhancing the company's output.
Issues Related
Check your progress 1 To
1. Dearness allowance has no relation with the basic salary.
a. true
b. false
b. monthly basis
c. weekly basis
a. true
b. false
4. The Dearness Allowance is related to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for
a given location
a. true
b. false
Compensation indexes such as Bombay Price Index, Delhi Price Index, Kolkata Price Index,
Ahmedabad Price Index etc.
dearness allowance to Central Government Employees on the basis of the All Issues Related
India Consumer Price index Number for the Industrial Workers. To
2. The Chairman of the Pay Commission which modified the pay scales
by merging 50% of the Dearness Allowance with basic Pay.
a. Srinivasa Varadacharia
c. P N Singhal
b. false
Compensation 4. To offer qualitative job environment and work life.
5. To safeguard the employees from the social risks.
6. To look after the health of the employees and to offer safety to the
employees against accidents.
6. The rising number of labour legislation, mainly social security legislation, Issues Related
made it very important for employers to share uniformly with their To
employees the expenditure of old age, survivor and disability benefits. Compensation
7. The development and power of trade unions has significantly inclined the
intensification of company benefits and services.
8. Labour shortage and rivalry for competent human resources has led to the
commencement, progression and execution of a number of compensation
9. The management has more and more recognized its duty towards its
employees and has arrived to the winding up that the benefits of increase in
efficiency resulting from growing industrialization should go, at least
partially, to the employees who are accountable for it, so that they might be
protected from the uncertainty happening from redundancy, illness, injury
and old age. The organisational benefits and services programs are among
some of the methods which managers use to provide this security to the
a. true
b. false
2. Fringe benefits safe guard the employees from the social risks
a. true
b. false
3. Recognition of the fact that fringe benefits are non-taxable rewards has
been key motivation to their growth.
a. true
b. false
Management 2.5 Retirement Plans including VRS/Golden
Handshake Schemes
Pension plans offer financial security and permanence throughout the old
age once individuals don't have any regular income source. Retirement plan make
sure that individuals live with arrogance and without compromising on their
standard of living throughout advancing years. Retirement pension scheme gives a
chance to put in and amass savings and get lump sum amount as customary
income through pension plan on retirement.
According to United Nations Population Division World's life expectancy is
likely to reach 75 years by 2050 from current level of 65 years. The enhanced
wellbeing and sanitation conditions in India have augmented the life span. As an
outcome of these facts the number of post-retirement years has also raised. Thus,
going up cost of living, inflation and life expectancy put together the retirement
planning indispensable part of today's life.
2.5.1 Qualified and Non-qualified Retirement Plan Issues Related
a. Qualified retirement plan Compensation
This retirement plan is established by an employer for the advantage of the
employees. Qualified retirement plans offer employers a tax break for the
contributions they make for their employees. Qualified plans that permit
employees to put back a fraction of their salaries into the plan also lessen
employees‟ current income-tax burden by reducing taxable income. Qualified
retirement plans facilitate employers attract and retain high-quality employees.
Qualified plans simply allow assured types of investments, which vary by plan but
usually comprise public securities, mutual funds and money market funds etc.
They also denote when distributions can be furnished, normally when the
employee reaches the plan‟s definite retirement age, when the employee turn out
to be disabled, when the plan is concluded and not replaced by a new competent
plan, or when the employee expires.
Non-qualified plans are those that are not qualified for tax-exemption
benefits. Therefore, remitted contributions for non-qualified plans will be taxed
when income is acknowledged. This usually refers to when employees ought to
pay income taxes on benefits related with their employment.
Examples for retirement plans are:
1) Defined benefit plans are company retirement plans, like pension plans, in
which a retired employee gets an exact amount based on wage history and
years of service, and in which the employer accepts the investment risk. The
worker, the employer, or both may make the contributions. These plans are
advisable for people who have 20 years for retirement or less, as the annual
contributions will be bigger.
Compensation Different types of defined contribution plans are:
Profit sharing: An employer alone put together contributions
according to the employee's current-year compensation. Employers
can choose what sum and whether to contribute to the plan each year.
Employees are qualified to contribute in the plan directly or after one
or two years of employment and the vesting plan are up to six years.
Combination plans: The profit sharing and money purchase plans are
regularly pooled by companies that have diverse earnings from one
year to the next.
one can neither induce the workers to neither admit it nor apply it Issues Related
selectively to any definite individuals. To
The only choice of the employer is the levels, division and age groups
among whom the company wants to offer VRS. The company has the right to
accept or reject the application for the VRS. The Voluntary Retirement Scheme is
a lawful way to down size the work force of an organisation. The VRS candidates
must be employed in the organization for minimum of 10 years and also the age of
the worker must be minimum of 40.Those not complying with these conditions
still can apply VRS but will not get the benefit of tax exemption. The employees
opting for the VRS will get a tax exemption for the amount of Rs. 5 lacks lump
Compensation the premiums are paid by the individuals and the money mount up through the
term of the plan. The accumulated funds are then invested in securities accepted
by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), the insurance
regulator. These products are intended to look after the worth of the principal and
also to give steady returns. The accumulation period is followed by the vesting
age; payouts from the fund will be started. The vesting age is mostly between 40
to 70 years. The time when an individual gets pension is also called the annuity
phase. In the instant annuity option, an individual can disburse in lump-sum, as an
alternative of years of payment and start off getting income instantly.
b. Defined-contribution plan
c. Combination plans
2. Qualified retirement plans offer employers a tax break for the contributions
they make for their employees.
a. true
b. false
b. Defined-contribution plan
c. Combination plans
4. A type of profit sharing plan, where contributions are made in the form of
company stock.
b. Profit sharing
c. Money purchase pension plan
Issues Related
5. VRS or Golden Handshake is a plan by which the employee is offered
to To
willingly retire from his services before his retirement date, subject to
certain conditions
a. true
b. false
2.7 Answers for Check Your Progress
Answers: (1-b), (2-b) (3-a), (4-a)
Check your progress 1
Answers: (1-b), (2-b) (1-a)
Check your progress 2
Answers: (1-b), (2-a) (1-a)
Check your progress 3
Answers: (1-a), (2-a) (1-b), (2-a) (1-a)
Check your progress 4
2.8 Glossary
1. Contrary - different
2. Unenthusiastic - indifferent
3. Adjudication - mediation
4. Redundancy - joblessness
5. Arrogance - pride
6. Amass - collect
7. Annuity - pension
8. Induce - persuade
9. Aspire - seek
2.9 Assignment
Visit an organisation a find out the pension plan implemented in there?
Issues Related
2.10 Activities To
Choose 5 employees from the organisation you have visited and Calculate
the current DA according to their basic salary?
Block Summary
Management The block
gave introductory information to the topic of Compensation Management.
Components of compensation system and different types of
compensation along with the compensation process were discussed in detail. The
methods adopted by the organisation in the process of job evaluation were also
discussed. A detailed study on the relation between the motivation and fringe
benefits was also included in this block. The Dearness Allowance its emergence
and Growth in India was explained. The block also comprised a study on the role
of fringe benefits in reward systems. A detailed study on the retirement plans
including VRS Schemes helped to add knowledge in this topic.
Compensation and Rewards are methods used by employers to successfully
attract, retain and motivate employees. The plan ends up in the fair payment for
performance of a service, in exchange for the work of an employee. While
determining what the organization will disburse as the wages and salaries, it is
significant to know the economic conditions of the region in which the
organisation functions, the quantity of prospective employees and the legislative
needs in place. When determining what should be paid, first consideration is
assignment of the role organizationally which can be determined in the course of
job evaluation and classification. The second consideration is the job significant
talent and skill the aspirant possesses which may impact their appointment in the
salary range upon hire. The compensation management is the management of the
workforce costs, putting the performance standards, setting the clear
compensation strategies and commencing the reasonable benefits for employees.
The compensation given are in varied forms from the base compensation in the
type of money to different benefits, that is associated with workers service to the
organisation such as provident fund, gratuity, and insurance scheme etc. The
direct compensation is the financial benefits given to the employees for their
services. The indirect compensation is the non-financial benefit which is provided
to the workers in the form of health, dental, life, disability and vision insurances
and at the time of retirement. The Dearness Allowance is calculated as a
percentage of an individual‟s basic salary to relieve the impact of inflation on
common people. A retirement plan is an agreement by an employer to give their
employees with an income when they longer have regular earnings from working
mainly in the old age. Retirement plans may be choose by the organisation in a
variety of methods but usually will have a form of a specific payment. VRS or
Golden Handshake is a scheme by which the employee is offered to retire on his
will, from his services before his retirement date, subject to certain conditions. It‟s
a compassionate method to retrench the employees in the business.
Block Assignment
Short Answer Questions
1. Describe Job Descriptions.
5. Basic Salary.
6. Bonuses.
7. Ranking Method.
8. Classification Method.
Enrolment No.
1. How many hours did you need for studying the units?
Unit No 1 2 3 4
Nos of Hrs
2. Please give your reactions to the following items based on your reading of the
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