Nmc-1709 NMC Najeeb Ullah Sepco 06-02-24 1541-44
Nmc-1709 NMC Najeeb Ullah Sepco 06-02-24 1541-44
Nmc-1709 NMC Najeeb Ullah Sepco 06-02-24 1541-44
2. Please quote above mentioned Distributed Generation Concurrence No. for future
Copy to:
1. Chief Executive Office, Alternative Energy Development Board, 2' Floor, OPF Building,
G-5/2, Islamabad.
2. Chief Executive Officer, Sukkur Electric Supply Company (SEPCO), Old Thermal Power
Station, Sulckur.
2. The beneficiary shall abide by the provisions under the Act and NEPRA
(i9Jtemative & Renewable Energy) Distributed Generation and Net Metering Regulations,
2015,ás amendedfrorri time to time:
This Concurrence is issued for a period of seven 07) years-and will expire on
0$ day of 2031 and
the relevantRegUlations framed thereafter.
jThoQsact&twentv Four.
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