Grey-Box Control Oriented Emissions Models: Markus Hirsch Daniel Alberer Luigi Del Re
Grey-Box Control Oriented Emissions Models: Markus Hirsch Daniel Alberer Luigi Del Re
Grey-Box Control Oriented Emissions Models: Markus Hirsch Daniel Alberer Luigi Del Re
Abstract: Further improvements of emission control will require reliable estimation of emissions in real
time. While many progresses are being done in terms of physical sensors, there is a wide agreement that
virtual sensors and more in general real time emission models will play a central role in the next steps.
While there is a deep understanding of the physics of the regulated pollutants, most general emission
models tend to be too complex and poorly parametrized to be used on-line, while most data based models
tend to be either insufficiently precise or of limited scope. To avoid this problem, this paper proposes a
combined approach in which static maps are identified numerically, but the effect of dominant factors, like
cylinder-head temperature and air path dynamics, is included on the basis of physical assumptions.
Differently from most models developed for sensors, this approach is based on pure engine control unit
(ECU) data, i.e. can be used for the computation of optimal control laws. As the paper shows, this strategy
is able to provide not only real time estimation of NOx as a function of the ECU outputs, but also of
particulate matter (PM).
This restriction – to closed loop operation under the action of Table 1. Input Variables
the ECU – is critical, as it strongly reduces the dimension of
the model space. Indeed, an ECU tends to produce fixed Input varible Unit Description
relationships between control variables (for instance, for a qMI mg/Inj fuel mass of main injection
single speed, temperature and demanded torque, there is one phiMI Deg crank angle position of main
single combination of several control variables, like rail injection before top dead centre
pressure, pre-injection time and amount, main injection time qPI mg/Inj fuel mass of pilot injection
and amount, etc. which have been optimized for the specific tPI µs time of pilot injection before main
operation). While this generally increases the precision of the injection
model derived under closed loop operation for the closed pRail bar fuel pressure in common rail
loop condition, it makes it mostly worthless for the general N rpm engine speed
operation and therefore for optimization, for which a MAP mbar manifold air pressure
sufficiently general model is needed. MAF kg/h manifold fresh air mass flow
This work is concerned in deriving such an open loop model Toil °C engine oil temperature
for a Diesel engine. As the engine cannot be operated without
an ECU, and some combinations of control inputs could even fuel injection
lead to an immediate damage of the engine, a real open loop
30 mg
model identification is not possible, but the problem can be 2200rpm 2700rpm
1300rpm 1800rpm
reduced using tools both at the measurement and at the 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg
interpretation level: the model is designed using a
combination of a comprehensive steady state model (obtained 950rpm 1300rpm 1800rpm 2200rpm 2700rpm
modifying the set points of the controller so to cover the 15mg 15mg 15mg 15mg 15mg
Additionally the model uses first-principle dynamic 830 rpm 3000 rpm
y glob = ∑ w ( N , qMI ) ⋅ y
r r
r =1
2.1 General issues
∑ w ( N , qMI ) = 1
r =1
The design of a control oriented emission model involves
addressing several aspects, in particular the strong (d) Compared to the uncertain and slow dynamics (delay
nonlinearity of the engine map, the strong correlation time and low pass filter) of the emission measurement
between many measurements and the essentially open devices, the fast injection dynamics can be neglected.
problem of the right formula structure of an NOx and Dynamics of the air path - which are much slower than
especially of a PM estimator. These problems are solved in those of the injection system - could be excluded as the
our case in the following way: output values of this system manifold air flow (MAF)
(a) a data set “as rich as possible” under open loop and boost pressure (MAP), both measured by the
conditions is determined experimentally standard ECU, were taken as inputs for the emission
model. As the air mass flow sensor is not mounted
(b) variable selection methods are used to determine the directly on the manifold but in the upstream of the turbo
input channels with the largest independent impact on charger, a second order filter was included here to
emissions (resulting in table 1) approximate the time lag (based on the results of
(Vierlinger 2005)). The resulting transfer function from
(c) the whole engine map is subdivided in local regions (as the measured value MAF to the real manifold air mass
shown in fig. 1) and the outputs of the global model flow MAF* can be written in the frequency domain as
yglobal (emission values for NOx and PM) are computed follows:
switching between outputs of local models yr, using a
linear combination in overlapping regions (1). 1
MAF * = MAF (2)
T s + 2T ξ s + 1
2 2
17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008
2.2 Local models normalized standard error of each regressor SE (θˆi ) was
The local models describing the global model are defined by calculated according to (7). For robustness, these values had
in parameters linear regression functions. Eq. (3) shows the to be smaller then a defined level which was decreased
basic structure of these functions: the logarithmic engine iteratively until validation error on a not in the identification
output (NOx and opacity respectively) is defined by a mean data included test data set raised significantly. Otherwise, the
value and a deviation depending on the standard deviation input channel was rejected and a new identification was done.
σ uu multiplied by a sum of input functions fi ( ∆u )
Σ kk
weighted by regressors θi. The logarithm is used to achieve SE (θˆk ) =
constant relative prediction errors over a larger output range θˆk
(error homoscedasticity) and therefore accurate results for −1
lower emissions levels too. Both the output and the input Σ = σˆ
⎡⎣φ T φ ⎤⎦ (7)
variables have been standardized by subtraction of the mean
values ( y , u ) and division by the square root of their 1 n
variance ( σ yy , σ uu ).
σˆ =
n− p
∑(y k
− yˆ k )
k =1
∆y = ∑θ i
⋅ f i ( ∆u ) (3) High combustion chamber wall temperatures have an
increasing influence on NOx by the Zeldovich-formation
i =1
(Warnatz et al. 1999) and a decreasing one on soot. These
∆u = temperatures, which are normally not known, can be
σ uu approximated by the engine oil temperature Toil, also a
variable of a standard ECU. Actually, this value is a dynamic
∆u represents the vector of standardized input variables and p output of the engine system and therefore not settable but
the number of regressors. Several approaches for the describable only by quite complex definitions of the engine
generation of possible new input variables have been tested. which are depending on much more parameters than those
In conclusion, a polynomial attempt of second order is used here for the emission model. The very low excitation of
sufficient and therefore (3) can be rewritten in matrix Toil at the local identification areas causes huge standard
notation as follows: errors SE in the regressors of the channels containing this
value. Due to the selection criterion described before these
channels were rejected and temperature dependence would
∆y = θ ⋅ ∆u
(4) disappear. There could be many approaches to tackle this
problem, but a simple and efficient possibility to include
[ ]
∆u= ∆u1 " ∆u p ∆u1 ∆u1 ∆u1∆u 2 " ∆u p ∆u p effects of temperature proven to be multiplying the output of
the nonlinear model by a scaling factor representing
A criterion J to assess the quality of a given estimated model temperature differences between the main temperature of the
is given by the sum of the square residuals: identification data and current oil temperature. The weighting
function for this temperature dependence was – on the basis
of physical considerations (Warnatz et al. 1999) - an
J = ∑ ( yk − yˆ k )
k =1
exponential function. The growth factor which is positive for
NOx and negative for PM, is defined by separate warm-up
2.3 Variable selections models tests under constant speed and load tests (Fig. 3).
θˆ = (φ φ ) φ Y
T −1 T
17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008
1500 measured signal
measured points
fitted exponential function identification
NOx [ppm]
NOx [ppm]
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 time [s]
Temperature [deg C]
Fig. 4. Local model for NOx for the working point 950 rpm
Fig. 3. Measured influence of oil temperature on emissions and 15 mg/cycle of main injection
under constant speed and load.
17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008
⎛ n
measured ⎜ ∑(y k
− yˆ )k
= max ⎜ 1 − ,0⎟
k =1
simulated FIT
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
∑(y − y)
600 ⎝ k =1
1 n
MSE = ∑(y − yˆ )
NOx [ppm]
k k
n k =1
17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008