Ardizzone CS 1990 PDF
Ardizzone CS 1990 PDF
Ardizzone CS 1990 PDF
S. Ardizzone a, G. B a s s i a a n d G. L i b o r i o b
aDepartment of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, University of Milan, Via Golgi 19,
20133 Milan (Italy)
bDepartment of Earth Sciences, University of Milan, Via Botticelli 23, 20133 Milan (Italy)
(Received 17 April 1990; accepted 25 June 1990)
Calcinations, in oxygen, of ZrC1, and Zr (OH) 4, prepared hydrothermally, have been performed
over a wide temperature range (200-850°C). The product of the reaction was (except for the
850 °C sample) a phase mixture composed, at lower temperatures, of the stable monoclinic and
the metastable cubic and tetragonal forms and, at higher temperatures, of the monoclinic and
tetragonal polymorphs. Subjecting the powders to a severe mechanical grinding resulted, at any
temperature, in the transformation of the phase mixture into a pure monoclinic phase. Some of
the controversial aspects both of occurrence and of "stabilization" at low temperatures of Zr02
polymorphs are discussed. Results concerning the dependence on the temperature of preparation
and the features of the pure monoclinic phases (crystallites sizes, surface area, porosity) are pre-
sented. The paper also reports surface charge versus pH curves obtained on suspensions of the
powders in KN03. The effects induced by the temperature of preparation on the surface electri-
fication behaviour are discussed.
All reagents were of reagent-grade purity and used as received without fur-
ther purification. Solutions were prepared with doubly distilled water passed
through a Milli-Q apparatus.
A first series of samples was prepared using ZrC14 as the precursor of the
oxide. The salt was calcinated in 02 at three different temperatures (500, 650
and 850 ° C ) for variable time lengths (4-8 h). A second series of samples was
prepared by calcinating, in an 02 atmosphere, at different increasing temper-
atures (200-800 ° C ), a hydrothermal intermediate. This product was prepared
by a modification of the procedure developed by Breeuwsma [ 15] to obtain the
precursor of hematite. Essentially the reaction is an alkaline precipitation of
Zr(OH)4 from an acidic solution of ZrC14 at the boiling point. At the end of
the precipitation, the heating was continued for 2 h and afterwards the product
The monoclinic phase is the only stable crystallographic form of the tetra-
valent zirconium oxide in the low temperature region, starting from the first
onset of crystallinity and up to the transition to the tetragonal phase
g_ Mechanical treatment
M )
20 /
•"Q 15 /
10 /
-0 . . . . . ~OS
200 400 600 800
Fig. 1. (a) Phase composition of the powders obtained by calcination of the hydrothermal inter-
mediate. The phase mixtures obtained at 500, 600 and 700 ° C, in order to be transformed to pure
monoclinic zirconia, had to be heated, before the grinding, for 50 h (at variance with the 10 h
heating of the other samples. (b) Dependence of the crystailites sizes (by Scherrer's equation ) on
the firing temperature.
hashi et al. [25] who observed an identical phenomenon, contrast with the
hypothesis of Garvie who reported, as a support to this theory, the occurrence
of just the opposite phenomenon, i.e., the transformation, by grinding, of a
monoclinic into a tetragonal phase [28].
In the light of the divergent evidences it seems hardly probable that one
single effect should be the origin of the stabilization of the metastable phases;
the present authors are inclined to believe that the occurrence, at low temper-
atures, of high temperature phases should, in any case, be the result of a spe-
cific balance between surface and bulk components and between thermody-
namic and kinetic factors. Further, in the authors opinion, the close structural
relationships between the hydrous oxide and the cubic and tetragonal forms
might play a significant role in the formation of the metastable phases. Nish-
izawa et al. [ 29 ] suggest, in fact, that the transition from the hydrous oxide to
the tetragonal form occurs as a topotactic crystallization mediated by a cubic
Independently of the analysis of the factors which might induce either sta-
bilization or non-stabilization of the polymorphs, Fig. la contains in s e a very
important result. The adopted procedure has allowed, in fact, a pure mono-
clinic phase to be obtained, starting from low temperatures and in a wide tem-
perature range, fulfilling thereby one of the main aims of this work. Figure lb
reports the average sizes of the crystallites of the monoclinic samples obtained
at the different temperatures. The values have been calculated by means of
Scherrer's equation [30 ] on the (111) peak of monoclinic Zr02. From the fig-
ure it can be observed that, at the lower temperature extreme, the sizes of the
crystallites are almost invariant while, for higher temperatures, the dimen-
sions show the expected increase with temperature. This latter increase matches
the observed decrease of the specific surface areas of the powders. Figure 2a
reports, collectively, the values of specific surface areas both experimental,
from BET determinations, and calculated from the dimensions of the crystal-
lites; these latter values have been obtained using the following formula, S--
6/pd where p is ZrO2 specific weight ( ~ 5.8 g cm-3). Examining the figure it
can be observed that, except for the 200 ° C sample, the agreement between the
two sets of data is rather good both in trend and also in the absolute values.
This agreement implies that the effective dimensions of the ZrO2 particles are,
at any temperature, comparable with the sizes of the crystallites, and that the
present ZrO2 powders are mainly composed of single crystal particles with di-
mensions increasing with temperature.
The case of the 200 ° C sample is, instead, difficult to explain, the calculated
surface area being much lower than the experimental one. The difference can
not be attributed to the presence of a higher degree of porosity in the 200 ° C
sample. Figure 2b shows, in fact, that the specific pore volume of the lower
temperature sample is comparable with the porosity of higher temperature
samples, the degree of porosity showing a maximum at 400 ° C. Two possible
J i
\ \0
180 \
E 120 \
0 \0
60 0 ~ ~0
.~ 20]
1.0 \\O
~ 0''/
O \
2OO 400 600 800
Fig. 2. (a) Experimental ( B E T ) ( O ) and calculated ( A ) (from the dimensions of the crystal-
lites) specific surface areas as a function of the temperature of preparation. (b) Specific pore
volume of the powders versus temperature of calcination.
Interracial behaviour
Figure 3 reports charge versus pH curves obtained in the case of the 200 ° C
sample. The curves present the classical pattern and give rise to a sharp com-
mon intersection point (c.i.p.) at pH 8.0. The "indifferent" role of KNOa, as
the base electrolyte, was previously checked on crystalline baddelyite by cross
comparison of microelectrophoretic determinations and surface charge results
[ 14 ]. With this conclusion the c.i.p, of charge curves in Fig. 3 can be given the
-3 '
-2 ~ ' C' b t
~'~.E-1 ~ a
Fig. 3. Charge versus pH curves, of a 200 °C sample, determined in KNOa: (a) 10-3; (b) 10-~; (e)
8 . . . . . . -o . . . . . . - -- -- "-<)- - - 0 - -- - "(3 -- - ~ D -
i I I I
o 200 400 600 800
T (°C)
/ t/
JH /
/5" c b
z./S /
¢0 0
z / /
/ /
/ t S
/ / /
/ / ¢
I /i I I
4 -2 -1 0 1 2
PH - PHp.z,c.
Fig. 5. Charge curves of a 200 (a, b and c) and of a 800 ° C sample (a', b' and c' ) as a function of
pH, normalized with respect to the p.z.c., in KN03: (a,a') 10-3; (b,b') 5-10-3; (c,c') 10 -2 M.
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