General Air Splicing
General Air Splicing
General Air Splicing
A.B. Carter, Inc. Jointair Splicers can be track mounted for best splicing performance and
mimimum maintenance. These systems keep hoses out of operating areas and give maximum
freedom to the operator.
....The Code 110R minimizes or eliminates splice tails on flat or low-twist yarns.
Jointair Splicer
Application: Continuous filament and long staple spun yarns.
(single and plied).
Code 4923B
Jointair Aqua Splicer
Capacity: Medium to Coarse Counts Application: Plied short staple natural fiber yarns.
Filament Yarns: 200 - 15000 Denier (100% cotton, linen and cotton blends)
Staple Yarns: 3’s - .3’s Cotton Count
Capacity: Staple Yarns: 60’s/2 - 4/2 Cotton Count
Jointair 116K/116G - Special design for splicing fiberglass yarns ...For maximum splicing efficiency and strength on cotton, flax and
and rovings, carbon fibers, and all technical fiber yarns. cotton blends!
116K from 150 - 3000 Tex / 116G from 1000 - 5000 Tex