Vice – is any immoral conduct or habit, the indulgence of which leads to depravity, wickedness and
corruption of the minds and the body.
ALCOHOLIC -A person who has experienced physical, psychological, social or occupational
impairment as consequence of habitual, excessive consumption of alcohol.
ALCOHOL ABUSE -Use of ethyl alcohol or liquor in a quantity and with a frequency that causes
the individual significant physiological, psychological, or sociological distress or
ALCOHOLIC DEPENDENCE -A chronic lost of control over the consumption of alcoholic beverages despite
obvious psychological or physical harm to the person. Increasing amount are required overtime and
abrupt discontinuance may precipitate a withdrawal symptoms.
ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR -Any beverages or compound, whether distilled, fermented, or otherwise, which will
produce intoxication or which contains in excess of one percent of alcohol and used as a beverage.
DRUNKARD - A person who habitually takes or use any intoxicating alcohol liquor and while under the
influence of such, or in consequence of the effect thereof, is either dangerous to himself or to others.
ALCOHOLISM – which is also known as “Alcohol Dependence Syndrome” is a disease characterized by the
-It is only when a drunken person exhibits his condition publicly, or disturbs, endangers, or injured others,
that he became an offender and therefore, subject to arrest and punishment.
-Before and during elections, it is unlawful to sell or drink intoxicating liquor, as provided in the election
1. Involuntary – when a drunken person does not know the intoxicating strength of beverage he has taken.
2. Intentional – when a person deliberately drinks liquor fully knowing its effects, either to obtain
mitigation or to find the liquor as stimulant to commit crime.
3. Habitual – when the person finds that drinking has a constant necessary and the vice ultimately takes
hold of him.
2. Moderate Inebriation – the person is argumentative and overconfident. There is slight impairment of
mental difficulties, difficulty of articulation, loss of coordination of finer movements. The face is flushed
with digested eyeball. He is reckless and shows motor in coordination. The person maybe certified by the
doctor as being under the influence of liquor.
3. Drunk – the mind is confused, behavior is irregular and the movement is uncontrolled. The speech us
thick and in coordinated. The behavior is uncontrollable.
4.Very drunk – the mind is confused and disoriented. There is difficulty in speech and marked motor
incoordination and often walking is impossible.
5. Coma – the subject is stuperous or in comatous condition. Sometimes it is difficult to differentiate this
condition with other conditions having coma.
-It is considered a mitigating circumstance when the offender has committed a felony in a state of
intoxication, if the same is not habitual.
PROSTITUTION -act or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment.
- is the exchange of money for the performance of sexual act.
PROSTITUTE -Customarily used, to refer to a female person who engages in sex in exchange for money as
PHILANDER -Is a serial cheater who betrays his spouse or long term partner repeatedly;
-The term usually refers to men (obviously, women have also been known to carry on affairs).
-Any person found loitering about public or semi-public building or places, or tramping or wandering
about the country or to the streets without visible means of support.
-Any idle or dissolute person who lodges in houses of ill-fame, ruffians or pimps and those who habitually
associate with prostitutes.
- women, who for money or profit, habitually indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct.
Although the poor or homeless people can no longer bevhauled to jail for vagrancy, the new law
continued to penalize women engaged in prostitution.
RA 10158, defined prostitutes as "women who for money or profit, habitually indulge in sexual intercourse
or lascivious conduct."
With the enactment of the law, all pending vagrancy cases meantime shall be dismissed and all persons
serving sentence for violating the vagrancy law shall immediately be released.
2. HUSTLER - Professional type of prostitutes. She maybe a bar or tavern “pick-up” or a “street walker”.
- The bar or tavern “pick-up” frequents places where liquor is sold, sometimes operating with the consent
and knowledge of the management.
- The streetwalker is the oldest and the most common type of prostitute. She may work with taxi-drivers
and commits prostitution in a taxi-cab. Her common customers are the tourists, gamblers, criminals,
Addicts and others.
- Their operation is oftentimes associated with swindling their customers.
- Usually ridges several numbers of factory girls or professional prostitutes and under the control of an
organized crime ring.
- A “madam” or “maintainer” supervises the operation supported by a staff of teller (cashier), bell or room
boys, register clerks, watchmen, pimps and security guards known as bouncer.
- Their operation appears to be a legitimate business entity mostly under the protection of crooked
policemen or law enforcement authorities and their location is prominently known to all their customers.
- They have number of small rooms with the prostitutes staying there at where they wait for customers. At
times, the house provided with secret exits ready for escaping in case of police
- These prostitutes are mostly the call girls who make the room their designated places in perpetrating
their business.
-Their rent is on per customers basis or they maintain the rent continuously but the prostitutes do not live
there permanently but elsewhere to maintain their anonymity and identity.
- This is where the customers call and the madam makes the arrangement and sends the girls by a
transporter who is a ma n or woman to the place arrangement.
- The house appears to be a legitimate business house such as service agencies, travel offices, coffee
shops, beauty parlors and the like duly licensed and registered as such with the government office.
- However, the telephone number is limited only to qualified customers as recommended by their pimps
who conducts the background investigation on the ability of the prospective customers to pay.
- These houses are operated under a licensed or permit issued by the government but acts as a front for
prostitution where the act maybe done or as per arrangement.
- They operate with barbershops with manicurists or “attendants” and “massagists” who while servicing
their customers may make contacts or the prostitutes or themselves.
- These prostitutes are sometimes the newcomers in the business who do not earn much as attendants or
- The following regulatory policy has been adopted to provide the necessary protection for the society.
- Segregation of brothels and soliciting to restricted districts.
- Public licensing of houses of prostitution
- Registration of prostitutes to protect them from the
- Periodic medical examination of prostitutes and public health education.
- Legalization of the practice of prostitution under government supervision and
- control to make it more realistic.
- That arrest of prostitutes be handled by non police agencies but should be taken care by social workers
and medical men.
- Finally, the rehabilitation of prostitutes by providing them jobs and facilities to earn a decent living.
- This method believes that prostitution is both a crime and a vice and therefore, should be repressed and
totally prohibited.
- It maintains that chastity and continence should be the rule of conduct for everybody and to allow
prostitution would be to abet immorality and white slave trade
- As to licensing of prostitution, this school of thought argues that it invites men to enjoy promiscuity free
and easy and without fear of the law.
- RA 7610, as amended, (Special Protection of children against child abuse, exploitation and discrimination
- Penalize those who engage in or promote, facilitate or induce child prostitution, who commit the act of
sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct with a child exploited in prostitution and who derived profit on
advantage therefrom, whether as a manager or owner of the establishment.
-penalty of reclusion temporal in its medium period to reclusion perpetua
GAMBLING -Wagering of money or something of material value on an event with an uncertain outcome
with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods.
ILLEGAL NUMBERS GAME -Any form of illegal gambling activity which uses numbers or combination as
factors in giving out jackpots.
JUETENG -Illegal numbers game that involves the combination of numbers as a form of local lottery where
bets are placed and accepted per combination.
MASIAO -Illegal numbers game where the winning combination is derived from the results of the last
game of Jai Alai or the Special Llave portion.
LAST TWO -Illegal numbers game where the winning combination is derived from the last two numbers of
the first prize of the winning Sweepstakes ticket.
BETTOR (Mananaya) -Any person, who places bets for himself/herself or in behalf of another person,
other than the personnel or staff of any illegal numbers game operation.
COLLECTOR or AGENT (Cabo, Cobrador) -Any person who collects, solicits or produces bets in behalf of
his/her principal for any illegal numbers game who is usually in possession of gambling paraphernalia.
FINANCIERS OR CAPITALIST -Any person who finances the operations of any illegal numbers game.
PROTECTOR OR CODDLER -Any person who lends or provides protection, or receives benefits in any
manner in the operation of any illegal numbers game.
Article 195 of RPC. Acts punishable in gambling
– any person directly or indirectly take part in any game of Monte, jueteng, other form of lottery, policy,
banking or percentage game, dog races or any other game the result of which depends wholly upon a
chance wherein wagers consisting of money, articles of value, or representative of value are made.
Article 196 (RPC). Penalizing any person who shall import into the Philippine Islands from any foreign place
or port any lottery ticket or advertisement, or in connivance with the importer, shall sell or distribute the
-The penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its minimum period or a
fine ranging from 200 to 2,000 pesos, or both, in the discretion of the court.
Article 197 (RPC). Betting in sports Contest – Penalizing any person who shall bet money or any object or
article of value or representative of value upon the result of any boxing or other
sports contest.
-The penalty of arresto menor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos, or both.
Article 198 (RPC). Illegal betting on horse races – Penalizing any person who, except during the periods
allowed by law, shall bet on horse races.
- The penalty of arresto menor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos, or both.
Article 199 (RPC). Illegal cockfighting – Penalizing any person who directly or indirectly participates in
cockfights, at a place other than a licensed
- The penalty of arresto menor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos, or both, in the discretion of the court.
Penalty - fine of not less than one thousand pesos not more than two thousand pesos or by imprisonment
for not less than one month or more than six months, or both, in the discretion of the court. If the
offender is a partnership, corporation or association, the criminal liability shall devolve upon its president,
director, or any other official responsible for the violation.
PD 483 - Penalizing Betting, Game-fixing or point shaving and Machinations in Sports Contents. Approved
on June 13, 1974.
PD 1602 – Approved June 11, 1978. prescribing stiffer penalties on illegal gambling.
RA 9287 – Approved 2, 2004 An Act increasing the penalties for illegal numbers games, amending certain
provisions of P.D. 1602, and for other purposes.