Ranadive 2013

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Investigation of Behavioral Aspects of Flexible

Pavement under Various Conditions by Finite

Element Method

M.S. Ranadive* and A.B. Tapase

College of Engineering, Pune, K.B.P.College of Engineering & Poly., Satara, India

msrtunnel@yahoo.co.in, tapaseanand@gmail.com

Summary. Basic aim of this paper is to develop a tailor made program for design
and analysis of flexible pavements using finite element method which will en-
hance the scope to use variety of combinations of materials, conditions, and
various parameters which correlates with the actual conditions on the field. The
conditions which affect the flexible pavement are variation of wheel loading, tem-
perature, seepage, varying thickness, etc. Both positive and negative change in
temperature during day time and night time as well as due to seasonal changes will
be considered. The water seeps through sub grade which results in decrease in life
of pavement by reduction in sub grade modulus. The effect of water table will be
studied on swelling and shrinkage property of sub grade. Similarly performance of
pavement will be checked by varying thicknesses of asphalt concrete, and base
layers. The capillary water held in pores of concrete pavement may cause failure
of pavement by freezing and thawing action. The effect of wheel loading cannot
be neglected as severe pavement damage is because of higher axle loads. However
from the past studies and through the recommendations of the AASHTO code of
practice the actual wheel load and their combinations could be shortlisted.
The complex characteristic of the present day systems therefore demands an ap-
plication of analytical tool which can accommodate the details of the complex sys-
tem. In this connection it should be noted that the versatile finite element solution
technique holds a bright promise. Therefore it is proposed to discuss at length the
application of the finite element method towards design of the flexible pavements.

Keywords: Flexible pavement, parameters, finite element method.

1 Introduction
Pavement design involves many uncertainties, variabilities and approximations
regarding material properties, traffic loads, sub grade strength, seepage, drainage
conditions, construction procedures, and climatic factors [7]. A good design is one
that provides the expected performance with appropriate economic consideration.

Corresponding author.

Q. Yang et al. (Eds.): Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials, SSGG, pp. 765–770.

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766 M.S. Ranadive and A.B. Tapase

Pavement design procedures depend heavily on empirical relationships based

on long-term experience and field tests such as AASHO Road Test [1]. The prop-
erties of material used in pavement are strongly dependent on temperature. The
data obtained from Indian Metrological Department (IMD, Pune) clearly focuses
on the seasonal and diurnal fluctuations in weather conditions. Therefore, assum-
ing an average temperature while design or analysis of the pavement is empirical.
Instead of that detailed knowledge of temperature distribution in various layers al-
lows for more sophisticated specification of various materials along with bitumin-
ous material grade which ultimately prove to be economical solution to rising
pavement construction cost. From the literature available it is clear that the tem-
perature variation in the top layer is larger than the variation within the base and
sub base layers. Secondly, the influence of the moisture content within the base,
sub base and sub grade layer is larger than the temperature variation [7]. The
complex characteristics of the present day system demands an application of ana-
lytical tool which can accommodate the details of the complex system. In this pa-
per the basic aim is to discuss the optimum design process for flexible pavement.
The design is obviously based on the structural response against the variety of
structural action.

2 Finite Element Methodology

It is apparent from details presented in fig 1.1 that the finite element method of so-
lution constitutes a primary component of the design process.

2. Input Material Properties 1. Assume Pavement Configuration

Climate Information

3. Climate Models Heat Transfer Moisture Equi- 5. Structural Models

librium Infiltration and Drainage

6. Pavement Response

4. Input Traffic

8. Distress Models (Fatigue Cracking, Rut-

ting, Low Temperature Cracking)
7. Design Reliability


9. Final Design

Fig. 1. Methodology of calibrated mechanistic procedure for flexible pavement design [4]
Investigation of Behavioral Aspects of Flexible Pavement 767

Finite element solution technique is conducted through three stages of the anal-
ysis those are as follow.

2.1 Idealization of the System Being Investigated

Depending upon the required type of analysis the finite element idealization for
the pavement system being analyzed is developed by means of the elements drawn
from the element library. A variety of element types are provided in its element li-
brary. The two dimensional, three dimensional, axi-symmetrical, and infinite ele-
ments compatible with the two or three dimensional elements are to be used as and
when required for the analysis.
The scope for variety of material types that may be encountered in the built up
of the pavement system are almost indefinite in number. With respect to the ac-
tual problem same practically useful data can be extracted from available literature
for further investigation including the elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio of vari-
ous available soil conditions like homogenous elastic soils, idealized cohesion less
soil, cohesive soils, etc. [4, 5].

2.2 Formulation and Solution of Equation Governing

the Phenomenon Being Investigated
The thermal studies in a continuum are basically governed by a heat transfer phe-
nomenon. The governing equation being


Wherein, T denotes temperature and t the time. is a function of thermal con-

ductivity and is standard Laplace operator.
In general it would be quite in order to assume that as far as the temperature
flow is concerned the continuum elements are homogenous and isotropic. With
this the following details could be provided.
a. A situation similar to plane strain in (x, y) space offers facility for two dimen-
sional analysis with the temperature flow confined to a vertical plane. For this
the governing equation would be as shown below


b. In the cylindrical co-ordinate system ( r, z) the governing equation for the heat
transfer is as shown below

768 M.S. Ranadive and A.B. Tapase

c. In case of three dimensional (x, y, z) space the governing equation for the heat
transfer is shown below

d. To modify the finite element analysis software which could calculate the tem-
perature at any point in the three layer system of the pavement by employing
available data having characteristics like sunshine, air temperature, seasonal
variation, daily variation for the past few years available from observatory. The
modified program could then be further connect to the deformation segments of
the analysis software.

At sites susceptible to the phenomenon of frost and thawing the forces arising out
of such development needs to be considered as a part of thermal analysis. Directly
some water due to rainfall may enter the subbase and subgrade reason due to
cracks in the upper layers. Over a period this would lead to accumulation of water
in the subbase subgrade continuum and the same also need to be disposed of safe-
ly. Though the drains and other devices are provided the problem would be that of
steady state seepage flow creating gradients velocities seepage pressure, etc. This
in term could effect by imparting weakness to continuum material as also the def-
lection that may developed due to the seepage forces. For evaluation of this effects
finite element seepage analysis is essential. The governing equations for the see-
page flow are as follows.
a. A situation similar to plane strain in (x, y) space offers facility for two dimen-
sional analysis with the steady state seepage over a vertical plane. For this the
governing equation would be as shown below

0 (2.5)

b. In the cylindrical co-ordinate system ( r, z) the governing equation for the

steady state seepage is as shown below

0 (2.6)

c. In case of three dimensional (x, y, z) space the governing equation for the
steady state seepage is shown below

0 (2.7)
Investigation of Behavioral Aspects of Flexible Pavement 769

Note: In the above equations h denotes the head of water and , , and
represent coefficients of permeability in x, y, r and z directions respectively. The
equations relate to steady state seepage flow in case of homogenous but anisotrop-
ic elements.

For solution of these equations the finite element analysis software which could
calculate the entities such as distribution of seepage pressures, gradients and exit
gradients is required. The same however would be easily developed by minor
modifications to various deformation analysis programs.

2.3 Evaluation of the Structural Response Required

for under Taking the Design Process
With the solution of governing equation having being derived the element stresses
and element strains are evaluated by means of equation 2.8
[ξ]= [B][ ∂ε]
[σ] =[C][E] (2.8)
Wherein [ξ] represents element strain vector at the Gauss integration point and [σ]
represents element stress vector and the Gauss integration point.
By employing the interpolation characteristics of the elements the modulus of
elasticity and the Poisson’s ratio at the element nodes are extrapolated by using
their respective values and the Gauss integration points. Finally employing direct
averaging technique the strains and stresses at the nodes of the idealized system
are established. The nodal displacements provide information regarding the def-
lection suffered which in term helps in analyzing the phenomenon of rutting. On
the other hand the nodal stresses help in carrying out analysis for phenomenon of

3 Conditions for Analysis

While dealing with the loading conditions various parameters like axle load, wheel
load, tire surface contact pressure, tire imprint and contact area, variation in layer
thickness and sub grade conditions, should be considered along with temperature
variation, moisture content for the analysis. Though the legal axle load limits in
India ranges between 6 tones to 18 tons for axles of commercial vehicles, the
actual axle loads operating on highways in India are much higher due to lack of
enforcement. A simulation model is proposed so that in the countries like India
having four seasons and a fluctuating daily temperature can be analyzed at the
same time pavement temperature at several depths within the pavement along with
its effect on mix design can be studied before actual construction [2]. Characteris-
tics of subgrade for various layers will be different which are proposed to be
various cases for analysis [5].
770 M.S. Ranadive and A.B. Tapase

4 Conclusions
From the details provided above it is clear that to develop rational and economic
design of pavement system various types of finite element analysis would be re-
quired to make an integral tailor made analysis software. The analysis software
should be capable of performing both the linear and nonlinear analysis.

[1] American Association of State Highway Officials AASHTO: AASHTO guide for de-
sign of pavement structures, AASHTO, Washington, D.C. (1993)
[2] Chiasson, A.D., Yavuztuk, C., Ksaibati, K.: Linearized approach for predicting thermal
stresses in asphalt pavements due to environmental conditions. J. Materials in Civil
Eng., ASCE 20(2), 118–127 (2008)
[3] Das, A., Pandey, B.B.: M-E design of bituminous road: and Indian perspective. Journal
of Transportation Engineering, ASCE 125(5) (1999)
[4] Yang, H.H.: Pavement Analysis and Design, 2nd edn. Pearson Education, Inc., and
Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc. (2008)
[5] Ranadive, M.S., Parikh, S.K.: Modeling of Geotechnical Materials in Respect of Finite
Element Analysis of Tunnel Deformations. J. of the Institution of Engineers 82, 139–
144 (2001)
[6] Reddy, K.S., Pandey, B.B.: Lateral placement of commercial vehicle on national
highways, HRB Bulletin No.7, Indian Road Congress, New Delhi
[7] Tarefdar, R.A., Nayan, S., Stormont, J.C.: Evaluation of subgrade strength and pave-
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