Republic Act No. 8552 Domestic Adoption Act of 1998 (Promulgated February 25, 1998)

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Republic Act No. 8552 Domestic Adoption Act of 1998 (Promulgated Februar 25!

1998" Note: Please the Supreme Court rule for the procedures in domestic adoption. Article I. General Provisions Section 1. Short Title. This Act shall be no!n as the "#omestic Adoption Act of 1$$%." Sec. &. #eclaration of Policies. 'a( It is hereb) declared the polic) of the State to ensure that ever) child remains under the care and custod) of his*her parent's( and be provided !ith love+ care+ understandin, and securit) to!ards the full and harmonious development of his*her personalit). -nl) !hen such efforts prove insufficient and no appropriate placement or adoption !ithin the child.s e/tended famil) is available shall adoption b) an unrelated person be considered. 'b( In all matters relatin, to the care+ custod) and adoption of a child+ his*her interest shall be the paramount consideration in accordance !ith the tenets set forth in the 0nited Nations '0N( Convention on the 1i,hts of the Child2 0N #eclaration on Social and 3e,al Principles 1elatin, to the Protection and 4elfare of Children !ith Special 1eference to 5oster Placement and Adoption+ Nationall) and Internationall)2 and the 6a,ue Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in 1espect of Intercountr) Adoption. To!ard this end+ the State shall provide alternative protection and assistance throu,h foster care or adoption for ever) child !ho is ne,lected+ orphaned+ or abandoned. 'c( It shall also be a State polic) to: 'i( Safe,uard the biolo,ical parent's( from ma in, hurried decisions to relin7uish his*her parental authorit) over his*her child2 'ii( Prevent the child from unnecessar) separation from his*her biolo,ical parent's(2 'iii( Protect adoptive parent's( from attempts to disturb his*her parental authorit) and custod) over his*her adopted child. An) voluntar) or involuntar) termination of parental authorit) shall be administrativel) or 8udiciall) declared so as to establish the status of the child as "le,all) available for adoption" and his*her custod) transferred to the #epartment of Social 4elfare and #evelopment or to an) dul) licensed and accredited child9placin, or child9carin, a,enc)+ !hich entit) shall be authori:ed to ta e steps for the permanent placement of the child2 'iv( Conduct public information and educational campai,ns to promote a positive environment for adoption2 'v( ;nsure that sufficient capacit) e/ists !ithin ,overnment and private sector a,encies to handle adoption in7uiries+ process domestic adoption applications+ and offer adoption9related services includin,+ but not limited to+ parent preparation and post9 adoption education and counselin,2 and 'vi( ;ncoura,e domestic adoption so as to preserve the child.s identit) and culture in his*her native land+ and onl) !hen this is not available shall intercountr) adoption be considered as a last resort. Sec <. #efinition of terms 5or purposes of this Act+ the follo!in, terms shall be defined as: 'a( "Child" is a person belo! ei,hteen '1%( )ears of a,e. 'b( "A child le,all) available for adoption" refers to a child !ho has been voluntaril) or involuntaril) committed to the #epartment or to a dul) licensed and accredited child9placin, or child9carin, a,enc)+ freed of the parental authorit) of his*her biolo,ical parent's( or ,uardian or adopter's( in case of rescission of adoption. 'c( "=oluntaril) committed child" is one !hose parent's( no!in,l) and !illin,l) relin7uishes parental authorit) to the #epartment. 'd( "Involuntaril) committed child" is one !hose parent's(+ no!n or un no!n+ has been permanentl) and 8udiciall) deprived of parental authorit) due to abandonment2 substantial+ continuous+ or repeated ne,lect2 abuse2 or incompetence to dischar,e parental responsibilities.

'e( "Abandoned child" refers to one !ho has no proper parental care or ,uardianship or !hose parent's( has deserted him*her for a period of at least si/ '>( continuous months and has been 8udiciall) declared as such. 'f( "Supervised trial custod)" is a period of time !ithin !hich a social !or er oversees the ad8ustment and emotional readiness of both adopter's( and adoptee in stabili:in, their filial relationship. ',( "#epartment" refers to the #epartment of Social 4elfare and #evelopment. 'h( "Child9placin, a,enc)" is a dul) licensed and accredited a,enc) b) the #epartment to provide comprehensive child !elfare services includin,+ but not limited to+ receivin, applications for adoption+ evaluatin, the prospective adoptive parents+ and preparin, the adoption home stud). 'i( "Child9carin, a,enc)" is a dul) licensed and accredited a,enc) b) the #epartment that provides t!ent) four '&?(9hour residential care services for abandoned+ orphaned+ ne,lected+ or voluntaril) committed children. '8( "Simulation of birth" is the tamperin, of the civil re,istr) ma in, it appear in the birth records that a certain child !as born to a person !ho is not his*her biolo,ical mother+ causin, such child to lose his*her true identit) and status. @ac to top Article II. Pre9Adoption Services Sec. ?. Counselin, Service. The #epartment shall provide the services of licensed social !or ers to the follo!in,: 'a( @iolo,ical Parent's( Counselin, shall be provided to the parent's( before and after the birth of his*her child. No bindin, commitment to an adoption plan shall be permitted before the birth of his*her child. A period of si/ '>( months shall be allo!ed for the biolo,ical parent's( to reconsider an) decision to relin7uish his*her child for adoption before the decision becomes irrevocable. Counselin, and rehabilitation services shall also be offered to the biolo,ical parent's( after he*she has relin7uished his*her child for adoption. Steps shall be ta en b) the #epartment to ensure that no hurried decisions are made and all alternatives for the child.s future and the implications of each alternative have been provided. 'b( Prospective Adoptive Parent's( Counselin, sessions+ adoption fora and seminars+ amon, others+ shall be provided to prospective adoptive parent's( to resolve possible adoption issues and to prepare him*her for effective parentin,. 'c( Prospective Adoptee Counselin, sessions shall be provided to ensure that he*she understands the nature and effects of adoption and is able to e/press his*her vie!s on adoption in accordance !ith his*her a,e and level of maturit). Sec. A. 3ocation of 0n no!n Parent's(. It shall be the dut) of the #epartment or the child9placin, or child9carin, a,enc) !hich has custod) of the child to e/ert all efforts to locate his*her un no!n biolo,ical parent's(. If such efforts fail+ the child shall be re,istered as a foundlin, and subse7uentl) be the sub8ect of le,al proceedin,s !here he*she shall be declared abandoned. Sec. >. Support Services. The #epartment shall develop a pre9adoption pro,ram !hich shall include+ amon, others+ the above mentioned services. Article III. ;li,ibilit) Sec. B. 4ho Ca) Adopt. The follo!in, ma) adopt: 'a( An) 5ilipino citi:en of le,al a,e+ in possession of full civil capacit) and le,al ri,hts+ of ,ood moral character+ has not been convicted of an) crime involvin, moral turpitude+ emotionall) and ps)cholo,icall) capable of carin, for children+ at least si/teen '1>( )ears older than the adoptee+ and !ho is in a position to support and care for his*her children in eepin, !ith the means of the famil). The re7uirement of si/teen '1>( )ear difference bet!een the a,e of the adopter and adoptee ma) be !aived !hen the adopter is the biolo,ical parent of the adoptee+ or is the spouse of the adoptee.s parent2 'b( An) alien possessin, the same 7ualifications as above stated for 5ilipino nationals: Provided+ That his*her countr) has diplomatic relations !ith the 1epublic of the Philippines+ that he*she has been livin, in the Philippines for at least three '<( continuous )ears prior to the filin, of the application for adoption and maintains such residence until the adoption decree is entered+ that he*she has been certified b) his*her diplomatic or consular office or an) appropriate ,overnment a,enc) that he*she has the le,al capacit) to adopt in his*her countr)+ and that his*her ,overnment allo!s the adoptee to enter his*her countr) as his*her adopted

son*dau,hter: Provided+ 5urther+ That the re7uirements on residenc) and certification of the alien.s 7ualification to adopt in his*her countr) ma) be !aived for the follo!in,: 'i( a former 5ilipino citi:en !ho see s to adopt a relative !ithin the fourth '?th( de,ree of consan,uinit) or affinit)2 or 'ii( one !ho see s to adopt the le,itimate son*dau,hter of his*her 5ilipino spouse2 or 'iii( one !ho is married to a 5ilipino citi:en and see s to adopt 8ointl) !ith his*her spouse a relative !ithin the fourth '?th( de,ree of consan,uinit) or affinit) of the 5ilipino spouse2 or 'c( The ,uardian !ith respect to the !ard after the termination of the ,uardianship and clearance of his*her financial accountabilities. 6usband and !ife shall 8ointl) adopt+ e/cept in the follo!in, cases: 'i( if one spouse see s to adopt the le,itimate son*dau,hter of the other2 or 'ii( if one spouse see s to adopt his*her o!n ille,itimate son*dau,hter: Provided+ 6o!ever+ that the other spouse has si,nified his*her consent thereto2 or 'iii( if the spouses are le,all) separated from each other. In case husband and !ife 8ointl) adopt+ or one spouse adopts the ille,itimate son*dau,hter of the other+ 8oint parental authorit) shall be e/ercised b) the spouses. Sec. %. 4ho Ca) @e Adopted. The follo!in, ma) be adopted: 'a( An) person belo! ei,hteen '1%( )ears of a,e !ho has been administrativel) or 8udiciall) declared available for adoption2 'b( The le,itimate son*dau,hter of one spouse b) the other spouse2 'c( An ille,itimate son*dau,hter b) a 7ualified adopter to improve his*her status to that of le,itimac)2 'd( A person of le,al a,e if+ prior to the adoption+ said person has been consistentl) considered and treated b) the adopter's( as his*her o!n child since minorit)2 'e( A child !hose adoption has been previousl) rescinded2 or 'f( A child !hose biolo,ical or adoptive parent's( has died: Provided+ That no proceedin,s shall be initiated !ithin si/ '>( months from the time of death of said parent's(. Sec. $. 4hose Consent is Necessar) to the Adoption. After bein, properl) counseled and informed of his*her ri,ht to ,ive or !ithhold his*her approval of the adoption+ the !ritten consent of the follo!in, to the adoption is hereb) re7uired: 'a( The adoptee+ if ten '1D( )ears of a,e or over2 'b( The biolo,ical parent's( of the child+ if no!n+ or the le,al ,uardian+ or the proper ,overnment instrumentalit) !hich has le,al custod) of the child2 'c( The le,itimate and adopted sons*dau,hters+ ten '1D( )ears of a,e or over+ of the adopter's( and adoptee+ if an)2 'd( The ille,itimate sons*dau,hters+ ten '1D( )ears of a,e or over+ of the adopter if livin, !ith said adopter and the latter.s spouse+ if an)2 and 'e( The spouse+ if an)+ of the person adoptin, or to be adopted. @ac to top

Article I=. Procedure Note: Please see the Supreme Court rule on adoption procedures. Sec. 1D. 6urried #ecisions. In all proceedin,s for adoption+ the court shall re7uire proof that the biolo,ical parent's( has been properl) counseled to prevent him*her from ma in, hurried decisions caused b) strain or an/iet) to ,ive up the child+ and to sustain that all measures to stren,then the famil) have been e/hausted and that an) prolon,ed sta) of the child in his*her o!n home !ill be inimical to his*her !elfare and interest. Sec. 11. Case Stud). No petition for adoption shall be set for hearin, unless a licensed social !or er of the #epartment+ the social service office of the local ,overnment unit+ or an) child9placin, or child9carin, a,enc) has made a case stud) of the adoptee+ his*her biolo,ical parent's(+ as !ell as the adopter's(+ and has submitted the report and recommendations on the matter to the court hearin, such petition. At the time of preparation of the adoptee.s case stud)+ the concerned social !or er shall confirm !ith the Civil 1e,istr) the real identit) and re,istered name of the adoptee. If the birth of the adoptee !as not re,istered !ith the Civil 1e,istr)+ it shall be the responsibilit) of the concerned social !or er to ensure that the adoptee is re,istered. The case stud) on the adoptee shall establish that he*she is le,all) available for adoption and that the documents to support this fact are valid and authentic. 5urther+ the case stud) of the adopter's( shall ascertain his*her ,enuine intentions and that the adoption is in the best interest of the child. The #epartment shall intervene on behalf of the adoptee if it finds+ after the conduct of the case studies+ that the petition should be denied. The case studies and other relevant documents and records pertainin, to the adoptee and the adoption shall be preserved b) the #epartment. Sec. 1&. Supervised Trial Custod). No petition for adoption shall be finall) ,ranted until the adopter's( has been ,iven b) the court a supervised trial custod) period for at least si/ '>( months !ithin !hich the parties are e/pected to ad8ust ps)cholo,icall) and emotionall) to each other and establish a bondin, relationship. #urin, said period+ temporar) parental authorit) shall be vested in the adopter's(. The court ma) motu proprio or upon motion of an) part) reduce the trial period if it finds the same to be in the best interest of the adoptee+ statin, the reasons for the reduction of the period. 6o!ever+ for alien adopter's(+ he*she must complete the si/ '>(9month trial custod) e/cept for those enumerated in Sec. B 'b( 'i( 'ii( 'iii(. If the child is belo! seven 'B( )ears of a,e and is placed !ith the prospective adopter's( throu,h a pre9adoption placement authorit) issued b) the #epartment+ the prospective adopter's( shall en8o) all the benefits to !hich biolo,ical parent's( is entitled from the date the adoptee is placed !ith the prospective adopter's(. Sec. 1<. #ecree of Adoption. If+ after the publication of the order of hearin, has been complied !ith+ and no opposition has been interposed to the petition+ and after consideration of the case studies+ the 7ualifications of the adopter's(+ trial custod) report and the evidence submitted+ the court is convinced that the petitioners are 7ualified to adopt+ and that the adoption !ould redound to the best interest of the adoptee+ a decree of adoption shall be entered !hich shall be effective as of the date the ori,inal petition !as filed. This provision shall also appl) in case the petitioner's( dies before the issuance of the decree of adoption to protect the interest of the adoptee. The decree shall state the name b) !hich the child is to be no!n. Sec. 1?. Civil 1e,istr) 1ecord. An amended certificate of birth shall be issued b) the Civil 1e,istr)+ as re7uired b) the 1ules of Court+ attestin, to the fact that the adoptee is the child of the adopter's( b) bein, re,istered !ith his*her surname. The ori,inal certificate of birth shall be stamped "cancelled" !ith the annotation of the issuance of an amended birth certificate in its place and shall be sealed in the civil re,istr) records. The ne! birth certificate to be issued to the adoptee shall not bear an) notation that it is an amended issue. Sec. 1A. Confidential Nature of Proceedin,s and 1ecords. All hearin,s in adoption cases shall be confidential and shall not be open to the public. All records+ boo s+ and papers relatin, to the adoption cases in the files of the court+ the #epartment+ or an) other a,enc) or institution participatin, in the adoption proceedin,s shall be ept strictl) confidential. If the court finds that the disclosure of the information to a third person is necessar) for purposes connected !ith or arisin, out of the adoption and !ill be for the best interest of the adoptee+ the court ma) merit the necessar) information to be released+ restrictin, the purposes for !hich it ma) be used. Article =. ;ffects of Adoption Sec. 1>. Parental Authorit). ;/cept in cases !here the biolo,ical parent is the spouse of the adopter+ all le,al ties bet!een the biolo,ical parent's( and the adoptee shall be severed and the same shall then be vested on the adopter's(.

Sec. 1B. 3e,itimac). The adoptee shall be considered the le,itimate son*dau,hter of the adopter's( for all intents and purposes and as such is entitled to all the ri,hts and obli,ations provided b) la! to le,itimate sons*dau,hters born to them !ithout discrimination of an) ind. To this end+ the adoptee is entitled to love+ ,uidance+ and support in eepin, !ith the means of the famil). Sec. 1%. Succession. In le,al and intestate succession+ the adopter's( and the adoptee shall have reciprocal ri,hts of succession !ithout distinction from le,itimate filiation. 6o!ever+ if the adoptee and his*her biolo,ical parent's( had left a !ill+ the la! on testamentar) succession shall ,overn. Article =I. 1escission of Adoption Sec. 1$. Grounds for 1escission of Adoption. 0pon petition of the adoptee+ !ith the assistance of the #epartment if a minor or if over ei,hteen '1%( )ears of a,e but is incapacitated+ as ,uardian*counsel+ the adoption ma) be rescinded on an) of the follo!in, ,rounds committed b) the adopter's(: 'a( repeated ph)sical and verbal maltreatment b) the adopter's( despite havin, under,one counselin,2 'b( attempt on the life of the adoptee2 'c( se/ual assault or violence2 or 'd( abandonment and failure to compl) !ith parental obli,ations. Adoption+ bein, in the best interest of the child+ shall not be sub8ect to rescission b) the adopter's(. 6o!ever+ the adopter's( ma) disinherit the adoptee for causes provided in Article $1$ of the Civil Code. Sec. &D. ;ffects of 1escission. If the petition is ,ranted+ the parental authorit) of the adoptee.s biolo,ical parent's(+ if no!n+ or the le,al custod) of the #epartment shall be restored if the adoptee is still a minor or incapacitated. The reciprocal ri,hts and obli,ations of the adopter's( and the adoptee to each other shall be e/tin,uished. The court shall order the Civil 1e,istrar to cancel the amended certificate of birth of the adoptee and restore his*her ori,inal birth certificate. Succession ri,hts shall revert to its status prior to adoption+ but onl) as of the date of 8ud,ment of 8udicial rescission. =ested ri,hts ac7uired prior to 8udicial rescission shall be respected. All the fore,oin, effects of rescission of adoption shall be !ithout pre8udice to the penalties imposable under the Penal Code if the criminal acts are properl) proven. @ac to top Article =II. =iolations and penalties Sec. &1. =iolations and Penalties. 'a( The penalt) of imprisonment ran,in, from si/ '>( )ears and one '1( da) to t!elve '1&( )ears and*or a fine not less than 5ift) thousand pesos 'PAD+DDD.DD(+ but not more than T!o hundred thousand pesos 'P&DD+DDD.DD( at the discretion of the court shall be imposed on an) person !ho shall commit an) of the follo!in, acts: 'i( obtainin, consent for an adoption throu,h coercion+ undue influence+ fraud+ improper material inducement+ or other similar acts2 'ii( non9compliance !ith the procedures and safe,uards provided b) the la! for adoption2 or 'iii( sub8ectin, or e/posin, the child to be adopted to dan,er+ abuse+ or e/ploitation. 'b( An) person !ho shall cause the fictitious re,istration of the birth of a child under the name's( of a person's( !ho is not his*her biolo,ical parent's( shall be ,uilt) of simulation of birth+ and shall be punished b) prision ma)or in its medium period and a fine not e/ceedin, 5ift) thousand pesos 'PAD+DDD.DD(. .An) ph)sician or nurse or hospital personnel !ho+ in violation of his*her oath of office+ shall cooperate in the e/ecution of the abovementioned crime shall suffer the penalties herein prescribed and also the penalt) of permanent dis7ualification. An) person !ho shall violate established re,ulations relatin, to the confidentialit) and inte,rit) of records+ documents+ and communications of adoption applications+ cases+ and processes shall suffer the penalt) of imprisonment ran,in, from one '1( )ear and one '1( da) to t!o '&( )ears+ and*or a fine of not less than 5ive thousand pesos 'PA+DDD.DD( but not more than Ten thousand

pesos 'P1D+DDD.DD(+ at the discretion of the court. A penalt) lo!er b) t!o '&( de,rees than that prescribed for the consummated offense under this Article shall be imposed upon the principals of the attempt to commit an) of the acts herein enumerated. Acts punishable under this Article+ !hen committed b) a s)ndicate or !here it involves t!o '&( or more children shall be considered as an offense constitutin, child traffic in, and shall merit the penalt) of reclusion perpetua. Acts punishable under this Article are deemed committed b) a s)ndicate if carried out b) a ,roup of three '<( or more persons conspirin, and*or confederatin, !ith one another in carr)in, out an) of the unla!ful acts defined under this Article. Penalties as are herein provided+ shall be in addition to an) other penalties !hich ma) be imposed for the same acts punishable under other la!s+ ordinances+ e/ecutive orders+ and proclamations. 4hen the offender is an alien+ he*she shall be deported immediatel) after service of sentence and perpetuall) e/cluded from entr) to the countr). .An) ,overnment official+ emplo)ee or functionar) !ho shall be found ,uilt) of violatin, an) of the provisions of this Act+ or !ho shall conspire !ith private individuals shall+ in addition to the above9prescribed penalties+ be penali:ed in accordance !ith e/istin, civil service la!s+ rules and re,ulations: Provided+ That upon the filin, of a case+ either administrative or criminal+ said ,overnment official+ emplo)ee+ or functionar) concerned shall automaticall) suffer suspension until the resolution of the case. Sec. &&. 1ectification of Simulated @irths. A person !ho has+ prior to the effectivit) of this Act+ simulated the birth of a child shall not be punished for such act: Provided+ That the simulation of birth !as made for the best interest of the child and that he*she has been consistentl) considered and treated b) that person as his*her o!n son*dau,hter: Provided+ further+ That the application for correction of the birth re,istration and petition for adoption shall be filed !ithin five 'A( )ears from the effectivit) of this Act and completed thereafter: Provided+ finall)+ That such person complies !ith the procedure as specified in Article I= of this Act and other re7uirements as determined b) the #epartment. Article =III. 5inal Provisions Sec. &<. Adoption 1esource and 1eferral -ffice. There shall be established an Adoption 1esources and 1eferral -ffice under the #epartment !ith the follo!in, functions: 'a( monitor the e/istence+ number+ and flo! of children le,all) available for adoption and prospective adopter's( so as to facilitate their matchin,2 'b( maintain a nation!ide information and educational campai,n on domestic adoption2 'c( eep records of adoption proceedin,s2 'd( ,enerate resources to help child9carin, and child9placin, a,encies and foster homes maintain viabilit)2 and 'e( do polic) research in collaboration !ith the Intercountr) Adoption @oard and other concerned a,encies. The office shall be manned b) adoption e/perts from the public and private sectors. Sec. &?. Implementin, 1ules and 1e,ulations. 4ithin si/ '>( months from the promul,ation of this Act+ the #epartment+ !ith the Council for the 4elfare of Children+ the -ffice of Civil 1e,istr) General+ the #epartment of Eustice+ -ffice of the Solicitor General+ and t!o '&( private individuals representin, child9placin, and child9carin, a,encies shall formulate the necessar) ,uidelines to ma e the provisions of this Act operative. Sec. &A. Appropriations. Such sum as ma) be necessar) for the implementation of the provisions of this Act shall be included in the General Appropriations Act of the )ear follo!in, its enactment into la! and thereafter. Sec. &>. 1epealin, Clause. An) la!+ presidential decree or issuance+ e/ecutive order+ letter of instruction+ administrative order+ rule+ or re,ulation contrar) to+ or inconsistent !ith the provisions of this Act is hereb) repealed+ modified+ or amended accordin,l). Sec. &B. Separabilit) Clause. If an) provision of this Act is held invalid or unconstitutional+ the other provisions not affected thereb) shall remain valid and subsistin,. Sec. &%. ;ffectivit) Clause. This Act shall ta e effect fifteen '1A( da)s follo!in, its complete publication in an) ne!spaper of ,eneral circulation or in the -fficial Ga:ette. 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

1;P0@3IC ACT N-. %D?< . . AN ACT ;STA@3IS6ING T6; 103;S T- G-=;1N INT;19C-0NT1F A#-PTI-N -5 5I3IPIN- C6I3#1;N+ AN# 5-1 -T6;1 P01P-S;S.

A1TIC3; I G;N;1A3 P1-=ISI-NS Section 1. Short Title. This Act shall be no!n as the "Inter9Countr) Adoption Act of 1$$A." Sec. &. #eclaration of Polic). It is hereb) declared the polic) of the State to provide ever) ne,lected and abandoned child !ith a famil) that !ill provide such child !ith love and care as !ell as opportunities for ,ro!th and development. To!ards this end+ efforts shall be e/erted to place the child !ith an adoptive famil) in the Philippines. 6o!ever+ reco,ni:in, that inter9countr) adoption ma) be considered as allo!in, aliens not presentl) allo!ed b) la! to adopt 5ilipino children if such children cannot be adopted b) 7ualified 5ilipino citi:ens or aliens+ the State shall ta e measures to ensure that inter9countr) adoptions are allo!ed !hen the same shall prove beneficial to the child.s best interests+ and shall serve and protect his*her fundamental ri,hts.chan robles virtual la! librar) Sec. <. #efinition of Terms. As used in this Act. the term: 'a( Inter9countr) adoption refers to the socio9le,al process of adoptin, a 5ilipino child b) a forei,ner or a 5ilipino citi:en permanentl) residin, abroad !here the petition is filed+ the supervised trial custod) is underta en+ and the decree of adoption is issued outside the Philippines. chan robles virtual la! librar) 'b( Child means a person belo! fifteen '1A( )ears of a,e unless sooner emancipated b) la!. 'c( #epartment refers to the #epartment of Social 4elfare and #evelopment of the 1epublic of the Philippines. 'd( Secretar) refers to the Secretar) of the #epartment of Social 4elfare and #evelopment. 'e( Authori:ed and accredited a,enc) refers to the State !elfare a,enc) or a licensed adoption a,enc) in the countr) of the adoptin, parents !hich provide comprehensive social services and !hich is dul) reco,ni:ed b) the #epartment. 'f( 3e,all)9free child means a child !ho has been voluntaril) or involuntaril) committed to the #epartment+ in accordance !ith the Child and Fouth 4elfare Code. ',( Catchin, refers to the 8udicious pairin, of the adoptive child and the applicant to promote a mutuall) satisf)in, parent9child relationship. 'h( @oard refers to the Inter9countr) Adoption @oard. A1TIC3; II T6; INT;19C-0NT1F A#-PTI-N @-A1# Sec. ?. The Inter9Countr) Adoption @oard. There is hereb) created the Inter9Countr) Adoption @oard+ hereinafter referred to as the @oard to act as the central authorit) in matters relatin, to inter9countr) adoption. It shall act as the polic)9ma in, bod) for purposes of carr)in, out the provisions of this Act+ in consultation and coordination !ith the #epartment+ the different child9care and placement a,encies+ adoptive a,encies+ as !ell as non9,overnmental or,ani:ations en,a,ed in child9care and placement activities. As such+ it shall: 'a( Protect the 5ilipino child from abuse+ e/ploitation+ traffic in, and*or sale or an) other practice in connection !ith adoption !hich is harmful+ detrimental+ or pre8udicial to the child2 chan robles virtual la! librar) 'b( Collect+ maintain+ and preserve confidential information about the child and the adoptive parents2 'c( Conitor+ follo! up+ and facilitate completion of adoption of the child throu,h authori:ed and accredited a,enc)2 'd( Prevent improper financial or other ,ain in connection !ith an adoption and deter improper practices contrar) to this Act2 'e( Promote the development of adoption services includin, post9le,al adoption2 'f( 3icense and accredit child9carin,*placement a,encies and collaborate !ith them in the placement of 5ilipino children2 ',( Accredit and authori:e forei,n adoption a,enc) in the placement of 5ilipino children in their o!n countr)2 and

'h( Cancel the license to operate and blac list the child9carin, and placement a,enc) or adoptive a,enc) involved from the accreditation list of the @oard upon a findin, of violation of an) provision under this Act. Sec. A. Composition of the @oard. The @oard shall be composed of the Secretar) of the #epartment as e/ officio Chairman+ and si/ '>( other members to be appointed b) the President for a nonrene!able term of si/ '>( )ears: Provided+ That there shall be appointed one '1( ps)chiatrist or ps)cholo,ist+ t!o '&( la!)ers !ho shall have at least the 7ualifications of a re,ional trial court 8ud,e+ one '1( re,istered social !or er and t!o '&( representatives from non9,overnmental or,ani:ations en,a,ed in child9carin, and placement activities. The members of the @oard shall receive a per diem allo!ance of -ne thousand five hundred pesos 'P1+ADD( for each meetin, attended b) them: Provided+ further+ That no compensation shall be paid for more than four '?( meetin,s a month.chan robles virtual la! librar) chan robles virtual la! librar) Sec. >. Po!ers and 5unctions of the @oard. The @oard shall have the follo!in, po!ers and functions: 'a( to prescribe rules and re,ulations as it ma) deem reasonabl) necessar) to carr) out the provisions of this Act+ after consultation and upon favorable recommendation of the different a,encies concerned !ith the child9carin,+ placement+ and adoption2 chan robles virtual la! librar) 'b( to set the ,uidelines for the convenin, of an Inter9countr) Adoption Placement Committee !hich shall be under the direct supervision of the @oard2 'c( to set the ,uidelines for the manner b) !hich selection*matchin, of prospective adoptive parents and adoptive child can be made2 'd( to determine a reasonable schedule of fees and char,es to be e/acted in connection !ith the application for adoption2 'e( to determine the form and contents of the application for inter9countr) adoption2 ',( to institute s)stems and procedures to prevent improper financial ,ain in connection !ith adoption and deter improper practices !hich are contrar) to this Act2 'h( to promote the development of adoption services+ includin, post9le,al adoption services+ 'i( to accredit and authori:e forei,n private adoption a,encies !hich have demonstrated professionalism+ competence and have consistentl) pursued non9profit ob8ectives to en,a,e in the placement of 5ilipino children in their o!n countr): Provided+ That such forei,n private a,encies are dul) authori:ed and accredited b) their o!n ,overnment to conduct inter9countr) adoption: Provided+ ho!ever+ That the total number of authori:ed and accredited forei,n private adoption a,encies shall not e/ceed one hundred '1DD( a )ear2 '8( to ta e appropriate measures to ensure confidentialit) of the records of the child+ the natural parents and the adoptive parents at all times2 ' ( to prepare+ revie! or modif)+ and thereafter+ recommend to the #epartment of 5orei,n Affairs+ Cemoranda of A,reement respectin, inter9countr) adoption consistent !ith the implementation of this Act and its stated ,oals+ entered into+ bet!een and amon, forei,n ,overnments+ international or,ani:ations and reco,ni:ed international non9,overnmental or,ani:ations2 'l( to assist other concerned a,encies and the courts in the implementation of this Act+ particularl) as re,ards coordination !ith forei,n persons+ a,encies and other entities involved in the process of adoption and the ph)sical transfer of the child2 and 'm( to perform such other functions on matters relatin, to inter9countr) adoption as ma) be determined b) the President. A1TIC3; III P1-C;#01; Sec. B. Inter9Countr) Adoption as the 3ast 1esort. The @oard shall ensure that all possibilities for adoption of the child under the 5amil) Code have been e/hausted and that inter9countr) adoption is in the best interest of the child. To!ards this end+ the @oard shall set up the ,uidelines to ensure that steps !ill be ta en to place the child in the Philippines before the child is placed for inter9 countr) adoption: Provided+ ho!ever+ That the ma/imum number that ma) be allo!ed for forei,n adoption shall not e/ceed si/ hundred '>DD( a )ear for the first five 'A( )ears.chan robles virtual la! librar) Sec. %. 4ho Ca) be Adopted. -nl) a le,all) free child ma) be the sub8ect of inter9countr) adoption. In order that such child ma) be considered for placement+ the follo!in, documents must be submitted to the @oard:

'a(Child stud)2 chan robles virtual la! librar) 'b(@irth certificate*foundlin, certificate2 'c(#eed of voluntar) commitment*decree of abandonment*death certificate of parents2 'd(Cedical evaluation *histor)2 'e(Ps)cholo,ical evaluation+ as necessar)2 and 'f(1ecent photo of the child. Sec. $. 4ho Ca) Adopt. An alien or a 5ilipino citi:en permanentl) residin, abroad ma) file an application for inter9countr) adoption of a 5ilipino child if he*she: 'a( is at least t!ent)9seven '&B( )ears of a,e and at least si/teen '1>( )ears older than the child to be adopted+ at the time of application unless the adopter is the parent b) nature of the child to be adopted or the spouse of such parent: chan robles virtual la! librar) 'b( if married+ his*her spouse must 8ointl) file for the adoption2 'c( has the capacit) to act and assume all ri,hts and responsibilities of parental authorit) under his national la!s+ and has under,one the appropriate counselin, from an accredited counselor in his*her countr)2 'd( has not been convicted of a crime involvin, moral turpitude2chan robles virtual la! librar) 'e( is eli,ible to adopt under his*her national la!2 'f( is in a position to provide the proper care and support and to ,ive the necessar) moral values and e/ample to all his children+ includin, the child to be adopted2 ',( a,rees to uphold the basic ri,hts of the child as embodied under Philippine la!s+ the 0.N. Convention on the 1i,hts of the Child+ and to abide b) the rules and re,ulations issued to implement the provisions of this Act2 'h( comes from a countr) !ith !hom the Philippines has diplomatic relations and !hose ,overnment maintains a similarl) authori:ed and accredited a,enc) and that adoption is allo!ed under his*her national la!s2 and 'i( possesses all the 7ualifications and none of the dis7ualifications provided herein and in other applicable Philippine la!s. Sec. 1D. 4here to 5ile Application. An application to adopt a 5ilipino child shall be filed either !ith the Philippine 1e,ional Trial Court havin, 8urisdiction over the child+ or !ith the @oard+ throu,h an intermediate a,enc)+ !hether ,overnmental or an authori:ed and accredited a,enc)+ in the countr) of the prospective adoptive parents+ !hich application shall be in accordance !ith the re7uirements as set forth in the implementin, rules and re,ulations to be promul,ated b) the @oard. The application shall be supported b) the follo!in, documents !ritten and officiall) translated in ;n,lish. 'a( @irth certificate of applicant's(2 chan robles virtual la! librar) 'b( Carria,e contract+ if married+ and divorce decree+ if applicable2 'c( 4ritten consent of their biolo,ical or adoptive children above ten '1D( )ears of a,e+ in the form of s!orn statement2 'd( Ph)sical+ medical and ps)cholo,ical evaluation b) a dul) licensed ph)sician and ps)cholo,ist2 'e( Income ta/ returns or an) document sho!in, the financial capabilit) of the applicant's(2 'f( Police clearance of applicant's(2 ',( Character reference from the local church*minister+ the applicant.s emplo)er and a member of the immediate communit) !ho have no!n the applicant's( for at least five 'A( )ears2 and

'h( 1ecent postcard9si:e pictures of the applicant's( and his immediate famil)2 The 1ules of Court shall appl) in case of adoption b) 8udicial proceedin,s. chan robles virtual la! librar) Sec. 11. 5amil) Selection*Catchin,. No child shall be matched to a forei,n adoptive famil) unless it is satisfactoril) sho!n that the child cannot be adopted locall). The clearance+ as issued b) the @oard+ !ith the cop) of the minutes of the meetin,s+ shall form part of the records of the child to be adopted. 4hen the @oard is read) to transmit the Placement Authorit) to the authori:ed and accredited inter9countr) adoption a,enc) and all the travel documents of the child are read)+ the adoptive parents+ or an) one of them+ shall personall) fetch the child in the Philippines.chan robles virtual la! librar) Sec. 1&. Pre9adoptive Placement Costs. The applicant's( shall bear the follo!in, costs incidental to the placement of the child2 'a( The cost of brin,in, the child from the Philippines to the residence of the applicant's( abroad+ includin, all travel e/penses !ithin the Philippines and abroad2 and chan robles virtual la! librar) 'b( The cost of passport+ visa+ medical e/amination and ps)cholo,ical evaluation re7uired+ and other related e/penses. Sec. 1<. 5ees+ Char,es and Assessments. 5ees+ char,es+ and assessments collected b) the @oard in the e/ercise of its functions shall be used solel) to process applications for inter9countr) adoption and to support the activities of the @oard. chan robles virtual la! librar) Sec. 1?. Supervision of Trial Custod). The ,overnmental a,enc) or the authori:ed and accredited a,enc) in the countr) of the adoptive parents !hich filed the application for inter9countr) adoption shall be responsible for the trial custod) and the care of the child. It shall also provide famil) counselin, and other related services. The trial custod) shall be for a period of si/ '>( months from the time of placement. -nl) after the lapse of the period of trial custod) shall a decree of adoption be issued in the said countr) a cop) of !hich shall be sent to the @oard to form part of the records of the child.chan robles virtual la! librar) #urin, the trial custod)+ the adoptin, parent's( shall submit to the ,overnmental a,enc) or the authori:ed and accredited a,enc)+ !hich shall in turn transmit a cop) to the @oard+ a pro,ress report of the child.s ad8ustment. The pro,ress report shall be ta en into consideration in decidin, !hether or not to issue the decree of adoption. The #epartment of 5orei,n Affairs shall set up a s)stem b) !hich 5ilipino children sent abroad for trial custod) are monitored and chec ed as reported b) the authori:ed and accredited inter9countr) adoption a,enc) as !ell as the repatriation to the Philippines of a 5ilipino child !hose adoption has not been approved. Sec. 1A. ;/ecutive A,reements. The #epartment of 5orei,n Affairs+ upon representation of the @oard+ shall cause the preparation of ;/ecutive A,reements !ith countries of the forei,n adoption a,encies to ensure the le,itimate concurrence of said countries in upholdin, the safe,uards provided b) this Act. A1TIC3; I= P;NA3TI;S Sec. 1>. Penalties. 'a( An) person !ho shall no!in,l) participate in the conduct or carr)in, out of an ille,al adoption+ in violation of the provisions of this Act+ shall be punished !ith a penalt) of imprisonment ran,in, from si/ '>( )ears and one '1( da) to t!elve '1&( )ears and*or a fine of not less than 5ift) thousand pesos 'PAD+DDD(+ but not more than T!o hundred thousand pesos 'P&DD.DDD(+ at the discretion of the court. 5or purposes of this Act+ an adoption is ille,al if it is effected in an) manner contrar) to the provisions of this Act or established State policies+ its implementin, rules and re,ulations+ e/ecutive a,reements+ and other la!s pertainin, to adoption. Ille,alit) ma) be presumed from the follo!in, acts: '1(consent for an adoption !as ac7uired throu,h+ or attended b) coercion+ fraud+ improper material inducement2 chan robles virtual la! librar) '&(there is no authorit) from the @oard to effect adoption2 '<(the procedures and safe,uards placed under the la! for adoption !ere not complied !ith2 and '?(the child to be adopted is sub8ected to+ or e/posed to dan,er+ abuse and e/ploitation. 'b(An) person !ho shall violate established re,ulations relatin, to the confidentialit) and inte,rit) of records+ documents and communications of adoption applications+ cases and processes shall suffer the penalt) of imprisonment ran,in, from one '1( )ear and one '1( da) to t!o '&( )ears+ and*or a fine of not less than 5ive thousand pesos 'PA+DDD(+ but not more than Ten thousand pesos 'P1D+DDD(+ at the discretion of the court. chan robles virtual la! librar) A penalt) lo!er b) t!o '&( de,rees than that prescribed for the consummated felon) under this Article shall be imposed upon the

principals of the attempt to commit an) of the acts herein enumerated. Acts punishable under this Article+ !hen committed b) a s)ndicate or !here it involves t!o or more children shall be considered as an offense constitutin, child traffic in, and shall merit the penalt) of reclusion perpetua. Acts punishable under this Article are deemed committed b) a s)ndicate if carried out b) a ,roup of three '<( or more persons conspirin, and*or confederatin, !ith one another in carr)in, out an) of the unla!ful acts defined under this Article.Penalties as are herein provided shall be in addition to an) other penalties !hich ma) be imposed for the same acts punishable under other la!s+ ordinances+ e/ecutive orders+ and proclamations.chan robles virtual la! librar) Sec. 1B. Public -fficers as -ffenders. An) ,overnment official+ emplo)ee or functionar) !ho shall be found ,uilt) of violatin, an) of the provisions of this Act+ or !ho shall conspire !ith private individuals shall+ in addition to the above9prescribed penalties+ be penali:ed in accordance !ith e/istin, civil service la!s+ rules and re,ulations: Provided+ That upon the filin, of a case+ either administrative or criminal+ said ,overnment official+ emplo)ee or functionar) concerned shall automaticall) suffer suspension until the resolution of the case. A1TIC3; = 5INA3 P1-=ISI-NS Sec. 1%. Implementin, 1ules and 1e,ulations. The Inter9countr) Adoption @oard+ in coordination !ith the Council for the 4elfare of Children+ the #epartment of 5orei,n Affairs+ and the #epartment of Eustice+ after due consultation !ith a,encies involved in child9 care and placement+ shall promul,ate the necessar) rules and re,ulations to implement the provisions of this Act !ithin si/ '>( months after its effectivit). Sec. 1$. Appropriations. The amount of 5ive million pesos 'PA+DDD+DDD( is hereb) appropriated from the proceeds of the 3otto for the initial operations of the @oard and subse7uentl) the appropriations of the same shall be included in the General Appropriations Act for the )ear follo!in, its enactment. Sec. &D. Separabilit) Clause. If an) provision+ or part hereof is held invalid or unconstitutional+ the remainder of the la! or the provision not other!ise affected+ shall remain valid and subsistin,. Sec. &1. 1epealin, Clause. An) la!+ decree+ e/ecutive order+ administrative order or rules and re,ulations contrar) to+ or inconsistent !ith the provisions of this Act are hereb) repealed+ modified or amended accordin,l).chan robles virtual la! librar) Sec. &&. ;ffectivit) Clause. This Act shall ta e effect fifteen '1A( da)s after its publication in t!o '&( ne!spapers of ,eneral circulation.

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