Gujcet - D25 Apr 2024 1
Gujcet - D25 Apr 2024 1
Gujcet - D25 Apr 2024 1
Fd 2 Fe 2 Fd 2 Fd
(A) (B) (C) (D)
ke kd 2 ke 2 ke 2
2. q1 and q2 are like charges on identical spheres A and B respectively. But q1 ¹ q2. Now if both are
brought in contact and then serrated and brought to their initial positions, then electric force
between them will be ......
(A) less than before (B) greater than before (C) same as before (D) zero
3. The radius of a conducting spherical shell is 10 mm and a 100 mC charge is spread on it. The force
acting on a 10 mC charge placed at its centre is ....... (k = 9 ´ 109 MKS)
(A) 103 N (B) 102 N (C) Zero (D) 105 N
4. Two charged particles of equal charges are placed 1 m apart. The initial acceleration of each of them
is 1 ms~2. If their equal mass is 10~3 gm, find the charge on each of them.
(A) 1.1 ´ 10–8 C (B) 1.1 ´ 10–8 C (C) 11 ´ 108 C (D) 2 ´ 10–8 C
5. Direction of electric dipole moment is ...... .
(A) from – q to + q. (B) from + q to – q.
(C) in direction of external electric field. (D) in opposite to external electric field.
6. Magnitude of total charge on electric dipole is ......
(A) – q (B) + q (C) 2q (D) zero
7. A cube of side ‘l’ has charge q at each of its vertices. What will be the electric field at the centre of
the cube ?
q q 32q
(A) 2
(B) 2
(C) (D) zero
l 2l l2
8. Unit and dimensional formula of linear charge density are ...... .
(A) Cm, [M0 L1 A1 T1] (B) Cm–1, [M0 L–1 A1 T1]
(C) C–1m, [M0 L1 A1 T1] (D) Cm–1, [M0 L1 A1 T–1]
9. Unit and dimensional formula of surface charge density are ...... .
(A) Cm2, [M0 L2 A1 T1] (B) Cm–2, [M0 L2 A1 T–1]
(C) Cm–2, [M0 L–2 A1 T1] (D) C–1 m2, [M0 L–2 A1 T1]
10. Unit and dimensional formula of volume charge density are ...... .
(A) Cm–3, [M0L–3T1A1] (B) Cm–3, [M0L3T1A1] (C) Cm–3, [M0L3A–1T–1] (D) Cm3, [M0L–3T1A1]
11. ......... are deflected in electric field.
(A) X - rays (B) Neutrons (C) a - particles (D) g - rays
12. The unit of dipole moment is .........
(A) Cm–1 (B) Cm (C) Cm–2 (D) Cm 2
13. An electric dipole is placed in an electric field of a point charge, then ........
(A) the resultant force acting on the dipole is always zero.
(B) the resultant force acting on the dipole may be zero.
(C) torque acting on it may be zero.
(D) torque acting on it is always zero.
(A) the resultant force acting on the dipole is always zero.
(B) the resultant force acting on the dipole may be zero.
(C) torque acting on it may be zero.
(D) torque acting on it is always zero.
14. When an electron and a proton are both placed in an electric field ........
(A) the electric forces acting on them are equal in magnitude as well as direction.
(B) only magnitudes of forces are same.
(C) accelerations produced in them are same.
(D) magnitudes of accelerations produced in them are same.
15. 2.25 N force is acting on 15 ´ 10–4 C charge placed at a point in a uniform electric field. So, intensity
of this electric field is ......
(A) 150 V (B) 15 V (C) 1500 (D) 0.15
m m
16. An a-particle is in electric field of 15 ´ 104 . So, the force experienced by it is ...... N.
(A) 4.8 ´ 10–12 (B) 4.8 ´ 10–13 (C) 4.8 ´ 10–14 (D) 4.8 ´ 10–18
17. The liquid drop of mass m has a charge q. What should be the magnitude of electric field E to the
balance this drop ?
mg E mq
(A) (B) (C) mgq (D)
q m 8
18. A particle suspended vertically in a uniform vertically downward electric field of intensity 80,000 V/m has
mass 3.92 ´ 10–15 kg. If the particle is in equilibrium, then mass of particle and number of electron on it is
...... (g = 9.8 m/s2)
(A) 3.8 ´ 10–19C, 2 (B) 4.8 ´ 10–19C, 3 (C) 2.8 ´ 10–19C, 1 (D) 5.8 ´ 10–19, 4
19. If the magnitude of intensity of electric field at a distance x on axial line and at a distance y on
equatorial line on a given dipole are equal, then x : y is (x, y >> a)
(A) 3 2 : 1 (B) 1 : 2 (C) 1 : 2 (D) 1 : 1
20. The intensity of the electric field required to keep a water drop of radius 10–5 cm just suspend in
air when charged with one electron is approximately.
(A) 130 V/cm (B) 26 V/m (C) 130 N/C (D) 260 N/C
21. In case of an electric dipole, if the distance of a point lying on the equatorial plane from the centre
of the dipole is doubled and the magnitude of the electric charges is made eight times, then the electric
field in this new case will be ......
(A) remains same. (B) 64 times the initial electric field.
(C) times of the initial electric field. (D) 8 times the initial.
® Ù
22. A nonuniform electric field is represented by E = 5x i Vm -1 . An electric dipole having moment, p = 20 ´
10–20 cm is placed at an angle of 60° with the field. The net force on the dipole is ...... N.
(A) 10–19 i (B) 100 ´ 10–19 i
(C) Zero (D) 5 ´ 10–19 i
23. When electric dipole is placed is nonuniform electric field, then resultant force acting on it ......
(A) always zero. (B) depends on arrangement.
(C) can never be zero. (D) depends on dipole moment.
24. The electric dipole moment of an HCl atom is 3.4 ´ 10–30 Cm. The charges on both atoms are unlike
and of same magnitude. Magnitude of this charge is ........ The distance between the charges is 1 Å.
(A) 1.7 ´ 10-20 C (B) 3.4 ´ 10-20 C (C) 6.8 ´ 10-20 C (D) 3.4 ´ 10-10 C
25. Q charge is distributed over a semicircular wire, the electric field at its centre is ...... .
2kQ 3kQ kQ 4kQ
(A) 2
(B) (C) (D)
pr pr 2
pr 2
pr 2
26. Which of the following is unit of electric field intensity ?
(A) N–1C (B) NC (C) NC–1 (D) N–1C–1
27. Electric dipole moment of a molecule of steam is 6.4 ´ 10–30 Cm, then distance between its two
charges is ...... .
(A) 6.4 Å (B) 0.4 Å (C) 0.64 Å (D) 4 Å
28. Charge Q each is placed on (n – 1) corners of a polygon of side n. The distance of each corner from
the centre of the polygon is r. The electric field at its centre is ......
Q Q n Q n -1 Q
(A) k (B) (n - 1)k (C) k 2 (D) k 2
r 2
r 2 n -1 r n r
29. Electric field by an infinite size plane of surface charge density is in upward direction, then
2e 0
magnitude and direction of electric field below plane is ......
s s s s
(A) , downward (B) , upward (C) , downward (D) , upward
2e0 2e0 e0 e0
30. Electric flux is ...... quantity.
(A) vector (B) scalar (C) dimensionless (D) tenser
31. SI unit of electric flux is ...... .
(A) Vm–1 (B) Vm2 (C) Vm1 (D) Nm2C–1
32. Dimensional formula of electric flux is ...... .
(A) [M1 L2 T–3 A–1] (B) [M1 L3 T–2 A–1] (C) [M1 L3 T–3 A1] (D) [M1 L3 T–3 A–1]
33. ) If a charge q is placed at centre of cube, then flux associated with each edge is ...... .
q q q q
(A) e (B) (C) (D)
0 8e0 12e0 2e 0
34. ) 8 C charge is placed at each corner of cube, then how much total flux passes through cube ?
1 1
(A) 8e0 (B) (C) e0 (D)
8e0 e0
102) A uniformly charged wire passes through a cube of side length a. If the linear charge density on the
wire is l, the maximum electric flux passing through the cube is ......
la 2la 3la 6 la 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
e0 e0 e0 e0
103) A cylinder of radius ‘ r’ and length ‘l’ is placed parallel to external electric field ‘E’ then net flux on
its surface is ......
p 2pr 2
(A) zero (B) (C) 2 pr2E (D)
104) r = kra is volume charge density of a sphere of radius R. Where k and a are constants and r is distance
R 1
from centre of sphere. If at r = , electric field is th of electric field at r = R, then what is the
2 8
value of a ?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 8
106) 400 mC charge is uniformly spread over the surface of a spherical shell and surface density is 0.314
Cm–2. What is the radius of this shell ?
(A) 31.4 m (B) m rotational(C) 3.184 m (D) 0.0318 m
106) 400 mC charge is uniformly spread over the surface of a spherical shell and surface density is 0.314
Cm–2. What is the radius of this shell ?
(A) 31.4 m (B) m (C) 3.184 m (D) 0.0318 m
107) 10 ´ 10–6 C charge is uniformly spread over the cube of face length 1 mm. The density of charge will
be ......... Cm–3.
(A) 10–4 (B) 104 (C) 10–1 (D) 10
40. ) The linear charge density of 10 mC charge, uniformly distributed on the ring of 1m radius, will be ........
(A) 6.28 Cm–1 (B) 6.28 ´ 105 Cm–1 (C) 1.59 ´ 10–6 Cm–1 (D) 105 Cm–1
109) If 0.1 mC total charge is uniformly distributed over long straight wire of having 10–5 Cm–1 linear
charge density, then length of the wire would be ......
(A) 1 m (B) 10 cm (C) 1 cm (D) 10–2 cm
42. ) There exists an electric field of 100 N/C along Z-direction. The flux passing through a square of 10 cm
sides placed on XY plane inside the electric field is .......
(A) 1.0 Nm2/C (B) 2.0 Vm (C) 10 Vm (D) 4.0 Nm2/C
® Ù Ù Ù
43.1) The electric field in the region of the space is E = (5 i +2 j +3 k ) NC–1. The electric flux passing through
a surface of area 50m2 placed in X-Y plane inside the electric field is .......
(A) 250 Nm2C–1 (B) 150 Nm2C–1 (C) 100 Nm2C–1 (D) 200 Nm2C–1
44. ) On two hollow spheres (shells) charges -q and +q are placed, so the flux on each is f. Now, both
are connected as shown in the figure, so total flux is ..........
(B) 2 f
(C) zero
(D) Uncertain
45. ) Flux associated with the metal piece of 3 ˆj m 2 cross-section placed in electric field of 2iˆ N/C is ......
(A) 1.5 (B) 3 (C) 6 (D) zero
46. ) Which of the following statement is true if fA and fB are the flux associated with surfaces A and B
shown in figure ? B A
(A) fA ¹ fB S
(B) 2fA = fB
(C) fA = 2fB S
(D) fA = fB
S = Area
47. ) The electric field due to an infinitely long straight uniformly charged wire having linear charge
density l is ...... .
® ® ® ® l
l ® l 1 l 1
(A) E = ×r (B) E = × × rˆ (C) E = × × rˆ (D) E = × rˆ
2pe0 2pe0 r 2pe 0 r 2 2pe0
48. ) Linear charge density on a wire of infinite length is cm–1. Electric field intensity at 18 cm
perpendicular distance from wire is ......
(A) 0.66 ´ 1011 NC–1 (B) 33 ´ 1011 NC–1 (C) 0.33 ´ 1011 NC–1 (D) 1.32 ´ 1011 NC–1
118) When a 10 mC charge is enclosed by a closed surface, the flux passing through the surface is f. Now
another –10 mC charge is placed inside the closed surface, then the flux passing through the surface
is .........
(A) 2f (B) f (C) 4f (D) Zero
50. ) An electric dipole is placed at the centre of a sphere. The flux passing through the surface of the
sphere is ..........
(A) Infinity (B) Zero (C) Cannot be found (D)
51. ) When the electric flux linked with the surface will be positive.
(A) q > 90° (B) q < 90° (C) q = 90° (D) q ³ 90°
123) A rectangular frame of 25 cm ´ 15 cm is placed normal to 2 ´ 104 NC–1 uniform field. If this frame is
formed in circular shape, then flux associated will be ...... Nm2C–1.
(A) 750 (B) 1019.1 (C) 800 (D) 2015.5
124) Charge q is inside a hollow cylinder. If flux associated with its curved surface B is f, then flux
associated with surface A is ......
1æ q ö
(A) ç - f÷ B
2 è e0 ø
2e0 C q A
(D) -f
54. ) The flux associated with surface shown in figure is ......
e0 l Up l down
(B) l down
(D) 0
55. ) A charge particle of mass 2m and charge 3e travels in electric field E , then acceleration of charge will be ......
2Ee 3Ee 2m 3m
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3m 2m 3Ee 2Ee
56. ) Radius of spherical shell is 0.5 m. It is charged. Now imagine spherical surface of radius 2 m and 3
m concentric with spherical shell of 0.5 m radius. If electric field on these surfaces are E1 and E2
respectively, then
3 9 9
(A) E1 = E (B) E2 = E (C) E1 = E (D) E1 = E2
2 2 4 1 4 2
129) s and r are surface and volume charge densities respectively of a charged sphere. so, ......
(A) r = 0, s = 0 (B) r = 0, s ¹ 0 (C) r ¹ 0, s = 0 (D) r ¹ 0, s ¹ 0
58. ) The electrostatic force on a small sphere of charge 0.4 mC due to another small sphere of charge –
0.8 mC in air is 0.2 N. What is the distance between the two spheres ?
(A) 12 ´ 10–2 cm (B) 12 ´ 10–2 m (C) 0.12 ´ 10–2 cm (D) 0.12 ´ 10–2 m
ke 2
59. ) Dimensional formula of is ........ . Here we use signs of physical constants.
G me mp
(A) [M1 L0 T0 Q4] (B) [M0 L6 T0 Q0] (C) [M0 L0 T2 Q2 ] (D) [M0 L0 T0 Q0]
ke 2
137) Signs used in are physical constants. By putting the value of constants find their aprox ratio..
G me mp
(A) 2.27 ´ 1039 m (B) 2.29 ´ 10–39 m (C) 2.29 ´ 10–41 m (D) 2.29 ´ 1041 m
61. ) An electric dipole with dipole moment 4 ´ 10–9 Cm is aligned at 30° with the direction of a uniform
electric field of magnitude 5 ´ 104 NC–1. Calculate the magnitude of the torque acting on the dipole.
(A) 10–4 Nm (B) 10–4 Ns (C) 10–4 Nm s–1 (D) 3 ´ 10–4 Nm
62. ) A polythene piece rubbed with wool is found to have a negative charge of 3 ´ 10–7 C. Estimate the
number of electrons transferred (from which to which ?)
(A) 2 ´ 1012 on polythene (B) 2 ´ 1012 on wool
(C) 2 ´ 1026 on polythene (D) 2 ´ 1026 on wool
63. ) A polythene piece rubbed with wool is found to have a negative charge of 3 ´ 10–7 C is there a
transfer of mass from wool to polythene ?
(A) 2 ´ 1018 kg (B) 2 ´ 10–12 kg (C) 2 ´ 10–18 kg (D) 2 ´ 10–19 kg
64. ) Two insulated charged copper spheres A and B have their centres separated by a distance of 50 cm.
What is the mutual force of electrostatic repulsion if the charge on each is 6.5 ´ 10–7 C ? The radii of
A and B are negligible compared to the distance of separation.
(A) 15.21 ´ 10–2 N (B) 1.521 ´ 10–2 N (C) 1.521 ´ 10–3 N (D) 15.21 ´ 102 N
65. ) What is the force of repulsion if each sphere is charged double the above amount, and the distance
between them is halved ?
(A) 0.024 N (B) 0.24 N (C) 2.4 N (D) 24 N
66. ) Figure shows tracks of three charged particles in a uniform electrostatic field. Give the signs of the
three charges. Which particle has the highest charge to mass ratio ?
(A) (1) and (2)
+++++++++ 1 y
(B) (1) and (3) 2
(C) (2) and (3) x
67. ) Consider a uniform electric field, E = 3 ´ 103 iˆ N/C. What is the flux of this field through a square
of 10 cm on a side whose plane is parallel to the yz plane ?
(A) zero (B) 3 Nm2 C–1 (C) 30 Vm (D) infinitely
68. ) Consider a uniform electric field, E = 3 ´ 103 iˆ N/C. What is the flux through the same square if the
normal to its plane makes a 60° angle with the X-axis ?
(A) zero (B) 30 Nm2C–1 (C) 15 Nm2C–1 (D) 15 3 Nm2C–1
69. ) What is the net flux of the uniform electric field of E = 3 ´ 103 N/C through a cube of side 20 cm
oriented so that its faces are parallel to the coordinate planes ?
(A) 30 Nm2C–1 (B) 60 Nm2C–1 (C) 180 Nm2C–1 (D) zero
147) Careful measurement of the electric field at the surface of a black box indicates that the net outward
flux through the surface of the box is 8.0 ´ 103 Nm2/C. What is the net charge inside the box ?
(A) 0.035 mC (B) 0.071 mC (C) 0.142 mC (D) zero
148) A point charge + 10 mC is a distance 5 cm directly above the centre of a square of side 10 cm, as
shown in figure. What is the magnitude of the electric flux through the square ? (Hint : Think of the
square as one face of a cube with edge 10 cm.)
1 0 cm
(D) zero
10 cm
72. ) A point charge of 2.0 mC is at the centre of a cubic Gaussian surface 9.0 cm on edge. What is the
net electric flux through the surface ?
(A) 2.26 ´ 105 Nm2C–1 (B) 1.13 ´ 105 Nm2C–1
(C) 3.77 ´ 104 Nm2C–1 (D) 2.0.3 ´ 105 Nm2C–1
73. ) A point charge causes an electric flux of – 1.0 ´ 103 Nm2/C to pass through a spherical Gaussian
surface of 10.0 cm radius centred on the charge. If the radius of the Gaussian surface were doubled,
how much flux would pass through the surface ?
(A) 1.0 ´ 103 Nm2C–1 (B) –1.0 ´ 103 Nm2C–1
(C) 2.0 ´ 103 Nm2C–1 (D) –2.0 ´ 103 Nm2C–1
74. ) A point charge causes an electric flux of – 1.0 ´ 103 Nm2/C to pass through a spherical Gaussian
surface of 10.0 cm radius centred on the charge. What is the value of the point charge ?
(A) 8.85 ´ 10–9 C (B) –8.85 ´ 10–9 C (C) 17.7 ´ 10–9 C (D) –17.7 ´ 10–9 C
75.2) A conducting sphere of radius 10 cm has an unknown charge. If the electric field 20 cm from the centre
of the sphere is 1.5 ´ 103 N/C and points radially inward, what is the net charge on the sphere ?
(A) 6.67 nC (B) –6.67 nC (C) 3.335 nC (D) –3.335 nC
76. ) A uniformly charged conducting sphere of 2.4 m diameter has a surface charge density of 80.0 mC/
m2. Find the charge on the sphere.
(A) 1.45 ´ 10–3 C (B) 3.63 ´ 10–4 C (C) 2.26 ´ 10–7 C (D) 1.45 ´ 10–4 C
77. ) If uniformly charged sphere having 1.45 ´ 10–3 C charge then what is the total electric flux leaving
the surface of the sphere ?
(A) 1.64 ´ 108 Nm2 C–1 (B) 12.8 ´ 10–15 Nm2 C–1
(C) 1.64 ´ 109 Nm2 C–1 (D) 6.10 ´ 109 Nm2 C–1
78. ) An infinite line charge produces a field of 9 ´ 104 N/C at a distance of 2 cm. Calculate the linear
charge density.
(A) 0.2 m Cm–1 (B) 0.05 m Cm–1 (C) 0.1 m Cm–1 (D) 10 m Cm–1
79. ) Two large, thin metal plates are parallel and close to each other. On their inner faces, the plates have
surface charge densities of opposite signs and of magnitude 17.0 ´ 10–22 C/m2. What is E between
the plates ?
^ ^ ^
(A) 3.84 ´ 10–10 i NC–1 (B) 0.96 ´ 10–10 i NC–1 (C) 1.92 ´ 10–10 i NC–1 (D) zero
80. A charge particle q is placed at the centre O of cube of length L (ABCDEFGH) another same charge
q is placed at a distance L from O, then the electric flux through ABCD is
4pe0 L E L F
(B) none of the given q q
rotational O L
q G
(C) H
2pe0 L A B
A charge particle q is placed at the centre O of cube of length L (ABCDEFGH) another same charge
q is placed at a distance L from O, then the electric flux through ABCD is
4pe0 L E L F
(B) none of the given q q
q L
(C) H
2pe0 L A B
(D) 3pe L
81.) –q1, +q2 and +q3 are arranged as shown in figure. x-component of resultant force on – q1 is directly
proportional to ...... .
q2 q3 q2 q3 q2 q3 q2 q3
(A) – cos q (B) 2
+ 2
sin q (C) + cos q (D) 2
– sin q
b 2
a 2
b a b 2
a 2
b a2
82. If flux emerge out and emerge in arc f1 and f2 respectively, then charge enclosed in surface is ......
f2 - f1 f1 + f2 f1 - f2
(A) (B) (C) (D) e0 (f1 – f2)
e0 e0 e0
83. A charge oil drop is suspended in uniform field of 3 × 104 so that it neither falls nor rises. The
charge on the drop will be ...... (Take mass of the charge = 9.9 × 10–15 kg andg = 10 m/s2)
(A) 3.3 × 10–18C (B) 3.2 × 10–18C (C) 1.6 × 10–18C (D) 4.8 × 10–18C
84. Two point charges + 8q and –2q are locate at x = 0 and x = L respectively. The point on X-axis at
which the net electric field is zero ?
(A) 4 L (B) 8 L (C) (D) 2L
85. Which of the following is the graph of electric field versus distance r from the centre of a charged
spherical shell ? R is the radius of the sphere shell, ‘O’ is centre of shell.
(A) E (B) E (C) E (D) E
E µ 12 E µ 12 E µ 12
r r r
r=R r=R
O r® O r® O r=R r® O r=R r®
86. Two spheres each of charge + q are connected with a nonconducting string of length 2a. What would
be tension in string ? (Neglect gravity)
q2 q2 q2 q2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4pe0 a 2 8pe0 a 2 16pe0 a 2 32p e0 a 2
87. Suppose [e0] is permittivity of free space. If M = mass, L = length, T = time and A = electric current,
then ......
(A) [e0] = [M–1 L–3 T2 A] (B) [e0] = [M–1 L–3 T4 A2]
(C) [e0] = [M–1 L2 T–1 A–2] (D) [e0] = [M–1 L2 T–1 A]
88. The region between two concentric spheres of radii ‘a’ and ‘b’, respectively (see figure), has volume
charge density r = , where A is a constant and r is the distance from the centre. At the centre
of the spheres is a point charge Q. The value of A such that the electric field in the region between
the spheres will be constant is :
pa 2
Q rotational
(B) Q
2pa 2 b
of the spheres is a point charge Q. The value of A such that the electric field in the region between
the spheres will be constant is :
pa 2
Q a
(B) 2 Q
2pa b
(C) 2 2
2p(b - a )
p(a 2 - b 2 )
89. An electric dipole has a fixed dipole moment p which makes angle q with respect to X-axis. When
® ®
subjected to an electric field E1 = Eiˆ it experience a torque T1 = t kˆ . When subjected to another
® ® ®
electric field E 2 = 3 E1 ˆj it experiences a torque T2 = - T1 . The angle q is ......
(A) 60° (B) 90° (C) 30° (D) 45°
A - 2r
90. Charge is distributed uniformly on volume of sphere with volume charge density r(r ) = · e a
where A and a are constant. If Q is the charge of the sphere, then radius of sphere R = ...... .
æ ö æ ö
a æ Q ö a ç 1 ÷ æ Q ö ç 1 ÷
(A) log ç1 - (B) log ç (C) a log ç1 - (D) a log ç
2 è 2p aA ÷ø 2 Q ÷ è 2p aA ÷ø Q ÷
ç1 - ÷ ç1 - ÷
è 2p aA ø è 2 p aA ø
91. Two infinite planes each with uniform surface charge density + s are kept in such a way that
the angle between them is 30°. The electric field in the region shown between them is given by
s éæ 3ö 1 ù s éæ 3ö 1 ù
(A) ê ç1 + ÷ yˆ - xˆ ú (B) ê ç1 - ÷ yˆ - xˆ ú
2 e0 ëê è 2 ø 2 úû 2 e0 ëê è 2 ø 2 úû
s éæ 3ö 1 ù s éæ 3ö 1 ù
(C) ê ç1 - ÷ yˆ + xˆ ú (D) ê ç1 + ÷ yˆ + xˆ ú
2 e0 ëê è 2 ø 2 úû 2 e0 ëê è 2 ø 2 úû
92. Three charges are placed on the circumference of a circle of radius .. as shown in the figure. The
electric field along x-axis at the centre of the circle is
® 4kq ® 4kq
Electric field due to –4q E1 = 2
electric field due to +2q and –2q E 23 = 2
d d
(A) E1 =
4pe0d 2
q 3 +2q 1
(B) –4q
4pe0d 2 2 30°
30° 30° E
30° X
q 3 0 30°
pe0d 2 3 –2q E2 = 2
q 3
(D) E3 = 2
2pe0d 2
93. Two charged thin infinite plane sheets of uniform charge density s + and s –, where | s + | > | s – |,
intersect at the right angle. Which of the following best represents the electric field lines for the system :
+ X
s– s– s– s–
Two charged thin infinite plane sheets of uniform charge density s + and s –, where | s + | > | s – |,
intersect at the right angle. Which of the following best represents the electric field lines for the system :
+ X
s– s– s– s–
94. Find the electricfield of point P (as shown in figure) on the perpendicular bisector of a uniformly
charged thin wire of length l carrying charge Q. The distance of the point P from the centre of the
rod is a =
2 3e0 pl 2
(B) l
3e0 pl 2
(C) Q
2 2e0 pl 2
2e0 pl 2
® 3 ˆ 4 ˆ
95. Electric field exists in space as E = E i + E j . Two plane P1 and P2, one in x-y plane of area 0.2 m2 and
5 0 5 0
other in x-z plane of Area 0.3 m2 are considered. Find ratio of flux through them i.e. 1 .
1 2 3 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 3 4 1
® 3ˆ 4 ˆ
96. If E = i + j , then find electric flux through an area of 0.4 m2 parallel to y-z plane.
5 5
Nm 2 Nm 2 Nm 2 Nm 2
(A) 0.12 (B) 0.24 (C) 0.36 (D) 0.48
97. A charge q is placed at the centre of bottom face as shown. Find the flux through the shaded surface.
3e 0
2L L L
q 2L
2e0 2L
L 2L L
q 2L
6 e0
12e 0
98. Two point charges are arranged as shown : Find the distance from 4q0 where net electric field is zero.
(A) 4r
4 0
(B) 3r – 0
(C) rotational
(D) 2r
Two point charges are arranged as shown : Find the distance from 4q0 where net electric field is zero.
(A) 4r
4 0
(B) 3r – 0
(D) 2r
Section B
• Choose correct answer from the given options. [Each carries 5 Marks] [5]
99. A charged ball B hangs from a silk thread S. Which makes an angle q with a large charge conducting
sheet P as shown in the figure. The surface charge density s of the sheet is proportional to
(A) cos q
(B) tan q
(C) sin q S
(D) cot q
Section C
• Write the answer of the following questions. [Each carries 1 Mark] [1]
1. A point charge of q1 = 4q0 is placed across the origin. Another point electric charge q2 = – q0 is
placed at a distance of 12 cm from q1. The charge of a proton is q. The proton is placed on the X-
axis in such a way that the electric force on the proton is zero. In this situation the position of
proton from origin is ...... cm.
12 cm r – 12 cm
4q0 – q0 q (Proton)
AB school
Board only Date : 25/04/24
Total marks 30 gujcet Time : 1.15