Legal Services Board (MCQ)
Legal Services Board (MCQ)
Legal Services Board (MCQ)
: ____
Subject: _________ Topic/Chapter: LEGAL SERVICES
Prepared by: Ms. KANIKA RAJANI H.O.D._______ Coordinator: ___________
1. Raghav was empaneled in the year 2020 under The Delhi Legal Services Authorities Act as an expert
for matrimonial cases. In which year will he have to reapply for being a panelist in the reconstituted
a. 2021
b. 2023
c. 2025
d. 2026
2. Powers of the Lok Adalat are similar to that of –
a. Civil court under Civil Procedure Code
b. Criminal court under Criminal Procedure Code
c. High Court
d. Supreme Court
3. The panel lawyer selected under NALSA Regulations is-
a. Allowed to charge fees from client.
b. Not allowed any remuneration
c. Given remuneration from the consolidated fund of India.
d. Barred from taking any fees from the client.
4. Bipin approached Permanent Lok Adalat for resolution of his dispute with the Electricity Board on
the issue of inflated electricity bill. Permanent Lok Adalat are set up under –
a. Legal Services Authorities (Amendment) Act 2002
b. Legal Services Authorities Act 1987
c. Article 39A of Constitution of India.
d. Article 14 of Constitution of India
5. Read the given situations and decide which of the following is eligible to receive free legal aid.
a. Raghu in a property dispute with his brother
b. Pankaj working as accounts officer in Government sector undertaking having service-related
c. Mr. Seth is a senior citizen fighting for his pension.
d. Mrs. Verma, branch manager of a bank, is accused of money laundering.
6. Given below are the different stages in the development of the legal aid movement in India. Arrange
them chronologically.
1. Article 39A was inserted by the 42nd Amendment Act of the Indian Constitution.
2. The Committee on National Implementation of Legal Aid was constituted with Justice Bhagwati as
its head.
3. The Union Government initiated the national legal aid scheme which faced financial shortages and
died a natural death.
4. The Union Government constituted a committee under the chairmanship of Justice Krishna Iyer to
develop a legal aid scheme for states.
a. 1, 2, 3, 4
b. 1, 3, 2, 4
c. 3, 4, 1, 2
d. 4, 3, 2, 1