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I. Introduction
MMO Evolution books predict a virtual world in 2023. People's connections have shortened
as a result of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Otherwise,
there are numerous other modes of communication available, such as email and video calls.
Companies can easily boost their visibility by establishing multi-media platforms. As a
result, MMOs and online money earning will be quite profitable in the future. In this essay, I
will identify three skills that I hope to improve in the future. Digital marketing, web
designing, and data analytics are all part of it. These skills are necessary to the trend of

II. Development of improving digital marketing, web designing, and

data analytics.
Nowadays with Google and many tools for searching. The companies can easily get the
potential market, the demand of customers, and the potential area for advertising the products
(Rabhan, 2013). Not only that web designing skills and web programming skills also earned a
lot of money for many people. According to Rabban in 2013 stated that the popular skills in
making money online include digital marketing, data analytics, and web designing. The table
below will show my skill development plan for the specified skills, starting time, why I need
to improve my talents, how to improve them, my action plan, and the results after 06 months.

Skills Digital Marketing Data Analysing Web Designing

Starting When I finish my first semester of my second year at BUV in January 2024, I will put my
Date skill development plan into action. During that time, I will be participating in an exchange
program at Staffordshire University in the United Kingdom; so, these are promising and
rational possibilities for me to hone my digital marketing, web designing, and data analysis.

Why do I -For mindset: -For mindset: - For studying:

improve +) Digital marketing +) A greater understanding of +) Students believed they
this skill? enhances students' internet big data's strategic implications
learned at least as much as
decision-making, market is urgently required (Wang et they did in traditional
understanding, and al., 2018) projects, especially when it
company strategies by came to addressing course-
providing them with the +) Having an organizational related topics and improving
right strategies for online mindset of big data. We also design abilities(Lim et al.,
marketing. have abilities to see the value 2003)
(KUSUMAWATI, 2019) of business from the data and
the benefits we can gain from +) The shift from traditional
- For working: the data. lecture-based education to
+) Digital media has web-based teaching-support
significantly impacted - For studying: systems is enhancing student
consumer behavior and satisfaction with course
communication, leading to +) It can increase data content, as the quality of day-
increased usage of digital prediction, allowing us to to-day education is closely
marketing channels and promote the way we learn. linked to the quality of the
successful tactics to reach +) We can have revisions, websites.(Cao et al.)
customers and achieve refinement, and expansions for
commercial rewards. the current theory (Lovett, - For working:
(Vizione, 2023). 2012) +) This study uses research
and development to identify
+) As a future business -For working: the role of web design in
owner, it's crucial to +) Because certain tasks are business and brand image
incorporate digital critical and require quick improvement for a service
advertising into business attention, quick processing organization, focusing on e-
models and recognize its optimizes effectiveness. commerce and exhibiting
value over traditional personality. It highlights the
advertising tactics. +) It increasingly shaping the importance of effective web
(Vizione, 2023). way organizations manage design for a company's
their decision-making growth.
processes, create new services (Iskandar1&Sholihat,2018)
and products, and gain
competitive advantage
(Kennedy et al., 2015).

+) Forbes highlights big data

analytics as a rapidly growing
employment category, with
LinkedIn's analytics titles
employing many professionals.
A study in the Journal of
Supply Chain and Operations
Management reveals that skills
needed for data science and
business analytics doubled
between 2011 and 2015.

How to My solutions to improve Here are some ways to Web design is a difficult skill
improve are based on the report of improve these skills (Akter et to master, so I created a list of
it? 4 ways to get value from al., 2016): daily activities to help me
digital marketing develop (Tsai et al., 2022):
-Research model and
hypotheses - Building a strategy and
First, I coordinate my schedule for learning
efforts to keep the buyer -Scale development - Training the content
engaged throughout the marketing skills
increasingly digital -Analysis and findings -Try to practicing the major
purchasing journey. with a small project
- Learning basic
Second, I generate interest programming skills course
in my brands by
syndicating material that
allows the customer to
create his or her own
marketing persona while
also serving as a brand

Third, I realize the need to

think like a large-scale
multimedia publisher as I
manage an exponential
increase in the amount of
content they create to
support goods, segments,
channels, and promotions.

Finally, these marketers

strategize how to collect
and exploit the amount of
digital data that is now
available (Pelet, 2023).
Action - First, I will spend 3-6 -First I enrolled for 3-6 months -First I will join the course
Plan months learning a course same time with digital called “HTML, CSS, and
named “ Media Social marketing skills to study a Javascript for Web
Marketing”. course named “IBM Data Developers” in 40 hours to
Analyst” upgrade my knowledge of
-Then I’m also going to web programming
find an online job in the -Then I’m finding a mentor in
agency this branch and help to solve - Then I get a small project
the problem and find jobs on online
-Third I will also get the platforms like Upwork,
tutor with Mr.Whee to -Third I spend 2 hours a day Valance
understand more about the with listen master of this
modules branch and share about their - Third I am also reading
mindset, their plans, and their more books about content
-I’m going to join the ways of working in this branch marketing to improve the
marketing workshops of advertising content on the
people who have web.
experience in this branch.
Result - I will have a steady - I can analyze the basic data of -I can design and program a
after 06 knowledge base about the firms. basic website
months. digital marketing.
-I can have a highly paid
-I will be able to plan a online job.
marketing strategy for

3. Conclusion.
My skills development plan (digital marketing, data analyzing, and web designing) supports
my highest goal is to own an online business. I believe that these skills help me run my
business more professionally and fluently.

Wang, Y., Kung, L. and Byrd, T.A. (2018) ‘Big Data Analytics: Understanding its
capabilities and potential benefits for healthcare organizations’, Technological
Forecasting and Social Change, 126, pp. 3–13. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2015.12.019.

Vizione entitlements: Dividends, bonus issues, consolidations, splits (no date) Bursa
Malaysia (KLSE) Market Summary. Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2023).

Rabhan, B. (2013) Convert every click: Make more money online with holistic conversion
rate optimization. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

MMO Evolution (no date) Google Sch. Available at:

(Accessed: 21 November 2023).

Lovett, M.C. (2012) Thinking with data. New York: Psychology Press.

Lim, B.-R., Plucker, J.A. and Bichelmeyer, B. (2003) ‘Learning by web design: How it
affects graduate student attitudes’, College Teaching, 51(1), pp. 13–19.

KUSUMAWATI, A. (2019) ‘Impact of digital marketing on student decision-making process

of higher education institution: A case of Indonesia’, Journal of e-Learning and Higher
Education, pp. 1–11. doi:10.5171/2019.267057.

Iskandar1, M.S. and Sholihat2, K.Y. (2018) IOPscience, IOP Conference Series: Materials
Science and Engineering. Available at:
899X/407/1/012050/meta (Accessed: 22 November 2023).

EBSCOhost Research Platform: EBSCO (no date) EBSCO Information Services, Inc. | Available at:
platform (Accessed: 22 November 2023).

Cao, Q., Griffin, T.E. and Bai, X. (no date) The importance of synchronous interaction for
student satisfaction with course websites, Journal of Information Systems Education.
Available at: (Accessed: 22
November 2023).

(No date c) Impact of digital marketing on student decision-making process of ... Available
Process-of-A-Kusumawati/04815286379c1ccb19d048d0f70d6b1223f96bcc (Accessed:
22 November 2023).

(No date b) Database Systems Journal Board director prof. Ion Lungu, PhD - Academy ...
Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2023).

(No date a) Perspectives on Big Data and big data analytics - Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2023).


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