Shell-Safety Flash - Methanol
Shell-Safety Flash - Methanol
Shell-Safety Flash - Methanol
This document is made available for information only and on the condition that (i) it may not be relied upon by anyone, in the conduct of their own
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Issue: 02/2010
Key learning’s
The underlying/root causes derived as a result of this incident deal with human behaviour and each
company/organization should undertake their own methods which motivates their workforce to achieve
SAFETY, through compliance to their written procedures. Addressing the “Human Element,” is a long
term measure and efforts taken should be continual and conducted tirelessly.
Review & reinforcement of the training system should be periodically conducted to monitor its
Consideration to Implement a separate session with senior officers to address leadership &
teamwork issues, reinforce Behaviour Based System (BBS) training, and special emphasis on
managing Non Compliance.
Importance of intervention of an Unsafe Act - The crew working on deck at the time were aware of
both, the hot work and the methanol spray operations but no attempt made to stop either of the 2
operations being conducted concurrently resulting in a highly hazardous situation.
In the trade practice onboard chemical tankers, it is not uncommon that the use of methanol or other
chemical/detergents is undertaken to achieve the required standard of cleanliness inside the cargo tank,
pipelines, cargo hoses, manifold adaptors/reducers, gauging equipment, etc. Industry publications
clearly highlight and caution regarding their use due to their flammability and toxicity hazards. The
spraying with Methanol is not supported due to the same.
The easy availability of methanol on board the vessel attributed to this act being undertaken. As an
immediate measure, the company decided to remove all flammable solvents/detergents used for cleaning
of tanks, hoses and fittings. All existing stock of such solvents/detergents from the fleet has been off
landed to shore facilities.
A safer alternative is being sought for use, which is both non-toxic and non-flammable and tests being
undertaken for the various commercially available detergents/chemicals for cleaning, achieving the
desired results. This may increase the time for tank cleaning but having a safer alternative clearly
outweighs the risk being taken to achieve tank preparedness utilizing flammable /toxic solvents.
This document is made available for information only and on the condition that (i) it may not be relied upon by anyone, in the conduct of their own
operations or otherwise; (ii) neither the company issuing this document nor any other person or company concerned with furnishing information or
data used herein (A) is liable for its accuracy or completeness, or for any advice given in or any omission from this document, or for any consequences
whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from any use made of this document by any person, even if there was a failure to exercise reasonable care on
the part of the issuing company or any other person or company as aforesaid; or (B) make any claim, representation or warranty, express or implied,
that acting in accordance with this document will produce any particular results with regard to the subject matter contained herein or satisfy the
requirements of any applicable federal, state or local laws and regulations; and (iii) nothing in this document constitutes technical advice, if such
advice is required it should be sought from a qualified professional adviser.