Civ 0322 Ce Laws Ethics and Contracts Syllabus
Civ 0322 Ce Laws Ethics and Contracts Syllabus
Civ 0322 Ce Laws Ethics and Contracts Syllabus
The PLM College of Engineering and Technology is the preferred academic institution for
engineering and technology education, research, and extension services.
This course deals on the principles and fundamentals of the laws on obligations, contracts,
and professional ethics that are applicable to the civil engineering profession. It is designed to
prepare civil engineering students for professional practice. Topics on the perspective of the student
as future practitioners, contractors, and employees in the field are also given emphasis. They
include the study of code of ethics, legal procedure in the practice of civil engineering in the
Philippines, ethical relations of an engineer with fellow professionals, clients, and general public,
elements of contracts, obligations, Civil Engineering Law, (RA 544) National Building Code, labor
laws, E-Procurement Law, and the Manual of Professional Practice for Civil Engineers.
By the time of graduation, the students of the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE) shall have
the ability to:
a. Apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve complex civil engineering problems;
b. Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;
c. Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints, in
accordance with standards;
d. Function in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams;
e. Identify, formulate, and solve complex civil engineering problems;
f. Understand professional and ethical responsibility;
g. Communicate effectively civil engineering activities with the engineering community and with
society at large;
h. Understand the impact of civil engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and
societal context;
i. Recognize the need for, and engage in life-long learning;
j. Know contemporary issues;
k. Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for civil engineering practice.
l. Know and understand engineering and management principles as a member and leader of a
team, and to manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment; and
m. Understand at least one specialized field of civil engineering practice.
Teaching and
Learning Assessment
Week Topic Learning
Outcomes Tasks (AT)
Activities (TLA)
Course Orientation: Synchronous
1. Overview of Course Coverage Discussion (online
2. Course Requirements meeting)
3. Classroom Policies
4. Grading System
1st CLO 1
*Long Quiz 1
The Practice of Civil Engineering
a. Professional Responsibility
b. Client-Civil Engineer Relationships Synchronous
Discussion (online
c. Civil Engineering Services Online Recitation
d. Specialization of a Civil Engineer
e. Selection of a Civil Engineer CLO 1
f. Prime Professional Practice CLO 2
g. Employment Asynchronous
Lecture Video
h. Design Competition Case Study/
i. Contingency Basis of Employment Research Work
j. Professional Practice of Foreign
Civil Engineers
Classification of Engineering
a. Consultations, Research Synchronous
Discussion (online
Investigations and Reports Online Recitation
b. Design Services for Construction
4th CLO 2
c. Construction Services
d. Special Services for Construction Asynchronous
Lecture Video
Projects Case Study/
e. Engineering Support Services Research Work
f. Academic Services
h. Services as Employee
*Long Quiz 2
The Selection of the Civil Engineer
a. Basis for Selection CLO 2 Asynchronous Asynchronous
b. Client’s Selection Committee CLO 3 Lecture Video Case Study/
c. Qualifications-Based Selection Presentation Research Work
(QBS) Procedure
d. Selection Procedure for “Level of
Effort Contracts
Charging for Civil Engineering Synchronous
Services Discussion (online Synchronous
a. Salary Cost * Multiplier + Direct meeting) Online Recitation
Non-Salary Expense
6th b. Hourly Billing Rate. Per Diem CLO 3
c. Cost Plus Fixed Fee Asynchronous Asynchronous
d. Fixed Price Lecture Video Case Study/
e. Percentage of Construction Cost Presentation Research Work
f. Schedule of Minimum Fees
Discussion (online Synchronous
meeting) Online Recitation
Total Project Cost
7th a. Professional Engineering Costs CLO 3
b. Construction Costs Asynchronous Asynchronous
Lecture Video Case Study/
Presentation Research Work
*Long Quiz 3
Transmutation Table:
Percent Scale Rating Numerical Rating
98 - 100 1.00
95 – 97 1.25
92 – 94 1.50
89 – 91 1.75
86 – 88 2.00
83 – 85 2.25
80 – 82 2.50
77 – 79 2.75
75 – 76 3.00
Below 75 5.00
o To be able to use the transmutation table above, the following is the computation from the zero-
based grade:
𝑹𝒂𝒘 𝑺𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆
𝑬𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒗𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕 % = 𝒙 𝟔𝟐. 𝟓% + 𝟑𝟕. 𝟓%
𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑺𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆
Reference books:
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers, Inc. (2003), Manual of Professional Practice for Civil
Engineers, (2nd ed.) Manila: Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers, Inc.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc (2015) National Structural Code
of the Philippines 2015, (7th ed.) Volume I (Buildings, Towers, and other vertical Structures)
Hunter, Robert D. (2011) Contracts for Engineers: Intellectual Property, Standards and
Ethics, CRC Press
Nolledo, Jose, The Civil Code of the Philippines, Manila: National Book store
Philippine Bidding Documents for Government Contracts.
Hinze, Jimmie. 2001. Construction Contracts, 2nd Edition. Boston, USA : Mc Graw-Hill.
Central Book Supply. 2000. Engineering Laws in the Philippines and Related Laws. Manila:
Central Book Supply.
Sajorda, Q.A., 1996 Construction MASTER SPECIFICATIONS, Elastomark Corporation,
Mead, Mead, and Akerman. 1992. Contracts, Specifications and Engineering Relation.
USA: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Nolledo, Jose. 1989. The Civil Code of the Philippines. Manila: National Book Store.
Philippine Bidding Documents for Government Contracts.
Attendance or online participation is required for all examinations. If a student arrives or takes the
exam late for any examination, the student must complete the examination at the same scheduled
time as all other students.
All solutions will be submitted on A4 paper with affixed signature of the student for each page or
item. Solutions will be presented on one side of each sheet only. Photographed pages of the exam
should be uploaded to the learning management software (LMS) site using the submission options
on or before the specified deadline.
No make-up exams will be given except for legitimate medical excuses. Grace period for the make-
up exam is within one week after the original schedule of exam.
All forms of cheating (e.g., plagiarism, copying, communicating with others during an exam) are not
acceptable in this class. The instructor reserves the right to invalidate exams or answers that have
been borne out of cheating.
Cheating in a major examination will entail a failing mark for the given course. Cheating, dishonesty,
and plagiarism in other works will entail a zero score for the said requirement.
The student receives a failing grade by default if any of the following is missed:
More than 20% of the quizzes
More than 1 major exam
CIV 521 – CE
& CONTRACTS SY 2020 - CONTRACTS, Engr. Patrick Louie Dr. Joseph Berlin P. Engr. Juan C.
2021 VER 1.0 Jay R. Federizo Juanzon Tallara Jr.